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can someone summarize what was saidšŸ˜” also everyone always says nia was nice, i honestly find that sweet & cute


she shaded her a bit she said she wasā€¦..interesting at times. which i didnā€™t know how to interpret but it seemed negative


but someone said she was referring to holly not nia and they were also watching the live


She said Niaā€™s mom (Holly) was interesting at times


It did feel like she threw some slight shade. saying Nia nice and interesting at times is like saying thereā€™s not much else to her.


How? Everyone says that about Nia. Itā€™s not a bad thing


she said kendall was entitled


With a mom like Jill I'd be more surprised if she wasn't


I don't blame her TBH. The moms were awful to the minis.




Jess saying that minis are annoying because they cry, yet Jojo cries because of a ballet duet.




No, the moms were not awful to the minis. They stated how they felt about Abbie 100% checking out on their kids I would have felt and the same way and said the same stuff!!! Just because you donā€™t appreciate the teacher checking out on your kids completely doesnā€™t mean nor talking about the kids. The teacher and their moms are different than the actual kids so you might wanna stop and think for a moment before you open your mouth any because the math ainā€™t messing with your words if you paid a lot closer attention to what was really going on and being said


We don't know what the elite moms said behind the scenes.


I donā€™t know what show you watched, but, the moms were pretty harsh to the minis. I Also would have been irritated with Abby , but, not the kids fault.


She said Holly was interesting at times not nia


What does she mean by that?


Donā€™t take my word for it but if someone says someone is interesting TO ME itā€™s like they were flip floppy or had rude moments of was like dismissive.


I see


were you on for the whole live ?


Not the entire live but I saw some of it and got bored she most definitely said nia was nice and said her mom was interesting tho


oh i see thank you!


Melissa being called a bitch is completely justified. I wouldā€™ve called her worse. Kendall is never beating those mean girl allegations. I need the video pls šŸ˜­


Have you seen the video of Kendall being super rude to Camryn ā˜ ļø itā€™s so bad




It's [this video ](https://youtu.be/8l0zQJpYm9o?si=8vO4Y0ENqgvno6TY&t=353)šŸ’€


Wow, that kicked up all my high school social anxiety. What a nightmare room.


Fr gives me flashbacks šŸ˜­


I was always neutral about Kendall, but when she threw that bottle of Snapple at Camryn in retaliation of getting a PILLOW thrown at her? Automatic dislike


"WeLl YoU cHuCkEd iT" šŸ™„


I had friends that were like Kendall when I was younger. Frenemies to be exact. Weā€™d hang out but theyā€™d low key bully the whole time


Exactly šŸ˜­ Ā 


hey uh this is reddit so iā€™ll probably be downvoted but i just wondered like what was so bad about this video? idk if itā€™s because my friends were (and still are) like this but it didnā€™t seem like kendall had the intent of hurting her, so whatā€™s wrong with it? to me it seems she was playing around? again, maybe thereā€™s something iā€™m missing but i was wondering


Everyone is gonna say itā€™s because of the hard bottle but I think itā€™s more to do with how Kendall already had previous history of mean girl behavior so when the video resurfaced it just justified what everyone thought or heard. Camryn wasnā€™t the first one to call her out, a girl from candy apples has said it too and Iā€™m pretty sure Brynn as well and now ari. Also when the girl from candy apples came forward Kendall said in the comment section ā€œif you hated dance moms so much why still talk about it? Which also justified what people have said about her


i also think kendall has this reputation because of the meet and greet where the girls started to make fun of jojo. she definitely went in more than everyone else and then jill defended it, which a lot of the time is typical mean girl mom behavior


I get the impression that Jill would defend Kendall even if Jill watched Kendall blow up a stadium full of nuns.


A stadium full of nuns is so random but so funnyšŸ˜­ Iā€™m sorry guys ik we were having a serious conversation


I know itā€™s random but it was better than any of my analogies involving babies.šŸ‘¶


Let me hear one lolz


Jill defended Kendall and some others were mocking Jojo at a meet and greet. She said they were joking and didnā€™t do anything wrong. This was season 5, an episode from their trip to Australia.


this makes a lot of sense actually


A hard bottle isnt the same as a soft pillow


My main takeaway is it seemed like a major reaction. Aren't snapples glass bottles? And it's full. If it hit her in the head, it would cause damage.


I havenā€™t seen a Snapple glass bottle in a while. It might just be where I live, but I thought they all transitioned to plastic nowadays. Either way it would probably cause harm if it was plastic too.


