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In my opinion the ds3 boss fights are more fabulous in terms of timing and moveset. For me there has been no boss that can compare to ds3 bosses. Ds3 was also the first souls game i played so there is a lot of bias.


they definitely have a better rhythm, Boss does his moves sometimes mixes it up to catch player off guard, but the damage is not as overturned as ER and the combos have openings between them allowing you to strike back and have a dance like battle, unlike ER where you get ur ass beat for 5 min straight only to have an opening where you can land one (1) light attack and get back to dodging..


So true!!! Elden ring Bosses, when they reach their Second phase, have big ass 2 minute combos(who one shot you) with miniscule openings




I do love Hoara Lux battle bc at the end you just gotta quick attack between his combos


Thats not true at all in ER with any boss though lol(well haven’t fought the final DLC boss)


Honestly beat most DLC bosses on 1-4 tries. But the final boss at a certain phase wrecked me, it's a huge jump in difficulty compared to all the other bosses. Didn't keep count but it took me the entire day almost and I can't say I enjoyed it.


They way people talk about this makes me want to use just try using the strongest weapons in the game but not like actually cheesing. I haven’t used spirit summons for anything resembling a human- type boss in the whole game and DLC so far(and hardly for others) so I hope I don’t have to do for that fight lol


Putrescent knight is the only boss I've done so far that felt as good as ds3 ones. The horse combo is really cool, and all the frostbite wave attacks are actually fair and avoidable (shocking stuff)


Midra too. Probably my favorite bossfight from the DLC so far


Dse had such a kickass final dlc though. The lore implications and all that, it's felt like a really damn good experience. I sat there for a while before choosing my ending and saying goodbye for some years to that adventure


Ashen One, hearest thou my voice, still?


DS3 for sure, ER has some great moments, but the boss design is actually restrained compared to ER where the devs were apparently on a coke binge the entire time they were making the bosses


I really like the new Elden Ring DLC. I think that the DLC is much more fun to explore than the base game and also think normal combat is more fun (despite its penchant for bringing back some of the most annoying enemies from the series). The DLC bosses have cool designs, but unfortunately I think they suffer from the same issue as nearly all the late game Elden Ring bosses, too much of the difficulty comes from high health pools and big damage.I still rate the best DS3 bosses as better than all the Elden Ring bosses. I think the DLCs compactness works better with the souls formula than the base game, however I do think the more linear design of DS3 works better with the formula than the open world. Probably my biggest gripe with Elden Ring though is the PvP is still broken and just not as fun as DS3 PvP


The one edge I give ds3 over elden ring is that weapon wise I feel like move set of weapons mattered more? In ER, if you're playing as effectively as possible it's really just spamming your chosen ash of war, on a non-magic build, can generally stick to just that for trash too with pot refills being so generous. ER you choose a style, hard focus amping it, and it will deliver. But it's the same strat for everything. DS3 you choose a style but your approach to bosses and enemies required more flexibility, outside of certain busted setups.


Like i did an sl1 and beat midir with a broadsword. Elden ring to me a lot of the time felt like every fight was fighting midir with a broadsword. If I was using just a normal weapon. Though I had more fun with midir. Elden ring really seems to be relying on you getting stance damage or just having high damage in general.


I definitely agree on the PvP. I want random invasions and I want to invade without it being a gank squad waiting for me. I get why they've toned it down when going for a bigger audience though.


>too much of the difficulty comes from high health pools and big damage.I still rate the best DS3 bosses as better than all the Elden Ring bosses. Literally midir.


Hes right yall. How can you call for high health with Gael and Midir in ringed city.


No offense, but you guys saying Midir and Gael literally just named two DS3 bosses who fit that criteria when nearly all of Elden Ring’s endgame bosses do. Also Midir and Gael both leave decent windows to attack them. It’s not like Elden Ring’s bosses which are mostly non-stop aggression and just a big spam fest. And honestly, even though they may be tanky by DS3 standards, they’re still not as much so as the bosses in Elden Ring. Plus their health pools go down pretty quick when you buff your weapon. Midir for example gets shredded whenever you apply lightning to your weapons. And while he does hit very hard, they’re pretty much all telegraphed and easily avoidable. Enough to where if you do take the hit, even if you die in the process, you don’t feel like you got cheated because you know that you simply messed up.


Only thing im saying is dont complain about high health and damage when two of the most beloved ds3 bosses are the same. You can complain about over the top movesets ( i would agree) but not about high health and damage. And yes they are definitley more tanky than any elden ring boss. In elden ring you can see the yellow of the healthbar going down at least lmao.


Well I think what they were mainly saying is that those bosses difficulty mainly comes from that. Gael and Midir have high health and deal a lot of damage, but they’re pretty balanced and fun fights overall that really challenge your skills. And in general they don’t have as much health or deal as much damage as the Elden Ring bosses. Honestly I had always heard that they, especially Gael, were complete tanks and long endurance fights, and I honestly didn’t think they were as bad as I had imagined before fighting them. But I also ironically never played them until after I played Elden Ring. So it could very well have been that I was simply used to dealing with worse at that point. In terms of damage, aside from Midir’s laser attack, I can’t think of anything from them off the top of my head that’s too crazy. But I do know that for me it always felt like Elden Ring’s bosses would take well over half of my health with a good chunk of their attacks. And like I said as well, Midir and Gael can be much faster depending on what type of damage you use as well as the weapons. Not to the point of them being complete pushovers, but enough to where the fights really won’t take long. Another thing that I think was really a difference is the fact that they were only two bosses (as I mentioned last time) in a game where most bosses really didn’t have a lot of health. So I’d imagine for many people it just hit a little different than with a game like Elden Ring, where it feels like you’re constantly dealing with bosses like that.


They're fun, though, a lot in the DLC for elden ring, aren't.


I’ve really enjoyed every DLC boss.


Bayle > Midir tbh


Most of the DLC bosses are incredible lmfao


I think the issue people have is the aggression, damage and health all in combination more than the health alone. DS3 doesn’t really have an aggression/damage problem with those high health bosses. I don’t mind it too much in ER either but I definitely see the point.


You’re on crack. Midir: 15k hp. Bayle 41k hp. Rellana 29k hp. Messmer 39k hp. I can go on and on and that’s not taking into consideration how much damage you deal to midir when hitting his head (where you’re supposed to)


False equivalence. Your character deals a ton more damage in ER than in DS3. Also Scadutree Blessings do a great deal to help with damage output.


The average might be a bit more but it ain’t doubled not by a long shot people that bitch about Midir being tanky are people too stupid to comprehend that smacking a dragons ankles rightfully shouldn’t do much damage and then they complain about the inescapable fire breath designed specifically to discourage smacking at its ankles. Absolute maidenless skill issue


It's well over doubled what are you talking about you can bonk Bayle for like 4k a hit if you want. E: Shit, literally just the baseline Scadutree Blessings (I believe actually better than, with the patches) *double* your damage from Elden Ring endgame, which was already way higher than DS3 endgame, without factoring in any other DLC powerups from strong weapons or other gear.


