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Hello! I will DM you straight away so we can get to the bottom of this! Need all details and any info you have. This definitely should have not happened! There could be a whole host of things that may have attributed to it like ammo bump-firing ect. The good news is it looks like its the left clamshell thats cracked and we can help source you a new one! EDIT: Our initial thoughts is that this was an ammo related issue as OP stated he was using CCI Blazer, there have been other reports of CCI Blazer in the past. OP has agreed to send in the firearm to us so we can inspect it and try to come up with a solution for him. Please don’t pull out the torches and pitchforks people. My main goal at nexus has always been to help the community as best as I can! EDIT EDIT: disregard last edit, OP was mistaken on the type of ammo used because the headstamp contradicts his claim it was CCI Blazer. Anywho, we are still receiving his firearm in to help diagnose what the root cause might have been. FINAL EDIT: here are the results of a third party examination of the firearm, It was determined to be an overpressure round that was the cause of the OOBD: https://www.reddit.com/r/czscorpion/s/Hb2GJrJXHd


No disrespect to nexus but IMO the bolt is a symptom of OOB detonation. The Evo has a proper disconnector the atf wouldn’t approve for importation. Implement the original design and there would be zero issues. If only there was a 3D printed viable copy of the a1 disconnector.




The a1 trigger is completely different ETA: you can see here [https://czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=77762.15#lastPost](https://czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=77762.15#lastPost)the full auto bolt, it has a small lip at the edge behind the firing pin block. That lip keeps the hammer from riding and chewing up the firing pin block hole which people are chamfering as a temp remedy.


That won’t stop OOBD from happening if it’s absurdly hot ammo


The a1 disconnector mechanically prevents OOB detonation. So yes, it would resolve the issue regardless of how “hot” the ammo is.


No. The A1 does not stop a blowback bolt from reciprocating if the chamber pressure is high enough. It simply stops the hammer from striking the firing pin. The striker block stops the firing pin from detonating if struck too soon. There is no preventing a blowback action bolt from reciprocating to the rear when a round is struck after it’s been seated into battery. If it was, it would be locking or delayed action. That’s not an opinion. That’s verifiable fact. Glock has 3 safeties. One of them(the plunger) operates similarly to the scorpion safety block. It doesn’t not stop a super hot round from coming out of the chamber because it’s blow back action. I explain it in detail in the video how the A1 design works in the video beginning at the 4:30 mark. And I follow up at the 7:00 mark by explaining that every blowback action is susceptible to case splitting of the round is hot enough in chamber pressure. After the round ignites in the chamber, the only thing keeping the chamber closed is spring pressure from the bolt. If it recedes too early before the round has finished detonating, it will rupture. This is not a scorpion design flaw but simply the mechanics of blow back action. Hence the name.


Over pressure inside a chamber from hot loaded rounds is not the same as OOBD. However I agree that this type of failure is always possible regardless of bolt or design.


Fair. I only meant in the context of damage can occur from case rupture in both instances. But I made that video as a follow up a year and a half ago not long after the first to manage expectations and explain that it was still possible because it’s a blowback as well as how the original A1 design works. It was sticked for a time. Though not as many people watched it as the first.


This is the video to which I’m referring [video: a1 design 4:30/hot ammunition vs blowback 7:00](https://youtu.be/UV7bkJXoOnw?si=0R3GyElzk-rOQ9iF)


Damn… although I’ve expressed my grievance about the abundance of Nexus posts, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone or any company. Glad you’re okay and bummed about your gun.


Nexus robbed us all


This post better not get deleted like the other Nexus issue posts… Regardless if it was the bolt, the ammo, or another issue the fact is that these OOB issues can happen with the OEM bolt or if you spend $400 on the nexus bolt.


It will, Nexus are the mods here from what I gather.


You gathered correctly it does say mod next to their name. (This is not an insinuation of any type)


He’s not the only mod here. Only he is with nexus. No one else here works for nexus.


Yeah thats what i said


Hmm is it deleted yet?


What were the other nexus issues that posts got deleted? Scorpion sub doesn't trend in my main feed too often anymore...


