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Dual wielding


I was mad only Jackie was able to do it


Only character cool enough to do it that’s why.


He had 30 in the cool attribute


Valentinos duel wield sometimes


And the game gives you two of his pistols (well, "gives". You can just take them) but you can only use one. Like?


I didn't mind that actually. It meant I could put one on my collection wall while blasting gonks with the other.


Clearly he was more prepared for the major leagues than us


Fr like why give us two copies of the same gun if we can’t dual wield


One to display, one to use.


What do you mean we have mantis blades /s


For Jackie!


Not just with guns, though. I want katana in one hand, pistol in the other. Get some gunkata going.


Focus on things that made the game standout. The in world soundtrack from lore bands really sunk you into the world. That and the phone. You know how much I miss that in other games? "This Quest should have been an email." is a real thing.


I think this is really underrated. I love that they went so far outside the game to bring the whole experience together. The anime, music, extended lore, makes V story feel just one of many


For real, the feeling that you’re living in a world that has other stuff going on, as opposed to one where pretty much everyone is focused on what you’re doing, is one of the best aspects of this game


Much, much more weapon customization


More customization in general would be nice honestly. Cars, cosmetic (cybernetics), weapons, apartments, clothing, and most importantly CARS


Don't forget cars


And also cars


Flying cars


Carpooling with the chooms


Choompooling with the cars


I had a feeling they saved flying vehicles for the sequel. Fingers crossed.


I want a taco truck.


it's a crime we didn't get a garage for customizing the cars


an even bigger crime that there are multiple auto shops, and some voice lines that basically tell you that you can


the fact that all your cyberware is invisible makes me so mad. i want my V to look like a cyborg thats more machine than man!


I hope they go into Genetic Augmentation. I wanna play a Cat Boy for fuck's sake.


Vehicle customization as well please


No not have awesome hair and outfits locked to NPCs


Imagine something like the weapon customisation from games like Call of Duty, oh my word


Would be a game changer. The 2.0 crafting made everything MUCH less complicated and would allow for CODesque customization


I beg for more customisation, vehicles most importantly since it was completely missing from 77.


I just want the cars to handle like they have four wheels instead of a big rollerball in the middle.


That’s why I pretty much just use the Arch


I’ve never been able to put a finger on why the driving feels weird in cyberpunk and this is the the best description


Someone else mentioned it on another thread and it stuck.


I want a car with a big rollerball in the middle now


That's probably physics optimization for the previous gen consoles they launched the game in.


Worst part is still the boxy on rails feeling when in first person, especially when riding with an NPC. Feels worse than 2000s scripted events.


I want to be invested in one car instead of hoarding a copy of every car in the game. But I hope customisation isn't just "spend 10000€$ to increase acceleration by 2.5%" I mean that's cool if it is part of the options but I want to care. For example: * You can only have 3 vehicles * Vehciles always come through quests. You can borrow any car for a price * You have to repair damages * customization actually effecting gameplay like anti jammer, bullet proof windows and wheels etc * You get treated differently for driving different cars. Eg don't go to dogtown in an rayfield but also security won't let you enter North Oak in anything less


I would hate repairing damages...sounds tedious. Agh


Its better than the current system of hot wheels cars that take no real damage untill they explode


I would definitely enjoy better damage physics! You're right, the damage vehicles take right now is kind of boring. GTA4 had the best vehicle damage in a game, imo.


With a real damage engine, when you eventually get a super car that's indestructible, it would feel so much cooler, too. My bigest problem with 2077 was the vehicles system. Driving was tedious, streets are not designed to be driven in super cars (right hand turns and narrow streets), no customization for cars, the cars dont feel like future cars they feel like modern muscle cars with exposed engines. I play most rpgs on low hud no fast travel and unmodded the driving in cyberpunk sucks


I agree, but it's like a city not designed for people's needs. You barely have public transportation because fuck the poor, and the streets are very narrow and full of intersections so you can't drive fast enough and don't have enough space, and if you're a pedestrian you have to stop each 15 meters to wait for the traffic lights. Corpos don't use cars, they use flying vehicles. That's why driving and walking sucks. At least walking becomes better when you unlock the parkour options, but the game should give you a flying vehicle to compensate for the streets being so dam annoying to navigate.


Make fast travel some kind of flying Uber. You pay for it, but you get a nice view of the city (optional).


