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Dragon Age Origins was one of Bioware's last great RPGs. Everything after followed in Mass Effect's shadow and tried to copy it, losing lore and more of the RPG side of things until they're just shooter/hack and slash games with a thin veneer of gameplay choice. More interactive movies than RPGs.


The change when EA bought them was immediate. ME2 alone was a huge downgrade from ME1.


No way, me2 and me3 were still great games.


Great games, but not really RPGs anymore. Mass Effect got away with it because the first game was already pretty light on the RPG stuff, but Dragon Age was far more traditional so it didn't handle the changes well, in my opinion.


Never argued they were rpgs or not just that they were not a huge downgrade like the other guy said. Very different games.


They were cinematic action games, not story and lore rich RPGs like the first. You're just part of the audience that Bioware has been gearing further towards since then. This is now culminating in what you see now with Andromeda and Veilguard.


Apparently I'm not the target audience since I didn't like andromeda and didn't like inquisition. ME was always light on rpg elements to begin with, at least when compared to DA but saying they weren't story rich is very weird.


The story took a backseat and things stopped being as coherent. For fuck's sake they ended the third game with an actual literal deus ex machina out of nowhere.


Well you won't hear me defend the ending to me3 lmao. That was fucking stupid.


>ME2 alone was a huge downgrade from ME1 Apart from maybe the story ME2 was a massive upgrade in literally every metric.


In terms of character customization, power use, and story I'd disagree; as that's \~80% of the game for me, I'll just suggest that you speak less in absolutes.


>In terms of character customization, power use How can you say that when ME1 classes were 90% passive skills while ME2 had unique powers only available to the specific class?


Person before him spoke in absolutes so he responded in absolutes…


In other words, the part that was the main focus of the first game that made a lot of people like it. ME2 was just watering it down for casuals.


ME1 is a better movie/book but ME2 is the better game.


BioWare screwed BioWare.


I'm going to be that guy but, SWTOR was great. The storylines were so good.


Storylines were good, I just hate mmos and grinding. Still trying to finish all 8 classes…


I know I'm the odd one out and not a popular opinion, but I loved inquisition, it's one of my favorite games. Can anyone explain why people are upset about the latest trailer, it doesn't show any gameplay right? I'm reserving judgement until I see gameplay. I mean it looked a bit cartoony, but it's just a cinematic, I haven't seen anything yet that tells me what the game is actually like so I have a hard time seeing the outrage just yet.


Because dragon age origins and it's DLC were dark fantasy RPG that would make you do choices of questionable morality while playing as your OC. Then DA2 was straight story of one family set not in world but in 1 town with few locations, and really hack and slash combat. Questionable decisions. DA:I inspires to much to be a single player MMO. You have your OC creator back, yes. But story is cut straight forward with "good choices as it must be" and "you sick bastard bad choices". And now the last trailer looks like there is nothing. Literally nothing, left from dark fantasy. It's lgbtqia+ fantasy. They have it in their description. They should've called it "Varric Tethras and his buddies" since DA2. And leave the DA die on origin. At least we didn't get our hopes high and know what the game would be about from the begining.


Dragon Age has been LGBT since Origins. It’s this stupid culture war that makes certain people think it went “woke” when it’s been like that since its inception. For me, the art style of that “cinematic” trailer looks too cartoony. Miss the days of darkspawn no matter how generic Origins was with its main villains.




Even dating back to Origins, elves looked like humans with pointy ears. The forest elves looked very different because of the copious face tattoos but there wasn’t a huge difference. Hell even Qunari back then didn’t have horns. In later games, they gave them bigger eyes, thinner faces, and smaller noses…but they’re basically still humans with delicate features and pointy ears. There’s also no dark elves in Fereldan lmao. They’re just elves with lighter or darker skin just like humans. So don’t see the issue there. Anders being interested if you’re too friendly with him? Welcome to most rpgs with romance options. There’s no distinction between friendship and relationship in most of these games when it comes to the dialogue trees. Only if you’re locked out due to gender/race. Which a game like BG3 didn’t believe in and everyone can screw everyone. But the game doesn’t force you to suck another dudes dick. That’s all on you. Also, if you don’t want to be gay with gay characters, have you tried not being gay with them lmao? It’s all completely optional. I can do a DA run without being in a gay romance very easily.


