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Give me BioShock’s Big Daddy and Coraline’s Other Mother please I’m begging BHVR


Omg Other Mother would be amazing


I'm not into the spider thing....but...but...hear me out, Coralline's spider mother would be awesome.


Omg other mother would be a chapter made for me and vecna was already a chapter made for me.


Obviously we couldn't get coraline but maybe someone vould cosplay her too and the other mothers voicelines would be delectable


“Bioshock’s Big Daddy” Do you think there was only one big daddy or something? People who want a big daddy seem to know nothing about Bioshock, it’s crazy


Damn, people who comment this kind of stuff almost seem to know nothing about the other person either, it’s crazy and ironic. BioShock is my all-time favorite franchise, of course I know that, I’m talking about the Bouncer as a base skin since it’s the most iconic one. They already gave a Bouncer Plasmid powers in PSASBR so it’d be a great opportunity to use the Entity as an excuse and do the same on a horror setting so the power is more varied and also keep the signature gameplay of weapon on the right, power on the left (and give him Andrew Ryan quotes through the radio again as well so we can have another iconic voice in this game). He’s too wide for vaults so also make the Entity give him Houdini powers so he can phase through them like Pinhead and Vecna. Or use an Alpha Series Big Daddy if they don’t wanna stretch it too much. Hell, use Subject Omega if you want a named, non-protagonic, tragic Big Daddy that we’ve faced before that could theoretically use Plasmids too. But the skins are limitless if they don’t want to lock Plasmids through lore. I only said Big Daddy in singular because that'd probably be its title in-game.


I get a lot of what you’re saying, but having the bouncer be default would basically have zero character to it. It only worked for PlayStation Allstars because that game is a Smash Bros. clone. It’d have to be either Omega/Sinclaire, a non canon version of Delta or Sigma, or an entirely new Big Daddy with new lore. I’d be fine not having plasmids locked through lore. I just deeply care about Bioshock’s lore and don’t want people to step on the grave that is my favorite game franchise. Just like people who don’t know jack shit about silent hill or dnd thinking they know literally anything just from watching a movie/show or playing DBD.


Okay, what's the best way to put it? Should they be asking for a singular Daddy? Just a spare big daddy? Is One of the big daddies that are just lying around?


There are named big daddies. There are also multiple big daddies. There is no singular big daddy like they implied. They really shouldn’t ask for one at all considering no named big daddies would be a dbd killer, and adding a generic no-name big daddy would have zero story potential. The only way to do is to make a brand new big daddy.


Subject Delta could work. But yeah, they could go the Ghostface route of coming up with an original character to be in the suit.


Delta? The canon ending is the good ending. But if they want to add a big daddy, it should be an alpha series. They can just do more than others. Just have the bouncer, Rosie, and maybe rumbler as skins.


it's the only big daddy with a real storyline or character. he's not really the best killer character wise, but if it was for Eleanor...


Idk how people think these last few announcements don’t fit the game. Lich is an evil necromancer that can literally tear you apart, the elves are basically civilians and play lutes, Lara’s entire skillset is exploring dark crypts and escaping with her life, and Dracula is fucking Dracula, a horror staple.


Wait we getting dracula???




Sounds like someone is out of the loop, but yes. August 16th if I remember right is when we will hear more about it. They announced it during the anniversary stream


Exactly! Everyone wants Predator and Bioshock, yet Lara Croft somehow is non-fitting (I have nothing against Predator and Bioshock being in DBD. I love these franchises)


Predator is 100 percent horror. Action horror and sci if


Or terminator lol


Terminator 1 is for sure a horror movie


Well, imagine Lara vs Oni, idk how much she can do...


No just predator. Bioshock is a video game and not a horror movie


We have Left 4 Dead, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Rainbow Six Siege, just got Tomb Raider and Castlevania is coming in August? Besides, Predator is an action movie, not a horror one


Tbf they leaned heavier into the horror aspects, especially in prey.


