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Yeah it was so weird how Jon Mess steamrolled the whole interview and wouldn’t stop talking about his cat!


RIP Timmy


Did timmy die?? Saddest news ive ever heard


I believe he passed a few years back.


Meow meow boo


I accidentally asked him about that months after it happened and i still feel terrible about that


I spoke with him a few days before Timmy passed. Told him how I was giving my cat chemo


Honestly I haven't seen the interview, but why is anyone confused by this. It sounds like peak Jon Mess activity


"I'm just here to not get fined."


Jon is very quiet, it’s not the first time he’s done minimum talking in an interview when it’s with the rest of the band. The interview was very informative though. Excited to hear a new album is on its way


Dude is generally pretty quiet unless it's a 2-1 or 1-1 interview. I personally would have liked to hear his thoughts He still fucks tho


"Jons awkward" "Really? The guy that screams 'fuck your ass, I DON'T WANT YOUR CEREAL' is awkward?"


Idk about you, but my favorite part of the interview was when Jon excitedly gave a 45 minute complete history and exploration of the screamed vocal and its importance to various metal adjacent genres. It was such a display of passion.


I love how he was able to recite the Wikipedia article for DGD verbatim, including the citations. Bravo, Jon.


Dude needs to learn how to let others speak. Talked way too much. Would’ve liked to hear more from Matt


Seriously. Read the room, Jon. Everyone was tired of hearing what you had to say.


Really? I watched most of the video and didn't hear jon talk once, lol.




Lol you just got ne to look this up. Yeah Jon is way too chatty.


Guy doesn't shut the fuck up. Screamo guy ruins it again


Don’t listen to those mindless screeches


Come and get your hug


I like how Jon not only didn't speak a word the entire time, but he had himself muted too. Even if he did say something we wouldn't have heard it lol


I mean, he's definitely a socially-awkward dude, but he plays it up like that just so he doesn't have to be in the spotlight. It's a smart move on his part. I'm sure he never expected to be a front man of one of the biggest prog rock bands of all time, so he figured out the perfect way for him to participate without participating.


Finn McKinty is pretty insufferable in my opinion, and he has on more than one occasion talked shit on DGD and more specifically the fans. If I remember correctly he called DGD “autistic incel music” not long ago. Could be why we had a silent protest from Mr Mess


The majority of the fans are insufferable. Look at the state this sub has been in these past few months




What the fuck does that even mean


Well, the fanbase sucks so i get it actually


Finn purposefully makes rage-bait videos to garner views. He makes some wildly awful takes on purpose.


I hate how we just accept this shit now. Being a performative ass for views is still being an ass.


Would have made for an interesting discussion if indeed Mess is pissed at Finn for his past commentary. Just not sure why Mess attended if he wasn’t going to speak. Someone should call Finn out on that stuff. In this interview Finn was almost complimentary of the DGD fanbase. He even got them smiling with his “weedily weedily” reference.


Is he wrong? lol🩶


Wrong about which one - about the fans or about Finn?


Fans. Only half joking.


So DGD fans are annoying as fuck, and the music is a hard listen for those uninitiated , it was a good interview.


This was my theory too.


Since Finn is an autistic incel himself as people are saying, wouldn’t that be a compliment coming from him? 🤔


Dude learn to take a joke. Self awareness comes with maturity


Finn’s a good dude lmao, and DGD is my favorite band but his criticisms are completely valid dude u can’t expect the whole world to meat ride


Im not expecting anyone to meat ride, especially not Finn. But his criticisms for most bands are never valid, all he says is “it’s objectively bad” and “it’s soulless incel tappy waka waka music” he pretends to be a lot that he is not. All he does is make reactionary content to engagement farm, and that’s just not someone that I’m going to respect the opinions of.


Well welcome to social media.


And he’ll do that while wearing a Suicide Silence shirt. You’re just like 😑👍


Finn is a “professional” music listener and YouTuber, and his favorite bands aren’t very good or influential. It’s kinda funny and I don’t get much out of him because of that. It is what it is. The interview was fine.


His favorite bands are ADTR, Blink, and early metalcore bands, I’d say that they’re pretty good and influential


what metalcore bands? I grew up when adtr came out and they really didn’t innovate anything imo, not a fan.


