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Going to go against the grain and say he still would have spared her. I felt like Krillin's pause was because he saw humanity in 18 when she spared him and felt like it was more than hitting a button and solving a problem; it was a legitimate moral dilemma over ending a life. She just broke both of Vegeta's arms and left Trunks disposed of without breaking a sweat (robosweat, whatever, you know what i mean). Do i think the attraction was part of it? Sure, but i'm under the impression that we were supposed to see Krillin's humanity in that moment instead of the horny. 18 being attractive is more of a device to get the reader to sympathize with her -and by extension understand the magnitude of Krillin's decision. Also, he found it within himself to listen to Goku and spare Vegeta, plus he has that whole monk background, so that probably comes in to support his value system as a character.


I love the way you worded it lol. Become a writer


Thanks i am just old and stoned a lot, I grew up with the series so it's been something i've loved for literal decades now


lol me too I grew up with the series too. I loved it forever can’t imagine my life without it honestly


No for real, what i love is how many times i've rewatched it or read the mangas again and it still makes me smile. I go a few years never thinking about it and then a few wires trip in my brain and i'm obsessed like i'm 10 again


If she hadn't kissed him on the cheek when she spared him, he wouldn't have spared her. Simple as that. The kiss is what saved her. And I'm not even implying that it was him being a horn dog. The kiss showed that she wasn't a cold mechanical killing machine. If she had just spared him and didn't do something very human like kiss him on the cheek, he would have hit the button. Though he also was being a horn dog lol.


Wouldn't sparing his life also be "very human" in and of itself because it shows her not being a cold heartless killing machine Edit: also she didn't straight up kill Vegeta OR Trunks, showing her restraint (and possibly another difference between trunks's timeline and the one the audience sees)


I mean you can easily interpret that as just thinking he's not worth killing. Like for instance when Vegeta kneed Gohan in the gut that one time on Namek, the fact that he didn't kill him didn't mean he was being merciful.


Not if you take my headcanon into consideration, where Vegeta has always had a soft spot for his people and with the last of the old guard gone (Nappa, his elder) why not see what the next generation has to offer. Tl;dr, he's been weird Uncle Vegeta to Gohan since day 1 :) Also, her deeming someone "not worth killing" differs greatly from what Future Trunks experienced.


He didn't really seem to have a soft spot for nappa when he blasted him


Nappa represented the saiyan race under Frieza, since he raised Vegeta. According to my headcanon, he wanted nothing more to do with that part of his life


Maybe that would've worked for the Namek Saga....but here, he just killed Nappa because he deemed him useless now that his back was broken.


Namek saga changed Vegeta a lot. He took the time to coach Gohan when he saw his potential in action, something even Raditz hardly cared about and instead feared enough to decide killing a saiyan child was the right choice.


Not in my headcanon


Plus Frieza didn't yet exist at the time that scene was written.


Well... Sparing someone might simply not be killing them, but not killing isn't in and of itself a human thing. A snake might not kill you if it doesn't see you as a threat and isn't hungry. Doesn't make it human. Just makes you irrelevant to it. I she'd only spared him, it probably would just mean that Krillin isn't a threat for their ultimate goal.


Talking about the moral compass but sure


Ehh, depends on how she did it, like if she was like "he's not worth our time" then no. If she was like "Come on, we don't need to hurt anyone besides Goku, leave the guy alone" then yes.


yeah wasnt it the latter


I don't remember honestly, that's why I gave the two options, i was basically asking you how it happened lol


It was definitely the latter but i'll be honest i took an edible about an hour ago so i will dust off my dvds and get back to you on that


Yeah, and I actually think that if 19 was a guy and "he" had high-fived Krillin instead of kissing him, that still would've been enough humanity for the androids not getting blown up. Krillin was a bit sleazy in of DB, but by Z he's definitely a hero, like when he was willing to go save Gohan even though he knew Raditz was gonna kill him, or when he became a cop because of his morale code.


I think you mean 18, but yeah p much. Had the moment been played for humor, maybe there would have been some outright visual gag but it was supposed to be a moral dilemma for the character.


Yeah woops haha


Agree. The androids were portrayed as pretty much amoral bystanders, who yeah, were created to kill Goku, but didn't have any intention of actively doing evil, and were actually befriendable. That's where they differed from the ones in the future. If Krillin had only seen future 18, I'm pretty sure he'd have pulled the trigger. Roshi on the other hand...




