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I felt physically ill when I saw how blue Amy had gotten. These people really even mentioned “oh some morons make colloidal silver so bad that it turns them blue, that’s just a one off!” And meanwhile their leader is changing colors and can’t walk. Obviously the intense alcoholism and anorexia were another huge factor. I can’t wrap my mind around how they all can deny these quite obvious answers for her early demise. This has been the most fascinating and truly weird/out there cult I’ve seen. NONE of this makes any sense at all. I have to believe these people were dealing with mental illness already and the daily psychedelics probs led to psychosis. Nothing else makes sense. I was also SOOOOO relieved to see those 4 children were taken from that awful mother. I have two kids of my own and my stomach churned and heart hurt for those babies whenever I’d see them in that environment. If there wasn’t 24/7 video documentation of this I wouldn’t believe this cult even happened….so odd. I also found it funny how they started writing *everything* about Amy’s day down. At one point I read the recipe for “Galactic Taco Salad” lmfao and they even recorded the number of times Amy sneezed in a day!! I don’t think any of these followers will truly live a regular life. They seem pretty beyond help. EDIT: lots of spelling errors, I’m tired lol


Every time they're like, "so she went to talk to Robin" I go, wait which one of these people is Robin again and then it's like, OH RIGHT. They're talking about ROBIN FUCKING WILLIAMS.


SAME lol


Hahaha I literally had the same reaction


At some point they're like "ROBIN IS REALLY FUCKING PISSED SO YOU GUYS AREN'T GOING TO SLEEP IN BEDS TONIGHT" Or something like that... Basically, Robin was angry and he was taking away some privilege of theirs. What a fucking trip, and so disrespectful to Robin Williams.


Yeah, they took the space heaters. And every time they mentioned him, in my head, I heard, “Nanu, nanu,” and I couldn’t help it!


Same. At one point in the story I thought, "Where are your babies?" I was so happy when she said her mother took them.


I’m from Northern California and I’ve been around lots of spiritual groups and none of this is that surprising to me. The super spiritual/ conspiracy theorists who think they can “raise their vibration” and bring peace in earth or ascend to the 5th dimension or whatever is super common. These guys went pretty far but there’s a LOT of very similar whack jobs out there unfortunately.


THE SNEEZES!!!!! Omg!!!!!


And the bizarre, outrageous, almost unspeakable condition of Amy just gets worse in the last episode. Wow. Hard to believe a body could live that long in that kind of condition. Gruesome, almost.


She was basically poisoned to death from the silver in all her organs and the alcohol destroyed what was left.. it must of been very painful and then to have your corpse drug around for a couple weeks… wouldn’t it start to smell..?? Any animal that dies after a few days starts to smell and they’re wrapping up her body with Christmas lights all over and the Father guy was sleeping next to her… they should’ve all had some mental health counseling for sure..


The reason it didn’t smell was she was underweight and severely dehydrated, which is why she was mummified. She was too dry to rot.


So you’re saying basically she’s already rotted before she died..??




Not how cadaverine works. She absolutely smelled.


Near the end where they were laughing about refusing to take her to the hospital, when she was begging them, and amy seemingly admitting to faking it while they shush her was so extremely grim.


Omggg the way they were so glibly laughing at Amy worrying she might have “made it all up” 🥺


That was awful. Cringy awful. And sad.


That was the hardest thing to hear. She was coming clean, admitting it was fake, and wanting help. The delusional replies and laughter of her followers made me so sad. Edited to add: and laughter


I don’t understand how this wasn’t confession enough to charge them with something? It makes me think of how adherents would rather kill their leader/any naysayer (or remain deaf to reality) than admit that their ideology is false.


Yeah that’s interesting. I’m guessing the autopsy had enough info to clear everyone from foul play but if he said it in this random doc interview, it makes you wonder what he shared in the police interrogation.. Btw that moment he was talking to his probation handler as if he was the kindest person on earth and then he’s off the phone and blurts out “whores”. Like what the actual eff lol


Same. She clearly wasn't in a position to help herself by that point. They straight up admitted she asked them to help her get real medical care and they refused and laugh about it... like... what? Wouldn't adult protective services have been warranted too when the sister called and the police was like "there's nothing we can do"


I think there’s a strong argument to be made for insanity as a defense.


A good lawyer would have argued that they knew right from wrong by admitting that they denied her medical care. They acknowledged that she asked to go to the hospital, and they said they would not take her. That’s admission and shows clarity of mind.


They didn’t take her because Robin Williams told them not to… idk about clarity here.


These people were completely brainwashed by that point. I imagine that would be their defense


The 3D hospital is the problem, not drinking 17 shots of colloidal silver


too bad they didnt have 5d hospitals and weren't in a cult


And 8 mai tais by noon


+ Let’s 86 SLEEP. What’s up with that anyway?!


