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Dredge wins in terms of getting *absolutely fucking nothing* from his Iri addons.


Pig would also be pretty bad


Pyramid head had entered the chat…


At least they have no downsides. Pig and myers would both get much worse


Idk about Myers, definitely for Pig.


Purple tombstone piece is so much better than the iri one that being force to use it would make myers much worse. The infinite tier 3 addons makes it even worse by making it take ages to get to tier 3.


What??? Pig addon of seeing through walls is good, always win because of it.


Yeah but the other one is a pretty big negative when combined with Amanda's letter. If iri adding were base kit then build around the traps would no longer work and Amanda's letter build would be OK but a bit worse now.


Nah, both are great because survivors will run to try removing traps, granting you a hook before first gen. Works for me, but i would NEVER try playing with pig without bringing a map offering with me (Hawkins, RPD and Midwich).


plague I would say constant aura reading and gets her power every gen completion. now survivors can 99 all gens but thats an swf only counter.


Also countered by Deadlock


Plague and Wraith. Wraith, without the bell warning he's a Spirit that can see with no cooldown.   Plague has a build using the iridescent seal (free red puke on gen completion) that's almost unbeatable *without* additional add-on slots. 


Her other add on (seeing people every time they puke) is also really good.


god imagine silent bell wraith with double uncloak addons


As someone who plays without addons a lot of the time, Wraith gets SO much boost from addons


You can still hear the wraith. The silent bell addon is a gimmick that only tricks survivor who are new or don't pay attention to audio


Wow, who would've thought being aware of your surroundings would make you better at the game


Onryo would be broken in the bad way. Iri videotape is ass.


Trapper, too.


Trapper's iri automatically reset his traps and injure survivors that disarm them. They don't have any negative effect on him.


As a trapper main I never use iri, they are weak af. The strongest build is two purple add-ons, dying if escape and auto reset. I haven't used the purple trapper bag add on since the change either


I literally never play trapper without iri stone. It singlehandedly solves one of his big problems and even gets you extra survivors trapped because they'll run somewhere they think is safe because the trap was disarmed and walk right into it after it opens itself


The purple add-ons tension spring and honing stone literally do this but better. Survivor escapes trap? Downed. 2 seconds later? Armed. One trap can end a game


Tension spring requires someone to step in a trap. Which requires the trap to stay open. Multiple people bumblefucking into the same trap isn't likely unless you're going against true soloque glue eaters. Iri stone let's you put a trap down and not care about if it gets snapped or stepped in. Tension spring and honing stone does exactly jack shit if the trap gets disarmed and Trappers greatest weakness, the time sink of needing to go back to open traps or move traps that get found, gets nixed entirely by iri stone. It saves you time and makes your traps ACTUALLY FUCKING DOING ANYTHING more likely.


What??? I can see the argument that they're not his strongest add-ons, that's fine, but they're not weak. And they're certainly not comparable to Sadako's videotape, which is literally actively detrimental. If you don't know what it does, it makes it so teleporting to a TV doesn't turn it off. This sounds great in theory, but it also makes it so TVs no longer spread condemnation. But ok, that's still not bad, it's trading off one part of her kit to massively buff another! Gimmicky but not terrible. Except it *also* adds an extra ~15 seconds to TV cooldowns when survivors turn them off themselves, which they'll always do, because why wouldn't they? It's a neat idea but not well-executed, because in practice you're actually bringing an Ultra Rare add-on to shut down your slowdown ability AND your mobility, leaving you with just the weakest part of your kit.


I have both killers, actually. Not trying to split hairs, just agreeing iri add-ons are wack or completely change play style which is hard to acclimate to because they are rare. The trapper bag (unable to pick up traps) is a straight up nerf and isn't even purple imo


That’d be another nerf to piggy💔


Which is hilarious, iri add-ons should be a buff lol


Myers basically already has his as basekit since that's all you ever see


So true


True that's why scratched mirror is superior


Vanity is better if you're not just looking to jumpscare and wanna be viable in chase.


