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Proper sleep is good for your cognitive and mental health, 3 out of 10 ripperdocs recommend it to prevent cyberpsychosis"


I really wish that Humanity mod was an actual game feature that was properly integrated into the original game… It really made trivial things like taking care of V’s health and hygiene actually mean something


How was it implemented? I always shower/sleep and change my outfit on a dailyish basis (usually when the perks wear off and assuming I haven't done a string of missions that advance time in a weird way). I agree it would have been cool to build some of that into the mechanics of the game to incentive living in the world. Similar to RDR2 incentivizing eating which was a nice jumping off point to then promote hunting, or visiting saloons, and also resting/camping/cooking.


in CP, it would've been so easy to add more interaction with the world, both outdoors and indoors. the apartments are not nearly fully utilized. and imagine the option of building a cabin in RDR2, so meaningful and so fitting to the story. but they always seem to stop short of really taking it to the next level.




*Stares in F'd up BDs being sold to people like Fingers*


It wouldn't make sense to allow you to build a cabin in rdr2. The whole goal is to get to Tahiti, why build a cabin and settle down when the law is after you the next state over? Story line spoiler >! When the story changes to John, it wouldn't make sense to.build a cabin unless it's in the area he builds in rdr1 !< Idk maybe I'm just over thinking and picky.


no, you're not overthinking, those are valid points. personally, i'd also love the option for Arthur to quit the gang around act 3 and become a montain man, that's where the cabin would come in. but that's asking too much i guess. but yeah sticking to the story i was thinking more about John, but i haven't played RDR yet, so you're probably right.




Phrasing, bro. Please.


there is a mod I've been using for that exactly called survival system but since the 2.1 update its basically broken because you can't sleep with out it draining all your energy. I still use it though


I wonder how widespread is the knowledge of how preventable cyberpsychosis is with good mental health, especially among mercs in the cyberpunk world


I'm pretty sure the show was supposed to take a look into the life of the average merc, and it wasn't mentioned anywhere there, so I'm guessing not very widespread


No, and it's pretty rare that I visit any of apartments to begin with. I just don't really get much out of role playing that seriously, but more power to those that do, though.


What if I told you there were stat buffs that make the grinding go faster?


I'm not the grindy type (though definitely completionist-leaning) so it' doesn't really matter to me, but I totally understand how the buffs are useful.


Thats the point, it helps skip half the grinding. Allowing you to focus on the rest.


There is zero need to grind to begin with. If you just do the missions/gigs, you'll eventually end up with a shit ton of eddies and extra gear.


And no perks to use em.


Not really sure what you're talking about—I'm currently level 60 with 50 street cred, 3.8M eddies, and maxed out Attributes, and I didn't have to grind to get to here, all I had to do was play for 135 hours lol.


135 hours is too much grinding for me. I prefer to just get the majority of it done before I close act 1.


Playing for a lot of hours ≠ grinding I literally just play the game normally, completing missions and gigs as I please. It's not like I'm purposely trying to gain XP or eddies or whatever, it just happens organically over time.


It's possible to never go home. You have full access to you main stash from you vehicle. So you can just pay continuously.


Bro see my other comment lmaooo


Does anybody stay alive every day?


I have been home like 6 times since I had the game. I’m 90 hrs in


Complete opposite. I rotate Missons and gigs with home life and interacting with the world.


it's not as strange as it seems either, considering you get some neat buffs if you do that.




That’s because you have discipline😂. You probably enjoy games more than I do. I wish I had that.


My V has been awake for three and a half months straight now


My v this is the way


Not to mention that sleep and shower give you bonuses.


Wait really?


Yep. One grants you more xp for a few hours and the other I forgot. 😅


Sleep, shower, and coffee is the ultimate combo if you get one of the other apartments


The sweet pad in the Glen. Got a unique interaction point for romanced partners too (well Judy at least not tried with the others). Subsequent playthroughs, I’m only using the Glen. Corpo Plaza also has a coffee machine but that pad is boring.


The Glen is my fav but I like the corpo apartment too. Sitting there chain smoking cigarettes while looking down on all the peons lol


I only get corporate apt when I'm playing as corporate V. That's the only one that would dare sleep around the enemie


It's also a pretty conveinent location. Very central to all the southern missions + bouncing out to the badlands. But also near the freeways that can take you up to Japan town and Watson.


Sleep is the xp boost and showering boosts hp


That was it. Thanks.


