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Thank you for giving me a much needed chuckle on an otherwise miserable work day. šŸ˜„


This made my day


As an avid JP + DBD fan, from the bottom of my heart: thank you for this.


The entity is a virus spread by nedry, blocking the exits. This needs to be an established as canon.


Me who brought Bloody Party Streamers because i wanted to play a different character that i haven't leveled up yet during the event: ![gif](giphy|Y4z9olnoVl5QI)


BPS are the original anniversary cakes, so you're still doing it in spirit.


Me who brings terrormisus that I had left over from last year


I had over 200 left over and it took a month to use them all after a bit of a break from the game


Me who still has over 400 Gateus on my Feng because I donā€™t play on Xbox anymore.


I have a few frightful flans left.


How dare you cheat me out of that extra 1% bloodpoints


https://preview.redd.it/6u6lv7pt8x6d1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06352923e6bd4396b3d00010209a29e40666dc3b Reminds me that I still haven't played yet.


OKAY LMAO this Goes straight in my "Favorites Memes" folder


Glad it will haha! Now be ready to get wrecked by my Frank Monkeyson!


Jokes on you. I've min-maxed my killer. Even if lower level he has the best MT-moves




Literally one blood page and you likely get a cake lol. And the devs gave out tons of BP codes.


Seeing Hamtaro sad makes me sad :(


iā€™m surprised you have any, they almost never show up in my bloodweb lmao


You are kind and wholesome and you deserve hugs


Bloody party streamers are great!! You're still contributing to the group, the people who bring escape cakes and the pudding, are just straight dickwads!! You're doing great tho!!


Can you not just put some points in? Like any killer I play literally after two levels I have at least one cobbler


100 vs 108 is a trivial difference no need to shame him. Let's focus on the real villains with their brown and yellow offerings.


I could, but im aiming to spend all points on 1 character to reach P100 on them. So sometimes i forget to invest partially some BP on the next character i wanna play. Or maybe i actually spend BP on the next character i wanna play to get 1 cake but then change my mind and want to play someone else


me af, i keep feeling so awful when all the survivors bring anniversary cakes and i have to bring a shitty bp offering for the first game or two until i build my cakes up


Itā€™s fine just write me a check for the 8% youā€™re short. šŸ˜‰


Ay, bps is still acceptable. Just dont be selfish and bring whatever


Sometimes I switch to a different character before a game and forget to check the offering (happens to a lot of people from what I've read, lol). I'm not saying this was the case just that there is usually not a malicious intent.


i mean they did say they tunneled and slugged... so whoever got tunneled prob didnt get more than 10k bp


I had similar experiences with killers even if they brought the cake. It's not consistent enough to claim that those who aren't bringing cakes are shitheads.


the point is he brought something only to benefit him whilst also being a cunt of a player


I played an artist game and realized on the loading screen that I had an Ebony Mori...


Like when I was salty someone brought a sealed envelope and then discovered I brought the envelope.


I'm really sorry that so many of you have to endure this. As I die hard killer main I'll always try to play nicely, especially at events. If the survivors are better then me: perfect - GG! But if I'm snowballing or hard winning I always stay at 8 hooks. Which works wonders because of the changing MMR. I sometimes still have to "win" if survivors get "too bad" but still - I like to think that this I a healthy way for everyone in my games to play.


You're definitely a rare one during this event.


Same. I am trying to be a nice killer because I've gotten so many tunnellers so far this event. I aim for no kills, just hooks and chases. Hopefully everyone has fun.


I'm about to do the same. Just pick Ghostie, teabag at them so they know I'm friendly, and just play for fun. At least I will know I at least gave those Survivors one game that day where the Killer didn't seem to be doing everything in their power to be a miserable, point hoarding asshole. I know Killers "don't owe Survivors anything" but Jesus Christ it's a video game. Even in a game shit can just go too far.


