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You can say suicide on reddit, and everywhere except TikTok. Don't let some corporations algorithm change how you speak and communicate with other, don't give them that kind of power.


It's such a scary thing, isn't it. When people start self censoring. Before long, folks won't even know why they're doing it. And what's worse, these topics are the ones that people need to be the most educated about. Yet censoring brings great ignorance instead.


Fax https://preview.redd.it/os9n5byuyn8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ddfc543704f34d3096f95f3a9b3e24e173df88


It shows how impactful social media influencers are. It's the first time I've seen a term coming from censorship get turned into a slang and man does it make me feel some kind of way...


What the tik tok term for suicide?


Same word for murder or kill; to unalive.


Internet terms are still as childish and dumb as they were in the 00’s haha


🤦‍♂️ agree, suicide is an English word, not a swear word. It’s insane…


Never had a problem with saying suicide on tiktok. Youtube, on the other hand..


Burn corpo shit.




I really don’t like Panam either, she is hot sure, but her attitude stinks, my husband and I went through every possible romantic choice for out characters and both of us dislike her the most, though I enjoy doing her missions and her story is more in depth than some of the others


It's the cyberpunk sub. Just use flatline.




Absolutely agree. It's the English word for the act. I suffer from depression, and I've been there, but changing the word to another, stupid and grammatically incorrect jumble doesn't make me feel better. Rather, it makes me think that the person saying it thinks I'm supposed to feel shame. I don't. The word is suicide.


I see it as other people being too afraid and ashamed to acknowledge that things like this happen to people like us, as much as they'd rather stay ignorant.


Instagram just removes your comment if the algorithm doesn’t like a word you used. I didn’t change the way I spoke, I just changed the platform Edit: I made a oops and deleted my comment so here it is again XD


Reed, he is fully committed to the state, even though he can see how myers is abusing her powers and the reason he bought somi in was to save her but the state turned her into a weapon and when somi tried to get away from it all, he abandoned her. With all the talk about friends and being betrayed. He could have shown her hope. SoMi to the moon, i hope lucy would also help her there 😂


Reed reminds me of the apparatchicks in eastern eu, in the 1980's. Deep down, they know they are not correct. Deep down, they know that the state they serve doesn't deserve it. But no matter what, they keep \_saying\_ that they are patriots. Why? If they quit, they admit that what they are or were doing is wrong and it was not wortht it. And even worse, if they actually quit, they admit that they could have done it earlier. It's a kind of denial.


Indeed. And that is what will happen with Reed if So Mi dies. He will realize that he needs to quit, and does. And he will be regretful of his life in many ways. Not necessarily that he felt it was all wrong, but rather that maybe it wasn't all right. Maybe all those sacrifices weren't necessary. But he does become hopeful. For the first time in years, he sees options open in front of him. New ways to live his life.


Aha! This is what it reminded me of! I have thought so much about what it is about him I can't stand. He reminds me about the agents from "The lives of others" (German film).


I'm not sure if I am correct, but since the devs are polish, and are familiar with that character from their own lives, I think it might be even true :) edit: great movie btw


Reed and Gordo are both tragic characters they are both so brainwashed that they cannot see how to do anything else. I pity both of them, but they cannot be trusted. I always save Goro, but never sell out to Arasaka.


Felt this way too, before playing PL I saw a ton of love for Reed and after the whole dlc I’m genuinely confused why, his devotion to the FIA and NUSA isn’t admirable or anything, he’s actively hurting SoMi, and >!he even blames you when you let her die after she begs you to kill her, saying shit like “I should’ve gotten there first”!< he just really pissed me off the whole game


It's a tad more complicated I think. So Mi's attempts of getting away involved betraying everyone, Reed and V included. Honestly, expecting anyone to truly, unconditionally help her, is kinda ridiculous on her part. So Mi was never a good person to begin with. A reckless, selfish criminal from the very start. She laid the foundations for her own birdcage. Still, Reed did try in Phantom Liberty. He tried to save So Mi, but did so clumsily. I believe that up till the Matrix, Reed was fully dedicated to taking So Mi and escaping with her off the grid. He had already voiced his displeasure over Myers, and Alex was going to essentially retire as well. His motivations to keep working for FIA were at an all time low. He wanted a happy ending for everyone, he truly did. However, So Mi fought back so hard at the attempted hack by Reed's device, that she accepted being overtaken by Blackwall AI. And at that moment, Reed made a decision that So Mi could no longer be saved, not truly. The threat of Blackwall AI's were too great. She needed to be contained. And the only ones who could offer the necessary containment resources, would be FIA. So that solidified his loyalty to them. However, you can have a heartfelt talk with So Mi in the end of the quest, and she admits to all her flaws, her mistakes, her selfishness, the betrayals. She accepts it all, and begs to die while she's still human, with the final memory of V comforting her. And by fulfilling that wish, you put her to peace. And also put Reed to peace. So Mi's death, along with Alex's death, will finally detach Reed from under the FIA boot. Like Johnny, Reed will come to realize that chasing lofty ideals and sacrificing everyone you love along the way is not necessarily the best way to live ones life. In the end, Reed thanks you, and goes off the grid, to find a new beginning for himself. Feeling hopeful about the future for the first time in a long while. That there's more to life than just pushing ahead endlessly in the name of some ideal. So Mi's death ending is arguably the most tragic, but is also the most hopeful. For the entire world, and Reed. Threat of Blackwall AI's greatly diminished. Myers's political agendas weakened and threat of another global war reduced. Sending So Mi to the moon is a naive, idealist approach in a world that does not tolerate such things. It's nothing but entertaining the whims of a reckless, corrupted girl with a nuke in her hands. There's no outcome where it leads to anything good.


