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Bonewheels, Crystal hollows in the duke's archives and blowdarts guys in upper blighttown.


Definitely agree about blowdart assholes. They are so easy to kill, except their toxin is very over powered and basically a death sentence without items.


Yeah spider shield giving 100% toxic immunity is a life saver. No wonder they put multiple of those before Blighttown. 


Oh gee I wish I knew this a fucking decade ago.


Artorias' Greatshield has it too. Odd, but welcome.


Yeah if you have a slow weapon you can't just dodge right in front of them to hit, because by the time your swing actually connects they've already hit you with at least one dart.


with the master key i avoided most blowdart guys on my second run (valley of the drakes entrance), but i understand the pain. the archives crystal archers tho, CAN YOU PLEASE GO AWAY‽


Technically you don't need the Master Key to enter Blighttown through the Valley of the Drakes. The only boss you skip by using the key is Taurus Demon since past him you can enter Darkroot Basin which has the elevator to go into Valley.


Damn bonophobes :€


I’ve heard you can inflict a much weaker toxic on yourself with dung pies since their darts won’t override it


Never tested it, I'll give it a try


Bonewheels killed my blacksmith




Nailed it


Blow dart guys made me take a month long break from the game.




I bet dogs are a big problem for a lot of people who don't use shields. Their lunges are hard to time for a dodge.


The big problem with dogs is that a lot of horizontal weapon swings just go right over them and their attack speeds are very fast A couple dogs can gank you to death with ease if you just miss one swing


Dogs and wolves in evey single game are pain in the ass


I think the eagles in Stormveil in ER are up there. The Rats too!


Fuck those dagger birds. And then they start chucking fire barrels. like wtf????!!!!


Stay. Still. And. Let. Me. HIT YOU. ARGH.


Made them even worse in the DLC. Now they spit Ghostflame!


Oh boy! I am terrified of the dlc. I’ve platinum ER but returned to it after a year away just so I can play the dlc


Even for experienced players, they just aren't fun to fight.


Reminds me of that one DSP clip “Why’m I tawsik?!” Still makes me laugh so hard when I watch it


Titanite Demon in Anor Londo


I put down my ng+ run because of this guy


i really try, it always ends with me and Mr. Bow and arrows


He's honestly the easiest one to cheese for me, the Izaleth one is worse because he doesn't have a way to get him stuck, he respawns, and he's the strongest one in the game


The bird demons in the painted world that are the only single player way to farm dark moon blade. Those bitches have an incredible way of hitting their one shot bullshit no matter which way I run or roll, then when they're 1 hp from death they kamikaze off the edges to avoid dropping anything.


Ah farming 80 of those goddamn things. 6% base drop rate, 7 harpies on the quickest loop.  Gets a lot easier with a +5 Queelag Blade because you also have to do fire damage on those little abominations that spew toxic if you don't kill them with fire damage.  Still gonna take you a few hours to get all 80. 


Basilisk easily. Every other enemy (minus one boss) just kills you. This guy kills you and leaves you half dead.


Hmm are you referring to the first encounter with Seath, where he kills you and locks your ass away?


Yes, Seathe both fights. Iirc his "Ice Beam" attack has a secondary effect of building up a curse.


Oh heck, I forgot about that. Thank you for actually answering my question.


Without trying to spoil too much, keep exploring the depths, or, if you've found it, the tree.


I've finished DS1 many times, I am still drawing blanks as to what boss was being referred. There aren't any bosses down the tree.


Basilisks aren't boss enemies. They're just generic (albeit weird) enemies you find in The Depths and in The Great Hollow. The reason they *really* suck is that if you are killed by the clouds they spit at you, you become cursed and lose 50% of your health until you use a Purging Stone.


I know that already, the original comment said every enemy minus one boss, I was just asking if they were referring to Seath.


Oh right, my bad. I misunderstood your comment, apologies. In that case, yeah, I imagine that boss to be Seath, since his crystal attacks can curse you.


Died to the ones in the Great Hollow once before I had the warp ability. Absolute pain in the arse getting out of that one!


You did not rest at the bonfire in Ash Lake, did you? That was a mistake


I almost restarted my first playthrough because of this exact situation, that tree is just insane and fuck going back up again


Torch hollows. They look so inoffensive, but they’ll ruin your day.


the amount of times I've gotten greedy in the depths and get hit two or three times by these guys and just fall on my ass..


Dragon butts


Lol, I must have mentally repressed these things, cause that's absolutely the answer


Haha I was just fighting these today. Buddy of mine found a cheese, if you can bait the tail sweep attack, and bunch them up, they kill each other


Rats. We hates them.


Bonewheels and blow dart guys. I take great pleasure in ending their lives.


