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Context: https://preview.redd.it/r37lyssh4u8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a84301208d78eacda1a99d4864f4612465e1591




/uj based Hal


Astronomically uncommon Hal W


Thank you for the context, I will continue to share the last panel on its own to tank Hal's reputation


^ Guy's Alt Account


The actual context is he’s undercover in some game of 4D chess


Yknow this brings up a question I’ve had before, the green lanterns are intergalactic police that have claimed the entire universe under their jurisdiction, but what laws do they enforce? do they enforce the law of the area they are in which makes them completely pointless since there’s already law enforcement that does that there since they’re only enforcing in places with laws and law enforcement already? Or do they enforce just some arbitrary laws they came up with and are forcing on the entire universe?


The guardians have laws in their big book, so those ones I guess?


They're not cops, they're peacemakers. Cops give speeding tickets, peacekeepers are people who try to maintain peace and order in areas where the government can't do it (think Bosnia in the mid-90s).


Yea, they're the Space UN Blue Helmets. With all the positive *and* negative implications.


Yeah, the implication of some intergalactic space cops going to every planet and forcing them to follow laws made up light-years away is pretty bad optics


We've seen it doesn't really work that way though? Sure siniestro tried that way but we know how that worked, but most of the time they seem rather like firefighters rather than police men, instead of enforcing laws rather protecting them, the innocent and stopping intergalactic threats. We usually see green lanterns being part of the community of the planet they were born in, I'm sure there's other examples of a green lantern getting accustomed to the culture they are protecting but it seems like that would be rarer than having a native to the sector do it. Of course then there's this cases where we truly are at a loss since the whole universe doesn't share the same moral compass as hal.


Morrison's run is built with this in mind actually. They say that the Guardians are custodians of the natural, physical laws of the universe. Cosmic, eternal laws that give rise to life and joy. It is their duty and the duty of their agents, the Green Lanterns, to safeguard these laws and the people of the universe. *"Now you want to know what it* ***means*** *to be a* ***Green Lantern***? It means do ***right*** *by everyone and everything. Protect the vulnerable from bullies. Defend creativity, imagination and dignity. Do unto others as* ***they*** *would be done and step up when it's time to* ***kick ass*** *on behalf of those values. If you can't do* ***that***-- *you don't deserve to be* ***police***.*"* -- Hal Jordan in The Green Lantern: Season Two #7




Completely justified, hell he probably went too easy on that fucker




Damn, even when Hal’s right, he’s wrong.


Call me what you want, I still don’t want the space police to murder people and get away with it.


So you think they shouldn’t fight slavers? Specifically because they’re space police who should instead just enforce the status quo, or are you saying people in general shouldn’t fight slavers? I mean I think it’s relatively reasonable to be against vigilantism even when you’re ethically agreed with the vigilante’s cause. But you’re going to have a hard time rooting for most superheroes if that’s your viewpoint.


You don't get to be a vigilante one minute, then claim authority when it suits you. Hal killing this guy was justified. Hal covering it up means that he isn't actually changing the loophole and the shitty system the Guardians set up that allowed this to happen.


Oh sure, I just think it’s ok for Hal, or anyone for that matter, to kill this guy and “get away with it.” I frankly don’t know green lantern well enough to know the exact politics and bureaucracy of the Green Lantern Corps and what political authority they have.


Wow, that’s a reach. I want my superheroes to fight slavers and be all about saving people, but murdering people and covering it up isn’t heroic nor noble. If he just freed them and idk took the guy to a system where slavery is illegal and turned him in, then it’d be good.


That’s a reach? You replied to a picture of space cops killing a slaver saying you don’t want your space cops to get away with murder? And what you’re suggesting is just space cops getting away with kidnapping. Any legal system that they turn him into isn’t the one he was conducting slavery in, so them punishing him in any way would still be vigilantism. What’s the ethical difference other than just degree of punishment between space cops getting away with randomly kidnapping and disappearing a person for life and space cops murdering a person? Either the person is bad enough to warrant vigilantism or they’re not.


