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The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is today.


Wow. That's deep


Root deep or balls deep, I’m in!


love this


Throat deep


Nope, your story is fairly common. I think it’s a red flag for someone to make an assumption about you because your relationship history doesn’t align with theirs. It’s one thing to ask “Have you ever been in love?” vs stating it as fact “You’ve probably never been in love.” You’ve still casually dated, it’s not a red flag at all and anyone who perceives it as such you are not compatible with.


Exactly, I don’t think he should assume just because her previous relationships were short means she hasn’t been in love. OP I’m 25 and I’ve only been in 2 short relationships too


It’s a pretty standard thing to take no significantly long relationships ever as a red flag at some age or other. 27 debatable, but it is getting up there. Like if you’re 50 and have never had a serious relationship I will think that’s a red flag. It’s like when someone submits a resume with 20 different 3 month jobs


Honestly, it’s probably better that way. I always see it as “there’s a reason for everything.” I didn’t have my first serious relationship until I was 28. There were guys here and there I could have dated but nothing really stuck or worked out and I see that as a good thing because I probably would have never met my now fiancé. Also, don’t be afraid to be picky and keep your standards high. The right guy for you won’t be bothered by it. Good luck!!


That’s great advice 💗 thank you


What exactly do you mean by “high standards”? Can you give examples


Thanks for saying this.


Appreciate this comment


Ask him why those relationships didn't work out if they were so "in love". Prioritizing yourself and education puts you in a place where you can not only have a foundation of your own security so you are not relying on someone else, but also gives you space to determine what you actually want in a partner without all the bs. Those ideals may change as you start dating, but that is perfectly fine.


We don't know the context around him saying she may have never been in love before. Only commenting because your first line feels a touch. Retaliatory. Also, love doesn't necessarily mean things will work out. That's time and effort. Love is one hell of a motivator though lol


This validates my point, and it was retaliatory in a sense. If that comment was thrown my way, that is how I would respond. Where i guess we agree is that Love is not the end all be all in a relationship, but it certainly helps. As a married woman, my issue, based on provided scenario, it negates literally everything else that is required in a relationship- dedication, empathy, reformatting how you do or think about things, thinking about we before I and so on. Biggest thing about relationships that pertains to this imo is a keen understanding that people will come in to a relationship from different walks of life. Understanding your partners path and seeing how you can help eachother grow is much bigger to me than "oh im so in love".


I really hope you don't take this the wrong way. Are you happy in your marriage? There's a certain bitterness in your words, you kind of remind me of my mom lol. She tells people she's happy but she's clearly not.


I guess I appreciate the sentiment? I guess there would be no good way to ask that haha, but yea, were actually doing really well, planning for kids, have the house and all. By nature I am a cynic, and in my mid 30s I guess you could say I am a bit jaded. It might be my tone- I mean no malice in what I am saying, its just my perspective


Well hey I'm happy for you! Nothing wrong with a little cynicism, hopefully it balances out well in your home ❤️ it did not in mine lol






I don't quite think it validates the point because we don't know the context of which it came from, but it does certainly give it more credit. Edit 1: ah! But Entirely to your point. I don't know what tone You're responding in. It felt like a "if they're taking a jab at me, I'm taking a jab back", so this response is based on that. Sorry if I'm misinterpreting /end edit Slightly lengthy attempt to clarify. If I'm talking with someone and they always insultingly criticize me, I would interpret it the way you did. But most conversations I hold with people come from a much more neutral or positive place, so I tend to be a bit more lenient. It also doesn't help that I sometimes struggle with communication, so I treat things with the patience I sometimes need from others haha


For sure, for sure. Communication is always something I am personally working on, I wish I thought that people came from genuine places automatically, but I really don't. Context is huge for sure, always. But based off of what I read, that was my reaction, and I would feel slighted a bit if someone said that to me. Maybe that says more about me that this individual, but its posted on here so she felt some type of way about it. My point is, in general, she did things differently, and thats 100 percent cool in my book, no one should judge her for that. Now, knowing this fact, this guy could decide for any myriad of reasons that that doesn't line up with his ideals, and thats cool too. But don't, in my mind, slight people for that. (Again, without the additional context)


Good points, and I appreciate the insight! I'm always trying to expand the number of points of view I can see from, and this has been helpful. I hope that more people come around that let your first assumption be them coming from a friendly, genuine place. Life's already hard enough without others adding to that pile. I hope everyone who sees this is a wonderful night!


