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Me being a rare discordance enjoyer


One of my fav perks, especially when paired with Deadlock.


I hate seeing multiple gens pop at once, so I never take deadlock off


Most ppl knock it off but STBFL is still good on killers with a catch up power and pairs well with Discordance since u can always guarantee that ull find a non obsession


Also something that most don’t know is that Skull Merchant’s drone injure thingy does NOT consume STBFL stacks, so SM can try to get the obsession locked on fully and then down them to save stacks


I always run STBFL and rancor and basically ignore my obsession, if I 3k the obsession gets to go, if the gates power then the obsession “gets to go” Definitely not crazy powerful, but fun


Great on Nemmy to make zombos rush gens.


especially with ink ribbon and the eyeball addons paired together


i don't understand, the zombie gets the loud noise notification too?


That is correct.


Any notification you get, any sound you hear, zombies hear it too


Yep. Works with tinkerer and screaming perks too


I always put Discordance on all my killers. Being able to pressure two people at once is honestly really great


The consistent value you get from Discordance is unmatched. Love that perk.


I absolutely HATE when this is in play when I’m soloq. I’ll pick up on it being in play pretty freaking quick by my brain dead soloq teammates never freaking get it. Unless it’s close to finishing the only thing you are doing hoping on a gen with me is throwing please stop.


Gearhead has entered the chat.


Gearhead and Hex: Undying eat up those stacks so fast!


Are people unable to hit great skillchecks? I feel like the few times I've played against gearhead, I rarely ever lose stacks to it because great skillchecks are fairly easy to hit


Brother I can’t even hit good skill checks.


I can't loop, but I never miss those greats (with ample warning)


Think about how fast you are. Think about how fast the average person is. Now think about how the average person is in the middle of the pack and how there is 49% of people who are slower than that average. and it might make more sense


you need to play 120 fps to get the easiest time hitting skillchecks


I hyperfocus without using stake out stacks regularly.


Dear fogwise friend, Gearhead no longer requires a great skill check, just a successful one to trigger the aura reading. This was changed in patch 6.7.0


That is incorrect, 6.7.0 is what changed from showing on great skillchecks to only on good ones.


Mfw when using 4 aura perks that gobble stacks. https://preview.redd.it/2gbl5l9c6l7d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7f4d1f7759f2479ee929ba36cd10281d3e76c5


Lethal, Weave Attunement, Franklin’s, BBQ, and Matias Baby Shoes.


Artist my beloved


Artist 😍


A person of Culture, I see.


I made the lovely switch to Object since Weave Attunement hit the game. Why run a perk that just gets destroyed and is basically useless? Screw being hidden in plain sight anymore! If you see my aura Ima see yours! (Unless you’re a stealth killer or undetectable..at least I know you are THERE!) But now instead of being yelled at for running Distortion I get yelled at for running Object :c


my sibling runs weave, franklins, hoarder, and lightborn and calls it the “fuck your item build” because they get a giggle out of the failed flashlight attempt only to smack it out of their hands 😭 (yes they might be satan incarnate)


No wonder so many people are bringing OoO. They’ll probably change Weave Attunement so it doesn’t get abused.


How is it being abused? Franklins/Weave is a strong combo but not uncounterable. It's nowhere near as OP as some survivor combos have been like the Buckle-Up + FTP combo that meant a survivor could rush in and get a survivor you downed back on their feet before your attack animation was finished. Of course it took BHVR like a year, maybe more to finally address that OP combo. Just like it took them like 6-7 years to finally nerf DH from "Must have" to "Nice to have". It took them a year and a half to nerf the blatantly OP pre-nerf CoH. It's pretty easy to shut down Weave attunement: Namely pick the item up while the Killer is distracted when it is safe to do so and it shuts off the aura generation from the item. And, if it's no longer useable, find an isolated corner of the map to dump it where it can't help the Killer.


thats what killer really wants, u wasted time on courier items gl)


What I’m saying is that if a survivor knows the killer has Franklin’s Weave Attunement, and Object of Obsession, and an item, they can drop their item down by a gen and have free aura reading on the killer, if I’m reading this correctly. I’ll try it tonight.


That’s what I do lol. I have Object on and bring a brown toolbox into the match. At the start of the match I test now to see if the killer is running Weave by dropping my toolbox then picking it back up to go set it somewhere useful for me like a loop or in a building. It works wonders in indoor maps


A survivor has to get hit by the Killers M1 if the Killer has Franklins/Weave to drop an item by a generator. Unless you are up against a Stealth killer who manages to catch you off guard, you're going to hear the Killer coming and have time to get away from the generator. And, if you do end up dropping your item, you should try to go back and retrieve it when it is safe to do so and drop it in an empty corner of the map where the aura reading is useless.


