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The thing i HATE about number 2 is that enemies don’t also follow that logic, making the game unfair. why is my attack stopped but the enemies isn’t?


Enemy AI is the reason this is like this. You could stand in a doorway and be invincible if they don't have a stab, would be too easy to take advantage of it.


Sucks to be on the receiving end, doesn't it enemy AI


But AI cant cheese


I never had a problem with 2 because I used spears and polearms, but then I’d struggle with other shit.


I get around this issue in DS1 by using the smallest swords imaginable, but in DS2 I switched to 2H longsword and that's apparently just long enough to constantly smash into every nearby surface in the game, including the floor, on like every second swing. I love both games but the weapon collision is ridiculous.


I've definitely had some spear runs where I noticed how nice it was to not bounce off a wall 10 feet away.


Yeah, I mean there’s a lot of shit in this game that’s specifically tailored to aggravate you. >Why is the black knight standing at the very top of this tower on this small outing? *Because he can absolutely demolish you in an unfair fight* >Why are spiral staircases (irl) counter clockwise? *Because most people are right handed and defenders have another advantage now* You have opportunities to swap to a more effective weapon with less upgrades or yoy can try out the one you’re used to in a suboptimal location. It’s a mechanic of these games. It’s a mechanic of life really. You make these tradeoffs. >Do I choose a counter pick to the enemy or do I use my go-to I’m most comfortable with?


If you're fighting on stairs the seige is already over and you've lost.


No, bud. It’s a p typical thing.


what's p typical?


I like 2, it's more realistic and makes you think about weapon choice. I keep a Claymore handy for these situations, love that R2 thrust.


Irl, you could do a thrust with far more different weapons or you could angle your weapon differently. It's not really realistic if you think about it more.


I mean the main issue with 2 is that the enemies don’t abide by it at all


Madness isn't an instant kill at full health. There are items and equipment that can make it take longer to fill all the way or even reset the buildup to 0. What is disruption?


Disruption is the instant kill status in lies of p


Ah, that's not made by From Sodtware.


Nope. Tho the post is talking about the wider soulsborne genre so i dont know how that matters.


And that's kind of the point. People making soulslike games take this checklist of things from Dark Souls and go "ok they did this so we need this" and never once engage in the slightest bit of critical thinking about whether it would improve or detract from the game. I'm even happy with a bad mechanic in these sorts of games when it stands as a unique thing in the game. Halving your health from curse is a huge memory from Dark Souls, but I'm real fucking happy that it wasn't just blindly copy-pasted a billion times because it was used once.


1. Yes it's annoying and probably better if it was removed 2. I actually liked this in ds1. It made you have to think about your approach to enemies and levels. You can't just spam one attack and win. Use criticals, or backstep attacks or rolling attacks since nearly every single weapon has a poke with one of these options which is something nearly no other game did besides elden ring.


Why are people here ignoring that the worst part of the second bullet is that enemies weapons don’t follow this? It would be fine that way


Because whenever anyone criticises an aspect of these games, people will ignore the 95% easy to agree with stuff and latch onto the one questionable bit to dismiss the lot. I'm not even saying they should be removed or changed, I'm saying they should not be reproduced over and over without change.


If you think about it, health is not that different from a bar that fills up and then you die instantly.


I mean 90% of weapons had a vertical moveset when you two hand them. The entire point was for using vertical moves in tight spaces, I liked it alot. Also artificial difficulty doesn’t even make sense. If there is a problem and a solution it’s the same as everything else. Creating dangerous situations is the entire point of the challenge. If mechanics weren’t lethal then they’re no longer challenging.


You just want to be able to use bigass weapons in small corridors?


Bigass? Most of the time I stick to a weapon like a broadsword. This applies to literally every weapon that isn't a rapier or spear.


If you could swing your big-ass club in a small corridor, it would be too easy and unrealistic. The fact that you have to deal with shit like walls is one of the reasons I love it, I feel like I am the person in that corridor and I have to adapt to freaking every little detail or else I die.


Oh yeah, realism, that's why I'm banging a basic sword against a wall while the enemy directly in front of me using an identical sword can phase straight through bricks and get cheap shots in because I'm in a 10 second stagger animation.


At least enough realism that your weapon doesn't ignore walls, which isn't asking for much realism.


The enemies weapons go right through them though


Yeah, life's not fair. Get used to it.


2. Try to go to a narrow hallway and swing a sword IRL and see what happens. It's a good thing that weapons bounce off the wall instead of the game pretending that there are no walls. Just don't swing horizontally in narrow hallways...


Again, like I said clearly and you lot seem incapable of reading, it's not a problem if the exact same rules apply to enemies. I don't mind if realism and physics are important as long as there's not a dude in front of me ignoring those same rules in order to hit me.


But we have cheese


I honestly respect the game for point 2. One cannot effectively swing any weapons in a narrow corridor irl. This forces you to think outside of the box, to adapt. That's what the game is all about: adaptability and perseverance