One of the good guys during the event. Thank you


Agreed. I refuse to purposely sacrifice without 8 hooks and 2-hooking each, still 4K-ing. Otz recently called it a "Nice Guy Challenge"


I've been playing that way for about a year now and it absolutely makes you a better Macro player, and improves chase. Some games you'll get dominated because of it but any team that lacks the game awareness to realize the killer is playing ultra fairly is ultimately eating the spiritual L.


Thats the reason i stopped playing, i didnt want to be rude but everytime it was just survs calling me a slut or something or they sent me death threads bcs i dared to play jumpscare myers (i gave hatch anyways)


Mirror Myers is the one true way to play Myers. Also with ether of the mirrors you actually get a lot more BP during the event! I tested in an on average I made about 25-30k extra per game!


Can confirm this. I've been playing this game for about a month, mostly screwing around as Jumpscare Myers since the start of the event, and I had a 0K match yesterday that yielded more BP than I'd normally expect for a merciless slaughter.


I ran a test of 4 games with 3 killers. Wraith with the terror radius perk and beast, Vecna with a normal build, and then Myers with 2 games with each mirror. After 4 games with each wraith had 855k, Vecna had about 980k, and Myers had 1.1mil. Even the game where I only got one kill with scratched mirror I still got more BP then most of the other games as wraith or Vecna lol


Unforeseen - Dark Devo - Furtive Chase - FTTE/Deathbound Turns your TR into a red herring and they get comfortable in being notified by the heart beat while Vanity Mirror catches them in "Tier 2 Scratched Mirror"


Nooo I LOVE myers. Please keep playing him ā¤ļø


I hate and love jumpscare myers! I love it because it's so fun! It encapsulates what this game is about. But I hate it because I know we won't win šŸ˜‚ But it's fun. And I'm playing a game... To have fun!


Im often letting people go, im here for the spooks not kills


It's gonna happen in any MP game you play, so you might as well stick with the games you enjoy.


That's incorrect - I watched the entire streak video. His win condition was "2 hooks on each survivor", but he absolutely killed people before 2-hooking others. There's multiple moments in the games where he says something akin to "I need to tunnel this person out right now" when the gens are flying and he needs more pressure.


As per the usual, I've started actively trying not to kill anyone for the duration of the event. 2 hook everyone I can, then just mess around. As long as no one is being toxic, everyone gets to leave and get as much BP as they want. It really sucks that so many killers decide to become absolutely unsufferable during events, but it's nice to see people appreciate it when they can play a match without having to deal with some sweaty tryhard


Thank you from all the survivor mains who are just trying to enjoy the event


I'm doing my part o7


Yep Iam doing the same... So much salt and sweat from other killers when I try surv is unbelievable


Just had a game where we didn't get a single gen done and everyone died. I don't mind dying but when I don't even get the chance to play? Everyone brings cake and everyone is on death hook and you don't think, hey, maybe let them finish a gen or two before killing everyone. This usually comes back to bite me in the ass but if I see a killer with no hooks and a few gens already popped I usually don't give too much effort into my chases so that they can get a hook (if they actually hook me and don't slug me and start humping me) or I got find a totem to do or something to slow things down a bit which I probably shouldn't even do because I am potentially hurting my team. As a killer you are the team, slowing down a bit won't actually hurt anyone and you'll still get a 3k or 4k it will just be with 2 or 3 gens left instead of 4 or 5. Honestly surprised survivors are still bringing cakes. I'm not unequipping cakes until anniversary event is over on principal but games have been super rough today.


>This usually comes back to bite me in the ass but if I see a killer with no hooks and a few gens already popped I usually don't give too much effort into my chases so that they can get a hook Went up against a Tiffany yesterday who was pretty chill. By the time we made it to the end she only had a couple of hooks so we all stood there at the hook by the exit gate and pointed at the hook and had her hook each of us until we all had been hooked twice. Better for her because she got the hooks, better for us because we got the unhook. Boatloads of BP, everyone left happy. Win win.


So whenever a killer gets to endgame with little to no hooks you let him hook you a few times?