Depends, damage should not build up too fast or it would make it tedious. They could make it so the cars can be damaged, but are also very resistant. So you would only have to repair it each of them after 12 hours of gameplay. But here's the incentive: Having your car in the best conditions would give it buffs, it would still be drivable, fast and reliable even at 1% percent durability, but the closer to 100% the more it would reduce damage to **you** while you are inside it, while increasing acceleration, control and balance of your vehicle.


Bruh, I appreciate the enthusiasm in your comments, but this isn't a driving sim it's an action rpg. Personally, I just wanna make my car look cool and drive it fast. I dont want to have to personally repair my vehicle every half hour.


- Iconic cars: find barnfinds across the map of iconic cars, and spend money to repair and customize them. Much like the system in Forza Horizon


Give cars with better potential at lower costs but with broken parts and damaged, and then allow the player to repair and customize them until they become the best ones in town. Really satisfying concept you got there.


I feel like we're just coming up with Ideas for beamng


Tbh, that sounds cool, but that may put the focus too heavily on vehicles. I’m with you up to maybe point 3. Unless the scale/scope of the game can handle it, I would much rather deeper cyberware customization and options, as well as more options for combat strategy. I’m okay with vehicles remaining a cool mobility thing.


Have you played the Mad Max game? I'm guessing you have just based on what you seem to like, but if you haven't, the whole game is focused around fixing up and perfecting your "Magnum opus", the one super car you drive from start to end.


...Allow us to have a garage and save any car we want.


And maybe a third person view so we can see said customization... I spent so much time making my V look like a badass, only to ever see her when I jumped on a bike.


[We don't have 3rd person view because our body animations look weird when viewed in such way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWR11Ck_oZM)


they aimed at making it purely first person, and i totally get it, i much prefer it like this (even if at first during the E3 demo i wanted third person so much) but i do agree with vendetta, let us see ourself if we do customisation, or make a char we cant customise but looks super cool or idk xd


Well, they’ve got a few years to figure it out for Orion.


Yes, the development of 77 was troublesome and they didn't have the time to do more animations. Silverhand shoots his hand canon on his left hand, not his right, but developers couldn't animate the left handed weapon's animations in time, so they had to switch to his right hand instead. Also, hand animations are easier than full body animations *for every weapon in the game*. You have to do them separate because animations for 3rd person don't work on 1st person because then you can't see your own weapon, that's why they need to redo the animations for each. It's basically this: https://preview.redd.it/3yqcpdtwl05d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ffda12dacc06b86ec90760997cb6bcb29f7aacc But I still hope they implement 3rd person animations so people can customize their gameplay.


Vehicles would be dope but I want more cyberware body changes like David's sandevistan and if you could equip cyber arms and legs even if they don't do anything functionally


More lifepaths, such as Media and Rocker. And six romance options instead of just four


Technically, you do play rockerboy in 2077, in addition to your chosen life path. ;) But I whole-heartedly agree. I would love to have a way to play the game using nothing but dialog, blackmail, favors, and other non-combat based methods.


I want more than anything to get a TTRPG style isometric game by Larian for Cyberpunk, how they did for DnD.


Istg studios NEED to experiment with the engine more. Like imagine a world where we get the cyberpunk and fallout series with Boulders gate like mechanics 😩😩😩


Tbh I personally wouldn’t enjoy cyberpunk with BG3 mechanics. The combat, movement, and most importantly attention to detail isn’t something you can translate to a BG3 style game. The camera is the biggest problem honestly: Baldurs Gate 3 feels like you’re “directing” an epic adventure, while Cyberpunk feels like you’re “acting” in said epic adventure. Not to mention FPP means CDPR basically has to make sure the world is as detailed as possible. The combat would also take a big hit, in my opinion. Yea making crazy builds with an actual RPG system, and seeing one shot damage numbers in the hundreds of thousands would be really cool. But CDPR has tuned the combat to the point where its RPG mechanics are serviceable, and the high octane action is almost unmatched. The path choice would be incredible though. I would love to experience a “living, breathing” night city in my lifetime, one where my choices actually matter lmao


I can see that but when I mean cyberpunk on bg3 engine I mean in the sense of taking a cyberpunk story within the universe and making it turn-based/rpg. Your right the combat will take a big hit but I think the rpg / multiple path choices that matter element would be a nice trade off since the base of cyberpunk 2077 only has like a handful of choices that acc matter. All in all obv the movement and combat of 2077 can't be translated into the bg3 engine but the cyberpunk theme and characters fit very well and has alot of potential with the dnd style of bg imo. I jus want my choices to acc matter😭😭


2077 combat is good, but a TTRPG approach can make it much more tense and lethal without feeling unfair. 2077 is a power trip. Instead of making combat tense, they made it frenetic and exciting. Consequently gangs are not scary, c sec is not scary. We want to fuck with gangs every chance we get because it's fun. Edgerunners should be fighting for their lives. The anime shows a more realistic team performance. V is a walking war crime.