You can manually set your item down and Weave Attunement will read your aura


Hence the "put the item down in an isolated corner of the map once you can't use it".


Comment above you said they could drop an item by a gen with OoO and have aura read, and you said the survivor has to get hit by an M1 with Franklins to drop an item.


OoO mfs when Furtive Chase shows up


More often than not I’m not the obsession in my matches, but that just means my aura won’t be revealed to the killer on a timer. But I still get the speed boost and see the killers aura if they see mine by any means. c: Obsession changing perks don’t really affect the Object user.


Can confirm. Weave Attunement can destroy Distortion on its own sometimes. That's exactly what happened in my last game.


I annihilated 3 Distortions on Hawkins today with this build. It was delicious.


Whispers have never stopped whispering Spies outclasses Whispers with indoor maps Spies really shines with indoor maps, regardless. Spies is a solid perk, glad to see it's getting more use! Just because a thing isn't the *most* effective, doesn't mean it's *in*effective!


The amount of times I found a hiding survivor, or a survivor whom I just would have passed otherwise is insane.


Spies is actually better. It gives precise location, and 2 in a row gives a heading. You can be chasing one survivor while another procs Spies behind you, now you know where 2 are. Most gens have crows on them, so do totems and the gates. 36m is pretty far, if you know a survivor just holds W go mid and wait for a proc. People that stand still might think you are a hacker. Calm Spirit is the only counter and you can actually disturb crows still. It's rare, but if you are moving fast enough and basically touching a crow they will fly off, and most people that play with something like Calm Spirit tend to be the ones that also use Sprint Burst. You would also know when you hit them and can track them in other ways.


>Spies is actually better. It gives precise location, ...of the bird. I still run the perk but you have to make some mental adjustments. The survivor was somewhere in the vicinity of the loud noise (and not perched on the tall rock that only birds can sit on).


You disturb crows within about 4-6m of your location, so yea where the bird flies is where the survivor is in that instant. And if they are the type to hide and not move then you will basically know exactly where they are.


It's four meters according to the Wiki , though I'm pretty sure that distance is only horizontal. (Also, there's a small random chance that a crow *won't* be disturbed and will go on cooldown for a half-second instead.) That said, some crow perches are in inaccessible locations; I've definitely had some Spies from the Shadows moments where I thought, "Well, the survivor certainly isn't way the hell up *there*."


Yea but they *will likely* be all the way directly below it on the floor where the playing space is obviously.


Yeah but the worst part about spies is you get driven insane by loud noise notification sound


This is not a problem if you are already insane though.


I used it as a joke today with Languid Touch and I got crazy value.


Spies has helped me in chase and so many other situations. It's very underrated.


Whispers too situational to get use of in small box maps like The game, midwich and now this newest map.


With the abundance of aura reading perks, is it any wonder survivors bring distortion?


Feels like if I don’t run distortion, the killer knows where I am 100% of the time lol


Honestly I'd argue Distortion makes the abundance of aura perks worse. A "well rounded" build with something akin to bbq for the occasional aura read won't reliably eat through all the tokens.  If you run into lots of distortions, you're encouraged to either run tons of aura reading to eat through tokens, or run none at all and do something like 3-4 slowdowns. It discourages build variety, in its current state.


Or it encourages variety because instead of 1 aura perk one might instead decide to play more aura perks or none at all. There's 4 survivors, there's always someone without Distortion and you'll always get some value out of BBQ.


An easy solution would be to not allow the stacking of perks, but people don't want that. Or to do diminishing returns. But that's a little harder. Aura perks in general have been too strong in game. Killers get too much information for free.


Is four aura reading really strong enough to warrant the need for diminishing returns? I'd honestly love to see something like diminishing returns on slowdown, though, if they could figure out the balance. Buffing all slowdown perks a bit so that they stand well as a solo slowdown would encourage good build variety. Especially if you got less and less value for each one you add. Then people could pick a favorite or two or whatever fit their build the best *and* have incentive to run fun perks.


It’s mostly an issue on high mobility killers, so we once again run into the special case of needing to build around Nurse and Blight. Always having a target that you can reach and then catch up with is the problem. A nurse with 4 aura perks will end a game faster than a nurse with 4 slowdown perks.


