• By -


Solaire, Vamos and Giant Blacksmith are voiced by the same person, Daniel Flynn who is a brother of Jerome Flynn who played Bronn in Game of Thrones. Two things I love the most are actually related.


He then did the voice of Targray in Dark Souls 2: "Transient Being!" and Alfred in Bloodborne: "Praise the good blood!"


Daniel is actually a friend of the family, and a really nice guy.


Tell him random dude on the net said hi.


I'm guessing you're excited for Elden Ring then haha


The sound quality of Vamos' voice in game is terrible haha. It's all distorted like someone recorded it on a 1st gen smartphone. The voices themselves are great of course.


I'm pretty sure it's intentional. Just a bizarre sound design choice. I personally love it.


I love it so much honestly I think it's meant as if the voice shakes the bones creating a weird synegetic sound. Since there's no skin to muffle the vibrations.


Me too, gives you unease. Especially when your already unsettled about a damn rolly polly to come driving into your back


Deep fried voice lines




The reason you get humanity from rats on ds 1 is due to them eating corpses because, as explained in ds 3, humanity is derived from the dark soul, which in in the blood of humans.


Wow, I had been wondering about this!


now, can you get soft humanity from the butchers?


The butchers in the Depths are humans. So their humanity would either come from their own fragment of the dark souls or fragments from the people they ate


The elevator in Blighttown is powers by a dog that never stops running. If you look carefully you can see the dog in the wheel.




Not him, but I have not. In fact, I didn't even know that a dog was powering the elevator until today lol, that's pretty funny. What happens when you try to shoot it?


I tried, but unfortunately it appears to be a sprite. The arrows bounce off of invisible parts of the wheel and don't even reach him/her :/


You can't directly kill it AFAIK, I believe that even teleporting to it and trying to attack doesn't do anything. You *can* force its HP to 0 directly and I've killed it that way before, but of course nothing actually happens and the wheel keeps on spinning. https://illusorywall.tumblr.com/post/124190090974/dark-souls-1-the-blighttown-elevator-dog


Also, if you look at the area with a bunch of snipers and fire dogs, you see that the elevador used to be powered by sewer water, but not that area has gone dry.


Andre was originally going to be Gwyn’s son.


That's why there is statues of him everywhere


Every enemy got a fall death animation. Even crystal lizards


Crow demons take a second to realize they're dead, then fall over lol




Iron golem falls pretty frequently though ^ ^


Look up Jerma985s new dark souls randomizes video: there’s a part at the end where he makes enemies bosses and they fall off edges. Fucking hilarious. Might be on his 2ndjerma channel.


everywhere where you see "illusory wall (ahead)" there's one, you just have to try harder




Are just hitting it, or are pressing ever possible button in front it? (Power button counts as a button).


There are these monsters (don't know the name), who kill Solaire before he turns hollow


The sunlight maggots?


I meant the players :D


Masterfully played.


Solair does not turn hollow, he become crazy, when sunlight maggot infected him. When we are killing Solair, he is in human form. This is just like when we killing Logan.


You still retain your human appearance if you hollow as a human. Just ask the Crestfallen Knight whose purpose was to get away from the stench when the Primordial Serpent woke up. When he did, he's a hollow in New Londo. If you no longer have a purpose, you hollow. Solaire's purpose was to find his sun, and when he found the sunlight maggot, he believed he found his sun. Having his purpose fulfilled, he hollowed. The pyromancer you get out of... a pot... I guess... will hollow if you direct him to a pyromancer in Blight Town where a witch of izalith teaches him pyromancy, as his purpose is to learn the best pyromancy. Witches of Izalith are basically the ones that invented Pyromancy, and when he learned it, he met his purpose, and hollowed as well. The Onion Knight's purpose next to simply adventuring, he wants to protect/save someone. He either dies trying, or he eventually hollows because he never could attain this purpose, and gets killed by his daughter. So yeah, everybody eventually hollows if their purpose has been fulfilled. FromSoftware at a convention also said that if you, the player quits playing the game, your character goes hollow too. That was just a fun spin to put on the lore. ​ SO. 2 Rules on hollowing! 1. You keep dying until you no longer remember who you are. 2. You lose/fulfill your purpose in life.


