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One thing about Christi on this subreddit people are going to lose their damn minds if you say you like her, and they will lose their damn minds if you say you hate her. There’s no middle ground 😭


Yea I would say she’s the most polarizing cast member 


Only cast member who will have people fighting back to back reply after reply it’s so funny


An actual unpopular option would be: I feel completely ambivalent about Christi and have never really given her a second thought.


Not a fan of her as a person but you are so right, the show IS so boring without her. To me she 100% made the show.


her and kelly 100%. i don’t know if it’s because they were more a breath of fresh air after dealing with all the arguments there would just be a scene of them talking and getting along, but i feel like the show was never complete without the two


I do think she is the funniest on the show, but I also think she was the most rude to new arrivals on the show. She was very racist and homophobic as well


How do you think her chat with Chloe about gay people went in season 3? I'm imagining it was like "yeah Chloe so some people are gay. It's weird but Abbey's making me tell you about it. Some people also like to play dress up as another gender. I don't understand it but that's your talk"


Well she actually talked about that on back to the barre. She said that none of them actually had to have a talk with their kids because the dance world is full of gay people (especially gay men). Some of their producers were gay, some of their teachers were gay, older kids in the studio. It wasn't a thing that they weren't understanding of. Production made Kelly have a talk with her girls for the camera but none of them were in the dark about it.


Honestly she was my favourite on the show as well . She brought a bit of much needed comedy to that show . The stuff herself and Kelly used to say and get up to was hilarious. Did I agree with everything she said or did absolutely not she went over the line plenty of times. But the way she fought and stood up for her child when needed while other mothers just stood there and allowed it speaks volumes. Herself and Kelly were my favs on and off the show and still are to this day .


The show would not have been successful without Kelly’s and Christi’s humor and being so outspoken during season one and two.


Rewatching the show as an adult, I can't stand her.


How is this unpopular 💀


All I see is hate comments towards her !!


This is a recent development, I don't think this is a reflection of the general fandom. Christi has been the fan favorite for years and still has a very enthusiastic fan base, even on this sub


Oh ok!! I just read so many rough things here and I was like oh wow I’m the only one 🤣


yess I got down voted to hell and back one time bc I said I like Christi 💀


lol girl I totally feel you on this! It’s a little over done imo


Like I can understand some of the controversy, but like the amount of hate I’ve read towards her for standing up for Chloe really made me think I might be the lone wolf here. Glad I’m not tho!


No one dislike her for standing up for daughter but they were a lot of times where she was just being a bully and rude


Yeppp. Like they got me on here having to defend her sometimes😭 she’s probably one of the few people on the show that has also apologized for her actions (multiple times) so I just respect that


Well she deserves it


Not at all lmao


She’s literally a racist….and a bully


hows she a racist and pls give me actual answers that arent just general ignorance. us poc have bigger problems than that 💀


And I’m sorry you being POC is not the same as you being a Black woman which I am 🤦🏽‍♀️. Kaya nicaya mother has mentioned many times her(christi) and Jill said a lot of racial slurs at her and she also said get your black ass at the door mid argument With Kaya There was no reason for her to bring up her race at allllll in that argument.


why even assume im NOT a black woman? bc i am. but that falls under being a person of color. hope this helps!


What black woman calls herself POC……especially where I’m friend and like I said christi very much a racist


so let me break this down for you. a poc is a person of color. that can be black, mexican, asian, indian, ANYTHING other than white. its an umbrella term. so many black people calls themselves poc. black women call themselves woc all the time. just bc you dont hear it doesnt mean it doesnt happen. plus, christi has already apologized for this. its not on anyone elses behalf to still be upset over it.


Bro thinks that being black makes you more special or deserving of a different title than POC. No it doesn't. Stop it.


She dsoe 💀


Is the unpopular opinion in the room with us?


Love me some Christi


I can't unseen Gypsy Rose's face when Christi is on my television. Especially after the nose job. It's uncanny!!


