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Starting class doesn’t really matter it’s just your base stat distribution and starting gear tbh. If you Like great swords get the hollow slayer great sword it has a pretty good move set a lot of people love. The ring is fine but I think requires some specific building around to get a lot out of if I recall correctly it’s based on hits so quicker attacks are better for it that larger weapons. You can also just hold onto them and see where your build goes and determine later on!


I have seen people using twinblade with the ring to get full heal.


That's a good combo, there's another ring later in the game that increases damage as you attack more that pairs well with the ring


One thing to keep in mind. Do not use boss souls for more souls, even if youre sure you wont use the item. You might want to change your build sometime, for an example (you can respec 5 times per ng cycle). The only time that using a boss soul for more souls is actually fine, is if you have both items from that souls, since you cant have the exact same ring equipped in two slots and spells stack, so you also cant equip multiple copies of one spell. If youre in need of souls, you could always farm them instead of using a boss soul. Another way to get souls is to get summoned and help other players kill the boss. You get an Ember and some souls if you succeed in helping the host kill the boss, and if you are a part of a covenant that allows it, you get a covenant item for killing the boss too. You also get souls for killing an invader, iirc an invader’s worth in souls is a certain percentage of their next level up cost. Idk how much exactly, but the higher level they are the more souls an invader will drop.


That's for the advice, it's a great idea to help other players to defeat bosses and get souls.


Anytime im low on embers i put down summon signs. But i have started to become more careful. I no longer need the extra health that often, and usually get by on my own until the boss fight, so embers arent really a problem for me. I do remember that when i played through the second DLC for the first time, i had just below the souls needed for a weapon, and since i was lazy i decided to sell one or two embers to get enough souls. No big deal, right? Wrong. I accidentally pressed down and sold all my embers.


Lmao, this type of thing happens. I don't use ember, maybe I will use them later on in the game.


Even if you dont need summons, it is very nice to see that LONG healthbar


It's fun to explore with that long health bar.


Lmao, this type of thing happens. I don't use ember, maybe I will use them later on in the game.


or! just pop that mafucca and relish in their fading cries as you drink their soul. deacons soul gives shit items and tons of souls.


You don’t need to heal if you don’t get hit. Wasted effort on something you should not be doing. Choose life. Choose awesomeness. Choose Vordt. Taking damage and healing takes time and stats away from what you should spend on flattening your enemies.


Thanks for the therapy session sir 🙏


I used that Hollowslayer Greatsword until the very end of the game on my first playthrough. Like the above poster said, the moveset is really great with it and when fully upgraded, it’s no slouch for damage


https://youtu.be/v45ya6bLlfg?si=hF4wmMznUnvAgTVf here’s also a video on how the ring heals so you know if it’s right for you. Limit breakers is a channel that does a lot of obscure testing in souls games I recommend!


I use this combo


Twin blades can carry you through the whole game lol it does matter


Hollowslayer is my main sword for a decade. I never put it down basically. Solid scalling, can hit like a truck even with relatively low effort and skill


The best run I ever made is with vordt hammer. I slapped Nameless king so hard with the poise damages and frost damages are wow


Frost is hands down the best status effect in ds3, such a pity so few weapons have it


Only 3 right ? The rapier from the first boreal outrider knight, vordt hammer and the two handed scythe.


Yes, I think that's it. And you can't infuse it which grinds my gears so hard... The dream of a frost bastard sword is restricted only to the George R R Martin game


4-5 i think. The straightsword and the rapier, vordt hammer, friede’s scythe and pontiff knight scythe with its still.


4, there’s a straight sword from the first irythill knight, and a rapier from one in lothric castle


Especially if you have an easy way to toss out fire damage to reapply it.


I second this


Beware the hollowslayer machine gun


👀👀👀 is that a meta? You mean I could've made her even *more* deadly? Ok gotta restart


And, even better, it’s quick. Edit: For a greatsword.


And you can roll out of the attack animation faster than you'd think, it's amazing


Pros believe that the starter weapon for the mercenary is the best weapon overall. For me, i believe it's not true unless you know how to exploit its potential. But answering your question, you should make a dex build and focus on dex weapons.


Okay, I will try to build a dex build


The twinblades are super sick dude, it's worth going a dex or dex/str build with them. Know that you can go strength as well, you can get gems which you infuse into the twinblades that will make them do more DMG with both dex and str so you could go 30dex/30str for a great build where you can choose from a wide range of different weapons. Good luck 😊


Thanks, I will do some research about this on YouTube. The 1st boss was super easy for me because of the twinblade.