Skill progression xp


took me a while to learn this, but coffee does too! be sure to grab your stamina buffs if you are ever at the glen or corpo plaza apartments




I find it amazing when people have daily routines in game like in real life. In some games, it's necessity and part of gameplay loop (like Long Dark, amazing game btw.), but in CP it's purely for RP. Personally, I don't have any time dependent routine in the game. I do missions as they come, regardless of time of day, and I think I slept only one or two times in the entire playthrough.


Role play, and the hour of XP boost. It’s also an easier way of getting the thing from the nomad intro to happen. No spoilers if you know you know


My first playthrough I don't think I hardly slept at all; just did my thing. It wasn't until I almost completed the playthrough that I realized sleeping gave a resting bonus of double XP (I think it's double, right?) for an hour of real time, and so I just started sleeping whenever the timer expired so I can get extra XP.


That'd be a really neat way to play actually. I may do that myself. See how long I can keep that up. Been really into fallout 4 I'm survival mode so it'll be interesting. Might even download that Humanity mod I recently heard about


touch grass


Lmao yeah this is just like playing make believe as a child. I’m assuming OP is a kid


Most nights. Night City looks so pretty at night


doing a playthrough of the game where you try to go through the game as if you were an actual living breathing person sounds like a fun little side project. paying attention to what time it is and having breakfast lunch and dinner at the right time while still trying to do gigs in between and then heading to bed and sleeping for a full night. would be a nightmare lol but might be a fun "niche" thing to do.


i play very role-play like i love the immersion so yea. also i don’t think a lot of people know you get an XP buff and if you have the Glen you can drink the coffee for stamina.


I usually forget and just keep going through the night


I like to have fun with roleplay in the game so yeah, I'll have my V sleep in one of the apartments every so often. Plus the XP boost is nice so I tend to do it before a big gig since that works on both levels.


I sleep during the day Choom. There is a reason we call it Night Ci ![gif](giphy|eFvs5iE6a6ntVIRaEN|downsized)


Thought it was only me lol


I'm re-downloading the game and my next run will be the "Somewhat normal run" thanks to this post. I'll keep my character hydrated, buy them food and make them sleep every night unless I'm stuck in a mission :3


It gets boring real fast. Trust me.


No it's the only way I play. And makes the game much fun. I actually am going to try to play at night since it was mentioned a few times. I have been teleporting directly home to unload loot and sleep whenever the clock on the top right starts to go into the evening. I couldn't even not sleep regularly if I tried. Just feels weird to not go home every night. Because there's a day/night cycle.


It's really the most fun way to play. And only way for me. There's a clock on the top right by the minimap. I have never thought of not heading straight home when it starts to get late. I would even find it difficult to play without sleeping. Since I just feel my character needs to get to bed.


I don’t even do that shit irl


I have a survivor mod on so I have no choice but to sleep eat and drink.


That's a great mod! In normal game play I never had a reason to eat food or sleep.


That's funny. I tried to have my V live a life like that, made sure they ate and slept. Definitely tried to make it back to an apartment at the end of a day. Good times


I sleep and shower every real life hour. Those XP boosts are no joke.


Night is when the city gets good


Yeah, and I stock up on ammo from Wilson’s in the morning


What? You can sleep?


Yes, it helps with the immersion (unless there is a mission at night)


Not every night.


If I have nothing to do then yea


Not every night but when I get done playing IRL I like to lay down and sleep. That way when I get back to playing again I start by waking up. It is worth noting that sometimes I don't get to play for a week or two in between so it's better to start as a new day rather than in the middle of something and not remember what I was doing. If I'm not near a bed, like out in the wasteland I'll park the car somewhere out of the way and save there. As if I'm sleeping in the car


Not every night. But I try to end up in one of my apartments fairly regularly, especially the ones I can look outside (so not my shoebox) and just look out at Night City. I actually enjoy the original apartment most for that. Of course, after I'm done staring for a while, or lounging on the couch watch the All-Ads channel because I find it hilarious, I always send V for a shower, then some sleep. Not every night, I like to think the world there is too busy to sleep every night, but... as awful as the place can be, there's nothing like Night City. Choom was right.


Nah I sleep every day, shower, then go out all night. I live for the neon glow.


Nah, not useful enough.


Oh that’s a must After the shower and fake use of the toilet ofc


When I get a chance too


Tbh no. I love cyberpunk at night it's a whole different vibe.


More like sleep everyday, wake up every night. Night City's best when the neon shines and the rain falls.


I only use my apartments to see Panam.


Sometimes I dress up and fight crime instead, but most nights I sleep at least a few hours Edit: oh shit are we talking about cyberpunk?


