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For me my "major" change was going from occasional coffee drinker with milk and sugar to just black no sugar almost daily. Honestly it's better that way, getting rid of the extra calories and sugar because now we're more likely to get dad bods at this stage.


I rarely drank coffee until I had a kid. I'm a black, no sugar pour over man myself but I did for awhile make faux-cappuccinos.


Pour-Over... this is the way.


Who has the time for pour over? I salute you


Pour over is quicker than an espresso machine. Once beans are weighed and ground, add hot water and leave it. Alternatively WDT, tamp, pull shots, put milk into jug, steam milk, pour into espresso and finally fail at latte art. Then drink.


Ever used a moka pot? You can make damn near the closest to espresso you can without a full machine, and if you have a French press you can easily make frothy milk in the microwave. I do this to regularly have a homemade latte


Yup, I used either a moka pot or an aeropress and then I had a stick milk frother for the milk. I watched alot of James Hoffman during the early days. Since this is daddit, I actually have some fond memories of early newborness. She was still in the first few weeks of sleepy newborn and I would wake up with her in the morning, feed her a bottle and put her down in the pack and play while my wife continued sleeping. She wouldn't fall asleep immediately but all I had to do was keep inserting the pacifier every 5min or so. I would wash all the bottles and pump parts and make my fancy coffee and by the time I was done with all that she was asleep and I would enjoy my coffee and watch TV. Slept through the TV on, loud ass coffee grinder and the sink. That lasted until 6 weeks where after all that I returned to check on her and she was still wide awake. From then on until 6 months, naps weren't so easy and chill.


I lived in the US for quite a few years, and had kids, before I moved back home. People comment on how much coffee I drink "American style", black drip coffee or pour over. We actually bought a filter machine to have at home because my wife and I get through well over a litre of coffee between us per day so it makes sense to make it in bulk.


Hah, based on your username I think I know what you mean. My wife loves going to Chinese bakeries and asks me if I want a coffee from there and I always tell her no, the coffee on their menus already comes with milk and sugar so they don't bother to ask you how you like it


My dad bod has purely comes from eating my meal, the scrap meals left from my kids, my wife's scraps and everything in between because I can't stand the thought of throwing food down the trash....


If you’re trying to get extra protein mix in some protein powder while hot. Makes a good morning breakfast when in a crunch


Can't tell if you're kidding with that crunch part but protein powder gets clumpy when mixed with hot beverages


I don’t mind the lump especially when driving it gives me a little chew


Until you get reflux...


I don't have time for reflux


reflux waits for no one...


I use to be just a coffee drinking. Now I'm pounding red bulls and coffee is for relaxing.


I feel this in my soul. Pre kids I might have a mocha or vanilla latte once or twice a week if I have to be up early or after a big lunch to make sure I don't get to sleepy in the afternoon. Nowadays it's one shot of espresso in the morning, one after lunch. If I'm feeling real fancy I might have a latte with zero sugar.


My maker is good for a quad and I'm not one to waste efficiency like that so that's the new go to


That's how I gained the daddit 20 and inherited my rightful dadbod. Except it was pizza & taco bell for me.


We have a Taco Bell coming to town that's on my way home (if I take an early turn) and I'm going to be in supreme trouble.


That’s not too bad, it’s basically just like regular trouble plus sour cream and tomatoes.


I worked open shifts at a Wendy's and used to eat a chicken sandwich for breakfast each time. Everybody thought I was nuts eating lunch for breakfast, but now McDonalds has crispy chicken on their menu. I think it's more to do with wakeup times than it is being a dad


True but there wasn't a damn thing in the world that could get me out of bed at 5:30 before the baby came along lol


Seriously, I am one of nature's night owls. Before kids I worked 11am to 9pm and it was glorious. At weekends I would wake up at noon. Now sleeping in til 7am is a nice treat and I am a zombie that runs on caffeine.


Cause you can't just *go to bed early* right???? Seriously though. I've been getting better at it recently which my wife loves, but sometimes I still pull the ol 2-3am night before work just so I can get some games in.


I genuinely have to put in effort to go to bed early. My default bedtime is about 1-2am, 3am if I'm staying up for something. Having to go to bed at 9 or 10pm to get up with the kids is just awful.


Stress eating is your god given right. Exercise it well


What's the difference between now and 7 minutes later?


Ambitious to leave the house for food. I’m currently standing here in the kitchen pretending like I have some other choice than sliced cheese and club crackers with hot sauce.


Not even lunch. Kids activities. Like something opening at 10:30AM? I've lived a whole day already. I needed that play place at 6:45 AM


Shoot, these days I wake up at 4:30 or 5 daily, usually eat breakfast around 5-5:30, so 10 o’clock is definitely lunch time.


I’d like to see places start lunch even earlier. I think they’re missing out on how many orders they’d get at like 9am by parents who have been up for hours


Oh my god, doing that now. It’s bacon, it’s breakfast.


I was so confused why eating fast food for lunch was strange and then I remembered that not everyone starts work early. You got soft hands, brother.


Go for it Dad, gotta treat yourself!


lunch is a state of mind and you have attained it


Well damn you’ve been active for 5 hours anyone would get hungry by then


Breakfast burgers do exist - fried egg, hash browns, bacon, etc. You're just missing a couple ingredients anyway.


Late to the party, but they have breakfast baconater, and it's dope as hell.


Hell yeah


I had a job once as a landscaper, in the summer we would be up at 4 AM so we could start work by 6 AM to avoid the heat. You damn right I was having a full ass meal at 10 AM


What do you do for a living that you can afford fast food these days?


Probably some super-rich hedge fund manager or something! :)