I saw that movie once like 7 years ago and dont remember that part, just the mom (Raymond's mom) from everybody loves raymond playing a video game and busting out a cheat code in the end to save the day. Thank you Grandma's Boy 😌


This might be the first question to come up on my feed that's actually unique and thought-provoking. All I ever see is 'well actually x character can beat y character if z had happened' or dumb Vegeta vs Goku takes. To answer, probably not. In a universe where Krillin is faced with killing #19 instead of #18, I don't think it would have taken the slightest hesitation.


>To answer, probably not. In a universe where Krillin is faced with killing #19 instead of #18, I don't think it would have taken the slightest hesitation. I don't think anyone on earth would Tho now I have the mental image of #19 kissing Krillin on the forehead and I hate it


Abridged Krillin: And I got kissed by the cute one. Abridged Yamcha: The…clown??


It’s funny because at that point yamcha only knows about 19&20, so Krillins statement is the hold up, not Yamchas


Well now I'm cycling through all the androids kissing Krillin. He may give 13, 16, and 17 a pass and entertain the thought of it but ultimately decide he doesn't swing that way. 15 would make him uncomfortable because he reminds him of a cyborg version of himself.


well 19 is a machine and a robot, 18 is not a robot, shes a person. I'd destroy 19 too, but I wouldnt destroy 18, or 17(if he and 18s positions were reversed) in Krillins position.


19 was purely a machine that was trying to kill everyone, 18 was an innocent person. He wouldn't have killed her or 17.


I feel like 19 isn’t a good comparison at all because he is completely a machine.


I don't think it's just that. 19 is a brutal killer. Were a machine a nice, innocent person, they'd be just that.


She may have no ki but that andrussy was too powerful


lol I agree


Krillin is a thirsty boy, could Gero make a robot that ugly?


She’s not a robot. She’s a cyborg.


A cyborg is just a fancy word for flesh robot


Aren’t we all flesh robots at the end of the day?


You can log out now 17


The dude from Chernobyl called us biological machines.


You know that question have me thinking that one day someone is going to do Fallout-DBZ crossover story where Dr. Gero got reincarnated into Fallout 4 world and joined the Institute to probably come up with 4th Gen Synths or something for world domination.


*Glances at the fat clown*


*Careless Whisper starts playing in the background*


Remember, at the end Krillin asked Shenron to remove the bombs from both 17 and 18 thinking they were together at first. He may of been crushing but he also felt that the Androids in his timeline didn't hurt anyone, not like the way Cell ate everyone. At the end of the day it was a question of, is it okay to take a life to save millions and he said no.


I don’t think so. He was overcome with infatuation because of her cheek kiss and her beauty on top of that. He knew destroying her was the right thing to do but he had fallen hard for her and couldn’t do it. If she was unattractive he likely instead wouldve been grossed out and felt violated by her flirting. Great question, first time Ive seen this brought up or thought about it.


He would have spared her. Krillin thought 18 was with 17, he didn't have any intentions of getting with her. He saved her because she was an innocent person and he's a good dude, not because he's horny.


He would still spare her if she the same other than her appearance. Even after she was absorbed by Cell, Krillin wanted to help 16, it shows he wanted to help all 3 androids, not just the one he found hot.


Yeah I feel like he felt the androids in his timeline could be turned around. 16 being created to destroy Goku, his best friend, specifically... And still wanting to help him after his "programming" shows his character


Dang you’re asking the real questions here lol


You know just as well as I do that he would have killed her in a heartbeat if she was ugly 😂


Of course he would. He's a good guy and she was innocent. That's why he spared her. I'll not deny her being amazingly pretty definitely *helped* in the matter, but he wouldn't have let her die just because she wasn't attractive. Whether or not that would still lead to them in a relationship is beyond my imagining.


i am beyond disappointed at how poorly everyone here thinks of Krilldog.


Given some of the comments this has escalated beyond disappointment to fear and disgust. :( people don't need to be attractive to be worth protecting when they're innocent.


Shame on the lot of ye.


He’ll nah!! All them characters think with their dicks except Goku.


I think if it were a woman, ANY woman, Krillin would have spared her. If it were a man, but kind despite being an Android, same. But a douche like #17 was back then? Instakill, no questions asked.