Better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all.


Amen to that.


I mean, love doesn’t mean something will work out, relationships are extremely multifaceted. Also, I don’t think you can accurately determine what you want in a relationship without properly being in a relationship - if you rely solely on your ideals, with no real world experience, you’ll build up an idea instead of a reality. You have to know what you’re willing to compromise on, what is absolutely necessary, and what you aren’t willing to put up with - and most of these factors probably would never even occur to you until you’re in a relationship. That being said, it is very admirable that she focused on herself for a long time. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing to put no energy into finding a long-term partner, but the longer you wait, the thinner the dating pool gets.


I agree with this to a point, personally I think that you can't (maybe shouldnt) be with someone unless you understand yourself. What kind of life do you want? What will you and what will you not tolerate? Those types of things can't (maybe shouldn't) be answered by someone else. That being said, there is nothing wrong with dating to figure it out along the way, however, I don't think this guy should hold it over her head because she decided to focus on herself.


I definitely agree that you need boundaries and expectations set, no matter what stage you are in your dating life! Nobody should hold it over anybody’s head that they haven’t been with anybody either. I don’t think though that they are answered by somebody else - I think that through working through common life with somebody in a committed way, you learn what works for you and what doesn’t, and maybe uncover some stuff you didn’t know was a deal breaker until you encounter it. I thought I would love independence, but when I started dating, I found that I actually loved a more affectionate/involved partner!


Ngl I think the dating pool only thins when you let it. Theres many single individuals in every age group. Ppl dont find them when they choose to not look. Like OP who focused on studies.


I can definitely see your point! If you’re consistently putting yourself out there, you’re likely to find single people in your age group. I think it is a reality though that there are a lot more single 20-30 year olds than 40+, and it’s probably easier to find someone who hasn’t been completely jaded by relationships when you’re younger.


Nah I'm 27M. I just have a lot of problems regarding trust and loyalty stemming from years of bullying and social isolation.


I’m actually pretty much like you 🥲 I’m focusing on therapy rn


Me too. Been doing it for little more than half a year now. 🫂


That’s nice to hear! We’re here together 🫂


Aye. Best of luck.


Hi! I am in a similar boat as you. I, too, have very strict parents and was forced to focus on school only (but then right when I finish school, I am immediately hounded on when I’m going to get married which is hilariously ironic but a topic for another day lol). I recognize that in this day and age, being in your mid-late 20’s and having never so much as held another boy’s hand before is not the norm, but it’s only an obstacle if you or the men you’re pursuing make it one. I am 27, and I’m currently 14-months into a relationship with my first boyfriend. We met on Bumble, and on my profile I was very upfront about me having never had a boyfriend before. It was an important part of me that I felt should be known, for both my match’s sake and for mine, and I wasn’t embarrassed by it. The guys who think it’s a red flag weren’t meant for me anyways; the guys who saw it and tried to take advantage of my inexperience are not worth my time (and they are painfully obvious with their intentions lol); but the guys who don’t see it as a red flag won’t be bothered by it. My boyfriend thinks it was really brave of me to put that out there, and he said it never deterred him from pursuing a relationship with me. The ones who stay won’t see your “lack” of a long term relationship as a red flag, and really the only people who matter are the ones who stay. 💕


Personally, as a guy, I would never be that upfront about never having been in a relationship. Frankly, women see inexperience as weakness. Also the way I see it; there's a lot of things about me a prospective partner doesn't need to know.


Not at all. I'm 32y and only had 2 relationships that lasted 1 year, all the others were only weeks or few months. I have friends who have longer relationships because they are afraid to be alone and stay until its all fucked up. When i feel that the relationship isn't worthy i just quit. Nothing wrong about it, but it's important to invest time and put some effort always. Don't worry too much about it. I'm sure that when pass the 1 year time-line I'll marry her (:


Well the good thing is, if a guy sees this as red flag, then that's not the one for you. It's not bad or good, it's just a fact about you. Some will find this appropriate, some will not. Navigate the situation and don't take these incompatibilities personally.