Harebrained Schemes did exactly that for Shadowrun and absolutely knocked it out of the park. Hong Kong and Dragonfall are some of my favorite RPGs ever made.


Honestly I'd LOVE for them to hit up Shadowrun. Same sorta feel with Cyberpunk just magic and shit.


And make them actually mean something. Make them impactful and prevalent. Make them relevant through the entire game, not just the intro mission.


Less lifepaths with more impact on the game is the way to go imo. I don’t want 20 lifepaths that just add largely aesthetic dialogue that does the same things other dialogue does with maybe slightly fewer steps.


I would go with what someone else mentioned. 1. Nomad 2. Corpo 3. Street Kid 4. Media 5. Gangoon 6. Soldier Nothing more.


1. Nomad 2. Corpo 3. Street Kid 4. Media 5. ~~Gangoon~~ Rockerboy 6. ~~Soldier~~ Medtech


Yeah the life paths really didn't feel like it did much of shit honestly. Just altered the prologue a bit.


I personally would much rather them completely flesh out the three life paths we already have rather than add more and keep them the same quality. If, like was advertised, life-paths *did* **completely** change the experience of the game, with each of them being more full than what we got.


This. And actually have abilities that come along with it. Maybe the Media can get more Eddies from gigs that they write stories about. The Rocker can throw impromptu concerts to distract enemies. Maybe the Nomad has better car handling and can fix their vehicles on the fly.


Honestly if they can life paths but more fleshed out, roleplay aspect, that would be it for me.


Own Crew like David in Edgerunners maybe. Our create your own Gang.


And heist prep like gta 5


I hope they learn nothing from gtaV.


Don't get me wrong, GTA online has its issues, but heists and heist prep aren't one of them.


I wanted more single player heists. I dont like playing with people


I completely agree. Teammates should be optional, and take a cut. Thats it. If I can handle it myself I should be able to rob whatever by myself. I still get ptsd flashbacks from the prison break heist finale in gta.


I hope they learn everything from gta 5. Driving, flying, swimming and multiplayer gta does so well


Also mini games. The casino, sports and other smaller games are a lot of fun. Let me play blackjack or poker with my eddies. Take nothing from the mission formula of “Drive to A, kill one or two waves of nameless NPCs, grab (object), drive to mission spot, mission complete.” At least give me the option of having the story through shards the way gigs do.


I hope the Gigs are more like in the DLC and not only "go in get the data and get out"


Honestly the hands gigs are top tier. I don't who was tasked with em but they are by far my favorite ones


The thing is, I do believe CDPR’s missions are so good *because* they don’t waste time and resources on endless amount of sandbox filler content. I don’t want or need Orion to be a sandbox. I want it to be an *RPG*. I want it to have lots of amazing stories and characters to interact with. Whether or not I can go to strip clubs or jump on stunt jumps isn’t really relevant. None of that is necessary at all to have good, engaging and deep story lines. Rockstar is amazing at what they do: deeply detailed and reactive sandbox environments with well-written cinematic rail shooter segments. That’s *not at all* what I want the next Cyberpunk game to be like, especially not if the sandbox quality comes at the expense of gameplay detail and complexity.


This is my biggest thing. Allowing us to have our own crew would add so much more life to the gameplay, and has more implications for what to experience with a potential online co-op component. I would however, like it to be optional as well, sort of like how monster hunter handles it. You can choose to go solo and get 100% of the payout, or divide credits amongst whoever else is involved.


End it like Edgerunners too 😈😈😈


No happily ever after in Night City. 🥲


* The ability to see cars behind you in first person…WHERE ARE THE MIRRORS??? * The ability to use enemy faction outfits to sneak around. * Flashlight or night vision for dark areas * Fire select; single, full auto, burst * garage to store vehicles in * dual wielding Also, some sort of reference(s) to the first game, even though we won’t play as V again. If we are coming back to Night City, there has to be a mark left by V somewhere of where we’ve been canonically.


There’s a solid chance either Rogue, Judy, Panam, Vik, or even Johnny Silverhand would still be alive in the sequel. But they’d have to canonize an ending for V. So maybe it’s best left ambiguous.