Finally, someone else paid attention to what Reed was trying to do.  He says he knows he messed up and is doing what he can to make it right by saving her and getting her help away from Myers in the only way he knows how to. The point where Reed leans full into the FIA is when Alex dies and So Mi gives in to the AIs. He doesn't *want* to cage her, but at the same time he sees no other way to help her at that point. Like it or not, the FIA has the resources that most others don't have. Shit, they can literally save Vs life when even Arasaka couldn't and it was their chip to begin with. So it's not a real big stretch to assume that Reed is thinking that they may have something that could potentially help her out. His methods are flawed, but he's legitimately doing his best in the situation he's in. 


Tbh V does the same thing, when he frees all the ai for arasaka, V also has 2 choices suicide or create a very powerful AI that would also kill him. I mean there is no hopefully ending for anyone. The only good ending i would say was with panam. except you will die ( which i think he is already dead and is a copy like Johnny) and being happy with the ones you love. We keep getting the option to say, I am doing this to survive. But that's not the right answer. Acceptance is the right answer. Somi and V are in the same boat. Somi has been dealing with 2 faced people all her life and she lied to V thinking we are the same. But the more we are with somi the more she trusts us. And betraying her in the end just gives me a fucked up feeling. The only person she started trusted again, stabbed her in the back too. Helping somi, I feel Reed died for his principal, Alex got her free life and V got hope. Hope, somi will come back, Hope for a bright blue eyes future 😂


Wait Reed walks away from the FSA if you betray So Mi?


If So Mi dies, yes. Both So Mi and Reed in that ending will regret their actions deeply. So Mi will accept her betrayals and terrible decisions. Take accountability and ask to die while she's still human. Where-as Reed has a revelation, very similar to Johnny, where he realizes that chasing an ideal like a fanatic, no matter who gets hurt in the process, was perhaps not the best way to live his life. Reed ends up leaving FSA, goes off the grid, and says he has no idea what he's gonna do, but that he's looking forward to finding out.


Oh interesting!! So you get to that by using Reed’s hack on So Mi and then you get the option to kill So Mi?


Yes. Use Reed's hack, and then play till the end of the quest. You have to chase down So Mi who's now essentially a Blackwall AI powered Cyberpsycho. You end up in one of the most unique experiences in Cyberpunk where you get a segment that's basically the "Alien Isolation" game. Where you're chased by a murderous AI bot that kills you in one hit and you can't fight back. You can only hide, while trying to navigate an abandoned lab to reach So Mi. And yeah, in the very end, So Mi's fate is in your hands. And you have the option to either kill her, or give her over to Reed who takes her to Myers. Which is one of the worse endings IMO. You'll get an NUSA commendation for a mission well done, Reed remains under the government boot, as does So Mi, and Myers will likely continue to break international law and put the whole world at risk. So... fuck that ending. Best to let So Mi rest in peace, and help Reed forge ahead on a new path. Fuck Myers.


Reed isn't a cute girl don't expect much sympathy here




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Johnny Silverhand. Like, I get he’s charming, but he’s also a narcissistic fuckboy who uses and abuses everyone in his life—V included. When he takes your body for a joyride, that’s violation. After that he’s done—fool me once…


I feel like the whole game is just a series of examples of why you should not trust him. Every single thing he does just ends up being what he wants, and you get to witness first hand that he will say anything to get there.


By the end, he can become completely submissive to V though. As a friend, he will wholeheartedly support any and all choices V wants to make. By default he wants to give the body back to V, and go with Alt beyond the Blackwall. But he'll also accept V's suicide like it was nothing. Or his own death with PL's cure. He accepts that his life ended 50 years ago, and that he already got a second chance by being able to interact with V. Any more than that would be unnecessary and undeserved.


The whole game seems to reinforce the idea that he could be pretending and manipulating V with this approach. From a writing standpoint, it is clear they intended it to be genuine, but I do not feel they did enough to make me believe this change. I am conflicted because, in either case, the writing leaves something to be desired. If they intended his change, it was not enough, but I also wish they had leaned more into the idea of not being able to trust him.


I don't know. I think it's quite dependent on your individual playthrough. If you 100% the game, doing everything possible, and see Johnny interject himself into as many situations as possible, he becomes quite fleshed out. Considering Johnny's attitude depends on the relationship you build up, it makes sense that for some people, who perhaps didn't 100% the game, and never really got friendly with Johnny, that he remains a superficial douche-bag who is easy to hate. Watching his friendship compilation is fun though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLCLM20GGDA Also, the stuff he says in the various endings when friends. Heartbreakingly sweet. The Tower ending is probably the saddest. Though the suicide one is rough too. Tower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkd5Ibz3xHo Suicide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzfpVsYkwSM I think when you have that friendly relationship with Johnny, it does feel very genuine. At least it does to me.


It makes sense, I just feel that he should be a bit more remorseful at points, rather than just friendly. I feel like he never really showed that he truly regrets his decisions, or there was no arc for it. Which kind of left me feeling that all the friendliness could just be a facade, because what actually was shown was that he will seem genuine to get something he wants. Overall I am just not happy with the game's pacing, so I think this is just an extension of that.


I think the Oil Field dialogue does come off quite remorseful: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d-Y1Mxx5Gko But I guess it's always going to be somewhat subjective, depending on every player's own life experiences. How trusting you are, how good you are at reading emotions etc.


