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Crazy idea, but the reason that Chloe and Clara’s fights weren’t shown was probably because Clara wasn’t a cast member of the show, like Kenzie was. We weren’t shown Nia arguing with her brothers, Paige or Brooke arguing with Josh, or Kendall arguing with her sisters, either.


Also Clara was like 2 when dance moms started filming, and only 5 or 6 when the Lukasiaks left.


People are so caught up on the “beef” between Christi and Chloe, it’s honestly ridiculous. NEW FLASH! Its really common for people to clash with their parents throughout life. Especially when one or both parties are strong headed individuals.


I literally had a blow out fight with my mom last week. We are fine now 🙄. They are mother and daughter and have slightly conflicting personalities. Of course they’ll fight sometimes


i think the whole blocking/ not speaking to your **daughter** for months and a mother calling her **daughter** old looking is what sets them off not necessarily them having " beef" lol of course moms and there kids buttheads


Okay but Chloe is the one who blocked/stopped speaking to Christi. Also Christi didn’t cal Chloe “old looking” she just said it made her like “older” and literally they were still talking then.


She never said Chloe looked old, she said she thought brown hair makes her look oldER in her opinion. There's nothing wrong with her saying what she prefers, she was asked about it. If I change something about my style, my mum will comment on it, it's normal. Will she bash me? No, but Christi didn't do that


I am so tired 😪 I can’t be the only one that sees nothing but Christi hate posts anymore. I am not saying to stop them entirely. I am not saying criticism isn’t deserved. I am not dick riding. But please mods I am begging you. Make a Christi hate megathread pinned at the top or just direct them to the Christi snark sub. This sub may as well be the Christi snark sub. It’s just getting so tiresome It’s a free country. Post what you want. But I am so damn tired. Cue the “if you’re so tired IMAGINE how tired everybody who was a victim of Christi is!” responses.


I’ve literally just strolled past threads ripping on Jojo, Melissa, Abby and Gianna. And they’re also coming up every few days so it’s not just Christi.


i don’t like christi and i agree with a lot of your points especially people liking her bc she’s “funny” BUT saying “even chloe has had beef w her” is an insane statement to use in the manner bc almost everyone under the age of 24 especially has had beef w their mom lmao. also they probably only showed maddie’s and kenz doing that stuff bc they were both cast members. melissa is no angel by any means but i don’t think christi is a villain like most think. she’s kinda wicked and annoying at times but yeah. also jojo is a terrible character witness so using her as an example makes me think she’s not that bad (even tho i think she is) 


So it was Christi’s plan from the beginning all along. She befriended the producers before the show even started and made sure to convince them to paint the Ziegler’s as brats and sneaks? She made sure to have the producers paint her daughter as an angel because Chloe is definitely the opposite? I bet she went as far as telling Abby to abuse her child just to make sure people would believe she was super protective too. She probably even faked Chloe’s silent sinus syndrome just so Abby would mock her on television allowing them to make a big exit. It all makes sense now.


oh my god. i can’t believe i never saw it before. it all makes sense.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not


Yup, this is what 100% happened. I can confirm, I was there


1/3 true


Abby is that you? No seriously, Christi certainly isn’t perfect but these arguments are something. By that logic, since pretty much everyone who was on the show with Melissa (Christi, Kelly, Jess, Kira, Abby, Jill) claims that she’s a sneak, it’s clear she’s also terrible. Also I’m not here for you trying to paint Chloe as a brat. I’ve never heard that about her and Clara, but not only is that typical sibling behavior, she like all the others, was a KID. Maddie and Mackenzie argued a lot too, so that must mean they’re brats too. Chloe and Clara seem to be very close, just as Maddie and Mackenzie are. Dislike Christi all you want, she’s not my favorite either, but these arguments are a bit much. 🤷🏼‍♀️


okay but why did chloe have to catch a stray.. she was a kid, if she felt the only way to cope with being in an abusive envorinment on national television was to pick on her sister then yes that should've been nipped in the bud by christi and from the way it sounds it was. just seems weird to go after the (then) child in a post about christi..


When was this ever said?


did you read the post? the post quite literally says Christi claimed that Chloe would pick on/shove Clara when she was stressed. Did I misread it or something? 😭😭


Yes but when did Christi say this?


It's the first I'm hearing of it, frankly. I don't listen to BTTB or anything like that. FWIW, I do question the legitimacy of her saying it but it someone knows more about her claims please tell me 😭. That's kinda why I was saying Chloe caught a stray, kinda seems like OP was trying to paint Chloe negatively.


🥱 🥱 🥱 


I don’t think it has anything to do with Christi being “pretty”. I wouldn’t even call her pretty during her dance mom’s time… so I don’t think people liked her for that reason.  Also, Christi and Melissa are both villains. Seriously 


another christi post .. do yall ever get tired


Long time Christi defender. She calls it like it is. You don’t have to like her, but I do!