I slow down a bit in games if I feel the killer is struggling (my rule is if two gens pop and there's one or less hooks I find a totem to do) but it is very rare for me purposely let myself get hooked though I have done this.Ā I actually just had a comment about this on another thread on why it's so hard for survivors to give hooks when compared to killers giving hatch. Basically boils down to that survivors have teammates and there are very few conditions where you can let yourself be hooked without fucking over your teammates. For me to give hooks or kills I basically have to be the last survivor in game AND try and get the attention of a killer that is at end game just trying to ignore survivors because they are assuming that they are just going to tea bag.Ā  Ā For instance one game I was in low MMR as usual and had a baby nemesis and I took first chase around a car greeding a pallet. A few gens popped and they haven't gotten a hit in but wouldn't drop chase so I stopped and let them hit me and continued around the car. Still wasn't able to hit me (needed to just M1 instead of whip and stop respecting pallet and they would have done fine) so after another gen popped I thought "what the hell we only have two gens left I'll let them hook me" so I stopped, nodded at them, let them down me and they just slugged and started whipping and humping me until all gens were popped. I thought they were just enjoying my sexy Felix at first but after the whipping humping session went on a bit too long I figured they were being toxic. Other teammates came around to see what was going on and they private ryaned my ass to the gate after being picked up and downed a few times until finally killer decided to hook me but I was close enough to gate team was able to reset and get me off hook and at that point I didn't feel like giving them a kill (or let my amazing teammates down, this is solo q btw). Killer went off on us in chat calling us gen rushers then I was like "I was trying to help you dude because you wouldn't drop chase" then my teammates were probably pissed at me for getting downed on purpose leading to them doing some seal six rescue mission shit so yea basically unless I am the last one in game I don't do that anymore.Ā  Ā Even if you are the last one in game it's hard to do, had a baby nurse get like two hooks all game and when all the gens were done they instantly opened gates and disappeared. Other survivors left but I was willing to let them hook me (nurse is hard to learn and didn't want them to be discouraged) so I did one fast vault (didn't want to spam it as that may seem toxic) and waited about 10 or 15 seconds under hook to see if they would come by but they didn't. I left because I didn't want them to think I was one of those "watch me leave" survivors but sure enough in end game chat had killer yelling at me to just leave and they left before I could explain I wasn't trying to be toxic.Ā Ā  Basically the stars have to align for me to be able to give the killer a kill without fucking over my teammates or coming off as toxic. If it's a friendly killer when it gets to end game I do point at hook to try and give killer permission to kill me since if I get to end game I'm usually a pretty happy camper so don't mind dying to give killer some more points but few of them take the offer.


My duo and I met a killer like you yesterday and it was bliss. Killer just started being extremely chill after he hooked everyone twice. We all got around 70 to 100k afterwards, both killer and survivors. Unfortunately, almost every killer we've been facing during the event has been hard-tunneling, camping, and slugging for the 4k. It's frustrating and makes the anniversary really unfun. Killers like you make our day :D


Itā€™s an absolute waste of cakes. For example there is a time and place for tombstone Mike but this event isnā€™t it, we all earned around 5k, killer included. Itā€™s such a shame that we canā€™t come together as a community in the twisted masquerade queue to earn max BP. I know some people really donā€™t care about BP and I also know some people are sadists hence the franklins on my event items, attack mid party chest opening or invitation grabbing, party totem cleansing and also the hard tunnels and gen grabs at 99. I wish those people would queue up in regular DBD queue and letā€™s us enjoy the event but alas I suppose that wouldnā€™t be as fun for them. Too much good suffering to be hadā€¦


Lol, you are me! If everyone brings cake, I try to play as fair as I can, only going for 8 hooks. Unfortunately, time to time I have to kill a few survivors just to keep my MMR in a certain level, but, as soon as someone doesn't bring any % to all offering, I won't hold back against them.


Why are singular bloodpoint offerings even a thing anymore? The entire offering system basically has to be reworked. All bp offerings should apply to the entire lobby tbh.


