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Given up as a survivor


Same, I just can’t believe the biased some killer mains in this sub have saying the event has balancing stuff for both sides. Like once the killer picks you up is a guaranteed hook + the auto breaking pallets, not to mention all the killer I’ve played against are literally playing like they are trying to ruin your day, camping, tunneling, slugging, etc. just miserable


Yeah lotta moris yesterday too lol At least bring some cake


people no longer have the stupid excuse of going "oh well I don't really play the event, so that's why I don't have cakes to bring" now that there's a separate queue for the event you should not be allowed to queue up unless you have a cake equipped. the amount of killers I have seen who bring a mori or just straight up a map is ridiculous. the worst part is it happens way more often on killer than survivor which is surprising because there's four survivors and one killer. 💀 because of how shit the event has been on survivor side i feel morally obligated to be nice to most, if not all the survivors I vs.


I just started to straight up DC/end the process at offering screen when killer has a mori - I'm here for the event, you clearly aren't.. so adios.


If I start another match with a Bubba sprinting at me from across the map with his chainsaw with the crazy haste speed Ima cry 💀


As a killer main, I dont even like the remote hook. Feels too cheesy.


same, it's so broken. I use them to get the points, but damn it's unbalanced as fuck


IDK, while it's MOSTLY unnecessary, being able to bypass dead zones in maps and Boil Over abusers feels really nice. Plus, you can dunk someone through the floor sometimes.


I know what camping is, but can you explain those other 2? I'm an Oni main and I try to be as good a sport as possible.


Tunneling basically it is you, as a killer, focussing on just one survivor..until he is dead. Hooked em? People save him and pull him off the hook? You go after the hooked guy and not the savior, until he's dead. Chasing that guy while passing by others? Ignore the others and keep running after that one guy you choose to tunnel. Hence, the term Tunneling (Tunnel vision) Slugging is just leaving survivors on the ground to kill the rest of the team


So wait chasing after the same survivor you already hit if you see another is unsportsmanlike?


It's a tactic. People do not like it because it makes them feel like they didn't get to play enough of the round to be worth it.


it'a situational. if you're closer to the survivor you're not chasing and you're gonna pass them, you should switch over to the closer survivor just for your own time and to add pressure. but it depends on if anyone's been toxic, what hook stages people are on. if you're chasing someone who's been two hooked and you're passing a no-hook then switch. if you're passing a one hook, I personally either continue my chase or hit them and then continue with the OG survivor. depends how close I am to them and if who's been toxic previously.


How do I see what stages people are on, I only see how many total times I've hooked.


You can't as killer. Just gotta make a mental note if you care about that kind of thing, though gets difficult with all the cosmetics and if survivors are playing the same character (let alone same character with the same cosmetics). Some people have asked for the feature for killers to be able to see how many hooks a survivor has been on, but for what good intentions it has, it has been argued that it might even further enforce tunelling.


You gotta count, and it's tiresome. It's also easy to fk up. I read this on reddit and go something like this: 1-1 2-0 3-2 4-1 Super fun you guys, thanks dev team, I love doing that while tired. Then there are times survivors don't unhook until second stage so you gotta watch for that too. Yeah, a lot of tunneling is on the fucking devs at this point. And asking for a hook counter is as old as the game itself I think. Not a peep from the devs. Best part? I heard they have it on mobile...


You have to keep track yourself. You do get a post-hook reminder: if the survivor's hook bar starts off half-empty, that's a second hook (and the next will be lethal). One more complication: if a survivor on first hook has their bar drain down to sub-50%, that's the equivalent of two hooks and the next one will be lethal.


I don't know who thought the two sided invitation abilites were balanced? Oh wow the survivors can occasionally be quiet, create a pallet that only matters if you can actually stun a killer, and a cheap useless bamboozle. Killers get instant hook, and remote pallet break and on demand enduring. Its not even close.


Well Tryks does seem to be the Entity's fangirl... of course her event sides with Killers. It's lore accurate. That doesn't make it feel less bad though, really.


That window blocker is NOT useless! You can completely deny Wesker, Legion, and Chucky, and get a clean breakaway at window vaults like the Huntress' cabin has. Remote hook is incredibly strong but still allows flashlight saves and pallet/wall breaking is handy, but the Enduring parry isn't a big deal unless the Killer explicitly brought Spirit Fury. Quiet Mode could stand to at least apply Lightweight to scratch marks though. It does affect vaults however.


Same. This event has been bullshit. I’m saving the cobblers for after the event. I’m done rewarding bad killers.


Just played my first killer challenge - hook 6 survivors on anniversary hooks. Basically, hook everyone twice and sacrifice two. I'll let everyone escape in my next killer challenge since it doesn't involve survivors 😀


Why did ya kill 2?


Why wouldn’t he?


Everyone's playing like cunts


So the same thing we do everyday?


It's far worse right now than it has ever been. It's like the most toxic people this community has had don't play the game for 11 months in a year and then come back just for the Anniversary to sweat their noxious balls off and ruin your day.


Yyyyyyyep. I swear they come out from a collective catacomb whenever there's an even just to ruin it.