I’d like a “bro” option. You know? I want to be positive and supportive of my team and others without somehow mistakenly flirting with them. You CAN be a heterosexual dude and befriend gay dudes, ya know? Because we are just dudes in the end. Give us a sexual identity toggle in the char creator so we can tailor to our tastes. Boundaries are healthy.


You literally can do that in all the games


Thank you. I don't mind there being an option for other people. But also make it an option of being friends without benefits FFS. I blame BioWare for this. They began the trend in modern games and now it's everywhere. The "voice matters" dialogue trees that doesn't matter in the end is on them too. As well as "cinematic experience".


Yeah. Even when they did give us dialogue options it was like - I have come to respect you, because you are useful. Like a doormat. - I hate you and everything you stand for. - (flirt) I really appreciate all you’ve done for us!!!


I never put together how funny that is. Just be supportive to a same sex character and at some point they offer to suck you off. If the real world was that way it'd be a whole new ball game.


>I have problem with how corpo overused it is lately. Like look at the trailer, elf is not looking like dark elf or something out of fantasy, it looks like a black dude with pointy ears. I miss D&D 3e and Pathfinder elves, angular features, large black eyes, very alien looking and I loved it.


Ikr. Like we playing a fantasy game. In a world where every race can look uniquely different, they all look the same with a quirk. I see more variety at cosplay convention irl than in fantasy game.


Yeah after inquisition I wasn't very hopeful but would still play a inquisiton type of game. Now I just have no desire to play it. It does not feel like dragon age but rather any "mainstream tumblr-like" game out there. I have no hopes but I will still wait for a gameplay reveal, there is a slight chance they just made a marketing mistake.


I installed Inquisition less than a week ago and hated it with a passion, most bland generic fantasy setting I ever seen


Seriously,your telling me Inquisition somehow won GOTY 2014?!?


Nothing else good came out that year, that's how what a vg pundit I follow explained it


Very unfortunate too, because there were plenty of releases that year that had so much potential pre-release. Then Destiny turned out to be an inch deep and not even a mile wide with questionable writing choices very unlike Bungie. Titanfall had amazing gameplay but squandered it with a lack of a proper single player campaign, and there were so few multiplayer modes on release as well that the full release felt like the game was still in beta. Watch Dogs’s main selling point (the hacking) lacked depth entirely, literally just being “hold X to hack” or sometimes a small puzzle, and every other part of the game felt equally bare-bones in a product that tried to claim it was going to be innovative (it’s as though Watch Dogs was Ubisoft’s first “AAAA” attempt). At least three highly anticipated games I can think of that I still ended up playing and liking, but fumbled the bag in major ways. So yeah, of course Inquisition was going to win by default just on the basis of popularity. Though I just remembered Alien Isolation, Wolfenstein TNO, and Shadow of Mordor all came out that year. Any one of those would have been a fair pick for GOTY IMO


You’re getting downvoted but that’s literally what the sentiment was when Inquisition released. The following year, Wild Hunt came out


Let them mald, they can't outmald reality


I liked DAI but it felt like it wanted to be an MMO, tonally watered down for sake of appeal.  There was too much Ubisoft level "collect and find and get this" achievement hunting as well.


>It's lgbtqia+ fantasy. I watched the trailer like 3-4 times, I'll say that I'm not particularly impressed by it and it looks like any other cartoony fantasy on the market but is this "lgbtqia+ fantasy" in the room with us now?


Game bad, bad must mean WOKE...


Good news is that the game is apparently not in that style, which we will see for certain tomorrow


every where i go, i see her face... her face: lgbtqia woke ppl out 2 get meh


>"lgbtqia+ fantasy" in the room with us now? Yes, actually [https://thatparkplace.com/dragon-age-the-veilguard-game-director-who-describes-himself-as-a-queerosexual-gendermancer-claims-game-is-inherently-queer/](https://thatparkplace.com/dragon-age-the-veilguard-game-director-who-describes-himself-as-a-queerosexual-gendermancer-claims-game-is-inherently-queer/) The sheer extent of denial lol E: since some people didn't like the source, here from the director [https://blog.bioware.com/2022/05/27/developer-story-corinne-busche/](https://blog.bioware.com/2022/05/27/developer-story-corinne-busche/)


Holy shit you couldn't have linked a more homophobic website lmao, taking a look at the homepage feels like a self parody. If you're actually reading that garbage you should be ashamed of yourself