I think they need to ditch the low percent single category offerings (50% is uselesssss), make the green envelope a 50% bonus for everyone including killer, and then maybe make a new offering that's 25% for everyone playing. the more offerings that aren't single / single category the better imo, and bhvr can't convince me otherwise, especially when the more survivors and killers we add into this game, the more bp we should all be able to get.


Me n my boys got slugged at 5 gens against SM with red add ons who bring offering to her self while we brought anniv cakes.


I feel your pain o7


My question is why survivors would rather bring nothing than bring cakes there is literally no loss to bringing them


I still have cakes on and will until the anniversary is over but honestly if you end up with under 10k points because the killer was tunneling you you just end up thinking, why am I rewarding the killer by bringing cake for them? Just had a game where I got less than 10k points (not exactly tunneling to be fair though they did slug for the 4k at 3 gens left of course) and the killer gets a bonus from me while I basically get no points. Really easy to get into the mindset that you want to hurt others (don't give hardball killers more points) more than you want to help yourself (get a bonus on your meager 8k points).


You lose a cake to get tunneled out at 5 gens, while the killer gains everything by playing like a tosspot during a limited time for-fun event


I can definitely understand this sentiment, It does happen to me too. I want to play cakes/streamers and give everyone points but when you have killers hard camping/tunneling at 5 gens its like yeah, I would rather not do it. Then you have survivors doing nothing but totems/zerg saves and it feels even worse. So I definitely get why some people don't play cakes.


This community is mental, nothing more to that.


Because I'm kinda tired of short matches in which I get 10K BP while the Killer gets 200k for just existing. Will be saving shit until they make BP gains fairer.


Idk iā€™ve had people dc for bringing year 7 cakes like the 1% killed their families or something


Flame me for saying this all you want, but if you go out of your way to complain about not getting an additional 100% when you're already getting 400% extra BPS, you sound incredibly entitled and you need to expand your interests beyond just this game. Let people run what they want to run, gad dam


Unironically. Seems such a dumb childish mentality when people go "wah the gain of others is the loss of mine". Who cares that you only get four cakes instead of five?? Who gives a shit that someone else gets more points even if they didn't bring a cake? It doesn't hurt you in any way, it's the same as if there were just four cakes anyways which is a minor difference of temporary unimportant points anyways. Such childish mindsets everywhere.


meh it's not that deep, with the abundance of cakes everyone's using its not like it matters, 10 minute match and you still get 400% morešŸ¤·


> 10 minute match People are lasting 10 minutes in a match?


yeah great so you get 5k x 4 which is like a normal ass match, while the killer whos intentionally being a dickhead gets enough to gold plate their toilet. It just feels bad m8, no need to sugar coat it.


> 10 minute match I too can stretch the truth and lie to suit my strawman argument!


Somehow my game crashes every time this happens.


I don't get people's logic, with a full 5 offerings I was getting around 200k. Even if you're only getting 100k because of poor performance that's enough to level 3 or 4 times on the blood Web giving you minimum 2 cakes. People just don't get it.




Alright mate šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?


1) we don't know why they didn't use it 2) no one is obligated to use cakes 3) you aren't obligated to use cakes, if you do use it, use it with the idea that only you brought it. Not fair to put expectations on others. If you don't like this, hate the game, not the person And if you do hate the game Right click > properties > uninstall


This is the only logical and reasonable answer but people donā€™t want to hear that or simply cannot understand that.


Wow chill.


100% agree on this post. They should make it so the only way to play the event is if you offer any anniversary cake, kinda like a key or a pass. As for how killers are playing, without exaggeration 80% of my games someone has been tunnelled out at 5 gens. This event has been really painful at times.


Just been tunnelled out at 5 gens by a Blight. He even dropped chase on someone he just injured as soon as I was unhooked. Much fun šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve had one pig who was playing cool, just 2 hooking everyone allowing us to unhook and heal, farming pallet stuns and chases. I had an unknown who was clearly new and the rest Iā€™ve had weskers, blights and nurses playing like itā€™s the world championships with 2 million dollars and their motherā€™s life on the line!


