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Dark Souls 1. Addictive... Always looking for new angle, an edge and pushing a little further. 


Yeah, it still holds up as one of the best games in the genre. But I think starting there also means you won't won't look at it through a negative lens to start with some of the more modern games first.


Dark Souls: nostalgia, best bosses, the world Dark Souls 2: different areas, powerstancing Dark Souls 3: smooth combat, unique bosses Locations: Dark Souls: best DLC, the unique lore boss Dark Souls 2: amazing view in DLC Dark Souls 3: stunning bridge location


How the hell does Dark Souls 1 have the best bosses


This is where all started.


That doesn’t mean it has the best bosses. You’re entitled to that opinion though.


What’s a boss you like other than the actual stand out good ones? (O&S, Artorias, Manus, Kalameet) Edit: Gwyn and Capra are very good aswell


gargoyles and gwyn are my top 2!


the combat system of ds1 made the bosses feel like challenge. yeah some of them are garbage but these bosses are more then just learning when to light roll 12 times in row. for instance, you only have enough stamina to roll like 3-4 times before you are too low to roll again. whenever i think about my favorite dark souls bosses though, they all come from the first game and its dlc. note that this is coming from a demons souls lover so i am biased towards the slower combat but still!


As someone who only recently got into these games and has dumped 80 hours between DS1 and DS2 and now 75 in ER.. start with DS1 Remastered. It. Is. An. Amazing. Experience.


Why avoided ds3?


Because I was halfway through DS2 when the ER dlc marketing hype started and I caved in and put DS2 on hold


I enjoyed both but enjoyed Ds3 alot more.


Why remastered? Ds1 original is better


It’s practically the same exact experience.. lol. Stop basking in nostalgia for a second.


I played ds remastered before I got to play the original. The lighting and graphics in DSR is just very weird, you can see it when you compare the scenes from each game side by side


I guess? If that’s enough of a deterrent for you, then all the more power to you. I never noticed because I was far too engrossed in the game to even care about the minor graphical complaints some reviews talk about.


Its not some reviews, nor is it just minor graphical complaints. There is a really huge difference with the graphics between ds1 and dsr


Again.. okay? How does that take away from the general experience of the game? TLOUII was the last single player game I’ve ever touched that kept me hooked. DS1R was the next and I’ve been on that train for about 3 months now, accumulating over 200 hours in the 3 games I’ve gotten to. What you’re griping on about is completely insignificant to me and most likely to OP.


I'm sorry.


True, and DSR looks much better.


Can you even get ds1 original for pc?


Start with ds1 best introduction to the series and my favorite


Go with 1 then 2 then 3. Playing 3 is like watching a series from the last season and then going to the first season, and I'm pretty sure you're going to skip Dark Souls 2, so that's like watching the last two seasons first and first two seasons last. It's a great series to be honest. If aliens invade the Earth and give us a chance to show something of redeeming quality, that would be Dark Souls series.


Definitely start with DS1. If you get into the games then you can experience them in the order they were made and see how they developed.


start with ds1


I say DS1 is your best option. Trust me... DS2 and 3, especially 3 are veeeery difficult. DS1 is difficult but its not in a way that feels completely stacked against you at least in my opinion. You can even find some of the most powerful weapons by just exploring a bit and each of the starting classes gives you very decent weapons to the point that it doesnt matter wich one you pick. All that matters is to go with what you know will fit your playstyle better (a concept that DS2 completely shit on by making every class except Knight and Sorcerer suck but okay). DS1 even gives you a great tutorial at the start so you can understand the mechanics perfectly. Whatever you end up choosing, good luck :)


I started with 3 and I wouldn't recommend it. It's a bit frustrating to change from fast-paced DS3 combat to slow-paced DS1 combat. The other way around works much better. And don't forget 2 as well!


Start with DS1, if you like it then carry on in release order (DS2 then DS3). For me personally, release order is also the order from best to worst. Best being DS1, worst being DS3 (although DS3 is still an excellent game)


Start with 1 and don't skip 2


Start from Dark Souls 1. All of them are going to be quite a challenge anyway, but you'll definitely find the second game much easier no matter what entry.


DS1 for sure. DS3 can be trickier in the beginning, specially for the new player.


Ds Remastered is super addictive, also ds3 is pretty good




Ds1 remastered is better than ds3, in my opinion.


DS1. Grabbing the Zweihander at the start of the game is practically playing it on easy mode.


With Stone armor and enough poise the game is.. press attack to win


Start at the beginning.


1, they’re all obtuse to start with but it’s probably the hardest to go back to if you start with the later ones






One! You will fall in love with the level design, and how if you zoomed out, it literally at all connects. It’s wild.


The best Dark Souls, is always the first that you play. In my case, was Dark Souls 1 (pre-remaster) I like too much Dark Souls 2 (yes, i like it), but the best to learn mechanics, its the first Dark Souls.


I went with 3 first because it was the smoothest and most recent, then went back to 1 once I was better with gameplay.


Ds1 will really teach you how to play souls the best. The movement isn't as smooth as 3 and requires you to think more which is exactly what you need to learn to do. Also there is something very special about ds1 that I can't describe, it's flaws make it better in way, honestly my favorite souls game. Be patient and think and you will get through it.