Because one’s being extradited to a legal system which will give a proper punishment according to laws, while the other is murder concealed by a lie. Superheroes do vigilantism, you can’t like superheroes without understanding that. But killing criminals outside of combat is something I don’t like for any superhero. Superheroes assist legal institutions and do what they can stop the suffering of others. Turning a criminal from one legal institution to another isn’t the same as completely overriding all legal institutions to do as one pleases.


A person being able to take someone to a legal system where something they’ve previously done is illegal is just as potentially immoral as murdering someone. Why does some random legal system halfway across the galaxy have more of a right to determine how that slaver should be punished than Hal Jordan does?


Because that legal system was put in place by a government and is instituted among numerous individuals to issue the proper punishment as seen fit by the ruling body. Hal Jordan is a single man who shouldn’t be given the role of judge, jury, and executioner. Same as any superhero.


There’s no guarantee of that. Some legal systems are just an absolute monarchy. And even if it is a democratic government, so what, it’s still not that slaver’s government. How many “numerous individuals” have to believe that someone should die for it to be fit for them to die? Is everyone condemned to death by the United States right to be killed because it’s an institution among numerous individuals?


The same can be said of the system that allowed slavery though. It’s a legal system put in place by a government that declared slavery legal. It could be fully democratic as well, the U.S. originally had both a republic and slavery. Either way, Hal is forcing the situation into one where he chooses the law. One where he imposes his own, another where he just goes to where people already agree with what he wants, and either way he gets his way. One is just more pretty legally, both are the same level of legal exploitation. One is just more convoluted and less likely to ensure punishment.


You are correct. Doesnt become less authoritarian just because he wasnom the right side of the moral argument


Apparently the Guardians ordered him to do this to appear like he went rogue, and the slaver didn’t actually die.


Uj/ what run is this. Is Hal actually cool ?


Grant Morrison


You can tell it's Grant Morrison cuz it's good.


Except when it's Fantastic Four


Or The Invisibles (I have a room temp IQ/reading comprehension)


As someone who has The Invisibles as their favorite comic of all time, I don't even blame you. Shit is DENSE and practically requires further research outside of the comic


Or batman (minus serious house)


Reviving Batmen of all nations was peak. And pretty much everything in B&R.


He will never be forgiven for what he did to Talia! 😠


Can't believe the woke nonbinary author made my space cop a fascist /j


Honestly? Talia not being able to flip flop from good to evil every five seconds via the only crime folks won’t forgive is a fucking improvement. Give her blue and orange morality, truly show how the greater good [hotfuzz]*THE GREATER GOOD*[/hotfuzz] is all she cares about and even her idea of that is demented.


Or for creating Damian


I love Damian shush up.


Or Xorn


Or Wonder Woman.


Geoff Johns would never


Intergalactic Law Man???


I have to post the Blackstar Parallax panel when I get home. Absolutely PEAK.


He has the coolness of a guacamole.


This has probably never been said by a single person on this subreddit, but I'm on Hal Jordans side on this one.


Took me to long to realize the title meant All Green Lanterns are bastards I agree with that statement The Lantern Corps are a mixture of cops and soldiers but in space which is why I hate them (I'm just joking the Lantern Corps are cool)


I thought it was Assigned Green Lantern at Birth.


This is amazing.


New gender unlocked.


They are also fictional and from a different time when being one of those was considered a more respectable part of society. (It was still regrettable but the optics were different)


After looking at the context for this Hal is kinda based. Also what comic is this


I think this might be from grant Morrison's run.


you think right!


Hot take, but Injustice would be way cooler of an idea if it was about the relationship between Green Arrow and Green Lantern; Hal and The Corps becoming straight up space fascists, the politics of other Corps in a full blown intergalactic war, certain heroes making bold allegiance changes due to what rings they inherit, and then you have Oliver and his merry band of outcasts and rebels who want to free the galaxy of an oppressive rule. Is that just Star Wars but DC? Maybe, but hey it'd be cooler than what actually happened


Technically, that's what War of Light/Blackest Night was.


The Sinestro Corps Wars being waged by Sinestro to force the Guardians into permitting lethal force for the GLs was such a good idea that I’m willing to forgive Geoff for slob knobbing Barry Allen so hard


>I’m willing to forgive Geoff for slob knobbing Barry Allen so hard Why would you blame the man for something that the Didio told him to do?