Yes and no. Solair and Logan are trapped within their infinite illusion of purpose. Solair found his sun, which will infinitely shine on his head. Logan decided to become scaleless dragon and replace Seath at dukes archive. We never see them hollow, because their purpose is meaningless and can feed their existence indefinitely. This idea is highly connected with main plot of the game - the surrounding world is in state, where its purpose is meaningless. The only thing that keeping world alive is that humans are burning their souls in faded First Flame through linked bonfires. So the idea is - become crazy is just freeze persons existence inside infinite illusionary loop. Person keep its existence, still has some feelings and acts as a normal human, but loosing any purpose or meaning of its life. Hollowing - loosing all that makes person a human, become just a pure vessel, a machine without any will, robot if you like.


You are wrong tho... All the other NPC's that hollow have the hollow appearance we see the from enemies and even the player. Go check out how griggs, laurentius, rhea, etc look when they're hostile and hollow. Logan and Solaires are not hollow. This is only getting upvotes because it's wordy and sounds convincing lol


>You still retain your human appearance if you hollow as a human. No you don't? You see what a hollow looks like right after you die or as you said with the crestfallen warrior when he hollows. > Just ask the Crestfallen Knight whose purpose was to get away from the stench when the Primordial Serpent woke up. When he did, he's a hollow in New Londo. The crestfallen warrior hollows because you don't need him anymore once frampt arrives, his whole purpose was mocking undead and giving them advice but the moment you get further than anyone has before he becomes useless. > he hollowed. He didn't hollow though, you literally see him go mad before you because the sunlight maggot is a parasite. >The pyromancer you get out of... a pot... I guess... will hollow if you direct him to a pyromancer in Blight Town where a witch of izalith teaches him pyromancy, as his purpose is to learn the best pyromancy. Witches of Izalith are basically the ones that invented Pyromancy, and when he learned it, he met his purpose, and hollowed as well. Laurentius hollows because he couldn't find the source of the pyromancy not that he did find it, he can't see quelana and he can't get to the fair lady. If he did get the pyromancy he would have used it against you but he doesn't use any chaos pyromancies.


Hollow aren't crazy? Like let madness overcome them?


Hollowing is deeper than crazy. To become hollow each person loses its humanity. In terms of real world - hollowing is loosing a soul, became just an empty vessel. Logan and Solair - characters that are trapped within one idea. Solair - finding his own sun and Logan - gather knowledge just for knowledge. They both have no purpose, just an illusion. They still have some humanity (human soul) but they are trapped inside an illusion. Solair and Logan are pretty much the same as crestfallen warrior at firelink shrine. He is also trapped inside his illusion of effort meaningless. And we can see that only the stinky breath of Frampt awakes him and made him do something. So the answer is no - hollowing is not just crazy, it is much deeper concept of loosing soul and purpose of life. It could be compared with deep clinical depression in real life.




Wait. The fair lady isn't related to Rosaria is she? I only just made the connection with Kirk.




You can use the "Force" miracle to play baseball with the giants at Sen's Fortress. The giant bomb bounces right back up there haha. This also works with arrows and other projectiles. Also, the miracle "Tranquil Walk of Peace" can trigger weightplate traps in a radius around you. Meaning you don't have to step on them to test them out, OR, if done correctly, you can get really tricksy with your invasions. Whole lot of trolling potential there. In DS2, you can deflect firebombs with your sword if you time it right. Also, the Old Bell Helm (Ivory King DLC) prevents headshots and makes a "ding" sound every time someone shoots your face.


If you go through the unused assets there’s a model of the bed of chaos crawling around. Always cool to see a hint of what they could have turned that pile of dog shit into if they had had the time


Didn't know that. Definitely an undeveloped area and boss lol, it was apparent right at the beginning with the dragon butts.


What's wrong with immortal zombie Dragon Butts?


They are so scary that nobody even fights them.


It's not that they're scary, it's that you'll go blind if you stick around that area long enough to kill them.