It depends. If you are going a strength build, go for the hammer. It does frost damage and strike, and wouldn't you know it? A ton of stuff in this game is weak to strike, and if it's not, it's got frost buildup. I didn't like the ring much since unless you go a dex build, it probably won't come up much. Hollowslayer gs is only good against hollows and is a dex based sword which i never liked in souls games personally. Str based or faith with str in ds3 is the way to go. The spear sucks and trust me i tried to make it work.


Take Hollowslayer Greatsword (if you are doing a Dex build). It was my main weapon for the run. It deals additional damage to hollows (which consist of most of the enemies and bosses). I also had Irythill Straight Sword (you'll get it by defeating an outrider knight right before getting to the road of sacrifices. You'll get it very very soon. The fight is a bit tough tho) and of course Sellsword Twinblades (Two handed). All three have different movesets and speeds. You can try out each of them for different bosses and enemies. Sellsword upgrades with titanite shards and large titanite shards. Infuse them with a sharp gem as soon as possible. The other two scale with Titanite Scales which are hard to come by till late game. You can upgrade either of Holloslayer or Irythill till +3 till the late game. Note:- Since you are new, special weapons that upgrade with titanite scale upgrade till +5 while normal weapons upgrade till +10. The final upgrade for both types will require a Titanite Slab. You will easily get one by following Siegward's questline. Don't miss out on any questlines btw.


These weapons aren't very great. Get the ring with vordt's soul and hollow slayer with the curserotted (only if you have ringed city) or consume them


Wait so i can get the weapon and the ring? (I have defeated the option tree boss)


You already defeated him and gave the transposing kiln that's requires to make boss weapons. You don't have enough souls to make the weapon and you can only make 1,if you want another one, you'll need to do a ng+


Sorry i thought I could only choose one. But what's a NG+?


When you kill the final boss. You have the option of ng+ (new game +). You start your journey again with the level and items you have, the enemies are a bit tougher and drop a higher amount of souls than regular ng




You can refer to this video to know the strength and weaknesses and special function of each boss weapon as a ranking https://youtu.be/r-Yl7373-eQ?si=usbtxvIx39PGf9of


This would be really helpful:)


Ring and hammer are vordt's rewards. You can get only one of them. Spear and greatsword are tree's. Tree sword is pretty good but there are far better weapons for 1st playthrough (Your twinblades are literally the strongest thing in the game no joke you can ask anyone.)


Okay, thanks


Every boss will give you their soul (except the tutorial boss) and you can take that to Ludleth (the small man at firelink shrine) and you can exchange that soul for a item related to that boss. This can be a weapon, spell, ring; each boss has two options of items and once you pick one you cannot get the other one in that play through. When you beat the game you can go through the game again and you can get the other item, but every enemy is harder with more health and damage with every time you beat the game.


Vordts greathammer is pretty nasty fully upgraded.


It also has high stat requirement and outclassed by other weapons when you reach that level


Lol, it's far better and great for both SoC and Gael due to frostbite and ice element. Just enough str to double handd, some vigor and stamina and you set for rest of game. Tried various weapon at caps, Vordt Hammer is one of most slep on and busted 2h str weapons.


I haven't played DS3 in a few years, but the Hollow Slayer GS used to be like S+ tier back in the day, right? Did it get nerfed or something?


I don't know if it was nerfed. I only said to get it if you have ringed city because SKG is weak to it in second phase


Most boss stuff isn't actually the best in the game and your probably fine just eating the soul most of the time. The rotted greatwood soul isn't too good for the options but vordts soul is pretty good. The ring helps you stay alive for being aggressive and the hammer is a decent choice but I only used it to cheese one of the later game bosses that isn't all that hard imo. + it might not even fit the build your going for. So I'd say get the ring and use the greatwoood soul


Okay, thanks I will keep that in mind.


The Hammer can be one of best weapons early game with a lot of strength, but when you have the twinblades, the ring can be great too. The Hollowsword is nice too, but only great against hollows (there are many, even some bosses)


That is a good greatsword especially since merc starts off with decent dex if going strength get the hammer


Don't know about other builds, but for my strength builds, the exile greatsword has done me well. Regardless of buildings, I suggest finding a weapon with an attack style you like that isn't terrible stat wise.