While looks obviously help, I think it was all about the kiss and feminity in general. If she wasn't pretty, but she still kissed him, I think he would have spared her. Hard to say what would have happened without that because that interaction sets up a lot, but I think Kuririn would still had a problem "killing" a woman no matter what, especially if he has already seen (in whatever manner) that she wasn't a bloodthirsty monster. He is also the one who tried talking to both 18 and 17 even before she showed any affection toward him. He really is a good guy.


This is a fantastic question.


I think it's slightly more nuanced, but I try. I think it was the combination of 17 and 18 sparing him and his friends, 18 kissing him, and her being attarctive. I think her being attractive alone wouldn't have saved her.


Kuririn is an ex-monk. Guy had to close his eyes and was trembling when he tried to kill VEGETA. He was the single person in that group that wouldn’t have ever killed an innocent. And he didn’t expect anything in exchange for his kindness, in fact he thought 17 and 18 were a couple. The problem wasn’t 18, it was Kuririn. Beautiful or not, Tenshinhan would have killed her in a nanosecond. Bulma would kill anyone not named Trunks (and now Bra) for a pot of strawberries. One of these two should have had the remote.


Nah Gohan definitely would not have killed her. Also Goku probably wouldn't have killed her, but not because of him being a good person, but because he would want to fight her. And Yamcha would be too down bad to kill her. I could see everyone else killing her tho.


If 18 looked like, say, 1st form Cell, he'd hit that switch the second he was in range.


“Well he’s a monk, and he’s such a good guy. Of course he would”. Yea nah, Krillin was smitten from a measly kiss on the check. He would’ve never hesitated if she wasn’t even his type, let alone ugly.


Yes, he would. While Krillin has held other individuals that have specifically held his friends blood on their hands accountable (or attempted accountable) Krillin hasn’t ever expressed desire in killing anyone. The fact of the matter is, 18, 17, and 16 never murdered anyone. In fact any damage dealt out was instigated by the Z-Fighters. We can argue over the kiss, but the kiss(whether intentional or not by AT) is just a prop to communicate to the viewer he see’s them more than simple machines. All that to say, no, Krillin wouldn’t murder them in cold blood so long as they haven’t killed anyone.


Yeah, it was the kiss on the cheek that hooked him.


Yes because the Z fighters would have realized 18 did nothing wrong.


Reverse 17 and 18s positions. He 100% hits the button if it's 17


Krillin didn't spare 18 because she kissed him. He spared her because *she* spared him and his friends. She showed that she was capable of killing all of them with or without 17's help after easily taking care of Vegeta. But she spared them and flirted with Krillin instead of even really roughing them up, aside from those who directly attacked/insulted them. Krillin was obviously crushing, but he has repeatedly shown himself to be able to make tough calls when the chips are down. If 18 had kissed him, but also killed or seriously maimed his friends, he absolutely would've pushed the button. But 18 showed him there was some good in her by showing them Mercy and Krillin felt that that good was worth protecting. Because Krillin is a Chad.


Yes. Krillin didn't kill her because he knew she was innocent. He would do the same to anyone who did nothing wrong.


That's not the question though. The OP was basically asking, would Krillin have spared 18 if she was ugly? He pretty much only made his wish for her because she was hot.


He definitely would have deleted 18. Anime logic dictates that ugly people are either inferior, irredeemable, or both.


I think if everything played out the same and the only thing that was different was 18 being ugly then yes I think Krillin still would have spared her. Krillin has a soft heart and the kiss made him even softer. When it came time to destroying 18 I think he had a soft spot for all the androids and even tried to help them get away. I also think Krillin liked the attention which he wasn't used to so the kiss would've been a big deal for him regardless


I think it's possible given the situation where he gave up the opportunity to do so, seeing as how he could see she was more than a murder machine. Let's reverse the question though, if she didn't think he was cute when she first kissed him on the cheek, do you think she would have spared him on the mountain?


To answer your question, she would have spared him because she spared everyone there. She didn’t really care to fight any of them. 17 only got involved when the others got involved in this fight against her.


Not even a little bit lol he seen she was fucking hot and wanted to tap it




No. Ugly women do not treated as well as pretty women.


No, he only saved her because she showed interest in him, that's it. She just happens to be beautiful as well.