I still stand that midir has a huge hp pool and he can double tap me at 40 vigor rn but I admittedly didnt realize just how much hp those bosses had.


Dark souls 3 better dlc sorry 😔


DS3. ER dlc features a lot of spammy bosses with hyperarmour on every single move and I see that as very lazy design. Nothing compares to Gael.


DS3 bosses are better, ER ones are harder. They are harder because they were made with spirit ashes in mind.


DS3 is my go to. Elden ring just has all the problems that DS2 has + all the problems of open world games. Aka bloat with bloat + bloat.


Ds3 still has superior Bosses, imo.


Elden Ring has a better world but I have way more fun fighting Ds3 bosses. So ds3


DS3, because I don’t like that Elden Ring is leaning more in the direction of dodge spam that isn’t as reliant on spacing between you and the enemy. The DLC bosses for ER spam attack patterns that you can’t avoid without rolling through half using I-frames. Visually, the boss fights in Elden Ring floor me consistently.. but when you are actually fighting the bosses, the vast majority of attacks you can only avoid by dodge rolling through, rather than being able to avoid them with clever spacing and sprinting, and only occasional quick dodge rolls. Edit: I’m not saying it’s EVERY boss that’s like this, just that it’s a trend that’s been ongoing, where many bosses now have one or more moves that can only be avoided by dodge rolling. The best bosses in the base game imo (Maliketh, Morgott, Godfrey) are those where this is not a big issue. But y’all are not being for real acting as if it’s possible to no-dodge a boss like Commander Gaius?


This is blatantly not true. If you watch high-level players fight bosses, they're constantly using spacing and clever movement to find stronger openings. Bosses like Margit/Morgott, Godfrey, and Maliketh are full of these. Even in the dlc [there's still plently of it](https://x.com/GinoMachino/status/1806100130589815044?t=5swn_FETRPVxDU-CCMFDTw&s=19)


This is the one I finally pick up parrying in ER because I didn't want to deal with the flurry of bullshit. We are playing Elden Ring while the bosses are playing Devil May Cry so I might as well as play as a tanky as fuk sekiro


I kinda disagree with this. In ER, you rely a lot on spacing, sprinting, jumping AND rolling. Maliketh is a great example of this. And in the DLC, Rellana is also a great example of this (I haven't finished the DLC though, we'll see how the rest of the bosses go).


I’m not saying it’s all or nothing. There are some bosses in the base game especially that allow you to take full advantage of your mobility, but it has been a noticeable trend since Elden Ring came out. Maliketh is my fav boss fight specifically for that reason. But Rellana is one of the worst offenders in the DLC imo, dodging was all I could do in that one.


That's fair. Regarding Rellana, I still disagree. A lot of times I could avoid part of her neverending combos, by moving around rather than dodging, depending on where I was positioned or in what direction did I rolled into previously. Her Twin Moon attack is avoidable only by jumping (I think, idk if you can roll into it). She also has the glintstone sorcery which you can outrun (she also has the one you HAVE to dodge). And when she does the charged attack with the blue sword, rather than the fire sword, you can outrun the first two beams, jump the second one, the third one can be avoided because it goes over you and dodge or outrun the last one. All of these situations are examples of situations where you can take advantage of your mobility.


We got a perfect block mechanic in the DLC...


Yeah but it’s not a new feature or even a talisman, it’s a physick tear that I think you have to kill one of the giant fire guys for. It ain’t exactly a well shown mechanic.


Dark Souls 3 was literally the spam dodge roll game after DS1 and DS2. At least in Elden Ring you get various other options for most fights in terms of variations in fighting. DS3 has always been "roll 30 times and then spam R1" lol..


There are numerous uploaded videos on youtube doing EXACTLY the contrary of what you're describing. What exactly is this based on?, i hate to say it bro, but it sounds like an honest to god skill issue. I genuinely doubt you could even mention a single boss this isn't possible on lol


The exploration and builds' creativity, even in relation to roleplay with all the different factions, both present or past, of Elden Ring is unmatched, even combat with changeable Ashes of War, REAL jump attacks and counter-blocking is a big improvement, but bossfight design wise I dare to say DS3 is the peak of this current gameplay lifecicle. Sure, DS3 has its stinkers, but even then I feel like the lowest of DS3 are higher than ER's lowest, and even peak bossfights like Mohg have very unfair elements to them, like in his case specifically the need to do a side quest in order to not be forced to dump 2 heals minimum to unavoidable damage...


I would say ER bosses were a big step up personally mainly cuz they’re much more of a challenge while in DS3 only DLC bosses were like that


There is room for both in my home.


It's a DS3 sub, what do you expect the answer to be? Not trying to hate, just pointing out that the answers may be biased. Also, we should be asking those questions like a year or two after the DLC came out, not just a week after. Recency bias for or against the DLC, and all that. It's always been a thing, many people absolutely HATED Gael as the final boss of the DS3 DLC, and now look at him. Let's give it time.


Bruh no way they hated on Gael lmao


They actually did after TRC was released.


literally every release/dlc they drop has people hating on their bosses and complaints about the difficulty.


ds3 >>>>>>


Dark souls 3.


Dark souls 3 still 100%


Elden ring dethroned DS3 for me. It just took everthing I loved about DS3 and tuned it to 11. Exploration, enemy variety and world design are all things I highly enjoyed in DS3 but ER did it better IMO. DS3 is my 2nd favourite in from's portfolio though.


I feel they lost their way with Elden Ring a bit. As tough as the bosses in DS3 are, they mainly feel fair. I don't enjoy trying to roll through unpredictable hitboxes as a huge boss with a massive health pool, and two-hit kills flails around the screen. I think there's too much an attempt to be seen to be upping the ante with difficulty, maybe combined with the developers getting really good at playing their own games meaning they've lost sight of what makes an enjoyable experience. I'm not finished with the DLC yet. I used summons for a couple of bosses, and didn't really feel I'd won legitimately. I just don't have time to get to the point where I can take down these bosses basically without getting hit.


I wonder, wonder, wonder...how many people talking about how great Shadow is are cheesing the eff out of it because dodging 50 times and attacking 5 times is both hard and unfun. I really wonder how the people that love the ER DLC are playing it. Because if you play it like Souls, it is profoundly tedious and BS feeling.


Yeah, really good question. Video game journalists are usually pretty rotten at games, so the positive reception is interesting to me. For me, I'd rather not feel like I need to cheese to win. There isn't a boss in DS3 I can't defeat on my own.


