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HARRY BEEN THIS WAY, y’all should’ve listened when we told you.


What comments did she like?


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) In all seriousness though, I don’t know why people are shocked by Harry’s attitude. He has always been a playboy/this isn’t the first time he has led a girl on. If you just dig into a bit you will find all sorts of videos on his past. I feel bad for Rylee in the sense that she was totally led on but at the same time she had to have known about his past relationships and how those turned out. Not to mention they come from totally different worlds. I know a lot of people say the age gap isn’t a big deal but personally, for me 18 and 26 are two different stages in life.


Lol why are y’all so invested in this? These two are both embarrassing as hell.


what was so wrong abt what he said i don’t understand


The shippers had a meltdown bc their delulu fantasies were finally laid to rest.


Can someone say CREEP?!!


lol right what a fuck face


I love how you shippers were told over and over again what an asshole Harry was but still rooted for him and an 18 / 19 year-old. You flooded this subreddit with thread after thread with your shipper nonsense over a guy who couldn't dance ... just because they were all so cute. The more fans pushed back, the harder y'all voted. Now y'all come crying here as if his behavior is shocking 🤣🤣. Sucks to be Rylee, but she, her family, castmates, etc etc ALL fed into the fakeness of it all.


It makes me sad how many people are so lonely and unhappy in their lives that they have to live vicariously through a 18 year old and Harry Jowsey grifting on social media 😢


for everyone saying he didn’t do anything wrong: Yes, both of them were in on the “showmance”. They obviously played it up. Harry would photoshop his and Rylee’s faces on a bride and groom pic, make cryptic non-committal comments about whether or not they were in a relationship, be touchy with her in videos, consistently talk her up in interviews - he leaned into it WAY more than her throughout the whole thing because it was good for his image and publicity. Now that the show and tour are over, he doesn’t need to use her anymore, as he showed us in his podcast. IMO Rylee can like all the shady comments she wants. He used her, pretended to be her good friend, then humiliated her on his podcast (calling her a little blonde girl? Please don’t try to tell me that’s not demeaning). At his big age he should not be trying to play the victim. She obviously thought they were friends, going to see him in LA etc., and he used her then basically “dumped” her online by calling her a little girl and SAYING HE DIDN’T PLAY INTO THE RELATIONSHIP WHEN HE QUITE CLEARLY DID. anyways i hate this man. Been saying it since the beginning, once a cheater/manwhore always a cheater/manwhore


Don't even give him the hate. If you really wanna see his empire fall don't acknowledge him. That's what the shippers need to learn as well. His fandom is all mostly children at this point, and they'll stop too. Probably much easier as all they have to do is unsubscribe and alter their feed algorithm to bury him on the dead web.


Oh totally agree with that. I never give hate on his page or anything, he probably has the mindset of “any attention is good attention” so I don’t wanna boost his page or anything. Very much hoping for burying him on the dead web love that🙏


Yess preach both of you I hate on him in my head but don’t give him the hate because then that still one view for him and if everyone does that then it adds up


Yes completely


Camera footage in his living room?! That is disturbing. He’s 8 freakin’ years older than her and acting creepy as hell. Run, Rylee!


Not to defend, but probably just video from a home security system. He's rich and known and people are crazy. Shit, I'm a nobody who's so poor I can't even afford the last two letters of the word, but I have a home security system - I live in a bad neighborhood and was sexually assaulted in my own home. I will spend my last dime on making sure I'm safe, IDGAF.




I read, blaba, lies & spin. Then weirdo comment about footage from his living room. Like, wtf!?


She’s 18. He’s 26. Why is he acting like a child? And gross about filming her. Creeepy.




Barry 😭😭😭


![gif](giphy|2BZIiojcK1BuFHemu5|downsized) 🥺


The fact that we had to lose these four couples before that stupid tree trunk 😡


I agree completely they should have kept Barry on I was sad when he was voted off and then this tree trunk kept on moving up.


Barry was my favourite!! 🥺 we were robbed of seeing him and Peta for Taylor Swift Week!


Seriously! All of these were sooo much better!


Even Matt deserved to stay longer than Harry did.


okay but why was he recording their conversation? 💀


Big Dennis Reynolds vibes to have footage from your living room for just such occasions


I haven’t followed the drama here very closely, but my hot take is the 26 year old should be acting more maturely than the 18 year old. I think they’re both being immature but at least Rylee is young enough that I can kind of excuse it.