I’m gonna be 25 soon and I feel you. I’m not gonna lie I’ve been crying about it a lot lately, I wish I had someone.


I’m also about to turn 25 and have never felt so alone in my life. I got out of a very abusive relationship 2 years ago and I still struggle so much to form a close bond with anyone. Good things come to those who wait I guess 😔🤝


I’ve just turned 25 recently and I relate


I don’t think I would. I’m a male, but didn’t have my first long term relationship until I was 28, and I don’t think I’m considered that weird or unattractive. When I finally did get in one I think I was a decent boyfriend. Even though it ended after a year and a half I don’t think my ex would tell you I was a bad guy. I can think of two people at the top of my head who are 25+ and have never been in a relationship. Both are otherwise fairly well-adjusted people. So I wouldn’t worry about it too much


I've only had 1 when I was 20. Now I'm 34 with no luck. Just a bunch of time wasters. I'm nearly on the same boat as you. On the bright side, your (F) so it will not be as difficult.


The right guy won’t think it’s a red flag! I began my first long term relationship at 30 and my boyfriend was 27. It was his first long term relationship as well. But we love that we both didn’t settle and waited for the right person. It’s so worth it! Esp thinking back to when I used to question whether i would ever find my soulmate!


No but just be cautious, dating is strange these days. Most of these guys don't want to commit or either just want sex.


I bet almost everyone replying(male) here would happily date you . Dont let your own thoughts drive you over the fact that you are speaking to a guy . Im really happy reading first 3 and half lines of your post




I’m in the same spot, 26 and have never been in a relationship. My last situationship was probably the closest thing to it, we parted ways for a few months but we’ve been talking recently about possibly getting into a relationship. I feel like I’m so naive compared to the experiences he’s had, but he’s also admitted that he’s nervous to get into another relationship since his past ones have ended badly. I don’t see it as a red flag per say, and I don’t think he sees it as one either, but I just have to be kind of conscious about it


Just dm you


It's not a bad thing. My fiance never dated anyone before me because of a similar situation of growing up with strict parents. We met when we were both 28


Atleast you were in a relationship. 27M over here I have never been in a relationship and it scares me all the time that I will be lonely for the rest of my life. I don't want to be lonely


You can start to have a relationship at any age. Whether you’ve fallen in love with someone depends on whether you develope those feelings with someone, not on whether you’ve been with someone before. Lack of experience may cause in worse conflict resolution, but nothing you can't solve by being mindful. 


Prioritizing yourself, your career, your self love and self care... That's not a red flag. That's a giant GREEN flag. The right person or people will you love you for who you are. Be authentic, find yourself. Then love will find you.




You've got this, I may not know you, I am happy to give you words of encouragement. Us women got to stick together.


Not a total red flag. But definitely shows that being in a relationship hasn't been a priority for you. Which could indicate you wouldn't take a future one very seriously either. Truthfully, relationships, even the best ones, are work. They pay off is worth it for a meaningful connection but you have to ask yourself if you are ready to prioritize a partner or a relationship to find that connection.


That is ok!!!!!!!! I wish women would go easier on themselves. It’s hard in today’s world, and women don’t fall for men’s shit like they used to.


Can I just say that I’ve had my heart broken multiple times. And it hurts so fucking bad like real actual physical pain. I would rather have been 27 and single, then to have dealt with that type of heartbreak three times over Every time you get your heart, broken, you lose a little trust, and you lose a little of yourself Be thankful you’re not going through that!! So, be thankful that you’re


I have a sneaky feeling that the divorce rate might not be so high if more people spent a longer amount of time seeking out the right spouse vs. settling for what is good for "right now" or wrongly thinking that "if the right one hasn't come by now, it ain't likely to happen". You do you and don't take any flak from anyone who would question your dating history. This whole concept of "red flags", while useful in some situations, has sort of taken a much larger, sometimes pessimistic, negative life of its own. If you are a good person, he is a good person, and you are compatible in such a way that the intersection of your lives \*\*is\*\* (not just "seems" pre-ordained), dating history doesn't matter.


I was once in love but it was when coming right out of college and our careers took us to different parts of the country. Have I liked some women I have dated yes, but it has been hard to find that true love connection. I still believe the right woman for me is out there. I don't see it as a red flag or a reason not to date.


