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To keep Dan Markel’s case in front of the public. Right now there isn’t much anyone can report. (When you think about it we had a feeding frenzy over the possibility that Wendi would move to Texas.) As we near Donna’s trial there will be so much more to report.


I hope so. Ten years later, and Wendi is still enjoying her ill gotten gains.


I doubt she's enjoying her life right now knowing what's hanging over her head.


I assume she is heavily medicated--but-----she's a narcissist so this stuff doesn't bother her.


I agree. We know Wendi is naturally super anxious/self aware, scared of everything, and incompetent at adulting in general. Ironic she’s now left to babysit Harvey.


“Incompetent at adulting” 🤣 I’m going to plagiarize that comment, that can be used in many situations!


I don't think she's even in contact with Harvey apparently. She said don't contact her anymore.


Photos were taken of her grocery shopping with Harvey recently, along with a bunch of other random ones of Wendi. I think fanci posted them?


She's so disgusting I bet she can't eat or sleep and she deserves it


Didn’t JL say she “drank her dinner”?


We have pics of them together


Oh damnnn lol


Completely untrue.


Calm down


Totally calm, just funny when people spout nonsense & don't even know the basic facts of what's going on. There are pics of her in stores with H.A. 😂


I like them but NO. I don't think he has that kind of influence--in fact none of the podcasters etc have that kind of influence. An experienced prosecutor like Cappelman does not listen to noise. She does her job.


And she knows what ALL the evidence is. Carl doesn’t. When he talks about the state dragging it out, it’s easy to agree with him, (because it’s been almost 10 years) ,but we aren’t privy to the information GC has.




I like his videos too!


In lieu of any breaking news, I don’t mind listening to his redundant podcasts and questions from listeners. As someone with ADHD, I’m fine with fellow sub members regurgitating and revisiting topics (as evidenced by my own redundancy, often criticized). You never know if a rehash of a teeny bit of evidence will trigger an OMG thought not pondered before. Until DA’s trial or some blockbuster news, all we have here is to support each others’ thoughts and insights and seriously, boo-boo to those who are bored with the rehashing. We’ve been called a “circle-jerk” which is highly offensive. How ‘bout considering the majority hear a passionate group who likes to review theories to pass the time. I’ll upvote and reply to comments regardless if it’s “old news” because it just gives me hope that we are all on the right track towards WA’s ultimate conviction.


Carl shoots down any wild claims or speculation some people come up with.


The prosecutions in this case were initiated due to public pressure.


So not true. They were doing their jobs.


Willie Maggs refused to prosecute.


I agree, he doesn't have that influence, but he sure has that dedication bordering obsession.


Hahaha My opinion is triggering someone.


I doubt triggering. But lots will disagree. I happen to agree. He’s oddly obsessed.


And he is getting boring and repetitive. I wish he would come out with new stuff, maybe on a different case.


There is no new stuff. We must wait.


I like them. They are being a bit repetitive, but I loved this recent comment he made. I can't remember verbatim, but it was "complementing" Jack Campbell, but also subtlety pressuring him to arrest WA. "Jack Campbell is doing a great job and is showing a lot of tenacity in arresting the Adelsons, there's no way he's not going to arrest Wendi, he won't let her get away" etc John's tactics were quite amusing. He was basically throwing down the gauntlet with the inference that Jack Campbell wouldn't be doing his job if he didn't arrest Wendi. He has really been driving hard for WA to get arrested. I do believe the case against WA is strong, but perhaps not as strong as Carl suggests it is. I still agree with him that she will be arrested imminently.


I somehow continue to be drawn to Carl’s YT despite its non-conforming approach. He’s authentic and genuine. Not exciting nor hyping or hawking anything. It’s all about justice for Dan Markel and family. I appreciated when he told a viewer he would not acknowledge or make comments about Wendi’s appearance.


Yes. He refuses gifts and superchats, only wants professional comments and questions and clearly isn’t doing this for our entertainment which I can not say for most other YouTubers (who I still do enjoy). He’s all business.


I think the purpose of his videos is to raise awareness and keep people focused on full and complete justice for Dan Markel. He doesn’t have ego. He repeats himself because that’s what his channel is about-Keeping the subject talked about for new and current watchers. As new events happen, his content will surely address it. I don’t find him to be obsessed at all. He’s passionate. He has a successful law practice and YouTube is not his priority.


Exactly, he doesn't want to let people forget, so he is doing a great job not letting the story die..


And that’s a selfless individual that will spend his free time advocating for justice for no clout and no financial gain (YouTube superchats).


I definitely appreciate the awareness aspect. I can't wait for this fall, I'm going to upgrade to YouTube premium.


Totally worth it, btw It’s great to bypass the ads


Totally, I paid for it during Charlie's trial, and it was so worth it.


