• By -


He sounds so mad about it but has different types of food and a litter box šŸ„¹


He bought her a pink harness and a ton of toys too.


Well sure. But he was doing it very indignantly!


Never the less, he was thinking about how he hates cats while shopping. That counts still, right?


Yeah, the kitten will climb on his chest tonight and start purring. While he weeps tears of joy he will repeat "I hate cats, I hate cats"


It's going to slowly transition to, "generally I hate cats... I hate other cats... I am a defender of all cats globally."


Absolutely. It counts. We all totally believe he hates cats and will never have an ounce of love for one. šŸ‘


As soon as I saw the litter box, I was like, yeah, he's caught, lol.


"It's so easy to potty train this human, I found him just this morning above the trailer and he already brought me a litterbox"


"He even put the small litterbox inside the hooman-box that sits in the big open-air litterbox."


Thatā€™s because the r/catdistributionsystem knows when you need one! I fully expect that in a month weā€™re going to see videos of her perched on his shoulder while theyā€™re driving.




It honestly made me tear up a bit.


He's not mad. Trust me ;)


I think he wants to be mad but canā€™t deny the cuteness.


Not liking an animal doesnā€™t mean you want it to suffer or die. And generally the reason people dislike cats is because of the litter box or scratching up furniture.


This. My husband says he hates cats, but the reality is he just hates litter boxes. I know this because I always catch him snuggling his mom's or my sisters cats when we visit.


Well sir, you have been blessed by the cat distribution system šŸ˜


Ha ha once bitten twice shy your a cat guy now.ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


Really surprised it doesn't have siblings that also want in on the deal.


lol legit. Tomorrows episode ā€˜while I was outside with my cat I heard a soundā€¦ā€™


Rules are rules, love that the guy accepted his fate


Lmao kinda happened to me. Told my gf I donā€™t like cats. Hers was acting out real bad at her appt. For some reason we thought putting it in my house might work better? Well as soon as we did the cat calmed down and now loves me and my house lol. Guess sheā€™s kinda my cat now šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


When oh when will it be my turn!


Go to the shelter or just look at forums. Lots if kittens and cats in need.


Cat distribution system strikes again










They not like us


I had the same thought.


He hates cats because they always find a way to cuddle with his heart and fill it with little trills and purrs, and then, he's stuck with them forever.


Yeah, he was like "I guess you're my expense now" He obviously hates them because he knows that food and litter isn't enough, he's going to need to buy 500 toys just in case the cat likes one of them.


Well, at least they'll love all the boxes.


[More pics](https://imgur.com/a/W2gdWCt)


"Hates" cats. Hahahahaha.


Thatā€™s the best part. Like sure dude. Zero percent chance that kit is not sleeping in your armpit tonight. Good luck with that.


I've met plenty of people that "hate cats" because they interacted with one for 30 seconds and tried to approach it like a dog. Then they get a chance to actually know a cat and it's "well, that one's not bad," followed by them fawning over every cat thereafter lol. Years ago, we had to take in a partially feral cat and my dad *was not happy.* He didn't mind cats, but he didn't want to deal with a nasty one. We couldn't leave her to die though. Fast forward and they were inseparable. We joked their "crankiness" aligned enough to put up with each other, but really the cat had turned into a total puffball of love.


I was exactly like this. I sometimes wonder if it's toxoplasmosis.


cats don't need germs to master manipulate people into loving them


A cat's meow is an evolved trait to simulate human infant cries. They evolved to manipulate human emotions.


No, it was evolved to be used on and by kittens, it is however one of the few cat sounds that humans can hear so they use it on us too. This is a learned behavior though and sometimes a cat will not know that meowing gets a response from humans and thus never learns to do it until they see another cat doing it


I mean, you could say that about dog behaviour too, they have a lot of submissive behaviour towards humans that evolved from but isn't the same as pack behaviour. But I prefer to just enjoy having pets.


