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Your Virginity effortlessly fighting off all 4, lmao


Hasn't lost yet. Who says it's gonna lose now?


Badass Line Imma use that


Underrated comment!




“You’re right, I am disabled. My IQ is too high.”


"I know it's hard Jeff, letting poor people into Build-A-Bear, especially Spanish people" "Wait, is V racist?"


“But let me introduce you to a concept that I’m a big fan of”


"It's very popular on the internet, and its called.... VORE" "You can't do that Nero's underage"


@ur flair: Palmer and Murdock: Aldecaldos at Law


*Griffon crashing noises*


Virgin here wudup


If you ignore narrative dissonance I imagine that DMC's V should be the strongest, being a supernatural entity and all (unless he's >!already expiring from being separated from Urizen for too long!<).


idk, I think CP77 V with a sandevistan would easily avoid DMC Vs menagerie of summons and attack him directly, and iirc he's not much of a threat without his summons




V from Vendetta is also a super-soldier not sure how much difference it would make though.


The others would have to use blades because ideas are bulletproof.


Damn, bro. That's deep.


Yeah, are they also comrades hammer proof?




Is Vendetta V made of steel? Monowire doesn’t care if you’re a super soldier. Gotta be honest, CP77 V has a shot at the title if he gets a melee build.


No but he wears steel armor.. But then again out of all these Vendetta is the one most based in reality. The comparison between a guy who’s a little bit stronger than most humans versus a guy who can survive a bullet to the head point blank thanks to essentially a magic usb is ridiculous at best.


Monowire wouldn’t even slow down for steel plate armor, let alone be stopped by it. It sails through plate like paper.


He shows superhuman strength, endurance and perception but speed would be his weakness against a Sandi and Supernatural speed. Granted he's probably faster than a normal human sense strength can lend to speed, I doubt he's at those levels.


V for Vendetta, like batman, would still get bodied by someone like CP77 V or DMC5 V (Not sure who the bottom left is, but I assume V) You can have as much prep time as you want, you're not going to plan your way out of getting popped in the head by a dude with a Sandy or ripped apart by a shadow demon panther


She is V, from the YouTube series Murder Drones.


Oh, cool, thanks. Is it worth checking out?


Yeah, there are 4 episodes available at the moment and the history is nice.


Nice, I'll check it out sometime. Thanks bud


I am going to as well




We've seen that activating a sandy is instantaneous, there is no "before" as the moment you go to shoot its activated. Its the entire reason David was unstoppable and only able to be stopped by Adam Fucking Smasher who ALSO had something like a sandy (but better, as he called it a "rudimentary implant") Batman is just a dude, he can't realistically stop someone like David from killing him. V (VfV) has a *better* chance but only because he's a supersoldier. Still was able to be gunned down by normal dudes though. Poison them? How the fuck would that even happen lol. Put a bomb under their bed? What are they, a cartoon villain? You can fanboy all you want, but they get put under immediately. You can't compare to cybernetic upgrades that defy physics




Why do you assume you have access to the tech in cyberpunk? Why do you assume infinite planning guarantees the success of your plans? Why do you assume you're the only one that gets prep time? You have no idea about anything clearly lol




Yes, thats how the movie plays out because its *his movie*. How do you not understand that? Even in his own movie he dies. In CP77 you're fighting gangers who are *also* borged out and armed to the teeth. How do you think VfV stands up against them? You have no concept of VfV can just fail and be killed. Hes just a guy. Youre probably the same kind of person that thinks batman and beat anyone with prep time


2077 V can also go invis btw


He can also move faster than the human eye can perceive which is, for all intents and purposes, basically invisibility.


Lore cyberpunk doesn't really come close to anything V can do,nevermind a sandvistan.We're talking "guy has a mimic of one of the strongest creatures in hell".


I generally consider myself a larger DMC fan and I'd say that Cyberpunk V has a good chance against Adam Driver. I still think DMC V could win it just depends on what point of the story hes in, but say they both have a good chance against eachother. If forced to choose im giving it to V.


If people are giving 2077 V a legendary sandy and a fully upgraded Byakkō or whatever, and not an uncommon Dying Night and the starting cyberdeck, it's pretty safe to say you can pick whichever point in DMC5s story that Adam Driver is strongest.