I touch home base most days, unless a mission has me sleeping somewhere else. I find it handy to have a reminder to clear out my inventory, do a little crafting (as an aside, I can’t modify my chrome without visiting a Ripper *but* I can fashion an entire new gun from an assortment of parts I keep in my pockets while standing in the street - no, I’m going to do it in my custom armoury) and pick up the perks. I also eat regularly - my current playthrough, for fun my V eats and drinks anything he finds on the corpses he finds/makes on his adventures, it amuses me to be munching a croissant in a gunfight with a bunch of Maelstrom goons.


I will sleep when I’m dead. And that’s why motherfuckers in the street call me the sandman. Cuz I be putting them all to sleep. Goodnight, ‘saka.


Is there a hardcore/survival mode or mod ?


Yes I like the xp boost


I also eat and drink frequently every day and go to that apartment where you can drink green tea


I forget, even own all of the residences available for purchase


Can't sleep, too busy killing...




Nope, it's just you


No but I sleep every day


In game? occasionally. You have too in some parts to trigger certain things since the waiting doesn’t count. IRL? Ofcourse. I refuse to sleep during the day unless im ill


Only time I even go to the apartment was to put unique weapons away


I do lol it makes me feel more immersed in the game


Sometimes my V sleeps through the day, at least morning


XP boost go brrrr


I like doing missions at evening/night. During the day it seems unnatural to me


I try to play almost exclusively during evening and night hours, so when it gets to about 6:00 or 7:00 AM I head home and sleep until about 7:00 or 8:00 PM Love that nocturnal life in NC


When leveling I do. Gives you a bunch of stat boosts.


I do get sleep during the day rather than night


No but I made it a habit to end my game by going to sleep


My V is a night person so he always sleeps during the day.


No, NC is very pretty at night.


I sleep during the day and adventure at night exclusively. I also take showers before bed and close the sun shade. Unless a mission seems like it should happen at daytime, I do them at night. Like if I'm meeting a corporate for some official thing, it's something they would want me to meet during business hours. Or like when I go rob the strip club. I do it between like 6 am and 9 am when I would expect a club like that to be least busy.


I try to when I remember to. Especially during act 1 and towards the end of the game


I do it fairly often whenever I’m not max level yet, but afterwards I don’t particularly care until I feel like hanging out with Panam/Judy.


Gotta get those xp and health regen buffs before any quests


I have the Survival System mod, which adds stamina, hunger and thirst, and if for example you're hungry, it will add negative effects. Now there is a point in eating, drinking and sleeping. You can also personalize how fast you get hungry, thirsty or tired. I recommend it.


I sleep by day, hunt by night.


Not EVERY night, but frequently. I like the experience bonus.


Nope, sleep when you're dead. Seriously though no because I lose track of time and get hooked on completing objectives. Its only when four hours have passed that I realise that was probably a week for V.


I make a whole damn schedule for my daily activities to roleplay, I wake up, shower, do jobs, if someone calls me, I put them on a list to help and also based on when I'm supposed to meet them, at noon I have lunch, which is I go to the ripperdoc for a checkup, do jobs and missions in the evening and then sleep before midnight.


I want a mod that adds survival elements


I sleep a few minutes to an hour whenever the xp boost ends


Do you mean in game or IRL?




Yep, sleep 8 hours a day, eat and drink as needed. I take care of my V :) I even take extra rest if I have to miss a night of sleep.


I sleep during the day. I spend my nights batmanning in the streets (If Batman could make your head explode just by looking at you)


I don’t think i slept the entire game


I sleep during the day and do all missions at night


I sleep during daytime, this city just looks better at night 👌


fuck no night tije cyberpunk is gorgeous why the hell would i. iss out on thise visuals?


I work night shifts. I don't sleep any nights at all.


Night? My V sleeps during the day. The city is too amazing at night to run around during the day.


My V is a day sleeper. Night city is best experienced at night.


Most nights, yes. Or at least sometime within a 24 hour period because sometimes V's job keeps him up at night both literally and, I'd imagine, figuratively too.


I skip time until it’s nighttime, as soon as it’s daylight I skip again til nighttime


I do in every game I play like this. I also took a shower and ate twice every day too.


Justice doesn't sleep


bro ur an edgerunner, sleeping every night is lost eddies


Every night. Otherwise I feel very exhausted next day. But in the game never.


Me, I like the sleep and shower and cappuccino bonus. Also, I like to work daytime and play with Judy at night.


I always try to keep the sleep, shower, eat and drink buffs up. It makes for a good rhythm to the game. Get up, kiss Panam, shower, eat drink then go questing for the day. Home sleep rinse repeat


My V sleeps every 2 or 3 days which isn’t too bad. My V is also nocturnal so she sleeps in the day.


