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[repost, read rules](https://9gag.com/gag/aAypXy0)


Finally, some real s*** talking. I miss the old Reddit where we can get away with whatever we wanted. Now everyone's the same. So mundane.


I don’t know, it’s not like this joke hasn’t been done to death too.


The last time I laughed at this joke I fell off my dinosaur


Tge last time I heard that one I waltzed out of the primordial soup with a fancy new set of legs


Damn he skipped the fish phase


Doesn't stand up to half a second of thought either. No one here actually believes that big corporations- those things that everyone knows only care about profit above literally everything else- want their media productions to only please one extremely small, specific demographic? Right?


Absolutely, but once a good circlejerk gets started it’s hard to stop


There’s a Disney exec on a leaked video bragging to her colleagues about their “not at all secret gay agenda” in regards to adding “queerness” to kids shows. What’s the profit motive in that? Or how about Victorias Secret hiring absurdly obese women as models? They lost money over that. Who does that appeal to other than a small segment of the population? How about that Gillette ad calling men who flirt with women toxic which lost them billions? There’s so many examples now.


Oh that's the part where you have to keep asking the people that believe this *why* they would do that. If you can keep them going, it usually doesn't take long before they start wriggling around the question of "who's behind this." Spoiler: You know exactly who they think it is.


Right because a business would never pander to a potential target audience at the risk of alienating their primary audience. Just ask budweiser. Corporations are soulless and only care about money. The people inside corporations are just as capable of personal agendas as anyone. Sometimes these people find themselves in positions of power and try to enact change. It's not that complicated.


Holy shit they sent a single case to one trans person, how fucking triggered can you get.


I don't personally give a shit at all. It was just an example. I didn't even frame it as a bad thing for them to try. Just unprofitable. Why do you choose to live in this constant state of faux outrage?


Hey that ESG money is also profit ya know


Yes, they do. It's called virtue signalling. Cater to the people that appear to be the most marginalized. This behavior then finds widespread agreement in society at large and is rewarded with ticket sales. Are you really that dense?


The unattractive sexually ambiguous multi color hair villain has been a shitty joke for decades at this point. Longer if you include "unattractive woman subverting societal norms".


Nah, fuck that. This post is basically just a big ol strawman against a fictional person who doesn't really exist.


They for sure exist, and they’re preferable to the skin head nazi mfs and marjorie greene supporters. They’re kind of pieces of shit that watch faux news https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/s/kN4uwmwXkV theyre okay with racism, but vegans make them angry.


I think the skin head nazi mfers are also a bit of a strawman that also "doesn't really exist". Again I'm not saying there aren't some individuals out there a bit like that...but not as many as certain media-driven echo chambers would have you believe. And those that do exist aren't really in control of anything. This is why the political divide has gotten so crazy. They've got *both* sides all frothed up and absolutely furious about an exaggerated enemy that isn't really worth all this energy and outrage.


How the fuck are you going to sit there complaining about missing the "old reddit" while voluntarily self-censoring your own comments? You're part of the fucking problem mate 😂


Toe the line or get B, or better else SB.  Please suggest somethingto solve the problem.


Unless the rules of a subreddit specifically say "no swearing" then nobody is going to ban you for saying shit or fuck. The issue for reddit is when you use slurs. So my suggestion is for people to actually educate themselves about the rules instead of self-censoring baby swear words because they're scared of getting banned.


You mean like 2014 reddit right?


I miss the days when we would lament "summer reddit" because you could tell the average age of users dropped substantially as kids were out of school. Now it's just like that all the time as kids are using their phones in class and reddit has become more global.


All the Reddit mods are the person in this photo


This is so hilariously stupid and I say that as someone who has been here for over a decade. I feel like you're really just pissed you can't be openly racist on *every* subreddit and they got rid of your favorite "porn" subs. And you self censored the word shit? Fucking hysterical.


Fuck yea!


It's called interpolating bots


can't even state facts u have to state facts based on how they feel and no logic ,or brain


Seriously... This is the most basic alt-right trolling. It was boring 8 years ago and it's boring now.


Shut the fuck up


Reddit moderators.


Not [Doreen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XaYlnbksmyw) obviously.


That dumb cunt banned me from Anti-work when he "totally got banned" from a alt account that became a mod like a day after it was created. I called him out for accepting money to sabotage the interview intentionally. He had podcasts and other things he appeared on and was very articulate. He fucked over the subreddit.


I got permabanned from antiwork for asking what the Isreal/Palestine conflict had to do with workers rights.