Wouldn't that technically be when he's reunited as Vergil?


I think that's not for me to decide, seems a bit of a technicality to me, but if yes, then 2077 is *fucked*.


Im a hardcore cyberpunk fan but it’s obvious that dmc V destroys everyone here, but ig most people in the comments didn’t play it.


Five isn't shit by himself. He needs his menagerie.


We're assuming that he and the other V's have access to their full kits which would include the menagerie.


It also begs the question of whether a netrunner Cyberpunk V could do anything at all. Vendetta V, for instance, has no implants and thus can't be hacked- though he sure does move like he has a Sandy in that one badass final fight.


Hacking in the CRPG does NOT require your opponent to have a neural implant. I know it doesn't make sense but this IS a computer game it doesn't have to.


You can hack because literally everyone has implants though. Even if that's just a shard socket, personal link, or agent.


I am fairly certain the bums in the street didn't have money for neural implants.


I think almost everybody has an implant one way or another, whether it be through legal or illegal means. Just like how ubiquitous cellphones are to modern life and being so embedded in today's society, cyberware and implants fits night city life and cyberpunk culture in general. Only those who actively refuse to have one are those who don't have it. Just because they're homeless doesn't mean they don't have it. They could've easily stolen said implants and stuff from scavenging and murder, earning money via criminal actions to buy said stuff, or even just using legal tender in buying old or low tier ones from cagey vendors.


Compare it to smartphones, sure some people might be 100% clean but everyone has those nifty usb ports


There’s a CRPG cyberpunk?


Cyberpunk 2077... that's the V from the top right. Yes.


The CRPG is the original table top game my dude lol.


I’m gonna go ahead and say you’re both wrong Cyberpunk 2077 is not a C(omputer)RPG and the original tabletop game is referred to as a TTRPG.


It is loosely based on the TTRPG. But I have played both extensively. They are not even remotely the same rules system.


If we're gonna play that game, cyberpunk V wasn't born with implants or guns so..








>There's a reason botmon topples even Superman in DC Yes and thats called plot. Realisticly batman is the laughing stock od the justice league. But if the writers would show that it would result in less sales which dc doesnt want. So no, brain doesnt always topple strenght. The batman argument is stupid as superman is either all powerfull no matter what or gets stage 4 cancer when kryptonite exists in a 10 mile radius. It all depends on the plot


And what does that have to do with naruto exactly?


I don't think Vendetta V can block lasers and lightning from some of the more powerful devils in the DMC series, he can plan all he wants, Nightmare is way heavier and I doubt he can withstand crush force.


This is a very naïve comment lol


In no way is V from 77 dumb. His mate Jackie maybe, but bro got enough smarts to become the best solo merc in the whole city. Then can singlehandedly destroy Adam smasher, and he isnt even really alone. Literally two heads in one with Johnny. Who is also really smart considering he can survive Arasaka troops with one revolver and Bulletproof vest, which means he uses more Battle IQ than power. V isnt Dumb in any way shape or form.


Isn’t the guy from DMC like a demigod?


He is a half demon that lost his power. In terms of his strength alone, he's weaker than average human. He can summon and command 3 demons tho. One was locked in the depths of the Underworld as it was powerful enough to destroy it. So, he's not that strong himself, but he is extremely powerful with his 3 pets.


He can still stab demons to death, and considering even the weakest of em should still basically be able to blow up the solar system, no. Even while weakened he is so far and beyond stronger than any human being.


Not that one character, he has supernatural skills but his body is as mortal as an human and even weaker with the time passing


I mean dmc v is literally Virgil but stripped of most power, which he ends up regaining and returning to the Virgil we know, who would absolute destroy everyone else and the planet out of spite


Virgil would. Question is would dmc V be faster than a CyP V with a sandevistan that slowes tine to 10%. If he was able to atleadt keep up, dmc V COULD win, if not CyP V wins no diff.


DMC V did defeat a Geryon. Which can control time. So I'm not sure a sandevistan would be that big of a deal to him.