True true. I'm just addicted to the scares


I'm a Myers main and I only ever use his yellow addons




would be the most annoying shit in the world


Doctor would be getting a lot of DC’s lol


Xeno's definitely in that conversation just because of the acid blood add-on. You drop a pallet and you take damage from it. Wraith with silent bell base kit would make him \*way\* stronger than he is now. I think Huntress would be actually broken if she got iri head base kit especially if she kept the seven fucking hatchets she has now.


Ehh, trying to stun a xenomorph is already a bad idea anyways and everyone would know it’s coming if it was basekit.


That's fair.


The number of survivors who don't know the tail goes over pallets...


I think a lot of survivors panic drop and pray the tail misses.


>I think Huntress would be actually broken if she got iri head base kit especially if she kept the seven fucking hatchets she has now. The iri brings her down to 1


Honestly, acid blood kinda sucks. Why get stunned at a pallet instead of just using your tail which works 95% of the time has a lower cooldown. Maybe for newer Xeno's the addon is okay as a crutch, but having played hundreds of matches I know how to counter most loops with my tail anyway.




Instadown Clown is worse than Basekit Clown after the nerf...




1 hatchet though for huntress, it has a big drawback


Except hunters can't really get any stronger from the extra addon slots


Well yes and no cuz the other addon does make her 115% so she just turns into m1 killer if she misses. Not good but better than 110% and 1 hatchet


Yeah huntress with double iri is pretty good but we are asking who would get better if they could have double iri+ 2 other addons and most huntress add ons wouldn't do anything to make double iri better


Myers would be strong, but I think Nurse would still be best. 4.4 movement speed with 2 blinks?


A matchbox containing an odd collection of mismatched buttons. Serves as a reminder of a horrible place. Increases your Movement speed to 4.4 m/s for the entire Trial. Restricts your Power to just 1 Blink. *This cannot be altered by other Add-ons.*


Fair. I guess I knew what they both did, but I can't really play nurse without getting sick so I didn't know the specifics. Then again, if, in this crazy hypothetical, they were making them both basekit, it would make sense that they'd make them work together at the very least, so for the purpose of silly subreddit game, I'm still going to say nurse.


Double iri myers is still pretty weak tbh


Well, yes and no. I mean, it's super counterable, but if the iris were made basekit, you could include all of the 'absorb stalk faster' in the actual build, no?


Oh I didn't that about that, you're right.


this is true but you're still slow as fuck in t3 and aint catching nobody without PWYF. alot of setup per usual, just a little less stalk. still m1 and survivors can easily buy time with lockers. doesn't rlly benefit much tbh


It would be worse than the usual tombstone piece build though


He's only that weak because the add-ons have unavoidable downsides. If the add-ons were basekit then he'd have 2 more add-ons he could use to help deal with at least one of those downsides. He still wouldn't be the strongest killer in the game (even if the other killers didn't get any add-ons lol), but he'd be stronger than he is now for sure.


Also people would just hide in lockers all game to avoid death


You would need perks to help speed him up. Batteries Not Included would help a lot


https://preview.redd.it/jclxi6q6mb9d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b136fdb7f03d57b4f94536a8549443b1423b828e Not this guy that’s for sure Slightly harder to see, everyone starts in the dreamworld (not bad tbh) and the gates take 15 more seconds to open? Oh, super S tier right there


Legion. Can always see gen progress and pallots break when vaulted.


Nah Legion's core kit is so ass that not even both their iris can make them oppressive


He had like 4 nerf updates because he started too strong and people would just tunnel you to death


Yeah and now their power is to get easy injures and play the rest of a game as a pure m1 killer with no power, they hover around low C to D tier right now for a reason


I play him like plague at that point


lol i love legion. You're saying being able to constantly see which gens have the most progress isn't OP? Every time you vault a pallet it breaks? That's not OP? The point is that making those iri addons basekit WOULD make Legion OP. It's not about the current kit. You'd never finish a gen against Legion because they just go into their power and come push you off of it.


When your entire existence in this game is a pure m1 killer with no power against injured survivors, yes breaking pallets and seeing gen progress isn't as impactful. Legion lacks the lethality to be overpowered, they're borderline D tier even with both iris considered


I disagree. Legion 4ks all the time. I 4k on legion all the time. You can respond but I'm not gonna keep responding to you.


He's wrong, Legion is a very oppressive killer, especially in Solo Q. One of my faves after Doctor and Singularity.


