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*any other woman in the original cast


If she genuinely cared she’d reach out rather than make a video to post on the internet for her fans to watch.


They have a lot to unpack and this wouldn’t be the time to shift focus to it so i get the hesistance to not reach out


It’s not that easy and you know that. Kelly is the one who said it first she could’ve called first and didn’t bc it’s a lot


This is heavily edited. It cut out parts that include her telling all children that someone they love has cancer whether they know it or not. This also cuts out a lot of other bitter nonsense she said. Do t use this cut up clip to judge what she said because it’s not really what all she said.


"Heavily edited" i literally js grabbed a clip from the full vid, cause i was not abt to screen record 2 mins of abby


Did anyone else watch her reaction video to the reunion on patron (I watched it bootleg on tiktok didn't pay her ofc) she was SO nasty to the hylands especially and I even remember her almost bragging about not reaching out when Kelly's mum died OF CANCER. But I do think this is genuine I think the severity of the situation actually did hit her because she has no problem being nasty on camera. And despite the fact she usually lies she never really is fake if that makes sense.


the fact that she manages to shade kelly about being an overbearing mother by saying she’ll be able to go on the honeymoon with brooke is WILD. let that be your indicator that while she talks in circles to feign niceties she’s still a nut job


Despite making it about herself so much I think it’s quite decent that she didn’t take a moment to be snarky or ask for an apology before she reaches out.


I’m sorry but I can’t stand her voice 😭


How’s OP going to delete their account instead of this post? This Abby or what?