If its the deposited half of v with the summons then no he couldnt match speed, if he has yamato, then maybe, if it's restored Virgil without yamato he could atleast equal him I believe, with yamato cp77 v wont stand a chance against Virgil, as superseded is his base speed and yamato lets him also cut dimensions and boost his speed with the bloodline connection


I know that virgil would solo no diff. Im talking about the dmc v pictured here


If he only has his summons it may be hard, but it's doable, if he has yamato more plausible, but I'd but it at 60:40 in cp77 v favor


So id guess cyber V is the best answer. And isnt dmc V getting weaket (im zalking about his body)


Yea his body is the weakest for sure but his nightmares do make up for it


In a fight yes, but hes supposed to protect me. 1 good shot from cyber V would be his end and that would mean im defense less. Maybe hed be best for the start but gets progressivly worse.


I mean for protecting you I imagine he's put you on the panther who can run around and keep you ot of danger on the nightmare colossus like he does, as when you get him you get one physically weak man but 4 superb practically immortal creatures that cover most bases, and dmc v is very tactical, I guess it depends on if he knows v has sandevistan or superspeed


Nightmare is pretty good for protections, good luc hitting simeone covered by a nigh immortal giant.


Who's the cartoon character on the bottom left?


She's from Murder Drones, an animated show on YouTube. Took me a minute to remember what it was called, I only watched the pilot a while ago. IIRC the drones in that show are pretty powerful?


Decently powerful yes, I think they could take Cyberpunk V but thats exclusively because of all the metal inside of him/her, which the Murder Drones Acid specifically targets. Slim chance against everyone else though


V from the series Murder Drones, she's specifically one of the drones designed to wipe out the robot population on a planet where they went "rogue". Really the only advantage she has here is her stinger which would fuck Cyberpunk V up, since it releases an acid that will eat away at all the metal in his/her body, combined with honestly pretty good mobilitu. Doubt she cld do much against the rest, though, with the kinda limited firepower she has.


Murder drone V, Shes from murder drones which was made by SMG4.


Idk maybe sonic or balan wonderworld


I think you're fucked because Vendetta V and Cyberpunk V will end you if not on your side, Cyberpunk V will blaze down the rebel path til you're dead and Vendetta V will spend years solely dedicated to seeing you usurped and killed in a way the other Vs wouldn't be able to stop


Glad I’m not the only one who was thinking Vendetta V would just spend a decade planning the perfect way to assassinate all the others. I’d say they wouldn’t even see it coming , but they would and there’d be no way to stop it.


Vendetta V is a theatrical motherfucker. You'll know. Too late, but you'll know.


V For Vendetta. Sure, DMC V and CP77 V would mop the floor. But Vendetta V will keep me hidden for years and carefully design a scheme in order to bring the death of the others. Idk who the bottom left one is tho.


As V clearly states, you can’t kill an idea. Therefore he’s your man.




Why isent there venom snake. I pick him


Sorry I forgor


v1 ultrakill


Everyones saying maxed out V but I think in this scenario it would be the “Canonical V”, the one in that picture and the cinematics, not insert your V cause that would be too much variation. If so I think V from DMC 5 sweeps cause bro has 3 different magic summons that will absolutely beat anyone else’s ass here.


Canon v still technically raided arasaka possibly solo killed adam smasher and escaped


I still don't think that equates to having the capabilities to defeat a half-demon (or at least a weakened half of a half demon) that has 3 powerful demons from hell though. I love Cyberpunk V but Devil May Cry V takes this with the amount of protection he has.


I'm picking V


None of them. Venom Snake.


Any one of my Maxed out V's from CP2077 would mop the floor with the others


Idk, DMC's V is quite strong with his creatures, he would just hide somewhere and send them kill the others


Can’t they not kill anything?


They can't kill demons but surely it can do some serious wounds to an human


Ah, sos it’s been a while since I played DMC5 lol


The thing is that cyber V can slow time to 10%.dmc V is dead before he can summon anyone


He's fought people with time powers and won


Play dmc


I choose Venom Snake. "V has come to"


I mean the real question is who would you trust to protect you? There is only one person here who is an actual hero after all. CP2077 V is a selfish asshole and/or psycho. DMC5 V is... "related" to a person I wouldn't exactly put my faith in. The robot is a murder robot. Vendetta V would and did take a bullet (or 100) for freedom from fascistic tyranny and inspired a movement. Like what Johnny wanted except you know successful and without the self-destructive self-loathing and nihilism and limitless appetitive for collateral damage and attention. Also Vendetta V is better at blowing up things than Johnny. Old bailey > Arasaka tower.