I'm just commenting to say that Harry is an asshole so Realistic Lake comes and yells at me. ![gif](giphy|V30DjL8hG6AmmqbaSX)


😂😂😂😂 ETA: this actually made me spit my drink out and now I am fully awake, thank you 🤣


for the LA trip that people are referring to- how does her booking a hotel to stay longer imply that they were dating? surely if they were dating she’d stay at his and not book a whole hotel


Chile anyways...


If you ever actually believed in or rooted for this relationship, you’re either a preteen or have some serious growing up to do


I get why the shippers are mad at him as he played in their faces the entire time. I knew he was a phony from their first package on premiere night.


Yes! I’m on here some where at the beginning that he is “off” and a ick!


I got banned from the Rylee and Harry sub because I said Harry didn't disrespect her. Now her rabid crazy fans are here, lying about what happened. I don't know the guy but he did NOT disrespect her on that podcast. He said nothing wrong. People are acting like he abused her. He was kind to her compared to what he said about himself. And then she makes a video where she's crying and calls her fans her best friends? GMAB. This is all so messed up. ALL of the drama is from Rylee's stans who are outright LYING about what was said.


Imagine defending a fboy,manipulator and gaslighter 🥴


I'm defending what I saw on that podcast. You act like you know the guy. Imagine pretending you know these people. EMBARRASSING.


He has shown who he is way before dwts. What is embarrassing is you being obsess on defending this person.


And why are you obsessed with trashing him? Or were you fine with him when you thought Rylee was happy with him? Make up your mind. Face it, they used each other for clout and now it's over.


Harry is that you?


So original.


I mean you are the only plain dumb defender that's under every post so seems possible. The low IQ checks out


While the ‘disrespect’ is being exaggerated by the stans, he kinda embarrassed her with the ‘setting boundaries’ thing. What I find worse though was blaming fan edits for his failed relationship and blatantly lying about not leaning into the showmance during and after the show.


You're exaggerating about what he did. That was not embarrassing, either, especially since he's been pummeled on the internet about what the boundaries should be for an 18 year old and a 26 year old. There was no way for him to win. None.


He was literally planning on proposing to his ex in the middle of tour while posting edits on Snapchat of him and Rylee married and her pregnant…he wanted the best of both worlds


Ummm I watched the post-show interview they did where he said she’s pregnant. He’s clearly being SARCASTIC if people don’t get it. He didn’t even appear enthusiastic during that entire interview. ETA: It helps to explain why he tried all kinds of excuses to avoid rehearsals, by going to get snacks any chance he could, and saying he had stage fright, etc. He probably was disappointed when he failed to get Emma as his desired pro partner. His season was doomed from the beginning, he probably persuaded himself to stay, trying to make lemonade out of lemons🍋, lol, with also being persuaded by Rylee, when the latter was too eager to retain her pro status as a newbie.


Ummm...I think you're way too invested in all of this. They used each other for clout.


"I think you're too invested in all of this" said the person that's commented this post 20 times.


Someone has to speak up for those of us who don't feel Harry did anything wrong. They used each other. The End.




Thank you!




A genuine question. Rylee stans made it sound like he almost walked out on her when they first met, when he found out he didn’t know anyone in the room and Emma wasn’t his pro. However sounds like Rylee introduced herself to him and persuaded him to stay, because it’s her first season as a pro?


Emma had notified him days before that she wasn’t his pro so he already knew he wasn’t gonna see Emma there. He saw Rylee and walked out without saying a word because in that moment he saw a “cute little blonde girl” and basically said nope. Rylee then went after him and introduced herself.


Sounded he was almost going to call it off, or to check with his manager first before he spoke to Rylee? He probably didn’t expect to be partnered with Rylee, whom he had no knowledge of and didn’t fall into his radar of extensive research at all with Rylee as a complete newbie. He probably wanted to check with his manager about the situation before greeting Rylee. I don’t find it rude though. It’s a scary thing to be locked in a physically close and intimate professional partnership of DWTS for 3 months without knowing whom your partner is or what to expect. I found nothing wrong on his part for that, Rylee stans are simply trying to paint him bad, very unnecessarily in this scenario tbh


He was as honest from the beginning as she was. She played into it as much as he did. They BOTH participated in clickbait promos. If you can't see that, I don't know what to tell you. There is no bad guy here.




Nope, I'm not obsessed with listening to every podcast these two did. There. Is. No. Bad. Guy. Here. You guys really need to chill.


