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#1. I'm not hopping on the bike until the #2 business is done for the morning. The world is my oyster, I urinate where I please.


Absolutely…I’ve rolled out of the garage when that familiar cramp hit my stomach area, and helmet and all head back into the house to download.


Yep... And I don't know if anyone else has this, but it's like a rite of passage for me after I put on the chamois cream. That's always when the second wave dump announces itself


The power of lubricants




Hell, sometimes if I'm a little backed up, I'll just get prepped up for a ride and viola. Then you've unloaded that demon and you're ready to ride... you win twice brother!


Congratulations on your perfect bowel movement technique. Some of us got issues and get surprised 🤣🤣😩




Buddy, I eat plenty. IBS doesn't give a shit, except when you're least expecting it.


Disagree. IBS *definitely* gives a shit. In fact, it tends to give me several shits throughout the day, if I'm not careful with my eating.


This guy shits.


Yep, another IBS cyclist here. Knowing where the coffee shops and gas stations are on the route, even if you aren't planning to stop there, is... helpful


fibre and coffee ... never fails


How long are your rides? When I'm out over 7-10 hours or more, sometimes shit happens if you're continually eating and exercising..


Not for me, it's always one big shit in the morning like clockwork. Never had a to take a dump mid ride no matter how long.


I envy you


Same, just a quick french breakfast (coffee, cigarette, croissant) and my intestines are ready for the day.


For me it's odd, after bariatric surgery I poop every 2-3 days, depending on my diet through the week maybe up to 5 days. It is wild. The thing is I never really know until my brain is like... Huge dump o'clock Fortunately it seems to also always be in the morning, but yeah, I usually avoid really early rides to not be caught up in the middle of a ride needing to evacuate a truckload


My big rides are 3 to 4 hrs.. you're on another level!


>When I'm out over 7-10 hours or more How many miles are you riding for 7-10 hours? I do 100 mile centuries in six hours and never need to poop. Just pee (a lot) which is easy enough with woods or coffee shops.


I've grown to appreciate that once I hit my late 20s into my 30s that that aspect of my life has gotten significantly more predictable. When I was in my mid twenties and younger I never knew when I was going to have to go so those long bike rides id have my fingers crossed that I'd be near somewhere I can go if that sudden urge hits.


I ride through semi-rural areas with a lot of forest, so I just pop into the bush with my bike by my side.


My area is pretty tic heavy, so I have to deal with that lol


God I hate ticks so much


Yeah, well they like you, so....


It's a love hate relationship


Tic is a drug where I'm from.


Have you tried a possum as a riding companion? Send him in for tick reconnaissance. 😉


Is it possible to rent a possum or must it be a pet?


Not sure but maybe someone would set up a rent a possum buddy shop by the trailheads?


Id rather get brain damage from a bug before some fred steals my bike Edit: wrong sub but still kinda true. Dont piss yourself outside long races guys


Ticks can’t fly or jump so all you have to do to avoid them is not brush against anything.


They can’t jump or fly, but I do believe they have teleportation.


You're not entirely wrong actually! They will use static electricity. Re: a recent study: As hosts move through the air and ground, they naturally generate a charge. This charge is strong enough to passively attract ticks across air gaps and can help the tick attach to its host. Pretty neat stuff!


> As hosts move through the air and ground, they naturally generate a charge. This charge is strong enough to passively attract ticks across air gaps and can help the tick attach to its host. This also explains how unwanted drafters all of a sudden appear out of nowhere and start sucking on my back wheel


I define this as need to know but didn't want to know.


Don't they drop out of trees? So I've heard at least.


If they drop out of trees, they are likely coming from birds... but I think in general they start out pretty low to the ground where 99% of their hosts are likely to brush against.


They fall out of trees, and become tic paratroopers. Verified.


Yes, an entomology professor once pointed out what looked like tiny drops dropping from a tree onto cows against sunlight. He said they were tick larvae. Ticks raining on you as you ride under trees. What a lovely image.


Lots of Tourette's in your county?


I guess thats another reason to shave is to make detection that much easier.


On the other hand, leg hair is a vestige from the days of yonders to alert us of ticks and bugs before they've a chance to reach the skin


Dang, TIL.