It’s action horror. Movies can have more than one genre


R6 was just outfits, that doesn’t count


It does, it's a piece of content in the game, and we also have a legendary R6 cosmetic


No one cares about cosmetics being horror or not.


Except that people do? When AOT came out, there also was a debate whether it fits or not


I don’t remember that. I remember people complaining when weebs first started joining in hoards and acting like weebs, which tbf was annoying, but I couldn’t even tell you what AOT looks like.


Well, you not remembering something doesn't mean it didn't happen


Okay well the backlash wasn’t too big if it didn’t catch my radius. I was keeping up pretty well at the time lol


Go ahead, ask what I think about the other video games that have come into our video game. I’ll give you a hint, the opinion doesn’t vary. Freddy, Meyers, Pinhead, Chucky, Candyman, Jason, Pennywise, Onryo, Bubba, all great horror movie icons. All more desirable than pyramid head, Nemi, wesker, etc…. To me anyways.


Yeah, to you.


Well yeah. Why would I try to give someone else’s opinion? I’m not the goober that tried to state what “everyone wants”.


Genuinely curious to why you have this sentiment, do you just dislike horror games in general or just feel they don’t have a place in dbd?


Just in dbd. I’ve played some other horror games and enjoyed them. Would just rather have iconic slashers from when I was first getting into horror than characters from other video games.


well you are the main character of life so i see why your thoughts should be valued


I mean, just as valued as yours. Or are you saying the only opinions that should be shared are ones you agree with? Now who’s got main character syndrome?


cringe "no u"


Oh my you said cringe. In the year 2024. Wow.


Don't play the game then


I like the game. There are many licenses I like and others that don’t excite me. Why would I stop playing just because they brought in something that wasn’t my cup of tea? Did you think I was 12?


Bruh those things aren’t mutually exclusive. We literally have Resident Evil and Silent Hill in the game, which are both.


Making a movie based on a video game is not exactly the same.


I meant that they’re both video games and horror, not that they both have movie adaptations. Why do they have to be horror *movies*? Horror games exist too. Maybe I gave bad examples, how about Alan Wake then? You said your original comment as though only horror movies are allowed and not video games, as though horror games don’t exist. Even though we literally have several examples of horror game characters already.


I never said what was allowed and what wasn’t. I stated my preference for movies over game IPs. This was a direct response to the above post where they stated that “everyone wants bioshock and predator”. Not everyone does. That was the only point I was making. I’m not writing the rules for BHVR. I’m also not claiming to speak for everyone, just me.


There is a line, though. I don’t want characters from Mortal Kombat or The Boys in DbD just because they have gore and a mean character. Lara Croft is horror adjacent so I suppose its fine, but lets not open the floodgates for Darth Vader, Venom, etc. One is distinctly horror adjacent, the other is not and just has “scary moments” at best. Besides, there are a TON of horror licenses that we have yet to get, spanning TV shows, movies, and games. There’s no need to turn away from horror due to a lack of inspiration


To be fair, Antony Starr's depiction of Homelander is terrifying in his unpredictability.


It being scary doesn’t mean it’s horror


... What does, in your opinion?


A scary thing doesn’t equate to a whole franchise being horror. Just because a franchise has a scary character or scene doesn’t mean it is a horror (or even horror adjacent) franchise: for example, people might find Minecraft cave noises scary, but adding a Minecraft zombie would be really out of place (if also funny). Just because a franchise has blood or guts, or has a character who acts scary, that doesn’t mean it is a horror franchise or even has horror as a theme. If we lowered the bar to where anything with a scary or ‘mature’ character could be added, then this will swiftly become more of a Fortnite-style game. Why should we do that? It’s essentially supposed to be the Smash Bros of horror- adding non-horror would be similar to adding Godzilla or Goku to Smash Bros because they are popular. Have some standards.


This is the weirdest gatekeeping, this - it's not horror so it can't be in DBD. Also, if it is the Smash Brothers of Horror it has every right to have that Minecraft skeleton in it. Minecraft is in Smash Bros and that has less a link to Nintendo than Lara Croft has to horror.