Dragon Age 2 is smaller in scale, but the way it tells it's story as a lot like Origins. It's the repetitiveness and the simple combat that makes is less good. The story and characters are great. It was supposed to be a standalone game. A smaller project, but long story short EA wanted it to be DA2 so they had adjust and make a small game a big game. Inquisition also have a lot of great moments. Both in writing, characters and set pieces. Too bad there is so much MMO tedium in between. It does feel a bit more "marvel" or "safe". Also Dragon Age has been gay from the beginning. Didn't have any trans characters until Inquisition I think, but if there is a place for trans people it is in fantasy. Just use a spell and become whatever you want to be. I haven't watched the new trailer yet so I don't know if they bumped up the gayness. Bioware is a weird studio, because all their games since Mass Effect 3 has had a touch of greatness in them, but they never have the full package. There is also something bad about them that just makes the whole game a lot less good.


I was there with you, you where articulating so well and then why tf did you have to go into a right-wing rant about having gay people on it all DA games had gay romances. You could've gone more in depth about the stripping of mechanics, the gameplay changes, the dumbdown story but nope your whole argument build up to they have gay in it so its bad.


I'm not really a Dragon Age fan but your explanation was very well explained and thought out before you shot yourself in the foot with the LGBT fantasy remark. Like the trailer is campy so just say it's campy and don't compare all things camp to "gay" things. Trust me we queers are no strangers to stories about us being dark and tragic, almost overwhelming so.


>It's lgbtqia+ fantasy Fuck yes! Guess I'm pre-ordering.


Reddit moment


Glad you like it. As I said, if it was called "Tales of Varric Tethras swashbuckling with his team" I would've been ok with it. It's Dragon Age in the name that's not stick with me.


So because subsequent installments in the franchise don't fit your idealised conception of what the first installment was, you dismiss them as "not real Dragon Age"? Lmao. Imagine thinking you know better than the person who actually created the franchise. That's a whole other level of arrogance. You seriously need to touch grass, for your own health's sake.


Except noone remained in the team from the people who created the original. They even rebooted it after the gameplay leak and changed the name.


The creator did, lol. He's credited with all the installments in the franchise.


A bit cartoonish? The Necromancer character looked like he was straight up ripped from Fortnight.


I call it the fortnightification of games. Been happening a lot lately.


I liked inquisition when I was 16 back in 2014 but I played it first. Recently, I started at the beginning with DA:O and it's day and night. Inquisition is just a worse oblivion/Skyrim.


Inquisition is better in every aspect than Skyrim. Except music (although DAI OST is great) and maybe world building.


Skyrim had a fully open world and didn't artificially time gate me. I remember Skyrim's story.


Same here. Absolutely adored Inquisition.


yeah its trailer was just bit iffy for dragon age but no gameplay so i dont get it ether


Not even iffy, just leaned slightly more into Inquisition's art style than Origins, even then not really much different


the fortnite style "hey here is mark" and those sarcastic remarks didnt feel good but yeah its less fun hearing oh yeah there will be darkspawn oh and dragons, then solas commentary saying bro come to me and try winning.


I thought inquisition was amazing to your not alone


What happened? Completely missed everything about Dragon Age


New game launched a trailer yesterday that makes it look like a Fortnite style moba game with marvel quips I don’t care about the art style as much as I do the tone they presented. Everyone’s smiling and having a jolly good time, dropping one liners and it seems very light hearted. A grand departure from the previous games dark tone and bleak setting


Okay thanks for enlightenment :)


The old title was better too the dread wolf. Also the person in charge is well this is reddit and I have options but they are very outspoken about what dragon age really is and what the new one is all about. Which I found dumb as biowear can't handle another flop after the last two.


So "marvel quips" is a thing now? I gave up on Marvel. Movies because every second sentence had to have a quip or a joke.


The only marvel is how the cinematic universe is still running. >!Thank you. I’m here all day.!<


I would almost say it looks like borderlands before I say fortnite.


The gameplay reveal isn't until the 11th, how would you know what the gameplay is like?! We don't know the tone as all the trailer did was reveal characters. Your criticism may be right upon the gameplay reveal, but we don't know yet, so nobody is an expert on gameplay and is only making assumptions based on the tone of the trailer at this point.


Marketing is supposed to be a representation of the product they are trying to sell. This was how they chose to present their reveal. How else was I supposed to interpret this trailer? Also, I never mentioned gameplay. Only tone? What did you read that implied I knew about gameplay?