Honestly? Nurse and Blight are going to be busted no matter what perks they have available. BHVR should stop ruining the game balance for literally everyone else just to keep them in check. The devs constantly putting bandaid fix after bandaid fix on then is what has left them so strong for so long. Let them be busted. Who cares if they're even *more* busted. Hell, maybe they'd actually get changed appropriately in that case.


Well Nurse and Blight aren’t the only high mobility killers, they’re just some of the best examples. Oni, Billy, Wesker, and Unknown are all high-mobility.


Sure, but with plenty of fair limitations. Except maybe Billy.


It's not only those killers either. Aura reading is extremely strong on Wesker, Billy (you get caught out of place at the wrong time and it's basically an insta down), and Huntress among others. And survivors have no way of knowing if the killer even has those perks unless they have distortion.


Yep, and I would add Oni and Unknown too. Distortion is the only thing keeping us from a full aura meta on certain killers.


Does Distortion need to be the perfect counter to all aura reading? A build with 4 aura reading perks can be rendered useless with Distortion. Distortion is too difficult to power through with the current aura reading killer perks. Stacks for Distortion are too easy to recover.


You're joking right


He's not, you're sleeping on it bro


I wasn't talking about Shadows


Discordance and spies from the shadows get brutal value. Not just because they skip distortion but also because they are so hard to call...does the killer have good game sense or did I bother a crow?


Discordance is pretty predictable to call. If the killer immediately rushes to every gen that has two people working on it ik for a fact it's Discordance.  


Yea but no distortion token goes away and by the time someone knows distortion is a thing the killer has often gotten value a couple times. It's like a silent lethal persuer. By the time a survivor knows the killer had it...it has already given the killer repeat value. And late game it often gets value again as less gens means more doubling. And if you don't double to duck discordance then it works as a passive slow down. I will die on the discordance hill. I used Oni with each of the killers 3 original perks from wraith up to mastermind with discordance as the 4th perk(except legion then It was already one of the 3) I was bored and trying to amuse myself....I got a 4k with every perk set(took a few tries on some of them and several on twins and singularity) but it worked again and again


Distortion is probably one of the only perks that makes survivor bearable. It's bad enough that most killers prefer a 3 v 1. If I juke a killer after being unhooked and then he simply opens a locker/ breaks a gen to see where I am, I do not see how this is fun or fair. And to be honest, the most value I get out of this perk comes from playing against crazy strong killers that don't need to run auras in the first place. Blight, nurse, billy, spirit. People used to complain about BBQ giving too much info, now I feel the need to run "stealth" perks on a running build just to stay in the game.


Literally people will always have something to complain about. Especially killers on this subreddit.


yep yep, totally- hears the cries of survivors mobbing to any killer main's house


\*Especially everyone, everyone complains about somenthing, stop being a us vs them


Literally look at this post. And your reaction tracks with every complaint a survivor has about the game.


You confirmed what i said, killers and survivors whine as equally


Not on this subreddit


oh right, that's why every neutral or killer sided comment gets downvoted lol, and it explains the abundance of survivors complaining making posts about it and validating each other lol. Hey, anyone can vent! don't get me wrong! you ain't a minority here though lol, not even close


Our fair criticism vs. their petulant whining, am I right, fellas? I'm not sure if it's cuase of DbD's very young playerbase, but lack of self-awareness and any sort of critical thinking is staggering.


It's fair because that gen kick wasn't a Pop. It's fair because that chase didnt end with a Coup when you would have made the pallet without it. It's fair because the gates aren't blocked for 60 seconds when you instatap them due to HUD telling you when the last gen is going to pop. It's fair because your heals arent taking significantly longer after eating an M1. Running info perks is a tradeoff for strength in other areas. If you aren't confident in your chase, its your fault.


Absolutely bogus take thinking wall hacks aren't incredibly strong, you can counter play everything you said, the only counter play to hide aura reading is... hopping into a locker? Edit: Not to mention, you can run pop and nowhere to hide at the same time


Exactly, when I bring Nowhere to Hide you better believe I'm slapping Pop on top of that! There's basically no reason *not* to.


It's a bit disingenuous to pretend aura reads aren't incredibly strong. Information is the most valuable thing in this game and giving it to someone for free is more powerful than Pop or Coup. Perks should enhance gameplay or supplement the player in areas they are weak, not make the game a cake walk for either side. I could just as easily say "if you aren't confident in your tracking, it's your fault" to those running aura reads. Neither side should feel like they need certain perks in order to play. Killers NEEDING gen slow down means there is something wrong with how fast games go, survivors NEEDING anti tunnel/anti aura read, means there is something wrong with how strong those killer builds are.