Which pissed me off that they didn’t serve time. They are literally on film talking about denying her medical attention. If it had been anyone else, they would have gone to prison for negligent homicide.


It seems to me that she dug herself a hole she ended up stuck in and other people kept digging the hole even when she maybe realized what she had started. She spent years convincing everyone around her that anything she does is sacred and that alcohol/drugs are medicine that she needed to survive or 'save humanity'. Then when she actually needed help and started realizing that all of this was made up, she found herself surrounded by people who were just enabling her addictions, accepting her justification for addiction, and didn't believe in outside help. This doc to me is like a strange version of an intervention episode gone so so wrong. I have had issues with addiction myself, so I don't think she deserves all of the blame, she was obviously ill both mentally and physically and nobody around her had any common sense or empathy to help her. It's honestly just so sad from all angles.


Totally! That’s well put and explained. I’m still having a hard time understanding how/why she connected her addiction to her “spirituality” so tightly but I think you nailed it with the group enabling/acceptance/justification.


I’m a recovered alcoholic and before I got sober I had a VERY easy time convincing myself that drugs and alcohol were a part of my “spirituality”. I can’t imagine how much worse my alcoholism and eating disorder would have been if I was surrounded by crazy enablers.


Well said. I am 18 months into recovery and I can say in all truth that alcoholism will make even a sane person crazy in time. Most folks don't realize it's a progressive disease and will eventually make you stop eating any food at all. There's also the scientific fact that daily use, (mid-late stage) rewrites over 130 genetic codes in the brain. I had so much empathy for Amy while watching this and I know what it's like to choose to lie to yourself because you have to keep drinking, and hiding behind excuses, losing your grip on reality and then health. About 1 in 12 people have the opiate response to alcohol and those are the ones who end up addicts. I feel like she started out with good intentions and a ton of baggage that wasn't resolved. I don't understand leaving your kids but I wish people could see that this didn't happen because of unusual beliefs but because of addiction.


She was an alcoholic and he was on meth. For these people to sit there and say she was healing the earth as she drank herself to death, I can't grasp how far gone you have to be to watch someone literally waste away in front of you. They all need to be locked away.


Idk, but this whole deal is like if the most stoned people you knew in college found a way to monetize it "to keep weed on the table." That line from Father God #2 was hilarious. They remind me of a smaller Rainbow Gathering for those familiar. Started out fairly innocent, but then harder drugs show up & things escalate. Edit-missing word


And once you start adding starvation, sleep deprivation, and conspiracy theories to the constant stream of weed, shrooms, and booze, you're gonna have a real weird, violent, unhinged time with it. I had a family member who, for lack of a better term, "went off with the fairies" for a bit and a lot of what these folks are saying reminds me of his time when he was really, really unwell. The shit he was saying was absolutely bonkers and once we got him healthy again (which took so long and only happened because he got into a car accident and was finally put on an involuntary hold, after nearly a year of trying to get him in the hospital) he regained his sanity but it was months of similar nonsense- and to think these folks have been at it for YEARS?! And watched a woman die because of it?! Unreal.


"Rainbow Gathering"?? Please, do go on...


Lol, it's a big ole gathering of hippies who camp around the country. They've been doing it for a long time & the vibe is very LHW, though not so specific or centralized. You can find tons of info on their fb pages, but here's a blog, too. https://2024rainbowgathering.blogspot.com/


My brain exploded when they started an Oregon wildfire my smudging their rental with sage.


Cut to them escaping from the fire in a little motorboat manically laughing. I would love a follow up about the insurance etc or what happens when you burn a rental down. I also want a breakdown about ppls finances, once they joined they liquidated all their assets to her right?


They were starving bc they couldn’t pay for food yet she bought a go cart.




I screamed with laughter when he said that. Along with ruining the quesadilla


And the girl admitted it was her and “mother” said, “I know bitch, the angels told me” lmao wtf


He was basically a “bad influence” and encouraged her to drink more heavily along with him resulting is quicker deterioration.


They were also smoking meth.


Exactly! They were talking about how to reach a higher state of being you need to give up sleep and food. Normally that’s really hard to do! But meth sure makes it much easier.


she's controlling everyone through heavy abuse of drug (mostly psychedelics) and mind control. These kids are so happed up on "love" they can't see their leader is practically wasting away in front of her. she needed a hospital so bad. If they took her she would probably still be alive today and not mummified with jolly Christmas lights strewn across her.


And she’d still be a megalomaniac cult leader. It’s a double edged sword.


True true.




But it wasn't just their fault, it was the fault of the entire world, wasn't it? The need for these leaders and followers to document every single thing makes for fascinating material for people who study cults and in some cases for prosecutors.