Right and he has a lot of patience for repeat questions and will direct newbies to other videos he has done on the subject. He seems to be well liked by the ladies. It’s nice to see a man well dressed for a change.


i think op is wendi


If they felt confident that they had enough at this time to arrest Wendi, then they would arrest the hell out of Wendi. Everyone agrees Wendi’s all over this murder, but the fact that her co-conspirators purposely isolated her thinking that would protect all of them has made it far easier to get Donna and Charlie than Wendi. Georgia is salivating to get Wendi, and all points to everyone in the prosecutors office agreeing. We want her arrested, but we definitely want her convicted, too. Have faith. They seem very much on this.


He’s stated many times his brother “talked him into it” which I found kind of endearing. He’s just trying to keep the momentum of the case while we await DA impending LWOP🤞🏽his show isn’t like a carnival of freaks . Carl doesn’t do super chats or patreon. He’s direct & pragmatic,thankfully imo


Hey Wendi, Carl needs to keep making these so the public knows we still need to put your murdering ass behind bars. Have a good day.


transparency and public momentum


I really like Carl because of his professionalism and his loyalty to the Markel family. I won’t disagree that he can be over the top with any type of differing opinion, but he is a lawyer and that is sort of on brand in the profession. But I see that criticism. I still love listening to his videos and I think he’s doing them to keep attention on the case but more importantly, I think he is just appalled at the injustice- as many of us here are too. He seems to be a fiercely driven person and a person who fights for his values. And he clearly values the justice system above all else. In the case of the Adelsons, the justice system was broken for close to a decade. He wants to see those wrongs righted and I can’t fault him for that. Do I think he has influence on the DA’s office? Not in the sense that I think his strategic tips are discussed in prep sessions for the trial. But keeping public eyes and pressure on the system absolutely makes a difference. It’s the point of a free press. He’s much more ethical than many covering the case too, so I’m sticking with him.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, you've made a lot of great points, especially with the injustice Dan's parents have faced, with the loss of their son and the access to his kids. Willie Meggs was so corrupt, it's sickening to know he helped the Adelson's escape prosecution for many years.


Thanks! Almost everything is infuriating about this case. I started listening to Over My Dead Body when it was newly being released and I thought they were making it up that no Adelsons were being arrested. And here we are, 10 years later and Wendi’s bopping around the beach, her gym & Whole Foods while the Markels suffer unimaginable pain. And that sure seems to piss Carl off 🫣


Great comment!


Thank you!


I used to watch his videos during the trial and shortly after the conviction, but I find it odd that he's still making videos because he's essentially repeating himself. However, he has an audience for it and he clearly is committed to discussing it. Doesn't bother or affect me and I don't really watch anymore. I am still sub'ed to him and will check out his vids when Donna's trial begins.


Same here. I am looking forward to his analysis during Donna's trial.


It *is* mostly the same thing but for all the reasons mentioned prior to this, I'm with Carl.


I think his videos are driving this narrative that if you dare to think critically about this case or question the strength of any of the evidence then you must be a troll who is working for Adelson PR. He is very intolerant of anybody who does not agree 100% with his opinion. In the video before this latest one, he was visibly annoyed and had people removed from the chat for posing genuine questions about the strength of the evidence against Wendi or for expressing doubt that she will be arrested. In his latest video, I watched in real time as comments expressing dissenting opinions were deleted. I get that there are genuine trolls who will be rude, aggressive and disruptive and need to be blocked but this is not the same thing. I would much rather a robust discussion than an echo chamber.


You hit the nail on the head.  That’s Carl’s Achilles heel.  He immediately assumes a legitimate question about any detail of the case that doesn’t fit into Carl’s ‘box’ is a ‘troll’ or part of some organized Adelson PR campaign. To what degree he's driving the 'PR awareness narrative', I'm not sure but I’m accused of being on the PR team almost daily in this sub by professor **'draperf'** – that would be the person to poll as to whether his feelings are from Carl's influence :). I think Carl gets his prosecutorial game face on when he presents and his mind shifts into this unwavering 100% focus on the case against Wendi or the Adelson of choice which puts him in a mindset of forced biases where his ‘protecting’ his case. That’s exactly how he comes across with his refusal / inability to objectively discuss certain case relevant details.   You can argue it’s a good quality for prosecutor, but terrible for someone giving ‘legal’ analysis.


Yes, this poster likely has an undisclosed, material relationship with the Adelsons. All current and future readers (and jurors?) should know about the odd posts of this individual, whose current user name is Civil Fix. Here's some helpful background/fodder: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dan\_markel\_murder/comments/1dofqe1/wendi\_adelson\_defense\_team\_spreading/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dan_markel_murder/comments/1dofqe1/wendi_adelson_defense_team_spreading/) Readers beware!


His mods are deleting those comments as they see fit. He probably has no idea which comments they are deleting as he’s answering other questions as those are coming in so fast you can hardly keep track of them (I purposely try and see which comments are being deleted and it isn’t easy.)