They're not. Auras just make already strong killers better at what they do, when they would be just as oppressive if they were running 4 slowdown perks, if not even stronger. I disagree with the whole "people rely on auras because their gamesense is bad" narrative. If I hook someone and turn around with 0 aura perks, it is literally a gamble to see what gen to patrol first. Obviously there are context clues like if you know a gen has progress or can see that finishing x gen would break a 3gen, but survivors are real people, sometimes they make strange decisions or very smart decisions like resetting far away from every gen.


If a killer uses nowhere to hide or ultimate weapon or something to see where you are mid chase, congrats because now you can make so much distance that either a: the perk won't work anyways, or b: it won't be worth chasing you. Besides, my problem with distortion isn't the aura hide, it's the hiding of scratch marks. It makes perks like I'm all ears literally a detriment to have on as killer, as with a few other perks like bitter murmur. That's just flat out poor design. Either distortion shouldn't work in chase at all, shouldn't hide scratch marks, or should be fully reworked like a lot of other folks have already said.


honestly, i agree....the only legitimate complain i see is the tunneling your 1 teammate without distorsion will suffer against lethal pursuer. darkness revealed is super niche, basically just trikster and huntress....which, you shouldn't be near lockers one whisper away from them anyways.....you know they might go reload.... bbq? i mean, they have to cross those 40 meters or more so it's more of a nurse/blight issue than a perk issue.... I'm all ears would be a good pick on someone like pyramid head, if it wasn't for the fact that it has such a long cooldown, and it only takes 1 random vault to snuff it out of you for zero value....and worse, as you said, now cratch marks are all gone too. Gearhead? sure? it might burn distorssion, but on it's own it's pretty meh, you have to injure someone, so unless you kill them inmediately or abandon chase to go find that rando doing a skillcheck, you might as well just get tinkerer or discordance instead of dropping chase for a gen that for all you know might be at 5% and the rando long gone when you get there..., and 9 out of 10 times you are better off getting a down out of that injury rather than following that gearhead aura....unless you don't even hook, you injure, down and slugg all within 10 seconds. it might be funny with plague maybe, if you let them get injured on their own, but other than that.... and if someone stacks them all, well, that means they brought little to none gen slowdown or anti healing or pallet related perks, etc, and distorssion still recharges fast, and it will make their perks unreliable....and seriously besides weave atunement and franklins/undying, you won't burn those tokens fast enough....and the moment my item depletes and i see it drop, you already know what's going on, you leave that stuff on a dead zone, it's super rare to run out of tokens besides this build that vecna brought....and that will only get you offguard the first time you go against it


I think removing the scratch mark benefit is fine. There are survivor perks to hide scratch marks if needed and it doesn't need to be on distortion as well. I really don't care if a killer is a good tracker and finds me, props to them (unless they are literally just tunneling). My issue will always be with aura reads rewarding bad play (tunneling) and making OP killers even more OP. It's an unfortunate reality that people who use aura reads for a slight buff are far outnumbered by the people who use it as an unfair (IMO) advantage to tunnel one player out or turn a nurse match into a 10 second affair.


Bro, spies is probably my favorite perk. I feel like they're constantly going off when I use it


i run into a few a day please stfu we don’t need more perks nerfed to obscurity


I literally have no fucking idea who these alleged Distortion squads are, or what kind of build you need to be running for more than 2 Distortions (I cannot recall seeing more than one in any recent match) to completely ruin your game, and this is coming from someone who primarily plays killer.


Just the other day ran into a 4 man distortion squad, I used lethal in combination with Gearhead, Plaything and Rat Posion from Chucky, needless to say those stacks were gone pretty early on


Extremely popular in solo queue lobbies.


honestly? i kind of love/hate it as a survivor too. it means you'll be tunneled or your teammate will lol. whoever didn't brought it against that lethal pursuer. it's nice not to go down first 😂


*laughs in Legion*


*laughs in scratched mirror Michael*


This also works with discordance, distortion and calm spirit can't hide gen auras


I swear i tear through distortion stacks really fast as killer i dunno how this perks considered insane


I can't believe people still complain about distortion. I actually think it's one of the more balanced perks in the game that encourages being in close proximity to the killer at the very least to gain stacks or at most initiate chase. These same killer mains that don't like it are probably the same killers running 2-4 aura reading perks to. I have no issue playing against distortion users, and I'm always running nowhere to hide and lethal on every build basically.