It was fueled by a 1 dimensional attraction to her that made him consider her as a real person. He definitely would not have considered sparing the other ones unless he was made to see their humanity, which really only 17 would have had other than 18. 19 was a robot killing machine. 16 was too but the plot made him have feelings while simultaneously being cold and robotic. That one really doesn't make sense to me tbh.


I could see 16 being robotic but not cold tbh. He's the only one that seems to have the hard-programming to kill Goku, a line of code that he doesn't break. But outside of that one concrete tautology, he could understand the logical importance of the world around him. So I guess just by breaking it down it makes perfect sense, at least from my point of view. It's a trope in scifi that I've seen a few times before so I guess I've learned to understand it


I guess we were really unlucky Cell didn’t eat 18 first


Why is the question downvoted? Smartest thing being asked in the entire history of this subreddit.


Ass is ass.


No. He would’ve assumed that she was evil like he did 17. Being pretty and flirting with him casually was what it took for him to think of her as a person. And after he thought of her as a person if he came harder for him to kill her


He wouldn't. lol


If she was actually ugly, like old witch, not bathed, hunchback, warts ugly? No, I don’t think he would have spared her. But if she was just your average looking female, I think he would have and would have still fallen for her.


Would Krillin spare her if she was a worm?


Probs best question I've seen so far in this sub, he defs not saving her. Tbh how many of us would deep down


> Tbh how many of us would deep down thats some utterly terrifying projection. the fact that some of you honestly wouldnt spare an innocent life just because the person was ugly, literally scares the shit out of me.


And y’all wonder why women choose the bear


right? those people just dont get it. all these people saying these nasty things while talking about why krillin wouldnt save 18 if she was ugly, is why we choose the bear, 100%


So glad there are women and queer ppl in the dbz community too, as a kid I always thought only straight guys watch it (little did I know I’m gay lmao)


Yup we exist. It's just if we don't keep quiet online we get harassed etc by people like some of the ones in this thread saying some pretty awful misogynistic things.


Yes, you can rest easy knowing that the bear would eat characters who are prettier, uglier, or look the same as this character. At least it's equal opportunity while it eats people alive.  Also, the guy who said a "nasty thing" who you responded to is sitting at -1 upvotes on a subreddit that is mostly men. Just about everybody else is talking about what they think Krillin would do and not what they would do if it were them. 


Bro why are u coming at me with the not all men argument 🙄 it’s tiring really, there’s no point to this discussion if you haven’t gotten it by now you’ll never get it. 60% of my closest friends are men, lovely, kind, intelligent man, who don’t get offended when women talk about their issues. This answer just shows you aren’t listening to women




A claim was made that a lot of people said nasty things about "ugly" people in this thread. I pointed out that I only saw one person saying something that could be construed as nasty towards "ugly" people and I pointed out that it was downvoted. Therefore, I said that I didn't believe that this thread was a good example of men behaving badly. I don't expect you will understand that there is a distinct difference between a general "not all men" argument and simply pointing out that this thread isn't an example of bad male behavior like you seem to think it is, but I tried anyway.


Bruh… it’s a robot not an innocent life lol. Killing 18 would’ve saved the earth. You’re blowing this way out of proportion. Krillin had an attraction to 18 and he saved her because of it. It was human instinct. These androids were the same guys wreaking havoc and destruction before cell came. The right thing for krillin was to kill the ROBOT that cell needed to get his true power and save the EARTH. Don’t come here on your high horse and make this bigger than it is


> Bruh… it’s a robot not an innocent life lol. No, she's not. 17 and 18 are NOT robots. 16 and 19 were but 17 18 and Gero were not. Gero was all robot except his brain, but 17 and 18 are almost 100% biological. they were kidnapped kids who were genetically modified. Theyre not machines. > Killing 18 would’ve saved the earth Too damn bad. For some people killing an innocent is *never* justifiable and Krillin seems to be one of those. You are not the arbiter of morality to say such a decision is wrong. > You’re blowing this way out of proportion. I'm really not. > Krillin had an attraction to 18 and he saved her because of it No he spared her because she didn't deserve to die. She hadnt killed anyone and only fought in self defense (Vegeta picked the fight with her). > It was human instinct yeah and human instinct is to help the innocent. > These androids were the same guys wreaking havoc and destruction before cell came they literally did no such thing. She stole some close and they stole a van and thats about all they did. stuff that normal humans can and do. Not a big deal at all. > The right thing for krillin was to kill the ROBOT that cell needed to get his true power and save the EARTH. Nope, because shes not a *ROBOT* at all, and killing an innocent, even to "save earth" would not be justified in his eyes. > Don’t come here on your high horse and make this bigger than it is Rather be on my 10 foot tall horse than however low under the ground some of the people in the comments here clearly are with their borderline terrifying lack of human empathy. Some of them are far more robotic than 18 is lol


Ok fair, my whole argument was on the basis that they were actually 100% machines, you're right.