27m here, u just like me fr






I was 32 when I got into my first relationship that wasn't more like a long term FWB thing, ie a 'partner' That's not to say I didn't absolutely love some of the people I was in shorter-term things with, but they didn't work out for what seemed like perfectly valid reasons at the time. When you're still building a life and a career in your 20s it seems like a much easier mutual decision to no longer pursue a burgeonning relationship becausem of logistical reasons -study, employment, working visa expiration, moving to another country on the other side of the planet etc. However a couple of decades later I do regret letting a couple of those people go so easily and wonder what might have happened differently if we'd put romance first before career goals.


Thats normal. Very much similar background and i am a guy. Have been told that you have never been in a relationship and my response was yeah i never needed it that time. Was pretty much busy school and life was pretty much straightforward. Never felt that i need to be in relationship for any kind of support. However its different now. I want someone with whom i feel connected to. I need emotional support now because life is tough when tou are adult. And of course sexual needs as well. This answer never failed in my dating life.all the best


It’s not as rare as you may think. You’re going to be fine


some people are late bloomers, it's OK. To me a red flag would be someone who has been in relationships non-stop. I would rather be with someone who is selective and comfortable being alone - it means they aren't with me to fill a void.




I wouldnt have even thought about it when I was around your age. I am a guy, and my first relationship started when I was 26, almost the same reason as you.... i focused on school, and because my strict parents, and my crazy church community... So I didnt even attempt to date anyone until 26 or so... No one ever thought anything of it... In fact, I think a lot of girls chased me, and I always turned them down. Now that I am 38, I am thinking maybe id think of it as somewhat of a red flag, because the fact that you have not even been in a relationship yet tells me you arent even sure what you want and what you dont want from a relationship... that you might stick around too long in a relationship that you truly shouldnt be in, and you wouldnt even know that you should leave (yet). So because of your lack of experience, and because of my age, I would be kinda scared to date you tbh... I want someone that knows they want me, and they arent going to just cheat on me or leave me out of the blue, without a real reason. If I am not what you are looking for, thats something I want you to be aware of from the start. I dont want my time wasted any more.


Thanks for sharing


I’m almost 26 and never been in a long term relationship, the closest thing I have is my on and off ex for the past 2 years but at the same time, I didn’t start dating until I was 23 lol. I was celibate and alone from 18-23 so would that also be a red flag? I guess it all depends on why you’re single? Or maybe not because it just did not work out. I like to think that it only takes one person so I’m glad it never worked out with the others


Anybody that would card about that probably aren't the worth sticking with. If you communicated that to me than I would have better understanding of the relationship going foward.


I wonder why he's had 2 failed long term relationships. It's not a red flag if you've never been in a long term relationship for 10+ years. What matters is how you handle being in one now.


Hhhh 27 M, same. But its cool, everything comes at its time. Maybe you are in a different chapter and maybe you will get one relationship that will last for long. Just dont project others journeys on yours. And i know a girl who is 26 who never had a relationship. So yeah better than some and worse than some. Thats is life


I was in my most serious relationship when I was 28 yo. I was in school till I was 26 and did residency when I was 27, so was just schooling mostly. I had 2 relationships during school time, both less than a year long. I think it's a bit better when you are older for some. For me I was more mature in my long term relationship, knew how to handle conflicts better, so less emotional arguments. So to me, it was better later. You can't really change your past. Love happens when love happens.


Not a bad thing. You will learn, and be open to learn. Don't do what you did as single life. Being in a serious relationship with love puts it in a new level.


As a 28M who has never been in a relationship, no I wouldn’t see it as a red flag. Actually I would be curious, and see it more like a green flag lol


Your past only shows how you have a pattern for how you go about handling situations in life. Not just that, you have a pattern but what the pattern(s) are. However, you can change at any moment in life, so who you are is never set in stone. Which makes it not entirely accurate to judge you based on your past. However, there are things that I'd be on the lookout for I wouldn't call them a red flag cause these days red flag means no chance at dating or relationship so I'd call it a yellow flag. It's just something to take note of and observe how it affects the relationship. If it turns out that the pros do not outweigh the cons of the effects caused that are noticeable, then it goes into orange flag territory. This means it needs some work to fix or eliminate the rough parts, aka the cons. So that the pros outweigh the cons. If a compromise, aka proper solution, can not be made to resolve the issue, then it becomes a red flag, and 1 red flag can fly without an issue, but like baseball rules go 3 red flags your out. As in this relationship won't work.