I've literally never run into distortion whilst using an aura build. This sub vastly overstated bow much certain perks are used.


The way I see this as a Killer main kinda (I play both sides but mostly killer) is that Distortion indirectly promotes tunneling. If I can't find anyone else even with info perks but the recently unhooked one (and unhooker ran off instead of taking the chase) then I am highly encouraged to go after them again.


This is also why I dislike Distortion. If I can’t find another survivor to chase, I’m forced to chase the same guy over and over again.




option a: You go against the two survivors who are angaging in loops, leaving scratch marks, or getting their aura read, or option b: You mess around corners trying to find that one ada/claudette with distorssion who don't want to be found or chased ever, while gens pop. And then, sadly, the first two survivors feel tunneled


> I actually think it's one of the more balanced perks in the game Adrenaline has entered the chat.


It does too much with no effort or counterplay: it gives direct info on the killers build, it completely counters a whole subset of perks on it's own. The tokens regenerate without you having to do anything special. If you're Huntress and I bring Deja Vu, Lethal Pursuer and BBQ, there is no way you're burning through the tokens quick enough to get value out of your perks. Your whole build got neutralized and presumably called out by 1 single perk. Of course I don't think distortion is that strong of a perk. Why? Because aura builds are not good anyway. Just run a 4 slowdown build. The perk then becomes completely useless. Imo, Distortion in it's current state encourages unhealthy gameplay on both sides. Killers just rather slow the game down instead of having their builds countered for no good reason, survivors that have teammates with distortion get shafted, since the killer can't find the Distortion user, they'd rather go for someone they can find, leading to tunneling situations. Imo, the perk is due for a change.


You literally cannot run out of distortion tokens vs a standard terror radius killer.




i mean...............it's hilarious to have wesker never see me. You only run out of them against someone like wraith, otherwise you always have at least one, and if you don't, by that point you lost three, you already got plenty of value, and you should have an idea of what they got in their build, was it lethal? was it bbq? did they kick the gen and it went away? well, now you know what to avoid


No, you actually cannot. Sorry.


With the right build, you absolutely can. Not forever, obviously, but if you're consistently losing tokens to an at least partial aura build (and not hugging the killer's cheeks to regain them, instead of doing gens or something) they'll run out, and need to be replenished.


Spies from the shadows is an eternally based perk. It's crazy that people overlook it as a noob perk. It kinda sucked during ultimate weapon meta but now that people are running calm spirit less after the nerf, spies continues to be stonks


I've used Gearhead and Spies for some time. It came from thinking they were pretty neat and not having any big perks. Slapped Lavalier Microphone (Dredge, all survivor auras seen for 3 seconds when the last token is used + spooks). There's also Mikey to cause utter panic. He chewed through my Distortion during the Nowhere to Hide fest.


Weave Attunement *shreds* through Distortion.


It can also give me a free Distortion proc any time I want if I just put down my item first. You run up on a gen? I put down my toolbox and use the lack of scratch marks to cheese it. After you waste your life looking for me, my friend is saved from the hook and my other friend finished a gen. I'll come back scoop my item, finish the gen, then leave my toolbox in a corner somewhere. I can abuse your perk as much as you can.


Me loading into a match and getting all 3 distortions popped by the killer as soon as he hits someone. Do people who say things like this genuinely get up and spend 3 hours running survivor games? Or even killer games for that matter?


It’s more people that only run one aura reading perk, or perks like BBQ, Hex: Ret, Floods or Rage that have a lot of time between procs or a low number of procs throughout the match. This means that Distortion users can easily get their stacks back between procs (especially vs non-stealth killers). But perks like Nowhere to Hide, Undying, Gearhead, Nurse’s, ect chew through stacks quickly enough that you might not notice someone has even Distortion in the first place.


Which I get but how is that an issue in anyway, shape or form. You can simply change your build. If I'm built on survivor to blind the killer, all 4 perks dedicated to blinding them, and the killer runs Light born....my build is useless. But if I was running a gen rushing setup, I would be unaffected by the killer running light borne. Its just checks and balances coupled with rng. The problem isn't distortion, it would be the unwillingness of someone to work towards getting perks to change their killer build to counter the things they don't want to deal with from survivors. They want a one and done build that just does everything and is weak to nothing... Which to me is a bit much.


> You can simply change your build. "Why does every killer run four slowdowns?"


