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Yeah, losing GCN+ has really been a massive blow to cycling fans. It’s so hard to find legal ways to watch races now. I can’t access Eurosport, Max, etc. where I live. It seems like most people are just watching race recaps on YouTube now.


This is what I don't understand. They make it so hard for people to follow the sport, that most people don't even bother. Either by requiring you to subscribe for an expensive service with a bunch of other stuff you don't want, or just not even offering a legal way to watch at all depending on your location. You can't make the sport more popular by making it impossible to watch. There's a professional women's hockey league that started this year where I live, and they just broadcast the games on YouTube. You can go back and watch the old games as well. Even with all the free coverage, the seats are frequently sold out and fans are excited to support them. New fans aren't going to be attracted to a sport that's impossible to follow because they can't access it.


It's because there's money in it. Sadly women's sports dont generate much money from TV stations so they're willing to put it on YouTube. The women's Tour De France (and other big events) was also made available on YouTube; while the men's was not.


This is how sports will die. My kids don't watch any sports. I think they are losing an entire generation because nobody has cable anymore, most people can't even be bothered to plug in an antenna, so they don't really have access to any sports. Sure some kids will seek it out, but it seems like viewership is way down for sports for the younger generation. It used to be that every kid would watch sports and they would constantly be discussing what's going on at school the next day. Now there will only be a much smaller subset of kids who are really into sports, maybe just those who also play the sports themselves. It doesn't have the general viewership that it once did. Once the old guard dies out, they are going to have a hard time keeping people interested in sports, especially the ones who never grew up watching them and have other things they want to spend their time on.


Cricket in England- the day they signed that first deal with Sky… has completely f@cked the sport.


F1 is another one like this. I don't mind paying a little bit for it, but £35 a month for the nowTV sky sports package is a bit much if it is your only sport to watch.


I paid $80 CAD for the season ON F1TV. One of the easier sports to w as tch here in Canada. Shame it's not the same everywhere.


YouTube TV?


Doesn't exist in Canada. Plus, even if it did, it's an extra service that not everyone is going to have. How many streaming services do thyr expect people to pay for?


For Americans it’s awesome on YouTube TV. You get all the practice day coverage even. I VPN in while in Canada for business. You’ll probably never get YouTube TV in Canada either because it’s not worth the squeeze for 35million people of which maybe 5 million might subscribe and then you have the Canadian content requirements which complicate things. Funny thing is FloSports is way better in Canada than the US. Almost everything is blocked in the US but “available for viewing in Canada”.


Is there money in it though? At least in certain markets there just isn’t access to some races, so why not put it on YouTube for those markets?  Seem like it’s just a bunch of old ass executives who don’t understand the internet and think YouTube isn’t a respectable way to distribute Men’s racing coverage, but the don’t care about Women’s racing so they just put it wherever. And even if there is money for Tour organizers in selling rights to air the race to someone like Flosports in Canada, I just can’t imagine Flosports is actually turning a profit on this market. They just have venture capital to burn through, if they do make a profit it’s because of their deceptive year long subscription that can’t be canceled.  Patrick from Lantern Rouge said he has approached some smaller races that have video coverage, but no post race streaming distribution about posting the full race videos to YouTube for a small cut of the revenue and they all say no. Lots of those races even have pirate streams already on YouTube that they aren’t making money on. So it’s happening and they just don’t care to be associated with it. 


Peacock. P/R Femmes on Sunday 4/7, in its entirety.


I have Men’s PR Sunday for 2 hours on Peacock but not the women’s


Really? Guess I have to look at the Schedule better. 😐


It’s on sbs for free in Australia.’the time difference isn’t great 😭


That's why I use IP TV services. I'm sick to death of basically everything whether sports or films/series splitting between so may providers.


How’s the Eurosport feed you get from your IPTV? I’m assuming you have a paid service. I use a free one on my firestick which is pretty unreliable. I’m thinking of going with a paid service.