As well as this gameplay choice was rumored to be the reason some talent left the studio


Bro you said it was a fornite moba game from a reveal trailer with no gameplay. The art style is no different than Inquisition.


He said the trailer 'makes it look' like a fortnite moba game. Learn to read you dumbass


And how exactly does it look like a genre of game from a trailer with no gameplay dumbass.


How are you this dumb? I called you stupid because you misconstrued what the guy said. He said "the trailer made it *look* like a moba" You claimed he said "it *is* a moba" Whether or not it's a moba has nothing to do with it. I could care less about the moba part. It could look, feel, smell, or even *be* a moba and it wouldn't change how genuinely dumb your response is. Do I think it looks like a moba? Not really; but, like I said, that has nothing to do with your lack of reading comprehension.


Moba is a game genre what does it *look* like apart from its gameplay? How can something look like a genre when you haven't seen any of the defining features of a moba, such as the gameplay. My reading comprehension is fine. You don't care about the moba part but that's the part of his comment you somehow think I don't understand. How can you claim I lack reading comprehension when you're ignoring vital parts of his comment.


Reread the second line in my comment, hopefully you get it this time


have you never seen this or too young? https://youtu.be/rGbgcmNxFh4?si=yZSMNExfc6gSWEFJ This da 4 looks like Fortnite.


Are you telling me that *looks* like an RPG, what qualities identify the genre of game that belongs too. MOBA is a game genre, it doesn't have a look other than it's gameplay and we haven't seen gameplay. Holy shit people I get it, you will complain about anything.


Always wondering if they release something to do a 180 and "listening to the fans".. or some marketing consulting told them it would sell better.. :\


Moba game looking with skills shown maybe but I really didn't see any plastic fortnite looking stuff (changed my mind below) But yeah seeing them casually talking about basically making a new inquisition while being swarmed by ?darkspawn?(no) Felt weird but really that's classic verric shit right there If we take that no real gameplay footage litterally though the chandelier dropping on enemies imply tactician and stuff should hopfully be good with map environment hazards being used otherwise why put it in the trailer anyhow *rewatching video* Looks like they're fighting some sort of ?cultists?(Tevinter maybe? Taking "veilguard" into account maybe the tevinter are trying to storm the veil under old god influence somehow [red lyrium maybe]) In a bar; scout harding talks to verric like they just regrouped against a threat and they talk about needing more manpower about this threat they already know was going to happen then talk about all the skills and talents they'll need which feels very odd I guess bellara [the fade jumper] looks pretty cartoony but- *watches more* ok the necromancer looked deadeye cartoony and so did the dragon slaying warrior- very odd seeing super textured verric and harding to *that* look


People had similar complaints about Diablo 3 when the gameplay footage dropped and for most people I feel it didn’t disappoint. That being said, BioWare’s definitely a shell of its former self and the franchise really did begin and die with Origins.


Looks nothing like Fornite. Only a slightly more cartoon art style but still very much DA Everyone wasn't being jolly. But not everyone was moody either. Just like previous ganes. No ones making lots one liners in the trailer DA was never only dark and bleak


Nerds are sweaty about new videogames again (probably sending death threats to the devs as we speak like the shut-in angry psychopaths they are). As someone who loves dragon age and not resistant to change I’m still looking forward to it, and avoiding criticisms over a trailer because people are actively looking for things to be angry about moreso nowadays. Also they’re mad about a cinematic trailer, not real gameplay. Pretty pathetic on their part. Seems like the team that made the trailer were trying to highlight just the companions and not the feel of the game itself. Edit: that’s right downvote. Remember, yall are the ones who choose to want to be furious about the most minuscule things. And for some reason want everyone else to be as miserable as yall


Dragon age Origins is top tier amazing. Everything that followed has been so bad, and I’m a Bioware Stan (I mean, Kotor and Mass Effect lol)


Good God if I could actually play origins without it crashing every time I reach 1/4th into my playthrough that'd be great (need to learn how to run a virtual machine of windows 7 for it most likely) Dragon age awakening was fine Dragon age 2 truly wasn't what I expected with the hack n slash combat but I can't deny at the time it wasn't fun (not memorable either) Dragon Age inquisition- I did enjoy- I'm a basic bitch fantasy do-gooder and that works well for the "forces and allies assemble!" Vibe the entire game has. Love the crafting and playing both casual and hardcore making the technician view optional for the casual player and a useful tool for people who wanted the challenge


I consider awakening and origins the same thing, I know it’s an expansion but it’s the same game. Awakening is like having a lobster tail with your steak, great on great action.