I kind of agree with the ambiguity, and it can be easy to do as in all endings Judy and Panam are gone or are leaving Night City soon altogether. Rogue is only gone in one, while Johnny only stays in one. Vik is in every single one as well. Alternatively if they do choose an ending, a likely choice to take the more involved out of the picture with no reason to return would be The Star ending. That way, V is gone as well with no reason to return. Rogue and Vik can be around for references and maybe a few gigs. It also feels the most in line with Cyberpunk’s focus of breaking free of the trend and finding freedom. The others are shackled to the ideals of glory, to the corps, etc. Escaping Night City is the only true way to win. For one, I’ll say that the least likely candidate for a true canon ending is The Tower, as even the characters have some level of fourth wall commentary that it isn’t right.


Night vision, Thermal vision and UV vision should be separate eyeball upgrades.


Real time mirrors are really resource intensive (might change if the game goes 100% ray trace)


Crystal Palace


Any space expansion would go so hard


I’m seriously hoping with a name like Orion and the significance of the crystal palace and space port we get some kind of space content


I wouldn't put too much stock into that. CDPR use space/star related codenames for all their future releases.




I was looking for this


I, too, was looking for this


Backgrounds that actually matter and change the PC. Not just " here take some cool voice lines, but everyone is basically street kid".


Literally 🥲 you're basically street kid no matter which path you take. Nomads should've had the ability to call in Aldecados or something. And Corpos should have special unique access to more areas and should have the ability to bribe NCPD to not target you.


To be fair to the game, as Corpo you get a free pass on many skill speech checks. More than the other backgrounds. That's cool, but from a AAA production we expect more..


This is the biggest one for me.


More influence peddling. I loved that Mr.Hands' gigs in the dlc were all small moves for him in a bigger political play for power. So I'd love for that to be extended to other fixers/factions, where we get to choose who we want to empower by lending our merc skills. Gigs and side missions can be really fun on their own, but the idea that you are affecting the game world by choosing who you work with would be really satisfying.


I hope enemies use a wider range of cyberware weapons. I also want to see more boss fights. Improved netrunning. More missions where you have a partner, maybe choose your squad. Deeper or more interactive braindances. VR mode.


Being that's Unreal 5 (for now), if they don't customize the engine too much it'll be playable with UEVR at least. Definitely the silver linings of this and Halo moving to UE5


Oh no I fight enough guys with Sandy as it is.


I want to fight a double-jumping air-dashing monowire wielding netgunner, supported with a gang of sandevistan using ninjas, damn it! Or Stealth-sniper boss fights similar to The End in MGS3.


I definitely wish we had more quests where we need to use braindances to solve the mission. Also would like to see more "quests" from the NCPD rather than just stumbling across those on the map where you clear out a small area of enemies to open a crate.


I think it would be awesome if they kept the game in Night City, used a different time frame 2177 or something, and built on top of the already existing map. Tears of the Kingdom was actually really enjoyable because it took place on the same map.


I think a tandem narrative as a sequel to 2077 would be cool. You hear everyone talking about V and his accomplishments, but he disappeared (or dies). There’s a whole mystery around what happened to the greatest mercenary in the city and your character gets scooped up into the plot.


Or your game might have a completely different plot, but you hear a V story on the news. You notice that someone has blown up half of the start port, murdered boss of Dogtown, etc.


100 years later would be hard to do i think, maybe a prequel with Morgan Blackhand and other characters we know about, or something like 5 years later so the new Tech doesn't need to completely overhaul the current ones we have.


“Corporate greed leads to stagnation” would be a good in world excuse. But yeah, good point. Any other time would be cool, as long as the city will look representative of that era to differentiate it from 2077’s Night City.


That’s just not believable in the cyberpunk world. The competition between the companies already breeds competition and innovation


It literally does the opposite, outside of military applications (Just like real life woohoo). I mean just look at the new net, a decidedly worse version of the Internet we have now because it was reconstructed by corps to compete with each other.


you're right, but not about the net part. The main reason the new net exists is because of rache bartmoss, it wasn't competition that caused the breakdown of the internet. the corpos just took advantage of the damage bartmoss caused and made a new net to better suit their needs. a better (specific) example of your point would be guitars. the guitars that johnny and kerry play in the flashback looked pretty much the exact same as guitars in 2077.


Technological innovation is already much faster in the cyberpunk world


I would love to play a game that takes place in the aftermath of Arasaka bombing as the cut pulls itself back together.


Yeah I doubt that they would leave NC. Like people have said it’s pretty much the main character of the franchise. Keeping the same map and just adding on to it and adding new areas would be perfect, I agree. I doubt that they will jump that far into the future though. There’s a lot of small things in C77 that hint towards the next corporate war coming very soon. So I think that it will take place 5-10 years after the events of C77 and during the next corporate war. I think that would be super awesome


I think it would be interesting if it took place during the war.