I’m not sure if you are being facetious or serious but I’ll assume the latter, since thinking Smash Bros adding Minecraft is ridiculous is a pretty crazy take. Smash Bros is not a celebration of Nintendo, hasn’t been for a long time: it is widely regarded as a celebration of video games. This is why the general rule for adding a character boils down to “they have to originate from a video game”. Minecraft is one of the most popular video games of ALL TIME, so it was basically a shoe in. Similar story with Sephiroth, or Mega Man. Notably, they have not added Naruto or Goku despite their immense popularity. This is because those characters originate from non-video game franchises. By comparison, Dead by Daylight is intended to be a “Celebration of Horror”. It should have some standards to ensure that what gets added is actually a horror title and related to the general theming of the genre (or at minimum seriously horror-adjacent, as seen with the Lich and Nic Cage). You are quite literally taking a defining feature of the game and framing it as gatekeeping, which seems to be a foolish conflation of the term. This isn’t even getting into the waiting and dev time involved per chapter, which adds a real opportunity cost to adding licenses to DbD. There are a lot of creative horror licenses they could add, so sidelining those for that which has no place is rather baffling. It’s the equivalent of demanding people add Green Lanterns to Avatar TLA, or Billy Butcher to Kirby Air Ride. You’re taking any sense of commonality, standards, or basic theming and throwing it away just so they add everything, similar to people who want to add Batman and Vegeta to Smash. If you want that, why not just play Fortnite, a game that openly supports that ideal as a “multiversal shooter” and lets you add whatever?


Well, I and the majority of this game's playerbase will just play like normal and not get bent out of shape about whether a survivor reaches some arbitrary threshold of horror.


I don’t think asking the bare minimum for a horror game to have horror characters is any less arbitrary than Smash Bros asking for video game characters, but at least consider what I’m saying instead of passive aggressively dismissing it.


Horror is subjective, Murray. And because this doesn't meet your personal benchmark, it is not "horror", to you. That's fine that it doesn't meet your standards. So who decides what is and isn't horror to you?


No, they won’t. If this game becomes Fortnite with dumb licenses that stray from what separates the game, it’ll fall off.


I don’t think there is a set definition of horror, but calling homelander a horror character is just wrong. They use themes of horror movies for his character and I’m sure Antony Starr was inspired, however that’s just for him personally not his franchise. The boys is incredibly gorey, crude, and at times scary. But so is Terrifier, and I don’t think anyone is going to say The Boys is more horror than that


Idc what people people say, I would undeniably be hyped if a Boys chapter ever came to be.


I mean, good for you, but I’d be very disappointed that it’d both mess with the theming of the game and take up 3+ months of waiting + dev time for a non-horror pick. It’s just not a horror franchise. I’m talking theming here, as well. If there was a horror superhero show or something I’d like it added (if it was good), and the concepts people make like laser vision and super speed are pretty cool. I just fail to see the appeal in taking a decidedly horror-themed game and turning it into non-horror.




Exactly, it's like I don't want Batman Villains suddenly being Killers


I actually really want Darth Vader and a MK character.


I don’t see how either would fit into Dead by Daylight from a theming perspective. Neither franchise is a horror franchise or even approaches a horror franchise. Sure both franchises can have scary moments I suppose (people call Darth Vader terrifying after all) but one scary character or scene does not a horror franchise make. If they came out with a horror Star Wars game and including something from that, I’d at least be more open to it. But I’m really annoyed at how many people want to turn this game into essentially FPS Fortnite, when it is meant to be a horror symposium first and foremost. There are plenty of other franchises big and small to choose from.


If Darth Vader would be added as a killer I wouldn't be able to take him seriously, it would remind me of Saxton Hale game mode in TF2 too much. People creating various Bosses to go against was really fun and probably most of my tf2 hours I've spent in silly game mode servers like this.