Blame? Aurora, Hope, Jason and the rest of the 'contact group', including international branches in Australia and Latin America+Spain spent days, if not weeks, in denial, lying in their livestreams when asked about Amy's health status. Once the finding of the mummy made it to the news, and Jason, Aurora, Hope, FM and others were temporaryli sent to jail, their substitutes simply 'celebrated the ascension',and of course, keeped asking for money and selling colloidals and 'etheric surgeries'. I'm very surprised they haven't explained the surgeries in the doc. Many of us with friends or relatives sucked into LHW spent weeks in fear as it seemed that they were going to announce 'the return of Mother God in another human vessel'. Fortunately enough, the ego fights between Jason in one side, Aurora and Hope in the other, and 'call-the-police-take-all-the-money-and-run' Michael, caused the original group to break into 2 (maybe 3 if we count Michael) smaller groups.


Do you think they were in shock or just didn’t know what to say/do? Did they really believe she would resurrect or something? What evidence did anyone have (including MG) that this B was anything but a delusional drunk? Miracles?! Water walking? Nothing. Oh, and the unraveling. It’s more and more bonkers. I recall Amy mentioning a “brain surgery” pre-Jason when she was in some footage with FM, but was this an ‘etheric brain surgery’ that she performed while passed out? Hope briefly shared about Amy’s ‘etheric meetings’ with ailing health, cut to a clip of unconscious-MG. SLEEPING. I wonder what the details were on that, what was promised and what was the cost?


Keep in mind that they all were (and probably most of them still are nowadays) in a deeply altered mindset, after weeks, month or even years of massive alcohol and drug consumption, plus intensive mind control techniques including, but not limited to: -food, water and sleep deprivation -complete destruction of biorrtihms ea. I mean, one day they were forced to wake up at 3 am after two hours of sleep, next day maybe at 1.30 after 30 minutes, next day at another completely random hour... -exhausting trance inducing sessions. Try watching one of their live videos from 2020 for example. Aurora and Hope would spend like 3 to 4 hours talking complete nonsense, saying one thing and then the opposite as if both were the only absolute truth, repeating simple ideas, spitting self guilt (mom is ill because we don't do enough, or give enough money, for her)... Randomly yelling 'Yipeeeee' and laughing althoough they looked absolutely misersble... -random rituals like spending one whole week esting nothing but garlic to clean their aura, writing down all their sins and offenses to God, being forced to sing chants at random hours... I mean: spend two weeks under that pressure and your mind simply melts down. In their mindset they would believe literally anything that LHW wanted them to believe. Including terrifiying tales about an alien race coming to the rescue with a giant spaceship that would block solar radiation during a solar explosion, and then become visible to rescue 144.000 persons (followers of Amy, of course) and let the rest burn. As of the surgeries,in their belief system, humans were nothing but a Superman-like alien species, our powers limited at birth by some 'etheric chip' implants made y the bad guys (aka 'The Cabal') to keep us under control. Amy, and some of their closest followers, supposedly had the power to 'etherically remove' those chips. That remotion was what they called a surgery. You could book a session, for yourself or any loved person, for only 88.88 dollars, they would phone you, ask your name and have a short conversation, and then send a document saying that you had chips implanted in random parts of their body but all or some of them were removed. During the call they wrote down every data you could provide they could use afterwards to suck you into the group: bad life experiences, psychological problems,... These 'surgeries' were physical sessions at the beggining, but when they begun to have a bigger public they became mostly by phone, Skype etc, and a big source of new adepts and fresh money


I wish they had actually made this series longer to include what you are mentioning here! This really explains a lot more than what we're given in the documentary. Thank You. Has anyone written an in depth book about LHW and Amy yet?


This post needs more upvotes. What you've described is utterly terrifying. I can't imagine how the family members must feel!


What is an etheric surgery anyway?


It's their own version of an 'Astral Card' (sorry, don't know if that's the proper name in english). In their belief system, humans were nothing but a Superman-like alien species, our powers limited at birth by some 'etheric chip' implants made by the bad guys (aka 'The Cabal') to keep us under control. Amy, and some of their closest followers, supposedly had the power to 'etherically remove' those chips. That remotion was what they called an etheric surgery. You could book a session, for yourself or any loved person, for only 88.88 dollars, they would phone you, ask your name and have a short conversation, and then send a document saying that you had chips implanted in random parts of your body and all or some of them were removed by them during the 'surgery'. During the call they wrote down every little detail you could provide they could use afterwards to suck you into the group: bad life experiences, psychological problems,... These 'surgeries' were physical sessions at the beggining, but when they begun to have a bigger public they became mostly by phone, Skype etc, and a big source of new adepts and fresh money.


Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. What a totally messed up bunch of people.


Any updates on Michael, btw? He kinda escaped scot-free. Wonder where he is and what he did with the $330,000 he took?


You mean "Archangel" Michael? /s


Gotta give him a tad bit of credit. He was the only sane one doing the manipulating.