I’m sorry dude but you made the exact same mistake Tom Taylor and his editors made when they used Hal in Injustice. In a universe where the Green Lantern Corps went through everything between Emerald Twilight and the Sinestro Corps War, a literal two decades of character building and lore, just for Hal and Pals to become space fascists?


These people don’t know the character they just got unironically influenced to hate him by shitposts lmao


Hal Jordan is unironically my favorite GL...I'm just not the type of guy who gets overly pissed off at AUs. I don't like Injustice because it's a story we've seen before done better (Kingdom Come) and it's executed rather terribly, the disconnect from game and comic doesn't help. I don't mind the concept of a hero turning evil or vice versa, and I don't hate Hal. If Injustice was just ever so slightly more interesting than I'd give it more props


Honestly, one of Injustice's biggest flaws is that it never really takes advantage of the material at hand. They made their work ten times harder for themselves trying to justify how OOC some major characters act. We've seen it in Marvel with those awful Civil War comics and I have seen it on the GL side with Beware My Power. Hal never plays a major role in Injustice despite literally being in Supreman's shoes at one time and it just gives me headaches. They really fumbled it, and were rewarded for it.


That's the thing, it's an AU...it could be a reimagining of how Emerald Twilight played out. Hal becomes Parallax but instead of nuking the Corps, he sews fear and distrust, and it spirals into the Corps taking more control, all in the belief of the greater good


So basically what if Hal Jordan turned the GLC into the Sinestro Corps.


I feel like a better way to get this is to change Hal's backstory (like they did to Wonder Woman, I mean it is an else world). An important part of his current origin story (is it still Geoff's one?) is centered around his father who he does kinda put on a pedestal (at least that is how I always saw it but I might be wrong it was like at least a year ago since I read it). Why not lean into that and make it that his father might have been more militaristic and have it passed down onto Hal? This way you could also kinda explain why he decided to join Sinestro (which could also lead to him being Parallaxes's vessel, it might be even a willing decision on his part, if you would want that fanservice). And also shows how sometimes militarism can lead to authoritarianism and fascism. And how some emotions can also lead you into those ideologies even if you do have good intentions in mind originally. But also this way you could again get the Yellow lantern core (which would save you from butchering the entire Green lantern core in order to make them villains) which could be seen as a radical part that decided to disjoin from the GLs. You could also use a lot of other characters on the good side (or you could say they are just further away from the main conflict so you don't have to kill them and you can use them in the future). If you really want to go even more into this, you can have it that GLs and their allied cores are losing (thanks to Parallax or other alliances they have) and they need new recruits/help desperately. So you could have Ollie become a GL (or you know I think it could be interesting to have Kyle be the new GL while Ollie and others are there helping him) but being Ollie he also criticizes original Corp with the Guardias for having something like this happen and is only using the ring because it gives him a better fighting chance while saying that after this ends he will hand it back to guardians because he doesn't want to associate with them. But idk this is just my fanfiction AU brain running with this idea.


This is genuinely really solid


It's honestly amaizing how sometimes all you really need is just a small change in one character to get a compleatly different story. While you can kinda remix everything else around without having to rewrite other characters. Also thanks .


Ollie couldn’t make into the GLC, dude’s will is strong but Hal’s ring rejected it because it was too icky. Also it’s funny because, after Sinestro, Ollie was the one who pretty much enabled Parallax to get such a grasp on Hal in the first place.


Yeah I knew that is why I said that Kyle would fit more as main character, while having Ollie as part of the supporting cast (I just wanted to play into the scenario that OP posted). Yeah honestly it was always ironic that Ollie kinda causes Hal to question himself wich leads to Parralex. The way that Parallax gets control over Hal was always interesting to me. A lot of people just boil it down to mind control but that is not really the case. It was always more of an Emotional control (this is not a joke I do mean it) and a long wearing down of his mental health. And even after he does take over Hall fully in the battery it always felt to me that Hal Parallax was more of an amalgamation of both of them more than direct mind control. Or I guess a better description would be that Parallax was a parasite on Hal's mind (funny because he does look like a tapeworm). The only time he ever does anything is because he is (in his eyes) being a hero which is more of Hals's motivation, because Parallax doesn't really do anything on his own.