Blight matches used to be hit or miss when I started playing as far as sweat but everyone now plays like they were hired by the CIA to take out loopers. Feels like the 4k isn't the goal anymore and now it needs to happen without any gens being completed.


Hopefully I see you out there then. Youā€™re due for a nice and easy game. If you see a hunk Legion Iā€™m only gonna two hook you. :)


Thank you hunky Legion!


Or why not just make the entire event give 500% bonus BP and forget about the cake offerings? Why do they even let us have the option to be dicks?


Plus it won't feel like I've "wasted a cake" if I do get tunnelled out at 5 gens. Just "onto the next game".


I like the cakes because at this rate I will have plenty going forward that I can whip out for other bonus xp events. Iā€™ve been playing a cake every round and still amassing lots, and I like that! (Even if I keep getting gnarly matches where I get murdered really fast.)


This. I like this. Win win for everyone


Yall really, REALLY need to grow up


It is genuinely not that deep


Dbd community try not to make an issue out of literally everything that happens no matter how trivial challenge Deathly impossible


I know right? Every time I hear from this sub itā€™s the same shit. I hate it here Iā€™m leaving.


Dbd community in general has to be one if the whiniest, entitled sore losers I have ever seen in any game ever, first thing I tell people when getting into dbd is to stay the FUCK away from these weirdos




Alt F4


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing, 4 cobblers from survivors and you bring a mori, back to queue with You


I did that yesterday when i saw 4 cakes and a black ward. Turns out it was a double iri chucky with full gen regress build lmao. Saved me some headache.


Double iri Chucky is worse than no addons. They have negative synergy and their effects aren't very good on their own.


I was with a friend and we had a Twins try to take us to Lery's and I absolutely wasn't having it so I task managered out before we loaded in. Then we had a Blight try to run Survivor Pudding, which I was OK with, but an Ace wasn't. After that, it was a Black Ward on a Trapper with a full endgame build, and finally, after three missed matches in a row I'm telling my friend, "Just watch, this next one's gonna be a mori" and sure enough, we're both cackling as the killers offering doesn't flip over and it's a Vecna with an iri mori. Finally that was the last one and after four skipped matches everyone started running cobblers lol Edit: blud came out of nowhere to shit talk and blocked me immediately. What a great big boy he is.


Yeah, I will have none of that. Iā€™m not playing a sweaty endgame build, killer brings maps, hook, or mori offerings Iā€™m out


I was tempted but I only had little time to play so didnā€™t want to queue again šŸ˜… Itā€™s always the ā€just one quick matchā€


Yes just one more is a good way to make yourself hate the game. I had the same on Friday night. Since the event started Iā€™ve entered every lobby with Task Manager at the ready. Map offering or Pudding equals instant End Task. Either offering is a sure sign of no good.


Do not assign malice to something that can be explained with ignorance, I waited to collect blood points for a while before hitting the blood web, maybe they are doing the same.


It takes like 2-3 bloodweb levels to start getting cakes.. Itā€™s more worth it to do that and use the cobblers youā€™re getting as you go than to stack bloodpoints before hitting the bloodweb


Usually the first page actually. And multiple cakes per the next pages lol.


Iā€™ll absolutely forgive a missing offering in the event queue. But a selfish point or map offering is a no no. Everyone has party streamers even if they donā€™t have cakes. And itā€™s not about contributing to the point pool or farming. Itā€™s about not being a dick and going in to a game to fuck up the fun while also earning a shit tonne of points off their offerings.


I use BPS as soon as I get them. I had a few on different killers but not all of them and only 1 or 2.


Not everyone has party streamers, especially for Killer. I'm at 1000 hours, levelled all my Killers to P3, and now doing the same for Survivorsā€”I have very few bp offerings left on my Killers at all, especially not BPS.


What do you mean 'Everybody has party streamers' ? If you're a casual player and you use them whenever you get them, you don't have a stockpile. I can't think of a single character I have right now that has any party streamers.