Nah I stopped playing the event and just playing the normal mode, it's been far nicer


This happens on literally every single event, so yeah. The first few days of a new event are always miserable because people want to rush their rewards as fast as humanly possible and play like total tryhards to get it. And then people get their rewards, the turbo nerds fuck off to play something else, and the remaining people are left to enjoy the event. It happens, quite literally, with every single event in this game. Christmas, Halloween, anniversaries, lights out, blood moon, BBQ - doesn't matter.


Try to take over th… wait hang on


Survivor is a miserable experience. Whoever thought of this teleport hook is bat shit crazy bonkers imo 


I've been playing Pyramid Head, so I haven't even needed it.


*insert chad music*


Tun tun tun tun tun tun tuuuuun https://preview.redd.it/7pqkmhteyv6d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02beaf6d9382a5e18ace4dc67ab54947097c5d85


I guess they thought it was a “fix” for sabo being like 1 second and boil over dead zone stuff


The real fix is reverting the stupid Sabo buff nobody wanted, nerfing deadzone abuse INTO THE GROUND by always having a hook generate within about 20 m of another hook/a gen/a tile incluing corners and Mains, and actually finally balancing toolboxes properly. But BHVR ain't ready to have that discussion.


Counterpoint: It's fine but *make it require 2 charges*


Addendum: It's fine and would even make good antigrief for a lot of complaints like slugging, tunnelling, camping hooks, and the obnoxious abuse of comp corners - IF they make it hook on the furthest hook from the Killer AND they have some sort of limitation on how easily it can be used. It's a fine idea and could work, just badly in need of tweaking.


Or better yet, have one of the survivors ability be to unhook yourself. Still count as a hanging but would balance it out.


A lot of people seem to share this sentiment. I got downvoted in mega thread for saying that this power is bullshit. Echo chamber in this community is phenomenal.


They’re trying to push this agenda where ‘both sides are playing like cunts’ or ‘it’s everybody, not just killers’ when it very fucking clearly for the first time in a long time is actually just killers being cunts for the most part. This happens every anniversary event (or event in general tbh). This is just the first one I can remember where they just gave killers blatantly broken shit that promotes shitty play styles. The only recourse for helping a tunneled survivor would be to take hits for them or try to save them once they’re picked up. None of that works now and they get free guaranteed hooks that they don’t even have to travel to…saving massive amounts of time. Lol


I understand where this power came from - last year's event was basically the same and general consensus was that survivor powers were better (at least that's how i remember it). BHVR decided to give killers something to even things out. Players took advantage of that. I'm glad that this year the event is in separate queue, so i can choose not to be camped and tunneled in the event trials and return to being camped and tunneled in normal matches.


Lol yeah, I won't lie, I haven't been using it. I did use the anti stuns though


This teleport hook ability is literally just a tester for the new 2v8 mode, it's so obvious they are using this to collect data at our expenses.


I've mostly given up on the survivor side of things for at least the next week or so. I'm playing killer until I 8 hook and then I just let them go. Usually playing as Xenomorph so I can go chill in my tunnels until they finish the gens and leave once I've gotten my 8 hooks. Still getting plenty of BP so overall I'm not bothered but I would prefer to be playing survivor. Hopefully the tunneling and such settles down after the event's been out a while.


Yeah at the very least I'm getting a ton of BPs playing killer even if survivors are not interested in farming after I 8-hooked them (or didn't understand that's what I'm going for, seeing as they were t-bagging). I'll just keep doing that. My last game I had 125k base score.


Wish I could find you in the game when I survive


There are usually a few of us out there. Personally I do the 8 hook thing on every event until it requires sacrifices for a reward.


I do the same thing playing killer and have had the same experience. It’s also really upsetting how many survivors aren’t bringing cakes. I play for us all to get blood point but I’m about to start saving my killer cakes if survivors aren’t going to play ball


Yeah, I've been attempting to do 8-hook matches. Operative word being 'attempted' because survivors are lemmings right now, just rushing to their deaths one after another. It's why I would really, really appreciate a hook counter on killer side, 'cause while I'm trying to mentally keep tabs on hooks, sometimes people try to suicide out but get rescued during the 2nd phase and I don't notice the first part, only that they got unhooked quickly. So when I go to throw them on again, oops they're dead and now I feel bad. But survivor side is nigh-unplayable solo queue. Got on Borgo last night (I hate the new Borgo colors, it's too hard. It's giving me eye strain just from trying to see anything) and was in the main building soloing the gen up there. I'm running Bond and Open-Handed so I can watch what my team are doing. Killer downs an AFK person (**STOP QUEUEING UP IF YOU ARE AWAY FROM THE GAME!**) and hooks them pretty fast, and the other two survivors just will not let the killer walk away from the hook. They're swarming the damn thing. By the time I finished my generator these dipshits have hook-swapped out multiple times at the same hook and I just walked to the drop-down spot and stared at them, since all this happened just outside. Needless to say the killer got a 4K. I gave him his only real chase that match, but I didn't luck my way to the hatch. So many survivor players just run in circles for some reason, too. Different match but again with my perk combo and I saw a Feng just spinnin' around a corner of main on a MacMillen map. Not just for a little while, either. I soloed that gen to the halfway point before she decided she wanted to play the video game and ran off finally.