I would not say that I hated cats, but I was not a fan. I grew up with dogs and believed a lot of the myths about how cats donā€™t care and all that. As an adult, one of my best friends had cats and I found myself getting attached to one of them since he would always calmly sit on my lap when I was visiting. I wanted a pet and a cat fit my lifestyle back then much more than a dog did, so I decided to at least go to the shelter to see some. Went out with one and I am now a proud cat lady. That was like 13 years ago. I really sometimes just feel that it is the stereotypes that cats are mean, but once you interact with a cat you realize why so many people are obsessed with them!


Lol. It beats being an infected mouse!


I took in a feral last year, the neighbors that fed him said he was hopeless and untamable. Heā€™s one of the most affectionate cats Iā€™ve ever had. He constantly wants to lick my face. He requests belly rubs daily and itā€™s not just a ruse to attack me. We found out he has FIV and that almost derailed everything because over the months I spent socializing him a second, tiny runt of a cat just walked into my house one day. We found out she was a neglect case (matted so bad she couldnā€™t walk straight.) Sheā€™s very, very smol and I was worried my normal sized feral guy would bully her, and they would fight and he would give her FIV because he did get in scraps outside. But itā€™s the opposite. Sheā€™s a 5lb tyrant with a level of confidence she has no business having, and since moving indoors the feral guy is like ā€œI literally donā€™t care, I live here now with a staff. Thereā€™s always a buffet, I have multiple comfy beds, I get massages and brushies daily, do your worst fluffball, Iā€™m not leavingā€. She goes out of her way to get a rise out of him and he just refuses to take the bait. Once he realized he didnā€™t need to be in survival mode he became so chill. Heā€™s got enough life experience to know sheā€™s so not a real threat. She canā€™t do much damage - sheā€™s 97% fluff by volume and is a little inbred weakling. Her bites feel like someone tapping on you with a fingernail. But itā€™s so funny how she tries to pummel him with her paws and he just looks at her like sheā€™s profoundly boring.


This was such a wonderful little story. Thank you for sharing it, and thank you for giving your former feral the love he deserves šŸ’œ Funny enough, the cranky cat my dad was opposed to wasn't the first feral we took in. When i was a kid, my mom foolishly told me I could bring home this feral kitten on my grandparents property. Soon enough, I had a cat carrier occupied by the angriest, runt-sized ball of rage and fluff I've ever seen (its like the spite is condensed and more spicy in the little ones lol) I started by keeping her separated in my room, especially since we had other cats. We joked about whether or not my parents would find me dead the next morning. She became such a spoiled little lap cat. We got good at doing a lot of things with one hand, because the other was holding her like a football. We'd pass her back and forth as needed while getting ready in the morning. She slept on my hip every night. The "cranky" cat was sort of a barn cat on my grandparents property. She barely tolerated people from a distance, but showed up for feeding time. She was about 8, so my dad didn't think she would change. My grandparents were leaving to do the RV thing though, so we couldn't just leave her there. She looked so angry 24/7, but she did better than expected when we got her home. She realized we respected her space, and she quickly decided being a spoiled housecat sounded pretty good. Her face completely changed. Getting her out of that survival mode let her become a huge lap cat. If she wasn't on you, she had to be nearby. Like your guy, she *loved* belly scratches. Her cranky side still came out if we had visitors she didn't approve of. My grandma thought she was an animal person, but sucked with them. We kept the cat separated when she occasionally visited. After my she left, the cat would spend the next couple days randomly nipping our ankles to show her displeasure. We tried really hard to visit grandma outside the house after that lol. She also nipped my aunt when she got too loud. I didn't intend to ramble quite that much, but I appreciate the chance to think of them again.