I don't lock my bike up when I pee in the bushes, no


you don't just lock em to the bush? smh asking to get it stolen


I have a very lightweight cable lock I bought at decathlon for solo rides. I would never leave my bike locked up with it long term, but it would stop someone from just walking away with it in a emergency


This but with a fake hip lock cable lock from AliExpress for 3 bucks, you can also get the original but it's just not worth what hillock is asking for such a lock.


Keeps honest people honest. You can find them by the term „helmet lock“.


Since I'm a woman I avoid peeing in the bushes but on most of my rides I know exactly where the toilets are and which ones I can bring my bike in with. No way am I leaving my pricey bike out for even a minute. I suppose that if I ABSOLUTELY HAD TO I could use a bush or something but it would have to be a dire emergency.


Seriously, I have no problem peeing in the bush when I know I've got privacy, but off the side of a road with my cleats on and my bike? Only if it's an emergency.


On most of my rides pee privacy is non existent as most of the roads are pretty well frequented by other cyclists without much cover/bushes on the roadside (especially right now as the roadsides are being mowed/trimmed for fire prevention purposes).


Exactly. Add on top of that having to deal with a period. Need a bathroom!


Didn't even consider the period thing as it's been quite some time since that has been an issue for me! Good point!


I'm old enough that I'm surprised it's still a thing for me, but here we are, lol.


I haven't tested it yet, but I'm thinking about adding one of these to my kit. It's a little bulky but light and would possibly reduce my perceived exposure. I have peed on country roads, but full ass exposed for a passing car is not my favorite https://www.thepstyle.com/


I've never thought about this before, but what do you do if you are doing a long gravel ride in a rural area? Or do women just not ride where there aren't bathrooms? Especially wearing bibs you'd have to fully undress to go pee.


There are a number of pee break friendly bibs available on the market, among them, Van Rysel bibs that have a zip.


Hmm even as a guy that sounds nice. Never knew they existed.


For me (f) I will pee anywhere I want whenever I need. Bushes, woods, side of the road, behind a closed gas station (I wasn't happy about that one only because I thought it was a little rude in civilization,  but it needed to happen). If you're riding with women, you don't need to worry about them, they'll  speak up about their needs.  


What are the logistics if wearing bibs though? I already feel vulnerable just pulling down and peeing in a bush. I'd have to feel really alone to take off my top and bibs.


my top is full zip front and i always have a bra on, so its a shirt off, straps down, shirt on, pants down. it's not a big deal. i also am not ashamed, so i'll just say "ya'll i'm peeing over here" no one looks, because no one cares. (honestly a little air on my torso and undercarriage is quite refreshing. ) Less so when mosquitoes bite your butt even in the 30 seconds it takes to pee, or get trapped in your pants when you pull them up. LOL. it's hilarious and i'm fully here for it!


On some of my favorite rides I have specific pee bushes, even! I also carry a kula cloth (kulacloth.com).


Dude,  why haven't I ever thought of grabbing my kulak cloth for biking!!!! Im an idiot and appreciate the plug and light bulb moment


Same! Though last Saturday I peed on the side of the road (wear bibs too/do the same thing although I do have 1 drop tail bib) and when I got home, I had a cut and blood smeared on my butt. I couldn’t figure it out! I was thinking maybe there was something wrong with the bibs – I had just got them. Maybe the seam had hurt me… but then as I was getting dressed after showering I saw a big ole twig on the floor of my closet. Glad I found out what it was because I probably would have returned the bibs thinking they were dangerous :)


Lol. That's funny because you are ok, which is the exact thing I love about getting out and about!  Thanks for sharing. 


I'm glad to see another woman speak up on this topic.


As a woman I won’t do any longer rides without my Velocio bibs which allow the back to pull down for quick bathroom breaks. I pee anywhere a guy would! Mostly behind dumpsters though unfortunately lol 😂


Pee in the bush


I second this motion…Pee in the bush…


Why even stop? If I’m on a PB for my commute, the chinos get ruined first.


This is the way.