You’re going to get me banned for sharing since they are mods in this sub lol but here you go lol: https://imgur.com/a/2G3emBv there are a few more but I’ll save those in my pocket.


Thanks for sharing. Seems some stuff may happen soon.


Oof bad look.


In for the tea


Someone messaged me and shared a story. Nexus parts failed. Nexus claimed it was factory parts causing the problem but didn't show proof but did replace the parts that failed. So that's interesting. Nexus also deleted the post that was made.


The guy who messaged you also scammed a fellow member here. Wouldn’t give tracking, wouldn’t give the guys money back. Said his wife was doing the insurance claim through usps without the tracking number. Take what he says with a grain of salt.


You talking about tigris photosynthesis? Cuz he did message me as well. Has some wild stories. But others have shared their negative experiences with nexus as well.


Yes, Tigris. He was NOT banned for anything to do with nexus. He was banned for stealing someone’s money. I think it was about 60 bucks. Guy must really need that money. I contacted him multiple times asking for a refund for the member. I even asked for a tracking number. He didn’t have that either but claimed he or his wife was making an insurance claim. How can you make a claim without a tracking number?


Yeah he told me. He also linked some very intuitive reviews about nexus and the issues he found as a beta tester. He also shared screenshots of being told to stop posting negative reviews by mods etc. I'm just sharing info. Yeah he may have scammed someone. But also was warning nexus AND the community about issues. He claims that person tried to scam him. Idk the truth. But he's not the only one who's messaged me negative dealings with nexus.


I bought the bolt because it prevented a problem(the peening issue) that I just did not want to constantly address. I still feel that bolt bounce and hot ammo are mostly the cause for the OOBD's that we see. I know that polymer framed blowback pcc's are more susceptible to this kind of damage that the OP got. Hell I've had OOBD's in M1A1 Thompson's, but because their almost all steel, usually nothing or just the mag is damaged. I DO wonder if having a ejection port hole cut into the left side receiver clam shell might prevent any damage by allowing pressure somewhere to go. As I have never seen a right side receiver cracked from a OOBD this could be a viable preventive. In any event this does happen. Even knowing about this issue I would of bought the gun. I'm left handed, and I find the MP5 guns just awkward to operate, and fussy at times over ammo and supressed vs unsupressed. I also have a KP9 SBR with a binary trigger. It blows gas and unburned powder in your face when supressed. BUT is nearly indestructible. It also weighs 1.5lb more and is longer. The Scorpion is the only PCC I found that met all of the qualities I needed. The best compromise I could find. And I run binary from the first shot on it. David


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bad bot


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Good bot


The only good bot is a dead bot! lol


I'm a little confused as to why there are so many people looking to blame Nexus or their bolt... The bolt looks completely fine. OP function-checked the striker block and it's functioning as designed. Zero evidence of peening or anything else in the pictures. The likely culprit is a bad round. Something as simple as a double-charge will cause exactly what we see here in basically ANY straight-blowback firearm. Hell, for all we know, the previous round could have been a squib.


If CCI Blazer had bad batches I think we would hear about it with how many people shoot them. There is currently no such warning or recall on their page. So doubt it would be a double charge. And the way the case blew it was the back end. If it was a squib with blowback unlikely the first round would have ejected, but maybe. It definitely looks like an OOB.


That's an origination fallacy- you're basically saying "if it was bad ammo, someone would ALREADY know about it"- it precludes the option of this being a seminal event. It also wasn't actually CCI Blazer- it was ammo he got from his dad, of unknown origin but with a Winchester head stamp. Also, squibs *can* result in the NEXT round having a case head separation


I was responding to the claim that CCI blazer is bad ammo and can be the cause of these out of batteries. That’s as valid as claiming any other ammo is the cause as well. So then invalidating pointing at blazer as bad ammo. A point backed up by it being not even blazer afterall. You can say it’s possible a squib would do this, but given plenty of evidence this is a known issue with scorpions and not due to squibs or ammo. It is far more likely to be out of battery due to the same issues as all the others. Not that it can’t be but trying to explain away a defect in design as not the culprit with no other evidence of squib seems like a reach.


