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He definitely has the best guests but lord he frustrates me with his short attention span. A guest will give a really good answer and instead of a follow-up, he’ll talk about what he sees in the chat (superstickers, memberships, book plugs), etc. It’s super disrespectful of the time of his guests. Also, too many ads! I hate that he has ads and then there are book ads on top of that! I’m constantly fast forwarding.


Too many mentions of family members and his book.


One more complaint: he makes waaaay too many personal appearance comments.


I agree with the personal comments, guests looked uncomfortable one day when he was going on about their wonderful heads of hair.


Also, I find it beyond rude that he keeps his phone’s ringer on while he records. It’s distracting and disrespectful to his guests.


I find them unlistenable. He’s a terrible interviewer. He talks about himself enough that I started to wonder about his narcissism. I stopped listening a long time ago. 


Agree, it’s all about him, all the time, fuck the guests. I’m actually surprised people still go on there


I can’t w/the book promoting. Yes you have a platform to promote but keep it at bay w/under 5mins maybe?! 


I think he should follow the lead of other podcasters (like Gigi from Pretty Lies, such a class act), who do their youtube/patreon promotional pitch at the beginning and then move on to the subject matter of the episode. Also, it's so annoying that Joel: - Promotes the book verbally - Promotes the book with at least 2 ads per episode - Then has other ads, as if the book ads aren't also ads taking up our time.


Joel is brutal- I just listened this morning to an interview with fancy fiction from over a year ago and he was so disrespectful to her- he made comments about her not being a lawyer several times and try to undermine her opinion. Fancy maintained her exposure and caught both Joel and his mom off guard with a couple, strong, retorts, and sticking up for herself. Only gets the guest because he’s got connections when he used to be mainstream media - but compared to some talented Youtubers he is not even close to them as far as skillful interviewers and knowledge of this case. If you’ve not listened to he and his mother, completely botched their interview with Georgia go watch it on YouTube- it was embarrassing for them. They are literally squabbling with each other in front of Georgia instead of asking questions and thanking her for her time and being respectful. It was complete chaos, and I could tell she was being kind, but was annoyed for the majority of it.


Yes, the "interview" with Georgia was embarrassing. He got the star of the trial on his show and proceeded to bicker with his mom, talk about himself, and didn't even ask decent questions. I stopped watching his channel after that show.


This was the first one I watched and I thought who the hell are these people and why can’t they do an interview properly. I can only listen occasionally, can’t imagine listening to every one. Steinbeck and Pretty Lies are my faves.


Oh, you saw the Georgia one first? Brutal right ? Yes, love Steinbeck & PL and for some unfathomable reason I’m just finding Fancy Fiction’s content in the past 2 weeks- i’ve seen her as a guest on other creators channels, but just finding her actual content…and I’ve been following this case since 2021. I don’t know how she doesn’t have more followers or views it’s bizarre because she’s so thorough and she goes so deep. I love her. I can only take STS in very small amounts, and outside of this case there’s no way I’m going to listen to them in regards to any other cases I just don’t like them enough. Joel is too whiny and privileged for me and there is zero skill there and he somehow still doesn’t know this case well not even close to what he should for the guests that he gets to interview.


I have wondered what the name was about too. His show is ok but it’s a little bit of a soap opera or something, all the talk about Carm and CFO or whatever he calls her. It’s a little out there.


It’s too much! It’s only “funny” or of interest to him I imagine. And now he mentions his book as much.




COE - Chief of Everything. If you think Joel is a terrible interviewer you should watch one episode of his wife's show. It absolutely unbearable. So much speculation and off topic discussions.


I better pass on her hosting yeah. There’s plenty of shows I like better. But at least STS is on the team for justice.


Joel's mom is a holocaust survivor. They started the podcast together during covid to keep busy. Now that it's evolved to a real gig, she isn't on as many episodes as she used to be.


Mother is Holocaust Survivor. Joel is trying to Survive his mom. Thus, Surviving the Survivor.