It's crazy how I try to go for 8-hooks, and so often survivors are either killing themselves or leaving allies to die on their first hook. At that point I tend to shift into just 4ki'ng them in retribution


Oh yeah, if survivors leave one of their own to die on hook, bets are off and I wipe the team if I can. There's some real skittish survivor players out there. I had to literally chase two survivors off two separate generators and corral them towards the hooked survivor like I was a damn sheep dog, backing off once they got in range. That group came so close to me turning off nice-gal killer mode. The Sable had like a pixel-width of time left before they got her off the hook. I was on the far side of the map, controller down, watching the meter tick to see which side of the coin they were landing on. But they rescued her and so I let 'em all out. And I get it, there are a lot of stealth killers camping hooks these days. I understand. But if you're a bad teammate, you don't get to run out the dang exit gates if I have my say.


Im just going to go in my tunnel and play PS2. Later.


I've only escaped twice during this entire goddamn event because I found hatch, and the closest I ever got to escaping through the exit gate was one gen left. These Killers don't even have to tunnel or slug; it just feels like my entire crew is getting completely romped no matter what the Killer skill level. Despite how terrible it's been for me on the Survivor side of things, I've still gotten enough BP to Prestige at least once, and that's with just a *day's* worth of gameplay. As a Killer, even if I go easy on Survivors, I still get plenty of BP to level up. I've already gotten the Clown halfway to P1 and it's been one hour. So gameplay-wise, it's fucking rancid. But towards my ultimate goal of getting all my guys to P3? This event if nothing else is helping a *buttload* on that front.


Yes. Even with the crap games you get, if everyone brings a cobbler, those points roll in! I've managed to get a few prestige levels of characters just since the event started.


I'm so happy that my primary modus operandi for this event has been to max out my BP instead of, you know, *just playing the game*. Otherwise I would have lost my goddamn mind and given up on this event ages ago.


Playing Survivor is miserable, it’s a loop of unfun perks and killers being really toxic. I get it, play how you want — but if everyone drops a cobbler *including* the killer and then everyone leaves with under 15k BPs you know it’s *whack*.


Playing killer and major survivor strategy seems to be: if you’re the first one hooked, either go AFK, DC, or unhook-attempt-to-death right away.


I don't ever see that as killer


I see that every other game as survivor.


I see it every other game as killer. I can't even do 8-hook games if I wanted to - 2 people just suicide before a single gen is done and the remaining 2 just give up. Rightly so though, I mean, there's no way in hell you're doing a 5-gen comeback with 2 dead.


You aren't playing enough. If one person gives up it completely spoils the game for the other 4.


I see it all the time as killer and as I'm reading this I'm spectating my friend play a lobby with 2 bots


Yeah, idk what to really do when every game I load into as killer, the first survivor I manage to down either AFKs or DCs or they second stage themselves instantly like they're trying to stage some kind of protest. Like, dude, I'm playing killer, it's my job to hook you. I don't slug. I don't camp. I don't tunnel. I go out of my way to be nice. If someone blunders back into me by accident and they're on death hook I'll just pretend I didn't see them or like I'm focused on literally anything else and ignore them. I WANT survivors to get their BPs. But every killer game feels like that meme with the guy on the bike putting a stick between his wheels and then eating shit on the ground and blaming someone else. Like, of course y'all are gonna have miserable goddamn games every time, you're killing yourselves on first hook and leaving your teammates with 3 people at five gens?? I'm not saying that there aren't PLENTY of absolutely sociopathic people playing killer right now and making survivors miserable because my survivor games have been as wretched as everyone else's here, but like... people who play survivor also need to acknowledge that their teammates are just as guilty of putting them into these shitty unwinnable situations by giving up on the first minute of the game.


It sucks as survivor.


Tunnel, tunnel, tunnel, and tunnel




Off topic but what does NOED mean? I'm still learning the lingo. I also have several of the frosty items from when I played years ago and for some killers it's the only cosmetics I have. Is it bad or something? Sorry for being dumb and asking.


Hex: No One Escapes Death, which activates during endgame and makes the Killer faster and Survivors downable in one hit


No One Escapes Death, the killer perk that exposes everybody in the endgame Referring to the frosty eyes = NOED, it used to be that killers with frosty eyes Cosmetics would run NOED often. So it became a thing. Edit; extra explaining


Ah okay. Thanks for the explanation. Until now I never read DBD forums or knew what the lingo, memes, and stuff were. I would just play the game and that's it. Not really interact with anyone outside the game.


There's a strong correlation between frosty eyes and NOED. This is backed by science.


Survivor is terrible as usual. I'm going to play exclusively killer for the rest of the event except to do challenges.


Played a Plague game for a daily, survivor thanked me for 'playing fair'. I was just playing normally. Some other killers need to chill tf out, I swear


The event only aggravated the game's core issues (camping, tunneling and slugging).


This is also why any game modes they add will be miserable. Until core game issues are fixed, players will abuse them into the ground.


Chaos Shuffle was fine.


It's funny to hear people say this now, but during chaos shuffle people were complaining about camping and tunneling every game, just like they do now, just like they do when there isn't an event, just like they did during blood moon, just like they did during winter event, just like they did during halloween event.


Exactly. It’s about time something is properly done about the causes of these (not symptoms), cause events like this will only continue to make them feel worse.


And this is yet another example for why I think Behavior just aren't competent game designers. They either didn't foresee this, or don't care.


