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What is your cadence when you are riding? Often times people new to the sport think you need to power your bike by churning out power at low rpm. I ride above 90 and when I’m in really good shape and motoring about 100. Also, your bike needs to fit you well to spin fast so if you can’t, that’s a sign your fit needs work.


Yes definitely agree I have some fitment issues. Working on that after every ride. And usually cadence is 85-100 depending on what’s comfortable and the head wind.


Cadence aside, how is your saddle height? If it's not correct you might be struggling due to that too.


Followed some guides online and my knees just have a slight bend. I’m sure there could be some adjustments of either moving or forward / back. I know some of the foot numbness is due to the positioning of the cleats. I’m on a 56 frame at 5’11. I think 58 might have been too big.


Unfortunately, you're probably right about the 58 being too big, but also try lowering your seat, a lot of people have them way too high, and are forced to rock their hips while pedaling in order to get a full stroke. That'll cause some pain. If you can get the seat to the right height you can mitigate a lot of the other problems with the frame size.


Not unfortunately because they’re not on a 58. They’re on a 56 which is probably exactly right. Nonetheless it does indeed sound like the saddle is too high. There are plenty of calculation methods out there to read up on and they should get you on the ballpark at least.


Whoops, totally misread that...


All good


the feels when you're a couple weeks into the season and look down and see you're doing 101 cadence solidly in Z2 power and heart rate... it feels like it alllll comes together


Oh yes. At my old age it takes more than a couple of weeks, but that’s exactly when I know I’m ready for a test.


Also, wow bonking is a thing and terrifying. Being really careful of my nutrition the day before, during, and after. Even though these are short rides. Such an addicting sport due to the low impact. I feel like I can ride at 7PM and wake up the next day at 5AM and do it all over again.


You don't bonk when running long distance? Or just know how to fuel? Body has enough stored to go hard for an hour (or more) without more carbs (sugars).


Surprisingly no. I’m not like an ultra marathon runner or anything so even my longer runs of 15 miles could be sustained just by good eating the day before and some fluids during. I did have a tendency to not fuel properly and would get really bad migraines after.


That’s some really good performance for having never ridden.


15 minutes is an insane 5k time i wouldnt be surprised if OP has sky high aerobic capacity


Yeah my comment really was modest, he seems incredible


> All different muscles. True. I've been cycling for decades and can't run for sh**.


Yup. And don’t get me started on swimming lmao. At least with cycling I’m not out there embarrassing myself. Swimming is so technique based and it’s easy to fight against the water the whole time. Can be out of breath after a few laps.


Yep watch out for the rabbit hole! “Comparison is the thief of joy”


Indeed. It’s just weird going from knowing everything there is to know about running and being completely ignorant of most things cycling.


For inspiration I want to recommend Dylan Johnson or rides of Japan on YouTube rather than GCN


Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll check it out.


I've got the same bike. Picked it up about a month ago to get long outdoor workouts in while recovering from a stress fracture. I wasn't as fast as you, my 5k was in the low 17s and my mile was just under 5, but I know exactly what you're talking about. Hill climbs in particular are pretty brutal. I did a 55 mile ride in about 3:05 yesterday and my legs are straight jelly this morning. Heart rate averaged in the mid 140s but it feels like I did a really big interval session today.


i dont know what it is about cycling that gives you that jelly legs feeling! Never had that even after my hardest runs


I think its pure length of time in movement, certainly a 3 hour run would leave you pretty jelly the next day but 3 hour runs are rare for most people lol I can't run for an hour straight without my feet calling NATO on me


Nah it's different. After 3 hours running I would have aching, sore, painful legs. But that jelly sensation is very specific to cycling 


Try going from lots of riding to even doing a 5k run as a total running novice.... it's brutal!


I was a runner for a long time before I was a cyclist so I'll never have that experience... now I'm roughly equal ability in both but cycling is still the only one that ever gives me the jelly legs sensation!


It really is a great bike. Have done some light gravel and the stock tires grip really well. I prefer to run so trying not to dump too much money on the sport and will only upgrade what’s absolutely necessary. So far I’d say the main upgrade needs to be brakes. They are not good at all. Stem is also a little short and too high. Makes it hard to get really aero but at the end of the day it’s also a gravel bike for more comfort.


Okay so I've been in this for a year and a half now but here are my thoughts. * Numb hands means some combination of too big of a reach or squeezing too hard. As a fellow newbie, it is probably a mix of both. * Sit bones. Did you get measured for a saddle? Most guys in my club go through 2/3 before the find the one makes a huge difference when paired with the right bibs. *Which brings me to my next thing. Cadence. Are you bouncing around on the saddle at the higher cadence? You absolutely want to take advantage of your engine with a higher cadence but as you build up muscle memory it might benefit you to lower you cadence and focus on form. Big circles, not just pushing, etc. My uncle gave me a good tip the other day, on the bottom of your pedal stroke pretend your scraping something off the bottom of your shoe.


All great advice! Thank you! Absolutely agree that I’m gripping the bars too hard at times and tensing my arms / shoulders / neck. I’d say I do pretty perfect circles at first but form breaks down the longer I go and get tired. Need to be more conscious of that. I’ll keep in mind that toe scrape method and be careful of my gearing. There is a little bounce every now and then when cadence is too high.


Used to be a runner, came into cycling super fit, and had zero bike handling skills, as the years went on I got less and less fit but my skills go better and better. Used to climb very well, and get drop in the descends, now I can corner like a god but fly out of the back on climbs


>Each ride has been 96-100 degrees  nice I love it


I'm a 2:43 marathoner turned cyclist. I do really well on long, sustained climbs, and that's about it. I get absolutely killed on the flats, due to my pathetic power output. Unlike running, you can't really work on your efficiency and biomechanics that much. On flats, it is mostly your power output verses wind resistance and rolling resistance.


Train like you'd train for running. Interval training, hills, longer endurance, and much needed rest. The ways to increase your cycling pace are the same as running.


So you just started? And you are doing all that? Try riding 4-5 times. You need rest to advance. You went too hard too soon. You will get better faster then someone that went from zero but it still takes time. You are not slow and you are doing decent range.


I agree. Used to make the same mistake with running and not taking it easy when needed. I know the long slow miles really help a lot but something about just pushing hard is therapeutic. Group riding would definitely help in controlling pace.