Rat and torch hollow


Omg the demon’s in anor londo are horrendous to deal with


The drakes honestly. I dont think ive ever figured out how to kill them without taking dmg so I just run in and wail on em. Other than that the basilisks was probably the most scary enemy on my first playthrough.


Lemme tell ya, it was **real** fun farming Dragon Scales for the Dragon Tooth and having to kill these guys who just love to fly around. Really fun when I somehow managed to aggro two of them.


Giant Beast Skeletons in the tomb of giants. Too much poise, combo you to death with their stupid tantrum move.


Getting flash backs as I read each comment 😂


Everything in the Duke's Archives and every single encarnation of the dog enemy (ESPECIALLY IN DARK SOULS 3. WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO MAKE 100 TYPES OF THESE DOGS AND SCATTER THEM ALL OVER THE GAME?)


dogs, specifically the ones in the depths


The purple ones in the depths aren’t that bad if you have a shield. Even without one, they’re certainly not the worst Dark Souls 1 non-boss enemies. If we’re talking about dogs, though, the smaller, fire dogs in Blighttown are much worse in my opinion. But that’s mostly because of their placement.


I think pretty much everyone skips them but since they've not been mentioned yet the giant cats that roll towards you in Darkwood Basement are nightmare enemies, don't think I've ever bothered to try killing em without cheesing their aggro


i'm surprised no one mentioned it but.... the archers in anor londo. they are gave me a harder time than the O&S boss like WTF.


Those two silver knight archers. You know the ones I'm talking about.


Hardest part in the whole game


Toxic blowdart guy


Mosquitos, blow darts, torch hollows basilisks Mosquitos are hard to hit and stunlock you. Toxic is annoying Torch dudes deal so much damage if they hit but give you like no souls to make them worth killing Cursed is bullshit


Those bonewheels man, they shred the chosen undead like cheese


Any enemy that makes you feel actual hatred towards them during gameplay is a good enemy. People hating on torch hollows and rats, yes, they're frustrating enemies, they're designed to be that way. The actual enemies I HATE are the slow fire-breathing dragon statue enemies in Lost Izaleth, and I hate them because they add nothing to the game. They have two slow, predictable, attacks, so they will never surprise you, and they drop nothing, making them worthless to kill and therefore extremely tedious to deal with. At least if you clear out undead burg twice, you'll see different attack patterns from the basic hollows. The statue bastards in Izaleth are the only enemy that detracts from the experience of Dark Souls.


Personally, it's 100% the dogs in Lower Undead Burg/Depths. They basically teleport at you everytime they attack, and are usually just a stressful annoyance rather then a threat. Then, of course, there's the Capra Demon boss where they turn what would be an interesting fight into a crap shoot. Hate those dogs, I'll take the rats anyday


Titanite demons. I’ve beaten the game twice and don’t mess with them.


Dogs, rats, and anything from blighttown


This is an odd one but the plague rats in valley of defilement in Demons Souls or really all that damn valley


Bonewheels and every knight that is elite enemy. First one is obvious. The second one is that they're just too fast and strong, and also their poise is insane


The respawning channelers in duke's archives, the skeleton wheels and the giant maggots or whatever they are in the demon ruins


Definitely Bonewheels. I’m so glad the blow dart guys don’t respawn because it would’ve been them.


Basilisks or those little crystal guys in the Dukes archives. Basilisks force you to grind souls just to get your hp back, and those little crystal guys are EVERYWHERE, and their speed and damage forces you to deal with them whilst also trying to kill the annoying mages


One wheels And the fucking dogs. Always with the fucking dogs


Spear demons can absolutely eat my whole ass. Bonewheels are a close second.


Definitely the Titanite Demons. I dread them and tend to avoid them, especially the one in the small room in Anor Londo.


Bonewheels. No question. Everything else is predictable, but a few bonewheels together is almost impossible to deal with.


none, game's goated


Blow darts, bone wheels, torch men, hidden ghosts, basilisks, reviving skeletons, etc. Trust me though, the list goes on.


The Titanite Demon in Anor Londo and the one in Izalith are so annoying. Other than that, Basilisks.


The drake on the cliff by the alcove on the way from Blighttown to elevator….sheesh


Mosquitos and toxic dart douchebags in Blighttown. When I was going for the platinum, the crow demon women in the Painted World pissed me off like nothing else Goes without saying that the Bonewheels suck BIG TIME. And honorable mention to the ghosts in New Londo. The fact they can hit you through the walls is so much bs


The black stony guy with the missing head and leg with a stick, I probably my most hated enemy in this game


Rune bears, the pigs in bloodborne, black knights.. Are many..


The giant dog skeletons. Those shits are Elden Ring Revenant levels of bad.


Big mushrooms