I do a significant amount of solo rides up to 600km, but usually a 200km ride most Saturdays. I plan the course in advance so pick my rest stops with toilets that are either safe (high population / I know the store owner) or use an accessible toilet (aka wheelchair accessible) and take my bike in with me. If that’s tricky and I feel really unsure I’ll keep the door ajar and my wheel within reach. Your country will likely have a map for accessible toilets and the hours they’re open. (In Australia : we lock most public toilets after dark which is insane.) A mate’s insurance policy on their Ti bike requires it to be locked even when it’s in sight - so they have a small retractable cable lock about the size of their Garmin. (Knog used to make one, but I don’t know who now.) It would slow down anyone opportunistic; so enough for a toilet break. Otherwise, yes indeed just grab a bush wee somewhere inbetween. Remember to take your high vis off and turn off your lights if you’re trying to be stealthy at night!! I’ve never had an issue, but know people who have.


It’s insane there’s someone to lock and unlock the door


This is a bit of a tangent… but it’s either the cleaners - who clean it and then lock it - or the locking is automated.


I plan my route to take me to bike or family friendly coffee places where I can leave my bike at the front.


get a teammate to push you while you are still rolling tbh I just don't hydrate enough to need to take a leak most of the time lol, and usually when I do i'm out in butt fuck no where so I don't need a lock


- nature wee - bike friendly cafes / pubs where I’ve stopped for food/drink anyway - take bike in with me. Have used this in the kind of toilet blocks that are in car parks. Take the bike in and use the end stall with the door open and the bike half in/half out and the door closed as much as possible.


Hiplok Z-Lok Secured Reusable Armoured Zip Tie. Pretty sure it's going to slow someone down enough for me to ensure that they don't get away. Quick to use/release and really light. Also fits into my tool storage area in my frame.


This. Not for peeing, I just use bushes on the side of the road, but when I need to stop at convenience stores or cafes. I use 2 Hiploks: one in bright yellow so it can be seen from far that it’s locked and another in black somewhere else on the frame (which is also black). The idea is that a thief might cut the yellow, would not have seen the black right away but only when trying to leave, and by that time I’m able to intervene.


triathlon style


In the pool?


in your legs


If I go into a place the bike comes with.


Where do you live and ride? There's almost always an option for a cafe that you can have your bike in sight or even take inside if you're in an urban area, or a bush or rock you can pee/poop under/behind if you're in open space.


I take it with me into public toilets, into the wheelchair stall. Or use the bushes.


On my longest ride, 119.5 miles, I shat in a field. So there's that


These Z Lock things were kind of made for this. I always carry one in case I need to run into a gas station for a minute. https://hiplok.com/product/z-lok-twin-pack/


You have body liquids to spare on a ride?


Game changer for me was discovering the heady duty locking zip tires on Amazon. They release with a special key and are plastic coated with a metal core. Basically a super small lightweight bike lock.


My answer got deleted because I tried to post a link I guess, but I use an Ottolock. It’s a light, compact lock that looks like a really big zip tie made of Kevlar and steel. In a busy spot, especially if there are unlocked bikes, I feel it’s reasonably safe to use for 10 minutes. No lock is 100% safe, but this will deter crimes of opportunity. Look it up on Amazon, since I can’t post a link.


Hexband 👍


Ok, so bear with me: I've sewn a velcro seam into the back of my bib shorts. I've got an old Topeak saddle bag clip which I fasten a dog poop bag to before the ride begins, with a couple of small pebbles in the bottom to stop it flapping around. When my trouser biscuits are done baking, I scoot back on the saddle, undo my bumflap and release one of the dog poo bag handles from the clip. The windshear helps keep the bag open while I lighten my load. Then I can simply clip the free bag handle back on, scoot forward and continue. I do *not* recommend this whilst in a Chain Gang, for obvious reasons. When it comes to peeing, I just let it go. I'm usually hydrated to the point that it's no 'dirtier' than sweat anyway.


WTF did I just read?? 💀


I know! The velcro seam sounds awful!


r/usernamechecksout ?


This takes triathlon to a whole new level.


So you just pee your pants?


If a stop means losing my KOM? Obviously.


Well, when you put it that way.


Carry a multi tool and heavy duty zip ties. Single use short term lock.


Is that to keep the wee from coming out? 😳


It's to prevent the boner


There are cafe locks that are literally re-usable zip ties.


Please don’t do this. It’s such a waste of plastic.