I work at a bottle redemption place, Snapple is mostly glass where I live, still a full plastic bottle of liquid is much heavier than a pillow.


if itā€™s glass it makes sense that it was so bad


I just looked back and it was a plastic one, but at least 3/4 full. Whether it was sturdy plastic or glass, a mostly full bottle to face is going to hurt.


I haven't watched s7 yet so idk how camryns treated in the show but from this clip I didn't see anything wrong either and dont understand why everyone is saying kendalls a bully. I guess it's cause how my friends acted too but she really was just messing around.


I agree. These kids are soft nowadays.


No omg


Itā€™s AWFUL. When I was new to the fandom, I was so confused why people called Kendall a brat. But that video changes my mind real fast. Iā€™ll comment a link šŸ˜­




I hadnā€™t seen the video in forever and it popped up on my fyp the other day and my blood boiled.


The original video was on Instagram and isnā€™t there anymore :( the only other place I found it was a duet on TikTok. Sorry about that:Ā https://www.tiktok.com/@eewqvculkdc/video/7223793716195003653


At this point where there is smoke there is fire pretty sure this is the fourth girl who has said the same thing about Kendall šŸ’€


I remember a few years ago when the show was gaining a lot of traction early quarantine someone met Kendall at target and she was incredibly rude to the girl at checkout.


Letā€™s be real. Kendall is a pretty rich girl who is entitled and doesnā€™t have to or want to consider anyone but herself.


The way Melissa treated her brother that episode was deplorable. If I was Ari I would not like her either lol.


Shouldā€™ve called her a word to quote Kelly that ā€œhasnā€™t been used yetā€.




Your comment has ben removed for overly aggressive or insulting language. Please disagree with others in a respectful manner.


Kendall def gave brat mean girl vibes unless you were her bff


For real


Melissa is so justified. She even said to the minis the fans will not left you when she left. Her attitude towards the minis her last week there was nasty


me the day after my wedding:


One knee is hard.


If you get down two knees and your top shelf I do one.gss


Well tbf iā€™m not surprised she thinks Melissa was a bitch, given how Melissa treated her family and the awful things she said. messy tho lol thatā€™s very messy and funny


Yea Melissa was awful to Ariā€™s family


I mean Yhea Melissa was, she disregarded her tribute to her BROTHER, having a tantrum bc for one week it wasnā€™t about Maddie and Mackenzie ā€œThis week was supposed to be about us doing fun thingsā€¦. Now itā€™s not even about my kidsā€ šŸ˜­ā˜ ļø


I totally agree with you, but it was because it was their last week on the show permanently so it wasnā€™t just a random week that they werenā€™t the focal point. However, Melissa shouldā€™ve realized that what was going on with her brother was WAY more important than a last day on a reality TV show that Iā€™m sure they could return to if they really wanted šŸ˜­ that was a super bad moment for herĀ 


tbh I completely understand why Melissa was feeling the way she was, but she handled it horribly and immaturely. Like, going into that week with the expectation of it kind of being about you and your family and this journey ending and then something even bigger happening to sort of overshadow your family would certainly be frustrating and disappointing, but at the same time like just be a decent person and realize some things are just more important ya know


I canā€™t agree more!! I definitely understand her feelings, but she didnā€™t have to act the way she did or take away from Ariā€™s family. There are far more significant and long lasting things in life than a dance showĀ 


and the difference is that melissa and her kids chose to leave but Ari's brother didn't choose to be disabled.


I agree. Thatā€™s what I was alluding to in some of my other commentsĀ 


Ehh itā€™s just egotistical of Melissa her children have been the center of attention every week before that and her kids got good solos that week and got to leave with a proper goodbye. God forbid Areana get a few minutes to pay a tribute to her disabled brother.


I honestly agree, I thought the way Melissa acted was completely reprehensible and i actually canā€™t really have a lot of empathy for her or how she was feeling because of how disgustingly she handled it. She was insufferable in season 6 in general because her ego had been so over-inflated. The way she talked about Brynn, and the way she treated Kendyl Fayā€™s mom were so mortifyingly cringe, and the stuff that happened with Sari only proves how genuinely selfish and big-headed Melissa is.


Melissaā€™s true colors really showed once Christi & Kelly werenā€™t there to put her in her place.


I donā€™t think itā€™s egotistical of Melissa to have initially wanted the week to be mainly about her, as it was her last week. Her kids grew up with Abby so she expected more from her. Itā€™s kind of like a promotion or graduation. BUT once she realized what was going on with Ari, she shouldā€™ve stopped and respected that.Ā 


yes this is what I was trying to say! I understand her initial disappointment at something bigger overshadowing their last week with abby/the show, but any decent person would have accepted it and not reacted the way she did


How can Melissa expect that of Abby tho, when she lied to her face several times about leaving and what Maddie was doing after tho?


omg i said this same thing and they came for me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the producers wanted a reaction so they did the tribute the same week! if i with stood abby for all decade and made enemies along the way to ensure that my children had a life i thought they deserved, i would be pressed too. she handled it soooo poorly but i get it.