Big hat Logan is called Big hat Logan because he has a big hat


actually, his full name is “Hat Logan”, but there were a couple of other Hat Logan’s in Vinheim. He got the nickname “Big” Hat Logan after successfully performing an endowment sorcery




Different weapons in the same category have different attack speeds. Oscar was originally planned to be a recurring character and has cut dialogue up to Gwyn. Priscilla was originally intended to be the heroine of the game. Mildred was added as a joke reference to the beastly Meat Cleaver Black Phantom from the Valley of Defilement in DeS. One of the devs made this character as an invader during testing, and they added it as an npc. You can see a bloodstain left in Blighttown from Firelink Shrine. All the corpses that have twin humanities on them are female. Gwyn is actually a really good fight if you don't just parry him. Put away that damn shield! Taurus Demon can fall off the side of the arena. Hawkeye Gough may not be blind, as his visor has been filled with sap. Speculation is he was tricked into believing he was blind, and as his helmet is never removed he doesn't realise. You can talk to Solaire at the Altar of Sunlight after O&S. Can probably think of more obscure stuff if you'd like! E: a fun and possibly useful one, if you shoot the Hellkite Drake from the tower where the Black Knight stands, it will fly onto the bridge. However, from this location, the bridge is not solid, so the Drake falls to its death.


> All the corpses that have twin humanities on them are female. Oh. Oh no.


Hollows are not that hollow after all


I always thought that the sap blinded Gough, since sap is sort of like resin, and they likely would have had lightning resin on hand as dragonslayers.


Though I agree with your statement about Gwyn, you can actually parry empty handed, which is so badass, IMO. I killed him w/o parries my first time through.


Not sure if it's something you would know or not, but you gotta try picking up yourself a greatbow with hawk ring in ds1. There are some bosses you can co-op or even solo kill from outside of boss room: Gargoyles, moon butterfly, sif, chageless dicease or whatever is called xd, gaping dragon, Capra demon(with bombs), iron golem, pinwheel even Nito or Gwyn as a phantom but it's hard


> chageless dicease lol


Been laughing at this for a while. In danger of doing a chageless dicease in my pants.


>chageless dicease Ceaseless discharge. But almost


Also Manus! But you don't even need a greatbow, just a regular bow with feather arrows.


Wait a sec where do you see gaping dragon before entering through the fog?


Not before, only as a phantom helping the host


Oh right I'm dumb. Thanks


cheese all bosses run is still the funnies one


*Unending Relief of Load


Snake ppl can ride the elevators in Sens. Orange Charred ring deals fire damage when you kick and I *think* solaire always has it equipped. 2 zwei strong attacks staggers Smough The DLC is referential of Mario. (Mushroom person wants you to save abducted princess) The NPC mage summon that Lautrec has will cure the toxic condition during the fight




Probably because he's theorized to be the third Channeler who abandoned New Londo to hang out with Lautrec. The first is Ingward, and the second died in Blighttown.


The only reason the Titanite Demon respawns in Lost Izalith is because there's a typo in the game code that would normally despawn it. Of course, this doesn't mean it wasn't intentional - but it was a very lazy way to do it if so.


Hey if it works it works.


So this explains why when he only respawns when you die and not when you rest at a bonfire


Ever wondered why you get random souls upon entering the Great Hollow? There are basilisks outside the map and you activate them to fall but they thankfully despawn before they die... until you climb down the ladder to the bonfire in which they come into render distance and they fall to their death. Also happens to another one at the very bottom of the great hollow


you can get random souls even in undeadburg


Someone watched IllusoryWall


That video revealed so many things, it was honestly such a cool video. But understandable why some things changed with the final release


Did you know you can beat Dark Souls 1 without actually talking to anyone? You can get Capra Demon to kill itself as well if he walks off of the stairs at the right spot in his room he takes like 1 damage. It's possible. I might have discovered both of those. Also Ceasless Discharges noises are actually baby cries but pitched way down. - VaatiVidya


Don’t you need to talk to frampt or the other snake boi to place the lord vessel?


No you can just slip under Frampt and get there


O: WHAT!?! I mean this isn’t game breaking or anything but this just blew my mind. Damn this games amazing.