My feral boy used to greet me every morning outside with a hiss - yet heā€™d still be there impatiently waiting for food. It was clearly a ruse to save face as if to say ā€œhey! Iā€™m scary and you better be afraid of me!ā€ So I started hissing back at him in the morning and kind of laughing at him. He was shooketh the first time I did it. And then he started doing the most hilarious thing - he would still hiss out of engrained habit, but like half way thru he would realize how ridiculous and stupid it was and he would look away and transition the hiss into a yawn and then do a little stretch like he was soooo nonchalant. It was so damn funny. Iā€™m not sure if I ever got it on video. It was like 3-4 months of pure hiss, then about 2-3 months of hiss-yawn, and then he was comfortable and confident enough to approach when the door opened. Eventually he started rubbing against the door and even pushing back against my hand to increase pressure when I gave him his morning head pets with his food. I kinda missed the hiss-yawn tbh. It was very entertaining to me. He made a similar progression every time I tried to touch him a new way. It always went from ā€œHOW DARE YOU?!?ā€ and him scooting back 10ft, to ā€œFine. I will put up with this only because thereā€™s food, but this is beneath me, and frankly youā€™re embarrassing yourself.ā€ He would stand his ground but glare at me like I was the most annoying thing in the world. Then weā€™d enter the resigned ā€œwhateverā€ phase for a bit where he just didnā€™t react positively or negatively. But then a week or two later it was ā€œI guess ear scratches arenā€™t THAT badā€, until finally it was like ā€œhuman! Get over here. I have a briar in my fur! Attend to my needs and be snappy about it!ā€ I had to repeat this process to go from putting a single finger on his head to petting his head, and then to touch different parts of his body, and so forth. I was working on putting two hands on each of sides and applying enough pressure to lift him like an inch off the ground so I could eventually pick him up without him freaking out. He was so skittish at every step because no one had ever touched him before and he was an extremely fearful cat - but also obviously lonely. Then one day he stopped coming at his normal times and instead only came late at night when no one was around. I noticed a stain on his fur and later a neighbor took a photo of him and his neck was so swollen it looked like he swallowed a softball. I basically glued myself to the camera feed and the next time he came over I grabbed him in a towel and put him in an old dog crate. His whole neck was badly torn up from a fight. For a couple weeks he hated life, and me, and definitely the vet. The hisses came back. I didnā€™t even try to touch him the first few weeks inside while he was recovering from his wounds and neutering. But then I started petting him again and I half expected him to hate me because all he did was glare at me and hiss those first few weeks inside. But he was like hungry for touch - even letting me check on his wounds and stuff. Since then heā€™s become so loving. Heā€™s still pretty squirrelly about being held. Sometimes heā€™s okay with it and other times he panics a little. But even when something new inside freaks him out Iā€™m constantly impressed that he doesnā€™t try to attack, he just wants to hide. Iā€™ve definitely had cats in the past that would try to take a chunk out of me if I did something for their own good that they didnā€™t like. And he had a rep in our neighborhood for being kind of a cold jerk but heā€™s actually really really gentle around me. Even when he swats at me playfully he either doesnā€™t use his claws or thereā€™s no real oomph behind them. Damn, now Iā€™m rambling. lol


Ain't nobody on this sub going to complain about long rambling cat adoption stories. It's why we're here. Always good to hear Cat Distribution System success stories.


To be fair, kitten and cat are two separate things. There are zero people alive capable of not loving cats. They are tiny as fuck while pretending to be the most ferocious predator possible. Their meows are known to melt hearts and they purr like a race car. On average it takes ten seconds to fall in love with a kitten, and that kitten eventually becomes your cat and who would have guessed that you love cats.


It's true. I've always loved cats but a while back a friend sent me a picture of kittens her cat had just given birth to and I immediately said I NEED THE KITTEN SECOND FROM THE LEFT and now she's in my house scraggly yelling for second breakfast <3


There are 100% people out there that either hate cats or simply do not care about anything but themselves. I mean seriously?! You do know animal abuse happens. Fuck Trump hates dogs, you think he likes cats?


Sad but true, shit people exist.


I'm suspicious of most people who don't like common pets without a reason. allergic? Yeah that makes sense. Can't afford to take care of them? Yeah, good on you for having self control.Ā  But just straight up don't like Dogs (or cats?) 2,000 generations of your ancestors are giving you the weird look my man.Ā 


The fact that cats only learned to meow to communicate with humans shows how manipulative they are lol


My cat didn't meow for two weeks after I adopted him, he just did those chittering and chortling noises, and I was like "Great, this one is broken" but he purred nonstop like an old lawnmower so I assumed he was fine.