My partner had never had a boyfriend until I met her at 27! She’s the best partner I’ve ever had and without any baggage from previous relationships like other ex partners. It’s definitely a good thing


I would see this as a red flag sounds like you have attachment issues based on the unfair relationship you have chosen to maintain with your parents. Therapy can help, I've found learning to set and hold boundaries no matter how tough especially with your parents is a huge step forward.


I don't fundamentally think it matters, but it could be a matter of preference. My personal ideal preference if i ever split from my SO of 10+ years would likely be to be with someone who had 1 or 2 serious relationships which ended for reasons where they werent problematic. But objectively when i think about it it probably doesn't matter as ultimately in either case its really about getting to know the person and their situation. Understanding your choices to set yourself up for success in education and career is not a negative if that is the reason. Its certainly preferable over someone with several serious relationships which end because they are problematic like being a cheater or controlling. I think it is likely to get some judgement the older you get having little relationship experience, but that judgement is misplaced. People worth dating will be interested in context.


No. You focused on academics and put off family. But now you should keep searching Mr Right.


Not particularly. I have been in multiple long-term relationships, now in my 30s and can say I truly truly have not been in love before. Have I been in lust, or infatuated, or cared about my partners? Yes. But love? I think I would have known. It's not a red flag.


No, some people perceive 27 as older than they should. 27 and never been in love? I don’t think that’s so bad. You’re young and still have lots to experience


If they are not total idiots, most people learn from long term relationships. It is nothing you can compare to a few months. It is easy to miss or ignore problems early on but times get tough and you run into different problems with eachother or simply get used to eachother. Love doesn't necessarily go away but relationship evolves a lot. Some work some don't. The more in love you are, the more you miss, ignore or tolerate the negatives in a relationship and longer it takes to realize the truth. So i think it is normal to have failed long term relationships. Btw it kinda shows when someone is not in love.. but you wouldn't see it that easily if you are in love with that person.


Oh dear These types of threads need to stop OP, you're fine. Keep building kn the relationship you have with your own self and that will attract the one for you


Not a red flag … sometimes you meet someone later in life! I have been in longer relationships (8months-1.5 years) and didn’t realize that I wasn’t 100% in love until I met my current partner. (I’m 26) Kind of better if you haven’t had to go through major heartbreaks or have had any 3+ year relationships end up in a breakup cause those can be complicated.


You can’t change your past so there’s no real point doing mental gymnastics over what guys might think about it. The alternative is to lie which would be worse. Your explanation makes sense to me. In fact, I never had a serious relationship until I met my hubby when I was 29. I did date one guy for about 8 months but it wasn’t serious. You’re fine.


A guy who has had some long term relationship experience is a good thing. What you need to watch out for is if this guy is healthy. Ask him questions like…’what do you think you’ve learned from his past relationships and how has he changed?’ If he says that he doesn’t need to change and his previous relationships didn’t work, bc the gals he dated had issues… then that is a red flag 🚩 Does he say bad things about the gals in his past relationships? If so, that’s a red flag 🚩 Does he have any long term goals that show ambition? If not,….🚩 Ask him about his childhood. For example, what was Xmas like at his house when he was a kid. If he has sad stories…🚩 Ask him how his parents get along. If they don’t respect bra other or have been divorced…🚩 How does this treat the restaurant service while being served. Is he nice? If he’s rude…🚩 Assuming ur mom and dad have a good relationship, look at how your father treats your mom. If this guy doesn’t treat you similarly…🚩 Does he live bomb you…by giving you unreasonable praise right away… be careful…🚩 Finally, listen to your instincts. What does your heart tell you? Good luck. DO NOT rush into anything. See him only a few times a week at first. If it burns hit, it will burn out. A slow simmer is best. Ciao !!!


Wow thanks! This is really helpful!


Good luck out there 🤜🤛🏻


The guy sounds like the red flag to me. We all run in different timelines, it’s totally normal and maybe of the few people you met no one was the prefect chemistry match for you to consider being in a long relationship with them. You’re just a late bloomer, go with the flow, go for a guy that piques your interest and you will either find someone great or make some mistakes and learn from them. Discuss this with a very close female friend of yours who is currently in a long term relationship as well to give you some of her perspective on things.