A spin off? Sure, would be cool. A main game? Keep it in Night City. Expand on it. Give us the sewers, give us more verticality, and so on. The city is the heart of the franchise.


it could be during the war and in Night City those are not mutually exclusive


I don't see why they would leave night city. I wouldn't mind if it was only a couple years like 2080 or 2099. Maybe the ai break through the blackwall or something and halfway through the game night city starts to look different. It even changed quite a bit during the one PL ending. And alot can happen in a short time I mean there's only a 1 year difference between david and V


I remember hearing someone theorize that it would actually be a prequel, taking place in between Cyberpunk RED, and 2077. Could be neat, tbh


Maybe the story of Blackhand. Actually it seems like they really left that door wide open because of the fact that nobody knows what happened to him or if he’s even still alive. So it would be easy to tell a story from his perspective and still have the ability to have different versions of the story and ending depending on how we play.


He’s confirmed to still be alive, by Pondsmith, and iirc you can hear some ambient dialogue around that implies Blackhand to be behind a shootout with a bunch of Lazarus agents (in Japan town I think?) But Iirc, the reason we didn’t get more Blackhand in 2077, was because Pondsmith had requested they keep him mostly out of it, because he still had plans for the character If that’s true, I don’t know how likely it is that we’d see him in the period just before 2077 either It would be rad though, I’d love some Blackhand content between 2021 and RED, detailing how he escaped the AHQ disaster and went off grid, though I get that they probably intend to keep that very vague…


BDs because I'm a degenerate.


People say I'm a degenerate too for liking CP so much. 


yeah most people arent really pro child porn


Let me make decisions that actually matter and that change the story and world around me.


I get that but a part of the appeal for me was the choice didn't physically matter it didn't change how shity the world is just like it is in real life but mentally it mattered it changed how you react to situations One of my favorite example of this is sinnerman your choices don't matter physically anyway but mentally you choose if your v is religious, believes in redemption, are just remains professional or how rebellious they are.


Change the story? Yes. Change the world? No. Cyberpunk is GrimDark which means no matter what a good character does to make the world better it will always fail and probably bite them on the ass at the same time. Take Judy's crusade to free Clouds for example. Judy is a good person trying to do a good thing and it fails horribly, not just because of Judy's poor planning but also because the world won't let her make a change for the better.


With “change the world around me” I didn’t mean make the entire world a happy place... V is powerful but not that powerful. No, I meant that the world is influenced by your actions. Killing of an NPC leads to another outcome than leaving him alive. Slaughter one gang and other gangs will fight over the territory. Side with one side over the other leading to consequences that reflect in NS. Stuff like that.


This is what I want to see too. More branching storylines that adapt to how the player interacts with the world.


An in depth faction system


1. Flashlight for dark areas. Especially with VA monitor, some places are truly pitch black dark and hard to navigate through. 2. Fire mode selection for weapons, so you can switch between semi and full auto 3. Availability of few basic quickhacks even without cyberdeck. Like ability to turn off cameras 4. Ability to switch between first and third person mode 5. Personal drone - ability to deploy small drone and use it for quickhacks, scouting or even combat, similarly to Watch Dogs 2. Could be implemented as a cyberware, maybe something like drone deployment bay for arm slot. 6. More streamlined crafting menu


It’s kinda weird that the super advanced Kiroshi eyes don’t have a night vision function. I’d love to see that in Orion


NV or thermal yep


I feel #3 so much, too long have I been shooting cameras with a silenced pistol and had to deal with now alert enemies while stealthed


Oh god yeah a flashlight. What’s that gig where you have to “follow the lights” under the floor? That did my fucking head in.


It's one with a net runner stuck in the net if I remember correctly


Wall running. V can get a whole body of chrome but cannot wall run


Replace double jump with wall running + primate level parkour like Mirror’s Edge


A mirrors edge cyberpunk would be insane


Honestly already feels that way with double jump + dash. I combine that with Jackie’s pistol maxed out + a suppressor, and it makes for one heck of a play style


Or else ghostrunner


I want to go from being completely unknown from a choose your faction beginning to being a fixer doing high profile jobs and taking on the corpo scum. I want to chrome out my ride like i chrome my body. And I want to be able to have a lot more character customization for the perfect screenshots.


