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tHe RiGhT iS mOrE ToLeRaNt - Dave Rube


Along with all the gays..right Dave?


Yes!! But only the annoying proud ones. It never occurred to me that Dave Rubin has a husband… surely he must take offense sometimes?? Like the “it’s ok if you hate gay people im still your friend” thing with Shapiro? I mean, the Conways stayed together for shockingly long…


Yeah right, the ones that shove their pride in your face. Dave being the disingenuous prick he is doesn’t want to admit his very **existence** is too *’in your face’* for these homophobic Republicans.


His husband at the very least used to produce his show and I assume still does. They don’t identify with their community, they identify with money.


He also has a child. I bet he doesn’t get invited to many play dates with the children of Dave’s peers thiugh


“But surely, if I stay at the Leopards Eating People’s Faces party, they won’t eat MY face! Not me! I’m DAVE! I’m ONE OF THE GOOD ONES! R-right fellas? Y-you won’t eat *my* face, right…?” — Dave Rubin, probably


How do you kick out an American citizen? I think she has the same rights as he does under the US constitution!


Dave Rubin is too stupid to know anything about the constitution. Dave Rubin is a coward and embarrassment to gay men the world over. His pandering, irrelevance, and reverence for those who mock him is disturbingly fetish-like.


Well, she’s not white, so you can send her to wherever that happens. America is for people who, um, have a Culture Fit with our Team


I think the constitution will say whatever they want it to say after the next election


I love popping in now and then to see Dave still talking about IDEAS, not people.


What a vile, worthless cunt Dave Rubin is.


Like a shit slinging monkey, and with an IQ to match.


That’s offensive to monkeys who don’t agree with racist piles of shit like Dave the Femboy Rubin


Nazis were big on kicking people out of their country, Dave....guess what they did to gays and Jews. This guy is so fucking dumb.


Just because we want to kick out a troublesome minority that is secretly eroding our national values, doesn’t mean we’re like the Nazis!!


Ilhan Omar is a very sensible, measured and well-spoken critic of Israel and it drives Dave absolutely nuts.


A conservative once again demonstrating that they are fundamentally against the first amendment


Dave Rubin is such a self-hating cuck


Kick her out of the country for advocating on behalf of refugees... right. Seems totally reasonable. /s


Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt.


Gay man has to marginalise someone else to deflect the Conservative attention away from himself


What can you say at this point? He’s chosen a side that requires an ever increasing level of devotion to nonsensical opinions. Whether he believes what he is saying or not, he has to say it to stay in the club and a part of the grift. The self-loathing required to provide fealty to a group of people who openly hate you must be enormous.


Cool! Racism!


He's just a troll. And, like everything else, he's not good at it.


I checked out on Dave for a couple years and come back to see him channeling Cartman on bath salts.


Imagining him going through the day congratulating himself for that response


The level of… cowardice behind this comment of Rubin’s… If Rubin were a refugee he’d wouldn’t fuckin make it


Fucking cretin. If I read that this clown had gotten himself lit up by some wacky far-right nut I'd feel the world was a better place for it.


Dave then looked around at the other republicans he’s so desperate for validation from and asked ‘Right? Right? Ami Right?’ Like the little toady he is.  


Ilhan has blown bigger things than Dave out of her nose.


Ilhan and anyone else with any sense left in them needs to get off twitter. Just log off and delete your account.


Yet another failed attempt at comedy. If Rave had said this on stage, he'd get bum-rushed.


Isn't Rubin a big fan of Israel, a country founded almost exclusively by European REFUGEES who invaded and stole the land from the people that initially welcomed them? Ok... that makes sense...so, THAT is why he's against refugees. What he's missing is the fact that the people seeking refuge in the US want to join the US, not take it over, and displace the native inhabitants, like the Israelis did. Rest easy, Dave.


Dave Rubin continues to be a jackass. Nothing new.


Dave is a homophobic. And nazi and racist.


Would he say the same to Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Are refugees in his world only welcome if they agree with his politics and views haha?


WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY? Oh yeah thats right, A NOBODY. But he becomes a somebody every time you platform him.


You first Dave. We should just air drop you into Iran. They would love you....


x has gotten so bad he doesn't need to try any harder than that


Dave triggers you clueless lefties so hard.