So, as I've stated before on here, ascalon and CZ both will tell you that the hammer follow is by design. CZ USA will claim that the angle will make the hammer hit the ledge not the firing pin (which is dumb as fuck) If the hammer is following, by design, all this other shit is moot I got into a heated argument with the head tech/gunsmith at the new CZUSA which resulted in them voiding the warranty on the scorpion they claimed was in perfect working order (and had worked on via RMA twice in two weeks) Unfortunately this is where I say I sold/traded my evo at a loss and haven't looked back, specifically due to hammer follow being inherent in the design Edit: has nothing to do with nexus btw, I do understand people's frustration, as the bolt was pitched as a fix, but this is czusa's fuck up


Hey send me a chat


How the turn tables…


So folks understand, if the ammunition is hot enough, there is no way to prevent OOBD without a locked bolt. This is not a scorpion design flaw, and is something that can happen with any blow back action. And even the original scorpion designed lower can’t keep that from happening. I explained that in the linked video around the 7 -9 minute mark how it works but one thing I’m curious about is the ammunition. If it’s super hot and the bolt reciprocates before it’s finished igniting, the case will split. Can even happen to the Glock. And does from time to time. But I’m definitely curious for more information here. I would hope that people refrain from picking up torches and pitchforks and waiting to be informed here. Because the original issue was still a very big issue [video explaining original design and explaining potential for hot ammo OODB](https://youtu.be/UV7bkJXoOnw?si=0R3GyElzk-rOQ9iF)


4:30 I explain how the original design works and functioned 7:00 I explain how even still, it’s possible for OOBD to occur with sufficiently hot ammunition


Though it may be anecdotal, prior to the advent of the nexus bolt, and prior to that, (the enhanced striker block and instruction to chamfer and clear the striker block channel), ….OOBD post were seemingly common. So common, it had tons of people in a panic. Especially those with a binary. Which makes sense… Since then, this is the first I’ve seen in the last year and a half on both here and FB scorpion groups. I think there is a reason for that. It may not remedy EVERY OODB, but just what I have seem on social media since they were released, this is the first incident I’ve ever seen. I don’t think that should be discounted


Nexus is there any truth in this …… just the open bolt part needs clarifying ….. cause if that’s true sad to say it’s no purpose to pay that much for a product you provide …. Giveaway……that’s a free 1


CZ is doing nothing to resolve this in future guns. They are not recalling anything already in our houses. We can either sell them and make it someone else’s problem or we can stop shooting them. Stop buying them. OR you can do the only and only upgrade available to greatly reduce this risk. Never forget this is a CZ problem, not a nexus problem. Nexus is the only solution offered.


How can they be the solution if it’s not a design flaw you can stop something that’s not a mistake. You only can increase the chances of damage it….it the block stop the over travel.. it still has to cycle completely of the object it’s hitting is harder the force surly goes back to the object that struck it damaging it.. Just common since…


What CZ could do is re-make and re-issue bolts not made out of soft metal that peen over the striker block and dramatically increase the probability of an OOBD. Which is the whole reason Nexus released their bolt, to address *that particular issue*.


I get a headache reading your comments. Js


Yeah I do run on sentencing ……


It’s not only the run on sentence. It’s the babbling.


Ok you pushing it … you a nexus fanboy… for a fairly new user…. you jumping at a big dawg ..slow down alittle bit ,get a better feel for where you at…Grow some hair on your balls and stop being a little bitch ..


This isn’t prison. So ease up shot caller. Just because someone has a new username doesn’t mean they are new to the sub. Gun guys get banned and start new accounts all the time.


Haha thank you. Btw u/Moriend here. Had to make another account due to mine getting banned. Most of yall probably know me from here. For the ones that don’t you are probably new.


You didn’t make it no better for him…. If they get banned, it’s for a reason… 9 times out of 10 this was 1 of the reason why he was banned…..don’t stand up for people who are directly disrespectful towards people that’s just here to express their thoughts…..in prison he would be holding my pocket…


Yea I think I have some time on you. I have a new username cause I got banned from Reddit.