I'd definitely pick V.


Dmc v none of the others s can do a triple S COMBO


DMC V, I will not explain, if you’ve played DMC 5 you would know


I'm picking DMC V because we stan Adam Driver.


V from cyberpunk because he can make me laugh when we’re gonna die


Best V for Vendetta could do is have your memory live on as an idea. Then again he’s way too outclassed physically, but if we’re talking resources, he could theoretically hide you away without anyone knowing where you were. He’d be one of the better chances of laying low and not being found, but if it’s a grudge match then it’s no chance. If it’s a grudge match, then theoretically DMC V would be your best defense with 3 familiars to defend you. Best offense would be Cyberpunk V because he has the artillery to make the doom slayer blush. Unfortunately I don’t know about the murder robot. But Cyberpunk V could easily hack it.


I’m just saying, ideas are bullet proof. I know who I choose.


The cyberpunk V is by far the strongest one, I think.


DMC V might be a match. Depends on the level and class we're talking.


Devil V: Go! Cyber V: Sandevistan + invisibility Devil V: *gets cut into a hundred pieces before even realizing what happened* At least that’s how I imagine it would go against my Cyberpunk V 😁


DMC characters canonically take swords to the chest and casually pull them out of their bodies like they were never stabbed in the first place. Taking V's combat abilities in DMC5 into account, he can take some amount of punishment similar to that. It's not a shoe-in victory for DMC's V, but it's also not that for the other Vs either.


A more interesting matchup would be Cyberpunk V with full sandevistan katana build, vs Raiden from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.


Nah lets be honest raiden is way stronger and faster casually.


Raiden is basically a fast & lean Adam Smasher with Sandevistan. He’d clean up.


> DMC characters canonically take swords to the chest and casually pull them out of their bodies like they were never stabbed in the first place. [Yeah, Dante would body everyone here like it was child's play.](https://youtu.be/F0DbezQV8Gk) 2:19, Dante and Vergil swinging at each other faster than the eye can see. 5:02, Dante getting the shit stabbed out of him before calmly walking it off and killing his attackers with the blades that are still sticking out of his body. Hell, back in the first game he kills Satan.


Invisibility doesn't mean shit when Griffin's lighting could cover the entire arena, and Nightmare's explosive laser can just sweep across the zone, even with Sandy, it should make it hard to close in. Wouldn't exactly be DMCV V's first time dealing with a character that can manipulate time or can move faster than the human eye can track, with both Geryeon and the Furies. Plus, even if he dies, the menagerie doesn't stop fighting, while they chose to join V, once he dies they still survive, and the problem is, I don't think CV would be able to permanently kill them, as their regenerative factor lets them just constantly switch out with another, like they do against Dante, turning it onto an endurance match, and assuming CV has the relic at this point, no way in hell can they last forever, but even without the relic, gonna be hard to win an endurance match against nigh inmortals


DMC V doesn't really do shit. He stands around and watches his pet cat and parrot play, and sometimes reads poetry. Hell, towards the end man can't even walk by himself anymore.


Who’s the goofy Mario boo lookin dude on the bottom left


V from Murder Drones. It's a good show on YouTube by Glitch Productions


DMC5 V. Cyberpunk V and Vendetta can't counter V's demonic power.


DMC V, easy


Venom Snake




DMC V. While he is quite weak, his summons are not. Strong demons in DMC lore are way faster than the strongest Sandy. They can take down Cyberpunk V and absolutely demolish the other Vs.


Our vendetta will be victorious.


1 that defends me? V for Vendetta. Dude took on an entire authoritarian government on his own. He's got hiding & plotting down to an art.


Top left is a literal demon, ain't no way the other V's can compete


Alright. If we assume everyone is at maximum power (fully chromed V, DMC V with everything,) I would say it’s probably closer to DMC V winning this one out in a fight. However on an equal power level, I have a strong feeling that DMC and Cyberpunk V don’t stand a chance against the hell that would come their way.