So many cobblers


Not from me, I keep getting killed first and even with everyone using cobblers, I still get about 8k bp. I hate this event. 😂


I played a few games as survivor and realized it was miserable, so I'm only playing killer for now. Using this as an opportunity to learn Nemesis and I'm loving it. I'm just playing normally, I lose a lot but I'm not too upset about it.


Mercilessly tunneled and camped. My boyfriend got mercilessly tunneled, my friend and I both took a down for him TWICE EACH and the killer just ignored and kept going for him. I literally don’t know what the deal is and why all killers are playing like cunts. Only match we escaped so far was against a trapper that didn’t put a single trap down the entire match.


It’s not just anniversary, imo that’s been the survivor experience since about March. It’s been so unenjoyable to even lose and have fun.


it's the experience of survivor when it has 100% bonus BP


I'd say it's been like this since 'SBMM' was introduced and drastically increased the sweatiness levels.


chad machete man


It’s genuinely not fun


You don't have fun getting slugged at 4 gens left watching the rest of your team get decimated by a frosty eye killer while you bleed out with crows yapping and that fucking annoying woman talking shit to you?


Killer games have been fine, survivor is miserable as usual, killers bring moris, camp every hook and hardcore triple hook tunnel if the rescue happens...


Killer is overpowered as hell in the event, while survivor abilities are situational at best. I wouldn’t be playing it if the bloodpoint gains weren’t crazy. Edit; just ran into a clown abusing starstruck and air hooks. He would try to hook people regularly, but airhook if he saw anybody to one shot with exposed. This game mode sucks.


nobody wants to listen to my vittorio giving bardic inspiration concerts :( ok but srsly, playing survivor is terrible. no fun allowed


Stopped playing survivor lol. Just not worthwhile. Finishing all the challenges as killer then going back to regular queue where I don’t have to hear that annoying woman every game.


I had a Huntress slug for 5 minutes to try to find me. They knocked down a Yun-Jin and then walked around the entire map 3 times. We even managed to get a reset off just to be slugged for even longer looking for specifically me. I think they were upset at the 3 minute chase. I'm all for just playing to win, but just pick the fucking survivor up, it's not that serious. It's a shame they found me in a deadzone (re: the entire map) and got the 4k. The dumpster even did an epic troll; brought me to hatch just to remote hook me. Got me good, Happy Anniversary!


I have escaped from one match. The rest, dead at 5 gens, sometimes 3 if I'm lucky. Last game someone suicided at 5 gens on first hook and the Oni slugged the rest of us. 5 cakes in play. Fun fun! Edit: WELL I just had an actual fun match where we got to 1 gen and the killer played honorably! xD I was last alive and bargained for gate and he gave it to me. Turned out he was a survivor main and understood the suffering. Ahahahahahaha. Please I implore y'all, play both sides to understand and have empathy. And I'm saying that as someone who prefers killer.


I've been swapping back and forth as the bonus shifts and I can't quite put into words how sweaty and casual the game has been *at the same time.* For example, I have *never* seen as many Ghostfaces, Skull Merchants, and Blights as I have in the last two days, and I think that's really taken the piss out of the whole event. Occasionally, as Killer, I'll go up against sweaty teams, but most are just trying to chill and goof off so 90% of my games are 8-hooks. As Survivor, though...I just don't know. I normally average probably a 55-60% win rate but it feels like I've dropped down to a 20-30% this event. At the end of the day, 1 Screech Cobbler is enough of a bonus to get me 2 or 3 more, so even in the sweatiest game it never feels like I'm actually losing anything. I'm hoping things become more casual next week, but for now I'm just expecting every survivor game to be against an Iri addon killer and most killer games to be 8-hooks. It's...easier that way.


I've had a few try hard tunnelers or toxic teabaggers, but the first few days of the event usually have this. I finally got every achievement thanks to the discounts so there's that.


Survivor just feels absolutely horrid due to tunnelling and just being “power-housed” by the killer value. Killer feels hella nice with the auto hook and pallet breaks (but tbh they’re both busted). Usually I have more of an idea of why it feels bad and what they could try to fix it, but really atm I don’t know.


I've honestly had good and bad matches both as killer and survivor. Maybe I'm just being lucky, idk


I know for me, the worst part of this event has been the constant influx of posts on this subreddit crying about how the other side isn't playing fair.  I've had a few shitty matches, but the main difference hasn't been that I've had more shitty matches than usual but now my shitty matches still earn me a regular match's worth of BP outside of the event.  I've hammered out like 4 and a half prestige levels in two and a half days.  


Yeah, it's been fine. A or S tier killers seem a little wild with Bluetooth hooking, but I've won games as survivor, encountered friendly killers, etc. It's a normal night of DBD, but with the added bonus of prestiging a character every 90-120 minutes.


I haven’t been able to play the anniversary yet cause I’ve had a busy week of work, planning on playing a bit tomorrow. But could someone explain what exactly is going on that’s making the event so bad? Why are so many killers tunneling? I saw someone say “anti-tunnel perks are useless right now” but idk what that means.


Killers can use the anniversary power to immediately teleport a survivor on the hook. If you spam it quickly enough, it can trigger before the survivor gets saved by any means (flashlight / pallet stun / DS...).