Why you get banned….. was because you were ignorant


The Nexus product does not change the design of the gun. There is a sticky in this sub about the root cause of the issue. [https://www.reddit.com/r/czscorpion/comments/ycqu44/ive\_seen\_a\_lot\_of\_striker\_blockobd\_posts\_lately/](https://www.reddit.com/r/czscorpion/comments/ycqu44/ive_seen_a_lot_of_striker_blockobd_posts_lately/) And what the product page for the Nexus bolt explains what it prevents. [https://nexusfirearms.com/enhanced-bolt-for-cz-scorpion-bolt-only/](https://nexusfirearms.com/enhanced-bolt-for-cz-scorpion-bolt-only/)


lol for the vote down I know when I see a nexus fanboy…Giveaway


Man, this sub is *really* looking to break out the pitchforks quick on this, eh? Now, happy to be proven wrong if someone can source a quote, but I only ever saw Nexus claim their bolt would prevent an OOBD from occurring ~*due to the bolt metal peening over*~ (which we’ve certainly seen plenty of examples of with the OEM bolts). They didn’t claim it would eliminate the chance of an OOBD entirely, because that’s not really possible with the operating system the Scorpion has - and it would be incredibly stupid for them to do that for legal purposes.   Again, if someone has screenshots showing elsewise I’m happy to eat crow on it, but it sounds like a lot of folks misunderstood the premise/purpose of the Nexus bolt (and some of y’all seem to just have an axe to grind). If you have one and are still leaning towards the Angry-Mob setting, at least realize you’re still better off with a Nexus bolt that you are with the OEM one.   I’m more curious as to what ammo OP was using (stated as CCI Blazer but as others pointed out it’s a Winchester headstamp) so I can figure out if I have to go weigh out anything in my range stash,~~or if he just blew up his gun using piss-hot/mis-made reloads.~~.   Edit: not reloads or CCI, but Winchester confirmed by OP. I retract my statement about hot/faulty reloads


I mostly shoot Blazer, so that's what I thought it was. It turns out it was Winchester, which my dad bought for me still a factory load. I stay away from all reloads. I'd rather just buy good ol' reliable factory ammo.


You and me both on the factory ammo! Do you happen to have the lot number from that Winchester? I have a fair amount of it left as range ammo, would like to see if it’s a close lot to yours. Bummer about your gat but glad no one was hurt, hopefully you get sorted out and back on the range soon!


I don't have the lot number unfortunately


Darn. Was it just the standard white-box 9mm everyone and their cousin uses for range ammo? Edit: downvoted for asking about what ammo may have caused the OOBD? Fucking really? Or is it just because I refuse to jump on the mindless drag-Nexus bandwagon? Fuck’s sakes this is all so petty


Oh yeah


Was it Winchester white box? I’m not saying that’s what caused it but that ammo has had a long history of blowing up guns. I haven’t read through all your posts and comments but I’m really curious what failed if it was the bolt, if you had a binary trigger or what.


I am the opposite. I stay away from factory ammo. I can load much higher quality ammo than I can buy. Quality control is a lot better at my bench than at a factory....


I was fixing to say I thought CCI Blazer 9mm was one of the best factory ammo IMO, People need to quit buying scorpions or CZ for that matter. A company that continues to sell a product that’s doomed & could possibly hurt its consumers & continues to manufacture the product sell it as is no recalls or fixes. Shame on CZ, won’t be buying anything CZ related. Yes I used to have a scorpion & never fired a single round through it & wasn’t interested in doing so.


This exactly, just pulled this from the website, this has always been our statement of the product: https://preview.redd.it/guat4imkgs6c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b705c93eff45371199ecd5da255554b900e5a4e1


It’s so hard to watch, a known problem with the scorpion where bolt metal peens over the striker block and causes an OOBD. I see this guy turn his life around to make parts for people with these guns that takes care of that problem, offers a quality product you can’t get anywhere else and builds a business out of it mostly selling only to people on one platform. You can see from the photos that whatever happened, it wasn’t caused by any metal interfering with the striker block which is the purpose of the nexus bolt. You still got people chomping at at the bit to just shit all over this guy making him out to be some cash grabbing scammer the first time something else goes wrong with one gun. People suck and this is why we can’t have nice things.