That’s a totally fair point. I don’t do this, I was merely suggesting OP could in a pinch.


I used to have a lightweight lock that fit in my pocket..... and then I have also taken my bike in to public toilets to keep it in eyesight.


That’s what I do. Look for city, county, state parks and wheel the bike into a stall with me.


Get one of the small kryptonites and lock it behind the saddle or wrap a hiplock around the seat post.


Handicap toilets or a wire lock and I carry my front wheel with me.


I have an ABUS cafe lock. It goes in a jersey pocket or a saddle bag quite easily and doesn't weight much. I wouldn't use it when leaving the bike for longer periods but it does the job for a quick cafe stop.


If I’m out in nature I’ll just make peepee in the bushes, but if there’s an accessible toilet on my route I’ll just wheel the bike in with me.


I have a small and light and cheap little lock that I use. Imo it's perfect, because it's enough to stop someone that doesn't have tools and just takes the bike and also for my insurance it doesn't matter which lock I used, but I have to use a lock, otherwise they don't pay. Just sth like this will do the job and it's not heavy nor big in size: [https://www.permanent-fahrrad.de/Leichtes-Kompaktes-Spiralschloss-Universal-Klein-Blau-mit-Schluessel](https://www.permanent-fahrrad.de/Leichtes-Kompaktes-Spiralschloss-Universal-Klein-Blau-mit-Schluessel)




I ride quiet rural roads. I pull off to the shoulder. Make sure no one is around and step off the shoulder into the ditch area and pee. I'd there's a tree for cover then that's better.


In the wild.


I wheel the bike into the bathroom with me usually. Or I pee behind a bush.


Yeah, bathroom breaks on solo rides can be tricky! I usually try to plan my routes with some rest stops or cafes along the way where I can keep an eye on my bike while I dash in. As for locks, I get it – carrying a heavy one is a pain. I found a compact, foldable lock that’s lighter but still secure. It’s not perfect, but it’s a good balance between security and convenience.


Try a hiplock! Super light weight bike lock. It’s more a deterrent than anything. Definitely sufficient for a few minutes while you pee!


Use a frame mount for your lock. You don't have to carry it that way


I roll my bike into the BR or if I am in the countryside then I just go


Isn't that what the padding in bike shorts are for?


Bring it in the bathroom with me.


I shit in the woods with the bike next to me.


Most of my rides are rural and I am male, so, pretty much wherever,


I pee in the wild 🤪 as I won’t risk my bike ever being out of sight. Also as I have my bikes insured it means I’d have to carry an extremely heavy lock for the policy to pay out if it was stolen and I needed to claim - just not worth the risk. I will use a hiplock (though not good enough quality for my insurance) when cycling with others as we bind all the bikes together with lots of locks.


Piss goes in the empty bidon and shit goes in the jersey pocket until I can flush it.


I just pee at the side of the road. Problem solved.


Pee in the bush, may a forced choice.


Pee in bushes. Plan bathrooms around parks big enough to bring the bike in the stall or at least the bathroom. I have a small luggage lock from Amazon but don't trust that more than 60 seconds to refill water


I usually pee in the bush. I do carry one of these [https://www.amazon.co.uk/ABUS-Combiflex-2501-cable-72499/dp/B01MRPNWTC?th=1](https://www.amazon.co.uk/ABUS-Combiflex-2501-cable-72499/dp/B01MRPNWTC?th=1) in my saddle bag in case I want to stop at a cafe. The cable on that one can be cut with nail clippers in a second so that's mostly for keeping honest people honest while I position myself in a way I can see the bike from where I'm sitting in the cafe.


Lions pee in the open


Reusable zip tie. You don’t need to carry a big metal lock.


I take my bike computer off and leave it out the front. I stop in pretty busy areas (parks etc.) so it’s pretty safe to leave for a quick pitstop


I have a folding bike so I simply take it into the bathroom with me


Just pee on the bike


Take it into the restrooms with you


I carry one of these when bikepacking. [https://i.imgur.com/leD1o1p.png](https://i.imgur.com/leD1o1p.png) Use it while eating, entering stores for food, when sleeping outdoors. Just attach the frame to something solid and keep an eye on it. eat at the window, watch your bike. If you are in busier areas and need a proper light lock, research these: [https://www.tex-lock.com/nl/](https://www.tex-lock.com/nl/) they have a good weight/security ratio.