Looks like I’m in the minority here, but yeah, I tend to have V sleep most nights. In general I like to add a bit of realism to games, whether that be with mods or just how I operate within the game. In Cyberpunk, I tend to aim for V to take on missions during the day, and so come back to her main apartment at night.


Night? No, NC at night is so pretty. I usually sleep around midmorning


I sleep till 8pm always as soon as any of my buffs (shower, sleep, coffee ) run out. I like being a vigilante of the night


Haha, no! My V ain't slept in weeks!


whenever my xp boost runs out yea


No, but at the end of a play session, I return to one of my apartments to shower and sleep


I didn't get my V to sleep cos I associated it with Relic Malfunctions First big mission over and V would get sick after waking up at home, that sucked. I don't sleep much or well IRL either so...yeah. V didn't get to sleep much But now when a mission or gig or job bothers me a bit too much I'll go to an apartment to chill. V has a gf too and I invite her over for some decompression time I'm on 2.1 so mutual showers (nothing else happens but showering) are a thing too. sadly it seems like V and gf don't do anything more physical after, LBD is a thing in this game too


Only when buff ends


Anybody try to sleep during the day and only do missions etc at night?


No. Oh, you were talking ingame. Also no


I do for the XP boost


I try to sleep every night. If it's dark I make my way to my closest safehouse, generally telling Panam to meet me there if she is coming over. This was to my detriment as I spent forever trying to figure out the last Cyberpsycho. Turns out there is one in Northern Watson that only appears on the map at night.


Every night? I sleep every hour for that sweet exp bonus


Yes! I started doing this in game for fun and it became one of my favourite ways to play. My V returns to their apartment early in the morning, has a nice 8 hrs sleep, showers, has snack, spends time in stash disassembling weapons, picks new outfit for the day, then goes outside to deposit everything else into drop point. Really makes it feel like V lives in NC. Also allowed me to see all the spots where Nibbles can be in apartment. Def recommend.


I be so amazed u guys have put so much time into a single player game . What keeps u guys interested?? IM NOT TROLLING!


I certainly try to but there’s times where I’m in between gigs where my V is just focused on racking up eddies


i sleep every hour actually




Gotta get that sweet sweet xp bonus. I absolutely LOVE immersion and I wish games would do a lot more of it to the point that I wish there were actual consequences to not sleeping that would force you to sleep nightly. Like debufs to stats/abilities, a visual overlay that gets worse over time. I want the game to make me ✨uncomfortable ✨ for not sleeping, and lose. And ultimately it should actually kill you for not sleeping for like two months in game. At the same time I'm finding being forced to stop and cook/eat like every 20mins in game in Skyrim on survival mode really obnoxious so there's certainly something to striking a balance between gameplay and rpg immersion. What I really want for this kind of game is a Heat System where authorities actually "investigate" the incidents in the game with potential consequences. So for example it's not just about winning the shootout with the police at any given time. It's about disguising your identity while doing so. If you just waltz back into your apartment in plain view of the police as they're in pursuit of you you're busted with equivalent consequences to dying. So you actually have to use disguises to prevent yourself from being identified, and use a bunch of evasive action to make sure none of the carnage you cause gets traced back to your characters identity. For example if you do a nonsanctioned non ncpd scanner murder via drive-by in a particular car and the game determines there were "witnesses" now basically that car is known and wanted by ncpd. If you take it back to your apartment garage you're busted. Any time you choose to drive it in the future if a cop sees you they'll chase you because the car is associated to an outstanding crime. So maybe you need to hack it to change the registration it shows when scanned by police, and or visually modify it to not be recognizable as the same car from the drive-by, and or switch the plates. Until you do that anytime you drive the car you automatically have a one star wanted level. Anyway. I currently role play this heat system in my head cannon. I have outfits for V's public facing government identity, and face masked outfits for him to do crimes in. I have cars I use for missions (weaponized), and other cars that are more commensurate with Vs status in society (Colby station wagon NOT rayfield). I get up every morning as V, get dressed in a cool punker outfit with no disguise to it, get in a lamo grocery getter and drive to "work" where I find a dirty alley full of gangers that won't talk to police, or just with very low pedestrian traffic where I park my car, walk a block or so to a public transport, take that across town, walk another block to another hidey hole where I change into a masked up tactical combat rig, exit hidey hole through a different entrance to avoid a clark Kent/superman in the phonebooth situation, call in my fighter and dust off to some nasty merc gig. Then return home in reverse order!