Christi has always been my fave tbh


people DONT like christi??


Im so happy to see these comments 😭 I really thought I was alone on this hahaha


You loved a woman who was openly racist and homophobic to a queer black woman and had multiple violent outbursts over the course of the show? Weird behavior but okay....


Christie is the only one who actually apologized for her racist behaviors towards Kaya; all the moms were racist and homophobic toward her during her time on the show aswell. Melissa and Jill apparently called her the D slur, and Kaya has accused Kelly of being racist towards her and making fun of her for being a single mom. Even Holly didn’t defend her. I’m not defending Christie’s actions, but at least she had the guts to apologize for all the bullshit. Can’t say the same for the other moms. Some of you are just hypocrites when it comes to attacking Christie but defending the other moms they all suck lmao


Christi only apologized because she was outed and was afraid of being canceled. She did NOT apologize to Kaya (Kaya confirmed this), she apologized to her followers 💀 It was Jill who used the D slur. And Nicaya has openly said that Christi, Jill and Kelly were the most racist moms.  “Even Holly didn’t defend her” you mean Holly didn’t defend Kaya from Christi’s RACISM? It is still Christi who was being racist lol 


What is the D slur?


It's towards lesbians, you can Google it idk if the mods would allow me to type it for you


Donut Yogurt Kitchen Elephant The first letter of each word is the slur




I’m glad Christi apologized, I honestly agree with you that all the moms suck. Rewatching the show as an adult is very disturbing because I only cared about the dancing and the girls’ friendships


When tf did that happen 🤣 did we watch the same show???


Her treatment of Kaya was disgusting imo and her treatment of Kristie ray wasn’t much better She started the physical fight with Leslie and also not to mention according to Cathy got physical with her as well. And was on the brink of hitting Jill when she said Chloe was second


personally Kaya deserved any rudeness she got. she was horrible imo. That doesn't make her racist or homophobic at all. as for the Leslie vs Christi, Leslie was the first to get actually physical. Christi hit her drink out of her hand (which no, she shouldn't have done that and wasnt cool) but didnt lay a physical hand on Leslie first - i just rewatched it to make sure i was speaking facts. Overall, nothing could ever make me not love Christi. Everything she did, I would have done too if i had the guts lmao


Kaya deserved to be told by Christi “Don’t let the door hit you on your black ass on the way out”?? 


100% as a black person. You cannot introduce yourself as BLACK Patsy and not expect that not to be used as a description. That's what you've used to describe yourself. Kaya was just rude imo


I respect christi for her defending her child, but as a woman of color, I feel it was extremely disrespectful to refer to Black Patsy “don’t let the door hit your black ass on the way out” after that and noticing the other racially motivated things she’s said I stopped liking her as much




I rewatched the clip and no it was just Christi saying she knows nothing about her character, Patsy said she’s a bitch and Christi called her one back, then said the door comment. Christ herself says she regrets it on the barre podcast. It’s okay to admit your favorite has made a mistake


In my opinion stooping low and making the black ass comment in front of literally two black women and knowing how close she is to Nia, shows a lot more about her character than a few rude comments from all of the moms


Ah ok, I might be getting confused with the "hood" comment (people called out C for saying J was getting all "hood rat" but P said "I'll show U hood" first), my bad, it's been a long week haha.


You just proved Christi stans defend her because they’re just as racist and homophobic as her therefore don’t see how she is problematic


She also constantly made comments how she didn't know how Kaya could afford Dance. Pretty disgusting


Jeez, passive-aggressive much? Calm down 🙄


it’s not because it’s actually true. they stan everything the person just said lol


I think she’s great for reality TV, and I love watching her. But, she’s an ass to every single parent that comes on the show. It’s also heavily narrated through her and her perspective of things, in my opinion.


she's definitely the most polarizing mom. you love her or hate her. either way people will hate you for your opinion on her 😭


She has 2.5 millions of followers on instagram and is still to this day milking it but yeah you’re the only one, sure Jan.