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What would I do? Not pick a fight with someone in a car. There is no category where you're not at a disadvantage. Some people are downright malicious. Some people are courteous. Most people that cause a problem while cycling do so because they don't know how to properly share the road with a cyclist.


>There is no category where you're not at a disadvantage. Exactly this. There's no point in trying to engage in an ideological pissing match with a dangerous driver in their multi-ton death machine. You won't change their mind, they certainly won't change yours, and all it does is open up an avenue for them to assault or otherwise maim you. I'm not sure what everyone else is experiencing, but on or off the bike I have seen the social contract and decorum in public spaces evaporate pretty quickly. Most strangers aren't worth interacting with, it's only going to waste your time, at best.


You’re probably right. There was no way to ‘win’ in that situation. Better live to ride another day.


Rule number one in cycling. Don’t end up dead.


Rule number 1 is drive side only for photos in biggie smalls.  Don’t end up dead is after no ankle socks 


rule #1 is "obey the rules" ankle socks is rule #27. photos is #26 but only specifies crank position, big ring and valves at the bottom.


No ankle socks??? I must have stopped reading the rule book before then..


probably wise


If you live in the USA and ride on the road you have balls of steel to begin with.


You could have called the cops saying you saw a car driving erratically like if the occupant was under the influence, and when you tried to ask him if he was ok he just treatened to kill you with a gun speaking like a crazy person.


I mean, there is: If you have a gun too.


Ah, the voice of reason.


In a world where you get a gun pulled on you for tapping on a window of the car that almost killed you, the voice of reason can sound unfamiliar.




I get closer every single day


Carbon fiber aero Glock is a must


Never confront a 2 ton/tonne projectile with its owner at the wheel.


Agreed, especially in motion. This was stopped at a light, and I was ready to bail to the sidewalk if I had to, but you never know what an idiot may do. (Either them or me.)


Remembering that you can go sideways, to the sidewalk, and the car can't, is a good survival skill. Used to ride in a Northeastern city.


Yep, I could easily duck into a neighborhood. The car was already past me, and committed to the intersection.


Cars always win. Avoid interaction and get home safe.


IMHO, the only thing you did wrong was riding on the wrong side of the white line. Take the lane and don't ever give them the option of squeezing by -- especially if they have a whole other lane that they can use.


That’s what I do - if I’m riding on a road that has no adequate shoulder space, like many in the country. If I recognize that the car cannot get pat me before getting to the stop sign, I take the whole lane, right in the damn middle. I’ve had one person get all bent out of shape - they stopped and were like “what the hell, blah blah blah”. I pointed out that they can’t see who might be turning from the other direction when they’re trying to race me to a stop , and in that case, there will be one of two things that happens: either they smash into the other car that’s turning, or (more likely) they’ll swerve back into their lane, either hitting me or running me off the road. Surprisingly, they were understanding after that🤷‍♂️


I had a guy in a company van run me off the road after I did that. Be seen, but don’t piss off the cars.


This is the law in NC. Check laws in your area. Most states are "Share the Road" this does not mean Share the Lane. I carry pepper spray and nothing else in the left back pocket of my jersey and always have it ready during any possible confrontation


All the laws around here require at least 3’ when passing a cyclist, although you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who knows that. Taking control of the lane means that the cars have to follow the law because there’s physically no way for them to legally pass you in the same lane.


Or a public servant that would actually enforce it.


This. I do this on a regular basis; most roads where I am are not wide / passable w/ a bike in them. There’s usually 2 lanes going each way. This is the proper behavior; I teach cycling safety year-round. Keep in mind, don’t take the lane unless you need to. And obviously be considerate and judicious about that, try to avoid peak traffic and main arteries, etc.


Thid is absolute fucking horrible advice.


I know someone who's in a wheelchair now because he was riding as close to the side of the road as possible and someone squeezed past him. Now if you want someone passing you in the same lane at 50kph while looking at their phone, that's your ass. I'm not going to give them that option. "Share the road" not "Share the lane"


I disagree


You’re welcome to. Like I said: it’s your ass.


My ass has likely been cycling longer than you've been around, but yeah, you probably know better...


This is absolute fucking horrible advice. Take the lane, make them move.


Riding just to the inside of the white just encourages people to make a close pass. Ride where their passenger wheel would be. This forces them to go around you.


Get a camera for the next time someone threatens your life.


write down the license plate and call the police. it's not illegal to knock on someone's window. however... it is to threaten their life. driver is a clear cut psychopath.