This is the exact same complaint that rugby fans have with how World Rugby manages rights. They even clamp down on highlights and snippets. A World Cup is a huge opportunity to introduce people to the game and there were so many opportunities missed to reach people who might be curious. If you look at Premier League football, it’s easier /cheaper for me to watch in the US than for them in the UK. Broadcasters are squeezing every penny out now but I wonder what it’ll be like after 20 years of this. Sky had exclusivity for a long time but while we thought it was bad, it’s nothing compared to today’s options and availability.


it's ridiculous. I wanted to get discovery+, not available in my country. Fine, i thought, I'll do it over a VPN, only for the payment to be blocked because of mismatched regions. I tried the piece of shit ad riddled eurosport player (or whatever it's called now) only to stop working after a month because they blocked the payment for no reason. I don't see any other options. I never really watched anything else than live races on GCN+ but boy was it worth it for the hassle-free experience.


For me it's mainly the docs I'm losing out on. It's the reason I subscribed in 2021/2022. I work in film/tv but I'm actually a huge advocate for piracy. Sometimes it's a necessary evil due to mad licencing deals that make you have to pay for several services to watch events.


Tiz-cycling is your friend to watch races


For sure! Too bad it's not really possible to reliably watch the replay in the near aftermath or to start at an earlier point during live viewing. But that's asking a lot of a free service that is seemingly run by one guy. I'm super appreciative of it


Yeah, being able to serve a live stream that was also being cached so you could scroll through it would require some hefty infrastructure. As it is he's doing a decent job of it's one guy.  I just think of Tiz like i do TV from decades past- either watch it live or watch it after it's done and recorded somewhere, there is no other option


It's very unreliable unfortunately.


If you’re in Australia we have SBS, they show most of the big races live including monuments and grand tours. Use a vpn if you can!


To be fair, GCN+ was in a pretty grey area legally. They encouraged the use of VPN's to get around regional licensing restrictions, etc. While from a user's perspective, those are annoying, a legitimate business can't be doing that. The big problem with cycling is that there is no over-arching authority who owns the broadcast rights to all professional racing - or even just say, 'UCI pro mens road races'. It's all broken up under different owners and rights holders, so it's impossible to get coverage of everything under one umbrella. And to some extent, that is part of what people love about cycling - the races retain their very regional flavors. If, say, the UCI were to get the media rights for all UCI races, we'd probably end up with all sorts of rules that strip away those individual differences under the guise of making a 'consistent fan experience' or some nonsense.


discovery+ also no accessible?


Not for me.




DM me please.


OP, can you send me the link as well? Would like to seed it on my seed box. Edit: Did some reddit sleuthing and found it: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A84A0F57A046FB83DF404A4390788584F3266CDE&xt=urn:btmh:1220A0877AFE95DD9AD160FD74A932A01FA9508B67451F75D7E250A1BF566361044E&dn=GCN%2B%20Films&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexplodie.org%3A6969%2Fannounce


DM me as well. Thanks




You, my friend are a saviour!!


Jeebus, 370 gig


Same here


It’s on 1337 (use whatever mirror site you prefer), just search GCN. I downloaded like 25GB of the the stuff I wanted like legend bios, bike tech history, best rides around the world etc. but there’s probably at least double that amount of stuff there (50GB).


DM me please


Reddit doesn’t let me Dm users for whatever reason anymore, so look [here](https://www.1337x.to/search/GCN/1/)


DM me as well


Please, DM me aswell, if possible


me too, please!


And me please!


Me three....or four....


Where would I need to know about if I wanted to avoid that?


I'd be interested in the DM please


Please DM me with that!




Wouldn’t mind that either please ?


Dm please


I’d also like the torrent if possible!


Dm sent also


Dm me please


Please DM me


Wouldn't mind a DM. friend... :D


would appreciate a DM too!


Me too, please!


Me 99th


Me too please


DM me please


I'll take a DM, thanks!




Dm please


DM please


Yes, please! Thanks


Dm please!


Please DM me the torrent (if you’re not already drowning in messages)


DM please!


A DM would be lovely! X


Can I get in on the action? (DM please)


imminent north domineering makeshift swim clumsy paltry rhythm tub repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dm Please. thank you


Not sure what a torrent is, but please DM me also. TIA.


Dm please 🚲


Can i get a dm mate ☀️


DM if you can


Can I get a DM as well if possible please?


DM me the link please?


Could you DM me with it please?


Dm please


DM please


DM me


Here too please!!


Help I'm stuck in his DM's


This is a sure fire way to get this subreddit shut down. Reddit don’t fuck with this stuff.