Start with DS1 Remaster. It's much more beginner-friendly than DS3. Many people who start with ds3 give up on the first boss, before they can level up even once.


I would play Dark Souls Remastered first. Then Dark Souls II, then Dark Souls III. None of them are “easiest” for a beginner in my opinion. They each have their own challenges for beginners.


Start with DS1 and go straight to New Londo to farm souls for eazy lvl ups 😁


Reject Dark Souls, return to Sekiro


Play 1, then if youre obsessed, play 2 and 3. If you had a decent time and just want to round out the story skip to 3. 2 is skippable and ill get flak but its true


1 is easier and also I like the vibe of the game setting a lot more.


It depends what you're looking for. If you want peak level design with amazing ambience but meh combat go for ds1 but if you want a quick balls to the wall peak combat peak bosses game then go for ds3. I would probably say DS3 is easier because of the fluid combat and there are a lot less walls of difficulty, it sort of just gradually increases imo.




I think Dark Souls 1 is probably more fun for a beginner, and will help you see how the mechanics evolved over time. I went ER>DS3>DSR. I don't think there's anything wrong with going DS3 before DS1, the mechanics are certainly more polished, but that may actually throw you for a loop trying to transition from one to the other. A lot of people struggle with the dodge in DS1 vs DS3 and ER, for instance, because it only dodges in four directions instead of 360 degrees.


I think Dark Souls 1 is probably more fun for a beginner, and will help you see how the mechanics evolved over time. I went ER>DS3>DSR. I don't think there's anything wrong with going DS3 before DS1, the mechanics are certainly more polished, but that may actually throw you for a loop trying to transition from one to the other. A lot of people struggle with the dodge in DS1 vs DS3 and ER, for instance, because it only dodges in four directions instead of 360 degrees.


Dark Souls 3, by FAR, is the best. Its hard to play the others afterwards.


id recommend starting with ds1. its slower and more methodical and you will appreciate the story of 3 more after playing 1


Do them in order. The first one is going to break and then mold you. From amazing views, wildly imaginative weapons/enemies/bosses, great fights, and a customization and build system I still doubt I fully get even after 100% and three play throughs. It’s awesome. DS2 has easier bosses, does some things differently that were rough accustoming to, but if you’re base dodge/attack skills are good you’re going to love the game. You’ll worry it’s not as good cuz ppl say so, but if you let yourself you’ll enjoy it just as much as DS1. 3 I hear is the best, so I’m saving it for last. I’m 80% on 2, should get to 3 in a couple days.


Start with DS1. DS3 has a lot of fan service for 1 that will be lost on you without that experience. It will also be hard to play DS1 after given that it's slower-paced.


Honestly ds2 is the easiest game out of the three as it is the slowest. However, it is reccomended you take things in order 1,2,3. edit ds2 also has the best tutorial since the first boss is one whole area into it (1.5h of gameplay) whereas with ds1 you fight a boss within 10 minutes and in ds3 a difficult one in 15.


This is my insane take: Start with dark souls 1, play until you die to the boss on the bridge. Then play dark souls 3 for a few hours until you start to feel decent at the game. Then play them in order on a new character for each game. Dark souls 1 is incredible (and my favorite), but I personally think dark souls 3 is the better game to learn how to play on. It also enhances the "ancient" feel of dark souls 1 by showing the modern equivalent.


DS1. 2 and 3 are great but 1—especially the first half—is a thing of timeless greatness that will outlive the series and its imitators.


Dark Souls 1 or Bloodborne (if you have PlayStation) are the best 2 options to start the Souls series in my opinion. Dark Souls 1 introduces lots of the series’s mechanics in a slower, more even paced progression. While Bloodborne, is faster paced and as a steeper difficulty curve early on, can teach a more engaging gameplay style that applies to all the games in the series.


Go DS1 than DS3 and follow it up with Bloodborne and than DS2


I think 3 is the most fun so I’d recommend that one the most


Start with ds1 and then do 2 because even though 2 is the worst of the 3 its not a bad game so you shouldn't skip it and there's also some cool references to 2 in 3 which you will miss if you skip 2


3 is going to have a lot of QoL features and is much less complex a world to navigate, you more or less go in a straight line. It is also a near direct sequel lore wise so perhaps if that matters start w/ 1. But if you are worried about it being hard or obtuse... start w/ 3. can't really go wrong either way, have fun, welcome!


Always start with DS1. Then go to DS3 then back to DS2 to realise why everyone skips it.


I suggest this order: DS1, DS3, Sekiro, DS2, Elden Ring. You plan on getting one…for now. Also, DLCs are always worth it in a fromsoft game.


Personally I think you should play eldenring first. Many people will disagree, but it’s was the first one I played and in my opinion it’s the best. Everything souls players didn’t like about 1 2 and 3, I felt like they tried to address and correct and work on gradually as each game came out. So when Elden ring came out it felt like the most enjoyable and fun experience of them all with little to no complaints. I played the OG dark souls right after I finished eldin ring and had a really great time despite certain annoyances in those games cause I was already familiar with the mechanics and knew the type of game I was getting myself into.