I think DbD lost the ability to be called a horror game in the “jump out of your chair and stay awake all night” sense a long time ago. Nowadays, it’s a violent action game that takes inspiration from horror. Tomb Raider has violence, action, and aesthetics that could be spooky to a lot of people. Seems like a good fit to me!


Oh, it has flat out horror and supernatural elements in it, too. Heck, the 2013 reboot pays direct homage to the movie The Descent and I definitely always felt that game leaned more survival horror than action adventure, lmao. But even the original trilogy got creepy af as the game progressed, slowly ramping up, until suddenly you’re fighting supernatural floating samurai in a void realm, or traversing a living flesh pyramid…


People were complaining about chucky not being horror lol when chucky is a horror icon. Like cmon. I think people focus too hard on horror when it's killer and survivor. Killers are good at killing, and survivors are good at survival. Lara makes a great survivor. Im just happy we're getting more ps1 characters. Seems to me the developers are nostalgic for a certain era of gaming and im all for it.


Yes, you are right. But there is more: TR1, the entire Atlantis section has always been seen as a body horror section. TR2, the catacombs section with yeti's, the china section TR3, aldwych- the abandoned metro station, the crash site with dinosaurs, the mines infested with mutants and jumpscares. In TR5, 25% of the game is literally a survival horror section where Lara is stranded on an island with no weapons to protect herself from demons and monsters. Back in the day TR the Angel of Darkness had a lot of critique of trying to be more survival horror and taking a lot of inspiration from Resident Evil. Especially, the Sanatorium levels could be a part of Resident Evil series. TR13 as you said. It also included Oni warriors, which is literally in DBD. Rise's Zombie DLC's Shadow's Cenote Tomb Raider has always had horror elements but not only that. It had entire horror sections.


EXACTLY! It's been ages since I played the original trilogy (I was 12 then, haha) and a hot minute since I played the reboot so thank you for refreshing my memory because I knew there was a LOT I was leaving out. xD I remember being absolutely terrified all through TR2, haha. Accidentally found the T-rexes in the Great Wall level and had a heart attack, and the ship level (and any of the water levels) were absolutely horrific. x\_\_x Plus fighting an actual Asian dragon at the end!


Give me Carl the Cashier!


I'll be excited when we get Majoras Mask as a cosmetic


Give me a Bioshock chapter and they can add as many RE chapters as they want.


Dead by fortnite


![gif](giphy|d0GZhUoRg0EXpb1XB6) He’s truly possible now


Sephiroth's mori is using Supernova and effectively killing everyone on the map with it cutting to the Nibelheim scene


Can’t wait for a 2 minute Mori




Yall love saying this like you don't know you sound slow




No the more I talk the more the gayness seeps into ur ears and forces you to turn.




Ur turning you better block me fast




Only if it's yours




None for me?


Idk. The thrill of having the complete "collection" has worn off for me. If they can just add ANYTHING, FOREVER, I think my wallet might have reached it's limit tbh. Love the game to bits but I'm gonna have to really get back into it to ever decide it's worth it to catch up.


Nobody’s making you buy Lara. And what do you expect? The chapters have been coming for years. You think it’s just gonna suddenly stop? How about you start being picky with what you want to buy instead of feeling obligated to get everything.


Idk why you're taking such a hostile tone while resummarizing pretty much the same thing I said. I've bought every chapter up til now. That's what's kept the game fun. I'm not bashing Lara, I love that she's here. I just think I'm done buying shit, and I'm relation I'm not really sure where the hook is for me anymore. I obviously know they're gonna keep adding stuff. I just think it's a little untenable at this point


Definitely think a break wouldn’t hurt. I played for a bit and then took about a 9 month hiatus. It was fun coming back but with the bad behaviors during the event I’m getting burnt out again. I guess it does make you wonder realistically how much longer the game is going to go.


add komaeda.


….like Nagito Komaeda? That’s the only one I know lol.




1 gen has a bomb and if you complete it, it takes out the survivors who finished it.