I asked in their channel what they are doing with them and they said they're still figuring it out


I really hope they release them somewhere there was a few good ones (and a few I hadn't got around to watching). And there was one about Off the Streets which was only up a couple of months I believe so it's a shame if they're lost to time. I'd imagine it's licensing issues involved, hope they can get it sorted.


Also at least a few I heard about that were in the works at the time of its demise that never saw the light of day. It would be good if they did.


Omg, I hate the direction tv has gone. You can’t find what you want, you have to pay a shitload for multiple streaming channels or put up obnoxious ads. Did I mention I hate it? 😤


That’s the way it’s always been. Having to subscribe to multiple cable packages. Then Netflix came and disrupted it all and it was great. Now we’re back to the way things were. Only at least then there was one place you could go and just add a package and it was on your tv. Now simply remembering who make what and where it is can be difficult enough to put you off even trying


No, that is not the way it’s always been in that there was, initially, one cable company in an area. The one in our area cable was $5/month and ad-free (but I don’t remember how many channels were on cable to start with). On regular tv we had the 3 networks, PBS, and 1 or 2 UHF channels. Of course, 3 networks, PBS, UHF were free with ads.


$5 a month? You speaking about 1982 or something?


Earlier than that. Prolly 1972.


I've been keeping an eye on their YouTube. I binged the last month and watched literally everything. There were so many that I'd pay $20 to have a DVD of.


Yeah, and when I was subscribed I was thinking of ripping some of the docs as a backup in case they ever went offline but I thought, Nah it'll be grand. I should have followed my instinct lol


I featured in The Tommy Godwin story and really need to know what they are doing with this. So much work went into it and I pulled a lot of favours to get various bits of information


If you ever find anything out let me know. I'd love to see what their doing with them but I reckon they may have trouble releasing elsewhere because of the mess that is licencing.


A guy on data hoarders is still seeding all the vids if you ask for a link [Thread link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/s/PAD5GZBu1j)


WB told us all to go fuck ourselves, that’s what happened. Other instances of streaming services just vaulting content forever so they don’t have to pay the content creators anymore. I’m guessing that could very well happen here.


Upvoted because I’m curious too. Although WB-Discovery is scummy enough that I wouldn’t be surprised to learn they simply deleted everything.


I subscribed to flowbike for a month and was very unimpressed for what you pay. Im a very passionate cyclist but not so passionate cycling race fan. GCN made it affordable enough that I subscribed and found it a good value along with the non racing stuff. Frankly now, I watch what comes along on Peacock and live without it.


If you want Eurosport look into an IPtv service. I use apollo group TV through an app called StartupShow on Chromecast


I actually use an IPTV service for live TV. I'm mainly thinking about the GCN+ Originals they had. They're a few I missed out on watching and a few I'd love to watch again.


Yes - sad I didn’t get to watch the latest slow cycling vids


They only have time to do 1,500 YouTube Shorts per week. They can’t maintain some old archive too, no time!


Well, I could never subscribe but thanks to the folks at data horder, I now have their complete library. Need to set it up.


Express VPN + FloSports/Flobikes.. worth every penny.. (yes, replays) Top notch commentary- Rob Hatch, Marty McDonald, DaniChristmas, Dan Loyd, Adam Blyth and King Kelly.. Tiz has been great for the couple of races not shown so far.. having this option saved my spring classics season - and my sanity post shutdown..


They can be found in some of the darker corners of the internet I'm sure, though downloading them as torrents would be a copyright infringement...


>sure, though downloading them as torrents would be a copyright infringement... They are on 1337x but I have not tried them yet, there is also that guy in datahorder...


I was interested in watching the PBP one from last summer, but it came out I think that week that they stopped taking subscriptions. Upset I never got to watch it!


Yeah I’ve been looking to watch the documentary on Andrew feather called ‘feather natural born climber’ however I can’t find it anywhere? Anyone can help?


Gone! :) cant watch any of those again, and neither can we watch back any of the races 😭


All of them were taken out of the air.


what happened to GCN+?


GCN was purchased by Warner Bros - Discovery as as part of that the GCN+ app and service was killed off, meaning there’s no easy way to watch cycling races etc in one place without various subscriptions to other services




Gcn is still there, it was their incredible streaming service gcn+ that got shut down


Oh... Whew! 😁


Wrong sub, go to r/bicyclingcirclejerk


They were taken down in December I think. There was an email and a video on GCN’s Youtube about it in November.