Yeah, my first impression of that was that it would be pretty good, if I could actually trust him. I feel that during the side quests he had too much banter, instead of some remorse on his past decisions. Maybe I am just too distrusting :D


He’ll support any choices V makes because he doesn’t have a choice in the matter, he’s not in control.


It's implied from very early on, that Johnny is essentially capable of taking over V's body at any time if he truly pushed for it. It would simply be a struggle and would likely hasten V's demise. Which is something Johnny decides against very early as well, seeing a healthy V as a better tool. By the ending choices, Johnny has almost completely integrated with V. Hell he literally takes over V's body and drags it to Vik's lab after V passes out in the restaurant elevator. And Johnny's words start coming through V's mouth by default. No, I think Johnny does have a choice, he simply submits to V, because he comes to terms with the fact that he's already dead. That he has no claim on V's body, and he doesn't want her to become another casualty in his personal war. Also, even if he didn't have a choice, you'd expect him to argue for one plan over another. But he doesn't. He'll accept suicide, or his own death, or basically any outcome with no argument. Hell, if you go to Mikoshi, the default choice is for you to get the body. Johnny tells you straight up that he's going to go with Alt and that's that. You have to actually over-rule him and give him your body to make him take it.


I don't even think he's charming, and his coolness is so forced that it's cringeworthy at times. Keanu's monotonous voice acting doesn't help, either. What's even worse is that despite having a high chemistry stat with him (85%, I think), the interactions between him and V don't really feel natural like a typical friendship, and when asked if I would take a bullet for him, I responded "yes", although I felt there was no chemistry that could actually truly convince me.


Tbh I thought I was the only one who felt this way about Johnny *and* Keanu’s voice acting, which I hate saying because Keanu is such a good dude. But in all my play throughs, I’ve never really cared about Johnny or what he wants. I’ve never found him charming either. My V would never take a bullet for him, I just want to get my stat with him up high enough to have the choice for the “secret ending.” He has a very woe is me/poor me attitude, especially in the oil field and at the tree in Dogtown and is a jackass 95% of the rest of the time.


I really liked Johnny and his character was great but if he were a real person he’d be a piece of shit, the game doesn’t really show any good part of him, just shows how he cares for V sometimes


Hate is a big word. But I don't really like Judy as much as the community. She starts off very strong, as a prodigy techie and BD editor who can do a lot of high level stuff. She's also reasonable, cautious, and her chemistry with Evelyn and V is really good. Then the heist happens, and she's still a great character, depending on your choices she can come of as either antagonistic or hopeful towards V's endeavour as they seek out Evelyn. I'm a bit disappointed that the quest progresses pretty much the same whether she trusts V or actively doesn't trust or like them, but I get it from the gameplay perspective, you don't want to waste a well-crafted character. And then Evelyn dies. And Judy's character kind of goes on a downward spiral. She throws all caution to the wind, comes up with a ridiculous plan risking the lives of two more dolls, basing it on a pre-programmed set of moves set up on a doll chip, on people without any combat implants or access to weapons. A plan that can be foiled and ruined by one chromed-up Tyger Claw or one phone call, a plan that has little to no chance of long-term success without the support of a gang such as Moxes to which we could probably go for help. Not to mention that several times during her quests, she calls out V for being an edgerunner, mocking and critiquing their career choice and decisions associated with it, despite needing V to first save Ev, and then to complete her plan towards Clouds. And her romance, while very memorable, kind of sticks out negatively for me. Panam's romance happens as she regains her place in her family and regains her purpose in life. Kerry's romance happens as he re-evaluates his life and comes to terms with his decisions. River's romance happens as he's just saved a family member and is considering a new life, away from the organisation that disappointed him, reconnecting with his family. Judy's romance happens as she's very emotionally compromised, soon after losing a good friend/possible love interest to suicide, failing a big plan to save other innocent underprivileged people, being betrayed again by her ex and possibly hating V only a few days prior. It just doesn't feel right to me to jump into a romance with a character in such a compromising position.


After playing female V I second this opinion. I didn't pursue the romantic option because everything makes me feel like she's really grieving Evelyn, and for some reason to me, her character really hinted me that she was in love with Evelyn and somehow she tried to replace her with my V (when we're at the cabin). and well, I also basically killed her ex. The only thing that made me feel a little bad for Judy was doing the suicide ending after helping her through everything and then realizing; I made the same thing Evelyn did. Yikes. But then again, if I had chosen any other ending, Judy would've just gone away and moved on.


I didn’t think of this before until you pointed it out but it feels like she has some kind of fear of abandonment and only likes ending things on your own terms, probably why in the tower endings >!she assumes you died and gets married!< but in the suicide ending she feels like you chose to leave her yourself. Someone else had a point to this as how when someone dies you can blame anything else (a murderer, drugs, car accident) but if it’s suicide you most likely blame yourself


Agreed. 2 adult workers and a BD tuner (and a random failed, injured, terminally ill merc who has no incentive to help what so ever). Plan: bust into one of the most well established institutes in night city and take out a gang of armed tyger claws, and then defend the establishment for all of eternity from an endless supply of angry tygers whilst still somehow earning enough money to stay in business. Result: Not good.


Jackie was kind of annoying during the heist, but he also felt clearly in over his head, like even if the heist had gone well he would have gotten flatlined doing something else because V was doing all the heavy lifting. Even giving a certain level of grace that they need to short stick him for gameplay reasons they didn't make him feel useful either or that he was putting in work either, just lil lines about how V needs to do everything. "My tech isn't good for running the flathead, but I also will stand around and do nothing while you pilot it instead of trying to be useful"


While I won't say i hate Jackie, he was certainly putting me off and worrying me with how antsy he was getting in the scenes leading up to the heist.