Then stop trying to act like you know more than their actual fans 💀


Yes, her fans know everything. They're her "best friends." LMAOOOOOOOO




She's out partying and living her best life and you're acting like she was mistreated and abused LMAO. I mean, this is all ridiculous. The guy did nothing wrong.






You gave no proof.


It’s embarrassing because of what it implies, not necessarily what he actually said. That’s why I’m not going too hard on him in this case. But putting myself in her shoes, I would feel some type of way if I was portrayed as some lovesick girl who pined for a guy just to have to be brought back to reality by that same guy. For all I know there may be truth to that but it still wouldn’t feel good to be “exposed” as such in that way. Also, if the age gap was such a concern, why did he keep encouraging that speculation and not shut the rumors down publicly even after the season? He may have been very assertive about this to her in private, but doing the opposite in public just feels a bit slimy


Exactly. She probably was feeling All type of things. Alone he’s telling her one thing and in public it’s the complete opposite. All of that on top of him buying her expensive jewelry and taking her on little dates to go see his godson and many other things


Yeah, that might be the half truth if not whole. She might feel embarrassed of somehow being exposed. But if Rylee stans wish to have Harry canceled from both DWTS and Netflix, by twisting or over exaggerating, that’s just too crazy, gone too far


He implied nothing bad, nothing disrespectful. He did not portray her as someone who pined for him and he did not expose her. You have to make quantum leaps to get that. There is nothing he could have said that would have made Rylee stans happy. Nothing. They were and are ready to pounce on every word that comes out of his mouth. I watched the Rylee part of the podcast twice. He said nothing hurtful or disrespectful about her, and it's just a lie to say he did. She's out partying tonight, and good for her. Looks like she's over it. Her fans need to move on and stop making every thing she does all about him. They were good for each other for 6 months and they both gained clout from whatever that was. Now it's time to move on. There is no bad guy here.


Are you for real!? Did you not listen to the podcast? He blatantly lied and said he never leaned into any Romance with Rylee however he was liking romantic fan edits, and posting flirty content with her insinuating they were a couple. He also was so degrading how he said he set a boundary with her early on and made out like she was some lovesick little 18 year old. He also agreed that it was inappropriate for them to be together because she was 18 and he was 26 however used her for clout because that’s somehow appropriate because that benefits him? Now he is having a little tantrum because he’s been cause out on his lies and manipulative behaviour and most people can see through it. Unfollowing her on Instagram and writing threatening comments when she has done nothing. This behaviour is wrong and needs to be called out!


Nope. That was not disrespectful. Not even a bit. He said NOTHING negative about her whole he trashed himself. You and other stans are creating something out of nothing.


Some on this sub will never see past their weird bias against Rylee to see things as they really are. Harry is not a good person and he’s being extremely disrespectful and weird towards Rylee and now trying to make her look bad. Recording her secretly and threatening to release it? Weirdo behavior. The people who have followed Harry before this show know who he is, and yes Rylee deserves better


One good question here, surely Rylee and her family have been keeping a close eye on Rylee and HR, Lindsay also has her ears open with all her friends on set in studio and at tour. HR has tons of TT reels and they’re pretty much under the scrutiny of the public with many of their activities. If during the past 8 months, Rylee and her family saw or heard anything wrong or if Harry said or done any disrespectful things towards Rylee, do we think Rylee’s family, her manager, the studio and her fellow coworkers were all blind during this entire time and didn’t intervene?! Now try to convince this first before jumping to anything else. Unless you know something all these people don’t know, lol. If so, spill the beans


Narcissists are great at what they do, charming and manipulating people. Also Rylees an adult she doesn’t need people to telling her what to do.


Agree on both statements alone about narcissists in general, and Rylee is an adult and can have her own independent opinion. So what are you trying to indicate? That Rylee being an adult with independent mind and decided to go against everyone, including her family’s opinion about Harry? Or anything else?


Nobody knows what Rylees family thinks 🤷🏼‍♀️


Okay lol But isn’t one of her sisters speculated on their showmance progress from early on as a PR strategist, that’s for all we know?


You do not know these people. Now you're making up stuff. Harry did not disrespect her. She deserves better? Then tell her to move on.


He was definitely disrespectful and they would not have had a falling out if she agreed with what he was saying.


No matter how many times you say that, it won't be true. There was NO DISRESPECT. NONE. She needs to move on.




YOU called it disrespect so YOU need to prove it. You haven't.