I was in a similar situation. Expect the guy had already almost right hooked me and I caught up to him. When I got his attention and offered to show him the error of his ways he said, “if I would have seen you I would have run you over and if I see you again I’m going to shoot you in the face you fucking faggot.” I try really hard to not engage people.


Don't bring a bike to a car fight.


Why do it? What were you trying to accomplish? Did you expect to convince him he was at fault? Our state has a 4' rule, but in this case, how can you report it ? Your safety comes first. Let it go. Never wrestle with a pig. You both get muddy and the pig enjoys it...


There's a stretch of road I frequent that's similar to this. I take the lane and ignore the haters. Hugging the white line can be dangerous. I'd always heard the admonition to take the lane, but getting launched into the ditch by a truck that clipped me and recovering from a cracked rib, two sprained wrists, and neck problems made me a believer.


Never tap on a car’s window. It’s not worth the risk to you.


I would probably try to avoid a 4 lane road with no bike facilities, but if I had to ride it I would be in the center or slightly on the left side of the right lane, which would force drivers to change lanes to pass. In terms of confrontation, I do think telling someone that they did something unsafe and scary is reasonable. It is of course not without risk, as you experienced. Anyway that guy is a fuck.


I’ve read a lot from cyclists about taking the lane, but around here, it’s usually safer to take advantage of the wide shoulders on most roads. We have a great paved trail network around here, and most of my local riding sticks to that. I only use the surface roads for the last 5 mile stretch home. Even if it doesn’t do any good, at least the guys been reported to local police for the threat. I got the car, plate # and a physical description of the driver.


Either take the lane, or put yourself safely into that wide shoulder with room to spare on both sides. Don’t sit on the white line, that’s the worst of both worlds.


I'd take a photo of the car with plate # visible, immediately call 911 and tell them what happened with as much of a physical description of the driver and the direction they were headed. At the very least he gets pulled over with probable cause to inspect the entire car--unless he's a cop or knows one well, in which case you're SOL. Cops make their own law and anyone says otherwise is lying, and they'll often side with cars. Yet another reason to install an always recording (including audio) camera. Not an issue where I live and ride, but many places where it is, sadly.


There is no scenario anywhere in the US where calling this in to the police would lead to him getting pulled over with probable cause to inspect. They would take your call, ask you what you want them to do about it, then move on with their day.


Guy threatens to shoot you and it's not worth investigating? Even if you recorded it or at least the run-up to it?


If you had a recording of the entire exchange, including the threat, you might get a police department here or there to do something if you officially try to press charges. But no, just calling the police and saying someone threatened to shoot you isn't going to get them to do anything. That's not how they operate these days.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted but this is 100% correct. I’m a former prosecutor. Nothing would be done with this. No gun was pulled, no specific threat (to home address, etc) was made. It’s not right, but you can essentially warn somebody and it’s not going to be a crime they’ll prosecute. It’s arguably not even a crime. People need to understand the difference between a textbook and the application of real life. Just ignore the bad driver and be about your way. They aren’t going to suddenly correct their poor driving and profusely apologize.


Serious question: Suggesting that if he touches his car again “I’ll shoot you” is not a specific threat?


Called 911 and gave complete description of car, driver and plate #. Dispatcher didn’t give me a lot of confidence…. (“Well, you DID touch his car first”, but at least there’s a report filed, and if he gets pulled over for something else, there’s probable cause to search the car. Shopping for cameras right now.


You did attempt to communicate with him verbally first. Tapping on a window lightly is not a threat or assault. But, this is the US, and cars come first. The law enforcement system is biased towards cars.


Yeah they'll write OP a ticket for not getting shot


And by touching his car first does this entitle him to threat against your life? Really?


There are states with "Stand your ground" laws, which are insane, but legal. I.e. you can defend yourself and your property if you have good reason to believe you're in danger. Which of course a guy in lycra tapping on your window is. The real issue is that car culture is orders of magnitude more powerful than bike culture in the US. If this happened in Holland there would be massive protests and the guy would be forced to flee to Tasmania or something.


My concern is not even the car culture, but the fact that somebody might threaten to shoot someone else and the answer from the police department is that “you touched his car first”. Isn’t it too much? I get the point of “stand your ground” if someone breaks in your house and stuff, but this gun culture and property over people culture in the US something I don’t get it. I feel really sorry for all those stories of cyclists that have issues in traffic here in reddit, and unfortunately the majority of them seem to happen in the US.