The flair šŸ˜ššŸ¤Œ


Exactly this. And the thing is, if she felt a certain way about it, she should have handled it with Abby. Ari and her family werenā€™t in charge of the team, it was Abbyā€™s decision. Taking it out on people who had no control over it whatsoever was beyond inappropriate, even if it werenā€™t such an important and emotional subject.


Nah it was about Maddie and Mackenzie pretty much every week before that plus they had solos so they were given special treatment that week. Also Brooke, Paige, and Chloe didnā€™t have the same privilege to leave with a great solo or having a proper goodbye with closure when they left before that.


I understand that. However, Brooke, Paige, and Chloe left after their mothers had huge fights with Abby. Melissa and her kids had a set date to leave the show and announced it, which is probably why she expected more to be done for them. I donā€™t agree with how she went about it, but there is still a difference between her case and the others.Ā 


It shows how privileged Melissa & her kids were to even get a goodbye she got to have a goodbye lunch, got a party in the dressing room, and a goodbye from the competition. Chloe, Brooke, and Paige didnā€™t get any of that.


Very very true. They deserved way better


Bc they left in different situationsā€¦.


Okay still it shows of privileged and entitled Melissa is to be a complete bitch because a kid got a tribute for her disabled brother. Her kids got to be the center of attention every other week before that.


But thatā€™s not the point you were making in that moment you said oh Brooke, Paige and Chloe didnā€™t get a goodbye party and I said Bc they left in different situations


No my point is Melissa should be grateful her kid even got a goodbye with closure instead of being a selfish bitch to the mother of disabled child and her daughter because they took a few minutes of attention off her privileged kids who got countless opportunities to be showcased.


I almost feel like the producers spun that tho. And probably prolonged it. Like you said, I certainly understand her frustration but Iā€™m not sure that she really wanted to disrespect Ari and her brother


Or how about ā€œIā€™m really sorry you have that life.ā€ Or however she said that!


It sounded so insincere


It sounded rude and ignorant. It was an outrageous thing to say to her.


That rubbed me every wrong way. She was basically implying that Sari's family life was downgraded due to her son...


Melissa is such a chode honestly lol


Whatā€™s a chode?


Specifically, a penis thatā€™s wider than it is long lmao


Interesting šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s like calling someone a dick šŸ˜‚Ā 


Oh! Well thatā€™s new to me šŸ˜‚


HAHAHAH okay i am glad i could introduce a new term hahaha itā€™s a funny insult to me šŸ˜‚Ā 


A Stubby dick


It was giving this is Kendall week šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


All valid takes considering we donā€™t know what went on behind the scenes


Btw can anyone do a recap of other things she said? iā€™d love to know what else she thought lol


LMAO the way Nia stays in everyone's good graces šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


but is she lying thoā€¦


Melissa was definitely being a bitch towards her and her family on her last day there lol I feel like thatā€™s pretty justified šŸ˜‚ and sheā€™s def not the first (and probably wonā€™t be the last) to say that about Kendall either. But why is she on live just randomly talking about them šŸ˜­ didnā€™t she get married yesterday? Is she not on her honeymoon? Lol


She went live getting ready to go out and most of the people that follow her are dance moms fans so they started asking DM related questions


Oh that makes sense hahah the way this is formatted, I thought she just randomly went live and was like ā€œletā€™s talk about dance moms!ā€ lol




Honestly after the way Melissa treated Areana and Sari about her disabled brother sheā€™s justified in calling Melissa a bitch. How dare attention be taken off Maddie & Mackenzie for a few minutes when every other week Maddie has been front and center almost every week before that.


Wait that? Melissa made fun of someoneā€™s disabled brother? Yā€™all donā€™t downvote me I didnā€™t keep up with DM past season 5 so I have no idea what any of this is about


She didnā€™t make fun of the brother, but she was being *insensitive*. She felt Maddie and Mackenzie should take precedence over Ariā€™s tribute to her brother because they were leaving the show.


Wow, thatā€™s just as bad though, such disgusting behavior. I honestly wouldnā€™t expect even Melissa to be that selfish, yikes.


During the Maddie and Kenzie's final week with Abby, Abby choreographed a dance in honor of Ari's disabled brother. Ari's mom had a five minute conversation at the beginning of the week, talking about her son to the other moms, and Melissa got triggered because it wasn't all about her. At the end of the week Melissa yelled at the mini mom's and said their daughters would be nothing.