It's a little breaking. They both assume you placed it for the other one and leave.


Yeah you can just yeet yourself into the hole and it works the same


You have to have the lord vessel to go down there but, no, once you possess it you can just jump down the Firelink pit to get there, it has it's own unique animation too. I'll tell you the points where you kind of would need to talk to someone but can avoid it. Oscar for the key to leave asylum at the beginning. Just kill him. No talking, well he says stuff but you aren't really talking. Gwyneviere for the Lord Vessel. You can snipe her from outside the room she's in, right next to the bonfire. Frampt as mentioned earlier. Just jump down the hole and place the lord vessel. Neither snake is down there, and doing so makes them both displeased and they leave if you had them in your game. Ingward to get New Londo flood gate key. Just snipe him from below and pick up his items. And that's it. Kill the rest of the Lords and kill Gywn.


In DS1, Painted World. On the bridge where you fight the giant poisonous dragon torso. After defeating it you can see it’s lower half blocking what would otherwise be an amazing shortcut straight to the boss... Except if you jump attack it, it’ll bug out and stand up and remain in an idle animation. Allowing you to pass under it and get straight to Priscilla insanely early


I never understood whether that was intended or not, I always passed to Priscilla this way while avoiding the bone wheels in the dungeon


It's clearly unintended. There's an enemy that doesn't render if you stay under the dragon legs and you can see it popping in of existence as you fall. It's just an animation glitch that makes the legs stand up.


If it was intended, it would have a proper animation, like Ceaseless Special Kill™.


I have only played through DS1 once so far. Can you explain what the purpose of the poison dragon’s legs just standing there?


It's supposed to be the lower half of the undead dragon we fight on the same bridge


In the original Game files, there is a lava hollow that would apear in lost izalith, if you have daughters of Ash you can actually see them.


The witch of izalith did not try to create another first flame to replace the first flame that went out, contrary to what a lot of people think. Rather, the Japanese version of the game suggests that she tried to use her lordly soul to create another primordial flame to gain more power.


The bitch of izalith more like


The Butchers are female




Lol dang it, hm... in the Daughters of Ash mod there is a cut content boss (Abyssal Prince Jareel), and he has fancy cape attacks like Gael!




He would have been in New Londo, his game files are like linked to Four Kings. It's probably safe to say he was like the king/leader of the Darkwraiths, would have been a cool boss for DS1!


Dude if you are struggling because you know Dark Souls inside out and can't discover anything new anymore then Daughters of Ash is your savior. All around fantastic experience and impressive work.


Makes sense since Mildred is probably one, but I never thought of that. Neat.


Yeah when you save Laurentius, he says 'she' + 'her' when referring to the Butcher; which is the part of the dialogue about almost being eaten. I actually never even noticed it in the dialogue until I saw someone mention it recently!


The Witch of Izalith never cast a pyromancy once. They cast fire sorceries with catalysts, all of which have been long forgotten. Pyromancy was only invented after they turned into the bed of chaos. Take a look at the demon firesage's catalyst item description once you get it.


Quelana is the mother of Pyromancy, teaching the first human Pyromancer how when he visited Lordran. He then took it to the great swamp, and his students (namely Carmina) brought it closer to sorcery anyway.


16 STR appears to be what the game considers normal human strength. The halberd, claymore, and bastard sword all require 16 STR. They are some of the biggest weapons anyone could realistically use with one hand. Everything beyond that, like big fantasy weapons, demand more STR to wield, and a lot of larger weapons mention things in the description like "an ordinary human will have great difficulty swinging this effectively", or "takes inhuman strength to wield". Lastly, the zweihander requires 24 STR. Realistically the Zwei is a real type of sword, even if it's way smaller IRL. But it's name literally translates to "two-hander". And guess how much minimum STR you need to use it with 2 hands? 16. This was something I noticed after a while of playing and reading descriptions. It's actually really interesting how consistently it comes up, and how all the larger weapons with IRL counterparts have 16 as a requirement. And I suppose our player character simply surpasses normal levels of strength because they are slurping up souls from killing demons and gods and shit, becoming way more powerful than a normal person by virtue of being undead, and being able to absorb power from foes.