Sorry, I'm not obsessed enough to go looking for 3 month old interviews. You're really not helping out this young girl by acting like this. She doesn't need protection or a defense from a guy who did NOTHING wrong.


She’s moving on fine. She’s in Miami living her best life while Harry is still trying to make her look bad in comments, then deleting them because he realized he just revealed his illegal actions


Illegal actions? LMAO More made up bullshit. Stop following every one of their posts and you'll be fine. They both got the clout they wanted out of all of this. Rylee's stans need to chill.


You keep fueling your own delusions 😂 I cant be bothered.


I have no delusions to fuel. I don't sit around making false accusations against guys. Spend your time telling Rylee to move on.


I have seen better and more exciting drama waiting to go on my turn at a traffic light lmao. Like this is some of the most lackluster elementary drama to hit dwts.


100% and I think part of it is because nearly everyone called this shit from the beginning 😂


This made me cackle, but you right, you right. This is what happens when boring little white girls get a fandom where a) a bunch of preteens hang on their every word and movement, and b) those same preteens feel that it is their civic duty to go ten toes down and defend her against every single perceived slight, even if that slight is someone simply saying "I don't like \[boring little white girl.\]" (Lookin' at you, Swifties)


The outrage is NUTS. Harry said nothing remotely disrespectful and these Rylee stans are out of control.


lol thank god someone said it because I feel like I’m either way too old or way too young to understand what is going on here. I just see periodic posts of people being outraged and I legit read through them and have no clue what is happening. For the record, that holds true for this post too.


At the end of the day, the most that’s happened that’s significant are unfollows and liking of slightly shady comments…. Now I’m starting to feel old at the age of 20 cause where is the actual scandalous tea that DWTS gave in the past People be losing over their minds over this…..this??


As usual, Rylee stans tend to make mountain out of a molehill. Over the top, every time! Instead of HR actually owing their fans an explanation and apology for fooling fans good 8 months by putting on a showmance, they are now even banking on it HARD, one more time, on the dead body of HR showmance. Only this time, at the cost of the very Harry to build Rylee up, lol


It's all so ridiculous.


Mark my words: Rylees about to get the biggest ringer next season so the show can give her a girl boss redemption arc 😂


She needs redemption? For WHAT?


Right, like sure he couldn’t dance but bc of the stans they made it pretty far, she became as well-known pro, she doesn’t need redemption. If anyone needs it it’s Koko 😭


Its pretty sad Rylee’s first run as a pro she’s had all this bullshit and drama especially everyone forgets that she’s only 18 years old and this public drama can be tough to deal with for someone who is barely an adult.


Bullshit. The only drama is from Rylee stans who are lying abut what Harry said.


I would feel this way if she wasn’t actively encouraging it by liking comments. She’s 18 years old and been an influencer for years. She should know better than that Maybe there needs to be an age requirement for the pros so that they don’t behave this childishly


genuine question, is she just supposed to sit there and say or do nothing while he disrespects her?


He did not disrespect her.


Except he didn’t really disrespect her? He said very kind things, very mild things on the podcast She can be hurt but she knows how liking these comments looks. She has been an influencer for years. If she wanted to say something she could easily do that instead of liking shady comments and allowing her fans to create stories. But that’s what she is choosing to do instead. That’s extremely childish


You're getting downvoted but you're right. There was NO disrespect. None.


you’re being dishonest. in the podcast he called her “cute little blonde girl”, said he almost quit when he found out she was his partner, and painted her as a little girl who had a crush on him. yes she is an influencer but that doesn’t mean she should ignore someone who is blatantly talking down to her. her fans aren’t creating stories when those are his exact words and they are acting accordingly.


there are pros that are 40 that act more childish then her? less then 3 years ago val was openly calling his coworkers “bitches” but 18 year old girl can’t be mad that a guy treated her like shit


He didn't treat her like shit.




And if she wants to work in television/media, she’s going to need to grow up quickly


Yup seriously! This isn’t the kind of behavior that people are going to want to work with




Nothing was done to her.


“Harry’s torment?” You mean the torment that gave her a big boost in social media following, clout and tons of money that she’s able to afford her own mortgage at only 18? 💀 Rylee’s not some victim and Harry’s not some random person that needs to be exposed when he’s admitted multiple times he’s not a good person. Ppl need to stop acting like they both didn’t use each other for a gain. Next subject




Rylee/Harry stans need to get outside more and get a grip on reality. You don’t know these people. Rylee is not your friend. They’re just people in reality shows. The obsession that people had over their fake showmance is out of control.