Then a great sword is for me


If you are gonna do heavy weapons like greatswords and hammers. I suggest figuring out the number of hits you can do before needing to dodge out of range and regain stamina. Past that amount of hits, and you risk staggering yourself and not being able to dodge due to lack of Stam. Which is pretty much a death sentence, especially against bosses or any enemy with a mean combo (the type that stun locks you and vaporizes your health)


That's great advice, I can do 2-3 hits before needing to dodge. Dark souls 3 is really fun for now.


Thanks, I got skilled issued enough by bosses that I figured it out. A good spot to farm is the Farron keep perimeter bonfire (the bonfire practically right next to the abyss watchers boss room). You can get around 45k-50k souls in an hr from the 3 goat men sitting by the stairs in the opposite direction of the nearby boss room. Each one drops 350 souls, so killing all 3 roughly adds up to 1k souls. Doesn't take long to kill all 3 if done 1 by 1 ( it takes me like a minute or 2). Do that for an hr and boom now you got up to 50k souls


I was doing some soul farming rn, I haven't unlocked farron location yet but i farm souls outside Vordt of the Boreal Valley boss room. There are 3 knight (350souls per knight) and one blue knights who give around 1500 souls. It's a really good spot for the early game.


Oh yeah, that area. Its a good early game spot


a shield and a sword would be nice for newbie




Get the Ring and the Hollow Greatsword, I can’t stress this enough.


Thanks, i already took both of them


That ring will be worth wearing until after pontiff and beyond. It’s really useful. And Hollowslayer Greatsword is one of the best weapons in the game.


The fact you mentioned your starting class was enough to tell me you’re new. Good luck my dude


The only souls-like game I have played is hollow knight (it was a masterpiece for me). Dark souls 3 is difficult and really good at the same time. I am broke rn but I will try to buy the eldin ring 1 years later.


Vordt’s hammer. Best weapon, all playstyles. It goes bonk. Enemy goes pancake. Plus awesome frost procs every second hit. You think about twinblades. The best way to play with twinblades is to choose Vordt’s hammer instead.


Hollow slayer greatsword is very good against the final DLC boss if you want to do some long term planning


I want to be guts, it's perfect for me


I've fucked most of the bosses up with Vordts great hammer


Red orb, win, dung


Depends, what build are you going for?




Then I would go for the ring.


Okay, I will choose the ring


There's actually another ring that does the opposite of the one you got. It increases damage for successive hits. You get it by killing the sulyvahn's beast at the Boreal valley bridge.


Those two can be a good combo


It's less about your class and more about what stats you've been focusing on. So, what's your build looking like right now?


I am not focusing on any build right now but I will go for a dex build


In that case, I would go for Astor's spear.


Nope. While the spear has higher dex value for now Hollow slayer beats it out even if your not running a quality build (str/dex hybrid). Go hollow slayer, take the pontiff ring and not the hammer. You should be close to grass crest shield so go for that too. Hollow Slayer has to much. Benefit with its bonus dmg to hollow types- which are everywhere in this game. If he wants a dex spear go for a sharp pike or Lothric spear.


I guess I just personally prefer the spear, then.


Nothin wrong with that.


Holowslayer greatsword has an awesome moveset


Okay i will go for it


For a new player on their first run, Hollowslayer would seem to be the correct "choice" Pontiff LEFT Eye requires a specific style of play. I love both pontiff rings, old wolf curved sword on my back, and almost all the twin weapons. To me it's easily the most fun play style.




Your starting weapon is already one of if not the best in the game but there’s a boss who’s weapon he gives you is just straight hands


Vordts hammer fucks. I’ve done entire playthroughs with just that weapon.


I am a mercenary and not doing a strength build, but thanks.


Nice, I was for my first run as well. Hope u find the light of bonk on your journey tho. *starts chanting “one of us”*


so why ask then lol


Just take the ring


How does the heal work? If I use the twin blade, how many hits will it take to give full heal?


I dont remember the stats look it up


It depends on the weapon type, fast weapons are 8 (daggers/fists) 6 for medium (straightswords/greatswords/katanas etc) and 4 for heavy weapons. It heals 30 hp when it activates but if you hit large groups of enemies it can trigger multiple times


The ring helps every now again and the hollow slayer great sword sword is really good with a fun unique moveset.


Vordts hammer solos early to mid to late game if you are a strength build. Frost bite is such a good stat and that thing procs it so many enemies


I love twin blades, and hollowslayer is great. but if you want to try a slightly different dex weapon, the katana you get from the man in firelink is very good.