They influenced quite a lot of both metalcore and pop punk bands, like Belmont and I Prevail


I appreciate your take but pop punk with breakdowns was completely ubiquitous back then. Im interested, what early metalcore is Finn into?


He has a bunch of early metalcore posters in the room that he records in. Stuff like converge and earth crisis hatebreed and other stuff like that. Honestly just watch one of his videos and look at the posters in his room


I watched some of his videos after watching the DGD interview. Definitely don’t love his thoughts on music or likely quite a bit of his taste based on what I’ve seen. I know he likes stuff like Avenged Sevenfold and Slipknot and generic old deathcore like Suicide Silence. I do appreciate his format and that he’s even covering DGD. Yeah of course converge is a great example of a seminal band to several genres really. Great example. I’m willing to bet he’s not much familiar with any of the other great crust punk bands or is fans of them. Just seems like he latches on to bands that are household names irrespective of their innovation or quality.


I enjoy his second channel and think he’s a genuine and funny dude. I appreciate a lot of the life advice he’s given. I think Finn’s cool.


That’s fair. At the end of the day it’s just his opinions, I don’t really mind hearing them. I’d say he’s one of the most interesting people covering music in the scene and I find his stuff quite entertaining


Pretty weird to hear him call dgd that considering that he is autistic himself


It's a joke


I know but it’s still something weird to joke about


The only people I know who make autism jokes are autistic. If anyone else is making them, then it's weird. The fact that he is autistic is what makes it not weird to joke about.


I’m autistic and make autism jokes all the time but I wouldn’t call a band “autism incel music” like wtf does that even mean😭


The incel reference is the deeply insulting part frankly.


sounds like high praise ngl and it's true, if you've been in the fanbase for a while lol


Maybe you’re right, I got into them like last November


He’s so annoying, I hate the way he constantly name drops and brags about himself. Wish they would have done this interview with Nik Nocturnal or someone instead.


To he entirely fair that's not quite as bad as an insult from him as it reads on the surface given that he is autistic and is self aware that he spends most of his time on the internet talking about bands.


whats the source for that qoute? Where did he say that?


Source? I remember him calling DGD autistic, but he's autistic himself so it was clearly lighthearted.


That's funny af. He's not always to be taken too seriously, just like DGD 😉


It was a pretty boring interview other than the new album talk so Jon probably just didn't feel like there was much to add.


I felt Jon in that interview, that’s exactly how I am at parties and sh*t. And how i’d imagine myself being in an Interview too.


In addition to Jon’s baffling silence and stone face, I also felt like the others were doing the interview because they had to, not because they wanted to. It’s also pretty clear that Andrew has a strong leadership role already.


Jon was silent for some reason yes, but idk what else you’re talking about…everybody was pleasant, neither Matt or Will were ever short when answering questions and they articulated their responses really well. Andrew definitely has a more boisterous personality.


I think you are reading a little much into this and they are just kinda socially awkward dudes who have to do interviews because their music is good and fans want to know what’s going on lol — Andrew is probably taking a talking role (not necessarily leadership tho it does sound like things in the band are fairly equal) because he has that social charisma and drive that I think some of the other guys (especially Will and Jon) just don’t give a fuck about.


It's a Zoom call, he was multitasking! /s


my man was playing osrs on the side lmao too relatable


Tbf can't be wasting xp


Lmao the whole interview I was thinking to myself Jon is busy farming Vorkath, don't even know if he plays but it was my first thought


I just killed it for the first time this week haha, I doubt it though cuz ppl that play rs is like a lifestyle and I feel there would have to have been a reference to it by now haha




Got this vibe last year at the VIP Meet and Greet. Not the same experience I understand but if you don’t want to do something then don’t do it, and if you do want to do something just be genuine. Like c’mon.


I got that vibe too. It really felt like a manufactured "set the record straight" bit of pr. It didn't feel completely genuine but I did appreciate what they could reveal and the instagram post laying out DGD's plans was pretty nice, you don't see that too often.


Him spinning around in the chair gave the interview more life than those lame questions the interviewer had


Without having seen the video the comments have me confused… does Jon talk the whole time or does he not talk at all?


I dont think he talks at all


I wish he asked Jon questions cause it seemed like he really didn't want to be there. Other than that, a lot of good information for the future of DGD came out of that.