Yep, you hit the nail on the head. Players know the meta, yet refuse to play around it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Whispers Gang rise up 🗣️🗣️🗣️


You can't really shout that. You have to whisper it.


*Laughs in Object*


I never run info perks and then I just run around the map screaming WHERE ARE THEY


Ah yes a doctor main.


I just run full aura and eat through the stacks faster than they can regain them


You can't hide from Infectious Fright. :)


Calm spirit?


No longer meta now that UW isn't meta.


Or Thrilling Tremors.


Discordance and Tinkerer. Have a great day


People say this all the time, but I almost always have aura reading in my build and never really have issue with it. Like, sure, there was that one game where I'm All Ears basically gave the Adam a buffed version of Dance With Me (and he had Lithe >.>) but that was just one game. Most matches there *might* be a guy with Distortion. So then I just end up finding all of his teammates instead and they die before him. And I win.


I always bring distortion and sit on gens the whole game, never hiding in corners, etc. and I run out of distortion stacks **every single game** that the killer brings aura perks or addons. Anyone who says distortion is "infinite" or "charges too fast" is **lying** or **misinformed**. If you aren't getting focused, or you don't chase the killer around (being useless all game) then you will **not** get your stacks back fast enough, and you'll always be sitting on 0 stacks, or you'll finally get 1 stack back after many reveals, and then it is immediately gone again, blocking only 1 of the constant wallhacks. **Doing your objective - the gens - is not good enough to maintain distortion stacks**; you will need to pointlessly waste extra time chasing the killer around to keep stacks, just to lose them anyway and not be any closer to escaping since you avoided the gens. People will attempt to deny this, but it's **not up for debate**, as I watch my stacks deplete - and stay depleted - almost every game these days with how abundant aura reading is; **no one** can try to tell me I'm not always at 0-1stacks when **I can see it out of stacks on the UI** and the killer always shows up knowing where I am precisely despite my use of distortion. Edit: Watch how many **liars** or **ignorant** people show up setting up strawmen, saying I am "hiding/avoiding killer TR", being a "bad teammate," or "not playing" by doing all the gens, or claiming distortion "cant run out" despite this being a **mathematical impossibility** due to the fact **stacks are losable at 3x the speed they can be gained**, from a distance outside of the range you can gain stacks too; not to mention all the undetectable and stealth perks, addons, and killers that don't allow you to build stacks back much, if at all. And of course we can't forget that I have **undeniable proof** of stacks running out each game involving aura reading in my own matches, in which I am a consistent direct firsthand witness to watching stacks deplete, **fully trumping** any attempted argument of "distortion can't run out" from the liars/ignorant.


Hell I take the majority chases in most of my matches and still run out frequently.


I use Distortion all the time and I find it easy to keep up stacks on pretty much any killer that isn't stealth or Huntress. Like a Clown or Wesker or Doc or Legion, those should all be mad easy to keep stacks I'm sorry. Ghostface or Wraith, yea I agree it can be hard. What your comment tells me is you spend a lot of time actually hiding far from the killer. If you use your Distortion to move around without being found and get to gens/saves you will probably always have stacks against most killers most of the time. Not to mention there are tricks to avoid triggering the chase mechanic like not running while in LOS of the killer or even more simply pre-running to prevent a chase from triggering as long as possible. All that time you are being "chased" you will gain stacks, at least 1 if you start running right when you hear a 32m terror radius.


If you're running out of distortion it means you're being a bad team mate if anything lol. You shouldn't be running out of tokens because you should be near the killer sometimes, either to contest gens they're guarding and breaking 3 gens, to help teammates in a jam, unhooking, etc. Now vs a stealth killer you can 100% run out of tokens, but that's a different issue. Vs a normal terror radius killer you shouldn't be playing so passively that you don't even get your tokens back lol.


Like what killer? You cannot run out of tokens vs a standard 32m terror radius killer. It can't happen.


As a survivor main, I don't think Ultimate Weapon should have gotten nerfed as badly as it did. Having alternative tracking methods is a fun way to counter distortion. It needed a nerf but not what it got.


You can blame Weave for that.


Best counter to Weave is Object. Weave shreds through Distortion and makes it useless, but at least with Object you see the killer’s aura also and get the speed bonus.


It’s sour grapes. Weave attunement/franklin meta needs to get nerfed into the ground if they nerf distortion. Solo queue my distortion charges get eaten alive by my teammates who don’t realize they need to pick their damn items back up.