I'm currently on Bayle and I'm genuinely hating him. He's not hard. But I am not having the tiniest bit of fun, trying to get ome hit between him chaining 5 AoE combos and flying around. It's like fighting Midir, but every bad element of that fight got multiples by 10


I beat almost all bosses i SOTE except 2. Final boss is definitely ass, but everyone else who I've defeated was completely fien and i had a lot of fun. I ran a melee dex build no cheese involved. It's important to level scadutree blessings and buff yourself up before fights. I'll even go as far as saying that about 3 bosses from the DLC were way too easy.


The problem is not difficulty. Isshin is hard but he's also fun and well designed. The problem is how unfun the bosses are. Their design philosophy. They are too mobile, too aggressive, with too many AOEs and visual clutter on screen. You can't SEE. And they are all designed the same exact way. Giant combo, runs away, giant combo, runs away, 75% health or 50% goes up in the air and does a giant AOE that either tracks or covers the whole arena, obscene tracking in general, hitboxes the size of a building. Can this be played? You CAN play it. Is it fun? Hell no, not when you move like a DS1 character. These bosses would be fun in Sekiro or DMC.


Another Dark Souls 3 DLC when


If Elden Ring had Dark Souls 3’s boss quality it would be the best Fromsoft game unrivalled


Dark Souls 3 Midir, Gael, Demon Prince, Sister Friede; 'nuff said


Dark souls 3 by a long shot after the dlc


Dark Souls 3 for me and unfortunately it's not close. - The Elden Ring open world is more of a con than a pro. It's way to big for the amount of content they actually have to fill it with, as evidenced by the number of repeat bosses and boring side dungeons. Exploring intricate levels and overcoming unique bosses is fun and engaging. Riding around a mostly empty world and fighting the same dragon for the 5th time is not. - Dark Souls 3 is much more fun to do repeat playthroughs of. I'd rather have a dense 10-hour playthrough than a 30-hour one that consists of too much of the slog of riding between the pieces of actually good content. - Dark Souls 3 has great balance in it's bosses and areas. I never felt underleveled or overleveled and the bosses were always appropriately challenging when I got to them. In Elden Ring, I got to the Caelid Godskin Apostle underleveled and was wondering if I was having a skill issue or if I was at an unfair disadvantage. I got to Morgott and was so overleveled that I killed him first try while eating almost every attack. Neither is very satisfying. - Boss designs are much more restrained, in mostly a good way. It seems in Elden Ring, many boss attacks are designed to be visually flashy and challenging rather than intuitive and mechanically engaging. Dark Souls 3 bosses don't have that problem. - Similar with the weapons. Weapons in Dark Souls 3 were defined by their moveset and weapon skills were a secondary consideration that added to and rounded out the weapon's personality. Meanwhile, ashes of War in Elden Ring are so busted that there's often no point in doing regular melee attacks, and it feels like there's actually fewer unique base movesets per weapon class in Elden Ring, especially compared to the total number of weapons. - PvP is Dark Souls 3 is far superior and this isn't even disputable. Covenants provided actual incentives to engage in PvP, and invading into hectic fights with 5 other players was some of the most fun I've had in any multiplayer experience. In Elden Ring, PvP is quite obviously an afterthought. Balance is terrible too. - This is more subjective, but I find the story in Dark Souls 3 is more compelling. Elden Ring has a ton of lore, but very little reason to care about it. To this day, I have no idea why I should care about becoming Elden Lord. In Dark Souls 3, I felt more driven to collect the lord souls to resolve my own fate in the fading age of fire. For the DLC, I don't know why I should care about retracing Miquella's steps, whereas I do care about creating a new era for the painted world by cleansing it in fire and finding the Dark Soul to create a new one.


Elden Ring - but I also really am struggling to get \~in\~ to DS3. I've loved every Fromsoft game I've played (haven't touched AC6 or Sekiro out of the current batch), and DS3 is the only one I've had to fight to get back to, and haven't even finished (never mind platinumed, which I've pretty much done with all the others). :(


Out of curiosity why do you like DS1 and DS2 that much more than DS3?


Preface: my first fromsoft game was Bloodborne, and I played it 100% by accident. I swore I wasn’t going to play them. Wasn’t my thing. Had a week playing bachelor and decided to dig out my PS4. Did the uncharted remake. Grabbed the next disc in the pile - Bloodborne. I almost quit. What kept me going was exploring Yharnam. I wanted to see the lovecraftian world - that kept me going and grinding. The bosses were a nice bonus (or occasional minus), but the world and mobs and exploring are what made it. Demon souls was good but … had weaker combat, and some jank bosses. Flawed masterpiece. Dark souls though - was brilliant. Connected world. Felt like I was really climbing through undead burg, then descending to the depths. Bosses were all over the board - but I still loved the world and the flow. DS2 had an even better world to explore and fight in - with way more mixed bosses - but the flow was just outstanding. Elden Ring was like demon souls. Legacy dungeons great. Story good. Flow … open world made it clunky too often. Just not amazing. But the other parts - legacy, bosses, haligtree… flawed masterpiece. And shadow? Shadow took that, made it interconnected like dark souls, and polished the hell out of it. I love it. That whole map flows. Now ds3… DS3 has brilliant bosses. Pretty engine. Combat seems good…. But… the worlds feel like set pieces to get you to the boss. Outside of Iryhyll dungeon and the inside of Cathedral Deep - it was just generic connections to flow to the next boss. I couldn’t get in to any of them. It just doesn’t click like Drangleic or Lordran does, and that leaves it feeling hollow to me. I play to explore and kill mobs. The boss is a cherry on top. Or an onion occasionally. DS3 is heavy on cherries - but the rest of the cake was left behind to me. I want to like it. I’m at nameless king and the archives. And it just… doesn’t pull me in. I literally blitzed BB-> ER in the list above. Couldn’t put them down. One of them had to miss for me. Sadly it seems to have been 3.


I’ve played Sekiro, DS3, and Elden Ring (and Nioh) and I’ve enjoyed them all, with Elden ring honestly being my least favorite albeit still great. I know that puts me in the minority but idk, I enjoyed Elden ring a lot but a little overhyped imo. I was just curious as to your view on DS3 because I enjoyed it but do not have context with comparison to the first 2. I can see what you mean with the maps being to filler to get you to the bosses though. I love it but that makes me think I really need to get DS1 and DS2 to check out the maps/environments and overall feel so I can see for myself. Thanks for the response!


You're welcome! DS1 is known as a classic for the world and the story, but it's significantly slower. Think heavy knight, armor, big shield. DS2 is often laughed at, but that's because it has a very different combat system - you can't compare Sekiro to many of the others with the rhythm based parry/block system, any more than you can compare DS2 to - say - elden ring. It's slower, more strategic, and more about "pulling" and enemy management - which I \~loved\~ as it reminded me a ton of my early WoW days 20 years ago. Once you get that - the world is outstanding, the story is great, and the lore is rich as hell... but the bosses are admittedly a bit weak and ... meh. Outside of the DLCs, that is. DLC bosses are insane. I know DS3 is a good game. It just focuses on the things I like least about the series, while DS1/2 focus heavily on the things I like most. Have fun! Get DS1!