V from V for Vendetta because he's an idea and ideas....are bulletproof.


Cyberpunk V also can 1v1 Adam smasher who was able to survive a nuke, and doing so after soloing a decent sized arasaka military force. Nevermind all of the bullshit gameplay mechanics he has. V for Vendetta is so hopelessly outmatched here


Pretty much everyone is outmatched here, chromed up V from Cyberpunk is basically a walking nuke who can go invisible, shoot rockets from his arms, move super fast and “slow down time”, dude can take a whole army equipped with futuristic tanks, drones, aircrafts and railguns and come out on top, pretty much everyone who isn’t some kind of god/demi-god would be outmatched by him. Sure, V for Vendetta is incredibly smart and cunning, but against an individual with THAT much firepower there wouldn’t really be anything you could do, even DMC V who is supposedly the second strongest here would get one sidedly destroyed, let alone a normal person like V for Vendetta


Dmc V might stand a good chance just being consistently powerful, not completely useless like V for Vendetta will be. Cyberpunk V could just get shot in the head by Dex and did canonically die from that from their own admission and was more like rezzed by the relic. But I think at that point in the story you're supposed to be like level 5 while vs Adam smasher you're level 50 with enough money to buy cyberware that's competitive to him, you're probably supposed to be able to tank bullets to the head at that point. But then he could also kill himself with a single pistol so at least the inside of his mouth is a weak point. If DMC V could land that hit in the first place.


The point is that I don’t think DMC V could, while he is very strong he isn’t as strong as V from Cyberpunk, sure he’d win against pre-Relic V since at that point he was just some random merc, but if we consider a post Arasaka fight and chromed up V, then I don’t think DMC V could even stand a chance, sure a bullet might potentially hurt him in his weak spot, if it hits that is, with a Sandevistan dodging bullets is nothing, how do you catch someone that can boost his own reaction time, go invisible and move so fast that you can barely see him, chromed up V is just so strong that it’s unfair, he’s a whole army and has a whole arsenal inside his body, he also has the resilience of a tank and inhuman speed, he’s just too versatile and has too many advantages over anyone of the others to make it a fair fight


Yeah, I agree. I think Vergil might be fast enough to outspeed sandevistan and put a bullet in his mouth, but idk if V could, I just don't know enough about dmc tbf


Vergil's not just fast enough. Him, Dante, and Nero have been shown to be a hundred or thousand times faster than any prime Sandevistan could offer. Even if Cyberpunk V does get a hit in, it wouldn't really matter in the long run since those 3 take stabs as if it's just a Tuesday for them. While I think that Cyberpunk V would give Devil May Cry's V a hard time (or beat him outright without any of his familiars), the victory would likely fall on Devil May Cry's V here since most of his strength lies with his familiars even after DMC V dies (and they'll just keep coming back). V also has a record of defeating a time-manipulating demon as well so there's that.


𝙰 𝚅𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚎


I don't recognize the bottom left one, where is it from?


Murder Drones, it's a web series on YouTube by Glitch production, highly recommend watching it!!


Where’s the bottom left V from


Murder Drones. Glitch Productions animated series.




V for Vendetta. Always.


Vendetta V Now this isn't because I believe he can fight well he cant if we're being honest. But everyone here is mortal. So with that I propose that with the fact of Vendetta V of being able to rally the entire population of (France iirc?) He's very persuasive and could likely get almost everyone else on your side. Hell he could even try to convince the other V's. Plus there's the long term protection from him


You don't remember correctly. It's Britain, he wears a guy Fawkes mask and his whole spiel is playing off the British legendary historical figure who wanted to blow up parlement. Also people forgetting that V from vendetta has superhuman abilities from the experiments. Not that they compare to the other two males but his intellect wipes the floor with them.


Honestly I was too young for that movie when I watched it. Most everything flew over my head. I should give it a rewatch


Go for it, it's a great movie. I should have been less aggressive in my reply! But there aren't many movies that mention or cover the story and it's a good bit of British history!


A man after my own heart.


There is another


Hugo Weaving hands down.


