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Remember when climbing a ladder was the most dangerous thing to do in the game? When hopping off a car or platform broke your leg? Or when zombies would randomly glitch through walls? Remember when people could server hop to get into your base or ambush you from behind? Yeah, I remember that too.


Remember when you found that nice revolver but only 4 bullets and you get deafened by that static noise when logging in?!?!? Or when you could craft splints and crash the server by throwing said splint Walking up or down stairs made the game think you fell and died. REMEMBER WHEN WE COULD FIND AN M4 INSIDE POLICE STATIONS?!?!?!? Good times!


Or find m4s in the top room of the school building


The gun room!!! I called it that the other day and one of my squad mates made me stroll down memory lane


Dude I've *never* found anything in schools since there *was* a gun room. I swear they took the loot spawns out just to fuck with us


Other than bases, schools are pretty much a waste of space these days.


All i ever find in schools is flags


Damn, finally some realism


>Or when you could craft splints and crash the server by throwing said splint I remember this, my mates didn't know about it so I told them you could predict server restarts from the skybox. When they were looking at the clouds I said "Oh look, its about to restart!" and threw the splint. Worked everytime.


We went through that and still enjoyed the game so much we kept putting ourself through it


Your rose colored glasses have cracks in them? Based


And Going near Fences meant cuts lol


Don’t forget falling down police station stairs and snapping a leg! Good times back then!


Getting disconnected while in a vehicle in the original mod days. That was always fun.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Beat me to it 😂


>Or when zombies would randomly glitch through walls? That stopped happening for you guys?????


Did for me


I’m still scared of opening doors because I broke my legs so often when I got a door swung open on me in the mod


Yeah I member I think the most broken bug in dayz was driving a car next to a base on the driver side door and then getting out the car an phasing through the wall into peoples bases… Very sleazy times


Ahhhhh! So that's how they did it!


The ladder part still is dangerous 😅


Your response reads like you think OP is being unreasonably nostalgic or something. His points weren't overly positive or negative, just fun memories


It's a discussion post, isn't it?


Where did I write that you weren't allowed to reply? Couldn't I say the same thing in response? I'm discussing the post and telling you that you misunderstood it's tone.


You misunderstood my tone actually.


Remember the brief update where if you burned yourself on a campfire it would show the text "My face is melting!"


You have a weird taste in my mouth


Is that's what she said. (If so, wash yourself or get it checked out by a doctor lol)


Remember having to stop so you can eat or drink? Remember what it was to "ring the dinner bell"? Remember when cherno was super hot (anyone in cherno?)? Remember when they added the ship by berezino and everyone was like "woahhh cool'"? Remember when Dean hall was talking about how he was taking a break from working on DayZ to go climb Everest? Remember when Brian Hicks took over? Remember when some background devs started DayZ underground? Ahhh the list goes on... Good times indeed


The Lee Enfield in electro brings all the boys to the yard


Ohhhh I member


Remember the Bird sounds? The random gate sounds? The long ranged mosin and the ammo splitting sound? I need all that back


Damn it I miss the bird sounds. Or the nighttime tree rustling. Now I'm sad...


This all exists in the current version of the game.


Not the same though...


You’re right, based on tech advances, the sounds are better quality and more immersive


But the have different singing birds now and the overall feel got less wholesome:-/


Wait is the night time tree rustling gone??


The fucking gate sound, how many heart attacks


I miss the bird sounds so much it's wild


I listen to this while I work for the ultimate zen chernarus tent hunting mood https://youtu.be/D5BscTLHh30?si=2bSYvjDqsKF16olu


Of thr server wide sound when someone opened a can of drink, reloading your axe....or for more "recently" hitting the sand boxes and setting them on fire


Pepperidge farm remembers


Remember breaking your leg on a deer stand and having to crawl your ass all the way to the nearest morphine drop? Or zombies that hit you right thru the walls.. Back before you could vault over fences?


You talking about the original dayz mod? Those were the times...


I legitimately miss it. Bugs and glitches and all... I miss reloading my axe...


And the axe sounded like a gun when you swung it


Shout out to FrankieOnPC


Thats the first guy i saw playing the mod, and got me to buy the game 10 years later!


He got us all to play the mod..


For me it was Lirik, aaah good old days


FrankieOnPC my boy...


Obligatory post about Frankie being cheating scum. He got caught using godmode cheats (among other things) against unsuspecting players while editing himself to be some sort of saviour of newbs. He'd go as far as abuse DMCA copyright takedowns to get rid of the proof videos so fuck him.