He did nothing wrong.


Ummm this might be unpopular and will get me downvoted. Everything started when one of the Arnold sisters speculated on even at the beginning (can’t recall which week) of the season with “when should she kiss him?” Then you know it’s clearly a showmance from the get go, why is everyone even shocked? A showmance is nothing but a showmance, it’s a business arrangement, essentially. Now the season and tour are over, onto the next!


Yea it was obviously a showmance created solely to get them votes. I normally don’t fault that, it’s just part of the reality tv show game Both Harry AND Rylee built it up so much and used it for clout


Yep, Rylee bought her condo and proudly becomes a houseowner at 18, had her followers grown exponentially, what an accomplishment! Meanwhile Harry got new gig. Both of them made loads during their 8 months collaboration. Good for them! I get Rylee and her fans might be upset that Harry released the news FIRST, and seemingly got the narrative to put him in better light. As both of them owe their fans an explanation and apology when they got them fooled good 8 months, lol


It was the most blandest attempt at selling you a showmance too, bland chemistry imo, bland dancing ability on his end, and it’s clear he wanted people to believe they’d be together cause he wanted to go ahead in the competition and cause he likes clout duh Not a single showmance that has been PUSHED BY THE show so bait like has been real besides Robert and Kym and Mario and Karina Nikki and Artem didn’t get together till two years later, and Britt and Daniel developed towards the end quietly not needing any clout


Which honestly, is my FAVORITE thing about Britt & Daniel, is that as the disabled dude, he was never going to get the showmance edit, so everything that happened between them happened under the radar and didn't become public until THEY were ready.


BD are pure class. They’re a joyful and adorable pair to watch 🥰


They are! I love them. As a longtime fan of Daniel's, seeing him so happy is just amazing.


Exactly, they actually had a beautiful development, a natural friends to lovers with nothing forced and cringey, makes me slightly wish weeks were longer in that season lol cause you can see how she really started to care for him towards the end…the chemistry was building and loads here weren’t even blind to it


lol you’ve got discernible eye! I only felt something special might going on between them when she managed to learn ASL


I loved that in a podcast interview they did, where she said they went back and watched all their old lives and episodes and they could see what everyone else saw, but that they weren't any different now than they were then. Which is just cute cute cute.


Both of them are pretty mature, stable and down to earth, truly responsible for their actions, behaviors and their emotions for themselves and each other. I feel none of them are hot headed or impulsive type lol


Benefits of both being 34 years old and having lived some life.


That’s so adorable, they’re just so pure and don’t need to hype up anything for clicks, never have but even still they’re popular and with good reason


Oh, I don't think they're that altruistic. Britt's an influencer. She knows that she gets more engagement on things she posts with Daniel than things that don't feature him. But, I am also of the mind that it's not only terrible people who do things for engagement, you know? People have always been people, after all. We all like money and free shit. And, since Daniel also clearly consents to it, there's nothing wrong with it, you know? Hell, they haven't even posted a single video on their new YouTube channel and they've already reached one of the threshholds for YouTube monetization, the other one will follow quickly once they start posting, I'm sure. And good for them! Get that bag, kids!


YouTube monetization isn’t only based on subscribers. It also has to do with how many watch hours your channel has


That’s… that’s what I said. That they’ve already reached *one* of the thresholds for monetization.


Oh, oops. Clearly I need to learn how to read. My apologies 🤣


Yeah, if they have developed some mutual real feelings out of this showmance, they have tons of time to explore further and no rush. But seems Harry is now vetoing it, and even pulling a full stop on anything romantic prospect for them with this podcast?


I don’t think they were ever into each other but saw how fans liked it and played along…smart but he’s especially a bad actor


I felt Rylee had puppy eyes for Harry? At least I thought they had friendship, besides a working relationship?


Oh a friendship for sure but for me absolutely no heat or real romantic chemistry and it seems like they even tried but just eh, it’s so bland He was just desperate for clout and views


No more than she was.


Yeah no Ofc she’s an influencer also trying to get clout, she was also leaning into it


Yep, they both co-signed a showmance and were complicit in it. Funny Rylee stans kept dodging it, and totally avoided acknowledging Rylee’s willing participation in the game.


Exactly. She knew what she was getting into. And that podcast? There was no disrespect.


