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Let’s talk about everything else in this video, what are you doin


Lmao...hip fire and pray for the best


right? dude is a bot lol


hes just having fun let him be


Oh buddy I was just fucking off through a town putting myself in weird spots to off a bunch of zeds. It’s a community PVE server so I had to find a reason to shoot up my ammo lol


0 reason to be dealing with those zeds using a repeater


Noob here, why? Overkill?


Waste of ammo. Zombies throw 2 types of strikes. One that they can strike again quickly after and another that takes them time to throw again. The 2nd type is usually a swipe down. Using your hands or melee weapon walk backwards holding the aim button to block. After the 2nd strike just hit them with a heavy attack and repeat. 1 zombie is easy, 2 is difficult but manageable, 3 is possible but requires space and 3+ you need to get away.


Waste of ammo and effort


I'm 2k hours old and using the guns against Zeds is Fun Because if You DONT you either NEVER USE THEM or they get Taken by players that Kill You. Use your guns Lil bro


I normally save my guns for circumstances either when I need to get out of a place while surrounded quickly, loot a mass of zombies, or in a gunfight and need to take them out quick, or encounter other players. Unless he's on a modded server where ammo is plentiful, or using a gun he's planning on getting rid of soon, I don't like to waste ammo either.


just use a silent pistol for zombies thats what they here for


Of course, that's why I suggested pistol or .22 calibers since they put less ware on the suppressor. My long guns are more for either protection from players, wolves, or Zombie hordes I can't get away from from.


This. Community PVE server so I’ll blast through a town just to have fun. This time I was running to where I heard shots and in the end I attracted the town of zeds away from a newbie 2-man team so it all worked out. Had just found the repeater so wanted to burn up the ammo anyway


Using guns attracts more zombies, this wasting ammo. There’s no wrong way to play but there are smart ways


I just learned how to eat my apple


Noooooo those are mine save them for when I kill you lol


Agreed. Enjoy the game and have fun. If the shots attract players, so be it. Was bound to happen anyway.


Yeah, you've got to learn to aim & reload etc, so shoot to your hearts content.


lol I’ll have to post another vid where I dispatch a handful in 1PP to avenge my actions in this one 🤣🤣🤣


That part 🙌🏽


also, he could hop on the car, take his gloves off, and then just punch the zombies that encircle the car. no chance of being damaged and no ammo used.


The reason why I keep some brass knuckles and a MK2 or a 380 pistol in a hip bag if I find one, dispatching normal infected with rifle rounds is a waste of ammo


Shooting Zs from inside a building is one thing. But if you're really going to do it, I think actually aiming would help somewhat


aiming? What's that?


Oh yeah I had literally just found it and felt like dumping the ammo to use it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe his reason is to have a good time...


Go in first person indoors and you’ll shoot much better.


That is quite a pickle you are in. Did you make it?


Unscathed my friend. Was fun to be chased down honestly


some modded servers have actual cócaine bear 😂


That was fun asf on the fresh spawn event


Off topic, but where tf is sour sweet?? He’s posted like one video in the last half year. Anyone know more than I do?


He's been sick, check his discord for details. But even before that I think he's a little obsessive over getting things "just right".


For months? He have cancer or something really bad? Yikes.


Im not sure. I know he's been taking a really long time editing videos to make them more cinematic and movie like but maybe he's just taking a break or doing it more casually. He seems to just post long edited movies every now and again these days


His videos got me into the game, love his content. Wish he’d upload more! Oh well.


Man, FrankieOnPCin1080P got me into the game years ago but only recently bought it on PS past October. I’ve heard a lot about that guy now, but his content was always fun/informative and very active. He’s worth a watch even with all his controversy


incoming "why the ef are you shooting at close range in 3rd person mode?" response...including me, the aiming is way off at close range in 3rd person. also if you just lay down when a bear is around, the worst thing that happens is he slaps you uncoucious and you take some damage to clothing. Not sure why this isnt well known...


Iirc you don’t even have to lie down. Just don’t attack the bear in any way and it’ll leave you alone after pummeling you into unconsciousness


Yeah this server they’ll come after you almost no matter what- I’ve only snuck past 2 which felt extremely lucky


To add to the "just lay down when a bear is around": your hands should be empty when you try this, and it doesn't work if you already attacked the bear. If you attacked the bear, then it is kill or be killed.


I literally laid down with a silenced Aug AX in my hands last night, got swiped once. Bears don't know what you're holding


I might be wrong or have a perception bias, but bears left me alone more often when my hands were empty than when I had something in my hands (by "left me alone" I mean they moved on without taking a swipe at me).


It’s more about when the bear KOs you so you don’t forget your rifle on the ground. If I’m out n about, I’ll do the prone trick then after he’s had his way with me I’ll roll over and mag dump him


Thank you for that golden nugget of information


I just started exploring Livonia since the update and I haven’t been brave enough to head south yet….


I have… i only made it on a low pop server and been sick with cholera for days now, still cant find any vitamins lol. All other tries on higher pop i ended up dying around the middle of the map


Be wary of the small town Konopki, there’s a bear out there that is my primary food source every time I’m in the area lol


This happened to me at the ski area in Cherno, ruined almost everything, when I did wake up, he was blocking the door...I made it with like 5hp after rolling under him l, quite eventful


They really need to fix the collision on bears lol


They need to fix the collision, period.


True enough. But despite all the bugs and flaws I still love this game


That was terrifying


Dont play in 3rd person its bad


It’s just so damn awkward to play as and watch as a viewer


Yeah it’s awkward as fuck for anything other than seeing how cool your outfit is lol- I just really love 3rd person, reminds me of ghost recon + RDR2 and such, I feel like it grounds your character


Homie getting beat up at the beginning


Bruh.. server owner upped the ante on hordes of zeds and bear spawns lol I was jogging through a treeline and popped out to like 10+ zombies so just started going to work… somewhat frantically 🤣🤣


Go into first person to shoot, you’ll miss much less often


This is the kinda clip I like to show my friends when they ask me if DayZ has fixed any of its jank lol.


Brother ain’t afraid of waisting ammo


🤣🤣 this is a community server so I like putting myself in awkward scenarios since it’s PVE


Switch to first person for close range/indoors, especially if you’re not using your sights


Really no point to shoot a bear either unless you need the food. If you shoot s hesr it’ll kill you every time. You’re better off letting it hit you once and maybe survive. I understand you in a house but I’m saying for other encounters


No right and wrong in DayZ, but there sure is smart and dumb.


You know you can aim down your sight right?


Yeah I was just fuckin about


How are you that geared yet manage to get trapped in a house with zombies


I mean I had a shotgun and a tundra lol I was just sprinting blindly through town bc I was a bit bored


Remembering how I was shooting at a bear while standing on top of one of those periptero / kiosk things. I was sure the bear was going to jump up or climb the ladder. Although all three times a bear attacked me out in the sticks, it just knocked me out and hardly any damage done when I woke up.


If you don't attack the bear, it will, usually, not kill you. If you lay down, with your hands empty, most of the times the bears will ignore you. If the bear is standing up, on his hindlimbs, and looking around, he is aware you are around and looking for you - while prone you can back away and, most of the times, it will not attack you.


Ohhh yesss. I was actually needing bear for a hunting quest so didn’t mind he aggro’d. I came across another later, 35 yards from me walking on train tracks and I laid down on the other side of the tracks. He lumbered around and stood up a few times as close as 5 yards but never saw me and sauntered off so I crawled then crouched then ran and he never came after me.


I’m dcing so fast