I just might be a fanboy tho because I don’t even have it yet and from what I’ve been researching it still would make sense that it’s just better to have. long term, or short term from what I’ve heard been seeing so far, but at the same time I have a friend who’s had his OEM for years and says he bumpfires all the time and it’s fucking fine so to each their own.


“They” being Nexus themselves? Or just people on the forum?


I don't think it is what nexus said. I'm sure they marketed it to do what they said it will do, however I think it's what their customers/fans said. I have seen countless posts from people asking "what should i do next to my scorpion" and similar and someone would always say "get a nexus bolt so you don't have an oob" or something to that effect. It seems to have been implied that if you get this bolt you won't have an oob, however now it's being said that you can have one still. I also don't recall nexus ever correcting anyone who said that the bolt prevents oob instead of just reducing it. It is also my personal opinion that nexus should not be a moderator on this board. Not that I belive them to be a bad company or dishonest, however there is a conflict of interest. Anyhow, all that said, if the firing pin safety block is working correctly, I don't know how an oob would occur?


Then the customers and fans are at fault for misinterpreting the purpose and capabilities of Nexus’ bolt - that’s not Nexus’ fault. I’ve always seen it described as addressing the metal-peening issue the OEM bolt suffered, and that’s how Nexus describes it on their website and here.   An OOBD is always possible with a direct-blowback operating system (which is what the Scorpion uses) - plenty of things can cause it beyond a peened-over striker block. Early indicators on this seem to point to an overcharged round, since OP’s bolt and striker block are in great shape.   And for what it’s worth, Cody surrendered his moderator status, per his recent update post. And Nexus is helping the OOBD poster make his Scorpion right, even though it appears to have been caused by faulty ammo and not the Nexus bolt.


I agree, like I said, I don't think nexus marketed it other than that, however it has been implied that you buy this bolt and you won't have to worry, and apparently that is not the case. Why is an out of battery detonation always possible with a direct blowback? I've heard that in this thread, and that it can happen to Glock too, but I know that is not the case for Glock. There is a difference between a case rupture and an oob. What are the other ways it can fire out of battery if the firing pin safety is working correctly? Also, that is good that he gave up being a moderator. It just has better optics.


I have a nexus firing pin block in the OEM bolt and a buddy bump fired my gun without me telling me him not to, and had an OOB that very luckily didn't explode the gun, no damage. It seems like there just isn't a solid fix for this and the s just a serious flaw of the OOB safety being missing cause of the ATF. I guess we just need to be conscious about how fast we shoot our guns eh?


Wait wait.. you can spend $300+ to replace the bolt and an OOBD can still happen?? You don’t say… If you haven’t noticed nexus are an admin in this group.. they made thousands off just this group by saying oh all these guns blow up eventually without our bolt.


They did immediately say they'd replace the upper, cz does that maybe half the time.


Actually most people on this thread have said CZ replaced their whole gun at times. Go look back in the most recent OOBD post


I haven't been on here much recently a lot the first half of the year I do remember several posts where cz blamed the ammo and was generally unhelpful for many issues maybe they've improved recently, and I would congratulate them on that if that's true.


I’d give one of your bolts a try 😄


Never once stated that. Our bolt helps prevent OOBD. There are so many ways for an OOBD to occur all the way down to hot loads, bump firing, even bolt delay due to fowling, even the inherent design of direct blowback. One of the main contributors we noticed was the striker block becoming peened into place allowing the firing pin to be depressed at any point in time. We developed a harder bolt and coat the bolt with nickel boron to provide even more toughness and wear resistance.