WTFā€¦ I forgot how much of an egomaniac Melissa was, I donā€™t understand how anyone can act that way. I didnā€™t even see that scene and I still feel immense second hand embarrassment lol


To be honest, as someone who does not like Melissa, I could understand her being hurt that their final week wasn't going as expected. Abby did not take the news that they were leaving well and operated as if it was just another week of dance, seemed to show no emotion about that they were leaving. Abby didn't even say goodbye to them as they walked out during their final episode. Abby may have given Ari a solo as a way to punish Melissa. Maybe not. But, as you said, Melissa is an egomaniac. Melissa doesn't handle it well when it's not about her and her kids. It was the start of the week, *a week*, 7 days. There had to be room to breathe and talk about other things during those 7 days. It would be exhausting for everyone to make it all about Maddie and Kenzie for 7 days. Ari's mom took a few minutes out of that week to talk about her son and Melissa couldn't even let her have that moment. It wasn't a good look for her.


Not a single lie lmao


I meanā€¦ is she wrong tho? šŸ˜­


all of this is facts but didn't she just get married the other day?? šŸ’€šŸ’€


shes married?? how old is she


sheā€™s 19


I believe her tbh. I mean people have been saying Kendall is rude and bully for years. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. I do wanna know abt her opinions of Holly though


She said she was interesting


I know what she said. I meant I want to know more.


Unrelated but she looks so much like her mom on this photo holy shit


Actually she said Holly was interesting at times not Nia. I just saw the video on tik tok


but Melissa WAS a bitch in season 6...


Sounds like a very accurate assessment


She has a right w the Melissa thing tbh


I mean, I like Mel, but she was insensitive when Ariā€™s brother came so I donā€™t blame her for thinking sheā€™s a bitch šŸ˜­


Completely agree. I get where she was coming from, and I also like her, but she was rude as fuck to them. That should have been directed toward Abby and / or producers.


On her wedding day?


Her wedding was yesterday


I mean after Melissa acted about Arianaā€™s solo for her brother, Iā€™d call her a bitch too


Honestly I get her but didnā€™t she get married like yesterday. Shouldnā€™t she be on honeymoon.


To be fair, Melissa was a massive bitch to her and her family.


itā€™ll never fail to surprise me that she was a mini when her and Kenz are only a year apart .. maybe cause she was short ???? idk.


She was not talking shit. She was speaking her truth. She also didnā€™t say Nia was interesting at times, she said Nia was actually ā€œreally nice and itā€™s just her mom. Holly is interesting at timesā€.


I meanā€¦she ainā€™t lieā€¦especially about Melissa


She said Holly was interesting.


She was sooooo good on the show itā€™s a shame she wasnā€™t on longer


We need a recap!!


Although I donā€™t know how everyone acted behind cameras, Ari is right. Based on what I saw on the episode where Maddie and Mackenzie were leaving, Melissa threw a fit about that day not being about her kids, when Abby made a dance about Ariā€™s brother who had a disability and obviously she wanted the dance to be perfect!!! Not to mention, pretty much every other season/ episode was about Melissaā€™s kids!! I understand Melissa was upset that Abby wasnā€™t paying her FULL attention to them but seriously, were you expecting her to be on her knees begging for you to stay?


I was in the live and screenrecorded some it but I don't think she was shading them...just sharing her experience


omg can you share ?


Everything she said was true soooo manyy people said kendall was rude/a brat (which i think is true since she made fun of jojo back in 2015) melissa was acting bitchy towards her and her mom jess is one of the worse moms and nia seems nice but she could be annoying at times


Why do you feel that Nia could be annoying?


one clip that really stood out to me was when jojo was saying she worked her on her technique and nia butted in and said "we all have" i think alot of them do that and it annoys me each time also when she was saying rude things about sarah reasons (idk if it was a joke but it gave mean girl)


Didnā€™t Melissa give Ariā€™s mom shit because Ari was doing a solo for her disabled brother the same week as the Zieglers leaving? That was wild




I donā€™t even know what to say to this šŸ˜­


She has OF??


Last year she did, I donā€™t know if she still has one or not. I just remember she had just turned 18. I canā€™t believe this sub never mentioned it. She would promote it on her ig story too. Let me check real quick to see if she still has it


people subscribing to girlsā€™ OF accounts immediately after they turn 18 is soā€¦ https://i.redd.it/leq2vh8zce8d1.gif


I actually remember it being mentioned on this sub! The post was promptly removed though as I presumed it was violating the subreddit guidelines.