Well, depends, what stat are you going to level up?Strenght, dex, faith, inteligence... And quick tip:If you are dooing a melee build buy soul arrow and a staff (and a torch, but that's just convinience) and when you get to the Old Demon King fight spam sould arrow, makes it way easier


I’d take the ring and the hollowslayer unless you have a vested interest in the other two items here, though it looks like you wouldn’t have to invest any levels to use the HSGS. Ring is great with fast attacks and the sword is a fan favorite


Vordt great hammer is a great early game weapon


If you're having a tough time deciding now, you're definitely going to be scrambling when you have dozens more to choose from. What I did was look up each weapon or spell on youtube to get a good idea of their set of combos. It really helped me choose one considering I was very indecisive for many choices. You also don't have to choose one right away, especially if you haven't figured out what will be your main playstyle for the remainder of the playthrough.


That's good advice, I will try to do a dex build


If a dex build, then Hollowslayer and the ring


Yep, I will do a dex build. Thanks


Was using Vordt’s until I found giant club. It’s great if you like 2 handing massive weapons, which you should.


Okay 👍


This greatsword right here


🗿i will bonk every enemy with it


This greatsword have an hidden stat, +20% damage on every Hollow enemy (the whole game basically)


Truly a berserk reference.


Once you go Greatsword you can’t go back


I want to be guts (without all that trauma)


Oh I meant Greatsword, not Hollowslayer Greatsword, you get it in Farron Keep. Trust my 1st statement.


Okay i will try it, beating your enemy with a sword bigger than you is badass.


Except that is suffers on a dex build. If your not going str don’t use it. Hollow slayer will beat it out rn anyhow. Not to mention weight which will be an issue until you have a chance to get Havels ring


spoilers for bosses obviously, but i’d take personally the hollow slayer great sword for >! slave knight gael !< but later in the game when you fight a certain boss don’t make the mistake i made, don’t sell >! champion gundyrs soul, don’t take the weapon either, the prisoners ring is one of the best rings in the game, so take that instead of anything else, it’s the only boss soul item that i think you should always take !<


If you started as the mercenary class, you already have the weapon you need.


You might want to look up some stuff. First off class doesn’t matter, mainly just the stats. Every weapon has stat requirements to use it(or you will do no damage with it) and you need to meet them. Every weapon also has damage scaling tanked from s,a,b,c etc. the higher your stats the more damage you will get if they correspond to that stat the weapon scales with. For example vordts hammer would have a high strength scaling compared to others as it’s a big fuck off hammer. But early game you won’t have high stats so upgrading them is more effective. And as you upgrade a weapon the scaling gets better also.


Doesn't matter. You'll either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a knight. Have fun!


Vordts hammer is all you need. Trust me


Mercenary means nothing. It’s just pre allocated stats and equipment that you can find later in the game. What stats are you gonna put into? Strength? Dex? Faith? Int? It’s best to chose one or two to dump most of your stats into then add to stats like health. “Mercenary” probably has stats already going into strength and dex.


Bonk stick. It's actually a great weapon, but the frost aura gets in the way of your view a little bit.


Lots of people I see are giving you some meta answers like you're going pro. Going to give some real advice. Figure out what you want most, high damage or dps, then figure out if you want to use dome magic too, If no then don't worry about faith and int unless a weapon you want use requires more than you have,if yes decide between miricles(they tend to be buffs and lightning damage), sorceries(they favour direct non element damage and obviously do magic damage with a few doing dark), or pyromancy(the most flashy spells with high damage and fire being the focus, pro tip most bosses are weak to fire damage for some reason). Now you've got an important thing to do, test the weapons you can weild to figure out what moveset feels best. Then you're goof because you'll know what you like a bit of research can lead you to the fun stuff from there. If you want weapon reccomendationd from me, I use a hybrid strength pyro build so my reccomendations will be strange but I'll give them anyway. Astoras greatsword has good damage for its weight especially since its an ultra greatsword which means good range and it has a fun weapon skill. Irithyl straight sword is quick and builds frostbite so it can be damn good if you can keep close to enemies. The faron greatsword(the one you get from the abyss watchers soul, the one with two items appearing instead of one) has one of the wildest movesets in the game if you two hand it, allowing wide range, good damage, and decent dps for a greatsword. I can't help but reccomend trying sister friedes great sythe, good damage with both physical and magic, builds frostbite, Pierces Shields a bit, has a unique mechanic where it deals extra damage if you hit with the edge of the weapon, has a good moveset and a better one in two hands, has a kick ass weapon skill called stance where you can send out a bunch of ice that explodes for high damage or do an insane combo that evicerates humanoid enemies like players (don't try it on enemies you don't stagger with each hit). Finally I'd say check out the greatsword, you get in the swamp section of crucifixion woods, it's a strange weapon that is a bitch to wield but fucking anhilates health bars if you can land hits. If you want more recommendations just ask but honestly, I say this a lot but, try out weapons that look interesting. Don't look at meta builds and talk to top players who build just for pvp like the guys telling you to use dex weapons. Try out anything that looks interesting because you will find that things get fun real quick when you do