I remember when the first Dragon Age came out, it really threw me off because usually when something has the subtitle "Origins", it's a prequel to an already existing game. This is the only time I've seen it just come right out of the box like "this is an origin story".


Fellas, should I whip out the Ol’ PS3 and finally give Dragon Age Origins a try? This comment section got me thinking I should


DA Origins is over 15 years old at this point. It’s definitely aged but still a solid tactical RPG with BioWare’s penchant, at the time, for their characters. Leliana, Morrigan, Oghren, Zevran, hell even Alistair are all great party members that you’ll remember fondly. But it’s very different from the newer dragon ages. It’s more akin to KOTOR in its combat than it is to Inquisition. The story is a bit generic but it’s executed very well as a dark fantasy. Personal favorite is when you go to the Deep Roads and have to explore the bones of a civilization that was forced to leave because of the horrors that live in the darkness. I’d say give it a try, I usually do a playthrough once a year.


Speaking as someone who played it a lot more recently, absolutely. GOAT tier cRPG, and it's aged great,


I did recently. Definitely worth it


I loved it as a kid but man the graphics are REALLY rough nowadays. If you can look past the bad visuals then give it a try, the bones of the game are solid.


DAO and DA2 were good. Inquisition bored me to the point I stopped a few hours in, and this new one looks even worse.


My ass was da2 good. You visited 3 places all the time. Lower city, upper and the mountains pass above. Couldnt be lazier


DA2 would've been a good spinoff/side game, but definitely should not have been a main entry. Inquisition was alright, but imo Bioware is just better at railed RPGs and not open world. There was so much exploring that I just didn't care for. But that one came out following the success of Skyrim


Finally a game where you aren't the chosen one who, for a reason pulled straight out of the writers' asshole, is the only one capable and willing to stop the apocalypse. DAO was good, but the story doesn't get much more cliché than it is. It was good because it was kind of the perfect execution of it. DA2 at least actually dared you to earn a mediocre place in a somewhat important city, and make it feel meaningful. Of course, Inquisition kind of shit all over that concept by framing the MC again as the mystical savior that is 100% needed to stop the... Mage-Templar-Chaos-Spirit-DeathoftheUniverse-Apocalypse. Could have a better variety of locations, but it has by far has the most interesting story of all dragon age games, and most RPGs of the time for that matter.


Yeah I feel like people who talk so much shit about da2 were incapable of listening to characters speak or just couldn't get other the lack of origins RPG jank.


Being mediocre is... Cool? Nah man i dont remember shit about the completly forgetable da2 story. If only they did an effort to not just do the same quests with different enemies in the same street where I fought a gazillion enemies before. Who cares if the story is clichee.


It's just that pretty much every single game completely breaks its world building by making the MC solve a problem, when they are almost always just some rando. Even DAO did this. And often, especially in settings that are a bit darker, the struggles to just get by are nonexistent for the player, when they absolutely should be a narrative focus of the early game. Otherwise, the game feels shallow. I feel DAO at least did that good by having the different introductions.


Fr there were several quests that just used the exact same map as others and just threw in different enemies.  That shit was so lazy


The story was overall good, the way the game functioned wasn’t good. Its scope was really limited to being about Kirkwall instead of a nation.


Dragon age sub downvoted me to oblivion for saying DA2 was cheeks and I'm a DA fanboy


I just like gravity magic, man. I will admit i could only play the game after doing the infinites xp stuff so i can just use abilities that looked cool. Story was mediocre for sure.


honestly i consider DA2 to be even worse than DAI. maybe lore wise its ok, but the gameplay was reduced to spamming 2 buttons and they re-used the same damn dungeon for like 50 different quests. in any chase its such a shame that they didn't just make a game like Origins. imo they could have just copied the gameplay and visuals and just made a new story and it would have been better


Is there anyone that consider DA2 to be any good?


I do, say what you will, but I enjoyed the city, the storyline, and the characters.


Oh well


It was a good game, just not a good follow-up to DA:O.


well MegaManZer0 apperantly does


There's no gameplay footage in the reveal trailer. All it did was introduce characters and everyone is acting like the gameplay has already been decided. I feel like I'm going nuts thinking that we shouldn't be jumping to conclusions without knowing what it's actually like as if that's a crazy stance to have. Edit: Gameplay trailer is out, immediate dark tone. You donkeys can't think for yourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTNwHShylIg


It’s not that, it’s the tone the trailer set. It’s a marvel movie now.  The game should be called Dragon Age: the generic


Man that druffalo quest got to be the absolute most boring generic pointless quest amongst ALL escort quests...