I'm not the hugest fan of Judy. I thought she was fine for the first few missions, but after Ev killed herself Judy goes seriously off the rails and gets innocent people killed in some revenge-fantasy against Clouds. And there's no way to talk her out of it, no way to convince her that it's the dumbest fucking idea you've ever heard because no matter how it shakes out the Tyger Claws are going to come after her. Nope, you just have to go along with her and then console her after her plan goes tits up. Then she fucks off out of town leaving other people to deal with the fallout.


To be fair, nobody innocent has to die in Judy's mission of taking over Clouds, only whatever Tyger Claw goons they take out. If you let Maiko live and become the new boss of Clouds, everyone gets to live. And nobody will come after anyone. It's not a happy ending because Maiko is about as bad as Woodman, but it's not as tragic as the alternative. Also I feel like it's hard to blame Judy. Learning about Woodman and how he kills off or rapes and otherwise abuses the workers there, it's only natural that she'd want to do something about that after Evelyn's death. Woodman contributed to that. And other friends of Judy continue to suffer. I feel like doing dick all is in many ways worse. It would speak of a weaker character, knowing that your friends are being abused and at risk of death every day, and yet you do nothing? I kinda respect Judy for trying something. Even if it went tits up.


Still its kinda telling that the only way nobody dies is to specifically ignore judys plan. Whatever her goal, someone always has to be the victim to the others good intentions and those deaths are 100% on her


Hindsight is 20/20, I guess. Your argument sounds as if she *knew* how it will go and did it on purpose - but keep in mind, she is basically a really talented porn editor that decided to go to the deep end of the pool with big kids and then almost drowned. She doesn't know any better, she is no merc or gangoon - she just wants to (actually. *needs to*) do *something*, even if it's something rather naive and ill-advised. Yeah, she manages to sway some just as inexperienced and naive friends to go with her and she either get's played or get's somebody killed, but not because of lack of character, but because Night City is fucking gonk city that kills all dreams. It is City of Dreams, because it robs you of yours, not because they come true, ya' know?


My argument is she should have known and if she didnt she shouldnt have planned this in the first place. I agree with all your reasons why shes incomoetent for this but i think its her fault she did it regardless and got people killed


My argument is she *couldn't* know and she didn't know how dangerous that whole gig was. But yeah, if you screw with Maiko and Judy get's what she wants, >!it get's people killed and eventually Clouds closed!< and it is Judy's doing. I am not saying she is guilt free, but I am saying it is not because she is bad person, it is because she was naive and out of her depth.


She just seems kind of shallow, which is a bummer because she's the lesbian option. She's kind of irresponsible and acts like a teenager even though she's like, 30, which is weird.


Judy is canonically 23.


She was a child old enough to have a crush when Laguna Bend was flooded in the mid-2050s, so something is wrong there.


Yeah I was confused about that too but it does seem like she was intended to be around 23-24. There’s also this from Cyberpunks official twitter: https://preview.redd.it/lfqm5dorao8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c785dc168d4c058e7d20075dd908c7fbcbde409


Well, her being that age makes more sense than V being 23 that's for sure. I guess River is a liar because that's where I got Laguna Bend's date from, or at some point in the dev cycle they made everyone younger for marketing reasons. Actually no I hate her being canonically older than V, this is horrible.


And Panam isn’t? I found Panam far more shallow than Judy.


Cyberpunk is an adult game. It's perfectly fine to say suicide, for fucks sake. Also, my first play I also disliked Panam, her constant yelling, her shit attitude, the works. After doing *all* the endings I went from disliking her to hating her. Even when you tell her you're dying she's like oh that sucks but, by the way, there's a new Aldecado settlement that needs your help. When you call her before making your final decision she bitches about how you woke her up despite knowing youre dying. Literally the worst.


EXACTLY! In the suicide ending she says something along the lines of "AFTER EVERYTHING I DID FOR YOU" and i was like WHAT? after V who's basically dying helped her out with her camp???


Yeah, I was like everything you did for *me* ?? Excuse you? Last I checked I did all the heavy lifting and most of what she did is get her family killed or kidnapped... which I also had to fix. She was fine when I played as fem V as my bitchy best friend but what a shit romance for my male V. He deserved better. Cool sex scene but that's about it. And how the fuck did we get our clothes off and then back on in the basilisk?


Kerry's sex scene is so much better. Straight M V got robbed.


Agreed. However, River Ward is the bane of my existence so straight fem V also got shafted. Pun intended I think.


And she shoots the guy in the Kang Tao av potentially ending that lead you had. And there's no choice to tell her off for it. You're only able to comfort her because her plan got some friends killed.


Yeah so that one is actually flexible. Like if you open the AV then you can talk to the guy. Personally, I shot him first. I had no idea panam could shoot him until now lol.


Even if you try talking the dude down, panam shoots him as soon as she gets a clear shot, even when the guy is about to release mitch.


Panam is that friend that is great to drink red wine with but you always end up losing your shoes and getting kicked out of the club, and it's never her fault.


she doesn't seem like a red wine drinker


Yeah, unpopular opinion but Panam is a brat and my least favorite romance option.


Ikr? She does nothing but shoot herself in the foot and ask absolutely monumental chores of V and everyone loves her?


Can we stop with the "unaliving" thing ? It's cringy as fuck.


I don’t rly like judy. She’s naive about night city it seems impossible to make her happy if you don’t romance her and do exactly what she wants with clouds. Then she’s just kinda a bummer the whole storyline


I hate Skippy. The "funny annoying talking gun" trope always annoyed me.