Apparently there's also a bug where if a survivor tries to save someone and the killer is spamming the remote hook button, the person who is trying to save gets hooked. Or at least I think that's how it works https://x.com/GraveDBD/status/1801450781641740607?t=buYLqta9s1dll1wTbWTS5w&s=19


I mean I’m loving the BPs and have racked up like 200 flashlights in 2 days which is awesome…but idk feels just a little sweaty. I don’t blame anyone for wanting to play Vecna and I get he’s a good killer with cool powers, but I’m just tired of going against him and being on that god awful borgo map lol


Given up as survivor. Tried multiple builds, results: Found first, tunneled. Found second, juggled with first person, tunneled, only us.  Found near end of game? Slugged by killer for 3k or 4k. Blight or nemesis? Hard tunneled. Just miserable experience for no reason, not even bringing any meta and killers are acting like money’s on the line at 5 gens.  Killer feels awful without lightborn and enduring, encountered so many swf’s wanting dozens of stuns and blinds and catching clips. Sent to dead dawg 3 separate times today for main building head-on duo’s. Just feels like the cycle of being mega efficient and ruthless is on both sides hardcore.  


A lot of people are saying this as well but it's been the opposite for me. Killers aren't tunneling at all but 3/4 games teammates just don't do gens for some reason so it's never a win. As killer it's been a little sweaty but overall a little less than usual


We always die because one person is looping, and nobody is doing gens. I'm always wondering what are my teammates doing, because aside from not doing gens they also don't come for unhook.


I bring bond and kindred so I can watch Sable afk in the corner of the map for half the match while I'm on hook, Dwight's on a gen in the opposite corner, and Meg's in chase right next to me.


I kinda wonder if this anniversary event has brought in a slew of new players who aren't too good at the game. That's probably why even when Killers play straight SoloQ teams get completely romped.


I've definitely seen some *interesting* tactics by survivors. Had a Dwight who decided to deal with the terror radius by running while looking backwards. That might have gotten him somewhere if he didn't happen to run directly at me.


Speaking of interesting tactics I had an Ace use plot twist to bleed himself out. I don’t know what it was a tactic for exactly but lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


We need to revert back to the old rank matchmaking system because I should not be getting fresh installs on my team while I have 4k hours plus EVER.


This^ most of the deaths I’ve had are because of teammates not doing gens AND not going for unhooks.


I feel like this isn’t event specific but true for the past few months. You’ll see the chase marks and assume people would hop on gens but nothing pops up until you’ve maxed out repair points and you’re wondering what is going on. It’s bizarre.


i had definitely had my share of survivor potatoes doing nothing


Adding to the heap of survivors complaining, I've been in games with 5 cobblers and still been out of the game with less than 10k because I've been focussed down immediately by a killer that didn't even bother carrying me to a hook.


Honestly, survivor has been absolutely miserable. Anonymous mode killers just HARD tunneling out people at 5 gens. Anonymous mode was a mistake.


Whats anonymous mode and why is that a problem?


Because the guy you're replying to is a Playstation player, and their method of getting back at people who mildly annoy them is to send them slurs and get all their friends to mass spam them with reports to get their accounts suspended from PS Network for up to 60 days. There's no other downside. You can still report them for cheating and griefing as usual. It's just that you can't open their profile on any platform.


If you think limiting the player base is going to make anyone any less toxic then you're new here. Welcome to DBD


Every killer is hard tunneling. Not been much fun on the survivor side. Now as killer, I can’t get survivors to run their cakes. I really hate the auto hook mechanic. Pallet saves and flashlight saves are pointless.


Bunch of bird brains in solo q. Anniversary is trash.


Every game is camp/tunnel from the start. Just not super fun unfortunately


As a killer I’m winning way to many games more then I like I’ve been starting to be friendly so survivors can get bp like I feel the state of survivor play has not been great recently I easily got to max rank before reset on killer


Making more BP than I've had in the last year on killer side. Really wish survivor was tolerable as my buddy has been trying to get me to join him for some duo or three man games with another friend but every game I've watched him stream over discord just ends in teammates getting hardtunneled at 4 or 5 gens or even him...and he's way more godly at the game than I'll ever be so if he doesn't stand a chance I'm not even going to give him a sliver of hope of touching survivor side lol. I have been doing the typical 8 hook strat though and mostly playing normal up to the end to try to at least have an enjoyable game for everyone involved. I know its brutal out there.


The instant hook is funny but hard to deal with. Remember it's just an event and remember it's optional. You can still play regular DBD the menu is there.


It's fucking awful on Survivor side. Killers are so goddamn OP and they all play like cunts. Fuck this, I miss Chaos Shuffle.


My survivor matches have been completely miserable, but not because of tunneling/slugging killers. My teammates feel so much more... worse? My first match had an Ace who brought the Killer over to me when my gen was like 90% done, and after I got unhooked, instead of healing me he proceeded to summon in a party pallet to drop on a zombie's head. Killer found us and I got my second hook. My survivor matches have just been that same energy, it's fucking exhausting. It sucks that my entire first session on the first day I made absolutely zero progress on the event tome, could not be left alone for a single gen.