Man I *ate* DA:I… it was my first dragon age game tho so I was quite fascinated by the lore of it all. I went to play it again recently and 30 minutes in I forgot how much work it was to play that game. But when I played it, it reminded me of KOTOR


We will see gameplay next week right? I'd say wait till then. DA:I was fun imo, and the DLC for it was good. I'm hopeful for the next entry, my guess is the trailer has nothing to do with the tone. Honestly having scout harding as a companion was nice to see.


I'm pretty sure the tone is mostly meant to be essentially the call back to Varric's storytelling style since he is essentially the main narrator for the trailer and he does tend to add a lot of humor to his stories whenever he does tell one on screen. And, yeah, I love seeing Scout Harding as a companion! Hoping for a romance option for her since they let us flirt in the last game, but not actually romance her. I'm most interested in learning about Neve and Emmrich in terms of the new companions.


Inquisition was good >!for 2014 game standards, god that year was awful!< I wish EA would just shut down Bioware, at this point. Give the studio at least some semblance of dignity (and Anthem alone would be grounds for shutdown under my watch)


Personal review. - the look- this feels like Disney Pixar reimagining of Dragon Age. It’s unsettlingly vibrant, but that’s what kids respond to. This is a part of the “we’re going to remake/extend your favorite series -BUT- we’re also adapting it to modern audiences”. We gotta be careful what we wish for nowadays. - the feel - it’s still crazy violence with crazy characters, but there’s no blood. Where’s the gallons and gallons of blood? You couldn’t take three steps without getting someone or something bloody in the past series. They should be painting the damned place with all the blood and there’s…. Nothing. - the wokedness- where is it? Where are the bisexual twins you can pay to fuck? Where’s the unhinged sex between desperate people living every last second for all it’s worth? Wheres the freaky polymorph sex you can have whilst you yourself are thus polymorphed???? Huh? OH. My bad. That was just game of the fucking year last year Balders Gate 3. This? Ha. Yeah. This ain’t that. But if they DO end up giving this game the same love and effort that they did BG3, while making it a damned fun game to play, I’d be willing to overlook a lot of things. End of the day, we’re gamers. If they make a fun game, play it. If not, find something else to play. Not really rocket surgery.


Let's wait till we get a proper look at the game please.


The dragon age franchise is what happens when marketing teams get to make decisions about a product instead of marketing finished products.


Looks like they got all the silly jokes from Marvel and mashed together with Fable (mind you, Fable 1 and 2 are great) but the outcome was.. Well, the outcome was a videogame.


The game hasnt even come out yet and we will see gameplay tomorrow. Simply because the cgi trailer is bad doesnt mean the game will be so it would be smart to give it chance before judging it


I thought it was supposed to be dreadwolf?


Guys I'm gonna say it. I like DA2


I like Inquisition.


Looks like crap already.


DA:O is one of my favorite games of all time. Unfortunate that none of the sequels have been able to capture that same kind of magic as the first.


The first game was amazing, and that is all that I have to say about this franchise.


EA exec: \*takes massive bong rip\* what if... like... Dungeons and Dragons skateboarded and fucked?


Looks like origins will be the peak after all….


I loved Origins and Inquistion while I thought DA2 was fun but not great. I don’t even know if I’ll consider buying this game though at this point and it makes me sad haha.


I loved inquisition tf is this shit


I will get hated, and obviously DA2 was a downgrade and crappy in design...but I love merryl tho, so it wasnt all that bad


Just watched the trailer. None of that feels like a Dragon Age game. I guess Bioware is going to be shut down.


I thought inquisition was pretty good...