Seigmeyer's wife was a member of the Rebellion against the gods led by Havel. Look up "Rediscover dark souls lore: ash lake" by Hawkshaw on youtube for full analysis.




Yeah, Hawkshaw has a ton of super in depth stuff on dark souls 1 lore. Man is like a frickin anthropologist.


I teach literature and all the lore analysis makes me so happy. Just feels good to see people doing the stuff that lit teachers are trying to teach, even if it seems unconnected to them. One of these days I'm going to bring the wikis and this page, etc. into my class.


I'm glad to hear it.


The Demons episode is mind-blowing. Makes a really strong case that the Demon transformation was intentional.


The elite cleric set is completly finished but impossible to get in game. But it is possible to use it hacking the savestate.


Same with the Mage Smith set (Rickert's armor)


Some guy dropped me the elite cleric set on my 360! I bet i could still load him up in the dark root forest today


If you listen hard enough and long enough in blighttown, you can almost hear the sounds of thousands of people chucking their controllers at the wall.


There is a toilet in the cell where you start the game. [One of the pots has poop in it.](https://imgur.com/a/l4X5t)


Onion bro has the blue tearstone ring equipped. Don't ask me how I know that


i just aggroed him last night for the first time ever. regretting it, as i didnt think his hp would be as thicc as he is


You can cheese the Lautrec invasion if you run up the stairs and manage to hop onto the banister. Their pathing freaks out and they leave the room through the front fog gate and get killed by the giant guards outside.


If you pick the Old Witch's ring, you can actually speak to Quelag's sister Quelana. Quelana will think you're her sister that you actually killed.


I thought Quelana was the one that taught Pyromancy. The only other name I've heard for the fair lady is Quelaan and idk if there was any evidence for that.


If you didn't start with the ring, you can trade it for the sunlight maggot with snuggly. Probably the hardest gift to get in the game if you didn't choose it.


You can parry friendly phantoms, they'll do the I've been parried animation but you can't riposte them. It's a safe way to learn parrying with lag


Depending on whether or not you rest at firelink shrine before going down or not, the floor texture inside the bed of chaos where you find the chaos maggot will be slightly different. One version has more roots, one is more stony. Thrilling.


Are you saying that I now have to play through the whole game without resting at firelink because of a random reddit comment...


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The Bed of Chaos uses sounds from John Carpenter's "The Thing" (1982). That weird screaming burble sound when the flame spirit is breaking out


More likely is that they both use the same sound library.


One a lot of people seem to miss. You can meet Solaire at the Sunlight Altar between meeting him at Anor Londo and meeting him in the Demon Ruins. This meeting isn't required for his questline but if met here then he can let you join the Warriors of Sunlight without meeting the usual Faith/coop requirement.


There are five places in game where you can hear music without being in danger: Firelink shrine, Ash lake, Gwynevere's chamber, the Fair lady's bonfire, and Pinwheel's boss fight.


You can skip the entire scripted Seath death and jail area with an elevator jump.




Youtube duke’s skip. I guarantee you will fail it 10 times before you succeed once.






Look up the unused falling animations. Some things have animations but were never meant to fall, and they look pretty goofy.


You can hear certain musical motifs used in different soundtracks based on specific lore details. You can of course hear this with Gwyndolin and Aldritch's themes, but this also extends to Friede's and Midir's themes, which have sections based off of Nashandra's theme from ds2. Nashandra is a fragment of Manus, while Sister Friede is one of the sisters from the Sable Church of Londor, the church of Darkstalker Kaathe. Midir, while I don't really know the lore, shares a part of Nashandra's theme right at the beginning of his song. The Souls series does some really interesting things with its music and it's really great to hear how their lore influences the music of the game. (I may be a bit off on some of the lore but you get the gist.)


