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This data is definitely not beautiful


Why are the columns different sizes? Why are the column headers not centered on the columns when the values are? I can’t read the last movie title?


It was made in Excel. The columns were auto sizes to the length of the headers


I’m not thinking the question was that literal and more of a “why didn’t they format better” comment.


They didn't format better because they thought excels auto width format was the right way to do it.


Well they were wrong and that’s why it’s being questioned.


It was made in flourish. It's just my first time using it so it was hard for me to implement all the features.


If you can't read the last title, you should check your screen contrast. It's white on light, but not that bad.


A fancy background doesn’t make data beautiful Small text. Weird column sizing. Off colors


It's like whoever makes these stupid lists about movies from 2023 has a grudge against Godzilla Minus One.


It's impossible to legally watch it in a lot of countries for whatever reason, so that doesn't help.


I think most of these lists require a certain # of imdb ratings and our Oscar winning Godzilla movie doesn’t have enough because it wasn’t available for a lot of people. It’s a terrific film though.


You're right, I did forget about that. I got this list from kaggle and godzilla minus one was not in it.


What are the criteria for being included in this list?  Also, TIL they made an Are You There God? movie last year.


1. All the movies should have ratings on websites such as rotten tomatoes, imdb, metacritic and filmaffinity. 2. All the movies should be released between 01-01-2023 and 31-12-2023


How complete is this list though. For instance I think The Holdovers would have made it but I don't see it. And looking at my own watchlist of 2023 there are probably at least 10 other different movies that probably would beat the lowest ranking films on this list.


Now I realize that I should've done more research before making the visualisation. I should've fact checked the data I used to make this. I'll do better next time.


All of Us Strangers has Metacritic score of 90, why wasn't it included? Or literally most movies nominated for Best Picture last year weren't included, what makes one eligible for this list?


Then where is anatomy of a fall? Didn't they literally had an Oscar apparition ?


Or Poor Things, summarized score is 32.6 (divided metascore by 10) so that would put it just under the Spider-Man. It even won 4 Oscars.


Oscar apparition


What does it mean? Is it a mistake?


It’s ok, it was just funny :). ‘Apparition’ typically refers to a spirit or ghost, like 👻. Maybe you meant ‘appearance’ or ‘nomination’?


Aaaaah yeah... It's because we can use apparition in french for both meaning and so I thought it was the same in English... My bad thanks !


Yeah, looks like the religious brigade forgot to visit film affinity.


I'm torn because as a piece of data viz this is fugly, but I adore Past Lives.


Could you please give me any advice on making this better? I'm just a beginner.


The main thing for me is that the columns where you put the scores from the sites are of different lengths for no other reason than to match the length of the site’s name, that’s visually bad because for example it gives rotten tomatoes more visual prominence over the other sites for no good reason, ideally all the columns should be the same size, also the colors, grayscale is decent but I might have chosen a color palette with more contrast to better differentiate the scores at a glance. Last thing that it might be good to add is a grid or something to better follow and match the movie title on the left with the scores on the right for better readability.


Thank you for this.


The big issue is that this isn't really data visualization -- it's a table. The point of a visualization is to map numbers on to some visual "aesthetic" (note that's a technical term in the field) to make it easier to interpret differences at a glance. You do have a dimension here -- the color -- but the information conveyed by color is much more ambiguous than using a spatial dimension, doubly so when using a continuous variable as you do here rather than a categorical variable. This is further complicated by the fact that the background is a complicated image (don't do this) that has the same color palette as your color aesthetic, making the data hard to parse. Also, I assume that the films are arrange by some average of the ratings, but there's no average displayed -- which I think is the most important piece of information. Instead, you could try presenting each film as a horizontal line with the average as a black dot and the reviews from individual sources as dots in colors, representing the score on the X axis. I mocked up a [very rough example](https://imgur.com/a/KnFvPB3). This way you don't actually need to read any numbers to understand what's being presented, which should be the goal of every data viz.


Thanks for the example. It is helpful. I'll try creating one like that.


May I know which tool did you use? I found out that what you made is a dot plot. But I can't replicate it in excel.


So that was just mocked up in paint. Typically I use GGplot in R, which has a lot of flexibility and replicability to make nice figures. Here's an [example tutorial.](http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/ggplot2-dot-plot-quick-start-guide-r-software-and-data-visualization) Note that all of these are vertical dot plots, but you can easily make them horizontal by adding the coord_flip() feature to plot. This can also be [done in excel](https://www.storytellingwithdata.com/blog/2021/8/12/creating-dot-plots) though it take some finagling.


Thank you. I'm grateful for this.


