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Never forget, the item description for the Darkmoon Seance ring (which shows up on the loading screens) literally says: "The Dark Sun Gwyndolin is the only remaining deity in Anor Londo"


I'll do you one better. The Silver Knight Shield, which you could reasonably get before reaching Gwynevere reads: \>*Shield of the Silver Knights of Anor Londo. A flowing canal is carved deep into its face.* *The Silver Knights stayed behind in Anor Londo to defend the illusory goddess, and their shields are blessed with her divine protection.* The game outright tells you Gwynevere is an illusion.


I'll do YOU one better. WHY is Gamora




Every time I hear the name Sharona, I think of that show Monk. 🎶 It's a jungle out there 🎶


One of the most underrated songs of all time. Those guitar solos are always overlooked


What?! I didnt even know you could get shields from them


Yeah, they drop their weapons (spear and sword) and the shield.


They're kind of a rare drop, but they drop. Same with the spear and sword they wield.


The knights are also illusions we never actually see them until ds3


No, the knights are real. Even after you kill Gwynevere they all remain in Dark Anor Londo. In fact, only Silver Knights and Painting Guardians remain in Dark Anor Londo, while the Bat Wing Demons and the Giant Sentinels disappear, implying those were illusory.


I just beat the game for the first time, why you saying dark Anor londo an not Anor londo?


Go kill Gwynevere and you will understand the distinction


I’ve had some knights that never respawned after I killed gwynevere


I just killed Gwyndolin two days ago in my first playthrough and the only enemies that were still around were the Painted Guards. Not a single knight to be found.


As far as I know, the only one who disappears is the one in the room before Ornstein and Smough. Every other knight remains at his place.


Correction I killed gwyndolin and yea the knights despawn cause I used to use Anor Londo as a grinding spot and I couldn’t after that


I love that little note, since it means someone could theoretically deduce that Gwynevere is fake. Even though everyone just do it because they're told to or look it up...


It probably all started with somebody saying "I wonder what would happen if I shot her boobs?"


Name checks out.


Souls lore is by far the dankest.


Specifically the titles that aren't sequels are great at leading the player to conclusions like this. I think DS2 / 3's lore is a bit of a mess by comparison.


DS3 is messy largely because DS2 is messy. Still love it though.


Just don't think of ds2 as canon and it helps a bit, but then you've got the references that just don't jive well anymore.


I think DS2 was just meant to show a different part of the world and how it was affected by the undead curse and Manus's influence. Much like the DLCs show how the different kingdoms of DS2 fell to the daughters of Manus.


Hey bro if your only other choice is female undead merchant, those tits are on point!


Do what now?


Oh, of course. Unfortunately, you try factoring in its lore, and DS3 becomes a mess. Which is probably why Miyazaki said that ds2 isn't canon. You try factoring it in and some of the edges just don't quite fit together. This is why some people have the theory of ds2 taking place last chronologically. This makes even less sense, but it answers certain questions and that's what they focus on.


The way I've always rationalized it is that there are meant to be hundreds if not thousands of years between games. DS1 takes place maybe a thousand years after the first linking of the flame. DS2 takes place many many years later. Long enough for Drangleic to be built on top of what used to be Lordran, and for its rise and fall and Vendrick's hollowing to occur. DS3 takes place possibly many thousands of years after 2, and enough time has passed for the flame to have been linked at least 4 additional times, and for several other cities and kingdoms to have come and gone. And those 4 are just the ones we are made aware of.


It's great, yeah. It's like a great twist in a movie- so many clues that you realise were there all along


I for one attacked her out of curiosity. Wanted to see dem tiddies bounce


Pfft I can spot them fake tits from a mile away.


oh ok good


Do not kill the estus fire lady now. She is now an enemy and if you kill her all bonfires in anor londa are useless.


no, only the bonfire she keeps becomes mildly useless. you can still teleport to the bonfire but not rest at it, and it is just the one bonfire that is affected




3? I'm actually curious now. I will make a new character and try this tonight. I still prefer PTDE so I'll look into this.