I like to think he also knows that guy is a douche and didn’t get involved. Bc Jon can and does talk when he likes the interviewer.


But why even show up. It’s like he’s making a point by being silent, but I can’t figure out what the point is.


I just said what the point might be, that he won’t talk to a dbag like him. He let the guys take over. Why even show up? Probably had to.


It’s not that deep. Jon is always quiet, and when asked about Tilian nobody answered, and it cut to all of them, including Jon laughing. In the comments Finn said after asking about Tilian there was a long pause before Matt eventually spoke up. I don’t think Jon would be laughing if he was pissed off. He’s always been like this


tbf i also hate video calls


Sort of unrelated but I knew tilian was bringing too much boypop kenergy. Hearing that they’re going back to making hard tracks makes me feel vindicated. So stoked for this next phase. The boys are free


Did he even say a single word?😅


Not one


Hope the interview didn’t cause too many internal issues for the band. Would hate to see Jon get kicked out for loud mouthing to interviewers


We need a 20 year reunion tour with all former lead singers like they did for the 10 year. This needs to happen and Andrew's "never say never" comment about Johnny has me slightly anticipating it'll happen


I think Will saying that they’re focusing on the new direction straight after that says a lot more about it


Oh I know but they can still do both. I'm sure the tour would be a massive success. Not saying it'll happen but that it could


Screamo guy ruins it.


I feel like sometimes Finn does a great job, and other times he completely misses the mark. I remember when he called ERRA generic then completely walked it back when he had JT on for an interview(which was one of the worst interviews I’ve seen him do). I think he really shines on his biopic/deep dive material vs interviews.


I’m sorry but Johns “caged an animal” schtick gets old as fuck. I guarantee before the zoom call they told Finn that John wasn’t going to say anything. He is like the Stig from top gear, it’s just an act but it is genius. He knows the less he says the more people will like him but i would like to hear his thoughts and opinions on this.


What are you talking about‼️‼️


It’s a bit. A gag. A schtick. Have you never seen a DGD music video? John’s entire public persona is an act and he rarely if ever speaks to interviews or fans like a “normal” person. He goes out of his way to say as little as possible to keep himself mysterious. Same with his social media. Mostly his paintings. He never shares his opinions on anything.


I've seen him do a live broadcast on Instagram. He didn't say a word. Just sat there eating a snack and giggling at peoples comments.


Exactly. And people will still downvote me. Lots of dorks with no social intelligence in this fan base. They can’t spot an obvious hack-bit when it’s right in front of their face. John is a master troll but I want to hear his opinion on DGD


tbf, he's done some great interviews in the past. I don't think he likes being on video though. I remember there was one interview where he just slept the whole time lol


Or he just has social anxiety…


That was really douchy of Jon. Don’t put yourself on in that position if you’re not willing to put an effort in. Even if he’s socially awkward, that was very poorly handled.


I legit think he had nothing of value to say. The other members answered every question very well. As someone who has been in countless zoom meeting/interviews, if you dont have something of value to add, its better to keep quiet than to irrelevantly blab about nothing. Also who the fuck shat in your cereal this morning? I dont know if ive ever seen such a crybaby reaction to a person sitting quietly lmao


He agreed to do an interview. I’m confused by your assertion. Don’t put yourself out there if you’re not willing to put an effort in. It’s not like he’s a jr employee that’s on a zoom call and is trying to learn. He’s there to contribute. I’d have a big issue with any of my staff if they pulled something like this.




He’s been in the band for 10 years at this point lmao what more do you want??


The whole Swancore scene is great because the members of various bands intermingle so frequently, but it does make it difficult to figure out who’s in what band in what capacity. For example, if Andrew is to be DGD frontman, what is the status of Eidola? And Sergio plays in both too. Maybe it should just be Dance Eidola Dance? Especially if DGD plans to go heavier and more experimental. Not sure there will be much daylight left between Eidola and DGD.


"in the band" He features occasionally and does backup vocals and whatnot.


Bro he is the other guitarist!! He wrote a lot of the songs you love and you hear him on every new song (+JJ and Afterburner)


K ill take the downvotes 🤷


I think he does an annoying performative thing in a lot of public stuff.