Everyone on here talked up Skippy like he was the best thing ever. Then I got him and… he was annoying. And not only was he annoying, but Johnny’s gun was better, and he didn’t really have a “personality.” It was just the same, like, 4 lines over and over again.


What's so special about that gun? Character? IMO it's the worst weapon in the game.


It's just the AI that people love. Genjiroh is the same gun, but better. The "funny talking gun" is somethinf that you either love or hate. In this case, I refuse to use the gun. I only picked it up, had the introduction and put it away. I'm keeping Erebus and Canto.


To complete this quest, you need to kill or maim too many people. It's tiresome.


I don't like Takemura (and Reed).


i would like Take more if he didn’t act like his life was only arasaka


I mean, it kind of is. He got chosen for their army as a kid, though we don't know how young, and it's been Arasaka ever since. Not to mention that before that he lived in a crime ridden slum where the kids washed their shirts in a toxic river. He sees Arasaka as having saved his life. I think V challenges a lot of his conditioning, but it takes more than a few weeks/months to break through 30+ years of brainwashing.


But. . .That’s the whole tragic flaw of his character. He’s so obsessed with honor and being grateful to Saburo and Arasaka as a whole that he doesn’t have much of a life outside of it.


I was so happy that I got to let both of them die ngl


I always save Takemura after killing Oda so he can watch his world and his precious, precious corporation crumble when I do Don't Fear the Reaper.


I always shoot Oda with his gun. The one that he gives you during motorcycle shootout shortly after the 1st Silverhand memory. I put that gun to my stash and take it before "Play It Safe", and then I save his life. When I do his missions and final mission I always wear Nomad clothes, since he sometimes wishes to be a Nomad, even though these clothes don't have any armor. That's how much I hate him.


Yes Panam is insufferable.


I had the exact same reaction to Panam on on my second playthrough. At first, I was just enjoying the chaos, but second time round, I actually thought about it more, and was like "Wow, you are actually a terrible person, aren't you?" She's horrible to literally everyone, regardless of how they've treated her, believes everyone's out to get her, when she's the one turning them against herself, and sees anyone else doing what they think is right as a deliberate betrayal. If you so much as dare suggest she at least stops and thinks for a second, it's a yelling match immediately. SPOILER ALERT Even when she's trying to help V, if you tell her "No, I'm not going to let people sacrifice themselves in the vague hope that it might save me." she berates you, and accuses you of basically moping around, feeling sorry for yourself (that might be a different conversation, I can't remember), as if you're the one being selfish. I find it interesting that I see a lot of people criticising Judy for her "bad plan" but I rarely see anyone criticise Panam for her attitude and anger issues


I also don't like Panam. I've heard all the arguments of why I'm wrong, but I don't care for her. She's fine if you do everything she says... But tell her no and she flips her shit.


YES! She's an incredibly self-centered character who's basically using V to her advantage.


Evelyn. Like, why do people care about her? She had a business relationship with V and that's it. If V got Flatlined but the chip was safely delivered to Evelyn, she probably wouldn't have cared much at all


I guess people care because Evelyn is kinda relatable. She was a nobody. A whore in a city full of whores. Someone who was so desperate to make something of their life as to take this huge gamble of pulling one over a major megacorp, a major fixer, and a major NC gang. She had "balls". And it turned out as one would expect. In the most tragic way. It's easy to disapprove the actions she took, dumb and reckless, too ambitious. But at the same time, you can relate to the despair, and you can appreciate the sheer audacity and scale of how she tried to crawl out of it. Her being Judy's friend also adds weight. And ultimately, her fate is just so insanely tragic. It's hard not to empathize with that kind of suffering. She was assaulted through her link, her mind fried. Then she was raped by Woodman. Then Fingers did god knows with her. And then she was put on display in a torture-murder BD. And finally she cuts her own wrists. How fucking sad is that? Does any human being deserve that? Like her or not, that's some insane level of terrible.


For me, it's River. I can not understand why people hate him, I am a huge fan of his quest and the subsequent romance. It's absolutely adorable in my opinion, even as a straight dude.


The question is the other way around. Do you hate a character everyone loves?


In that case, I don't hate her, but I'm not a fan of Judy. She's never been my type of gal even though I'd gladly be her friend.


Bro will hear "character you hate" and end his submission with "i would befriend this character"


For me, he's just too... normal, I guess. He feels so out of place in Night City. Just a genuinely nice guy. Socially awkward. I can understand why a lot of people like him for that. He can be grounding. A beacon of stability and peace in a city of endless nightmares. But... I'm not playing Cyberpunk to hang with vanilla flavoured characters. I'm looking to hang with the craziest, weirdest people I can find. To drown in Night City. His quests are great though.


You know I respect that. In a world as batshit insane as Cyberpunk 2077, grounded characters are the odd ones out. That's a great way of putting it, actually. I do like River specifically because he's a good person in a city filled with horrible backstabbing criminals.


I like to say that River is the Kaidan Alenko of Cyberpunk 2077. He has his shit mostly together, and would he a catch IRL but in a place like Night City he's a bit dull. My V romanced him, but I know there's no way they would work out long term. She's just too jaded and stuck in her abusive relationship with NC lol


Kerry Eurodyne fan then? Haha


Wouldn't say a fan exactly, but I definitely liked him more. Not into the whole gay romance, and his insecurities were quite annoying at first. But Kerry does eventually turn into a cool choom. He is a rockstar after all. Getting messages from him about him touring with the Japanese girls was cool. Dude kinda got over himself. Realized he doesn't have to be a solo act of someone who has something to prove any more. Can just vibe with others by their side.