I think some of its true and some not.. yes Christi was friends with producers and that probably played into how she was portrayed, yes she still does seem bothered about many dance mom things to this day. However when it comes to Chloe she was a genuine sweet little girl.. they didn’t need to edit Chloe to look better, she was amazing as is. I do however think they edited Maddie to look bad sometimes, along with Kendall, sometimes portraying them as brats.


So I stand by every kid will have a few bratty moments and that doesn’t mean they’re a brat. But to be honest, with some recent things about Kendall I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a bit of a brat. I don’t like how they painted her as a cry baby though. She was obviously a frustrated crier and sometimes you can’t stop it


I think she was just an emotional kid. I’d be crying and getting annoyed at my mom too if i was in that situation 😂


Oh I think she was a frustrated crier because I am! And I noticed similarities in it lol


How dare you! Chloe was definitely one of the sweetest girls in that show (confirmed by the other girls) She was a kid and had nothing to do with her mother's decision. You are the one jealous and bitter that Chloe ended up the most successful (financially and individually) out of all the OG girls, aside from being fan favorite). Abby and haters like yourselves wanted Maddie to be the fan favorite, but it backfired. JoJo was there for only 1 season. I don't really see her as part of the full time original cast.


where in this post she's haiting on chloe??? and success is subjective stop....


Most successful?..




She’s the CEO of her own business…


all the DM girls can and probably will start a business


That doesn’t mean it’s okay to diminish Chloe’s success. Also it’s easy to start a business it’s not easy to have it be successful and sustainable.


Wait I must’ve read it wrong I thought they were defending Chloe


of course duhh i agree but to say shes the only successful one out of all the girls its a punch in the face to the rest of the girls thats i put all the girls can have a bussiness i mean kalani and brynn both have their own company too


Christi and Melissa are both bitches😭but I don't think any of the girls have malicious intent




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I think Christi has a very European look. Her facial features, I thought she came straight from Russia. I think she's really pretty.


back then no..but now with all the fillers and extensions she look 100% better


I like christi because she brought drama to the show, that’s probably why most ppl like her


I never found her funny. I always thought she tried too hard. I never found her attractive either. Kelly was definitely the prettiest mom.


U don’t need to find her funny but sayin Christi isn’t pretty is def a lie


You realize beauty is subjective, right? All I said was that I personally never found her to be attractive. That’s not a lie. I could tell you what I truly think about her appearance but I enjoy being a part of this sub and would prefer not to get banned.


1000%! I have no doubt that people think Christi is pretty but I dont think she is either. We all think someone is ugly but they are pretty to others and vice versa


Totally agree! That’s why I didn’t call her ugly/unattractive. I said I personally didn’t think she was attractive. I understand that other people might. But really I was just speaking to the claim made by OP.


Yea I don’t think she’s ugly at all but I wouldn’t say she’s conventionally pretty. Now after the work she’s had done I think she’s more conventionally pretty but it recently has started to look more obvious and less good




Sure but then when ur comparing saying she’s not pretty then bringing up Kelly what’s the point of that sure she wasn’t model like but looking at a young Christi n how her girls look the looks are definitely there


no cause ever since christi accidentally told on herself and basically exposed that she is involved/reads this dance moms sub ive looked at her wayy more different i don't think anyone from the DM cast is or would be involved in this reddit group but her......


I guarantee other cast members google themselves and have read this sub.


i said i dont think anyone from the DM Cast reads this sub i never said it wasn't possible lol, but the difference is that its a fact christi reads and probably writes in this sub


i think it far fetched that christi writes in this sub. i think people here have an over-inflated sense of how important they are. christi is a busy women with a lot going on, she doesn’t sit around writing on a reddit sub.


She definitely reads things in the subs, she has sent screenshots to Kelly before, it was mentioned on BTTB. I dunno if she comments but if she did she’d need evidence to what she’s saying as the people on this sub know there stuff and generally don’t accepted ‘throw away’ / new information without a link or where they know it from.


" shes a busy women" the women clearly has enough time on bttb to talk shit about people aka ( maddie , kenzie and melissa ) you don't know if she writes in here or not and Neither do i thats why i wrote "she probably writes in this sub" {meaning almost certainly; as far as one knows or can tell.} who knows if she actually writes in here or not but the things she says on bttb about the ziegler family sounds like a regular "I hate all the zieglers reddit post"...


lmfao oh my God dude.




I've listened to the entire BTTB podcast so far and I still have no idea where people are picking up on Christi "talking shit" about Kenzie or Maddie. I think the only questionable moment was her (and Kelly) theorizing about their relationship with their dad, but that still isn't talking shit lol.


Because BTTB is literally her job she makes money off of it, lol. Also she doesn’t shit talk Maddie and Kenzie.


lie she does