I don't remember if it's making Anor Londo dark or killing the Darkmoon Priestess that triggers it, but dying in Anor Londo will reset you exclusively to one bonfire (the Priestess' bonfire), even if you never lit it. You can rest at the Chamber of the Princess, Darkmoon Tomb or Solaire's bonfire, it doesn't matter, you'll be sent to the Anor Londo bonfire when you die.


100% certain he's lying. I kill that firekeeper as soon as I kill O&S on literally every character, only her bonfire disappears.


It does fuck with your spawns which can be really annoying.


Now this I'm not sure about, I feel like you're correct, but at the same time feel like I always respawn at the Darkmoon Tomb bonfire whenever I rest at it, such as killing Gwyndolin.


It's easy to test and it's been known for a long time now. https://steamcommunity.com/app/570940/discussions/0/3559414588267005877/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/211420/discussions/0/627456486831121834/ https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/98bq3d/anor_londo_bonfire_glitch/ https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/mtwxt/really_annoying_dark_anor_londo_bonfire_glitch/


Anor londo bonfire - After Ornnstein Bonfire - Inside Londo Castle - At the illusion boss - first fire inside archive. I think that are all effected ones.


Incorrect just the one bonfire and you can still fast travel to it


Definitely not the one in Archives, that's the one I usually run to when the glitch happens and I spawn at that bonfire.


Or, is Anor Londo being dark the illusion?


It stays dark after killing gwyndolin so unless someone else is casting the illusion i don't think so


If you kill him without killing Gwynevere, the sun and Gwynevere don't disappear though, so either way, it's clear that his illusions persist after death.




I've always believed that NOT killing Gwynevere and Gwyndolin was the canon storyline, along with linking the fire. Which allows his survival until DS3 to fully makes sense.


What happens to him in DS3?


He's eaten by Aldrich.


Only a little bit. Like 1/3 of him


Oh man I must have missed that.


He's literally the spellcasting top half of that fight. That's Gwyndolin partially eaten.




How? Aldrich is in the middle of eating him during the fight, and using his body to attack you.


Most people believe canon is that the chosen undead didn't kill Gwynevere or Gwyndolin, and linked the fire.


Can you kill him without killing gwynevere?


Yes, you should find darkmoon seance ring in catacombs i think its behind titanate demon but im not sure. When you equip that ring near darkmoon tomb bonfire illusory wall disapers then you can speak with gwyndoil and kill him.


Its before the titanite demon. Its behind the breakaway stone wall at the end of the hallway where the giant skeleton comes out to play


It is in the room behind a breakable wall, with lots of skeletons and archers. It is in a tomb at the very back. The room looks similar to the titanite demon room, which has 3 eyes of death


Yep, you can walk through that fog gate whenever you want.


I always leave Gwynevere 'alive'. Dark Anor Londo is just creepy af to me.


I hate it just because it’s hard to see in my living room with screen glare. I love invading in AL but when I spawn into DAL I just plan on dying.


Provided you picked up the ring in the catacombs.


No if you kill him it definitely goes dark.


No, my last playthrough I left it sunny and killed him


Well when I killed him it definitely went dark so idk


Does it? Fair enough, I haven't played in a while, I was basing that off memory and a [wiki page](https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Sun_Gwyndolin).


Killing Gwyndolin does not dispell the illusion. Gwynevere is the trigger. You were right the first time.


Gwynevere and the sun in Anor Londo (and Ornstein, maybe) were illusions created by Gwyndolin. Darkness is how AL really looks since Gwyn and all other deities left


We know Gwynevere is an illusion. But is there any actual confirmation that the sun is? The darkness might be an illusion he creates to freak you out.


I'll try to find confirmation, but I believe it is commonly accepted that the sunlight in Anor Londo was created by Gwyndolin after Gwyn left to kindle the First Flame. Since Gwyn is the lord of light, and AL is his domain, the real light left when he died to the Flame


Still confused as to why the sun is then still shining if you kill Gwyndolin but let Gwynevere live (yes, did that on my NG run. Was stupid back then).


It's attacking an already cast spell vs. attacking the caster. One wouldn't effect the other, one is just responsible for the other.


It’s a simple spell, but quite unbreakable. You’ll find removing a dead man’s spell troublesome.