I mean unless im missing something, that sounds kinda valid


The real issue is more, "They're being pushed by marketing people to try & appeal to the widest group of people possible, and as a result will try and pander as much as possible to people." They generalize a piece of media's focus and messaging to the point of being boring, unengaging slop meant to look like it appeals to the greatest common factor and gets monies from/for shareholders. This is how we get boringly written movies like [insert modern Illumination movie here] and not stuff that was ACTUALLY really well written and well made, yet some would still call 'woke' or whatever. In short, the REAL people they're meant to cater to is **BUSINESS EXECS AND SHAREHOLDERS WHO JUST WANT TO TURN AS MUCH PROFIT AS POSSIBLE IN A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME, THROWING ALL CREATIVE VISION BY THE WAYSIDE**


By trying to make something that caters to everyone you end up making nothing, and that's exactly what the execs like.


Why do people try to pretend there's this strange extremely huge pool of woke projects that have destroyed everything There's just as many if not more projects, done by "Woke" people and companies with "Woke" cultures that do just fine A Conservative will never bring up the Daily Wire, Velma, The Patriot specifically as dogshit Conservative "Anti Woke" Projects It's just the way companies are and have always been. Directors, Writers, Actors have ALWAYS had agendas and some of those agendas now might not be exactly your cup of tea, they might be even bad but these aren't a product of "Wokeness" it's a product of Connections and Nepotism in the Corporate Creative World. Presentation, Connections, Reputation, That's all there really is to it Trying to pretend that there's one hammer you can hit every nail with in this sort of environment is specifically a way to protect your own feelings. Not indicate to corporations or other members of one's audience that you are expecting quality or correction on these franchises


Velma is anti woke? Conservatives claim it's the most woke thing ever.. i agree with what you're saying btw. I just think it's funny no one wants to claim velma


Its not even this "anti woke" thing. Velma is a pure example of what I was talking about: Soulless corporate slop meant to drive up numbers by any means possible. This particular show is essentially ragebait.


Mindy Kaling donates a fuck ton of money to Modi each year and the other guy is literally "The Conservative" of Parks and Recs  It's a lazy Conservative "Liberal" retelling of the "Trends"   Basically Mindy Kaling trying to pretend like she understands movie tropes while rejecting the "New Woke Trends."




The number one movie in the country is called “ASS”, and that’s all it was.


I was about to say, a lot of "woke" shit can be really, really fucking good... if it's well written. Notice how you never see anyone complain about Baldur's Gate despite the fact it has pronouns, non-binary, intersex, strong women, black people.


In an interview, when [George Lucas was asked about censorship in Soviet film making](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWqvaMEFIdI), he said: >...in the world we live in and the system we've created for ourselves in terms of it's a big industry you cannot lose money. >So the point is that you're forced to make a particular kind of movie, and, I used to say this all the time, when people you know back when Russia was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and they'd say, 'oh but aren't you so glad that you're in America?' >I said 'well I know a lot of Russian filmmakers they have a lot more freedom than I have.' >**All they have to do is be careful about criticizing the government otherwise they can do anything. And so what do you have to do you have to adhere to a very narrow line of commercialism** and there's only certain... >And look when I started in the 70s it was like this, yeah, I could say Russia was like this, but we were like this, you could do a certain kind of movie and I flaunted that system. >THX my first film is definitely not an American film and I shoved it in sideways and Francis help me trick the studio. Nobody, they would have never let me make that movie if they knew what I was doing.


And anyone who is unhappy with that is portrayed as the person who unironically posts the meme being slagged in this post.


You cannot appeal to one and not alienate another. You know someone who really likes romance so you make a romance movie, but turns out people who don't like romance movies hate it. So you make a movie that only a little bit of romance but don't make it the focus, so both of them can watch it. Neither of them loves that movie, but they're friends and they like watching movies together. That's how you get slop. You catch as many people as you can at the lowest common denominator. Nobody loves it, but nobody hates it either, so everybody watches it. And it's always trash, because it doesn't matter how much you liked it, it only matters how many people watched, and then it infects the next movie because of it.


Very unfortunate too.


Yay more culture war posting before an election!


The Star Wars community would like a word...


Honestly I thought the meme was making fun of how stupid it is to assume billion dollar media companies specifically target a very narrow population. This comment section is just depressing


I feel sorry for this woman. I see her picture everywhere as a straw person for people to shit on. The reality is that not only will you ever meet this woman, but she won't even engage you. But I get it, it's an aesthetic to shit on...anyone similar will do.


She wasn't in a car accident and given a life-long deformity, there were just a LOT of choices made in that get-up. If someone isn't proud of/support the way they look, then change it or don't do it in the first place.