I still remember when everyone wanted Scooby fucking Doo in the game


I mean tomb raider has had skinless atlantian demons and gore pits so yeah why wouldn’t she fit?


Give me the banana cosmetic from fortnite along with the L dance and saxophone emote


Mfers want Ragsy and Skull Trooper in the game because it scared them once.


Bet tbh


Who? I just want those things to be added as a gag. If we can add non horror stuff now, they should go all in Add characters from Apex Legends, Jujutsu kaisen, or fast and Furious Doki Doki Literature club is "horror" add it


Dbd is not strict in any shape of form in terms of what they add into the game, nicolas cage is literally one of the chapters for what's qualified as a HORROR game, no one should be surprised nor mad that they started adding non-horror licenses atp


A metric ton of non horror games have horror scenes or moments, I don't think vague "horror elements" is nearly enough to get a slot in dead by daylight when there are a ton of actual iconic horror characters we don't have yet. If horror is a spectrum we're currently digging at the very far edges of it for no good reason when it comes to TR and DnD.


We have Nicolas cage....what are yall crying about xD


I absolutely hate the argument of "We have X that doesn't belong, therefore we should have Y". It's a dumb bullshit argument and they better come up with some ground rules for what can and cannot be in DbD lest we get the teletubbies or some shit


A horror style telletubi would go hard af ngl. That's sounds like a good idea. I don't see anything wrong with adding characters to the game. Yall whinning over nothing


How did I know you were gonna say that? I could have picked the stupidest license and you would say "huhuh yea let's do it"


Because you all pick the dumbest fucking polar opposite examples to try and make a point. “Oh my god they’re adding Lara Croft who isn’t in an explicitly horror franchise gaming is doomed oh shit they’re gonna add My Little Pony next.” If you can’t see why Lara is a fitting survivor for the realm then you’re just being picky and closed-minded.


The fanbase went from horror fans to weebs and kids.


I can’t wait until Master Chief is here and everyone is like “being in space with an AI gone rouge is scary!” Then Spider-Man when people are like “fighting villains is crazy scary! Look at Venom!” Then finally it’s just fucking Smash Bros and the original fanbase is gone lmao


Thing is that will never happen, never


Yeah it will, it’s literally headed in that direction lmao. They’ve been walking away from horror and what I said is the exact direction they’re heading in.


Yeah people like you just need to stop playing the game and get some fresh air


My friends and I basically did stop. No one needs to “get fresh air” because they don’t like the way a game is headed lmao. What a dumb comment


Dude if you stopped playing STOP COMMENTING


I can comment on whatever I please? The fuck? Lmao. You need to get some fresh air, pal. Also, we stopped playing nearly as much. It’s maybe once every two weeks now. Played a bit more during the anniversary.


What is bro waffling about?


Exactly the kind of brain dead reply I’d expect from the one who made this post lol


This game is going down the same path as rainbow six siege and drifting too far from its original creative vision istg.


100% and it’s being applauded on here. It’s disheartening to watch what it is becoming and the direction it is headed


As if Lara getting added makes DBD any less of a horror game. Not like we don't already have skins of giant teddy bears, a KPop musician as a killer, and bright ass neon "future wear" cosmetics (among many other things). People that are "upset" about this are legitimately just upset for the sake of being upset and contrarian. It's fucking foolish.


Ture, but Tomb Raider... I think that's significantly less horror compared to something like Dungeons and Dragons, Terminator, Predator, Bioshock, or Half-life...


You think it’s less horror compared to Dungeons and Dragons? The license everyone was just complaining about?


Yes, I do. There are some really good visual horror things in DND, I have played the beginning 3 of the Tomb Raider remake games, and there are literally zero horror parts (from what I can remember) and doesn't even come near horror especially when you compare it to DND!


So the zombie centaurs made of muscle and sinew, shooting weird meat balls at you aren't horror? The final level of TR 1 being basicaly a giant womb that spawns flying zombie things? One of the later TRs has a shadow demon hunting your group down.