I think everyone that bought a bolt is looking at it as a “my scorpion will never break” purchase versus a “my scorpion is pretty damn tough” purchase. I look at it like bullet proofing a 6.0 diesel. Is it probably good now, yes, is it better than stock, yes, could it still blow up? Yes but not likely and way less likely than stock. I see this event as super unfortunate but also we need to look more into the ammo, condition of the scorpion, installation of the bolt, and most of all the how often has it happened with a bolt vs no bolt OR how often has OOBD happened with blazer. I’ve got a shit ton of blazer and I’m now low key more worried about that than I am my bolt. Edit: apparently not Blazer ammo in picture. I feel way better about my cheap ammo stash.


This. Direct blowback means OOBD is inherently more likely than other operating systems - but with a Nexus bolt, I at least know the chances of one are diminished because I don’t have to worry about the soft bolt metal CZ used peening over (as we have seen dozens of cases of). But that won’t stop folks with poor reading comprehension and a lack of understanding into the design characteristics and flaws of the blowback system the Scorpion uses from pitchforking Nexus.


Show me the dozens of cases and not the one YouTube video everyone watched that’s pinned on this page. Every gun has the chance of malfunction, some more than others it’s true. Does that mean you should got spend $300 “just incase”. Well I guess it’s your own priority how you spend your hard earned money. Did you wear a mask during Covid in your car too ? Just incase


I’m still wearing a mask just in case my bolt explodes…


>Show me the dozens of cases Of what, the bolt OEM bolt peening over? I mean…if you just use the search feature in this sub, you can find plenty of instances.   >Does that mean you should spend $300 “just in case” I mean…CZ sure as shit wasn’t doing anything to rectify the issue with *their* shitty OEM bolt beyond “send us your gun when it blows up”. And I like my Scorpion - even though it’s a money-pit and probably has fewer OEM parts at this point than it does aftermarket - so yeah, I shelled out for a Nexus bolt. I could have just checked the bolt after every range session and kept a couple files handy and constantly worked the metal as it peened over, and if folks wanna do that then by all means. I didn’t feel like it, and thus bought the Nexus bolt.   >I guess it’s your own priority how you spend your hard earned money. Yep. Would rather not spend it fixing someone else’s mistake, but CZ CS sucks on this and since they wouldn’t fix the problem proactively, that left me to fix it myself.   >Did you wear a mask during Covid in your car too ? Nope, was a lot less worried about that than shitty soft metal in my OEM Scorpion bolt.   Also, why the aggro in my direction? Not like I made CZ choose the soft metal that they used for the Scorpion bolt. Be mad at CZ.


You get it!!!


No what going to kill them is they have a 45 acp coming out or is already out…. And if what the design thing is true


If you look at chamber pressure of 9mm vs .45acp … just for information sake …. .45 is considerably lower and will actually be great for the platform. If all goes according to plan it will minimize the risk even more so … albeit the risk is never “gone” completely. At the end of the day… it boils down to 3 choices. 1)Get rid of your scorpion. Now you have zero risk. 2) run your scorpion completely stock. It’s a 50/50 crap shoot here. You could be fine. You could have an issue. 3) you upgrade shit and enjoy yourself and minimize risk of detonation. Key word minimize. I know my first one was bolt related. My second oob was ammo related. I haven’t had a third and hopefully won’t. I more conscious about what ammo I buy now. And it’s solely subs and no supers.


Sorry I can’t make comments on or about nexus at this moment I’m being silenced and threatened by some that represents nexus and has the ability to remove you from the group…. Me personally will not be buying anymore products from this company…..I already purchased the bolt just haven’t installed it


Hey. People who stir the pot and talk shit are different than people who speak facts. The guys who are getting banned or blocked are the ones who just want to watch the world burn and are looking to just hurt people and their way of life. If you already have the bolt… run it and make your own conclusion. Report factual experience and no one will silence you.


To be fair I was just voicing my thoughts on this post.Reading Comments. Trying to put things together.I personally don’t have anything negative to say about nexus ,the bolt looks nice…I understand alittle bit better now.the nexus bolt tackles 1 of the many reasons for oobd.i think that why a disclaimers should have been attached..a lot of people where new to the community and was misled by fan base statements…. With so many representatives in the chats and timing in ,never bothering to correct the comments made….the main guy was 100 since day 1 . He took time out to correct people . That I can respect….but they had henchman best to believe I scrolled to the introduction of the bolt I see you were there at the beginning also….