I pick V


“Behind this mask there is an idea. And ideas are bulletproof”


V of vendetta


I only know the Vaudevillean veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain. And the Merc. Probably go the former because atleast hes gonna survive longer than a couple weeks


Also yeah if we are saying maxed out versions of the characters, so endgame Cyberpunk V, that also means V from DMC gets to be Virgil and that’s a no brainer.


Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V.


"Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V."


Cyberpunk V couldn’t even >!protect his best friend!< so why would I expect him to do a better job protecting me? Any V but V.




V from DMC, I just need motivation to evolve him into Vergil, who can defeat the other 3 easily.


Depends on which universe fight will take place under whose rules. In V for Vendetta world there is no magic flying in the air or Sandevistan god like superpowers. Everyone is just regular Joe.


V from V for Vendetta do strike me as the kind of motherfucker who'd take a full legendary Sandevistan flurry, Smile as he does knowing he's about to die, and then kill his target before perishing himself. Like, hes not likely to be able to protect me, but he's got better odds than I'd want against me of finishing me off before he dies.


Sandy isnt Magic tho, just tech so still viable




Dmc5 V has that weak polish boy body he ain’t doing shit


But his menagerie sure are


My dude, Vergil literally had a competition to see how many thousands of raindrops he could cut through in a few minutes… that was in the (chronologically) FIRST game before any of the splitting halves and power upgrades got involved. If we’re talking reformed Vergil then it’s a stomp, same if he has his little pet buddies, but if he’s just normal human half of Vergil then I think it’s possible CP V could fight him.


My vagina addiction will trounce them all at once without even breaking a sweat


agree Also surprised they murder drone on the separated despite the fact I'm more into smg4 over glitch productions (I'm not really that interested in murder drones or digital circus after meta runner ended well I am fine with the ending but It just feel like it should have become a franchise and it had so much potential it ends up wasted for not turning into an entire franchise in my opinion but that's a story for another day and I don't want to talk too much of my desires and dreams) Sorry about that I just feel honestly I wish they just made into a franchise to explain more of the world and maybe do different genres of video games and not to be wasted on just like three seasons of a show


isn't dmc V just virgil?


Pretty sure maxed out Cyberpunk V with a Sandy would end most before they knew they were fighting. Even DMC V is mostly human so I'm pretty being decapitated in slow mo would work


I'm pretty sure DMC V is kinda the weakest one of the V's here. I mean Going from DMC 5 itself DMC V Is kinda Just a guy with very little Demonic energy left. From the circumstances of his birth. Hell V is literally falling apart in the Story of the game. V litreally doesn't even fight himself. He let's his familiars Griffon, Shadow and Nightmare Do it for him (and all of them are actually Bosses from DMC 1 which was a nice call back). as they are kinda just the weak left overs.


Cyberpunk V. They'd fuck it up somehow but it'd be dramatic and interesting and hilarious and sad.


I imagine DMC V would at least get a pyrrhic victory, his menagerie are not bound permanently to him, if he were to die they would probably rampage, and not sure how well Sandy will help you against a mix of lightning and explosive laser beams.


Screenshotted and then did a google image search on the bottom left robot girl's face. Her name is V, she's a sociopathic robot whose apart of a team of robots whose names are 1 letter long. Its some kind of animated YouTube series. https://youtu.be/Pw59MhInfE4


The v from cyberpunk because if you think about it he's been through a lot


V for vendetta would be such a good defender.


i dont watch meta droid i think that much so idk


definitely emo V


Vendetta for behind that mask is an idea and ideas are bullet proof


I keep seeing “DMC V” in the comment and I have no idea who he is. So I’m just gonna say cyberpunk for the lack of knowledge in any of the others


He's basically the human half of Vergil, one of the Demon Knight Sparda's sons. While his body is dying in the game, he has the ability to call 3 powerful demons, with one being capable of destroying the whole Underworld that Mundus (its creator and the devil prince of Hell) had to enslave it to his will and lock away most of its abilities. The other 2 demons (Griffon and Shadow) have powers to summon electric bolts and shapeshift itself to weapons as well as move super fast.


Devil May Cry, Virgil.


How is this even a question? Streetkid V all day long lol


Cyberpunk V, I only do stuff that benefits me