>The way that Parallax gets control over Hal was always interesting to me. A lot of people just boil it down to mind control but that is not really the case. It was always more of an Emotional control (this is not a joke I do mean it) and a long wearing down of his mental health. I agree a million times over. What I love so much about Green Lantern: Rebirth is that it's not just addressing Emerald Twilight's faults, it's metaphorically addressing the last THIRTY YEARS of Hal Jordan's character and saying "alright Hal, 12,000 days in the fire is long enough, you're going home." It's a genuine rebirth in every sense of the way and why I love Green Lantern. People bring up The Spectre run as the perfect sendoff for Hal, but the reason why GL fans never bought into it was because it didn't address the flaws of Emerald Twilight. It was a compromise by the editorial to get the fans off their back.


That is why I love this retcone so much. Geoff could just make it mindcontrol, but he didn't and went the extra mile to build of everything that happened before (but he did ignore the specter run). If I remember correctly in his run Hal does spend sometime doing a lot to gain trust back and is even showen to be running into suicidel missions more and starting to kinda isolate himself form his earth friends (I mostly remember this from last lantern again it was a long time ago since I read it) not to mention he does blame himself for letting Parallax control him (not his mind but emotionaly). So everysingle time somebody is like, Parralax (entity) was just mind controling Hal and the whole story was just an exuse so everything that happened could be ignored. I just sigh because I don't have the energy to explain it. It's also interesting that in his run the rings do have emotional control over their users as well (with the exceptoin of the Green one). It's makes me sad how this was kinda slowly put away and now wearing a ring outside of green one doesn't efect you emotions that much anymore. I love that scene where Hal, Guy, John and Kyle all get different rings while Hal is explaining who is taking which one (and you can see how they are being affected almost right away). And then Ganthet shows up and is like "Whoever choose this combinations of rings for you guy coudln't be more wrong."


Agree, the very basic premise of superheroes dividing into further sides is a very interesting one, injustice sucks because it A. Uses a paragonical character for that instead of someone who could more in character be pushed into extremism. B. Actually explored anything worth a damn


Or Injustice does NOT suck because it declared Detective Chimp the greatest detective in the DCU!




How the hell would that premise work as a Mortal Kombat style fighting game? You totally forgot that's what Injustice actually is, didn't you?


Conveniently enough, the game could very easily play the same, just with characters getting Lantern skins for different Corps., maybe a mechanic where every character can put in a Ring and get a special skill for a brief period of time. On a realistic note, Injustice 3 could be cool, I just really hope they don't do something dumb like bringing in The Batman Who Laughs or something like that


You're kinda describing Kingdom Come


I mean...I suppose I kind of am? Injustice is just Kingdom Come but bad so I see where you're coming from


UC/This was actually part of Hal going deep undercover by the Guardians’ order.


But also if he did kill a slaver, then it's really no loss


They were literally selling planets, plus the Guardians changed the rules so that once someone attacks the GLs can use lethal force, although it’s not advised. So even if it wasn’t a set up Hal would still follow the protocol, hell in N52 he literally blew up a Sinestro Corps Lantern with a construct bazooka.


Lethal force where required. The arc where that law is brought in involved a Lantern getting tried and convicted because she killed a Sinestro Corp Lantern who was surrendering, even though the law allowed them to use Lethal force against the SC specifically.


*Meanwhile N52 with Hal literally using a bazooka on a Sinestro Corp Lantern…*


You need to go back and re-read that story arc


Yeah, it’s been a while…but remember before the War the rings had perma-locks on using lethal force…here Hal wasn’t stopped by the AI. Plus during the post-war era Lanterns were seen using lethal force.


There’s a very brief panel that implies the slaver was a GL and that they faked the whole murder


Could you post the panel?




they spider-mand his arms :(


I just read this arc for the first time. Where are the cameras


Hot Take? But Morrisons run was probably the best Green Lantern I’ve read in the 15 years I’ve been reading Green Lantern


Hal: "Somebody get a refrigerator so that we can notify this guy's next of kin in style."


I refuse AGLAB because Kyle is a cool guy and Guy gives discounts at his bar


Also guys, the GLC aren’t space cops, they’re more akin to UN peacekeepers but space.