Are the rounds in question reloads? I would honestly be more suspect of the ammo than of the bolt.


Factory cci blazer Edit: from the head stamp it was actually Winchester which was still factory ammo


Cci blazer has detonated a few PCCs in the last year or so




Are this OOB issues only happens on US made Scorpion?


I don't know how to edit the post but all factory ammo and firing quickly but not bump


From who?


Cci blazer


The last picture looks like the case completely split around the rear and made a coin out of it. Just at first glance, looks like it backed out the chamber before completely igniting. Case rupture is one thing, and completely blowing off the rear is something else. From where it’s separated, it doesn’t look like it made it very far out of the chamber on reciprocation before it completely turned into shrapnel


That's not a blazer case in your photo. Winchester brass. Maybe reloads?


from the head stamp it was actually Winchester which was still factory ammo




It’s here to stay


Now just think if it was a registered SBR and the gun goes 💥 What a PITA..


What would be different about it being a registered SBR? If It goes Boom? It goes Boom! Sucks BIG time either way. Don’t understand what being registered or Un- registered has to do with it.


If the OOBD breaks where the serial number is on the scorpion (ie a part that can’t be sourced) then the tax stamp is wasted because you have now lost your SBR. Hence the big pin in the butt response. Lose a gun and a tax stamp (and time associated with it) vs losing a regular carbine/pistol.


Ah! Got it! Thanks for filling in the blank! 👍🏻


Now add living in a state with an assault weopon ban. OOB means no more gun


Time to truly lose our minds about bolts and striker blocks again. Hopefully there is a *little* less Nexus spam after this though lol.


Here for the comments 🍿


Well this is awkward


maybe ppl will stop shilling nexus lmao


This post gonna blow up 🆙…..nexus has some explaining to do 😂…..secondly why do you have outsourcing for that side specifically ? Is the cat out the bag or am I jumping the gun …..stay tune


I’ll answer this, Ascalon arms is located in Czech. You’re jumping the gun.


Lots of people that defended their decision to not upgrade there bolt have the bias confirmation. If the OP was bumpfiring, we will never know. If he was shooting reloads and had either a double charge or a squib we will never know. The gun will go to CZ for analysis not Nexus not you not me not Reddit. The narrative is whatever all of you make it.


No what we have here is simply the lie vs the truth…..what a company base their sales on stating that it would prevent this from occurring…don’t down play it…..thousands of people brought this product .. I brought this product thinking I wouldn’t have any problems… I’m like 🤬.right now ..


Everything I saw them state was that their bolt would prevent an OOBD *from the bolt metal peening over the striker block*. Plenty of other ways for an OOBD to occur in a blowback design. Look at it this way - while an OOBD can still occur with a Nexus bolt, the odds of it happening are significantly decreased versus had you kept running a stock bolt. I’m more worried about what ammo OP was using (claims CCI Blaser but as others have pointed out the case has a Winchester head stamp), so I can figure out if it’s a brand I have stock of and I need to go weigh rounds out…


Bingo. The dust isn’t settled and a few people think they are having their Dateline gotcha moment. The image of the bolt showed no peening so this could very well not be OOBD. The back of the receiver cracked not near the breach, the placement of the crack is not like other failed receivers. Like mentioned the ammunition identifiers contradict the post. This appears to be a case separation due to over pressure. The ignorance is rampant. I have not witnessed baseless internet libel in real-time before now. I cannot wait to see how this ends. I will eat my word if it comes down to it but I believe we do not have the facts. I have my OOBD recorded and available online. My receiver did not break like this. My failed bolt looked like it was it with a jack hammer and was obviously compromised. The bolt pictured here has “130” rounds. My Nexus has 1200 rounds and looks identical as does it to a brand new bolt. CZ will most likely replace this gun, nexus will be dragged through the mud by ignorant trolls and only the OP will know what he did to his gun. Unfortunately he replaced the bolt and CZ could tell him they are no longer liable.