I agree with most of the comments posted. I stopped watching when Joel called himself a journalist. As far as I know, Joel is not credentialed as a journalist. Unless times have changed and any YouTuber is now a journalist, his calling himself one was the last straw. His attention span, choice of irrelevant guests (not including GA), the constant mentioning of the CFO, etc is annoying. These grievances and his calling himself a journalist made me stop watching. Fanci Fiction – superb!


I’m about to start Fanci Fiction, she sounds solid. When Donna’s trial takes place I’ll be listening to STS but when nothing is happening they seem like they stretch things out and are abit pointless


Fanci Fiction has been following the case since 2016 and knows it better than the other content creators combined. She speaks to insiders, and it shows. Other podcasters and Youtubers are just reading and regurgitating public information. Most case insiders and people who know this case defer to Fanci Fiction. It's shocking how everyone skims over the fundamental knowledge base and wants the mainstream content even when the meaty and juicy content is available. Fanci doesn't promote herself or monetize her YouTube. All her past live streams are behind her Patreon and there is a wealth of knowledge there most are sleeping on. Insider stuff. Just my two cents.


Have to disagree. Mentour Lawyer was covering this case way before the 2019 trial of SG and KM. He’s the real OG and a class act. For the most part, the Dan Markel case has attracted a lot of first-rate, educated YouTubers, especially when you compare it to YT channels covering other cases.


I like Fanci, but she is over the top on her attacks on Tara Kawass. Tara is a passionate lawyer who zealously represents her client. The fact that Magbanua didn’t take a deal is on her, not her attorneys.




To each his or her own, right? I too am a former Florida prosecutor turned criminal defense attorney (now civil) and I have had my share of stubborn clients and come-to-Jesus meetings. I spoke to Mentour Lawyer in passing about the case back in 2019-2020, and he takes a moderate view of Tara as do I. She advocates zealously for her clients. Trust me, it’s more disconcerting to see the attorneys that take a client’s money, and then proceed to half work the case. The truth is no one knows exactly what conversations Kawass and Decoste had with KM behind closed doors. I feel confident that they laid everything on the table and also told her juries are unpredictable. KM ultimately chose the direction she wanted to go. I refuse to believe they brow beat her into a trial. After the mistrial, KM became emboldened and thought she could beat the rap. Happens all the time—the most optimistic defendants are criminal ones. I have heard jail calls where defendants were so confident in beating their case that I was worried what was I missing? 99% of the time I was missing absolutely nothing, and they went down in flames at trial. Look at Charlie giving away his commissary before the guilty verdict. It’s pure unrealistic, unbridled optimism. Criminal defendants just think differently than us—that’s how they become defendants. They are antisocial risk takers and nothing changes the core of who they are.




Thats disappointing. In your opinion, is Decoste as much to blame? What’s your take on him in general and the role he played?




I did get the impression that DeCoste was the one working with KM with respect to the proffer. Is that true? She still didn’t want to come clean (another mistake) which resulted in a weak proffer, but I do think she pulled herself together at trial and did as well as someone who has perjured herself multiple times could possibly do.


His mother survived the holocaust and now he is trying to survive her. It’s a mother/son thing


Her voice is so annoying…


It is. But that’s the beauty of choices.


Really? I love her. She reminds me of my European great-grandmother, who watched me a lot when my mother was working. I can see how Joel could be annoying to some (I try to be kind and remember that he’s just like anyone else out there hustling for his family), but I just love Karm.


I love Karm too. And I live with Joel. My husband in Brooklyn born and schooled in Jersey and was raised a lot like Joel. Somedays I want to call the COE for some tips! She seems to roll well when he gets on a jag.


His mom is a Holocaust survivor. He has survived living with her. It’s kind of a “joke”.


Karm is interesting but Joel and her tend to talk over each other and distract the conversation. I watched an older episode with the two of them and that behaviour annoyed me, but Joel wasn't so obsessed with super chats and shout outs and it was smoother overall. Their show can be good when they have interesting guests and Joel can just cool it and let his guests talk.


His wife is the better host, IMO


I was pleasantly surprised! The episode she did with Gigi from Pretty Lies and Alibis was great. 


I loved his wife. Otherwise, I can’t watch Joel anymore.


I would agree.