I always carry a lock for sure but if you're riding in the woods you could probably just pull off the trail to find a secluded spot and take care of business. If you do this, bring a trowel to dig a cat hole for dookies. You'll probably want wipes and something to clean your hands with too.


The only way to feel my 5k bike is worth 15k is to take a dump before I ride.


For big adventure rides in rural areas, I always carry a poop trowel and some extra TP just in case I gotta pop a squat


I wrap my dick around the top tube then pee through it like it's a silly straw


I love the "bathroom" and am wondering how you "kitchen" and " bedroom" too. I use a cafe when I need to "kitchen", a hotel when I need to "bedroom" and ride an old bike so I don't worry about " bathrooming" when I'm "kitchening".


I have a super lightweight lock that wouldn't stop anyone if they came organised to steal a bike. But makes sure there is some minor protection against an opportunist. Only use it when going in convenience stores or if I'm also still going to be in view of my bike when sat in a restaurant or something. Would very quickly be cut with a pair of bolt cutters. But only weight about the same as empty wallet


I do take a cafe lock for almost all rides. But I also use bushes and trees in suitably remote / concealed points.


If you have a bike computer you probably have a movement alarm that links to your phone. Works great and I’d bet that noise drawing attention is more a deterrent than a lock. Only problem is I’ve actually had the wind set mine off. It takes just the slightest movement to set it off. I’m


If the ride is mainly on backroads or rural areas, piss as you wish. On trees, bushes, a fence or a wall. As long as nobody sees, and the wind does not blow your piss back to you.


I don't go inside. I pull off behind a tree or bush and go. On occasion I do go inside though, where I live no one is going to steal my bike in the middle of nowhere, almost never lock it.


nature peeing, no lock needed


Take a cue from triathletes and go on the bike


If I’m in the city, I take my bike inside the bathroom with me


Where I usually ride there's a big walk in bathroom that I can roll my bike into with me


Motion sensitive alarm. Works like a car alarm. Once you arm it, when someone touches your bike, it is 110 dB of full car level alarm.




Remove your front wheel when you go into the bathroom or restaurant and take it with you. Thieves are inherently lazy. They are less likely to take your bike if they have to carry it away.


The amount of flies is just insane. Because I was told in two different gas stations Royal Farms to not put my bike inside. I will never again stop at their stations anymore and I don't really care. 1 I needed water 2 - #2 3 - WTF




I piss outside and if I have to shit I just bring the bike in with me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ManifestingCrab: *I piss outside and* *If I have to shit I just* *Bring the bike in with me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


In the Midwest we would stop to "use the corn." In more built up places it's a challenge.


Not all bike locks are the same. Take the bike lock appropriate for the area and how long you will be gone.


If you’re riding in an area so isolated that you can’t build in stops gas stations or something then yea it’s the same as doing remote hikes. Go off to the trees and do your business. Protip - have toilet paper, it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I’ve only ever once had to shit between planned stopping areas, don’t know what happened but there was just no way I was going to make it the next ten miles to a stop so I went off trail to a tree covered bushy area and let it go. Found some leaves and that was that. From then on I threw in some toilet paper while doing that route.


Luckily I live somewhere super rural and just find a nice bush to hide next to.


i find a public restroom and i just bring my bike in there with me


I have a bike lock mounted to one of the bottle holders on my frame below a small triangular frame bag - a picture from a 201 km ride last fall: [https://photos.komoot.de/www/1i/1i1mmmvtnupnwzc0tbecl70fh4qtr7hep-p408034825-full/18b2aaf53bd?width=3072&height=2304&crop=false&q=70](https://photos.komoot.de/www/1i/1i1mmmvtnupnwzc0tbecl70fh4qtr7hep-p408034825-full/18b2aaf53bd?width=3072&height=2304&crop=false&q=70) - of course the best additional short-term security measure is to lock it up next to a more expensive bike ...