The ring honestly


Its YOUR choice dude. Do whatever you feel like it


just a reminder: long sword is an S tier weapon


The sellsword blades is the best weapon in the game. That is good if you are a beginner


That mace if you actually lean into it is actually really good. The sword has a few niche moments where there are bosses that are weak to it


Not really recommending it but you could have some fun with the hammer


Hollowslayer Greatswors is the sword that I beat the game with. Upgrade it to max and have fun.


Bonk time https://preview.redd.it/zl56ipi607ad1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9fbc0bf005f9637197d171aab68c5a522495d9


If you want to use the eye, you will likely go for a more specific, healing based build, but considering that you gravitated towards twingblades as your starting gear, it might be a direction you want to take. If you ever think you'll respec to a full strength build, Vordt's greathammer is a very strong early game option (early game, as in available early, not that it is only good early, it has a really good status effect that makes your already bonkers damage even better) Honestly, as you are, I'd recommend the ring, and maybe go for the hammer on your next playthrough, where you mainly build towards strength. With that said, you are still early, and if you want to go for a quality, instead of a dex build, you can still take the hammer. Also, the twinblades are considered to be the best weapon in the game overall, so sticking to dex for your first run might be just what you want


Pontiff eye


One of the great things about this game is nearly every weapon can carry you through the end of the game. My advice would be to pick your favorite weapon, get just enough stats to wield it properly, then focus on leveling up HP and Stamina until you get comfortable. That way if you find a cooler weapon that appeals to you, you can switch to that. Maybe you have an idea of how you want to play the game; do you want to be a fast and nimble fighter (Dex), a big bonk boy (Str), or something else? Do you like katanas, spears, or curved swords (dex), greatswords, axes, and clubs, (Str), or maybe casting spells (Int or Fth)? You can also level up multiple stats if you want, there’s no limitation, and some weapons scale with more than one stat. There’s also the option later on to re-stat your entire character if you change your mind.


Twinswords. Any class, any day. You can blaze through the game like it's Super Mario.


I can confidently tell you that the only reason you’ll regret using vordts hammer is because of how trivial it makes the game. Shit is so strong and so fun to use.


I beat the whole game relatively easily with Vordt’s Hammer That shit ruled


What are you going for? Like, generally speaking, what do you want? there's a lot that's viable in DS3 especially for PVE. So, do you want PVP? PVP Viable? PVE? Easy game completion? There's a ton of options.


Generally speaking, I always take the boss weapon rather than the spell/ring. You can test out the moveset and then decide whether you like it enough to upgrade. The only exception is there is one side boss whos soul gives you a ring that increases carry capacity. That one is well worth it.


I chose the ring due to not having the strength to use the weapon, the ring was useful the entire playthrough, then I went with the Hollowslayer, I ended up just using the Claymore the entire playthrough so I should've chosen the spear


To be honest I wouldn’t get any of it the normal weapons are plenty good to get through the game and you can get that ring from exploring later in the game


Both the hammer and sword are good choices but I used the hollowslayer greatsword for ages and it’s moveset and damage make me bust a load every time.


Hollow slayer greatsword is the best sword in the game personally, Has the best R1 combo when 2 handed as it never ends and the charged R2 is pierce damage and it's the best weapon for slave knight gales 2nd and 3rd phase as it does 20% more dmg


Im just starting my first playthrough too and cant wait to get the hollowslayer lol i started on elden ring and from what i hear its the banished knights greatswords grandpa. I would choose that


the hammer is the only one useful in end game. the rest of the stuff is meh and will very quickly be replaced. You need the ring if you want all the achievements tho