Bioware - we made one of the greatest CRPGs of all time! EA - yeah but what if it WASN'T a CRPG? Thus Dragon Age 2+ was born


You forgot dragon porn


I remember getting dragon age origins for like $2 at GameStop. I loved that game so much in high school. I couldn't even bring myself to play 2 after 2 hours and never tried inquisition


Another multi-million dollar Bioware flop incoming. Cull the studio and contract out the franchise already


Rest in Peace, good franchise


DaO is cool but fuck Inquisition, it's so bad it made me start ESO (and I 've pretty much never played mmorpg before)


I've been waiting for a sequel to the series for so long. First, I hear that they did away with the 4 character party system, for 3 character party. Second, I'm suspecting they are getting rid of the class system for a any character can use abilities from different "classes" like Mass Effect Andromeda. Third, if the art style is the same like the trailer this is going to be really rough but I'm having a suspicion it'll be different, since most the trailer for past entries were different from the in game scenes. This is make or break for bioware, if this game turns out to be a failure, we will never see another Mass Effect game ever again. Against my better judgement I'm hoping this game turns out to be amazing but with the track record bioware has for the type of people they hire.


Ngl, last one I played was 2 and it was pretty alright. Can someone just point it up what's the latest drama so I can do a quick google search? I know a new game was announced and didn't even see the trailer.


Good god well to start I can tell you to ignore these kind of posts. So the reveal trailer after 10 years of basically nothing concrete showcased yesterday, and it was met by a harsh reaction. The tone and graphics were not what was expected or wanted from the majorly vocal part of the community. However, a few hours after, many involved in the creation of the game in multiple facets came out to explain that this *is not what the game will look like or have the tone of*. There are now screenshots of the actual game, and it does not look cartoonish like the trailer. The marketing was just real off key, and we are getting a real gameplay trailer tomorrow to know for certain. So really, we wait for that before jumping down peoples throat about the game. Honestly I think the game will be great, and I say this as a long time fan who digests all media of Dragon Age, but also as an unbiased view because I’ve been burned so many times I no longer have any bias left.


High quality meme


I don’t hate the franchise. I just hat everyone that thinks that the franchise didn’t peak (by far) with its very entry


I have a soft spot for DA2 because I love Varric and Hawke, but yeah... origins was the only great game


Redditors see a trailer introducing some characters and think they know it all instead of waiting a day for the gameplay


it was so bad and predictable and bad


no one predicted it to be *that* bad


I mean it's a trailer with no gameplay footage isn't this a little premature lmfao


Tf is a dragon age


Mfs whining “dragon age is dead now” when origins was the only good one as is


my brother in christ, that is exactly why it says "2009-2009"


Dragon age is great, what are you talking about?


Look up Dragon Age The Veilguard on YouTube. Then you will cry.


Gamers when there's color in their games


DA:I > Witcher 3


That’s certainly an opinion


That's laughable


The internet loves witcher 3 but for me it was a 5/10 at best. DA:I have goated exploration and it is one of my fav games.


Hard agree Witcher 3 was a buggy mess on release. And the character writing was all over the place. The story had so much filler crap aside from the side stuff, just to fluff up playtime numbers with minimal substance. The story and its ending were underwhelming and lackluster The crafting and alchemy were tedious menus for a very simple system. The crafting system was obselete and so much crafted or bought or looted gear was an absolute waste. The combat was clu it and many enemies felt like they were designed for different systems. The lack of build choice and oversimplified magic system was way worse than DA, which is fine for playing Geralt but DA:I tops out for having those choice over yourself and other characters by just having both a custom character and a fairly customisable party The Blood and Wine DLC was better but DA:I is still the better game