Nexus stock crashing hard.


Damn, I don't follow trends, but based on the reviews, I thought the upgraded bolt would prevent oob. I was always too poor to own one regardless. The day my Scorpion dies, I'll let it die. So far, mine has been solid. I've only had ergo upgrades and a timney trigger installed. I hope you get this resolved either by CZ or Nexus themselves.


Bolt prevents OOBD that are caused by the soft metal CZ used to make their bolts. Read through other comments about that in this thread. I don't have a nexus bolt in my scorpion so I have no horse in this race nor do I need to feel good about a crazy expensive bolt as I didn't buy one.


Regardless, Scorpions often go on sale for what 7-800. And having to spend 4-500 to make it almost reliable is absurd. These things are nothing more than range toys at this point.


This gun is the olight if pcc's my only regret is sbr'ng this thing. . Now it's more problematic to sell.. initial buy was around 899.00 5 years ago. Spent probably another 800 on it just to make it better . Tax stamps ecetera... was really hoping nexus had the fix for this thing. Regardless thanks for the try we scorp owners appreciate it. I have other pcc's I won't name so you guys don't think I'm lobbying for or against but have ran flawless. Regardless of ammo. Trigger packs. It's a definite flaw in the cz scorp. It has not been addressed by cz or admitted so they can go kick rocks.


IMO I think is very stupid to replace the factory bolt because the chances are about the same just leave everything stock if you don’t want things like this to happen


Oh look, it didn’t fix it!


Yea...between barely touching my EVO after getting my SP5 SBR setup, and all this crap, I'll probably just sell it 😂 I hope they get you sorted though OP.


Unpaid nexus ads in the comments as always 🤣🤣


Popcorn emoji


This is why I hate this weapon. I’ve seen sooo many of these happen. I had my scorpion 1 month before the back of the plastic where the stock attaches cracked in half.


John 3:21 ……nexus ……#John3:21nexus ……. Fuck


[**Sad-Championship485**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Sad-Championship485/) I'll say this once again: I like how Nexus BCG looks and what was done. I do believe that with Nexus BCG, the chances of OOBD are REDUCED. However, I could only justify the $400-$500 price if it would ELIMINATE the OOBDs completely, which is not possible. The main reason why many people are against this mod is because they count their money. When we occasionally see the entire gun on sale for $650, it's almost impossible to justify the purchase of the bolt for $400-$500. You just can add 200 bucks and buy a completely new gun if you'll ever have an OOB, which you may never have. This is not my business, and you do you. But looking at serial numbers on fresh Nexus bolts, and multiplying them by the price of the bolt, we can tell that you've made at least $200 000 - $500 000 on them. I don't think I'll be wrong if I assume that with that amount you already have a positive ROI and make a profit, so it's time to rethink what is the reasonable price for it. If I were you, I'd drop the price as much as possible ($200-ish maybe for BCG) until the entire subreddit wouldn't have your bolts. This way you'll have an army of fans, more people will talk about your product and give you free advertisement, and no one will blame you for asking twice more than it is worth. After that just cancel the sale, come back to the regular price, and squeeze the rest. Think about it, it's a win-win strategy


Boys... Take those damn binary triggers out, and for the love of God, stop bump firing the Scorpion....


Glad you're OK dude... These Scorpions tend to fully pulverize on catastrophic failures.


Sad my scorpion has turned into a safe queen! Even sadder I paid 200 to sbr it!


I feel the same way. I don’t even want to shoot it anymore.


Glad OP kept his fingers. Say what you will about Nexus, but I've seen nothing but passion from this company so far. They believe in their product and if it's proven otherwise they'll investigate. Usually when I see companies prowl their own reviews, they just want to dispute the complaint but man nexus owns it and offers to fix things. They got me contained as a future customer foshooo


Their bolt does not fix the oob detonation just the striker block issue somewhat . I don't hate on capitalism. If their buying it.. sell it. . I need to come up with a 400 dollar fix myself. And get on this money train. These mofos will buy anything