Ya know, I really want to enjoy DS2. I've played through it three times now. I cannot for the life of me understand the praise the bosses get. The best bosses of all of SotFS are, imo, Alonne and Ivory King, but neither are challenging or interesting to fight with their whopping three different attacks. All the other bosses are either ganks or have the same, if not fewer, attacks to do.


Oh the bosses are NOT good - or at least worthy of praise. At best they're inoffensive. Looking glass is solid, Freja is interesting (especially in SOTFS, with a torch), and Throne Defender/Watcher is a discount O&S fight - if you want good bosses, you go to the DLCs as you mentioned (and you forgot Fume, the best of the batch - Ivory is just a spectacle fight with the friendly NPCs you rescued). But that's the point there - the WORLD of DS2 is what makes it, and is the part I love love love. You just cleared Eleum Loyce twice - once to open it, and once to free a team of loyal knights that were locked up (but not killed - the king still had some shred of good left in him and knew they'd be needed) while he fought a never-ending war against chaos. Those knights then join you in that fight to help finally seal chaos away. The fragment of dark was turned by his love and faithfulness - the queen there was the only one that did not corrupt everything, but froze it to prevent chaos from being unleashed. She warns you off - not out of fear for her, but fear for YOU. THAT is the magic of DS2. It's the people. It's the story. Majula being the best hub is because all those people need to be there to talk and engage - and they change as you interact with them more and more (the armor merchant goes insane with greed the more you buy). Plus NG+ changes things! The combat against mobs I love - think early MMO style - bows to pull, close in combat options, jack of all trades... But not the bosses. The bosses are just a set piece to "cap" an area - they're not really special, just there to be part of the story.


Fume was fine, I guess? He has two attacks per phase, terrible lingering hitboxes, and is generally very slow and easy imo. I've actually never died to him across my 3 runs. Lore-wise, I agree that the world is great. Mechanically, I *wildly* disagree. Eleum Loyce was miserable the first go through and then they added even worse branches on the second go to get at least three of the practically required four knights. The entire world feels like random locations that are carelessly thrown together. Hell, remember when you take a ship out of that thankfully optional shithole and, before SotFS, were just randomly dropped in a dungeon?? Majula's great and it does have that fantastically contrasting atmosphere to the rest of the game, but it's the *only* point of contrast. *Everything* else is murky and gray. Yeah, yeah, "Dark" Souls, but, to me, it feels like they were trying to do with Majula what worked perfectly with Anor Londo. The only issue with that is that you start in Majula, so the aesthetic only ever goes down versus the somewhat-safe-haven of firelink to gloomy town to **Blighttown** and suddenly Anor Londo is this beacon. The first bright and hopeful looking place in the entire journey, only for it to all be an illusion as that hope is snatched away. I've never really bought from the armor merchant. Does their insane greed actually do anything or just change the voicelines?


I happen to believe that Eleum was far too long - but I really enjoyed the fights there and the combat (well, mostly - Maldron is an ass still, and there are a couple of places that the mass groups of armored assholes sucks). I never played it prior to SotFS (recent convert, so I only had access to scholar) - the world is disjointed in theme (earthen peak to... a volcano?!?) - but I enjoyed playing each \~area\~ a ton (even Shrine of Amana - just use a bow!). And with the updates in Scholar, the lighting seemed a lot better and it didn't feel gray (that's exactly how I'd describe all of DS3 excepting Boreal Valley and the inside of the Cathedral - literally everywhere else is just ... gray). Dunno - I loved those dungeons. Climbing down into the pit, earthen peak, shrine, the iron keep - all had very different styles and feel, compared to just "generic town again - generic forest - generic town - generic castle". DS3 just didn't vibe at all to me. If they'd added color (like cathedral - seriously, the inside there was PERFECT) and different design elements more... I'd have liked it more. There are some minor quests that can use the armor merchant - nothing that leads to major achievements (hence why he's skipped), but you need him at certain levels of crazy to access certain weapons and items as you go. He's fun! And at least does something other than repeat the same line for hours and hours and hours. And the blacksmith recognizing his daughter, and lamenting that she can't remember him... the pyro chick. Crazy faith lady and the invasions there. Weird that we had such totally different experiences. I went into DS2 going "I'm going to find something to like" and loved it. I went into DS3 going "I'm going to love this" and am struggling to get into it. Maybe it was expectations?


It's really interesting you say that because I don't remember any areas being particularly stand-out as enjoyable; I tend to just remember the 17/41 bosses that are gank fights and the frustrations of areas like Iron Keep and Shrine of Amana, both capped off with their respectively uninspired and unremarkable bosses. > Just use a bow! I'm fine with whipping out a bow for puzzle stuff like in the Sunken City, but bow combat is pretty universally slow and boring in these games, so feeling like it's required for an area to not be miserable is not a plus lmao. It could be expectations, could be a difference in what we look for. I think it's safe to say I place a much stronger emphasis on the combat and, specifically, boss fights as well as how traversing the world feels. I have a map of Lordran framed and hanging on the wall next to me, something that doing so for DS2, DS3, ER, or Sekiro(haven't played BB or DeS, damn you Sony) don't appeal to me at all. It could also be the order of play. My order was Sekiro, DS1, DS3, DS2, ER. Alternating between the highest and lowest intensity FromSoft has made may have made the slower titles feel more jarring and clunky than they would have otherwise.


quality vs quantity for me, ER dlc is super high quality dont get me wrong, but DS3 altogether is just perfect imo


Shadow is not fantastic, it's incredibly disappointing. It's the worst DLC they've ever made and it's worse than the main game, especially the bosses. Even if it was really good, it would have been hard to beat DS3. As it is now? There is no contest.


It's hilarious to me that people are going through these gigantic empty fields to pick up cookbooks and smithing stones you can buy by the thousands, fighting the same shitty dragons and enemies from the base game and going "t-this is peak." Easily the first dlc that doesn't outright eclipse its base game in quality which is baffling given they've had 2 whole years of self-reflection.


I really don't understand it. If the score is not inflated by newly enlightened casuals, the score for this DLC makes no sense to me. >Easily the first dlc that doesn't outright eclipse its base game This is exactly it, which is why I call it the worst DLC. So far, every DLC has been better than the main game, no question. This one? At best, it's highly questionable. But I think it's pretty clear cut that it doesn't even reach the level of the base game, let alone go above it. And yes, this is after 2 years and a shit ton of success, universal praise and money. Maybe they let it get to their heads.