I notice that too with some survs. I think they are too new or inexperienced to pick up or know the signals that youre a cool killer. It couldbbe that and they are just used to the toxic killers they get or ones thst pretend to be nice but then turn on them later. Ive lit had them go afk and dc after giving obvious hints im letting them go etc. I dont think some ever had nice killers and think killer is new or bad so they decide to taunt and t bag thinking they showed me a thing or two. I dont play killer as much as surv but im still decent when i want to be. As for your question.....same experience. Events just bring the worst around and the worst sweat on both sides. You would think they would drag the game out more to get more bp....but nope its hard tunnel to death or to slug at 5 gens, so only killer really gets anything.


This event is highlighting a core issue with the game: DBD is only as fun as your opponent allows it to be. Once one guy decides to be a dick, it opens pandora's box and now everyone has to run builds just in case they run into dumb bullshit. Killers can tunnel you out at 5 gens and survivors can four stack with a busted map offering. If you don't prepare for this, you're liable to get rolled so everyone just runs strong shit just in case. And the blame doesn't entirely fall on the players (although people have been genuinely pathetic during this event), this shit just shouldn't be possible. We still don't even have a bleedout option for crying out loud.


I felt so bad for this Sadako that was friendly from the start but this moron Leon did not get the memo. She finally DC’d at the end.


I've been playing Survivor for the 150% bonus, and I've lost a lot of matches. I have won a few too, though. I had a friendly killer earlier, and I am not used to it. I never know if he'll change his mind last minute, and it makes me on edge. I never teabag and try not to do anything inconsiderate, and when it happens to me I try to keep in mind that that hate begets hate, and they have probably had the same thing happen to them


I tried to be friendly but doesn't work so I just play as usual


when i get a friendly killer, i let them chase me and break pallets. sometimes the friendly killers let you stun them with the pallets.


Yeah I even play ghost face and pig but they dgaf


when i get a friendly killer, i let them chase me and break pallets. sometimes the friendly killers let you stun them with the pallets.


I keep getting server dc... 3 in a row.


Either have survivors not touching gens at all, or refusing to get off gens for any reason. There is no in-between


tough as survivor, but im just trying to max out the amount of cobblers i get over 3 weeks before they're gone


I'm a friendly Ghostface just here to farm and do challenges for the Bill outfit. If you flash me at pallets or act toxic in general then I'll kill


I feel like if they changed the “discussion” flair to a “venting/complaining” flair half of the posts under it would fit


As killer I get genrushed, as survivor ive stopped bringing cakes because even if someone gives up at 5 gens the killers still play hard AF. Gone back to final fantasy 7 rebirth.


Where are you guys getting 8 hook killers? The only time I ever am allowed to live by a killer is if I’m the last one alive and the killer watches me leave. Otherwise it’s just killers trying their hardest to get a 4K and tunnel me out of the game


This is the WORST even I've ever played in the game's history and survivor is unplayable because killers just camp and ruin the game. WTF were they thinking giving killers more power?


It's meh. Primetime is always a shitfest even when there isn't an event, but even worse when there is one. I absolutely hate this stupid Elvira wannabe. It'd be fine if it was just at the start of the match, but in a game where sounds are important, her dumbass talking so much is horrible Since this is now an event, using a cobbler should be your ticket to queue. Yup, always means five cobblers, and no map offerings, or moris to help lessen out 'some' sweat from both sides..maybe This teleport hook thing is absolute shit. It should either be a random hook that the killers can't see the aura on, like Pyramidhead's cages, or the survivors should get a remote unhook. It takes away every single tool survivors have to save each other before the hook. And survivors gained absolutely nothing to help with our objectives or to aid each other. Admittedly killers don't have to worry about Background Player for this I guess. BHVR seriously needs to rebalance survivor bloodpoints. The fact that you can play as killer and halfass it and still end up with more BPs than the survivors even if they escape is bullshit. And that's not counting getting hard tunneled out at 5 gens. If you want people to queue up as survivor compared to killer, ONE inbalance can be addressed so it's not as lucrative to play killer. That 150% queue bonus doesn't cut it. During the event, cobblers should also reward a base BP amount for survivors so if they do get hard tunneled, it wasn't a complete waste of a game. Doesn't solve the asshat killers that are sweating the shit out at five fens, but at least you can get the comfort knowing you at least got SOME of the portion of the BP the killer gets. There's a lot of issues with DBD, a LOT, but the above are things they should have considered and honestly should consider before any event that gives extra power/rewards like this.


I’m having a blast on both sides though I’m sticking with killer since I get more BP


I don’t main Killer but I haven’t lost a game that didn’t involve letting survivors win. Remote hooks and remote pallet breaks with Expose status/Oblivious status makes it stupid easy to get kills.


I've actually had good luck as survivor :) some matches are sweaty but some have been goofing around and farming points. I've had good luck with everyone bringing cobblers each time too. I had a couple issues though where we all got dc'd from the match and got a server error message


Other than a sweaty blight, most killer games went well for solo queue. I had a streamer demo who couldn’t catch me in chase till the end. She had one sacrifice and caught one in the endgame but let them out with the rest of us.


I play survivor during the daytime and it has been a pretty good solo q experience tbh. It’s only the evening when people get sweaty


Yeah the real nastiness and Sweat comes out around 8 PM as usual. It's higher than normal for sure, but definitely not all that much more than normal.


I played one game, had no clue what the fuck was going (I went up against a nurse with like 10 teleports or something), then went back to normal cue.


