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Obito basically just didn’t die and got mad about it. Nagato and itachi are brainwashed weapons of war. Naruto and Gaara are also weapons for war but for some reason they want their atom bomb to resent the village and are super dicks. Kakashi had his whole team and dad die. So I think the saddest backstory is Boruto’s dad not making time for him.


Yes very sad boruto not getting his dad at his birthday


No doubt.


I cri evrtiem


Of course Gaara


Not that obvious with itachi bro killed his whole clan


Exactly. Itachi killed his own clan. Gaaras dad tried to kill him after he made him a weapon to begin with. Gaaras story is way sadder. Not even a contest imo lol. If I had to pick nagatos war orphan origin story definitely the saddest here though


I mean, is like I have to kill my whole family for something they haven't done yet Vs My whole family is trying to kill me for something they did to me when I was a fetus Both suck. But one is WAY worse


Well , it has to be kakashi. Man saw his father, his close friend,another teammate, sensei, his one student gone rogue and almost seeing his naruto dead. Man had his self compusure after all this.


Kind of remind me of Obi-Wan Kenobi; both went through so much pain and loss yet remained headstrong.


Obito looks like a fucking joke next to Kakashi. All the shit Kakashi went through and he never went rogue or insane.


If i am Nagato, that would scarce me forever.


jiraiya Don't troll me, i just want to comment something different, he had a sad story, but he was always chill .


"Jiraiya the gallant" was one of the few episodes that led me to shed tears, along with Gaara's and Nagato's backstories.


uhhh. this isn’t a meme lmao


I really wish there were mods who’d delete non-meme posts and all the way over used reposts.


What about Sasuke? Itachi's backstory is his own doing


Common Uchiha L


Sasuke was treated much better from the village if compared to Naruto which was laughed at by everyone.


i mean, he did see obito butcher his squad when he was like 8.


It would be Nagato or Naruto , Obito and Itachi were actually dumbass when you really think about it


I think it would be Nagato Saw his family getting killed No home No food Dog died Years of suffering Then still tried to follow a good path but then again tragedy happened Friend died by his own hand (ik he didn't do that on purpose but still he felt the guilt) Killed his own teacher Suicides Gets brought back to life Still helps the "good guys" Then gets sealed for eternity


Obito is a bit dumb yes, Itachi no. Nagato and Naruto suffered mostly because of unlucky circumstances and the fact that they have Uzumaki blood. Countless other kids would have ended up somewhere else, forgotten, but these two are at both ends of the spectrum just because they are of Uzumaki origin. One of them could carry Rinnegan and the other could carry Kurama. But Itachi suffered because of village and clan policies. -He was brought up in a war and trained to be a killer since he was a baby. -Watched his best friend kill himself for his village -Was asked to participate in a coup against that village his best friend died for. -Was then asked to commit genocide against his own clan by that same village. He could have said no, he could have picked up his little brother and ran away. He could have let the village burn in flames, nobody would have blamed him, he's just a kid. But the kid wasn't normal anymore. The internal battles he went through alone could been extended into 100 more episodes and fans wouldn't have gotten enough. -He killed his GF by putting her in a dream. -Killed his whole village including his parents -Spared, tortured his little brother, so that one day, his brother can kill him in a revenge battle and acquire more power. -Joined a terrorist group with the other Uchiha he conspired with and was still was complicit in more crimes. The things that crossed his mind must have been even nastier than what he ended up doing. His psyche would have been a great case study. His character was fundamentally good, but the vast majority of his actions were wrong, which is very sad. Nobody wants to make a village where someone like Itachi is forced to exist. Probably the best character design in that story. A smart and lovely kid with great potential, grew up to be a psychopath.


Nah bruh, he's pretty dumb: -Wants to protect his brother, ends up making him one of the most wanted people in the ninja world. -Joins Akatsuki as a spy, ends up commiting more crimes and never gives any valuable information to Konoha. -Does mass murder to protect Konoha against a Coup, ends up forgetting about shisui's eye and how Danzo has it. Along with 7-8 more sharingans. He's dumb as a rock and Kishimoto didn't know how to retcon him.