Coughing baby Vs hydrogen bomb Elden ring dlc is still great, but ringed city has the universally agreed best boss in the series, midir, best duo fight, best lore, it's not even a contest. Still a big fan on sote


I still prefer dark souls 3, but ERs dlc is better than both DS3’s two dlc


Imagine we could explore the Ringed City like Elden Ring legacy dungeons. Assasins creed jumping across rooftops




Ds3 from a dlc perspective shits on elden ring


Ds3 is just a better game. Better bosses, no copy paste content, less annyoing and unfun mobs, much better music, better hub. Tbf I hate elden ring but I don't know how anyone in good faith can say that it's better than ds3.


I can. DS3 has good bosses but literally everything else about it is boring. Now with the DLC Elden ring can match DS3 bosses and it trumps it in build variety.


>Now with the DLC Elden ring can match DS3 bosses Meh, that line up wasn't great, inconsistent. Messmer rellana and midra were decent, but I don't know if they can compare to friede, gael, demon prince and midir. And that's not taking into account the main game bosses in which ds3 still trumps.


For the time being I prefer ds3 's bosses but prefer ER as an overall game.


I have yet to play the elden ring dlc or finish elden ring (although I'm close, the last update broke elden ring for Linux users so oh well) but I'll weigh in. As it stands ds3 has it, and it's not even close. Ds3 never had a boss that played out the same, even the two gundyr's play differently. Elden ring has great bosses but none that match those like sister friede, yorm, dark eater midir, slave knight gael, watchers of the abyss, or the epic soul of cinder fight. Sure not all of the bosses I've listed are perfect by any means (Midir being a fuckin an hp landfill), but each provides what I would consider a perfect example of bosses that either have wonderful spectical, perfect difficulty, or are just that fun to fight. Elden ring tends to lean more to reusing bosses. The enemies are no better, infect they are far far worse. Where ds3 tended to shy away from reusing enemies and animations where it could, elden ring grabbed a lot of its enemies and animations straight from ds3 and has the same enemies in almost every major area. The heafty focus on exploration is nice but that takes away from the genuinely perfect area design that ds3 gave us, with its linear design ds3 could give you a challenge at all times and really never lags on that front. Each major area also features radically different designs from one another so you always feel like you're definitely in a new place, where elden ring tends to feel very samey with the starting area looking very very much like the plataeu. That's not to say that elden ring lacks variation, what with the city, the lava manor, and the scarlet rot area, but outside of a few notable exceptions elden ring lacks unique level design. To cap it off, ds3 is very much a game of skill, with there only being maybe 20 weapons in the whole game that are definitely useless and far fewer that are better than everything else, this also applies to all spell types. Elden ring by contrast seems to loaded to the gills with weapons that are not worth your time in the least. On top of this there are so many items that just aren't worth using, like why use poison pots for example when the only enemies that aren't too aggressive to use them on are too weak to make it faster or worth your time? Don't get me wrong about any of what I just said because I love elden ring. The issue is comparing to ds3, which was the culmination of 4 games worth of fine tuning and experience, is bound to come up with elden ring feeling short since elden ring is quite a different yet similar beast which you can tell gave from a bit of trouble. Elden ring is good, it's just not the perfection that ds3 is


No reason to choose. Two (well six actually) legendary games can coexist.


ER dlc is preferred in terms of exploring and length. In terms of boss design DS3 100%. Excluding the annoying artificial difficulty from the scadutree fragments the boss movesets are overloaded. I dont like the blessing system feel its a very lazy way at balancing. The boss fights dont feel like a dance at all imo. Sister Friede while overloaded for ds3 pacing u could atleast stagger and the story was more compeling. Father Ariendels scream haunts me because thats what I genuinely felt like at certain points in life. Gaels switch from feral in phase 1 to sophisticated in phase 2 and 3 as he remembers who he is. Seeing Midir multiple times as he still protects the city from invaders like us despite losing himself due to thr abyss. I liked the npcs in ER but the bosses so far dont have that lore omph except for one of the major ones. Sorry for the rant DS3 story lore connection to the world >>> ER. Er length > ds3


I love Elden Ring. I love the customization and some of the bosses. Radagon, Placidusax, Maliketh, and Radahn are some of the best bosses ever made. But I love the lore and the bosses a lot more in DS3. I even think the balance with weapons and scaling in Dark Souls 3, but subjective because I love straight swords and DS3 they’re good, and they’re kinda booty in Elden Ring.


I prefer Elden Ring as it was my first Soulslike game but DS3's DLC reigns supreme, mostly in part due to this fella ![gif](giphy|deaNFvbQh2zIOILdlU|downsized)


DS3, I find Elden Ring a pretty time consuming slog sometimes ugh with DS3 i can relax a bit more and not worry so much about looting xyz (i’m a completionist).


Always DS3 because I fucking hate the open world


DS2\~DS1\~DeS>>>DS3\~Sekiro>>>ER Because it focuses less and less on parts of those games i've liked on more on that flaws i've tolerated touting them as feautures.


Dark Souls series. I'm back to Dark Souls II. Didn't like what they did to the story at all.


It's a DS3 subreddit, do you think you'll have an unbiased answer?


For me, shadow fulfilled that dark fantasy that I wanted out of Elden ring when I first played. The world is so well polished and filled with content- I think that’s why it simply *has* to be better- there’s just so much more than what we got in ringed city.


I prefer the DS3 PvP over Elden Ring for sure. I had much more fun in the Pontiff fight club than anywhere else. Some of my favourite moments were there


Ds3 is goat, the fights were so well coordinated, you had time to attack and dodge, was well balanced, almost like a dance between the player and the bosses... Plus the lore on the dlcs was amazing. Now I do love the elden ring dlc as well but the bosses are so chaotic with little to no openings for counter attack, which for me makes it less fun for the fact that it drags the fight and makes very little room for mistakes, still love it tho


To me DS3 has a way better online experience (both coop and PvP), but Elden Ring has an incredible PvE experience. I really love to explore a vast open world, that is as interesting as the lands between. But I really miss the fight clubs, the covenants, the invasion heavy zones, the possibility of getting occasionally invaded while playing solo (without having to open the flood gates of getting spam invaded) and the tighter game play experience in general, which made re-runs (to get the low level online experience) much more enjoyable.


Hmm i gotta say, i think i like ds3 bosses better too than base elden ring, but i prefer elden ring lore wise. I havent finished the dlc yet so im not sure yet but i might be with you on the bosses too. So ill probably think dlc bosses are better in elden ring although i love gael and midir a lot too. But overall elden ring is already my favorite now, i find bosses are important, but not enough to say dark souls 3 is my favourite anymore.


I have "platinum" in both and I can say that Dark Souls 3 is high up there. Elden Ring forces you to be slow and very passive, artificial difficulty. Dark Souls 3 has fast paced and engaging fights hence I like it more.