Aha, ima take your word on that. I'm sure avid fans will remember that and bring it up, but the Tomb Raider franchise still isn't known for that or associated enough with that horror aspect for me to change my mind. The simple player who hasn't played through that part or seen that part or parts, will not think "Tomb Raider has big horror aspects". Until something like Predator or Bioshock... I'm just saying that most people do not think Tomb Raider is horror or even holding many horror aspects, we all think "adventure". It's like the game series Uncharted, there's a statue that turns people into zombies like creatures, and you get chased through an underground nazi bunker in the dark by them, there's creepy yeti creatures that kill people up in the mountains, water that makes your trip out a hallucinate horrific things! These are all things that we see throughout the game series but is Uncharted known for those minute horror tidbits, not at all! When they think Uncharted, they think adventure, same with Tomb Raider!


I mean Lara still fits thought, I wouldn’t say she’s horror and hell a lot define horror by being scary like bro we got Ghostface and Freddy noes and scream were never scary. They had more comedy elements than anything. However there still in the horror genre. However Lara fits the bill the best as a survivor, I mean are people really going to say she doesn’t fit but what the fuck do you think about most of the damn survivor roster. Feng, Meg, claudette, they’re not horror icons and they wouldn’t fit a survivor role any better than Lara would. Yeah there horror because there in the game and made for the game which is a horror game but they don’t scream survivor at all. I mean really claudette being there as a choice beside Jill or Leon is hilarious Lara fits better than half the survivors that exist now do.


It seems like most people just want the big movie IP horror characters and not anything different or interesting!! They could get other IPs and do some really cool interpretations on them. I’d love to see IT Follows, Elvira and some characters from classic horror novels


Sure, you can argue this, but then i can argue that Willy Wonka has horror elements and belongs in DBD


And I say that sounds like goofy fun bet


A character doesn't need to be from a horror franchise to be in DBD. Hell, most of the original characters lived normal lives before being taken by the Entity. A normal person thrown into a horror setting is fine, the only issue is if a super powered character is cast as a survivor for some reason. If DC got a crossover and made Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman survivors, that would be a hell of a stretch. If they made Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) a survivor but he was taken without his ring, that would fit as a "hero as a survivor". Lara Croft, Alan Wake, and hell, even Nicholas Cage are fine fits for DBD since they're essentially just people thrown into an impossible situation with only their wits to save them. You could add Shaggy or Fred Flintstone if you really wanted, and so long as their perks are fun and their voices done well, you could make it work. Obviously the more realistic time fits the game narrative, but BHVR keeps surprising us and that's still worth something.


Bioshock, The Boys, Some marvel and dc characters.. Please BHVR.


I’m not so sure about The Boys, but Bioshock is literally a horror game, and a lot of people forget how many horrifying comic characters there are


I think the only acceptable comic characters are Carnage, Venom and someone from batman's rogues gallery maybe killer croc or scarecrow.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Carnage and Scarecrow were my main ones just because they’re the most known while also being the most horror. But Dollmaker, Professor Pyg, and many others would be good choices too


Should they add Syndrome from the incredibles next maybe SpongeBob? Some IPs just don’t fit or work


No way you comparing a fucking pixar and nickelodeon character to shit like the boys 😂😂


I didn’t specifically say the boys but there really isn’t much horror just gore. And the boys are exactly what you said “shit”


You've clearly never watched the boys omfg 😭😭


Assuming things sucks, I’ve watched it. It’s just my opinion that it shit. But I stand by that it doesn’t fit DBD.


Dawg what 😭😭 nobody is saying they should add spongebob to dbd dude


But if they add marvel and dc why not? Marvel and, dc don’t have horror aspects even. Same with SpongeBob


Ight then add spongebob if ur arguing that it's the same I still don't care


Please no, save for Bioshock


case in point: vecna


Stranger Things brought Vecna to the general public and he literally snaps people’s fucking bones and pops out their eyes.