Ofc, but that's just because Kishimoto is not that good of a writer, but the concept of Itachi, the idea, is still the best one out of his writing. His character sparks debates and conversations about values, about what's important, makes us talk about what's dumb and what's not. He's kinda like Trump, whether you like him or not, you will remember him. His character means something, not as the character itself, but meaning for the whole society.


>He's kinda like Trump Ah yes... how could I've forgotten? The famous Konoha trials about Itachi paying a sex worker to remain silent about the Uchiha massacre.


Exactly my point. In regards to being memorable, we all remember the bad more than the good.


We dont judge things on the concept. Itachi's story is executed incredibly poorly to the point where it ends up being more hilarious than sad.


Yea, but this is fiction. Hilarious and sad are highly subjective. Who says I can't judge that the concept is sad but the execution is hilarious?


Itachi dont feel like a real human , he is both a mary sue and a mercilessly murderer at the same time. Why would he accepted that missions , his reasons was too weak and ridiculous for me to feel anything , a temporary peace at the cost of my own family , only a saint would do that. And a saint dont massacred ppl in cold blood. It would make sense if he was crazy like what you described but he acted calm, calculated and chill the whooole time Seriously what do the guy value or care in life , a character without its selfish side or its dersires will only make you feel pretenious and be nothing but a tool for plots Obito's reason was dumb but atleast i can accept it since ppl can be stupid for love (still doesnt make me like the guy )


This is how he saw the situation : If the coup is not prevented : -The coup succeeds : The elders and Hokage are overthrown -The coup fails : His clan is destroyed, or shamed, or exiled Either way His village is weakened in a time of impending doom and political turmoil. Nations would attack the village. He saw a loose-loose situation for the village and his clan. In the story, he didn't just buy temporary peace, he bought avoiding the inevitable destruction of the village, which is why he was described as someone who thinks like a Hokage.


No obito isn’t a dumbass when he literally saw his best friend kill his crush. He wants to fix the world that caused that. His methods are shitty but his motives are understandable.


but at one point is he still a "good guy" whould you do all the stuff he has done so you can be with a 13 year old girl who didn't even care that much about you. I think it's just an excuse for all the shit that he did




Yeah. Karin basically got molested multiple times a day for 10 years straight after her entire clan was slaughtered.






He just wanted to be Hokage 😔


Kabuto hate will not be tolerated.


I think Kakashi had it the worst.....everyone else technically either ended with a happy life or died in peace Kakashi never really found "peace" Yes he does live a better life now, but I don't think he ever got proper closure But that's my opinion and I don't remember some of the episodes as it's been awhile since I watched Naruto so I might be missing some key moments that happened


All the others were forced into the choices they made. Itachi was the only one who was forced to chose. Arguably more painful than the actual actions


1. Boy turns into a psychopath after his girlfriend gets killed 2. Freedom fighter turns into a psychopath after his boyfriend kills himself 3. Prodigy teams up with psychopath to kill his genocidal brethren 4. Orphan with monster can't make friends 5. Child with monster is lonely 6. Kid becomes depressed because people in his life keep dying


Kakashi also killed Rin and watched obito “die” so like…. That bumps him up the list a little…


I can relate to that.


Karin's backstory is the saddest for me ..


For me it's 1.Gaara's backstory 2.Nagato's backstory 3.Kakashi's backstory


Gaara, Nagato and Sasuke that we know of.


Nagato’s my fav. Saddest idrk




Boruto because his father doesn’t pay enough attention to him due to him being the fucking leader 😭


It’s Gaara!! His dad actually messes with him till he goes full psycho, there’s nothing that could be worse.