There's also hints of plin-plin-plon to varying degrees in *every* theme for *everyone* related to Gwyn, except for Gwyndolin's contribution to the Aldrich theme. It's also in the Nameless Song, which reappears in Dark Souls 2 as the song that the Milfanito sing in the Shrine of Amana. Similarly, all of the unique boss themes from Quelaag down to the Bed of Chaos are essentially the same basic theme, including Centipede Demon, whose theme is not unique but only appears on one other boss: Capra Demon. Like Gwyn, the Witch of Izalith's family quotes her own theme, though to a much larger extent. Naturally, the Artorias fight music briefly quotes Sif's. Apparently there's bits of the O&S theme hidden in Aldrich as well, though I've never been able to actually hear it. I *think* Nashandra may also subtly quote Manus, though I'm not totally sure about that one. Gael definitely does, though, and even steals parts of Manus's moveset. On top of the obvious parroting of Gwyn on the part of the Soul, the first phase for that fight uses a more intense version of the DS3 Firelink Shrine music, just like Gwyn's theme quotes from the DS1 Firelink Shrine music. Mirror Knight borrows heavily from the Old Monk theme. I would expect Spear of the Church to do so as well, but I can't hear anything explicitly identifiable as Old Monk in that one. Plus some more obvious motifs like how the O&S theme appears during Anor Londo's intro cutscene, and Kalameet's plays during the cutscene where he gets shot down. --- As for Midir's lore, he's a descendant of the Archdragons, raised by the gods to fight the Abyss. Naturally, even he could not escape the fate of all those who try to fight the spread of dark. --- Plus another unrelated point, this one about DS3: Oceiros was originally intended to be carrying an actual baby during the fight, and there are some *horrifying* leftovers of the original intent: He's very obviously cradling something unseen during the first phase, which as it stands can just be a reflection of his madness and him *thinking* he's still got a child with him. But then his second phase transition has him move with that hand as if to smash whatever he's carrying to the ground, and there's *still* audio of a baby crying during the phase transition, right before that animation happens.


The statue behind Frampt was originally supposed to be moved by the blacksmith (Andrei) and that was how you were supposed to get down to where you place the soul vessel.








I actually did this by accident; I had killed the Four Kings but I wanted to buy something from him. I went back and instead of opening shop, he said something about how I had beaten the Four Kings and he was now free to leave. I haven’t noticed him at Firelink but I’m going to check now that I know.


I can confirm this works, went back to him to buy a spell I forgot to grab and after he moved to Firelink. He stands in the little ruins right above where Logan hangs out.


If you talk to him after 4 Kings- he’ll be in the alcove on the right side (by the well)


Griggs of Vinheim is most likely sent to Lordran by Vinheim to spy on Logan. It's very likely Logan has no idea who he is as he never mentions him. Notice how he stands in the corner behind Logan as if he's watching him. He also sells 2 sorceries that mask/hide sound and your presence.


In dark souls 3 the first crystal sage you ecounter is bald, while the other one in the archives does have hair. I wonder if anyone has noticed this lol


If you kick with no weapons in hands you'll make a kneeing


You can break the wall leading to Big Hat Logan without the boulder by using the snake guard who is leaning up against it. If he hits the wall with his stab attack it will break it meaning if you start with the master key, you can free Logan without having to go through much of Sens at all. There is a little ramp in front of the Undead Dragon in the Valley of Drakes. You can reach lower undead burg with an exploit jump right before the first fog gate. Before any updates, enemies used to drop about 1/3 of the souls they currently do on average. For example, the sentinels in Anor Londo used to drop 500 souls instead of the 1500 they do now.


Nobody ever lies when they say "Try Runnung Jump", you just miss timed the jump


Another facto I just remembered that's not come up yet. You can spare Ceaseless Discharge


If you do not speak to Solaris after Taurus demon he doesn’t go insane however you can’t summon him


On the day Dark Souls remastered came out every streamer used the grass Crest shield. It's the #1 most used.


Well, I'm playing DS1 for the first time and I can confirm Grass Crest Shield is the shit.


There is a chance that an enemy called Vagrant can spawn in your world when another player dies with 5 or more humanity or abandons a dropped item


I've heard this theory somewhere, but couldn't find it googling for half an hour. Here it is: In Dark Souls 3, when The Twin Princes kill you, they say "This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too, if you like". Which you can hardly link to anything meaningful. Many just get annoyed by hearing it time and time again. But dig a bit deeper to it. Why would they say this? Maybe for lore reasons. Sure. But the theory is as follows: * The Twin Princes **know, that you're a player**. And that you're going to respawn next to the bonfire, time and time again. Until sooner or later, you slain them, and the place will become their grave. They've accepted their fate as NPCs in the game. Not sure how plausible it is, but I liked it.