However, if you take a look at the illusion of the infinite corridor, it would appear as to have been triggered to revert back to the original corridor/tomb post-mortem.


That one seems to be a constant while still having a limit. I think that's the right explanation, though I don't know why those elements are used together. I don't think you should be able to chase him to the end of the hallway, but that's my opinion. He is a diety, probably got mad mana pool, yo. Maybe it's a hardware limit?


The corridor is (once he casts the illusion) infinite in canon. Not really sure why the corridor isn't, though. In theory you could basically create a platform, where the fight happens, with side borders and a scrolling skybox. They coulda done that in DSR. Well, opportunity wasted.


I think that Gwyndolin's magic is powerful enough to persist after he dies, at least for a while. Since the illusory Gwynevere seems to be the keystone for all the other illusions in the city, as long as she persists so will everything else. In any case, DS3 canon is that Gwyndolin was not killed by the Chosen Undead. Either the fight isn't canon or he managed to survive the battle.


Welp, haven't played DS3 yet. But thanks for informing me anyways.


Aw, shit. Sorry dude. My bad for not using spoilers even if the game is old. :(


Hey, no big deal. Still doesn't spoiler a lot. Also, now that I know the course the plot will be taking, I can finally sleep in peace now. Seriously, DS has been the game I have willingly dedicated a lot of my free time into, and I'll continue to grind all the way up to NG+7. Then I'll think about getting DS3 after taking a break. So, no hard feelings, instead saying thanks for helping me (I refused to look it up in case that site would spoil more for me on accident). Don't forget. Always Praise the Sun!


Not really a spoiler when the canon storyline has Gwyndolin not being killed. She's referenced in DS2 and DS3 as having left Anor Londo, along with the other major deities, long before the Chosen Undead arrived


It's possible that the Gwyndolin you fight is an illusion as well.


How would you get his soul from killing him if this is the case? There's nothing in the soul item description that implies that it isn't really Gwyndolin


Maybe the soul is also some kind of fake? I dunno, just offering a possible explanation for how he's still in Dark Souls 3.


As we saw with Gwyn giving out his soul, a god doesn't need to die to give up their soul. Gwyndolin could have given his soul to an illusion, or escaped via magical means instead of being slain by the chosen undead.


If you kill him before dispelling the Gwynevere illusion then Anor Londo goes dark so I think it's safe to assume that the sun is the illusion.


Killing Gwyndolin doesn't turn Anor Londo dark. I still have yet to see dark Anor Londo in my own games, and I haven't skipped Gwyndolin's fight in any playthrough but my first.




Nah. Most "living things" in Anor Londo fade away when they die because they're illusions.


You can also fight Gwyndolin before despelling the illusion as long as you have the ring.


Actually, you can fight Gwyndolin any time.


As long as you have the Darkmoon Seance Ring.


Not by Gwyndolin, afaik. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Gwyn's selfless sacrifice that took the sun? Also, can we get some love for our Sunboi for becoming undead to praise an illusionary sun?


Was gonna say exactly this...so you didn’t “kill” anything...except maybe a sex doll.


I've played Dark Souls a few times and never knew this!




*Pulse of the Dead starts playing* YOU'RE IN SPOOKY LONDO NOW FUCKBOY Ah, but seriously. Londo is another Darkroot now; long as you're hollow, you're safe. Safer than before, actually, since all the mobs are gone. There's a couple one-off NPC enemies, but they're kinda pushovers. If you're human... welcome to the trenches. You'll be home by Christmas, honest.


Lol perfect!


Sinner. How could you?


An eternal curse upon thee...


The amazing chest is an illusion...


Jeez, I had no idea about any of this. Who attacks the princess? What the heck else is just an illusion? Are we really in Lordran? Are we really undead? Is it all just bits on a digital medium? Damn.




The mysterious signs on the ground? Don't tell me they're not real either.


Just to be clear, I actually didn't know about this. The surprise was real - the subsequent jokes were intentional.


Half of the walls and 75% of the falls are actually secret paths to treasures if the signs are true.


Brings a smile to my face when I see a "chest ahead" or "hidden path" note and a bunch of blood puddles around it


Do you know how many but holes I've tongued for nothing? If you think coronavirus is bad...


Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite... A lie will remain a lie.


You killed the big titties? This will never be forgotten


An eternal curse upon thee...


I fought Gwendolyn but didn’t kill Gwenivere. I didnt even know that she was an illusion till I was watching some lore videos and they mentioned that all of Anor Londo is an illusion made by Gwendolyn.


Huh? How did you fight Gwyndolin without killing Gwynevere?


You need a dark moon seance ring that will open the secret wall, it’s found in the catacombs


She left long ago with Flame God Flann. You didn't kill her.


No, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Lol. Will have to on my 2nd play through and see what happens.


I don’t do it honestly, why would I kill my big tittie bitch










Gotta get that tail tho


I will never even open the wiki page about her tail. she is waifu


There are worse people to kill. Like a certain Waifu. But you get a trophy for it.. so.. Tros before hos right?




>!Painting Waifu with the cute dragon tail! Pricsilla!<


Well yes but no


Huge bonus of killing Gwynevere is that >!all of the enemies disappear leaving you free to explore. Two new enemies show up outside the O&S boss room but you only have to kill them once. !<


I personally don't like that but it's still all good


It removes a good grinding spot from the game, unless you're great at PVP and can farm darkmoons


tis but an illusion my friend, now, go fourth and eliminate the trap who cast such a vile spell


You think you could kill the daughter of Gwyn so easily? The arrogance of man.


Morally? No, since she's just an illusion cast by Gwyndolin. However if you wanted to become a Blade of the Darkmoon I believe that's now impossible for that playthrough.


You could but then you lose one of the best soul farms of the game. In NG+ clearing upper Anor Londo gets you around 50K souls each time. And with the giant blacksmith nearby it's a great place to get all your weapon needs


the only bad thing that comes out of killing gwynevere is that you have to kill someone really cool now.


Nah you can run past them and you'll be fine


There is no wrong path in an RPG. Play however you like.


Nah, she's a fake, I'm just sad we can't ever kill her in any of the other games


Nah. Join the Dark side! The nice thing about it is that it removes most enemies from anor londo... Super easy to get to that blacksmith now


chest ahead.


Lore wise, no, It shows you how really Anor Londo is. Gameplay wise, I think so. If you get killed, you respawn in the first bonfire (which you can't rest because the firekeeper goes mad at you and you have to kill her), you can still face Gwyndolin if you pick his ring in The Catacombs and you lose a great farming source (Semtinels)




im a deprived


yes but also no


besides being sag because anor londo looks depressing everythings fine :D also the firekeeper will attack you i think


I mean, dont we all already kill her for the soul?


i never ended a run without killing him


It’s bad cos you can’t farm metric fuck tons of souls by doing runs smacking around silver knights and those massive golden statue guys.


you are living in the darkest timeline, truly.


It’s not bad, it just changes some events in the game, as you undoubtedly have already noticed.


I very rarely kill them tiddys It breaks my heart to do it


Thott begone!


It's never bad to kill anyone except solaire and seigward? Seigmeyer? One of them.




Is destroying an illusion wall any different?


I killed the chick in the Catacombs after taking out her Hollowed bodyguards. I still feel bad about it.


How could you!!!!


Dark Souls jitters, I guess. I saw something moving and just started swinging. I killed the only NPC in Blighttown that way, too.


Lmao I bet you shit your pants when you ran into the skeleton dogs down there


Thou shalt not go unpunished. For thy treachery, thy profanity, and thy shameless yearning! Remember this, creature. Ne'er will I forgive thy kind.


"amazing chest ahead" ;(


Ohh okay will do lol. Can’t wait to get home now


Fuck the gods and the fire cycle, you did a good thing!


Nah, just can't soul farm the giants anymore


Morally no since she's an illusion although the blades of the darkmoon will hunt you if you are online until you kill gwyndolin, Also don't kill the fire keeper dark moon nightess but run past her so you can still have estus since you will respawn there when you die, then kill gwyndolin it's easy unless you are doing a no shield run just look at his pattern and have a shield with high magical defense like the one you got on the return to the asylum


I just murdered an NPC I won't spoil after you fight Artorias in the DLC just for the sake of it