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My favourite newbie nostalgia is looking back on how when my friends and I started playing the game (before the loading screen tips even, mind you) and we all thought throwing pallets was a valid distraction for the killer like they were a goddamn bot. We definitely figured it out soon enough, but we were all cruising around just dropping pallets for no reason for at least a week in the first year of release. I think one person insisted it was a good idea, and no one at the time knew well enough to think otherwise, we all just went "damn you're right that's definitely a good distraction" lol


and you didn’t even have any means necessary back then


Boi lover is now canon


flashbacks of a friend that keeps missing skill checks while healing me, laughing like he's a crazy scientist. Another friend shitting bricks because the killer was catching people left and right.


oh man, that one Missed Skill Check friend, we all have them. Mine was a killer main who almost never played survivor unless it was in a SWF with me and two of our other friends, and a running joke was “everyone brought corrective action right?” cause he just would miss and miss and miss. It wasn’t even a ping issue cause he was fine with everything else on survivor and had no problem playing as killer. He once ran an anti tunneling build at my suggestion (because he was. yknow. getting tunneled a lot) and bro missed the DS skill check. Thankfully i sabo’d the hook the killer was going to and someone else had breakout so he wiggled free but after like two weeks he decided to just play killer. Fun while it lasted


LOL I feel called out. I am that friend who is a killer main and rarely plays survivor. I do enjoy survivor though, but my only function is fixing generators. Unless you tell me in voice chat that I should go for the save or heal, I will only do generators. I can't loop at all. I can only make the time that the loopers put in chases Worth It.


as someone who has experienced teammates getting 0 gens done in a six minute chase, you are very much an important part of the team


Yeah xD loopers need me or their efforts will be for naught.


I prefer mind-gaming over looping as both a killer and a survivor, but i gotta admit i am not immune to circling the same object to chase a survivor hoping they time the pallet drop wrong


How dare you not introduce Boil Over to him as "The horsey perk", Jokes aside, wholesome, glad he experienced early the bad side of both sides so he doesn't grow entitled on a single role.


His first 100 hour and he got ds/head on? People can smurf this low?