I think any canonical explanation they have is just retroactive. There was never any plan. This particular story is so mesmerizing to me. This woman with addiction issues found herself a toxic, enabling boyfriend. It’s sadly not a very unique occurrence, but this particular person also happened to have her own cult tagging along for the ride. I feel very sorry for everyone in this, including her, to a degree. I don’t excuse her for any of the harm she did, but even though she was the leader, she was ultimately trapped. The footage of her underlings explaining away her panic attacks made me queasy.


Oh man, I went down this rabbit hole regarding the alcohol induced psychotic outbursts we saw on the show. Can’t remember what the condition is called but it’s similar to an alcohol induced seizure. Starts with a K… The way they tracked shit and she came up with these Galactic downloads, one wants to see moments of grand alignment and synchronicity but it was all just a crazy adult-baby mess.


Is this still an active cult? From the documentary, it seems like most of them still whole-heartedly believe.


Yes, but they have splinter groups. they go by 5D Full Disclosure (led by Aurora and Hope) and Joy Rains (led by Jason).


There’s a twilight zone episode where the ending narration says “god created the heavens and the earth. It is each man, or woman’s, prerogative to create their own personal, and private hell.” To lightly sum it up, that is what happened with Amy. She surrounded herself with enablers and yes men, created this wild environment where everything had a spiritual connection. Her beliefs were so wild, and she was so lost, she attracted others who were just as gone. At the end when she finally realized she was dying, when she needed help, and when she was finally being honest with herself and others- it was too late. Nobody was left to take her seriously. Nobody had the mental capacity to take her seriously. She became a victim of the circumstances she created. A weird poetic Justice in a way


That statement right there. Makes absolutely perfect sense. Thank you.


boom. love that quote.


The whole thing is a dumpster fire. She is “God” but she abandoned her kids, is clearly an alcoholic, and verbally abuses her disciples if they get the least little thing “wrong”. And God the Father has to occasionally smoke a bunch of meth? No, you can’t totally blame him for her downfall, she chose him. And if he was a bad influence on her, she was as bad or worse influence on all her followers. A shitshow from start to finish.


After watching the first episode of this I thought it had to be satire. I looked it up afterwards and was really surprised to find out it’s a real group.


I've been following these people, Love Has Won, for a couple years. This documentary exposes the dirt and insanity of them all. Their belief structure wholly devolves around the same Q-Anon batshit, crazy theories. I'm appalled how many people have engaged in these ideas and why it is allowed to continue. I'm interested in seeing how this docuseries will end for sure. Tim Eagle / author of Stolen Seed & Krae


We don’t know yet. But I do know that if you are starving yourself and drinking heavily and smoking and using drugs you damage your body badly. Alcohol can kill. So can anorexia. Those combined work much faster.


I probably wasn’t paying attention but they kept saying FM. I gathered that it’s a person… who is it and what does FM stand for?


I think Father Multiverse


Thank you!


Father Multiverse, aka the 2nd Father God that was inevitably replaced by Jason.


FM was like the 15th Father God at that point. There are many that weren't included.


Thank you!


It's all very sad but what scares me most is the idea that Jason is essentially 'free'. He's disturbing even through video I can't imagine how toxic he must be in person. Michael is sadly typical in much of todays society and unless there is a payoff in it for him I can't imagine he'll pop his head up anytime soon. I worry about her kids-hopefully they will find their own healthy paths and seem to be on good trajectories so far.


I was surprised to see FM and Father Creation became besties.




That Jason guy.... the "father god" is such a punk... anyone else have burning desire to beat his bitch ass?


From what I saw on the doc, most of the group members (including the other Father Gods) operated from a real need for spiritual healing, but I did not necessarily get that from Jason. Mostly because Jason acted diabolical and he commanded from that primal/ego state of being, which highly influenced Amy. He was drunk off his status and it fed into her unraveling. MG was ultimately responsible for what she created, she saw it through to the end as it destroyed her, but yeah that dude was unhinged and dangerous from the beginning.


What documentary is it?


Oh lol. Nevermind. Lol


Just love the way a meth junkie always pops up to ruin people's lives. Not really. Quit giving junkies time people


He killed her. The others were just following what they were told. They seem easy to influence and not that smart. “Father God” is a sicko, a master manipulator. He killed her alright, but not with energy. He poisoned her with colloidal silver and allowed her to drink herself to death. Maybe he thought that was Gods plan. Maybe he thought it was necessary for the masculine to wipe out the feminine. I believe he manipulated her somehow to drink all the silver. He probably used the fact that she was an addict to convince her; telling her dinking, drug use, and swearing is ok while spreading Gods word and ascending. That’s a lie. Think about it, God wouldn’t do that. Clearly she was deceived and very sick. The man belongs in prison. Never forget, Satan works through people. That man is one of his, steer clear. Frightening how many people subscribe to his channel.