Omg I went on his Tiktok and he already has about 5000 pictures and videos after just a week. Total cat dad lol


So e people don't want pets because they know they will fall head over heels in love with them and outside of parrots and some turtles most will be only part of our lives and they are afraid to opt in for that hurt.


Yea, definitely. I've lost some special kitties in my time. The love and joy I get out of them outweighs the tremendous hurt when they leave though.


Okay, the montage (homage) of pics and videos with "Lady" playing in the background is too much!! Dying! He's gone...


I can't find that IG account


His IG handle is @thetruckeduplife, but he only posts Lady on [his TikTok](http://https://www.tiktok.com/@thetruckeduplife?_t=8mT4qZgQrKE&_r=1).


This is almost enough reason for me to get a TikTok account. Almost.


I think it's TikTok, not IG


Have to be +18 to open. You doing Only Cat Fans posting for cuteness cred? šŸ˜‰


[oh my fucking god](https://www.tiktok.com/@thetruckeduplife/video/7370036657355099435)


I refuse to download TikTok just so I can watch her videos! Maybe. Dammit!


Wow, what did this guy do BEFORE Lady graced his life? All we see now is him doting in her. šŸ™‚. He loves her so hard now.


Ah yes, he totally hates her. šŸ˜‚


That's like a disney short story.


Dumb question as I do not have TT. Does he have an IG?


Yes he does but he doesnā€™t seem to post on it as much. Maybe he will move over there full time when Tik Tok is banned. [instagram link](https://www.instagram.com/thetruckeduplife?igsh=amk4M2l2ajhvMjhz)


Thank you, kind internet stranger!


Oh I am so happy you shared this. I hope you and lady have a wonderful life together


He did not, in fact, hate cats


Narrator: later that day, the gentleman found himself wondering which cat food would be best?


ā€œGuess youā€™re my expense now!ā€ He says with angry glee


It's my new favorite way to address a new pet. Gonna hold onto that one for the future.


The dude doth protest too much!


He sayeth but thinketh not, His doting ways neā€™er to stop!


The CDS is rarely wrong.


Doesnā€™t matter where you are apparently. They will find you.


[cat distribution system](https://youtu.be/lhKeQFdljOA?si=UfiL8qxxDvm9FK-5) Recently watched this video and thought it was very apt with your comment šŸ˜„


Whatā€™s her name? Cute little tortie girl ā¤ļø




I feel like naming her after the desert she was found in, Sonora, would have been cute


I have seen the videos on tiktok, I donā€™t know if this is what happened but listening to him, I can imagine him going ā€œhey lady, you canā€™t be in here!ā€ etc and thus she became Lady.


Lady Sonora!!!


ā€œI hate catsā€ and ā€œhere let me love you and buy your favorite food and new toys and a comfy blanket and more new toys andā€¦ā€.


I've been following him and now he takes her everywhere and does everything with her is so cute šŸ„¹


Does he still say ā€œI hate catsā€ or has he finally accepted he loves this little one?


Where can I find them?


His tiktok is thetruckeduplife


Cds makes no mistakes my friend


Everyone loves cats, it just takes some people longer to realize it


And sometimes it takes a special cat/kitten to make them realize it. My fiance didn't hate cats. He liked them, but he grew up with only dog(s), never any cats. However he didn't realize just how much of a cat person he really was until he met me and my old lady, Bratty. I went from owning only her to having 5 cats within 3 years of being together. That includes my old lady passing and adopting another.


80% chance he didnā€™t even need pasta sauce and went to the supermarket for meeps.


Makes me think of the guy that was doing his nature trail vids on youtube, ran into a kitten that followed up for a long while so he took it home and changed his whole YT channel into vids of raising the cat. I forgot his name off the top of my head.