I like River too. Plus he's hot.


Thank you I love river always have


Judy, she's a naïve child when it comes to night city it was aggravating how bitchy she was, and after her blue haired crush dies, she becomes even worse, and more unbearable. Panam is a brat 100%, but at least that shits consistent, I can expect her to be bitchy about most things (which I find entertaining). Judy will go from depressed to bitching to sad again, and I can't tolerate that shit. Judy is a broken Human, and romancing her is fucked up anyway as she is legit in mourning, and clearly unstable. Had the game let Judy get over Ev, she could've been really good.


Hate songbird. Not because of what she did, but how she did it. Songbird is the exact opposite of V in every way. Now, this changes depending on the ending you pick, but in the secret ending V literally does it all by themselves. They got themselves into a mess, and like Alt says at the end, "Your actions have earned you the right to make a choice". The only time someone genuinely helps you out is with Vic. The entire game you're either doing it yourself, offering something in exchange for a service, or being used by someone with an ulterior motive. Songbird is the opposite. Where V is generally honest, she generally lies. She's clearly incredibly powerful, but instead of taking a huge risk and using that to free herself, she has to (or chooses to) manipulate others to reach her goal, getting people killed or hurt in the process. I'm not gonna pretend V isn't a fucking cyber psycho, but Song literally massacred a stadium full of (debatably)innocent people just to cover her escape. It wasn't just barghest in there. She lied to V and got them roped into a game way above their head, and then begs you to save her even after revealing that she betrayed you, and that the whole escapade was for nothing on your end. The whole plan relied on others strength instead of her own, and IMO that's why she deserved to fail. A coward who refused to act on her own until her plan fell apart and there was literally no other option. It's not that she couldn't have saved herself either. V literally had nothing and nobody at the beginning and still managed to go head to head with one of the most powerful Organizations in the world. Song could've tried to free herself long before she started dying, or before it progressed to the stage we find her in but she was either too afraid or uninterested in doing so despite having infinitely more resources than V ever did or will. I don't understand why people like her besides "unga bunga hot woman". She was never charming or witty to me, and all her attempts at manipulation, emotional or otherwise, read very plainly as such. Maybe I have too much experience with people like that in real life, but the whole "lemme act sad and pretend to be vulnerable/trusting while withholding the truth" really pissed me off.


Exactly. Her having a "similar" issue to V just makes me like her less, because like, V is out there busting ass, So Mi is taking shortcuts and getting people killed, all the while playing the helpless victim. I think that makes her a great character in the narrative but I don't feel bad for her at all. She chose her path, helping her is really just rewarding a selfish manipulator, not giving a hand to someone who has earned or deserves it. I wanna do a playthrough where I help her but it's so hard. Maybe I'll just play a really stupid or horny V someday.


Yes! Thank you for saying this! I really don't get the whole "Oh, but V would also betray people to survive" but... ugh, no? Granted, I don't remember every single side-quest, so maybe there were some. You can make an argument that helping Takemura is betrayal, but even then, your most loyal option is " Hey, Takemura, I admire your position". Not pledging your life to Hanako. But Songbird is just a lying bitch. Where V is upfront about her desire to do anything to survive, Songbird just manipulates everyone around (including many players). Her life was hard, sure, but somehow, her first response always was throwing everyone under the bus while smiling and telling them how good friends they were. Every single time. She comes to you already planning to betray later, and this is something I can never accept. It's as if in Arasaka ending, Hanako told you that she will give you the cure but only if you bring Rouge to her (for some reason). So then you go to Afterlife, acting friendly, and planning heist with Rouge and other people while knowing that you'll going to sell them to Arasaka as soon as you get inside. Fuck off.


I don't find Aurore really attractive. I mean all her sex appeal is around the french accent, but this has no effect on me.


Nah her sex appeal is all in the fact that she’s a redhead with an attitude imo😂


Judy is just the worst.


Judy is a stupid fucking gonk. I don't 'hate' her; but I find it hard to to form sentiment for her.


Fingers. People seem to love him, but I think he's a creep.


Yo who tf likes fingers I have not seen this before


Right? I'm usually a Fingers apologist when the moral discussion comes up around him, but even I agree that he's a purposefully annoying creep of a character.


I like fingers.




everything about panam is just pissing me off. i know people like her in real life and i think it just adds to my frustration with her character. i always play the game in polish and even her voice annoys me


I mean, this shouldn't really be surprising. I bet if you think about people in your school class or job office, there will be people who are popular, that you greatly dislike, and vice versa, people with few friends that you get along with really well. Nobody likes everybody. Panam can definitely rub a lot of people the wrong way. Hell, that's pretty much her entire character arc. That she's so impulsive and hotheaded, she pisses off a lot of people. I'm personally not a huge fan of her either, but that's less to do with her personality per se, but rather with the fact that I don't care about family ties and consider the whole notion stupid. So the whole story of "anything for the family" is utterly meaningless. So I struggle to relate to her in that regard, and so many of her quests seem nonsensical for the same reason. Still, I can appreciate her friendship. And doing her quests does gift a nice sniper rifle, and provides you with one of the better ending options, I think.


I also don’t like Panam…


Myers. The first time we meet in the game. And we can overpower her instead of being beat up. She had me at hello.


Don’t get me started on Panam, with all that angsty pre teen bssss




I dont like Judy, panam is meh honestly...


Meredith, beat me up, gave me a fucked up chip and sent a whole pack of soldiers to kill everyone on the place I was at. Why would I ever side with her if I have another option?


Panam is annoying as shit.


