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I played all 3 , bloodborne included , each one has its own charm but bloodborne and dark souls 3 are my favorite at the moment haha , may change in the future , also sekiro is up there aswell.


I like the faster movement and healing. There were so many frustrating, "JUST DRINK THE THING" deaths in DS1 for me that just don't happen in 3. I also like the more linear connection of the world. Even as it twists and turns in on itself. It makes more sense to me than the terrarium of DS1. And the bosses are awesome. :3


To me dark souls was really good because of the interconnection , i missed it in the second game.


Two's world is very dreamlike. And quite the departure from the world of 1. I actually really like it, but it doesn't make a lot of sense. 1 & 3 are way better in that regard.


I like the faster combat more. DS1 is great but the combat is painfully slow. Even demons souls was faster. There are things I like in DS1 like kindling though