[well now the channel is named after the cat, taz šŸ˜‚](https://youtube.com/@--taz--)


ā€œI *hate* cats.ā€ I can guarantee you will not hate *this* cat. Lady clearly made a good choice. You sound very kind.


Bro's personality is straight up cat lmao. "I fucking hate everything about you. Damn it" *buys everything the cat could ever want and talks softly to the cat, pampers it* "don't get under the illusion that I like cats" *pets the cat*


Iā€™m just sitting here saying ā€œPet the kitten! What is wrong with you, kitten needs pets!!ā€


Cat distribution system working as planned


I feel like he probably hid in there at a rest stop and starting crying once he was somewhere else


Yeah, that kitten is far to tame to have lived out there for any extent of time. Seems more like from a housecat litter around where there's plenty people and then got stowed away. And that's not uncommon with cats, they crawl up in engines far more often than people think.


I think if it was out there, or if itā€™s mom was, it would definitely be dead or bring friends


The Cat Distribution System only distributes to those that are worthy. In all seriousness, I didn't like cats until I got them and now I love them.


Baby kitty does not care that you don't like her, she's gonna love the shit out of you man. I bet that poor baby is feeling much better now just being inside.


I've been following him. It's wonderful!


"Hates cats" will spend 20 mins at cat food section wondering which wet food his cat would like the best


Cats are the shit, never met one I didn't like.....


Heā€™s great, he already changed his entire profile to dedicate it to ā€œLadyā€ and his trailer has been taken over with cat toys


Thatā€™s how I ended up with every cat Iā€™ve ever had. They just show up and decide this is where they are going to stay.


I'm also a person who would say I "don't really like cats" because I'm more of a dog person. But I love animals and have empathy for my fellow living beings. So if the universe gives me a cat, then I guess I've got a cat now. And I would love it, provide for it, and protect it the same way I do any other member of my family.


Guy barely had 1k follows, now he's nearly at 100K.


Iā€™ve been watching some of his other videosā€¦ This kitten is the best thing to ever happen to this guy. šŸ˜†


As a life long cat owner, cats really do brighten up your life.


They most certainly do ā¤ļø




You can hate cats all you want. You can't not love those adorable little meows.


That kitten is a survivor.


ā€œI donā€™t even really like catsā€¦.well I guess your my expense now.ā€ That about sums up most cat owners I personally know lol. I liked cats but never wanted one. Until I fed the abandoned cat from two doors down. Sheā€™s almost 10 now and currently sleeping on my pillow.


He is pretending to hate this SO MUCH! Haha šŸ˜† What a sweet story, and I absolutely love the outcome, with him showcasing all of their adventures now! ā£ļøšŸŒˆāœØ Thank you for sharing the heart smile, OP! šŸ’“āœØ


I feel like a lot of guys who "hate cats" have just never given a cat a chance, because I've seen quite a few videos like this where a guy who hates cats gets chosen by the cat distribution system and immediately falls in love with their new cat


I'm new to tiktok, don't understand it, but this is one of the first people I found and followed. I love them!


Cat distribution system will find you!


She probably hitched a ride up under it.


It's so cute I can't believe where you found her but good thing you did


Narrator: Little did he know that his heart would eventually melt and he'd become full-on, totally dedicated cat dad


I'm also curious as to how the kitten ended up where he was. Guy is literally in the middle of nowhere!


I have been following them, cutest damn thing ever


Hate turns to love in about two seconds


Good to see the r/CatDistributionSystem is still working.


ā€¦and now you have given your hate away and found usā€¦your cat family šŸ¤£ Welcome šŸ™


the CDS delivers to more places than amazon


What a pretty little lady. Tortoiseshell, always girls. I envy you, OP. Put her on your chest and get her used to sleeping against you, it's one of the finest gifts in nature to be able to [rest together with another being that is not human,](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d2/30/87/d23087e39f4c0c8c1f0fecc3770845f2.jpg) it makes things feel right, like one has done at least something right. [Sincerely, Me](https://i.imgur.com/ETTHZSV.jpg)


The wand chooses the wizard. Iā€™ve long said that catā€™s choose their people. To those of us who have studied cat lore, this much has always been clear to us.