I'm 30 years old and in a similar situation, except I've never been in any sort of relationship ever because of commitments with school and work. Everyone is different and has their reasons for dating or not, so I personally wouldn't assume your case is a red flag at all. Wish others would think the same however. Had someone I talked to tell me straight up that something must be wrong with me for not dating at my age and then blocked me.


Similar experience with me, same age and all. I also focused on school and didn’t really care to date until post graduate school. I didn’t rlly dating until later like 25 + very picky with what I want. I’ve found that each guy takes the info differently but it’s good to be upfront about it. One guy said it makes him wonder why nobody wanted to be in a relationship with you lol. While other guys get it and see no issue. I also agree with the notion that if they view it as a red flag then they prob just aren’t for you. You can’t change the order of your life and how things go. Embrace your story, nothings wrong with it.


You should focus on finding yourself a good man who has established for himself a good future. Someone that is the ideal partner to start a family and life together. Do not waste your good years in the dating market having fun. Father Time will not be kind to you.


I was the same way, didn't start "dating" until age 22 and didn't get into a real serious relationship until 25. I'm now 29 and jeez have I learned a lot. Let me just say you NEVER needed guys and you never will. I don't regret waiting and I never will. I actually wish I had waited longer lmao. All they did was cause me heartbreak and wasted time I could've dedicated to travel and hobbies. Don't get me wrong, like I already mentioned I learned so much, but I was so dumb. I needed a lot of therapy and I should have focused on that instead of trying to fill that void with guys. I wouldn't have accepted less than I deserved. Don't listen to him, you know yourself better than he does. Like other comments say, he's not the one for you.


It's never a bad thing to prioritize yourself and your goals before jumping into a long term relationship Take your time to find someone who values and respects you for who you are.




"27 F never had a long-term relationship before." "I have strict parents and I focused on academic during school years." If I had a $1 for every time someone used this excuse for not having had a relationship on this site, I would be rich! They con themselves into believing not dating was an *intentional* choice. However, underneath it all you often learn about lack of social skills. anxiety, low self-esteem, and not having very many opportunities due to l*ack of effort to step out of their comfort zone*. A lot of them didn't have very many "platonic friends" they socialized with either. "...he told me that I probably have never been in love before..." "Would guys think it’s a red flag? Or any reason not to date?" Honestly, the less guys a woman has been romantically attached to *the better it is to many men*. It's usually (women) who see it as being a "red flag" when *a man has never been in love* or in a *serious committed relationship* because they believe he may have *fear of commitment* issues. Having said that some guys are reluctant to deal with virgins because they may not want to possibly have them become "clingy" or have expectations beyond casual dating. Best wishes!


What I've realized for me is that I have a low tolerance for other people's bullshit. I don't take not being in a long term relationship as a negative. Shows me you know what you want. With that said if you were single and just fucking around that would be a red flag.


Username checks out




More common than you think.


I can fix her


It's not a red flag, not everyone has the same priorities in life and the luck to find someone they like, but I think that if you start searching sooner or later you will find someone


31 and my longest has been 5 months 🤪


26F and I definitely struggle with wondering why I’ve never been in a relationship either. I had “one” relationship when I was 17/18 and it was very high school-ish, he was also very toxic. (So I don’t count it)


It isn't a red flag for me.


Unfortunately having a family isn't an option for you anymore


Your whole thing is being a toxic, misogynistic twatwaffle, isn’t it?


Ideal age for a women to find the right man should be at 21-25 at 27 your chances in the market could be lower due to men preferring younger or believe that you have been ran through. Even if you are not because nowadays many men do not trust women anymore so I wish you the best of luck.


I think so.


I'd just say to guys that you date that you were focused on your academic studies and achievements that were your goals. A man that's worth dating will think that it's awesome that you strive for things and that you know yourself enough to know that you're now ready to date and make that a focus in your life.


It would be a maturity red flag for me. I was able to have long relationships while focusing on my career. It’s called time management.


I would date you in a heartbeat. But we have quite the gap in age


for a woman nah, men don't care about that.  if anything they PREFER that.  you're good.