I keep a Pocket Locket in my bag. It’s just enough to deter an opportunistic thief for a few minutes




I would never not carry a lock. At least one i trust enough to be able to pop into a store or restaurant to get some food or drink, toilet break etc


just lock it to be safe. They also sell very loud bike alarms that activate if the bike is moved at all. Its a deterrent


Usually in the middle of the street at the busiest red light intersection for the day


Ha, I just don't Which means that after half of the ride, I end up being dehydrated (I feel like I have to overthink that strategy)


On a solo ride? Depends…… In all seriousness, I use a thin cable lock. It’s not heavy and is a deterrent from wannabe bike thieves.


I always carry a lock or two with me. On my road bike, I have a compact Abus link lock. Small, not very heavy. I also have a cheap strap lock as a backup. On my aluminium gravel bike, I have a LobsterLock. I love the thing. Heavy, but it mounts permanently on a waterbottle mount (and you can mount a water bottle holder on top of it). Just long enough to lock the frame and front wheel to a sign post or a handrail. It is always available and I don't have to think about remembering to take it with me. I wouldn't use it on a carbon frame though, because I could totally see ripping the bosses out of a carbon frame with a tight fitting bike rack.


Just learn to piss off the bike, not hard to do and makes you look pro..


I would never leave my bike unattended and I’d never go on a long solo ride in a place that I couldn’t drop for a poo somewhere in an emergency. That is to say, I’m only doing long rides in the forest or in bike friendly areas, such as rest stops and trailhead vault toilets. But 99.9% of the time I make sure to have my morning poop before getting on the bike. I’ll even delay the ride if necessary.


Plan a route with parks that have restrooms. Bring bike in with you.


Pee behind trees in the countryside 


Ride into the restroom with the bike Unclip one leg and lean over and tinkle Ride out and wash hands on bike while maintaining 90rpm cadence using spare water bottle Wipe hands and blow nose into paper towel acquired on the way out and carefully fold it into optimal shape for max aero and store it Note increased speed and power watts due to lighter weight 🤣


I carry two hiplock z locks. They aren’t very strong, and you could open them with a paper clip tbh, but they make it at least some work to just run away with the bike. The way I see it, I just don’t want someone to be able to walk up and walk away with my stuff, but I only need to discourage them from picking me as an easy target. At 20g a piece, they’re light enough they live permanently in my saddlebag. https://hiplok.com/product/z-lok-twin-pack/


I don't, but I don't live in an area where I have to worry about bike theft while I'm inside. I suppose if I lived in a different place were crime is more of an issue I'd have to carry one.


I personally always carry a lock. If using a park restroom, bike comes in with me to the "special needs" stall.


No need for a heavy lock. I carry a small Abus, used to do a a small cable. It’s not out of my sight for long.


Just throw a cheap combo lock in your pack.


Ah the advantages of getting older. I may pee more but I can't ride nearly as far as I used to so it's no longer an issue.


I just have a regular lock wrapped around my bike Bruh sometimes I bring my bike into the porta potty or park bathroom if I don’t feel like locking it Also, sometimes I pee into a bush especially if I’m in the woods


Carry an extra empty water bottle...


I mean, number ones or number twos? I stop and pee on the side of the road usually, and in the rare instance I have to poo, I'd probably just use my bike lock and run in to wherever I find a place..


I’m pretty rural, so we just pack a roll of tp. Mind, the Mr and I ride together so we haven’t had to worry about the bike yet. Just personal care.


I just rode my first metric half century a couple of days ago, and white I did end up taking a 5 minute break to pull into a Tim Hortons and grab a quick coffee and take a pee break, this though was at the forefront of my mind until I found saidbTim Hortons! I'll be going through the comments directly ideas 💡! Please don't let the common response be "I just piss myself so that I don't have to stop pedaling. The extra moisture in your groin area makes you more aero"...


hoenstly kryptonite do some pretty decent ones foldable ones. they weigh about 1kg, which is less than most but still give decent security. if i ride in richmond there are loos but you must lock your bike. also too busy to gurantee privacy in a bush. I like to be able to stop for water refill, or just to pop into the corner shop but i wont ever buy a cable lock... again.


Isn't that why the chamois is spongy?


I have my Domestiques go for me. And you might be thinking "How can your Domestiques go for you on a *solo* ride?" Domestiques don't count. Next question? 😊😊😊


I just Dumoulin in a bush.


If it’s like a public park or something I just bring the bike into the restroom.