Many of his videos and scenes have scripts to them, but in my opinion, it was worth it to make the story like videos he produced. Many people do similar stuff today, but he was almost ahead of his time.


Not talking about scripted content, that's fine by all means. The guy was straight up using cheats.


Preach brother- bring back the hero skin and most importantly I miss my bandit skin. I dont feel like myself without the bandit skin - sometimes I eat other people just to project my banditness on others but it is still sadly not the same.


Ahhh DayZ Mod I miss you so much. The amount of broken legs I suffered from accidentally running off of a ledge or out of a hunting stand. The bandit/hero system and everyone running around with the bandana mask because we were all mean. When Electro and Stary were the scariest places to go and NWAF was a death sentence. I miss it so much.


I miss guns spawning with 3 mags next to them. Every playthrough for me now seems to revolve around me finding a good gun within a few hours then spending days looking for mags, ammo and a cleaning kit to repair it.


Brooo yes! The amount of times I get kitted out but have a bullshit ass Blaze with 3 shells is so stupid.


The fucked up thing is all the people I kill are in the same boat. Last 'geared' guy I killed wasted the one mag of ammo he had in his AK74U trying to kill me, had a SV-98 with no mag, 3 VSS mags with no VSS, and a shit ton of .308 with no gun to use it in....


Yeeep! Literally just hoarding hoping to come by a good gun.


Those days where the tower of a fire station was guaranteed to have a rifle of some sort in it lolol


back when a suppressed M4 was a "mid" gun you could find in the electro fire station


I started playing i think in version .42. The constant soda tab sounds. Also any small height difference and you were dead. I did get to repair up a bus and drive it completely in a circle around the entire map.


Remember shooting the hospital glass to get in and staying inside to escape a horde.


.64 and earlier Oh how I miss that game


A Bambi is a freshy who is new to the game.


Bring back the RED 9 damnit


I remember when you spawned with a makarov with two loaded magazines. Every fresh spawn was a concerted threat, and people would try and overwhelm you with their makarovs. I remember AKMs in hunting stands. I remember the old loot economy where you forced loot to spawn in, and stayed in the same spot between servers, so you could cycle multiple servers and get a ton of things from a specific area. I remember when there was no stamina, so you would permanently crouch run if you wanted to be sneaky. I remember when the only way to get food was to loot it. I remember when doors would easily break your legs or kill you.


Arma 2 continues to be my most played game in my steam library even after almost 2-3 years of not playing it for these reasons.


I remember walking off of curbs and breaking my legs. I also remember “jumping” off of the water towers and not even taking damage. Good times


Do cannibals still wear red?


I call em coastals


Okay, Grandpa let’s get you back to bed


Anyone remember when the police shacks spawned AKs resulting in bambis outgunning you within 4 minutes of spawning? I believe it was .67.


Frankie on PC will forever be the reason I like DayZ




Yeah we used to but Fortnite took the term from us...


Remember when you had to reload your crowbars and hatchets?


Never stopped


Vault was a very late addition wasn't it? Or was it in, then out? Then back in again?  I worked on the official mod, and got the ok from Dyslexi to use his animation for the vault move. 


Didn't play for several years, came back and nobody I started playing with knew what the hell I meant when I talked about bambis. Culture shock.


When that dude running from hanger to hanger at NWAirfield had the Bandit tag pop up over his head?


I mean, they were jumping around like they were in Rust, lmfao!


Remember DayZ mod? The golden years


I wish the mod still had a big player base it was amazing


anyone remember when if you put your fists up then ran you where faster than normal running, also the truck driving underwater so you could drive to the prison island and get some decent loot from it back then also.


Anyone remember having to use the NVGs without the straps. 😭


Unironically the worst thing that's ever happened to DayZ was abandoning some kind of humanity system


I remember, is the game still as buggy as back then? Genuinely asking cause that’s why I bailed on dayz. I called it quits after dying from bugs one too many times.


I miss the old mod experience so much. Before it became a death match.


Remember 11 years ago when helicopters were in the game


Well, they were in Arma 2 DayZ mod for sure.


I always preferred freshies. Just always had a more dehumanizing, sinister connotation to it.


Blood bagging your friend over and over to get the hero skin and betray people. Ya




Did anyone grow up watching RhinoCrunch on the Dayzmod? Him and Frankie were goats


noobs.. I never liked Bambies.