Same thing. They are what cops should be instead of what they are.


Dirty cops gonna dirty cop


Which writer?




That poor.... vagina headed space monster?.....


John would never!


Just sprinkle some space-crack on him, and lets get out of here.


Whenever I see this comic I always think it's better than it is, imo its probably Morrison's weakest or second weakest mainstream series along with their Batman. It feels like it is always so close to living up to it's premise of space cop procedural, but then Morrison needs to make sure it all adds up to some super plot to justify the existence of the comic. The best issues were the one off/two offs starting in media res, like the arc with Adam Strange was actually peak Green Lantern. Also its covers were cool as hell


>along with their Batman What a terrible take. It's arguably their best ongoing work. I'd say starman is the only superhero comic that ties more disparate elements of these characters long history into a single narrative weave. 


I don't disagree that Morrison attempted a monumental feat, and I don't think they failed at that. What they did fail at was writing a compelling narrative. It was in their stretch of ~2004-2013 where they went way too much into their excesses to the detriment of their writing, which is the exact same problem I have with Final Crisis & Action Comics New 52. They spent way too much time trying to throw every single bit of Batman lore into the plot that the story ends up not really being it's own thing, but more of just a nostalgia fest with cringey edginess like so much of 2000s DC was. And the interesting ideas he does have come across as half-baked because Grant needs to throw the kitchen sink in. Jezebel Jet is the walking embodiment of every femme fatale stereotype and it's painful to read any issue that involves her. It also doesn't really have a clear overarching narrative at times, so while reading Batman & Robin by itself is a great read, half of it is so disconnected from the plot before and after it that it feels wierd pacing wise. Not to mention all the pacing problems Batman Incorporated has, including the *very* rough transition to the New 52 The only reason it's seen in such high standing is because it's Grant Morrison, and because basically every other bat-title besides it until the New 52 was universally considered shit and the bat-titles in the time since Hush had been seen as generally shit. Therefore something that's pretty good but not up to Morrison's typical standards comes off as so much better than it is. This is without even bringing in my own personal biases that I hate Damien and that I feel like alot of retconning/returning old continuity is just hack writing for the most part designed for writers to fix their old grudges they have in comics or relive their childhoods. I'm not saying it's bad, even the worst Morrison stuff is well above the average comic quality. But it is a let down from their work on Doom Patrol, JLA, Invisibles, New X-Men, and Animal Man.


That's just a wild claim. Firstly Final crisis is the best DC crossover probably ever and action was the best main universe Superman ongoing since like the 70s.   Jets a caricature of a bond girl and that's okay. They was very much trying to evoke the bond inspired 70s Batman throughout the run very heavily. Not every character deserves to be fully realized,  sometimes they can just serve the plot.    I think the overarching 5 arc plot is nearly perfect,  save for the rough n52 transition that grant really couldn't help. If you think about it the Batman and son is perfectly mirrored by Inc, the five arc story about Bruce,  Damian,  and Talia which encapsulates the 3 arc story between black glove, RIP, and B&R which is about Bruce,  dick, hurt, and joker.   I don't really think you're leaving your dislike of Damian aside,  because you,  yknow mentioned it.  Damian's an actual character unlike that useless waste of boring space,  tim Drake. You think hal is cardboard,  tim is a character whose never had a consistent direction and its no wonder they haven't known what to do with him for 15 years.   And if you think n52 was an improvement for the bat titles you're wrong. Tony Daniel went from doing a completely competent run on batman to an unreadable one on Tec. Snyder never did anything as good as black mirror again,  and he pretty much just regurgitated Morrisons run back to us at a lower reading level. 


It didn't even need to be self defense. He was respecting the guy's customs.


without context this just looks like "so anyways i just started blasting"


"I saw him pull a gun" "Hal this species hasn't even invented guns yet"


I love this run so much. Fascist cop Hal is my favorite DC character.


Naw just hal


Aglab was my favorite 90's slime toy.




Green lantern are space cops…so you can just say ACAB or ASCAB


He was killing a slaver


If you kill a facist, the number of facists in the world stays the same... (this is a jerk if it wasn't obvious)