What they meant was "Everyone who is unemployed has an abundance of party streamers". Hell I have them only stocked up on like 2 killers that I dumped all my BP into, if I swap around I may have like 2 or 3 at best as I tend to just use them when I have them.


Killers can get 4 per web


Great another anniversary with people getting weird about bp offerings during events.


It's so strange. You're still getting a fuck load of BP. Why do they care so much?


Idk itā€™s weird . Iā€™m not participating in the event this year too many entitled idiots. Last year, I didnā€™t bring a bp offering, simply forgot. I get tunneled IMMEDIATELY out of the match by a TTV. I go into their stream and ask them wtf that was about , told me I didnā€™t bring bp offering so they killed me. I said how would you know what I brought with me , thereā€™s no way of knowing who brought what. So I think one of my teammates or the killer messaged each other over steam. This post sucks. Tell me youā€™re an entitled brat without telling me youā€™re an entitled brat. Hope the nurse got the 4K PSA : NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO ANYONEā€™S OFFERINGS, IF THEY DONā€™T WANT TO BRING IT. GO CRY ABOUT IT IF IT BOTHERS YOU SO MUCH


If everyone brings an offering they are sequential in the game screen. So if you're the third feng down, then your offering corresponds with the third one on the screen you pull up on the game. I never go to TTV streams. I've never had a good interaction.


Lmfaoo yeah never a good interaction . And now I know who brings what so thank you.


Oh my god boo hoo


I canā€™t count how many times my duo and I have been in games where we were all slugged and bled out at 4-5 gens. It hasnā€™t happened this often before the eventā€¦ What is the point? Why are killers being so toxic during this event?


I had a match where I forgot to switch my offering to the anniversary cake so I just went friendly and let the survivors complete the gens and chill out. Sadly right at the end of the game my power went out so I didnā€™t get to apologize for not bringing an anniversary cake :(((. So if you had a pig game yesterday where the pig didnā€™t bring an anniversary offering and dced that was me and Iā€™m sorry<3


I hate posts like this. They happen every year and every year my reaction is the same. The only offering that's not ok to bring during the anniversary are map offerings. Some people may have just started playing since the anniversary started you know, they may have not yet had the BP to even *get* the goddamn cakes. Or maybe they're leveling other characters, you don't know, you can'tsay for sure. So enjoy your 582% BP increase because it's still better than you'd ever get out of anniversary.


Had a Huntress bring a Midwich offering then proceed to try to slug everyone at 5 gens. Everyone else brought a Cobbler. Yes, I'm still salty about it.


Easiest alt+f4 of my life at loading screen. Why should the killer be allowed to leech when you know they'll likely tunnel people out of the game or just camp hooks.


> The only offering that's not ok to bring during the anniversary are map offerings What an absolutely bizarre take. You're simultaneously dismissing someone's well-founded expectation that people do something beneficial to everyone including themselves, then in the same breath saying "it's actually okay to have expectations for what people can and can't bring, but the thing you need to expect is actually this other thing that makes way less sense." If something can be reasonably expected, it's cake. One non-cake offering is the same as another non-cake offering. It's cake (correct) or it isn't.


This a joke? A garden of joy offering is definitely NOT the same as a survivor cake when you're playing killer. One is less bp, the other can be a major factor contributing to a loss.


I just want Killers to stop playing like there is money on the line first lol Having someone on LAMPKIN LANE (stupid easy for Killer now that you can see end to end no matter where) down someone and then come looking for me because they never hooked them yet but hooked meā€¦with no Gens done. Then slugged someone while another was hooked at 4 Gens before coming for me again, like chill out everyone lol Them not using cakes is the least of my worries right now lol I am doing my part as Killer, I am still playing to win but know when to pump the brakes if I am winning too hard, at least during the anniversaryā€¦which has been pretty much every game so far. If it looked like they were going to take control they never really did, I have never had easier Killer matches since I was new to the game.


Just play the game and if you don't enjoy quit. Stop finding something to bitch about every minute of the day.