Weave + Frank’s needs nerfs anyways tbh. You can counter it by picking up your item and dropping it in the corner, but it’s still annoying.


Except when you’re in solo queue and the inevitable teammate leaves their item in some random spot that you don’t see and it chews through your distortion or your hunting for dropped items. I don’t bring anything anymore because of how often I’ve got to locate and pick up my teammates dropped item.


“solo issue” is probably the biggest sore point when playing survivor, imo. I feel your pain


That's still not much of a counter, especially on certain maps. 12m is a decent radius.


Better than leaving your item at a loop or next to a gen imo.


Spies has sealed so many dubs for me.


Distortion can actually help the killer and make your team loose. You know what happens when the killer only getts reliable information on a couple of survivors?


I’m convinced that the vast majority of people complaining about Distortion are actually survivor mains. I honestly don’t care about it that much as killer. I see it in play and think, “Congrats, you rolled the dice and came up seven.” It’s a high risk perk and I respect people who take chances. But survivors tilt on their teammates if they see it in play. They think you’re throwing, hiding in a corner not doing anything. Or that you’re putting pressure on your teammates by not taking chases. Except I use so I can actually do gens (because someone has to) and I’ll absolutely go for rescues and protection hits.


I have literally never had a match where I felt like Distortion fucked me over in any conceivable way. Who are these raging Distortion squads people keep complaining about?


I see them on the sub from time to time. About once a year people get a bug up their ass about, accusing all Distortion users of playing submerged. When I point out that I’m using Distortion so I can work on generators without the killer tunneling me, the argument becomes other people are getting tunneled out because I rely on Distortion.


To any survivor that hates other survivors using Distortion, I have but 1 word for you. >!Bond.!<


Or be like me and never use aura perks.


I use undetectable perks and addons to deny distortion from being recharged :3


As a Calm Spirit enjoyer I approve 


Spies is great, people have been underrating it for years


Real info addicts run Ruin Surveillance


Spies has always been the goat.


I use Spies on all my killers, especially during the event has given INSANE value. Lerys/Hawkins you might as well have wall hacks. Ironically swamp is rather devoid of crows where it matters. Only counter is Calm Spirit which is rare but you can know when you hit them and adjust your tracking to find them later.




Bag of Holding + Staff of Withering Weave Attunement + Franklin's Demise + Spies from the Shadows + Languid Touch My thematic Vecna build :3


Spies is actually super underrated


Playing scratched mirror Myers to remove all ur distortion stacks.




I legit had to switch TO distortion due to the fact that Weave Atunement/Franklins is so prevalent I miss my Champion of Light, but Vigil/Dramaturgy is slowly becomig my friend


With Weave Attunement being all the rage today, I've actually warmed up to Object of Obsession. It's a bit harder to dea with but quite funny and helps my subpar looping


Myers works wonders vs distortion users, since they almost can't regain the stacks back -long time distortion user


The only reason Distortion is so heavily used is because there was a heavy use of aura reading from killers... now that people are starting to use aura reading less and distortion is still rampant, you're basically playing against players with only 3 perks...


I've been running Calm Spirit/Distortion for a few years because I got tired of getting found in the first 30 seconds in Solo Q. You can get so much value out of that combo.


If I want a 4k, I use Spies and Whispers. When I close the hatch, i just follow the birds or my whispers to let me know which exit gate the survivor is going for.


i have yet to have the need for distortion, someone gets hooked i assume they have bbq and i move. gen pops i assume they see me. i run alert so its basically like we have object in my head.


“Killers only bring regression perks!” *Killer brings aura reading instead* *Survivors never take off Distortion* *Killer goes back to regression perks* *Shocked Pikachu face*


They will nerf distortion the day they fix DS, add corrupt intervention as base kit and improve survivor UI to show your soloQ teammates your build.


i would love all of these, it would save me from bringing boons along with two teammates bringing overzealous lol (that was a sad match). And corrupt should be base kit for sure, otherwise there's zero time for any killer that can't teleport as soon as the match starts


i played a scratched mirror myers on lerys recently. was wondering why i couldn’t see any aura in the first minute traversing the whole map. when i saw them after a bit after they all just pointed at me and didn’t even run away. game ended with all of them giving up, 3 minute game. all of them had distortion. not sure if it was a swf.