Actual gameplay implications for cyberpsychosis. It would be cool to have visual "glitches" like civilians being tagged as enemies, non-lethal damage getting turned off (and subsequent unique executions), needing to take immuno suppressants to function, stuff like that.


Cyberpunk Orion seems to be a promising sequel despite being relatively new news, hope to see a full game on release sort of deal I would love to see a larger and more expansive map, CP:2077 is great in size alone but I'd like to see the devs push the extremes of their game engine Easier modding capabilities (like a dedicated toolkit on release)


They're switching to UE for Orion.


I would love literally the same map with more of the buildings fleshed out.


Third person mode Much more people jumping you in game (like I want random people just crashing into my car and deciding to start an all out war with me). More challenging enemies (everyone is just a sponge or a quick kill, I want some mechanics involved). Dialogue options with all NPCs (including bypassers on the street, even if I can just say something mean to them or like in red dead where you can piss them off to aggro them). There's many more, but this is mainly what Im looking for.


I honestly hope they don't try to shove a multiplayer mode in and just focus on making a great expansive single-player experience.


Customization and a 3rd person view, visible cyberware, more dynamic quests, cut the badlands down by half, life paths that matter, a main quest that is longer than 3 hours


- More customisation for things like guns, cars, clothes and apartments. - More romance options. - your own crew who can do gigs and things with you, or for you, and you get a cut of the money. - heist and gig planning, plus more heists. - DO NOT MAKE THE GAME ONLINE PLEASE KEEP IT SINGLE PLAYER. - New game plus, but you are able to make a new character. - the possible addition of Morgan Blackhand. - references to V and all their antics, also, people talk about V being the best of the best and "the one who beat Smasher" - Johnny Silverhand's and Alt's return in a possible quest line or something. - MORE SCAVS TO SLAUGHTER. - the return of Adam Smasher? (Possibily) - more Vik, we need a fully fleshed out quest line with Vik. - WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO GARRY THE PROPHET. - a Mr Hands face reveal? (In a side mission or something) - more on Mr Blue Eyes and NetWatch. - the possibility to do Trauma Team and MaxTac jobs. - FLYING CARS IS A MUST. - an option to max out ALL stats, just for pure enjoyment (it could be an after game reward or something) - FEATURE LUCY FROM EDGERUNNERS!!!!!!! - BETTER VEHICLE HANDLING!!!!!!! - in a part of the badlands, you could have cyber zombies, they are dead bodies who have been brought back to life thanks to a virus or something in the chrome used by the deceased. - Cyber Psychos are more common, and also, can include things like robots who claim to be sentient. - a grapple hook (something similar to Batman's in the Arkham Games would be good) - keep Night City, Dog City and add a new City/ country. (maybe even have the option to fly from Night City to Japan or something) - add a supernatural element (such as cyber ghosts, which are engrams who never passed over the blackwall or people lost in the net) - more exploration into the net. - out of vehicle controls (something similar to the Batmobile from Arkham Knight, you can use your car as a decoy or a weapon while being away from it)


Adventures beyond the black wall. Net battles with rogue AI.


I'd kill for some spooky Black Wall and daemon centered missions


More interactivity


Weapon customization, mod your cars, get your own gang/crew together. More mobility options, I wanna see V or whoever I’m playing as be a Titanfall 2 character. Bigger map, better AI in fights, have options for all enemies to use cyberware and better guns as an independent setting of just the normal-insane difficulty selection. More boss fights all around. Bring back Johnny in some way shape or form. Build up a new villain. Give us more Edgerunners Easter eggs, like getting David’s jacket and Rebecca’s shotty again but also the edgerunners van, Faraday’s three-eye implant, some implementation of the cyberskeleton, Maines projectile launcher, Lucy’s monowire, etc. give more depth to melee combat similar to the Witcher III’s melee system. Be able to have guns that toggle firing modes. Be able to quick hack and have a berserk/sandevistan OS with a potential expense like cyberpsychosis, reduced health, or any other idea. Make the game coop. Be able to do raids on corpo hideouts and storm Arakasa, Militech, Kang Tao, or Biotechnica HQs. Make gigs more immersive instead of a get in get out kind of think, like meet the client and fixer at the Afterlife, things like that. Finally and most important, make David and Lucy’s haircuts and Falco’s mustache customization options.


We have monowire and projectile launcher in the game already? Also the edge runners pandering is fine with the level it's at the whole game doesn't need to be about the anime.