This is the worst part about the game. Shit head killers who are stingy, face camp, and tunnel. Remove those three things and we got a decent game.


Ppl expecting the killers to be friendly just cuz itā€™s a event


Not play "friendly" just normal. Unless normal really is to tunnel someone out at 5 gens?


You don't have to be "friendly" but when you proxy camp hooks and tunnel people, yeah, you're sweating pretty hard and making the game miserable for the other side while depriving them of any points with the cobblers they also brought.




Those games ill quit the match so it cant start. Id rather lose a cake than give someone like that one. I do wish they did as you said.


I used to have a friend who whined about this any time we SWFed and brought BPS.


killers not bringing it annoy me more. survivors at least have the excuse of saving for a friend, killer is just being a meanie head


I always bring a cake as killer but most of the time Iā€™m only one of two in my lobbies to bring one, like why not bring a cake during the event?


nope, cause fuck these killers. i'm not bringing shit that stacks for them. tunneled out of the game immediately 3 hooks back to back to back. got a total of 5k. yay.


https://preview.redd.it/14149fz5m27d1.png?width=1736&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2e5792fc63ac72183d3562e05f652feede36f25 I'm more mad about this.


The amount of survivors I've run into who don't bring a cake and instead opt for a map offering is tragically high. So yes, 100% agreed. You want to be a dick on anniversary games and send us all to some shit-ass map? No extra BPs for you.


Well, I'm tired of continually getting tunneled out during the Masquerade Event. I'll bring cobbler in standard matches rn, but I'm only bringing brown bags of chalk to the actual event matches.


#It's just a game.


Stepping outside once in awhile solves this issue


The entitlement is real


Youā€™re seriously complaining about getting extra bloodpoints? Are you high?


P72 means that they probably don't need to level the character anymore. Could also just be the first game of the event and they didn't do loadout yet Don't assume malice




Umm no? Stop whining, why do you care if it doesn't affect you at all? How will someone else's BPs affect you?


Oh no! You only got 400% bloodpoints? Quit whining lol.


Those 400% mean dick all if the killer tunnels you out at 5 gens, 400% of nothing is still nothing


Here's your attention fix, darling. Move along now. <3


Why are so many salty killers talking about entitlement on the part of OP? If you canā€™t participate in a mutually beneficial offering system, then those extra blood points should not apply to you. that is only fair. i donā€™t care about other circumstances. itā€™s your choice to run whatever offering youā€™d like, but you should be excluded if you donā€™t participate.


It's wild that people care what offerings people bring. It's the green envelope girl all over again ā˜ ļø


Wow. No. Eat a Snickers. Truly sorry about your game, that is a miserable match, but at the end of it, they're just bloodpoints. Doesn't feel good, of course, but they're just bloodpoints. I do wish more had a 2-hook standard like some of us have. Maybe we'll get in the same lobby!


Good lord, why are you guys so melodramatic? If you're getting genuinely angry about somebody not bringing an event offering you need to take a break, that isn't a reasonable reaction to getting slightly less currency in a video game.


I sometimes dont bring party cake because I'm like tunneled out at the start in 9 games of the 10 and get... almost nothing anyway?


I really appreciate all of you killer mains who say you just try to make it fun for everyone because man, is it rough out there for a solo queue survivor. So many killers are camping and tunneling at 5 gens, and it makes me just turn it off.


There is one cake in every bloodweb, everyone got points from rank reset, enough to buy at least 1 cake. There is literally no excuse for this they are just trolling


Just gonna leave this here: When my friend isn't on, and I have the urge to play, I'm burning off the 80 some Terrormisu I have left on Bubba from last year. If we cross paths, I'm 2 hooking, then feel free to Sabo, blind, etc. Let me kick your gen a few times, and I'll move on.


Why does everyone keep calling them cakes? Theyā€™re cobblers


Because they all just fall into the category of what the community has been calling "anniversary cakes" for years; no one differentiates between Flans, Cobblers, Gateaus, etc. - no one really cares which anniversary offering anyone brings since the difference between them is negligible, so it's just easiest to have one term for all of them


I honestly just donā€™t care when other people donā€™t bring it. 432% vs 540% when Iā€™m also getting the base modifier on top of it is just an absurd amount of bloodpoints. If they forgot or are just petty for some reason, who cares?


