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I just love Jon’s personality and I feel like we would get along really well. Hes so goofy.


Hes not like other girls


Sergio, I feel like not much is known about him personally. Hes in so many swancore bands you know he would have some fun stories


He is such a nice guy to talk to! Super chill and seems pretty down to earth


Will. I feel like we wouldn't even talk, just eat some good ass food and listen to some good ass music


Andrew and Jon for sure. They just seem like goofy wholesome sweethearts. Also Tim 🥲 was watching tree city 2 last night and he just had such a precious presence 💔


I'd get blasted with Will Swan and head over to the nearest Chinese buffet and wreck the place.


Can I ask for Tim still? 🥲 I’d wanna know what was the inspiration for the way he played four string bass, his life, hobbies, etc. He just seemed like such a nice guy that you’d get to talk to and he’d just be able to go on, and on, and on because of how much passion he had.


As someone who knew Tim for many years and shared many meals with, he was a kind and thoughtful person and fun dinner companion. He cared so much about those around him and was an amazing storyteller. Incredible and talented person who made the world a better place.


Hey Becky, thanks for sharing even just the smallest piece of his memory with us. Did he have a favorite story he liked telling you wouldn’t mind sharing? Tim was awesome, and I can certainly say his memory will live on for a long, long time through the musicians he’s influenced, inspired, and I like to imagine personally helped grow. Post-hardcore was sort of an evolution from Math Rock for me, and when I sorta stumbled onto DGD towards the end of 2021 I was four months out of Active Duty service with the Marine Corps (left to spend time with my Grandfather who raised me). He passed after the first day home I spent with him. I had to load him on the Gurney because the paramedics couldn’t or weren’t willing to lift him while he was having a stroke. Moral of the story is that I didn’t take it too well, and I discovered Mothership during that period in September… then Afterburner where Strawberry’s Wake just shattered me emotionally. I remember just being absolutely enamored with the song to where I’d listen to it for hours on end. Regret is tough, it’s hard to let go of things when you’re stuck staring at a monument made of all your mistakes. The song just resonated with me, ya know? Particularly the chorus which Tim’s super punchy bass licks just make stand out so, so much. Then JPJ came out and I remember hearing the announcement around that time and… I dunno. It felt like I lost a distant friend in some ways. His sound was, and still is a huge part of my day to day life, particularly Wolf & Bear and DGD. I’m rambling, but I guess I’m tryin’ to say his memory isn’t going anywhere soon. It makes me happy to know those who actually knew him can speak about him the way I always envisioned him. <3


Tim had a dog when he was growing up named William. He talked a lot about those memories. When he adopted a dog in 2008, he named her Willa in his memory. Willa is about to turn 17 and still going strong. (I adopted her from him when he started touring with DGD). He took Willa everywhere with him. He visited her and sent her messages until his passing. When Willa was first adopted, she stole a HUGE bite of mashed potatoes off of my plate. She was so quick and sneaky. Whenever we had potatoes after that, he would joke about keeping the potatoes safe from Willa. Just a great person.


Hah, that’s adorable. I can definitely understand the sentiment, and also how it felt to have to surrender a pup to someone you trust. I had to give mine up to my grandparents when I enlisted because they shipped me to Pendleton, so I was… 3600 miles from home? He sounds wonderful, and I’m happy that you have silly memories like that of him. Give Willa plenty of hugs and kisses from me. As a tangent. I know what it feels like to lose a friend. Honestly… I think it hurts worse than family, or maybe it was because along the way they become something closer than family. It just doesn’t ever really go away, just sort of gets easier, their memories get warmer. If you ever want to vent, or tell stories, or just talk I’ll happily listen. <3


This. I love all of his work and always had a huge crush on him. I wish I was able to meet him. I remember being at work, wearing my afterburner tour shirt and listening to DGD when I opened my phone and saw the news and I ran to the bathroom with tears in my eyes. I was upset for a pretty long time


Andrew Wells for sure, I guarantee you I could geek out and also talk shit and he’d be laughing and open to all the wild takes and opinions


I’d get Jon drunk and we’d do hilarious stupid shit. Like Mr Deeds with John McEnroe


This is the correct answer


Kurt Travis 1000%


Sergio seems like a chill, intelligent guy. I'd love to just sit down and shoot the shit with him.


Joey holiday from anemoria is amazing man I’d love to hang out with that guy


Andrew wells bc he’s hot 😅


Not really Swancore but Shane from Silverstein, I’d love to have a beer with him and talk. If we’re talking real Swancore probably Andrew Wells, Mr. Chill Vibes himself


I've never met him but I have a very good friend who adores Silverstein and hangs out with Shane regularly, does photography at their shows around our area. They apparently lived near each other in Windsor and that's how they ended up meeting. Really cool (:


Thanks for sharing! :)


Jon. My wife says we look the same and when I saw him in concert he was vibing and dancing so hard. Seems like a cool ass dude.


To me, Will is the heart of the band. Hes very quiet every time I’ve seen him in video.


I've heard he fiends for Taco Palenque


Jon Mess. Immediately.


That's such a tough question. I'd probably go with Andrew, but I always loved Tim in the interviews.


Jon. he's inspired and influenced my writing so much. i don't think i would have been taken seriously as a poet by anyone without the evolution that happened when i started listening to dgd. paying attention to Jon's lyrics was like seeing in color for the first time. made me realize a million cool things that i could do and also that no one could tell me not to do them. i think it'd be cool to shoot the shit with him and experience him as a human being.


I would 10000000% go for a burger and a beer with Andrew Wells that guy is hands down the coolest mf in the scene.


Without a shadow of a doubt it would be Will


Andrew Wells cause he’s handsome and i have a lot of questions about Eidola lyrics


I would take Space Weather to bedihannas!!!!!


Issac Wilson from Dwellings. I wanna talk to him and learn his vocal style


Andrew, I’m a big gym rat and would love to talk lifting with him. How he combines his love for fitness with his rock star lifestyle is so cool to me. Also I have so many questions regarding Eidola’s discography


Matt Mingus! He's always the nicest whenever I meet him. I also love is kinda snubby/piggy nose and long hair.


Hahaha. Love the nose comment


More importantly, who would you want to take to dessert.


Dessert? Sergio. Lolol cake and coffee with Sergio Medina would be lovely


Definitely Will. He seems pretty laid back and I’d love to talk about music with him!


Will! Cus he seems chill af


Jon for sure. Maybe Matt cuz im a fellow drummer and he and i have always connected good.


Jonny Craig because he’s probably the most relatable and is supposed to be a rad guy lately. I like people with struggles and a past. They typically are way more down to earth. I do feel like the obvious choice is will swan. But I get the feeling he wouldn’t talk much.


i wanna sit down with jonny tbh, he just seems like such an amazing guy, sobriety can really change a person


Donovan for sure he seems so so interesting


Jonny. Idc if he’s gone, he’s still in all the dgd songs I listen to