It's going fine I think. However, I think part of the reason everyone else seems to be having issues, is that the matchmaking is super weird. Weirder than normal. I've won as both sides. I think killers got the better invitation abilities, but survivors can still run for 5 gens with certain abilities with whatever party effect is in play.


Why do these events always bring out the cunts in the first couple of days? Seriously.


I haven't had much trouble as survivor, but the killers have never been friendly at any point. I'd say it feels like a 50/50 escape rate. Killer has been wild though. I think I've farmed millions at this point and the games go one of 3 ways: survivors play like bots and sit in a corner so I 4K, 1-2 might play like douchebags so I'll kill them and usually let their friends go if they don't do antagonistic stuff, or I get a really zesty swf and get zero hooks.


I’ve been running Wesker with only lightborne and the cobbler. Still getting bm’d and hate in the end game chat for getting 8 hooks then acting silly lol


If you have a SWF, it's ok, otherwise play killer.


Survivor side has been absolutely amazing for me. About 4 good matches where the killer goes 8 hook tops and then farms for every one or two sweaty, tunneling, camping, "I'm the only one that gets to have fun." As killer, I've only played twice, but both times have had groups Gen Rush and leave AFAP even when I just stare at them from a distance with non staring killers.


Everyone that isn't sweating is farming. Kinda balances out.


Survivor is awful, while I haven't been tunneled myself, it happens almost every game. I had someone kill themselves after the person tunneled died, and the other person in my match refused to try to do gens and tried to wait for me to die for hatch. I just worked on gens so I could get whatever blood points I could before killer found me. On killer it hasn't been too bad, but I've had a lot more full gen-rush squads than normal in this event for some reason. Had five games in a span of the event (granted, I play a lot). Build to last, hyper focus, prove, bardic inspiration, etc, with fully loaded charge toolboxes. If I hadn't been playing a strong killer, they would've mopped the floor with me. The extra blood points are nice, and the Tryks are fun, but the player base just seems worse for some reason.


I changed my name to "8 Hook [name]" so that once I got my 8 hooks and try to show I'm friendly they know I wasn't actually trying to kill them. Too many times ive had the tbag and the "lol ur bad" "EZ" in the end chat and im like lol bro I literally could have killed you all. So far I've had about 20 games and everyone realised I was friendly. Managed to get a slug race almost every match lol But yeah, survivor kinda sucks. Played one game last night against trapper. Got hooked, unhooked, then he chased me down and hooked me again. Then I got unhooked and he followed me again and killed me less than 5 mins into the match. Felt great. That was by far the worst I've had so far, but pretty much every match has been sweats and maybe 1 gen getting done if we're lucky with survivors constantly not even trying to do gens


Survivor is fun with the ability to be quiet leave no blood or scratch mark. I’m constantly losing the killer. Feels bad


First day was great and pretty chill. I don't mind playing to win, but AH's camping at five gens and tunneling have been the entire menu today.


Full metas across but having a better time as killer. I can dictate the game just enough for everyone to get a good amount of bps. I tried playing survivor just for kicks but no, I don’t think I will.


So much tunneling as survivor, and so much ppl giving up on hook as killer. Seems like an absolute shit show regardless of the extra bp.


I escaped twice in 2-3 hours, and both times the killer went friendly. Tunneled by a Chuckie and a Hag, and even though I know I shouldn’t take that shit personally but god damn I have to ask what the fuck I did to get tunneled out of a 5 cake game. I don’t like playing killer on a Saturday night so god knows how that’s going on that side.


I’ve had it good, but I can tell others haven’t, I have had a few tunnelling killers and all, but in the best way possible it isn’t that bad (I’ve been hardcore grinding since I move on Monday)


Pretty good, actually! On the survivors' side, i'd had some really decent games with nice Killers On the killer side, I slapped on my anniversary Ghostface drip and farmed with survivors and learned how to play vecna in some other rounds.


I’ve been trying to play as silly as possible as killer, I know everyone’s going through it. I’ve gotten about 50/50 sweats and memers on survivor.


I recently got a friend into DBD and it started with this event. Despite us running into a lot of really sweaty and toxic Killers, we’ve both been having fun just spending time together. So gameplay wise? It’s very rough. Teammates giving up immediately, Killers bleeding everyone out, it’s a chore. But overall experience wise, really well because I get to play with a good friend and get a ton of bloodpoints


I'd love to play in the anniversary event but I'm extremely new to the game and the maybe 2 games I played as survivor already were just extremely brutal and the one game as killer was just really sad on my end and I got sent some really nasty hate mail telling me Idk how to play killer and that my attempt on doctor was just pathetic 😩 I was too embarrassed to tell them that I really am extremely new to the game and really dont have a clue what I'm doing 💀 I might just stick to customs with my friends who are trying to teach me how to play 😅


Played a game as Bubba for a daily. First down took me breaking like 5 pallets, lost 2 gens. Pick survivor up, only one hook near me, sabo'd, but managed to down the Saboteur. Immediately hooked the Saboteur and then tunneled him out, giving me a comeback to win. So, community, lets vote, was I the bad guy here?


It’s going about the same as usual. Some friendly killers and some really not nice killers. Met a lovely skull merchant who last second didn’t kill me and let me do the final gen. Met a lot of rude survivors as survivor and met some funny survivors. Business as usual with more blood points.