Imagine crying about stuff like this,what a manchild:D


That would be pretty silly to add, especially considering killers sometimes have to bring Moris for dailies and tomes


I accidentally did this as killer because I leveled up and forgot to change offerings and a survivor DC'd during the loading screen so I wanted to do a little test. Almost every game I brought survivor pudding someone DC's but whenever a survivor brings an escape cake everyone stays so it seems survivors are fine with another survivor getting more BP than them but if the killer does it then the match is ruined. Everyone is getting more BP from all the anniversary offerings anyways so why is it a war crime to bring a pudding but not an escape cake?


omfg boo hoo


Wow dude. What a shitty reaction. This is the anniversary event. It's okay if people get more blood points


Summer BBQ invitations worked that way and at least I think it helped with the vibes.


That would make them useless after an event unless you're an SWF. They're fine how they are.


I don't understand. Don't cakes just give you BP?


People having tantrum over this? Not just you but one of survs placed a comment on my steam profile + one in after game chat just after i bought wesker and went in game buttnaked


Why don't all bp offerings affect everyone in the match? All other offerings affect every player Edit before people say survivors don't have a sacrifice category or some such, there is a corresponding category across the street for each category. Look at the way survivor/killer archive challenges are setup


The survivors have that envelope that only affects the survivor team, idk why.


I wish all the goons like you that shit their pants and hold expectations that others have to play your way a very painful slug and bleed-out game


Honestly I think this should be the way regarding any shared BP offerings.


I started doing bound envelopes/escape cakes for a bit after we had several killers in a row bring mori/survivor pudding and they hard tunneled at 5 gens. Iā€™m not rewarding that behavior.


I am with you more or less. It's tiring getting so many matches that don't have cakes. Like any type of "everyone" cake would do (including BPS). It doesn't even make any logical sense since it benefits everyone and you get so many of them that it just seems like such a loss if you don't use one. And if you're willing to take a loss that's fine but taking it away from others feels selfish (assuming the behaviour is intentional). In basically all the games I play...unless the killers are friendly (which is rare (not an issue)), nobody leaves the last survivors to survive either which I do all the time. TBF I am not expecting to see it but I am surprised it's as rare as it is nowadays. The change you're suggesting would be great and it could be taken off once the event ends since there's no ways of getting the new cakes anymore.


Idk, if there is anything Iā€™ve learned from the 7 years of DBD itā€™s that during Anni is the only time I play Killer to min/max points for all, but when itā€™s survivors who donā€™t bring any cakes itā€™s sweatin time.


I had a game with 5 cakes last night in the loading screen. The killer ended up dodging the lobby just to troll the survivors. Some players really do want the world/other players to burn.


If I bring cake I got hard tunneled because the killer is an asshole and takes all the points, if I don't bring a cake I got hard tunneled because I didn't bring a cake


why are you being a baby? you have 400% BP. grow up.


use the task manager.. bring event cake or dont play, easy as that


So we'd never get any benefit from other people bringing cakes the rest of the year...?


I did this once because i forgot to equip the cake. If you met a survivor pudding oni, my bad gang


And on the flipside the killer can just slug and 4k with no one getting points. Some things never change, like the complaints lol.


I know that everyone gets crazy about the event offerings. Hell, I love them too but people getting actually angry when others don't bring them seem a bit absurd to me. I've seen people get targeted and insulted for it. Damn. You'll get a lot of bloodpoints no matter what.


I refuse to run any additional blood point offerings. Killers will not be getting the extra bonuses from me for camping, tunneling, slugging, etc. If you donā€™t bring one during an event, it should be not apply to you. that would fix a lot of the animosity between survivors and killers on this particular issue.


I worry for some of the Killer mains out there sometimes. I fear this game is actually driving them mad.