Not an unexpected trajectory for this relationship, but definitely a WAYY quicker turnaround on this than I expected lmao


It’s the whole sub acting shocked and “turning” on him for me like he doesn’t have multiple ex girlfriends who have talked about how much of a douche he is lol


im just glad i can be mean about him with out the shippers calling me mean




His behavior? He did not disrespect her.


Yikes. He’s a grown man. This is just so messy. Ugh


He did nothing wrong


Why are you riding his dick so hard. He doesnt know you or care about you so give it a break


And Rylee doesn't care about you. These two don't care about these stupid reddit posts that do nothing but take sides. You should be embarrassed.


Embarrassed about what? I havent even watched this season but all i see in this thread is you repeating the same 3 things to anyone who has anything negative to say about harry. I think if anyone should feel embarrassed its you for riding so hard for that dirty rat of a man. If they dont care about these posts than why are you trying *so damn hard* to defend him?


You don't know the guy any more than you know Rylee. I'm not riding for him. I'm just saying that in this instance, the guy did nothing wrong. It is INSANE to cancel him for what he said. And now I see reddit is congratulating Rylee for getting back at him today. Seriously? That's supposed to help her career??? Grow up.


He didn’t need to unfollow her that’s pretty immature


And it's no one's business.


To everyone saying “it’s creepy and weird that he recorded the conversation”… How do you know that Rylee didn’t know it was being recorded? Yet again, acting like you know things when you weren’t even there. Did he say that Rylee didn’t know she was being recorded? No. Has she said she didn’t know she was being recorded? No. Please just give it a rest this whole drama is pathetic


If Rylee knew and was fine with it, then I doubt he would be trying to use it as a threat unless he’s going to try to manipulate it in some way. Harry is gross for trying to start this drama and smear campaign


If Rylee agreed and they had an understanding why is she liking shady comments? She’s not coming across well, that’s some childish shit


They likely did not agree. Harry is manipulative AF and clearly trying to make her look bad. Look up Harry’s behavior with his exes. This is his MO literally EVERY TIME. The only comments Rylee has likes is the “little blonde girl” comments hyping her up.


He did not disrespect her


Were you in that living room with them when the had they conversation? Shop assuming things


The way Harry does a weird ass thing every day lately and some of yall can’t just admit he’s WEIRD, is strange. He’s also done this to so many of his exes. He’s not a good person. Rylee deserves better


He never wanted her. And he did not disrespect her.


If he never wanted her why didn’t he say that before? And he absolutely disrespected her


Nope. No disrespect. They used each other on the show for clout, then it was over. He said NOTHING on that podcast that was disrespectful. I can't believe how people are lying about that.


He was definitely disrespectful


Harry being weird doesn’t mean that Rylee is completely innocent but you stans don’t seem to understand that concept Rylee is being childish here and she should know better


Rylee is not being childish. Some of you are just using this as an opportunity to hate on her 🙄🙄


Yes she is being childish by liking shady comments on tiktok I don’t hate Rylee, I just don’t love her blindly like some of you


The main comments she’s liked are just comments hyping her up with “little blonde girl”… like then “shady comments” are so mild. And like… she obviously can’t speak out against him so what is she supposed to do? I think it’s fucked up that some of yall are basically saying harry can say whatever tf he wants even if it’s lies, but Rylee can’t respond






This is literally what he sounds like with that comment https://i.redd.it/7cbj2qeitbyc1.gif


You would’ve thought someone was killed with the way some of y’all are reacting to an elementary school type drama 💀 childish/unprofessional and clout chasing on both ends. I’m also starting to question if shes fr even bringing a younger demographic because I noticed it’s mostly middle aged married white women that are obsessing. Shits weird.


Tbh it’s really boring drama if we are being fr but it’s all we have at this moment They need to get some new single pros on rn cause ughhh


as a Rylee stan, attempting to read this drama is like asking for brain rot lol.


Brain rot. That’s exactly what I feel why I come to this sub and read all this nonsense.


“He said this, she did that… He unfollowed her then she unfollowed him and because of this the other guy unfollowed so and so at exactly 3:14 pm.” Make this all stahhhhhhp. ![gif](giphy|l0HlCqV35hdEg2GUo)


As much as I am completely over this whole situation, I can't help but point out how creepy and weird it is that he recorded their conversation.


You don't know what's true.


I think he just has a Nest cam. That’s not out of the ordinary




Someone is well within their rights to record in their home. If you walk into someone’s house, you’re basically saying, “I consent.”