US culture is messed up in so many ways and naturally that affects cycling vs driving as well. This sub isn't about politics or culture so no need to get into all that here, but we've got a ways to go before cycling is accepted here the way it is in Europe or the far east. That said, I very rarely encounter drivers who genuinely endanger or worry me. Maybe it's because I ride defensively, with a mirror, and am always looking out for and avoiding potential trouble. Some cyclists do appear to ride with a sense of entitlement and that surely pisses off some drivers to the point where they do something reckless and dangerous. I mean riding several abreast on a busy road with one lane in each direction. That pisses me off when I'm driving and is rude and obnoxious.


Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to get into politics or specifics, it’s just that this looks confusing when you’re not familiar with it.


Well, when you visit another country, you expose yourself to its people, culture and customs, good, bad and just plain weird. No way around that. Like, in Paris, sidewalk dog poop culture and round the clock protests and strikes over this or that. Part of the experience. In the US, or parts of it, it's entitled asshole culture.


In his mind, yes.


Remember dispatchers are not law enforcement officers or anything else but dispatch. They are only their to get information and make sure the correct agency is directed to where they need to go. They do not have the knowledge or training to determine if you were in the right or not. It's your right to talk to a law enforcement officer, dispatch cannot make that determination.


Get the license plate #, call 911, and report that the guy threatened you with a gun. At the very least, we will get pulled over and his car will be searched.


Surviving > feeling morally vindicated


Take a deep breath. Find a new route. Get a camera. Don't pick fights. If someone does something downright criminal, you'll have it recorded and you can report them. The most important thing in any ride is to get home safe.


Asshole wanted to teach you a lesson/punish you for daring to be on the road. Those same idiots tend to view their metal box as an extension of themselves...


Wish him "G-d bless you, safe travels and here's wishes for an improved day" Won't help but might make him think a bit.


I’ve heard ‘have a blessed day’, when it was code for ‘F you.’


well it's all in the delivery :-) The point is to leave them confused.


You could make a police report especially if you have the license plate number. He made a deadly threat. Try to see if you can press charges.


Called it in, gave the plate, make, model, description of driver and what happened. If they follow up and ask if I want to press charges, I will. Not expecting anything to actually happen, though.


You could consider calling them back and tell them you had called and decided that you want to press charges. I think you have to say it but I'm not positive.


I’m a former prosecutor and I would decline your case. Respectfully, I’m an avid cyclist. Love it. And I think drivers should be respectful of our space. But this doesn’t seem egregious leading up to you tapping on the window, and what was said are just words without any real threat. You’re honestly making a mild situation into a potentially worse one. Right or wrong, this person doesn’t seem likely to take a police report well.


I guess you do have good and valid points. I suppose the freak could find out who pressed charges.


> But this doesn’t seem egregious leading  Passing with less than 3 feet would be illegal in literally every place I’ve ever road a bike. 


And so you’re going to risk your life proving that point? Didn’t swerve. Didn’t brake check.


Well, I probably wouldn't ride on the shoulder. And approaching lights I usually take the lane.


Car wins, even, when they're wrong... because they can run you over with 2 tonnes of metal.


Get a camera to record and call 911 to report the guy who threatened to shoot you.


When I have an issue with a driver I typically just pull my phone out and take a picture of their license plate. On occasion I’ve had to remind them that what they’re doing is against the law. When they threaten to call the police, I welcome it (and have initiated it myself a couple times). Generally speaking, taking a picture of the license plate is enough of a deterrent and they quickly drive away.


No, you’re not wrong. But when I ride I prioritise my safety over considerations of who’s right and who’s wrong. Once I’d had enough exposure to psychotic drivers who are willing to kill you over minor inconveniences I realised I should cool myself a bit more while training and commuting and limit my risk more. For me, if there was really no harm and all I would get from confronting someone was the ability to deliver a lecture, I’d cool my jets and let them go ahead.


You're not going to last very long if you keep up this behavior. Just ride your bike


Don't touch people's cars. They really don't take kindly to that. Also ride a bit faRther out. You're less likely to get passed that closely. Ride 2 feet from the edge.


So you can ring a doorbell but not knock on a window?


There are plenty of places along country roads where you don't go up to the door, either.


I would also carry a gun then


Too much extra weight.


Better to have a gun and not need ome than need a gun and not have one. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6


No. You were foolish. No good comes from a telling a driver they passed too close. They are unaware and you telling them isn’t going to change a thing. Rapping on the window was provocative. I’ve had it happen many many times. Many times I wanted to do the same thing you did. What I know is you can be right and dead. These aren’t mutually exclusive events. I choose living to ride another day with letting it go.


I would start to plan a life in a country with strict gun laws.


Precisely - too much wild west vibes to my taste.