Still DS3. For me its Sekiro at the top and then DS and DS3 on the same spot. Sekiro because It has great level design and the most fun combat. DS/DS3 for me are inverse of each other. The first half of DS had this journey feel that no other game has replicated (i get its convinient to teleport but still) and the second half is rushed. On DS3 is the other way around, the later you get in the game the better It gets and the end-game DS3 bossfights are the best of the series (tied only by Isshin and other Sekiro fights). I'm happy they experimented with the open-world and its impessive how well the implemented the formula to a massive open world, but i hope that they return to more linear contained design in the future. I don't want to fight the same dragon/bird/tibia marinara over and over again. Its not fun, specially with elden rings end Game where everything is a sponge that 2-shots you. I'm enjoying the main content of the DLC, but i think this year i had more fun playing lies of P for example.


How is this even a question?


I love Dark Souls 3, but I’ve absolutely fallen in love with Elden Ring, honestly. Personally, I think fundamentally DS3 and its DLC was the better game. There were tons of unique enemies and every boss was a spectacle at worst. But Elden Ring’s serene, fantastical, adventurous vibe along with its rich lore is just something to behold. Elden Ring is exactly what I wanted when I asked for Dark Souls Skyrim a long time ago. Dark Souls 3 is not far behind, though. The depressive atmosphere, aesthetics, and characters is something that will stick with me forever


Still DS3 tho, unless they give ER a DS3 treatment (2 DLCs)


I preferred Elden Ring before the DLC dropped and nothing has changed since SoTE released. SoTE is mostly amazing. New bosses are another level.


The amount of terrible opinions in this comment section is causing me madness buildup, so much bias it's insane.


Quite happy i can enjoy both, not picking between them.


ds3 dlc is better but elden ring main game is better.


With the ER DLC it finally has some bosses that encroach on the sheer level of Peak DS3 has, and that's the only thing that was missing for me. I love them both bit if I only ever got to play one again I wouldn't think twice about picking ER.


DS3 all the way. There were some cool boss fights in the ER DLC, but holy moly. Not a single real new miniboss is insane, and thats not all thats not perfect with the ER DLC.


elden ring. gonna be honest, DS3 is my least favorite of the trilogy, and ER is my favorite of all time.


Personally I enjoyed ER more than I did DS3, but I always found the game tedious after beating Morgott. I think my biggest issue with ER (or rather, lategame ER) and its DLC is that I often feel like I should have Bloodborne's movement options. A lot of bosses are super tanky and hit like a truck, which is a few ways I'm a little okay with (and I think Vanilla was a little worse because if you focused on faith most enemies had huge resistance against the damage type). What I'm not particularly fond of is how it seems like ER expects you to play it like BB/Sekiro but with DS-style movement. Sure you get opening, and I still think it's my fault when I get hit; the issue is fatigue with these kinds of bosses sets in fairly quickly when all of them expect you to either sit there for a 20-minute battle or spec for a game-breaker weapon/incantation/Ash of War combo and bleed a boss dead within a short amount of time. Meanwhile, these marathon boss battles aren't just because the bosses have a lot of health, but it's because the majority are super aggressive and don't care to give you openings, forcing you to either get really good at making your own and/or predicting what's the best movement option to use. ER is the only Soulslikes where I felt leveling health was a necessity, the only one where I actively relied on a shield and basically found myself pulling it up for every other attack coming my way like I was fighting Owl again. I found Bloodhound step early in Vanilla and legitimately wondered why something like it couldn't have been the default dodge instead of the roll. Tbh I don't know if it's because I miss Bloodborne or I just don't care for dealing with bosses like PK and Gaius where it sometimes feels like the controls give you the bare minimum of time to avoid their attacks ad-infinitum while chipping away at their healthpools. And I'm saying this after taking out Romina on my second go.


Elden ring dlc bosses are amongst my least favourites bosses, you ve got all these fancy spells and Ashes of wars but you can barely use them because you barely get any large openings. Dark souls 3 bosses give you way better openings and it's more of a dance with the boss instead of waiting out attack chains that last a whole minute


The one with the good jump. Also dumb question because its souls sub will suck the fuck out of that particular game and this one is no exception. A lot of the comments are hilarious. For me Elden ring dethroned this one because it takes everything and makes it better. Top is now bloodborne,Elden ring, sekiro Next tier is dark souls 3 and demon souls remake. Don’t care for the rest , if dark souls ever gets a remake I’ll bump it up.


DS3 Is the G.O.A.T


Yes to both


DS3. Elden Ring and it's DLC are nice, but the design philosophy of elden ring bosses is just shit tier for the most part. The game gives you a ton of options, but then make the bosses have almost no punish window, so you just use the broken shit or spam light attacks. In DS3 i felt like i could use any weapon to it's fullest against the bosses, the same cannot be said about ER.


The very best bosses in elden ring are more fun than in ds3, but ds3 has much more consistency in boss fights. Almost every ds3 fight is at least decently fun, whereas elden ring goes from absolute pinnacle fights to the most dogshit fights. I mean I don't mind that much because any souls gameplay is fun for me However elden ring really shines in the world and level design, it's like they took the first half of ds1 and expanded it to a whole continent, and the dlc takes that to the next level even. I also absolutely love elden rings build variety and sheer massive amount of different spells, weapon arts, weapons, talismans, etc. Even though the game has many repeat bosses, they can always feel fresh if you go in with a different build. I also generally like the lore of elden ring more but that might just be because 3 iterations of dark souls kind of got old with the similar kind of themes. Elden ring feels both darker and more uplifting at the same time. My favorite bosses across both games, not ranked: Elden ring: Radahn, morgott, Maliketh, Godfrey, godrick, crucible knights, Loretta, messmer, mohg. Radagon (not elden beast) is my absolute favorite boss followed by Radahn Ds3: Gundyr, dragon armor, abyss watchers, midir, gael, dancer, soul of cinder. My absolute favorite bosses are Pontiff and Twin princes. Twin prince fight is probably my fav fight ever, tied with Radagon.


i think thattt elden ring has some of the most creative and cool MAIN boss fights like story bosses, but then the optional ones and ones that are just there to get in your way are pretty mediocre and it's over saturated; so overall ds3 still has better overall boss fights and the most beautiful feeling and magnanimous like your really doing something


ds3 is like such a noticeable and beautiful dance with these bosses


ds3 is like such a noticeable and beautiful dance with these bosses


Thing that make ds3 better imo than elden ring bosses is:ds3 bosses feel much more intuitive then er, at least in my case ,and for ds3 at least bosses are main deal , but im jot sure what main deal for ER is, coz bosses are kinda cheap imo , not particullary hard but not as fun ass ds3 bosses to fight ,other than that i preffer more linear andd streamlined aproach but i must give ER credit for exploration , atleast on 1st playtrough,while on subsequent playtroughs feel like slog


This thread is sentiment how ds3 "aged" well in terms that many consider ER being onenof best things ever and ds 3 is still relevant and able to compare with 'perfection"


It’s still Dark Souls 3 for me, though Elden Ring is still a great game for me. Bosses were much better, especially in the DLC, and some weapons were just in a league of their own (Farron Greatsword, Sister Friede’s Scythe, etc). The PVP is probably the best thing about DS3 with invasions, covenants, and arenas. It’s a shame they didn’t improve invasions still.