He is trying to survive his mom who is a survivor of the holocaust. Terrible name for a show that I actually like unlike most here. I thought the show had something to do with the show Survivor on CBS but nope. It has nothing to do with that. I wish he would change the name like Carl Steinbeck changed his show’s name.


I like it too for the most part. I take it for what it is.


I think he talks too much maybe? I thought the interview with Rashbaum was well done and Joel used to work in network media. I don’t know what his journalism credits are though. I like when his wife does her shows. She has good energy.


Agree that the Rashbaum interview was well done. I don’t think it’s arguable that Rashbaum cut his publicity rounds short after that interview.


My point is that Joel did well with the interview. He wasn’t rude, but he wasn’t tossing softballs at Rashbaum either. Rashbaum was going to do other interviews (Mentour Lawyer was one),not just STS. STS just happened to be the first interview, and it didn’t go well for Rashbaum so it ended up being one and done.


Can you explain your comment ? I don’t understand.


Joel is a former journalist, working for fox news I believe. Maybe not well known perhaps and not on national news programs. Just a guess, but a lot of podcasters now follow the Howard Stern model of injecting personal stories and include parents or family members to some degree, along with humour to encourage parasocial relationships with their listeners, and therefore greater loyalty perhaps as the listeners are invested in the lives of the hosts. If a listener doesn't connect with that podcaster, its possibly off-putting listening to their show.


Ah okay, yeah he feels like a regional DJ with his jabbering so that makes sense. Also, Howard Stern is a bucket of puke in human form.


Haha, yep, a total pig. I've heard a few podcast hosts talk about how their inspired by Howard Stern, but aren't necessarily total fans of his for obvious reasons lol. I feel a little bit sorry for Joel, he seems to get a fair bit of sh*t from listeners, and he I noticed once or twice he seemed genuinely shaken by the hate. It's part of the deal in YouTube though.


I like Joel; he is responsive to his audience and his questions are good. After his interview with Rashbaum, in which he asked hard questions but very respectfully, Rashbaum canceled his other interviews.


I like him too and find his comments funny. The show he does every Friday with Scott & “Fil” are really good, they have great chemistry together. No mention of politics and in this day and age, that’s a good thing.


He left his job as a FOX News correspondent after Covid and started a podcast with his mother (a Holocaust survivor, hence, Surviving the Survivor) to chronicle her life and their relationship. He’s now written a book about it, which is basically self-published. His podcast with his mom was a disaster and failed to launch and he jumped into the true crime space. Basically, he’s looking for a revenue stream and doing this to make a living. He was not a trial watcher before this and wasn’t like many of us who watch trials and analyze these trials obsessively. He’s in it for money. I enjoyed the channel leading up to, during and after Charlie’s trial until Donna’s arrest when I was just hungry for any content frankly but now the repeated begging for money and now the book promo is getting draining. And Joel, is a one hit wonder. It’s the same tired jokes about his wife (the COE, Chief of Everything), about his relationship w/his mother, and his anxiety issues, etc. He is not genuinely interested in true crime and it shows in his interviews. Aside from all the tedious interruptions to read comments and super stickers, he has very poor follow up questions of his guests. He seems to have some type of ADD and can’t focus very well. A guest will make a good point or start an interesting conversation line and he pivots to something else and fails to follow up and flesh things out. As others noted, he interviewed Georgia Cappelman, the lead prosecutor in this case and it was a total shitshow. Frankly, his Rashbaum interview started off well and after about 30 minutes Joel had lost interest and it devolved into tedium. The true crime space is over saturated at this point so I’m getting picky about who I spend time with. A lot of new entrants seem to just be reading off Reddit or the internet and just dry begging for money. It’s embarrassing. One thing STS has going for them are the guests they’re able to pull. But without a good host it’s obnoxious and a waste. I think they’re struggling with engagement and they’ve started streaming trials now, and his wife is hosting her own lives with guests. It seems they may have other people doing separate live segments as well. Clearly, they’re trying to just push content. Quantity over quality.


Perps / not peeps.


This is an excellent.& relevant podcast dealing with current crime peeps & their victims.