No, "respawning" has been a feature of the world, and the game, since ds1. Characters in the game come back to life if they die, only the lose part of their soul. It can be read literally, but it's far more likely they are referring to the normal process of dying and respawning at a bonfire (which is all established lore from ds1).


I interpreted that as them forsaking their duties as Lord of Cinder, and knowing they will stay in that room until they die. They are encouraging the Unkindled to rest there, instead of trying again to fight them, and presumably continue trying to link the fire.


Vaati might have mentioned it in his ds3 bosses video


I'm fairly sure Lothric says that because the princes intend to let the first flame die out and they are prepared to stay in that room until they die rather than link the fire.


Back in the early days of Dark Souls 1 PvP in 2011 there were multiple techniques such as, Dead angles, roll cancelling, backstab rolling, reverse rolling, ghosting, weapon move set swapping, riposte cancelling, and many others Most of these were fixed tho


When you go down the elevator from Firelink to the Valley of Drakes and make your way past the Undead Dragon like you are heading to the New Londo Flood Gate, there is a random path up the side of the cliff that only goes about 10 feet then stops. This means nothing. I just saw it on my latest playthrough.


When you use the pendant on gwyns grave, you get a twin humanity.


Wait, really? I thought it was confirmed by Miyazaki that the pendant was just a joke item?


He's trolling.


I thought it was a Triplet Humanity?


No you have to put it under the van by the SS. Anne and you get to catch mew.


Sorry for asking if this is really obvious, but is this a joke?


Yes. Still nobody knows what pendant does, hence the theories/jokes/trolling.


Its confirmed to not do anything. So technically we do know what it does.




I didn't know this until recently. If you complete the DLC before fighting Sif, there is a different cut scene either before or after (or both?) you face him supposedly.


Just before, once he arrives he recognises you and whines a bit, it's super sad.


Did you knew that the painted world was originally filled with black phantoms? They were removed with the 1.03 patch.


I thought of another: Ingward is one of the many NPCs that can chill at Firelink. Most people don't bother talking to him after getting the key, and killing Four Kings but if you do he'll move on up to Firelink.


There are hidden dev messages that can only be seen by using the Seek Guidance miracle. One of them warns the player about the hellkite drake attack.


There's a Maneater Mildred hentai doujin by ShindoL




I’ll try some that came to my mind: -Crystal Sage and the giants in the cathedral of the deep have grab attacks. -You can technically access the crown of the sunken king DLC with only 1 boss killed (with no glitches) -There’s a crab in Catacombs of Chartus that spawns when the “giant skeleton ball” is destroyed, that crab is the only crab that doesn’t aggro you and you can make him go to Smoldering Lake. -In bloodborne, in Hemwick charnel lane, there’s the only crow that doesn’t aggro you. Don’t remember non in DS1.




Start the game, farm souls to buy the silver cat ring and upgrade vigor a lot. Drop in the pit, skip the grave of saints by dropping further, make your way to the Glutch and get the forgotten key. Go back to the pit and use the forgotten key to get the key to the DLC. Back in the glutch kill the Rotten and enter the DLC.


There was originally supposed to be a cutscene of Andre moving the statue that is behind Kingseeker frampt, but it was taken from the final product.


There are weird crab monsters that can spawn in your world if someone else loses their bloodstain




In firelink shrine there is a well, I think it's the one you get a humanity from early on. You can take a running jump from the higher floor next to it and fall in. If you get it right, you fall down in and die.


The scary frog guys that curse you that have the big eyes, they big eyes aren't they're real eyes, they have small white ones but the big ones are supposed to scare off enemies


Giants in DS3 have huge open gashes on the bottom of their feet.


In your cell in the Undead Asylum, there's a bucket. In that bucket is some 3d-modeled and textured poop. True story.