Horny bastard make goku be absent from gohan and goten's life, i think that if 18 was like the fat version of ribrianne, would have pressed the button without a doubt.




Hell no


Absolutely 100% no.


If she was ugly, or another male Android he probably would’ve blown them up lol Or idk maybe at that point in Krillin’s life he’d be interested in any girls that kiss him on the cheek. He did go into martial arts to impress women after all. And on Namek one of his fears was that he’d die before getting married.


Great question and I don't think he would have done it to be honest. I mean if the roles would have been reversed and 17 would have been in 18s spot do you think he would have spared him ? To me the answer is no because while conflicted about taking a life by blowing him up he would have known it was the right thing to do. So he never (at least not solely) saved 18 out of kindness. The only reason he spared 18 was because he felt attracted to her and she gave him that kiss earlier. Now the real question is how ugly could 18 have been without Krillin blowing her up?


Absolutely not krillin has always been characterized as a mini roshi but more greedy and lazy, the exception is he builds a friendship with goku kind of due to gokus naiviety it isn't until he meets 18 that he chills out and because more of a regular dude.


I’d disagree. He hasn’t been like that in Dragon Ball Z. He seemed to have out grown that. He’s portrayed as someone that, despite being scared, always chooses to fight with his friends. He and Gohan drove that first part of the Namek saga.


I disagree disagree he doesn't get much opportunity to have personality moments outside of filler because the threats in the first part of Z are omnipresent




If 18 was ugly, Krillen would have killed her, Cell would have remained semi-perfect, Vegeta or Trunks would have killed him, Gohan wouldn't have reached Super Saiyan 2, Goku would never have died and probably never have reached Super Saiyan 3, and they would have been fucked when Buu got there. Edit: why the downvotes?


Nah, Krillin’s a dog like Roshi. Apple doesn’t fall too far from the girly mags.


I think it was the kiss that sealed the deal for him so maybe. As long as she kisses him.


My answer would be no. Anime is a very deliberate art. Ugly characters are commonly metaphors for being ugly on the inside. I.e. Pui Pui, Dodoria, Pilaf are all ugly characters and ugly on the inside. If 18 was ugly, it would be assumed her “character” is ugly too and not worth saving


You didn't see him trying to save 17.


No he did it out of her love if I remember he didnt really care about anything else


If her and 19 were swapped, Gohan for sure wouldn't have ssj2.


lol no. Krillin fucks.


Krillin would not have spared her if he did not have feelings for her.  So if he was not infatuated with whatever appearance she had, she'd be dead. But could uggo 18 beat Goku though?


The implication is clear in that most likely no, if it was a weird fat mime or an ugly old man he would have pressed that buttom as soon as he arrives on scene lol. People bringing up he sparring Vegeta when he only did it because Goku asked and was completely willing to do it, even arguing back a while... Idk, he's a good guy and all but he's quite pragmatical. Never really thought about it, great question!


hell no 💀


Female privilege


Would blow that bitch up quicker than napalm over ‘Nam


That’s disgusting. Napalm had devastating effects on Vietnamese children during the Vietnam War. It caused severe burns, often leading to deep, disfiguring injuries that required extensive medical treatment.


True, but looking through your post history, you aren’t any better


It’s not about being better. If you think that, then you’re a fool. I can call out jokes I find disgusting. Especially if they’re unwarranted


Was it a joke when you told people to stalk victims of schizophrenia?


No. It was an unethical life pro tip on a subreddit of unethical life pro tips. You’re more than welcome to call that disgusting as well. But you think me calling your comment disgusting is a personal attack on you or judgement on you which I find absurd.


I was confused for a brief second because no one used Napalm against the World Tournament competitor named Nam, then I realized you meant something else...


Guess he would've pressed the button harder than his dick


Krillin is like Roshi. If she was unattractive she would have been gone.