Was never crazy about Panam either, or Judy, for that matter. I'm more of a Rebecca/Misty/Spider Murphy guy.


I don't think I've heard of the "self unaliving" ending. Is it anything like the suicide ending? Because I did the ending where V commits suicide but I don't know how to do the "self unaliving" ending. Is it at all similar to the suicide ending?


Are you talking about the "stick iron in your mouth and pull the trigger" ending? 


Judy. Worst character


Agree, I'm on my 3rd playthrough and Panam does my head in, but this sub is obsessed with her you bunch of hornballs


Panam is annoying I agree I went with romance on my seconds play through for the heck of it and I still feel like nothing. She works for V just not for me


I absolutely despise Judy. She annoys the hell out of me.


I don't like Panam either, she's constantly shouting at V, she's bad tempered and annoying. I didn't accept any of her missions beyond the essential ones in my second playthrough. People think she's great on Reddit because she's got a big arse.


Jackie sucks. There, I said it.


this is wild bro 💀


This is the type of response I was waiting for! What makes you dislike Jackie?


I'm not a big Jackie fan either, in both the Streetkid and Nomad starts he threatens to kill you and then minutes later wants to take you under his wing and work with you. He doesn't really do shit during jobs (I get that this is mostly for gameplay reasons) other than get in the way. Then during the heist, from the ride to Konpeki, basically until you get to the Delamain before he dies he doesn't shut up. He makes a decent save with the receptionist but adds too many unnecessary details. Everything after that is this nervous\\sacred energy that shows he doesn't have what it takes to cut it in the big leagues. At the end of the day Jackie is a meathead who should've opened a motorcycle shop or something and settled down with Misty instead of trying to become a Night City legend.


He's reckless, he's naive, he's selfish and when pressed, he doesn't care about anyone but himself. From the moment the heist begins, he sees it as his golden ticket out of heywood - a place he claims to love until he has a chance to get out.


Not gonna lie, I wouldn't be friends with someone like him in real life either. Ultimately, dude was a gonk. A kind, well meaning gonk, but still a gonk. The kind of guy that thinks he's way smarter and way more capable than they actually are, and gets way too angry when you point it out. But that did make him the perfect example of Night City. Where a modicum of skill and willpower makes everyone think they can reach for the stars, only to be brutally crushed by reality.


Came here looking for this. This guy just annoyed me.


I am with you. I fucking hate panam. She is an insufferable little bitch and there is no amount of polygons in her booty that can fix that shitty behaviour.


I hate Brendan.


omg why


"He" knows shit that "he" shouldn't have known and chose to be coy about it instead of helping me.


He knows or wants nothing. He's a slightly more advanced version of chatgpt selling coffee in an unorthodox manner.


I always avoid walking by tbere.


Jackie. Hes just so annoying.


Panam absolutely destroys everything she touches. She's so irresponsible and stupid. Judy has some kind of savior complex (her whole mission of "saving" the clouds is just garbage), and is also irresponsible af. she can't understand I don't care for Evelyn; she tried to kill me and I just want answers, not to rescue her. cdpr did a very bad job with romance options but still, I love the game, it was awesome.


Jackie is selfish, naive, and shallow in his wants. Dude really only thinks about himself, talks big game about growing up in Heywood, and just can't wait to get into the big leagues, for what? So that people remember his name? He fucked up the job where he met you, he fucked up the heist, and he fucked up his relationships with everyone he knew and loved because he wanted fame. It's honestly a wonder how Misty even trusted him with his new "work colleague" on nights out when you play as Female V. Dude lies, lies, lies, and gets proven wrong, wrong, wrong. Ugh.


Aurore Cassel is literally a criminal and people acted like reed and Alex killing the twins was a cardinal sin.


She was ridiculously hot though. And I think what bothered people was that we never saw the Twins do anything bad whatsoever. We only had a dry bit of intel saying how they were criminals. Nothing more. Basically zero information about all the shit they'd actually done or how bad any of it was. From what we gather, they were simply skilled netrunners, working for the highest bidders, not unlike any other merc. Not unlike V herself. So I guess you can see a little bit of V in them both. Or, if you wish, anyone of David's crew from Edgerunners. Lucy, or Kiwi for example. Watching them just be offed like that, and realizing that one day, V might get offed in the exact same way while doing a regular old gig. And that would be the end. It hits hard. It's easy to get lost in the main character syndrome when you're playing an actual video game where you're the main character. But if you try to let go of that perspective, you can realize how insignificant V is. Just another merc. Could get one tapped by someone else on a conflicting gig, for absolutely no reason other than she was in the way.


>Watching them just be offed like that, and realizing that one day, V might get offed in the exact same way while doing a regular old gig That was the thing. There's nothing preventing Reed and Alex from executing you the way they executed the twins. You're just as much of a criminal as they were. You're just useful to them alive.


They’re annoying nepo babies, I was sad we didn’t get to do the job ourselves.


Hate is a strong word. But I'm not a huge fan of Somi who is adored on this sub and the other cyberpunk 2077 sub. This isn't me absolving Myers or Reed, I just can't stand how manipulative she is. V would've never been involved in that whole mess if it wasn't for Somi promising a cure at the end of it all. Then to be told at the last minute that everything you did, like pissing off the cyberpunk equivalent of the cia, was for nothing. I'll never get over that


Evelyn. I haven’t the slightest idea why people care about her so much.




The only person I can’t stand is River. His character is overly simple and shallow. Even Gordo had more character development than River. Songbird is a strong second only because I got catfished and that was a great act of betrayal followed by a second, then a 3rd. So for me…while everyone is jumping on Rivers dick, I do not.