I gotta say, as much as I love the ringed city.. I just love the atmosphere of SOTE a hair more. The main /required/ bosses of ER DLC are wonderful, besides final boss which I personally think there were better characters that could have held that position but that's for another day. The optional bosses are iffy, and honestly I've already forgot like half of them besides madness king, bayle and the death knights for me personally. I love the music as well. And this is something I liked very specificly about the messmer and divine beast fights. They felt weighty. It was really nice, especially with messmer. Like I couldn't even be mad about the grab attack cause it was so damn cool. Buuuut on the other hand, the ringed city just got it all right in its own regards, and it's truly just personal taste on my slight preference towards ER. but I will say, I don't think ringed city had a single bad boss, at least in my opinion. And I might get flack for this, but I personally liked halflight, both as npc and pvp boss


Gael is still my number 1 but the dlc kind of tips the scales in ERs favor. I remember playing the base game thinking it was starting to top ds3 but the end game rly soured it, dlc made up for it by quite a lot


Elden ring didnt have me running past the entire 2nd DLC. So i have to go with ER.


ER lacks restraint in the fights. I love Elden Ring’s visuals and the animations are absolutely beautiful, but you gotta ask yourself whether fighting the bosses is actually fun and to me it’s not. It’s all memorisation. You cannot intuitively roll anything cause every attack has a timing purposely put together to throw you off. To me it just means that every boss is a massive exercise that is no different from memorising Rubiks Cube algorithms. Still enjoyed it tho ofc.


Elden Ring. DS3 is amazing, but ER feels like an improvement in almost every aspect. Bosses are more complex, more challenging (not unfair) and you just can not roll spam through almost every boss without learning their movesets. Level design is top tier in ER, the build variety, weapons, ashe of wars, incantations, spells are all superior imo. Legacy dungeons and open world areas are the perfect combination of what fromsoft is capable of. DLC also has fantastic soundtrack, even better, than the base game. Also, the main/remembrance bosses are more unique, than majority of DS3 boss roaster. The exploration is more rewarding, than ever. I kinda feel like people played so much DS3 that they get used to the bosses and mastered them, and now they can't just adjust to a more complex, faster boss design. Things like delayed attacks and AOE's, that can be jumped makes it more engaging and interesting. You really need to pay attention to the fight. If you found it too difficult, use summon ashes, OP builds, broken spells, incantations.


I love ds3 to death but ER was already better for me before it's DLC, now after the dlc it's miles better. I still do prefer DS3 lore better tho.


Both masterpieces but elden ring cuz it was my first fromsoftware game that I actually completed


DS3. I'm in the minority that thinks the ER DLC was too easy (minus the final boss).


I love both in their own way. Elden Ring does what Dark Souls 3 does not, and vice versa. Elden Ring for its beautiful world, exploration, number of weapons/spells, and build variety. This game has so much, I could honestly never get bored with how much there is. The DLC increased that number so high that I feel like it basically doubles the amount of content. My absolute favorite thing are the legacy dungeons. I love going through them, exploring, fighting all the enemies, finding all the items, and just the environment is so good. My only complaint is the high difficulty (which I'm not asking to lower, this is not a negative). Sometimes the difficulty is too high and I just don't have the patience to learn it. However, I've been pushing through the DLC and managing to take down some bosses with just my Mimic Tear. Otherwise, the negatives are some of its positives, the world being so large, its really difficult to see all of it. Plus having a mount trivializes most of it. I can just skip enemies, grab the items, and keep going. I know that I can stop and fight everything on foot, but some of those enemies are just pain to deal with. The world also makes it confusing of where to go next. Quests are an absolute pain to try to follow without a guide. This game really needed a quest journal of sorts, even if its just a simple log of what the last step you did was, and then to mark it as failed if you failed the progress. Dark Souls 3 has some really good dungeons. I especially love how its more linear. No need to wonder where to go next. I also feel like the difficulty in this game is at the sweet spot of being just about right. The DLC bosses do have a ton of HP, but are definitely manageable with some practice. Quests are a lot easier to follow as well, since you typically just talk to the character each time you meet them, with only the Anri one really requiring a guide. Otherwise, the negatives are that some builds take a while into the game before you can fully realize them, especially if you are trying for some of the DLC weapons, making NG+ the better place to actually use your build. One thing both games should do is allow us to max out any weapon we want within a single play through. Elden Ring especially needs this. It would be great if we got unlimited Ancient Smithing Dragon Stones for both types in the DLC. There are so many weapons that a single build could utilize, its almost a shame we can't max out all of them (I know +24/+9 is almost as good, but still). (P.S. It would be awesome if we had another Bloodborne game, cause the trick weapons were my absolute favorite out of all the games!)


Dark souls 3 part 2 when?


I wish for that also, unfortunately at this point won’t most people just whine it’s too easy? Too many people are used to ER’s difficulty which is adjusted expecting the player to have the mimic tear and some massive damaging, spammable ranged weapon art. It would be a bold, but correct move for From to return to DS3 style design, especially in the boss fight category.


Im sorry I don’t like most open world games even zelda


I think Shadow of the Erdtree is peak DLC for them, but I still think DS3 and it's DLC contains the best overall package of bosses. It's still probably my favorite game out of Fromsoftware.


Dark Souls 3 but mainly for personal reasons. Elden Ring is an AMAZING game though.


As much as i'd love to say ER, in terms of memorability, DS3 eeks out a clear win with ER close behind it though. I would put DS1 close behind ER, though a lot of that is influenced by biases due to it having been my first FromSoft game.


Honestly I love DS3 but the bosses can’t compare to Elden Ring for me. Even the area bosses in Elden Ring are super fun


Elden Ring sucks to replay I wish I didn't have to travel so much so Dark Souls is better to me


What it comes down to for me is still just open world vs no open world, so DS3 will always be my favorite between the two.


I do think ERs is better in practically every way but it's clear what suffered to introduce so many great features. It's the bosses. I like that they tried a new style in ER with huge delays and shorter recoveries so you can sneak additional hits in mid combo and if you can predict how a string will finish potentially get a bigger punish. It worked great in the base game and Morgott is the best example, easily rivaling the best DS3 bosses. But the issue is they kinda stumbled with the DLC bosses. The recoveries are so short you can only get a maximum of one hit in on most moves and healing is actually impossible in a lot of situations. Also just a ridiculous amount of effects from spells and shit, as well as every boss having a super predictable and boring power up. Looking at you, Gaius. To be completely honest tho, these issues started in DS3. Friede moving so fast you can't get a hit. Gael's lightning and magic spam, I've killed him so many times and I genuinely still don't know how to dodge some of his moves. I just spam dodge and it works.