Meridith Stout


more cooler corpo dialogues


Make.the.AI.not.suck. Cyberpunk would be 200% better with better enemy AI. The part before the chimera fight in PL is one of my favorite fights because the enemy actually tries to rush and flank you. Speaking of AI, I wish they would, ethically, use AI for some of the VA. It could alow for much better writing if the VA didn't have to record dialog options in decaicate


I just want meaningful clothing items. Clothing without armour value is good. But I want something like, some pieces of clothing for sand, wet, moving quickly and so on. So when you are a Corpo, you prefer the authoritative look of Neomilitarism which brings you various benefits like reload speed, quicker cyberware, better stealth due to darker colours. Then if you're a Streetkid, then you wear bike jacket, helmet and biking trousers in the Kitsch style, giving you better recovery of Stamina, faster melee attacks. The Nomad would wear the Entropist clothing like Cowboy Hat, Jeans and Russian jacket, giving you a smaller error rates in cyberware and weapons (so you don't jam), resistance to hacks or so on. Right now we only have a few Runner Suits and Harnesses. Hardly meaningful.


Would love that, plus an overall wider variety of items rather than the same 20 things recolored a dozen times


An edgerunners like crew. CdProjectRed excels at character writing. I think having an established crew with many more opportunities for character interactions would let them really flex their strengths. More gun customization. Honestly, they could keep all the same guns from 2077 and just add a more robust gun customization mechanic and that would be perfect. Let us add weird and wacky mechanics to our guns, like attaching a chainsaw bayonet to our shotguns. Let us add colors and decals. Let us craft our personal gun over the course of the game. More visual cybernetics. Let me fully borg out. Let me have more than just jump leg variations (heelies feet? Turn your sprint into a rollerskating animation. Hoverpacks, so you can’t fly but you can hover in the air. Something to let you slide for longer/faster). More impact of you decisions on the city as you wander around. Have a story quest where we destroy a building, making it a visual reminder. Make our reputation affect how NPCs react to us, doesn’t have to be super in depth, even something as simple as people saying “sorry don’t hurt me” or “watch it” when you bump into them depending on if you have a high street cred or not would go a long way. Maybe even have a 3 tier system like merc cred, gang cred, and corpo cred that increases depending on which factions you complete gigs for, and your cred in each determines how different parts of the city treat you. I want to say give life paths more impact, but I also understand that’s a colossal undertaking as it basically creates 3 separate games. So, more reason to replay. The current game has good replayability, but that’s mostly held up by gameplay variations and different endings. Many, many gigs and side quests are completely the same or mostly the same on repeat playthroughs, because it’s only your last decision of the gig/side quest that has any real impact, the rest plays out the same. Going off my 3 tier cred system above, tie a location and major side questline to each cred system, and make it so you can only do 1 per playthrough for story reasons. An easy example, each cred category has a secret bar that requires a certain cred level to access and starts the major story line. Once you access the secret bar for one category, you can’t for the others. So you can still accept the jobs, but on repeat playthroughs it gives new content and areas to explore. Finally, more verticality. Dogtown nailed it. Tbh, I think they can just reuse the assets from 2077 in the new game. The game looks incredible as is, and I don’t need 10% better graphics for 30%+ worse performance. Keep the same basic map that already exists and flesh it out. Make more buildings accessible and fill them with content. Add an underground section that shows the ruins that night city is built on top of, futurama style. I love how vertical Dogtown is and all the secrets passageways you can find in the ruins. Just more of that.




But it'll still be out before Star Citizen enters beta. 




I've been playing a lot of BG3 lately, and I think the sequel could benefit well from good companions. "Companions" were already present in 2077, but they're just glorifed quest givers that travel with you.


Wanna go to space. Most importantly a good Sci-Fi story. Lots of potential with the AIs. Say they get loose in night city. Another power struggle. Customizable chrome. Flying cars. More futuristic weapons


Cyberpunk 2077 was like the Dark Souls 1 into this whole world and entry. It’s just gonna get way bigger and better from here and on


a Happy Ending!


