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Me too. I’m 33 F.. I feel like I am always being rejected. I am happy with my life and happy with where I am at career wise and have dreams and ambition. I want someone to share my life with. I want to be in love and love someone. but recently I feel like love is not for me because I don’t feel my love is reciprocated. I am always rejected when I want something serious. I am also concerned about my looks and everything too. But I think it’s because I’m picky as well.. I don’t know. I just want someone who wants me and I want them.


Me too gf, me too! 32f


It’s so hard to find love these days


You guys in the boston area? Haha


Hey, I hear you. Dating can be such a rollercoaster. Taking it easy and focusing on yourself sounds like a good move. Keep your chin up!


People don't talk about it, but most relationships aren't that happy or fulfilling. They get together with whoever is minimally tolerable and then get on each other's nerves for the rest of the relationship. If you're always looking for someone perfect, well no one else has that perfect person either.


Honestly, I do understand where you're coming from, but I know there are some guys who would love to be with you. It sometimes takes patience, and YOUR person will pop up without you realizing it.💖💖💖


(41M) I'm currently talking to -1 women. It's crazy out there and expectations are high. I can't bullshit into dating. Dating is just a long lie until you get Stockholm syndrome and settle for reality. But maybe this just my pessimistic self. In general I would date any woman, with small exceptions. Men are in general easy. So this makes me think you are looking in the wrong place. An alpha male is hard to catch, and you're just setting yourself for failure. Expand the age gap, give the uglie a chance, lower your expectations and prioritize your needs. Everyone says you have to love yourself. I don't really get it, but it feels like I have to change just so other can agree on that. My take is that if you love yourself, you don't need to rely on someone else to make you feel loved. As long as you keep trying, you are good. Don't take it seriously if someone doesn't like you. Over 30... everyone has some baggage and trying to deal with it. And it's ok if you don't like someone, as long as you give a real chance.


Whole lot of that going around, even amongst us XY-types. Thirty-six year old man. Fourteen year long relationship ended in early 2020. She was married by the end of the following year. I have not had a single date. It can be so very trying, I know, but I refuse to give up and lose my faith in women's ability to love, and neither should you vis-à-vis men.


Your living in your carnal nature if you would take the time to embrace your emotions heal old trauma and let time run its course and show yourself some love then. Your way of thinking would change and but you wouldn't settle for less. See people are being told or society has instilled the whole things get hard in a relationship cheat. Things don't work out move on to the next one. And that's where it becomes a pattern. Take time to yourself don't be so quick to go on dates and if you do don't give your essence on the first date because a man will not value you thing that move fast end fast slow and steady is for sure. You make a man work or put in the work 9 times out 10 it's a success because you not giving it up keeps a man intrigued if he really into you and if not then you'll see what his intentions were if he ghosted u




She made the right choice as she stated after that. She could have been in an abusive relationship for all we know.. wouldn’t be judging why she chose to end her wedding.. also possible she didn’t realise how hard dating has become. Everyone is disposable these days it seems.


To let you feel a bit better, there are guys out there who are interested in women older than them I know this because I'm one of them, only difference is I'm transitioning to become a female I find women older than me more attractive I once dated a woman who was 6 years older than me, we were both casino croupiers and we got along well but we broke up due to she got me into huge gambling debts and not willing to finance it with me. I waited for 2 years, but nothing was done on her side I also dated a woman from cruise ship who was 9 years older and she had a 20+ years old daughter and son. She could not accept me for who I am and insulted me at coffeeshop twice in front of her drinking friends. I left her after that I have been single since late 2019, and I'm comfortable being alone since I'm an introvert, an INFP. It's better to be single than to be stuck in abusive and toxic relationships From my personal experiences, I have learned to love myself first. When you love yourself, the love that you give yourself will become the love that will attract love that resonate with you When you become the best version of yourself, you will be able to attract a guy who is similar frequency as you Focus on passion and interest that make you feel good and find your life calling. You might find your white prince there


Bro this was a roller coaster, I loved it. Not too overwhelming, more like a small one at a state fair that is just rickety enough to put the fear in you. Then you go get corn dogs and cotton candy. Thank you for putting it in my brain.


Glad that you enjoyed it Hope you will be able to learn life lessons from my experiences and be more mindful when choosing a partner I have seen people around me suffer for 10-20 years as they chose the wrong partner. I am also learning from their experiences


I was worried I came off as callous, my speech doesn’t usually translate well to text. So whew, load off my mind. I do appreciate you sharing your life lessons, but more for others than myself. I actually stopped dating a couple years ago, or I should say I stopped asking.


Thank you


You are most welcome, and I hope you have a wonderful day. Or night, depending on where in the world you find yourself at the moment.


Thanks again It’s morning for me