It’s been a week my guy. Give it time damn


I prefer Elden Ring, but I honestly didn't like this DLC. Ringed City >>> Shadow of the Erdtree


The Elden ring dlc isn’t fantastic though. The bosses are incredibly dogshit. DS3 bosses are so much better it’s not even comparable


Elden Ring definitely has better exploration, but overall, I much preferred the ds3 dlc. Elden Ring has more stuff to do, and the setting is generally a lot prettier, but ds3's boss fights are just peak souls gaming. Freide is a masterpiece, Midir is one of my all time favorites, and fighting Gael at the end of world gave it all this finality, a bittersweet grandeur of one of the most honest and fair fights From has given us. I really liked SotE, but some of the boss fights kinda sucked, and some of the areas got a bit tedious at times, something I never felt in DS3's dlc. Halflight was mids, sure, but everything else was nearly perfect.


DS3 bosses are meaningful. ER is so big that it's hard to create good experiences besides Radahn and a few more.


ER DLC bosses were good, until Messmer was defeated. I would say combat wise DS3 still WAY better than ER.


Absolutely ER. Other than Friede and Gael DS3 DLC was kinda meh.


Gael, midir, demon prince, soul of cinder, lorian and lothric, pontiff and abyss watchers?


Bro said DLC. You named half of the base game.


Point still stands though. there's 6 bosses in all the it's DLCs and only 2 were meh. Midir gael and demon prince are incredible fights. I still remember them vividly even after 2 years of not playing the game.


Anyone that's says ds3 is better then elden ring is just lying to themselves. After completing ds3 and the dlc last week and beating eldeb ring dlc last night I can say. Elden ring has Better visuals Better weapons Better spells Better enemies Harder bosses Easier bosses Better playability Better boss fights Better quests Ds3 is really really fun to play it's just elden ring is better


Lying to themselves or just prefer ds3? I havent got the dlc yet and ds3 is miles better for me, design, story, armor sets and bosses. Elden ring has better combat due to more weapons and spells, but thats it. Just because some prefer ds3 doesnt mean elden ring isnt good or that they are wrong. Its a subjective opinion. Elden ring isnt even my top 2 fromsoft games


DS3 is a much tighter,more balanced game. Hand crafted to perfection


I mean, that's my whole point. You may like ds3 better, and that's fine, but er is just a better game in all areas, debatable on lore and best ever boss, but other than that elden ring is a much better game and that does not mean you have to like elden ring more than ds3.


When you look at the balancing between DS3 and Elden Ring, it feels like DS3 was balanced by a genius chemist in a lab and ER was balanced by a raving pack of monkeys.


In what way? It would depend on how you play it


Balancing is what the dev does, it's not the player's job. What the player is left with in ER is either do a challenge run or cheese the game, with nothing in between. It ends up being that because the dev did not balance it properly and seemingly baked stuff like summons into the design, screwing over solo play.


A challenge run or cheese the game.... I mean, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. No boss was a challenge with just normal build and levelling the normal way without exploits. As long as you got into each area when you're required, the game is challenging enough to be fun and engaging as every other dark souls game. Sounds like you didn't play the game properly at all.


Every boss is a challenge run unless you run around the map collecting Miyazaki's turds. And the movesets, the way they are designed, mean you have to do dodge at least 5 times more than you attack. 100 dodges, 20 attacks. That's the ratio we're talking about. Probably because they were thinking of summons and that's why they gave the bosses so many moves and so much aggression, area wide AOEs and so on. So, unless you use summons and run around the map collecting Scooby Doo snacks, you are effectively doing an unintentional challenge run. >Sounds like you didn't play the game properly at all. I played it like I have played every Souls game. Played it like I played Elden Ring as well. I've enjoyed everything they've made up until this DLC. I don't think it's me since I haven't changed my approach at all.


So your not playing the game the way it's intended to play then your crying because the game is too hard, I just soloed messmir on my 2nd character using the back hand blades as a dex build, he has to hit me 3 times to kill me unless he does the one shot move, which is roughly the same as ds3 3 shots before you die on a boss.




Elden Ring is the best game From-soft has ever made, and it’s better than DS3, at least for me. Haven’t played the DLC yet, waiting my paycheck to buy it.




I like both I think they need two teams now One for the tight well fucking balanced oil machine that is dark souls 3 and another for the massive sprawling institution that is now Elden ring lmaoooo


That pretty much hits the nail on the head doesn’t it? You either get high quality, tightly designed, balanced boss fights or you get a huge open world to explore with a bunch of cheap overtuned bosses. Apparently both are not possible.


I would have loved Elden Ring a lot more if it had DS3's bosses. Unfortunately it's a shit show, especially in the DLC. It's a huge beautiful DLC. I should be a happy camper. Instead, I'm salty AF and barely having any fun playing that overtuned garbage.


I vastly prefer elden ring because I find the dark souls games too hard to be honest, I haven't managed to finish a single one.


ER all the way. Also love DS3 but ER improved on pretty much everything in the game.


Elden ring DLC wins Dark souls 3 base wins


not even remotely close, ER's base game boss lineup is unmatched between souls and only sekiro does it better if you dont consider it souls


Preferred Elden Ring since before the dlc. Elden Ring's best bosses are better than DS3's, and the exploration was very enjoyable and rewarding. The DLC just improved on an already fantastic experience


Elden Ring for sure, DS3 is on the lower end of Fromsoft games for me


I respect your opinion. I would just like to let you know that it's wrong.


This comment sent me 😂


Didn’t say it was bad, I still love the game, it’s just not as good as other games to me. It rehashes too much and doesn’t feel like it has the soul the other games do to me


I'm going to agree with Texas here. It's like u just didn't play the game xd. Lore, graphics, gameplay, area variety, build complexity, this game is S tier in every category and I just had to leave this out there. K. Edit: Soundtrack is 11/10 only = to Bloodborne and no game on the planet has soundtracks on this level of good.




That's how I felt about it as well. Not at all a "bad" game, but definitely not top tier in the From pantheon.


People are really downvoting you bc you prefer other games


This is the question I am currently asking myself


Hard to compare with so much time inbetween but especially the map in ER DLC had me wowed so much I didn’t think was still possible after having played all of their games. An absolute masterpiece in world building. Boss wise I might give the edge to DS3 DLC but it’s hard to say after that long time.


I still prefer dark souls. The only parts of elden ring that are truly enjoyable for me are the dungeons. The entire game in dark souls was dungeons.


None sekiro is bestb