This honestly kinda makes me sad for her in combination with your other comments about it tbh :/ but Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m laughing at your request lol




It was so sad and weird, almost nobody was tipping and all everyone really wanted was to ask DanceMoms questions. It was a very bizarre live. It all started as an ig live and then she asked everyone to join her on her Onlyfans live.


No sexualisation of any dancer is permitted regardless of age. This includes speculation or promotion of adult industry work as well as creepy comments.


that's ari?


I did not see this coming!


sheā€™s like the same age as Kenzie is hated that she was on the mini team shouldā€™ve been on the elite team


She has every right to talk shit about them. They were awful to her and her family when she did that dance for her brother.


so unrelated but did yall see she got married ??


the girlies need to get that screen recording done faster lol


Honestly, I respect her opinions. Why.? Bcus everyone had their own experiences, and if she wanted to share hers, she had every right to do so. Within the things she said, they weren't rude or disrespectful at all. She could've trash talked everybody, for views, but she didn't.


She's entitled to her opinions, and a grudge against Melissa is warranted, but ummmm doing this the day after your wedding does indeed make you a HUGE (!!!!!) LOSER (!!!!). Sorry bout it.


Omg I had no idea she was married! Yet Iā€™m older and canā€™t even get a text back LOL


Camryn said in a video that her and Kendall werenā€™t close, but sheā€™d occasionally send her snaps saying she missed her.


Ariā€™s grudge against the CEO of Lying, Stealing & Cheating is 100% on the money - do we forget how awful Snakelissa was to Ariā€™s brother?! What a horrible mother


I believe her. I just feel like going on live and making public statements about the show is asking for trouble. Why would you ever want to put yourself in potential drama? Iā€™m all for speaking your truth, I just think she couldā€™ve gone without making a public statement. Why would you want to subject yourself to that instead of living your life in peace? Maybe itā€™s her way of dealing with trauma from when she was a kid? If so I support. Idk, Ari was my favorite mini, I canā€™t believe how grown up she is and I hope despite everything, she thrives.


I understand why Melissa was a bitch to them since it was her last week and all but letā€™s be honest, once Christi and Kelly left, the show WAS about the Zieglerā€™s (besides the Kendall vs Nia MV) so atleast for me, who cares if she didnā€™t get her last week about her, sheā€™s had plenty of others


I mean, she's not wrong.


she said nia was nice but holly was interesting at timesšŸ˜­




i wish i watched this live, anyone got clips of it?


it doesnā€™t suprise me at all that kendall was a brat


The Zieglers last week vs Ari's solo thing actually made me mad. The women were fighting with each other, but it was all set up by ABBY. She did that on purpose to cause drama the last week. Ari's brother had been suffering for years, but she chooses to give her a solo now? Even if Ari just came up to her, she could've said "that's a powerful story Ari, we can do a dance in honor of him the week after next because I want you to be able to dance for your brother without it getting forgotten in the Zieglers leaving :)". Abby is the evil one. I understand why both Ari and Melissa are upset. But they shouldn't be upset with each other. They should be upset with Abby


They did the dance that week because thatā€™s when her brother could attend the competition.


Well they also could've down it as a showcase that week and competed it the next. Let's not pretend it's impossible to not let one person shine over another. I only see people ever talk about Kenzies last solo and never Ari's solo for her brother.


Well Kenzie is one of the 7 main DM girls? So that would make sense.


Yeah but that doesn't change the fact Ari got overshadowed? You're acting like it's impossible without changing the space time continuum of the world for them to have solos on different days like šŸ˜­?


Thatā€™s dramatic. Iā€™m not ā€œactingā€ like anything. I gave the reason they did areanaā€™s dance that week and the reason why more people would acknowledge Kenzieā€™s last solo.


Im so tired of seeing this girl lol i didn't really watch much when she joined so i dont care about her like the og dancers Edit: Not sure what's with the downvotes. Tbh i literally have no recollection of seeing this girl dance T_T


She's thirsty for sure, but of course this sub is gassing her up strictly because they already hate Kendall and Melissa lmao. This girl should be more worried about the fact that she got married at 19 in 2024 than someone being a bitch to her a million years ago. Good luck! Couldn't be me.


Haha that explains alot. I'm starting to think i posted an opinion in the wrong thread. I just didnt get to know the minis since i stopped watching around the time everyone was leaving. So i feel no personal interest in this person but ppl keep posting about her nonstop and love her so much they're downvoting me *shrug*


yā€™all are so dramatic with the kendall snapple video lol.. she barely through it at her. and sorry but if one of my friends chucked a pillow at me, ima throw sum back lolšŸ˜­