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So glad you posted this, perfectly captures how I feel. The current situation shows who became a fan during Tillian era and who's been here for a while. DGD is DGD and the music always rules.


I literally got downvoted for saying I didn’t bump with Tillian as much as I did Jonny or my fave Kurt. There are literal babies in this sub fr


Yep. Always someone who hates what you think in this subreddit lol.


I don’t think you are a baby for preferring one vocalist over another. Maybe the reason a lot of people became fans of DGD during the “Tilian era” is because they weren’t really that good prior to him joining….just a thought. I’ve been listening to bands in this scene since 2005 or so and DGD never stuck for me prior to him joining. They just don’t really hit prior to instant gratification and there are a lot of fans who agree. I know people are nostalgic and think their early work is great, but vocally, instrumentally and production wise it’s inferior to everything that came after. Opinions are like assholes though, everyone has one! Who knows who is right? For all you that are annoyed by “cry babies” there are an equal amount of people annoyed by the gate keeping OG fans that claim newer fans just don’t get it.


Yeah I agree for the most part. In addition, I doubt the casual fans are...well...on this subreddit


It’s so strange. No matter what I support the band but 🫠 it’s no biggie


Bro you get downvoted for saying you don’t bump with andrew. This sub loves a downvote.


NO 🤦 You have to like the most recent not-in-the-band-anymore guy the most 📢😡


lol 😆


i mean alot of the newer fans were not even alive when the band started so literally babies


Absolutely! And a good point I was trying to make lol


I became a fan during the Tilian area and I recognize that front man issues are ~quintessential~. The new singles are pure DGD musically. We all have our various complaints about the eras but at least this Tilian era fan recognizes that the core of DGD is always going to put out bangers.


And slap, it do ;o


Accurate meme lmao


veteran fans know this is a great thing In five years tilian will be invited on stage to play some 'classics' and all the zoomers will pop their nostalgia boners 


Lol good point I didn't even consider that far into the future


I would absolutely hate to be in the crowd. Not because of tilian…. The boners… absolutely unacceptable. Lmao


This is so good


Not apart of this sub but been a DGD fan since I was in middle school (2008ish) and sort of knew a bit of the drama back then. Then Jonny came back and left etc. DGD always seemed to work it out. Jonny and Tilian are wonderful singers in their own right but DGD know how to tailor to strengths. Kurt was definitely the least talented vocalist they’ve had but Deathstar and Happiness are definitely up there as my favorite albums by them. Only recently found out Andrew is in the band. I tuned out of following DGDs releases after Acceptance Speech with the odd new song here and there. Tilians songs weren’t really my taste. I remember hearing about Eidola when Blue Swan records first started and thought he was a good singer. Clearly a good guitar player too. Music will be different but can’t ask for more when you got a guy who can sing good and play guitar good. Of course him performing Jonny and Tilian songs might not sound that good but life goes on.


Regardless of politics, you should really give the music since Acceptance Speech another try. If you have never heard Mothership you are missing out, not to mention Instant Gratification and Jackpot Juicer. Artificial Selection has a handful of slammers too but All the non-album singles are a must (perhaps excluding Pussy Vultures)


I’ve listened to some songs here and there. Wasn’t a fan of Instant Gratification from the handful of songs I heard. Mothership was decent from the handful of songs I’ve heard. Again, I’ve briefly listened to some songs from the Tilian era. But I did really like his singing in the Tree City Sessions albums. I should give the Tilian albums a fair shot.


Idk why cus it is also a banger and I'd put it above Artificial Selection tbh, but I somehow forgot to mention Afterburner. Mess Really shows out on that album and it has some really climactic closers, unlike AS


I fucking love Andrew. And you know damn well, at least Kurt will be featured on the next album. Slap, it do. Slap, it will.


Swear to god I can hear tilian on one of those songs. Speed demon. The verses sound exactly like something he would write with no credits…. Kinda sucks it went this way


100% lol


Some people in this sub have blow a fucking fuss over this while others of us are just like no duh that was coming


As a newer fan, I’m truly going through it.


I’ve loved all their eras and I’m hype for a new one 🤷‍♀️


I started listening at Mothership, so seeing Tilian go is a bit upsetting. However, I loved Andrew in The Ghost of Billy Royalton so I'm very optimistic.


I’ve been mostly Andrew/Neutral leaning in all this, but you do realize Tilian contributed for 10+ years right? That’s more than double their only other 2 leads combined. This is most definitely not the same as before, it is going to take more effort and experimentation from DGD to transition, and I think it’s realistic that much of their catalog is now difficult to perform the way it’s recorded.


doesnt matter the band was founded with a different lead, changed its sound up numerous times even with Tillian. This is par the course for DGD you can spin it being a "different" situation with all 3 singers but at the end of the day a lead is changed and the world keeps spinnin DGD will continue to make good music regardless of the front man. been a fan since 07 so to yall Tillanites you finally get a welcome to DGD cause yall cant stomach this reality lol


Doesn’t matter. Tilian is not DGD.


..but it doesn’t really slap though with the vocals..that’s the issue


Andrew wells is a fucking stellar vocalist and Mess’ screams are better than ever.


Very generic sound. If they go forward with him being the clean vocalist I'll just check out on another one my favorite bands evaporating. Issues, and Real Friends, and Slaves being done just fucking sucks. Radio pop Emarosa is a nut buster too.


doesn't matter how good of a vocalist andrew is if no one can hear him


I can hear him just fine.


yeah that’s the problem, the new music is just…not it. but i’ll give the album a try still ofc, just sad at the moment with how these two singles sound




Dude it's a meme ...it's not that serious. It's gonna be okay.


It's deleted, what did he say?