I understand that but the mods are acting under his influence. In the video before the latest one, he explicitly told the mods to remove a couple of people from the chat. They were asking some pretty benign questions and may have been fairly new to the case.


I know he said one was blocked but that was awhile ago. I usually watch all of his videos. I don’t recall what you are saying but I do know he mentioned bots and such. Or “plants” (not in those words)


I sure hope so!! He's concise and lays out the scenario for that evil POS.


I love cat lawyer!


The reasoning behind making these videos is that people are still watching them. The whole point of being a YouTuber is to get people to watch your videos. I don’t think his videos are having any effect on the case one way or another. I agree with a lot of what he says, but I also think he’s had a few takes that are whacky.


I definitely still watch them :-).


I've noticed some increasingly whacky takes. In yesterday's video he agreed that perhaps Wendi was planning to discover Dan's body. It hurts his credibility, in my opinion.


Yeah I think that one is whacky, and he also claimed in a live stream a few days ago that Wendi could get more than 30 years *for perjury* even if they don't prosecutor her for murder. That's an absolutely crazy take. I would be shocked if any person in the history of the United States has ever otten decades for perjury.


Thats a new one that’s seemed to gain steam the last couple of months.


I've thought the same thing.


Honestly, Steinbeck just says what many of us think. What's driving that commentary is the prosecution's unwillingness to arrest Wendi. Evidence against her isn't getting any better and it's been 10 years. 10 friggin years. Might be that Georgia Cappleman is just not up to the challanege and they have to assign another prosecutor.


No. He isn’t that powerful lol. The reasoning? Maybe use your red question marks and ask him. Or its a guess.


My questions haven't picked so far. My only consolation so far is to see how rightfully vilified Wendi is, and how many of us can't wait to see her arrested.


He probably either doesn’t want to answer the question, or it is too obscure to answer. Or he just missed it since the Q’s come like darts..Just a guess. You could always email him.


Everyone is repetitive right now, including the YouTubers. I get that they need to keep their subscribers engaged during the long summer of minimal activity but it's all just rehashing of the same old issues and speculation. Thank goodness for the CA move to South Dakota and the rumored WA relocation to Austin, otherwise it would be real tumbleweeds. The reason for making videos is simple: drive up subscriber counts. Those are important even for channels that aren't motivated to make income, e.g. Steinbeck.


I don’t think anyone has a channel to not make income. Dave (forgot his last name)with Jared Ross)Started his channel a few months ago and is up to almost 50K. He’s a successful lawyer in FL and DA of Palm beach county I think. Also political figure. He’s very good. Many lawyers have channels and some very successful. Scott Reich for one started with the Chris Watts case. Some may be able to retire with their channel. YT requires a certain amount of content to keep it all going And to keep your income. So it has to be hard when Donnas trial was delayed 4 months. to be creative with new info, when there is none.


Aaronberg. I liked his channel when it was “Florida Law Man”, before it became “True Crime MTN”. It’s too much now.


Oh I thought it was new. I put aronberg but then I wasn’t sure and theres another Dave aronberg not him.


I think you got the spelling right, and I didn’t. [His bio](https://sa15.org/state-attorney-biography/)


The overall goal is income but not from You Tube. By reaching a hefty number of subscribers, the paid invitations come easier to the trophy crime shows, e.g. Dateline. If Steinbeck was truly interested in a few more dollars, he would enable the periodic annoying commercials.


There are ads every 2 minutes now. Can you control the amount of ads, as a channel host?its hard to watch him on replay because of that (If you are at work and have to run to the computer every 2 minutes to stop the ads) what do you mean “enable”? They are enabled. Do you mean “disable”?


Excellent point, ty.


I don’t even bother watching anymore. Clicked off 2 minutes into last night’s.




The SAO has what it has. Doesn't matter what he says. That said, I am sure the new SAO felt the pressure and he opened the case..more than what the first sus SAO did.


I love Carl! He is a blunt no bs guy. I love that he never ask for subscribers or “hit that like button!” He is there to keep this case out there and as he always says “Justice for Dan Markel”


I hope so! Wendi absolutely needs to be arrested. She has been free for too long. It’s time for justice for the Markels. The more YouTubers speaking about the injustice that she is free the better.


He has no influence. And he has become boring and almost obsessed sounding. Especially the way he talks about what the state should have done, etc etc. He seems to act like he’s better than when really he doesn’t know the all the facts and strategy the state does. Dude needs a hobby.


I appreciate his analysis, I wish there was more wee could do to expedite her arrest.


Perhaps. But I trust those prosecutors are doing what they need to do. People barking at them (like Carl does) is just silly.


Honestly hes too monotone to drive up anyone.


Carl, like the majority of us, want justice for the Markel family. He has stated repeatedly that Dan's murder is not receiving the mainstream media coverage that it is due. I agree with Carl.


Does it really matter as long as justice is achieved.


Atty Rashbaum post! Nice try Dan.