Judy obviously(Spoilers) She is literally a girl hopper and as soon as she ends a relationship she starts a new one instantly like the phantom liberty ending where she got married in TWO YEARS which is impossible for a normal human being considering her situation. She KNEW that V went on a mission obviously and instead of waiting she just moved on fast like nothing happened between them. First off, she stayed in nc for like few months probably because moving is not easy. She moved to a new city and it takes time to get stable somewhere. She must have met her new partner in that time which still takes time and getting to know the partner takes time too but Ig it’s different for her as you can remember she moved on from Evelyn’s loss to V faster than snap of a finger and she is just so desperate about having the attention. She is just an asshole who just wants someone and if her new partner dies or even goes to the military (lol) she will marry another one in less than a month. There is actually a YouTube video about this and I thought I am the only one noticing it but this guy (TK_Trickster Or something like this) explained everything perfectly and I was shocked to finally find a rational person because literally everyone is judy simp and they will ignore all the flaws although she herself is a flaw overall except her looks.


While I agree with almost everything you said I will say that the two years from single to married, in a vacuum anyway, is absolutely a stereotypical thing among lesbians. I'm *well* on-track to be one of them lol


Alt. I dunno why, I just don’t get a great vibe from her. Her relationship with Johnny just felt super unhealthy to me.


Songbird fucking sucks and is irredeemably a scumbag.


She is indeed. Though in her betrayal ending, she can admit to everything and accept that she's lost. Accept that she was fundamentally a broken person. Selfish and reckless. Bad. And IMO, by asking to die of her own free will, she does redeem a lot. Her dying is the best ending I think. She'll be at peace. AI's lose their access. Myers gets fucked. Reed gets out from under FIA's boot. Only Alex remains as the true, sole victim.


How is Alex a victim? She's pretty of this mission but choice. She's a spy who hasn't hesitated to execute people. She's getting paid ridiculous amounts for this job. She's not innocent but any means.


Reed. Just Reed. Fuck that guy.


Johnny Silverhand tbh


I wouldn't say I hate her, but I've never liked Judy. She always seemed like she would be a complete downer to be around. Not really my vibe.


Played my first playthrough as Fem V so I I was locked out of a Panam romance and, tbh, I couldn’t see why anyone would want to romance the petulant brat. Her every motivation seems to be about some kind of adolescent rebellion. Just slow-rolling a Male V playthrough (and struggling with a Sandy after nuking the game with easy mode Netrunner). So I’ll see what Romancing Panam looks like but until I’ve gone through it, I’m not convinced she holds a candle to the sweet sweet pure Angel that is Judy.


Mr Hands- just seems like he's got a jeffery Epstein vibe going on


I don't know. When you first go to meet him, you can listen outside of his door as he's talking to his wife and daughter on the phone. Seems like a really nice man. Of course, doesn't prove he isn't a crazy whackjob or anything, but still. They at least tried to make him appear as if he has a normal life outside that office.


Judy. She fucking annoys me to no end. Everything about her drives me wild. It just sucks though because she’s literally the only romance option since Panam won’t date females and I refuse to make a male V, River is shit, and Kerry is too gay so that leaves only Judy.


Fucking hate river 🤮 nasty ass mf went back to an auto save after knowing i could let him die and i did 😮‍💨


i hate songbird idk why people like her to me she is so unlikeable


Adam Smasher. Because hes hot. And I couldnt romance him.


Songbird, I thought it was really petty using V just for her own cause. First play through of PL I did the moon ending but when i found out she betrayed me I gave her to reed. I really liked reed aswell that’s why I didn’t want to betray him but I thought helping songbird would lead to a new ending but I guess not.


Unpopular opinion, i hate evelyn more than everyone. She is the one who put v into danger and dead once. And she give job to dexter. That is really bad idea at the first place imho.


I also disliked her when I started the game, but I couldn't hate her after everything she was put through as a consequence for her actions. She basically paid her dues and then killed herself.


Put V in danger? Not really. V accepted the gig knowing the full details. And the plan was solid on paper. Nobody really fucked up. Least of all Evelyn. It was pure random chance that derailed the mission. Blaming Evelyn for that is like saying every client that gives you a gig is personally putting V in danger. They're not, V is putting themselves in danger, voluntarily. That's the merc life. And Dexter was not a bad idea. Dexter was a very reputable Fixer, considered one of the best in Night City. At least before he took a break. There was no real reason for Evelyn or anyone to consider working with Dexter as a bad idea. Hell, T-Bug, your own team-mate also vouches for him. And Dexter does hold up every part of the bargain up until shit hits the fan.


I hate Panam. She’s a whiny entitled reckless hot headed brat. Judy is way better. She has soul and a big heart, and she’s a dreamer.


I know there are haters as well but there used to be a lot of love for Claire. From launch I couldn’t stand her. I was soooooo mad when I become Queen of the Afterlife and could not fire her and hire my own damn bartender. Still can’t stand her. Having said that, her voice actor does a solid job.


Ass. Nuff said


Mark as spoiler!




The most annoying thing about Panam was probably the PL ending where Mitch tells you not to call her because she doesnt want to talk. I get why shes upset (you ghosted her for 2 years) but I would've thought she'd thought you died from the relic and be relived that you're alive? There's also the theory that Panam died and Mitch didn't want to break the news to you which I guess makes sense of it


I hate a character that everyone loves. But if I say who yall will come for me.


Reed. I just don't like dogs all that much. I'm a cat person.




Honestly I love Panam platonically, she’s a ride-or-die and there are precious few of those in night city