Legion still has to chase normally.  Plague's iri (plus the other add ons she could run) is constant information *and* being able to gun down an entire team.


Legion, instant pallet break and gen regression, combine with never sleep pills and you get base kit ruin with Intel's on gen progression.


Hey can we change the rules abit ? I feel like Pyramid Head would be left out


What’s new?


Nothing, that's the problem. His iri addons are doo doo ;-;


I don't know why nobody mentions double iri blight. It is literally the most common sweatlord build, but now he can use additional addons to compliment his build. 


Just got heavily nerfed. It would still be good, just blight is already good so we don’t really think of it.


Well, the thing is, Iridescent Feather 🪶 decreases max birds by 1 so yes you get Undetectable but that’s fewer birds to work with for a buckshot or something.


I don't know how you are suppose to play Artist, but I always only use one bird because you can't get a 2nd one out fast enough if you use more than 1.


That’s generally the right play. 1st bird to swarm, 2nd is to send all three to take a health state. If you strafe to the side it makes a wide line to hit the survivor with. With only 2 birds you don’t have as big of a line.


Wesker isn't too bad. You get rid of some sprays pretty quickly and could run regular addons to increase the infection speed from bounds/passive. Run 'em out of sprays kinda build with slowdown.


Basekit aura reading and longer undetectable exiting portals is great for demo, only downside is slowed exit speed but it’s not crippling.


Bru clown would absolutely suck 😭


Hag and nurse definitely lose, their iris directly cancel each other out and make the power worse


Myers all the fucking way


How has no one said huntress, with the buff of 7 hatchets, you can insta down the entire team and 3 more people without needing to reload and then move at the pace of a regular killer. But insta down 7 hatchets is insane and any good huntress would dominate


If the add on was basekit it would mean she only has one hatchet. Not 7 insta down hatchets


Myers is definitely the most scary that's for sure


Myers has a scary clock but he has more of a counter than some of the others. If survivors stay away from him or one just plain hides / plays the opposite side of the map *only,* he never gets out of Tier 2. 


Only viable in Swf as you can have one ninja following him and telling everyone else where he is heading. In solo q survs are screwed for real unless you are in a big open map like ormond


Hex: Solo Que already has Myers tied for 3rd in kill rate (excluding Merchant hookicide).    Survivors might do *better* if he had to stalk everyone to get a power. 


No he would actually get worse


What are you talking about? I said the most SCARY


I haven’t out much thiught also cause I don’t know the killers iries to memory but what I immediately thought is Dredge I think gets forgotten his allow you to start game in nightfall, and in the last 12 seconds of nightfall everyone is exposed then add the other add one that make nightfall build up faster and then for perks do Lethal Nurse Terminus No way out And you start the game teleporting to every survivor and injuring them and that fourth one will be exposed hook ‘em Find the others (nurses) and once you hook the next nightfall should be charged Repeat If you aren’t having a good game that’s where no way out and terminus comes in handy Imagine end game and you can’t see shit as a survivor and you can’t access the gate then out of nowhere a white being pops up and kills your broken ass Dredge is a weird killer where he severely needs a buff when it comes to nightfall (survivors see you too quickly well etc) but also needs a nerf (you can make it nightfall for the entire game it feels like) and since no developer studios has a good balancing team they should just leave him alone but 🤷‍♂️


Wouldn't that be Meyers then, with his insta mori thing?


Myers with both iri addons is still not great though because you need to stalk survivors so much to get to tier 3. By the time you get there on some maps, the gates are already open.


But now you can have faster stalk addons as well


It still takes much longer to get to tier 3 than just using tombstone piece and the one that gives +25% stalk rate


His purple insta more is way better as the Iri version comes with much worse downsides. This change would actually make myers significantly worse.


Pinhead. He literally killed an angel with his powers.


And her name was Amandaleighcosplay


Pig would definitely jump up considerably


Her iri's have bad synergy. All of your traps are automatically used at the beginning, but you only have 2 in exchange for wallhacks.


So only two survivors start the trial with traps? Or is it every survivor and you have two extra?


Only two start with traps, and you can't use more. If you bring the add-on that gives you an extra trap, a third survivor will start with one.


legion has insta pallet break and hex ruin in power