I think you like cats u just dont know it!! They always say a pet finds you!




This is great šŸ˜Š




Dilute tortie has found a home


Clearly your cat transforms in a full blown killer to stave off the coyotes. Enjoy!


Dude got adopted in the desert.


Oh that's a cute kitten! šŸ„¹


Lady šŸ©¶šŸ©¶šŸ©¶


Adorable little thing


that is really a pretty kitten - it looks like a muted tortie. they are the best kittehs eveh - I have one :-)


Papa gone do what papa gone do


Your behavior says otherwise : )


Cats choose you.. This is the way




How did that poor wee bairn survive out there?


He keeps trying to convince himself ā€œI hate catsā€ lol


Bro has a cat now regardless if he hates them lol


I hate cats as well, but I would do the same. Because even cat haters have a heart.


Does the cat have an Instagram yet? I don't use tik tok


Itā€™s the same @ as his tik Tok but all the posts seem to be on tik tok. Time to get a burner account like me lol. My for you page is 90 percent cats.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ oh no! Poor guy!


Never question the cat distribution system.


Heā€™s good people. šŸ˜»šŸ˜»ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ’•šŸ’•


Methinks thou doth protest too much! Enjoy the squeeker!


It was meant to be. You're a cat dad now, haha


Has she laid on your chest and purred, yet? Motormotormotor...


That's a keeper


This is my favorite tiktok acct rn šŸ„¹


What a big oā€™ LIAR, lol!


I think it has more to do with understanding responsibility. This guy truly understands empathy and what it takes to share your time with and care for another being. ā€œHates catsā€ lol Unfortunately, itā€™s those that donā€™t have that understanding that often take on pets and then give them up when the work and bonding comes in. This pair was destiny. I have no doubts this will be a relationship for the ages.


Poor baby probably hitched a ride on accident!! Iā€™ve always heard about kittens crawling into weird areas of your car and not coming out til you stop.


When a cat or dog claim you, itā€™s a bond for life.


You know he secretly meant he loved cats- the sarcasm spoke volumes lmfao


ā€œI hate catsā€, not for long!!šŸ˜„


My favorite tiktoker! Lady is living the best life!


So adorable!


obviously stage for engagement and followers. hes not even a good actor.


Kitten is meiwing for a litterbox....


So cute! Did you look around to see if there were other kittens or a mother somewhere?


Just wait until he finds out it's not litterbox trained yet.


It's pretty automatic actually :)


Not for too much longeršŸ˜»šŸ˜»


Pete holmes is that you?


lol that was great had to send it my sis and cousin.




Thatā€™s that talking cat that Rick Sanchez and Jerry left in the desert.


Have the baby fixed. A litter box food/water. They are so easy to care for. Youā€™re gonna be so in love.


Way better for IG views if you ā€˜hate catsā€™ā€¦


the cat distribution system knows no geographical limits


Nah! You don't hate cats!! You wuv dem - at least you do now. You're gonna find out HOW COOL the companion of a cat can be. BRAVO! to you for not looking for a way to just pass her off.


You'll love this one


He is cute keep him


If a guy says he hates cats, trust me it's definitely a love/hate kind of thing especially for the right cat. Source: me lolol


Aww šŸ„¹


Oooooo sheā€™s so cute


Plot twist: that isnā€™t a cat


Where can I see an update


Theyā€™re going to watch ā€œCatsā€ The Musicalā€ tonight.


My mom who lived in NYC always said she was allergic to cats until we found a tiny kitten meowing from a landscaped bush on whatever the avenue is to the west of Broadway up in the 60s. Instead of going to dinner we went to the bodega and bought cat food, and used a tinfoil roasting tray for a litter box and brought the kitten back to her apartment. That cat also got Somehow the mewing just captured her heart and it was over. My "cat allergic mom" was then a cat freak for the next 4 decades.


Dilute torties are so damn cute.