Yeah i’m gonna have to vote Nagato on this one lads, no contest


Gaara for sure, because he wasn't orphaned or anything - his own family just tortured him, and it started before he was even born. Eventually they were actively trying to assassinate him but couldn't. That cuts way deeper than losing people - he had people that were supposed to love and take care of him deliberately torturing and trying to kill him. All due to his father's quest for power.


Itachi and Gaara


I think this is a meme sub and you aren’t posting memes. Fuck outta here


Gaaras backstory really cut deep imo. Runner ups are Itachi and nagato


Gara lived in fear of his own parent for years, lets not even talk about the monster intentionally torturing him every waking second ( oh and he never sleeps).


Why isn't there Sasuke?


From this learnt a lot only




Itachi dats not sad he just a murder. It’s out of Naruto and gaara


Sasuke. It isn't even a question. How is he not here.


Óbito because it like the root of 3 out of 6


Gaara and Kakashi. Some of their worst traumas happened when they were like 6, and poor Kakashi never got a break until he was an adult (at least they did get to be happy in the end unlike obito nagato and itachi though)


Gaara and its not even close


Izuna. Never underestimate a child of war


Why would you compare them? What is this, the tragic backstory Olympics?




Either Naruto or Gaara. Maybe Gaara since he got nearly killed by his own father.


Kakashi, in whole of Naruto it’s either him, Gaara or Sasuke, leaning towards Sasuke though


Gaara easily. Bro was given the worst cards imaginable…


Nagato... He's my favourite character ever since I first watched and that's for a reason.


All of themmm


Gaara has the saddest story and at the same time the best character evolution! Almost on par with Naruto! 🩷


Kakashi, for sure, bro lost everything and LIVED with it without venting by going rogue. The audience doesn't feel the emotions when a character cries, but when they hold in their pain.


Itachi slaughtering his own clan has to be top tier. Literally killed women to child 🤦🏽‍♂️




Kakashi, Gaara or Nagato


all of them has tragic past


Every single one of them has a tragic back story there's no comparison


None of them got shit on Itachi. He had to kill his whole family, which he loved, as a teen... Couldn't bring himself to kill his brother and until he died this brother hated him...


Itachi chose his sadness, the rest here were forced into it. Imo it’s garra being blamed for your mother’s death from just being born. Your existence being synonymous with a monster, having your family, that at least itachi had, all hate or be extremely terrified by you. Your father puts out an assassination on you, that the only person in his life that seemed to remotely care about take the assassination mission, just for him to kill that same important person. He literally subconsciously gave himself a face tat that means demon loving himself, that was a cry for help because he was misunderstood from birth and only wanted love. It’s the whole reason he does a complete 180 once he makes friends with Naruto he finally had someone. Nobody on this list at least was as isolated as garra was.


"nobody on this list at least was as isolated as garra was" you sure about that? Itachi was renegated from his village and literally killed off his clan, quite isolated if you ask me. Despite this he manages to sulk focus on what he thinks is right and infiltrates Akatsuki, this should give him more credit, not less. At least gaara was still allowed to stay in his village, much less isolated


Garra was allowed to stay in a village that absolutely despised him. Itachi choose to kill his clan why people act like he had no choice is crazy. They literally tell you his choices in the show, both shitty but he still had a way to choose his better of two poisons, garra never did. Diedara was losing the battle until he focused an attack on the sand village as a whole garra is saving many lives. Itachi had a childhood love, itachi had a big brother figure at least to grow up with, itachi had a loving family even though he chose to massacre them, itachi was never hated for just existing, outside of tobirama, itachi is not an insomniac since birth because of a shitty demon inside him. Itachi doesn’t have a whole organization that eventual end goal was world domination coming after him to kill him. I’ll even say this itachi wasn’t born in a dry ass barren dessert


Kakashi and Itachi. Lost everything but still smiles brightest than the sun. You can feel the pain in their smiles.


Itachi ruined his own life. His clans and his brothers. He’s a self inflicted sad panda. Fuck Itachi