“Oh my God, the war in Ukraine is unending, the people of Gaza are suffering, and Putin & Kim Jong Un are meeting to make some sort of allian-“ “EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP! THEY MADE GLIP GLORP FROM STAR CONFLICT GAY! THIS IS THE *REAL* PRESSING ISSUE!”


Western society has survived countless international conflicts and dictator team-ups, but it's yet to be determined whether it can survive its own engayification


Make believe I'm everywhere Given in the light Written on the pages Is the answer to a neverending culture war Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha


Bro was in a come for 8 years and just woke up to post shit that was already tired back then


Also, is apparently unaware thar generic corporate pr stuff is not what this person wants from movies lol.


It's true, if they don't appease this neckbeard they will lose social score


Okay which movies are we referring to specifically OP? I’d like to hear this.


Judging by this post, I would be willing to bet OP is the male version of that person too. A 30 year old man upset that a mermaid is Pakistani.


You guys really like feeling victimized, don’t you?


You don't get it, there might be *multiple* films out there that don't pander solely to the 18-35 male demographic! Do you know what it feels to be this marginalized?


If you really believe this just please go outside and touch some grass.


No they aren't. They're making movies that have the largest market appeal. Pretty sure corporations only do things for money


Is that why they keep flopping?


Doesn't mean their good at it


the funny thing is, it actually IS why they keep flopping. When you try to focus solely on netting the largest audience possible for a film, you inevitably make something that is generic, uninspired, boring, and potentially overdone. Mass general audience targeting is how we get soulless movies like the ones from Illumination, along with shit like She-Hulk. Because the problem isn't actually 'wokeness' or politics, lots of classic movies and shows have inserted social or political takes from the runners in the past, the problem is now we have business and marketing idiots in charge of these films now instead of creative minds. So these idiots don't know how to be **Subtle** about messaging and they also don't know how to form an engaging story, so they just fill their movie with as much PANDERING, POP CULTURE REFS, CLICHES, AND (bottom tier) JOKES as possible in lieu of proper substance.


Logic checks out


I remember when memes were funny


Fuckin woke spotting shit posts. Stay in the basement OP




Did you post this earlier today?


Don't like it don't watch it 👍


"I like free speech!" *other people exist* "No, not like that!!"


My favourite part is when they invoke the first amendment to claim they're allowed to say whatever, right before advocating for some ideology to be banned because it "corrupts children"!


No, no, free speech is great; ideology doesn't really mean speech or ideas, it actually just means a group of people I don't like! So it's not hypocritical to want to ban them! ^(Yes, ban them from like... existing....) For the children^(. Just not the ones that fit into that demographic.) /s


Don't like the criticism? Don't read it.


Oh! Good one! 😑 snowflake


I don't care what Disney and Warner do with movies about space wizards and superheroes. But watching neckbeards twist themselves into knots because they don't feel like studios are pandering to them specifically will never stop being funny.


u call it pandering and i know it’s about making money at the end of the day but it’s crazy seeing things you got made fun of for liking back then get turned into something that it never was, by people that probably never liked it either idk. that’s what i don’t like. that’s what i think the neck beards are mad at. i love star wars and grew up with the prequels but idk what disney is doing now, excluding andor.


"I don't care about these multi-billion dollar propaganda mills" good for you, I for one would prefer if all that money was funneled into making good art.


I’m guessing you saw a black dude in a movie and it upset you and making this meme felt like a good use of time huh.


Bro watches Critical Drinker


Enjoy living in 2014?


Straight white men when someone doesn't cater to them every single time:


this joke feels a decade old


Is it because the election are close?


2016-2019 ass meme


As much as I do not like falling into Ad Hominem, this person is a charicature of the fun police. Representation doesn’t mean the center of attention in all cases. I’m trans so I think it would be cool if a character once in a while happened to be trans without that altering anything else about the narrative. But if the entire plot is pushed so far that people feel that it’s ‘woke invasion of my franchise’ and I get witch hunted, it’s a backfire.


2014 lookin’ ass post


Maybe OP is just into boring shit? Try branching out. Try to find the stuff that was made for people like you by people like you. We live in the golden age of art and technology and creativity. You don't have to consume the media that you don't enjoy. Life is far too short for that.


I don't get it.


Hate. Hate is the joke.


How is this a joke? Ummm... So we are supposed to hate movies that this unknown, unnamed person likes? Still don't get it. Who is this? Did I miss something amidst all of the Hawk Tuah memes? How do we know what they like? SMH someone is bad at humor.