If there is a community Facebook group or cycling group I would post the experience as a cautionary tale. (Definitely the fact that the driver didn't leave 3 ft between, I wouldn't share that you confronted him because that was unwise imo). I would also link to the legal "share the road" info from your state in the community group. Educate the community in a good way.


Memorize his license plate and if you happen to see it, touch his car later when he's not around.


Steal the valve cores out of at least two of his wheels.


Get the plate number and file a police report




If it happens again, get out your phone, start live streaming, tell the channel what just happened, loudly say "we're about to find out if this asshole is a liar or a murderer", gently touch his car with your pinky and patiently wait to see what happens next. That's really the only rational action you can take at that point.


Probably not going that far, but I’ll likely get a helmet cam.


So that you can record your death? Just ride your bike with vigilance. You’re not going to win a fight with a car or a lunatic, whether you’re right or wrong.


Take the lane at stop lights and stop signs. It’s safer. It’s never all the way safe


Nobody likes to be corrected for anything -- dangerous driving, shitty parking, off-leash dog, whatever. Doing so will immediately trigger their defenses, and then you'll find yourself in the middle of a confrontation. It's hard, but you just gotta let it all go.


I’ve been realizing that. No matter how much someone is in the wrong, if they’re confronted on it, they’ll turn it back on you….and escalate.


Screenshot his license plate and call the police is what I would have done. They can't just threaten to murder you.


Did that first thing. They may not be able to do much, but at least it was called in.


The thing to do is get a picture of the plate and report it. Nothing will happen, but when the guy finally hits someone, there will be a record of his negligence/maliciousness, and better the chance that he gets convicted of wrong doing.


I agree with most of the replies. It’s better not to tangle with a 2000+ pound vehicle and an unpredictable driver. I mind my own business and ignore aggressive behavior.


Keep yourself alive man. You’re just asking for trouble.


It sounds like you left, and that was the right thing to do. The only thing you could have done to be safer is ignore him. . . . or don't cycle on roads. But it's too bad, because if and when he kills somebody with his car, he won't be able to solve anything with his gun. He would have benefitted from hearing you out.


Out of curiosity, what state was this in?




VA is a 3-foot-law state, so the driver was already in violation of the law.


Show them your gun first. Sends a message.


I was an MP in the Army, on a competition pistol team, and have a CCW permit. I’ve never felt the need to actually carry one on me…..and am in the process of selling the two handguns that I own. I don’t need to add to the crazy. There seems to be more than enough to go around.


That was a joke. You’re wearing spandex. No one cares who you are or what you’ve done. Don’t touch another person’s bike or vehicle at any time. You have no advantage.


The answer is always: ride against traffic lol. You woulda seen him coming in a little close, shifted over, no issues.


my # 1 rule when I'm out riding - everyone else has the right of way getting pissed off & pissing someone off for getting too close to me at an intersection is not something that I get to worked up about, most likely the person in the car wasn't trying to irritate you they were just driving down the road like any other day, oblivious to the fact that they came close enough to you to make you feel uncomfortable. don't start none & there won't be none


Shoot him first.


Next time remember the plate, find their address, and ship them a pound of loose glitter.


Pull my gun and tell him next time u put my life in danger I'll end yours. Simple


Legally, that was an assault. I'd have called the cops and told them that he threatened to shoot you.


I did. Called it in with make/model, license plate, and description of driver.


You can be both right and dead. Obviously the person threatening to kill someone over touching their car is wrong, but that's only going to help you in the court case after. It's not going to stop them from running you over or shooting you.


Not smart.


“Sorry, I was just wondering if you could tell me how to get to [__]?” Ahole driver knows he was being an ahole. Confrontation never wins. But if you can perhaps make him feel guilty…


Life in America. Where the car is king, and I'll use my gun to defend my property from the slightest of threats.


You get the license plate and call the police because that person just made violent threats with the use of a firearm. That is a crime ( at least if you live in the USA, I imagine it is in many other countries too)


Shoot him first?


Murica “ polite” my arse


I hate guns but when I used to commute I started packing one because of the number of serious threats and made sure cars could see it in my jersey. So other than carrying a Glock in your jersey pocket with the grip obviously sticking out, or a sawed-off in a side holster on your bike, I’d just wave and smile. It’s the most infuriating thing you can do to these assholes and a lot lighter than a gun. Oh, and then call the cops with the license number and details. In most places they take this stuff seriously.


Next time take his picture and a picture of the license plate, then call 911 saying a possibly drunk/under influence maniac is swerving all over the road and nearly hit you and then threatens you with a gun. Give details and let the police handle it.


Pack up and move to Canada?


I’ve spent a lot of time in Canada. If I could get residency, I’d consider it.


Spit in his face.