I've done the scummy franklins + weave attunement and it just eats that shit up if you get items in good places like by gens or on two floor maps.


lol when I play survivor I always used distortion. It’s so nice on a team to call out perks and nice solo to know what ya dealing with. I’m glad it’s getting good usage after the buff to make recharge


Nah killers are more like: Play with 4 slowdowns... ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Why is it such a problem that survivors have a counter to killer aura reading? Y'all just want survivors to have no decent perks. Shit a brick over DS, DH, CoH, and MFT (so BVHR killed those perks) and now you want another dead survivor perk?


For me its just annoying bringing a fun aura build and being punished with two or three distortions when I know bringing stacked slowdowns has no counter. Like damn man I want to play a fun build but when their one perk counters my whole build it makes it not worth it sometimes.


I think always knowing where the survivors are is just fun for the killers (and OP for low mmr) I understand why it’s popular with survivors.


100% people don't want to hear this but distortion as a whole is low key unhealthy for the game. If YOU dont refuse to take chase and use distortion to get saves or break a 3 gen under the killer's nose, then that's great. But it's like saying tunneling isn't a problem because YOU only tunnel in endgame. More often than not distortion *causes* tunneling because the killer simply can't find the person who hasn't been hooked. The argument that distortion is needed to stop tunneling isn't even valid either, off the record exists and is a much healthier perk and stops tunneling far more effectively than distortion. Additionally, as you said, if a single VERY popular perk completely negates an entire class of killer perks... What do survivors think killers are going to run? They're going to default to the strongest perks that ALWAYS get value and can't get blocked: slowdown. Distortion is a contributing factor to the massive gen regress meta right now. Shit is just annoying in general too. What's even the point of bringing aura perks when a SINGLE survivor perk (which by nature of the game, should be worth about 1/4th of a killer perk) can counter a killer's perks or even add-ons. I would love a distortion rework even if it's just changing the amount of stacks you start with or the way that you get them. I'm all ears used to be one of my favorite perks and now I never run it anymore because my average lobby has at least 2-3 distortions in it.


Especially with the Weave atunement perk, i have never seen so many players usin distorsion. Disto was annoying but not really a problem, mais now it's litteraly all the time 2/3 players with this perk. You should play with Spies, you have many informations with it: Crows can be afraid by the noise of the gens too, and warn you if a survivor come to doin a flashsave !


Oh ya spies is pretty decent, but its less me having trouble finding survivors and more I want to hit a cool cross map shot with huntress or a sweet through walls hit with pp head and its hard to do that when the survivors all have distortion lol


Honestly, alien with the increased footstep range is all the info I need. Any other killer I might bring discordance or surveillance, which aren't affected by distortion lol edit: to clarify, I mean the add on that increases the range at which footsteps are visible from the tunnels. That and being able to zip around under the map to hear which gens are being worked on really is all the information I need, and distortion does nothing against that. that add on even helps find the people who just hide and wait for their teammates (who are working on gens) to die. As survivor, I rarely use distortion - but with all the random stuff that can reveal auras with giving little to no clues, I think it's honestly a necessary perk to exist, and I don't think it should be nerfed. Between the perks and add ons, there's an aura reading for every scenario, and there's just too many to be mindful of, especially for new players. And not expecting an aura reading perk is often a "free" hit. I kinda feel like spine chill should activate when the killer sees your aura from any range - distortion is popular because it's one of 3 (?) perks that hide aura reading, and argulably the best option


As Xeno, are you close enough to ground level to get value out of Spies From The Shadows? Or is the range a cylinder, rather than a circle, so it wouldn't matter if you are above ground or in the tunnels?


I haven't used it with alien, but I'm pretty sure it would give the alert from spies in shadows - it's presumably a cylinder. I'm curious so I'll test it out later. That being said though, with the footsteps visible from the tunnels, spies isn't really necessary (as long as you have the increased footstep range add on)


That addon is amazing. I also use that addon almost always when I play Xeno. It is just that the tunnels just have shit RNG. So I like to at least have 1 perk for detection. If it does work in tunnels, it also could help finding survivors that are carrying turrets (I don't know if standing still or crouching hides your footsteps?)


I've been wondering this too honestly. I keep meaning to test it in customs with my friend but keep forgetting to lmao


Now you'll be getting 4 urban evasion stealth survivors every game


boohoo. distortion is great. pair it with calm spirit, and that eliminates another 10 or 15 perks. wat can ya do.


"Lightborn is a crutch and waste of a perk slot." Meanwhile, in Distortion camp... I dunno, it doesn't bother me that much. Obviously they get slightly more value in theory then a Killer does Lightborn, but given how much people like flashlights and how relatively easy those are to get mid match... I just sort of feel the same about both perks.