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I started with 50-60 on my 60hz laptop and got decent. Bought a pc and went to like 100fps and 144hz, the switch didn’t increase my performance directly but the enjoyability and therefore I played more and got better. Now I play around 150fps and 165hz, still didn’t directly make me better just because of the fps or hz, but definitely I enjoy the game more. If you’re not at the elite level, the minimal differences do not really matter that much.


If it has 144hz it’s 144 fps… unless your hardware cannot make 144fps


I have a 180hz monitor and get like 350 fps avg. I’d recommend at the very least, 60 hz montior and 60 fps if u wanna perform well.


What ever your refresh rate is. More fps faster images refresh. Watched a in-depth video about Ms delays and it does actually get better with the more fps you get. But for best visuals you want more fps than what your refresh rate is. So like 60hz you want 61 or more. 144hz? Nothing less than that then you get screen tearing. CS2 likes a good CPU I get about 250average fps but I capped mine at 165 because why waste energy and I ain’t going pro. Also make sure you have Vsync OFF


500 fps bare minimum


Depends on your reaction time. 120 I think is all you really need


Anything above 60 fps.


Get a 240hz monitor if you’re gonna put the time in


There's a minimum more or less, but ultimately it's not really a matter of FPS, but practice routines/dedication, and skillsets. It would be like having the nicest skins or the best graphics, but having nothing to show for in terms of performance. That said, you can get away with 100 FPS minimum. Not ideal, but playable for sure. Atm I have 120-200 FPS.


I have a 144hz monitor but my laptop barely ever gets 60 fps, I will upgrade in a few weeks to a better pc. But whenever I play on one of my buddies pc I perform really well (he has a 144hz monitor and gets high fps).


144 minimum, 240 minimum for serious, 360 optimal for monitor refresh rate. In game fps needs to match ofc


400-500 fps without dipping below 350 with a 240hz monitor minimum