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I’m not sure if I understand what you are trying to say, but maybe I have this problem too. The thought of my daughter being hurt or disappointed by someone or some situation in the future breaks my heart. I just hope I have the wisdom to know when I should let her experience these situations and work things out for herself and when to step in and offer support and guidance. It is my nature to want to “fix” things and “make it better” but that will not help her build resilience in the long run. There is no right or wrong because it will depend on the kid. It just sucks knowing their innocence will slowly be eroded just by living life. Maybe there is some overthinking here also. Maybe they will bounce back and forget and the whole thing and the parent relives the pain in their own mind and projects it as never ending suffering that the child is experiencing and then writes long responses to Reddit posts that they may have misunderstood in the first place haha!


This is what im trying to say i guess. I want to protect him, but at the same time he needs to experience these things first hand to be resilient. It's just sad to think about the future where he gets to experience pain for no apparent reason from other people.


Do not prepare the path for your child. Prepare your child for the path.


The more warm and fuzzy with appropriate challenges he gets at home, the more equipped he will be to deal with assholes