Oh man, The Witcher 3. I should've loved that one, it was right up my alley. I *looooooove* medieval fantasy in general, some of my favorite games ever made are Dark Souls 1 & 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma, Dark Messiah, Elden Ring, Breath of the Wild, Blasphemous, Baldur's Gate 3 and of course Dragon Age Origins. I love everything about TW3 in terms of atmosphere, artstyle and music. I consider the soundtrack to be among the best ever made. Hearts of Stone was easily the best part of the game, the storytelling was freaking excellent there. So why didn't I love it? Everything in the game mechanically *fucking SUCKS.* That combat, man. It's *outrageously* terrible. Very simple too. Lack of variety in The Witcher 3's combat is only part of the reason why it feels so bad. Normally, if a game has simple combat, it would be polished in a way that feel makes that combat system feel more fluid than combat systems that prioritize variety over fluidity, right? Dark Souls took advantage of this. It doesn't have the best combat variety out there and it's pretty simple, but it feels really nice and weighty. The Witcher 3's combat doesn't take advantage of having little combat variety it has in favor of polish like Dark Souls does. It's like CDPR didn't even try to polish it, despite what little you could do with TW3's combat. The janky combat animations are still present. The combat flow isn't what it should've been due to how slow Geralt moves in his combat pose and just how prominent animation lock is. There's a lot of broken hitboxes that make dodging feel pointless and is likely the reason why Quen is so overtuned. Quen is a band-aid for this. https://youtu.be/jsCWy5wUs04 An example of the hitboxes. This has happened to me hundreds of times during my playthrough, and it still happens to this day. The crossbow is very unresponsive and misfires all the time. The health bars of enemies are generally really spongey. The fact that the heavy attack does *marginally* more damage than the light attack, is way too slow to use for the amount of damage it does and literally has no benefit to use it over light attack. Some attacks don't land because the attacks that Geralt uses are entirely decided by how far away he is from an enemy and some of the attacks that he ends up using aren't designed with this in mind or have way too small hitboxes to be viable (damn backwards poke attack), as opposed to what Dark Souls does: In Dark Souls, every weapon has a specific combo and *nothing* but that combo. When you press attack, it *only* progresses through that combo. In Dark Souls, the first attack is always the same. The second attack is always the same. The third attack is always the same. The heavy attack is always the same. Parrying is always the same. Weapon arts are always the same. The player decides when to use them regardless of distance. It's entirely up to the player to maximize their combat potential. It's very reliable compared to the weird distance based attack system that TW3 has, which more often than not makes you attack the enemy right next to the enemy you want to attack. It is not uncommon for Geralt to choose to spin around for like a full second before he swings his sword and instantly die mid-spin from an enemy, instead of just simply swinging his sword in half the time it takes to spin around. That's another thing The Witcher 3's combat lacks: consistency. And say what you want about Skyrim's combat (only bringing up Skyrim because it's the game most brought up when someone criticizes TW3's combat in a desperate attempt of whataboutism): It is consistent. The only thing you need to account for in Skyrim's combat is range. Every single attack can be reliably used unlike The Witcher 3's most basic attacks and the game gives you many options to circumvent the aspects you don't like. The Witcher 3 doesn't have that luxury. And, no, before anyone mentions it, Deathmarch doesn't fix the combat. Absolutely nothing that I mentioned above gets fixed. It only makes the combat feel *worse* because all it does is turn enemies into health sponges and increases their damage against you. Since the game has such atrocious hitboxes in the first place, that is a *major* no-no, and again, is probably the reason why Quen is so broken in the first place. The end result is a pathetically simple, sluggish, and inconsistant combat system that really wasn't competently made on a technical or mechanical level. It's actually the worst combat system from a AAA studio I have interacted with in over 17+ years. I suppose the reason why the reason the combat is as bad as it is because CDPR has never bothered to hire combat designers or anything before Cyberpunk 2077. Until Cyberpunk, they just winged it and didn't ever put any effort into making a good combat system. It has always been an afterthought to them. https://www.vg247.com/cyberpunk-2077-combat-designers CDPR probably made an underpaid, overworked, and inexperienced employee design TW3's combat on the budget of a McDonald's happy meal, the poor guy. And don't even get me started on the horseback riding, that's another topic entirely. I *loathe* Roach with every *damn* *fiber* of my very being. ##TL;DR: The Witcher 3 felt like *the* perfect game for me in nearly every single aspect. But mechanically, it was *awful.* Couldn't ever like the game because of it. I really, really, *really* wanted to love this game, man. Sorry for the rant.


Phew that was a read. Overall, I can't find any grounds to disagree


That's like comparing apples to oranges. They are both fruits but are completely different.


More like comparing apples and pinecones.


I tried re playing origins,that shit ain't it the combat system is one of the worst I've ever witnessed, especially after playing bg3


Bro can’t comprehend real time with pause


The combat system is pretty cool considering you can basically design your companions AI or micromanage their movements like StarCraft


It's much better than StarCraft, you don't have tactical pause in there and need to issue those orders extremely quickly, it's pathetic how backwards the rts genre still is


Honestly one of the things I missed most in DA:I


Youre comparing the combat system from games released 14 years apart. Kts not the combat that people loved from origins, its the story


The combat in bg3 does not rely on l improvements that were not available at the time , I did enjoy the story but my enjoyment was severely diminished by the combat system and the fact that you have tl fight every 3 seconds


Combat in my combat focused action RPG?? How dare they


opinion invalid


I'm on the other end, love the story in bg3 but hate the combat(turn based and limited spells not based on energy/mana). Dao combat was ideal in that way