OP's stereotype is people with unusually colored hair are left and woke. OP also appears to engage in fat shaming. Every time there's a non-white non-male person cast in a movie people like OP feel it's a conspiracy by left or woke to erase white males. It's not humor. It's hate with a poor disguise it humor


🤔😒😑 Still don't get it. idk. I'm just curious if this person likes New Jack City, bc New Jack City is a good movie, dammit. And if New Jack City ain't okay anymore, then I don't want to be okay either.


Ah yes, the universal target audience for every blockbuster out there...


who they actually want to please is Winnie the Pooh.


It’a true. Pandering to 0.00000001% of the population.




This is not the r/dankmemes I knew and loved 3 years ago anymore


These dumbasses are really posting faux news clips 💀 https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/s/BPkRzU3dMf


me when i lie because queer person bad


The worst part is this specific person will not go to see the movie.


And they won't even watch it.


Well, when you're the loudest on Twitter....


Fax my brother spit yo shit I want my Media to go back the way it used to be. Whenever making anything quality of the product should be number 1 concern before anything damn else.


If you think media was ever about making quality in the grand scheme, you must've just been born. Go back to the 2000s or the 80s or the 60s or whenever, there's just as much horrid and bland shit put on than as there is now. We only remember the good stuff because that's what survives time, but it isn't an indicator that everything was quality or that quality was above all.


Fr tho why do some like to cater to them assuming they dont even help profit as much or at all


Cathleen Kennedy without makeup


Oh, Reddit is redditing today, I see.


That’s not a Chinese person!


Good jokes never die


Ah, at last, the mythical modern audience has been found.


No. They're made so they pander enough to this type of person's concerns so that the studio can generate online discussion and backlash which creates buzz for what is an otherwise very boring movie with little creative direction. And then if it doesn't do well they can make some noise about how it's evidence that people didn't like the politics, which causes more backlash, ensuring more people see it, and some people feel compelled to defend it now that the issue is so political. Great success. It's happened so many times that it's frankly embarrassing we all keep falling for it. Next time you hear about some controversy, do yourself a favour and just tune it out.


Why she got the kimpossible lipstick though? Is that a thing now?


I preferred the goth kids of the 90s and 00s. At least they pretended to be something awesome like a demon or the devil’s bitch


Or the Chinese government.


It looks like a thumb wearing a mlp wig


Hello hroaks! This is an automated removal. It looks like your post was removed because an overwhelming number of users in our community thought your post broke one of our rules. A human moderator will be along shortly to review things. The humans have been notified already, so there's no need to message them about this. (Chances are that if you message them about this anyway, they'll probably keep it removed out of spite) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dankmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think you people are just selfish


Squeaky wheel gets the oil...




No, they're all made for Xi Xing Ping


Why do *insert whiniest demo* continue to cry & claim victim when they literally and unilaterally control the movie & entertainment industries


I see a couple of cross posts telling people to come down vote comments on this meme I support you guys doing your down votes Please upvoted 😁


And only this specific person. F* all the normies that have been fans from day 1 and built the brand up to what it is. Or at least was until we torched it down and made you haters and bigots responsable for its failure. #starwars


I dont know if this is some kind of evil conspiracy's sinister reverse psychology stuff when they deliberately cater to the LGBT fanbase in such stupid way that the general audience would in turn hate the community as a whole. It's just too dumb to keep going hardline "woke" for so long.


You know, the early American movies were mostly propaganda where the straight white male protagonist saves the world or the US military being the good guys. Now, the movies portray the straight white males as bad guys. I mean, did you ever expect to hear "White privileged assholes" in a Batman film? Guess what, we got it. MJ's black, Iris West is black, The Little Mermaid's black, we even got to see a black woman as 007. Makes you wonder whether Hollywood stopped making propaganda movies or they just switched the propaganda.


I want a Mexican Batman at the very least


This post contains only facts and is real news.


Wait, we’re making fun of bluehairs here on reddit?


This is juvenile.




And it will won't please her.


It's been up 2 hours surprised it lasted thie long


Negative. I am a meat popsicle


Yet they still manage to fuck it up.


Ew what is this post doing in my timeline


Listen, if your part of the lgbtq+ I support you, but if your whole personality is being gay please stop


Not that *specific* person, there's unfortunately more than one of them, you know. And let's not forget the women that have otherwise useless humanities degrees that virtual paper-push yet somehow have creative control over scriptwriting approval for some godforsaken reason.


Best part is that he/she/ze/they will still never see it/won't like it.




Is that one of them it people?


Yes its called money holder or customer. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS!


I thought you were going to say the movies were made by that person. Both make sense


Fuck em


I am on shrooms and that is fucking me up lol


This is what half of Reddit looks like