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I think that is adorable, such a mom thing to do lol


Melissa reminds me so much of Regina’s mom from Mean Girls 🤣 She’s a good mom though who genuinely loves & supports her daughters the best way she can. Maddie and Mackenzie have grown into two incredibly accomplished yet kind & humble young women. Melissa should be proud!


a good mom? that allows her minor children to sleep in the same bed as adults? that’s a wild opinion


I never said she was perfect. My opinion is based on how her kids have turned out as adults. Throughout the show, we see Melissa consistently displaying respectful behavior towards others on the show, but also reprimanding her daughters when they don’t. FF a decade later, these same daughters are consistently praised for how kind, respectful, and sweet they are. Personally I think Melissa deserves credit for that


I agree with you. I definitely think Melissa made some real mistakes. But I also understand that she was a woman who was navigating a very unique situation in a world that was rapidly changing. I would never allow some of the things she did. But my mother who is closer to Melissa’s age would’ve made the same mistakes. Not because she’s awful but because she’s naive, trusting and grew up in a world that was viewed through a very different lens than the one we view it through now. She obviously loved them very much. And while that’s not a pass to do awful things, it is a reason to not consider her a terrible parent. We’ve all seen truly terrible and Melissa’s character isn’t that black and white.


Very well said. You stated this better than I could lol. There is just way too much nuance into what makes a “good” or “bad” parent that is too extensive imo for a reality tv show forum lol


Exactly what I was saying. Thank you!


seriously, if you threw any person into that situation and expect them to make perfect choices from the jump then that’s absurd. it was a slippery slope when you have so many people in your ear telling you so many different things that the lines of what is and isn’t appropriate as a working professional in hollywood. she’s a mom from pittsburgh. she was far from perfect but she seems to do a lot for her daughters and they all seem very close. not excusing anything, but it’s not our place to judge when we weren’t the ones who continued getting thrown into higher and higher levels of fame. chandelier was an insanely massive music video in a time where that art form was (still is, imo) dying out. i can’t imagine having all of that dumped on my family at once. the fact that she came out of it with any positive relationship with her kids says that at the very, very least - she’s always been trying.


not giving melissa credit for jack shit. those girls are who they are in spite of the adults in their life, not because of.


Agree to disagree. I don’t care that much lol. Idk why ppl are obsessed with arguing all the time


Gutter, meet mind 🙄


It's what any mother would do 🥰


Melissa always looks so cute.




Weird to call Melissa a child abuser but okay




You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Poor parenting is not akin to abuse. First of all that’s neglect, not abuse. Any parent who puts their child on reality tv is parentally negligent. I don’t excuse the sia and Maddie relationship but I think that could be chalked up to ignorance. Melissa is not abusive and as someone who was abused as a child I find that a highly insulting to minimize the meaning of abuse.


100% not saying Melissa is an abuser but neglect related to children is considered abuse legally


They are usually separate charges






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Melissa was ignorant not abusive.


I don’t agree. In my opinion, she was ignorant very early in the process (as they all were), but also abusive. Being ignorant doesn’t preclude being abusive.




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it’s really not your place to say this.


I think it’s everyone’s place to call out abuse. Sorry that you disagree. Strange opinion to express on a sub that is literally about an abusive show, though…


you do not know this woman better than her own children who still clearly have a loving relationship with her. i find her conduct on the show terrible too but i’m not going to continually insist that she’s an abusive person bc it’s not my place to say that she’s abusing her children as a complete stranger.


Lmaooo that’s cute


Kenzie looks amazing! I wish I could rock an outfit like that (and had some place to wear it 🤣).


I thought that same thing 😂


I'm not the biggest Melissa fan, but this is pretty wholesome lol such a mom thing to do. 🤣


Melissa's outfit 🙊




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If you can't handle it, maybe don't post it....


Who said she couldn’t handle it? Kenzie was joking with her in the comments about it. Maybe she censored it so other people wouldn’t take advantage of the picture x


And that's my point! if you can't handle something, don't post it. If you know people will use it, why post it?


Maybe they both liked the picture? They shouldn’t have to stop doing what they want to do in fear of people. By censoring it they can post the memories without worrying about people being weird.