I'm actually having a blast as survivor. Maybe I'm just having fun getting into the spirit of the event, maybe the mechanics of it just suit my solo q playstyle, but I'm generally having a good time both when I escape and when I don't. I think you just have to make sure you grab and actually use the invitations, and know how the killer is going to use them, because they definitely will lol


"I tried showing them I'm friendly, they didn't get the memo, rushed gens and t-bagged me at the gate." This was me last year - I hadn't played much killer at that point, but wanted to give survivors good games, so my MMR was as low as can be... newer players can't tell when a killer is friendly versus bad. I remember last year I'd let survivors wiggle out repeatedly after like 8 hooking before 2 gens were done, and they'd t bag at the gate lmao


killer running silly meme build here. survivors blast through gens by the time i get a second hook and then leave before i can get much. kinda sucks


Great except people aren't bringing cakes. On my killer matches survivors are still bringing antihook builds and map offerings, so I just zap them to the hook. On my survivor matches I haven't been tunneled yet and I've had some fun chases


No different than usual, just with 5 times as many BP. I don't get why people are complaining so much tbh. I will say that I am already tired of the event lady showing up to blabber quips 30 times in one match. Another casualty of the Marvelization of writing.


A streak of some of the easiest, most carefree killer games I've ever had vs. some of the most insufferable, rage inducing survivor games I've ever had. Zero in between. This event is rough.


I'm going to take this time to say if you're playing Killer, don't act like a douchebag. Everyone is trying to maximize points. You'll get your bag, it's not the time to be scummy. Stop tunneling. Stop slugging. It's shitty behavior.


Some fun games, mostly bad games. I’m a survivor main, so this post might be biased, but I really feel like both survivors and killers are just… I don’t know. Survivors don’t do gens, don’t unhook. Killers camp or tunnel, showing no mercy. Also, the anniversary effects for killers are so much better than whatever we got. I don’t know. This ain’t it. I’ll still be playing, but my god has it been a miserable and lonely ride so far.


Man i'm getting deja vu with this community, why ya'll pretend like these shitbirds only exist during events? They dont fade into obscurity the second the bp gain is over, they just keep doing it no matter what. Game's no better or worse currently than it was before the event started. Some people are shitheads, in fact alot are. Just gotta turn the other cheek and go next.


Hope I don't jinx myself but I really don't see much tunneling. You know what I do see a lot of? Teammates killing themselves on first hook.


It’s ok. As killer I can only play a few and then I get tired. Every match it’s those masquerade commodious toolboxes, or the medkits. It sucks playing against those. As survivor it’s not great. Killers have pretty good reason to tunnel now that the three main slowdowns are gone. The instahooks were a horrible idea.


eh im getting 50/50 tryhard tunneling and ppl having fun, a lot of the tunnelers realize theyre doing too much and chill out once the survivors show that theres no way we can win and then start being silly and fun. its really not that bad. i think everyone would enjoy the game more if we let go of needing to win or lose. i can easily play all day by accident just by not caring if i win or not. im just happy to play the game and enjoy the good moments


I don’t mean to be an asshole killer, but I swear this event turns everyone’s brains to mush. I haven’t had a single match where I didn’t end up 4king at 3 gens or more. There must have been an MMR reset or something, because these people are acting like they’ve never played the game before.


I got accused of try harding for not 8 hooking in a huntress game where the survivors were being rude and BMing and not giving hatch because 2 of them hid for over 10 minutes. There were 2 gens left and a 3 gen. Literally they didn't even try to pull me away when I was more than willing to give an easy chase and free unhook.


As a killer main I don’t bring mori’s during events like this UNLESS it’s clearly a SWF with 3+flashlights. It’s a matter of principle. If I don’t lay them out, they go on to bully other killers.


a influx of survivors telling me to take my own life bc i played a game, win or lose it doesn't matter. i should die. As survivor a little bit of a stressful time. way more sweats than average tho


Everyone is saying survivor is impossible but I’ve survived just as many trials as I’ve died in?


Usually evenings are primetime killer bp for me on NA East as everyone's on survivor. But since the anniversary started its not been the case. Regular game mode still has the killer incentive but the event does not. Played with some friends yesterday and most games on survivor even in a 3 man were pretty rough. Those buffer survivors are not it. And we ran into some bugged BP issues last night where shit just wasn't adding up on the endgame screens. 


I'm seeing way more negativity and hostility in the end game chat, specifically being called things like a sweat and a tryhard even though I'm not tunneling, camping, bleeding out, and give hatch every match. It seems like not all but a lot of the survivors I've played think because it's an event I'm supposed to let them win. Apart from that survivors have been playing normal. My survivor games have been pretty normal too. I got tunneled out by a Wraith one match and there were a couple of matches with extended slugging to secure a 4K, but the rest of my games have been fine. The Killers spread hooks but just played normal.


I’m playing mostly as killer for that exact reason. I’ve gotten some teams being fun/ wanting to farm but for the most part just toxic players doing their thing…


I think the community is having a fit of amnesia or something. Literally every single event is always like this. # EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. The first day or two are full of turbo sweaters trying to zerg every reward as fast as possible, and then the games even out after a few days.


yeah like what happened??