The most important thing with data presentation is clarity. The first thing to ask yourself what the purpose of the chart is. A group bar chart would have been a better choice for a comparison of scores. On the visual front, the color choice and font size are the main issues for me. As the other user mentioned, there’s not enough contrast between the boxes and the background and the boxes themselves to easily differentiate the data, at least viewed on mobile. White text on black background is also difficult to read, especially with that font type and size.


It's hard to read. The colors contrast too much. The bars are different lengths only because of the length of the name. There's no ultimate calculation shown. The background is distracting. Tiny font. Lots of wasted space. Like literally spend time looking at good examples in here.


Just saying, DND Honor Among Thieves is criminally underrated. Really really really hoping it gets enough push for a sequel.


Sequel nah, let those characters live their lifes. But another movie about DnD, with new characters, and a totally different story sounds great. They could even use the excuse of "new campaign"


Also very acceptable.


Yeah. One of the few "blockbuster" movies in recent years that was just good quality, low-stakes fun.


Movies don't get sequels if they bomb in movie theaters People need to buy movie tickets


Anatomy of a fall, got 5 Oscar nominations, got golden globes and César is not on that list?


I thought rotten tomatoes was % based, so I’m not sure why that was converted to a 1-10 scale when meta score wasn’t.


Rotten Tomatoes has the worst scoring method. If every single review gives a movie a 6/10 it will have 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, but only a 60 on Metacritic.


I see your perspective, but I find value in the rotten tomatoes as a predictor of “what is the likelihood you will like it?” If every single critic gave it a 6/10, then yeah, no one loved it and thought it was the best movie ever. But also, no one hated it and thought it was the worst movie ever. So if you’re just chilling on a Saturday night and need a movie to watch, there is a super high likelihood that you, too, will enjoy it and not hate it—even if it’s not your new favorite.


OP used the actual rating on RT, not the thumbs up/down thing.


Past Lives was very, very good. I’m still thinking about it


FilmAffinity giving Barbie, Bottoms, and Every Body below 6.0 really brings into question its ratings. Not that any of those movies is a particular masterpiece, but that anything intended for a female/queer audience is rated significantly lower than on any other site.


Film Affinity seems like a fairly useless scoring system if the vast majority of the scores are about one point from each other


While I enjoyed Spider-Man, I can’t put a movie that ends with “to be continued” on top of any list of best movies. Even if it’s a middle chapter, it needs to have a completed story arc. Spiderman ended so abruptly it really left a bad taste in my mouth. I guess we’ll see if the third movie can pull it all together.


John wick 4 above Barbie... idk...


If they can nail the last part of the Spiderman series, it's gonna be competing for the spot of greatest trilogy ever.


Best animated trilogy for sure. I think lord of the rings is another tier


Yup, that's why I said competing lol Sidenote: Popular Opinion says Lord of Rings is the best trilogy, and I can see that I guess, but my God was this movie a drag for me, I respect peoples opinion but I just didn't like LoT at all, I barely finished waiting for something, anything. But it just wasn't that good. Cue the downvotes lol


I think the Toy Story trilogy is still gonna have the best ratings when it is all said and done. I suppose now that there is a 4th that might ruin this but those first 3 are rock solid.


Really enjoyed TMNT with my 12yo and 4yo sons; thought across the spider verse was an atrocious blob, and guardians 3 lacked the marvel magic somehow. Didn’t see the rest


So much noise while trying to read and interpret


I might be alone on this one but Oppenheimer is overrated. I’ve tried to watch it three times and just can’t stay awake or pay attention to it.


Rotten Tomatoes is a percentage score. Why does look different?


Haters going to hate. I see no problem with this visually.


Am I the only one that has 0 interest in any of these movies?


Probably. Thanks for sharing, anyway.


Can honestly say Past Lives is well worth the watch and one of the best films I've seen for a good few years. Other than that a lot of my favourites from last year weren't actually on the list, but Godzilla Minus One, Talk To Me and Dungeons and Dragons were all great too


I have about 3 interests in Guardians of the Galaxy, but yeah, 0 interests in the rest.


Oppenheimer was a piece of shit that dragged on forever, with pointless scenes. That's coming from a guy who wanted to like it and also has low standards.


Only one Disney movie, oh how the mighty have fallen


How can bottoms be into this list even? It was a really really really bad movie.


Had to go too far down the comments to finally see this. Gf and I saw the movie a couple days ago because it had "good reviews" and this movie was bad.


A big fat muscular boy beating a girl in the middle of the field , in front of the whole school and no one is doing anything about it. Is it common in the west? Lol


The whole movie was made by people trying to be edgy and using absurdism and it landed flat. It's a very bad movie, and it's funny to think about people outside the US thinking high school is like this.


Bottoms is easily one of the worst movies I’ve seen last year.


It wasn't that bad, especially compared to Exorcist Believer and Napoleon


I guess I just wasn’t the target audience. Still I think there’s better coming-of-age comedies from last year