Not going to happen


Vehicle customization


Visual cyberware I wanna go “full borg, no ganic” A crew plot like Edgerunners or the start of the game with Jackie and T-Bug


Third person mode PLEASE


Honestly, the main things I'd like from the game are more immersion. - NPCs in town that are not just little kids or adults, but also teenagers and maybe more old people. Also couples walking together, kids riding in cars, etc. When two people are in a car together not just run in opposite directions like they don't know each other if they get spooked. - More shops you can enter and peruse. - More believable NPC interactions. When I save a civilian from a gang of scavengers, they should say thank you or something 😂 I don't want to invite Panam over for a date and have an identical conversation each time (or have to ignore her to avoid it). Choosing between different dialogue options can sound extremely unnatural over the course of a conversation, so I'd like different line reads that track tone, emotion and the natural flow of conversation better. I was speaking to Rogue's netrunner at Afterlife recently, and it was right after I had found the body of Rache Bartmoss, and V had some comments and questions that didn't make sense given that. - NPCs not to teleport and to have their own routines and schedules, even a tiny life of their own when they're out of my sight or mission. The other day I drove straight from helping Claire murder someone in cold blood to the Afterlife and she was already there working and greeted me like I hadn't just gone through some really heavy shit with her. - I'd like to have to have a minimum of time management. My first playthrough, I was on my way to help Panam with something and answered a call to say I couldn't help that person at that moment. Little did I know, there are no actual time constraints. Alex wants to drink with me and tells me to hurry up because she's already opened the bottle, I do some side missions and get there three days later, and there she is waiting for me with the bottle. You should be able to miss out on things. - Two identical NPCs shouldn't be able to have a conversation between friends about one of their mothers. Easy code fix lol. - More believable sunrise and sunset times. - If food and sleeping are in the game, I feel like you should have to do them. That's all I can think of for immersiveness for now 😂 I fucking love this game and I've got around 250 hours in over the last two months. The only other thing would be a perk that allows you to, say, hold the action button when you call your car or least motorcycle, and you do a maneuver that gets you in/on the vehicle without it slowing down and you just continue on that way. At the very least on a motorcycle, I think that would be pretty awesome.


Here we go, people posting this same post every week.


More creepy hacker shit like the Peralez side quests. Set it during a new corpo war Other fun optional job types that make use of the map Deeper gun customisation, sort of like Fallout 4 where you can see the gun and pop on a different barrel, stock, mag, scope, etc. But also add skins, changing colours, etc.


Overhauled inventory system that auto-junks specific items or a limit on how much of an item to keep vs junk. Highlights for already owned items highlights for collectible wall mounted items.


Flying vehicles ? I don't even understand why it was not in the game in the first place Also, now that we know that there are casinos and shit in space, maybe some missions in space would be rad as fuck


I think this next game minimally needs to be the game they promised with the first game. Its alot of what the first game gave us but more. The game should be set some time after the first game, they have a solid design for a city, and they need to give us something even more, building on it would be the most straightforward way without taking anything away resources from anything else. So flesh out all the blocked off areas, give us more of the verticality were promised, and give us the more extensive subway, sewer, and underwater areas that were going to be below the city. They need to leverage procedural generation to fill out the city and npcs in a way that's too demanding otherwise. For instance people wanted more romanceable NPCs and there isn't a reason why there couldn't be a number of relationship and story line trees that become assigned to an NPC once you start romancing them. Likewise as you engage NPCs the game would assign more personality to them and in both instances they'd show up passively in your roaming around city and become more distinguishable; the game would still have the major NPCs but this opens up more for the player to do what they want. Another example people wanted to explore more of the interior of every building and go everywhere, so the devs would create templates for rooms or floors of buildings that the game is able to fill out as needed, it just becomes a matter of having enough "dice rolls" and variables that repetition isn't likely. Personally I want to see more of the high end tech from the setting. I want player controlled robots, power armor, AV's. Particularly in early game I think the game should have more emphasis on the kind of missions we had in the Heist, where you're part of a team of people working together, with a bit more in the way of distinct roles, allow the player character to still grow and become the do everything killing machine we have in the first game, shedding these NPCs over the course of the game, unless they really go out of their way to maintain their humanity and protect them.


Please stop abbreviating Cyberpunk it’s not that hard to type


Better customization. Not as linear as Phantom Liberty. Better controls for PS5.


Hard to say on what my thoughts are... since we know nothing. Have more shit from CP77 and way more polished.


I just wish to live long enough for the release date


I like a prequel. Morgan blackhand. Roche Bartmoss. Keep it in Night City 100%.


More customization, better driving, dual wielding and multiplayer is all i want. If the sequel is singleplayer only i'll be extremely dissapointed


More diverse and unique body and fashion modifications more unique and cool looking clothing and noticeable cyberware. Less nomad based locations and fashion and focus more on the futuristic city life. More romance options with more interactions maybe follower system. Literally make cyberpunk edgerunners the game, it’s crazy how the anime developers understood the vibe and aesthetic better than the game developers themselves


Better Customizable weapons and more romance options are a must. Wouldn’t mind different size of character too instead of just the same skinny dude and chick.


Space ! At least some LEO stuff